Caracterización Del Consumo De Suplementos Nutricionales, Actividad Física Y Frecuencia De Dismorfia Muscular En Usuarios De Un Gimnasio De La Ciudad De Asunción De Diciembre Del 2022 A Febrero Del 2023, 2024 Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Asunción, Paraguay
Caracterización Del Consumo De Suplementos Nutricionales, Actividad Física Y Frecuencia De Dismorfia Muscular En Usuarios De Un Gimnasio De La Ciudad De Asunción De Diciembre Del 2022 A Febrero Del 2023, Rodrigo Burgos, Esteban Martinez, Jimena Vache, Rossmary Acuña
American Journal of Non-Communicable Diseases
Objetivo: identificar las características del consumo de suplementos nutricionales, actividad física y la frecuencia de Dismorfia Muscular en usuarios de un gimnasio de la ciudad de Asunción. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo conformada por 72 participantes, tanto hombres como mujeres, a los cuales se les aplicó una encuesta virtual con preguntas abiertas y cerradas para obtener información sobre datos sociodemográficos, actividad física y consumo de suplementos, además se aplicó el cuestionario Escala de Satisfacción Muscular para determinar la frecuencia de Dismorfia Muscular en la población. Trabajo aprobado por el Comité de ética de …
Riesgo De Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 A 10 Años En Funcionarios De La Facultad De Ciencias Químicas De La Universidad Nacional De Asunción, 2024 Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Asunción, Paraguay
Riesgo De Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 A 10 Años En Funcionarios De La Facultad De Ciencias Químicas De La Universidad Nacional De Asunción, Rodrigo Burgos, Luis Espinola, Laura Medina, Johana Vanessa Meza Paredes
American Journal of Non-Communicable Diseases
Objetivo: Determinar el riesgo de DM2 a 10 años en funcionarios de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas de la Universidad Nacional De Asunción durante los meses de julio- agosto del año 2023 Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, realizado en 93 funcionarios, 53 de sexo femenino y 40 de sexo masculino, entre 18 a 68 años. Para determinar el riesgo de DM2 se utilizó el test de FINDRISK aplicado a través de una encuesta digital y toma de datos antropométricos. La investigación fue aprobada por el Comité de Ética de Facultad de Ciencias Químicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción …
Evaluación De La Tendencia Temporal Y Las Desigualdades En Salud En La Mortalidad Por Enfermedades Cardiovasculares En Argentina Y Colombia, 2001 A 2022., 2024 Ministerio de Salud Pública, Salta, Argentina
Evaluación De La Tendencia Temporal Y Las Desigualdades En Salud En La Mortalidad Por Enfermedades Cardiovasculares En Argentina Y Colombia, 2001 A 2022., Paula Daniela Di Filippo, Paula Andrea Diaz
American Journal of Non-Communicable Diseases
Objetivos: Describir la tendencia temporal de la mortalidad por enfermedades cardiovasculares en Colombia y Argentina del 2001 al 2022. Analizar la desigualdad en la distribución de la mortalidad por enfermedades cardiovasculares en Argentina y Colombia para 2001 y 2022. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de series temporales. Se realizó análisis de tendencia mediante software Joinpoint 5.2.0 y se calculó coeficiente de Gini con software R Studio 4.3.1. Se tomó como variable dependiente mortalidad por ECV y variable independiente tiempo en años. Se utilizaron datos provenientes del DANE(Colombia), INDEC y DEIS(Argentina). Resultados: Argentina mostró un descenso entre 2001-2020 {2001-2005, APC= -3,92 [IC95% -7,32 …
Un Puente Digital: Comparación De La Comprensibilidad Y Accesibilidad De Sitios Web Sobre Apoplejía En Español E Inglés, 2024 Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA
Un Puente Digital: Comparación De La Comprensibilidad Y Accesibilidad De Sitios Web Sobre Apoplejía En Español E Inglés, Karla Santoyo, Raghuram Reddy, Brendar Lohmar, Christian Rivera, Amalia Landa-Galindez
American Journal of Non-Communicable Diseases
Objetivo: El estudio va a evaluar legibilidad y disponibilidad de artículos académicos en el sitio web en ingles comparado con español sobre accidentes cerebrovasculares. Métodos: En el estudio descriptivo se generaron los 25 primeros resultados de búsqueda de Google sobre “stroke” y “apoplejía”, respectivamente. La legibilidad de los sitios web en inglés y español se analizó utilizando y, respectivamente. Las fuentes en línea se clasificaron como agencia gubernamental, institución, clínica/hospital privado y otros. Las puntuaciones medias de legibilidad se compararon utilizando una prueba t independiente. La disponibilidad de artículos accesibles fue mediante Google Académico. Resultados: Las fuentes de …
Effect Of Age, Period, And Birth Cohort On Diabetes Mellitus Mortality Rate In Colombia, 1983-2022. An Analytical Cross-Sectional Study, 2024 Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia
Effect Of Age, Period, And Birth Cohort On Diabetes Mellitus Mortality Rate In Colombia, 1983-2022. An Analytical Cross-Sectional Study, Juan Pablo Pérez Bedoya, Carlos Andres Perez Aguirre, Noel C. Barengo, Paula Andrea Diaz
American Journal of Non-Communicable Diseases
Objective: To estimate the contributions of the effects of age, period, and birth cohort on the trend in the mortality rate due to Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in Colombia during the years 1983-2022. Methods: Analytical observational study, with pooled cross-sectional data, using mortality records and population projections from the National Department of Statistics. The count of deaths due to DM for each age group, period and cohort was organized in quinquennia. A multiple quasi-Poisson model was applied using the intrinsic estimator method with collapsing intention. The mortality rate ratio (MRR) of each age group, period, and cohort compared to the overall …
Xxi Conferencia Internacional Amnet: Nutrición Y Salud Planetaria, 2024 Universidad de Antioquia
Xxi Conferencia Internacional Amnet: Nutrición Y Salud Planetaria, Paula Andrea Diaz
American Journal of Non-Communicable Diseases
Este suplemento presenta los resúmenes presentados en la XXI Conferencia Internacional de AMNET "Nutrición y Salud Planetaria: Enfoques Integrados para la Prevención de las Enfermedades Crónicas", cual se llevó a cabo en Lima, Perú, los días 11 y 12 de octubre, con el apoyo de la Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (USIL).
Patterns Of Government In Onondaga County: Structure And Services Of County, City, Town, And Village Governments (2024), 2024 Syracuse University
Patterns Of Government In Onondaga County: Structure And Services Of County, City, Town, And Village Governments (2024), Focus Greater Syracuse, Syracuse University, Maxwell School, Community Benchmarks Program
Community Benchmarks Program
The 2024 revised Patterns of Government is an important resource for elected and public officials, citizens, students, businesses, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and the general public. Patterns of Government also serves as the textbook for Citizens Academy, co- sponsored by FOCUS Greater Syracuse and Syracuse University Community Engagement. Local government courses at Maxwell School of Syracuse University and Newhouse School of Public Communications also use Patterns of Government as an educational tool. This book contains vital information that ordinarily can be found only when one researches multiple sources. This informational book will help you understand how local governments are organized, …
Political Context And State-Level Health Behavior Disparities, 2024 University of Minnesota
Political Context And State-Level Health Behavior Disparities, Jane S. Vanheuvelen, Yi Wang, Tom Vanheuvelen
Urban Studies and Planning Faculty Publications and Presentations
Geographical residence predicts health and well-being. Population health, life expectancy, and mortality are partially the outcome of the characteristics of one’s social policy context. Yet how do such links occur? We extend focus from health outcomes to health behaviors and from a policy context to a broader political context. Using 20 waves of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System between 1993 and 2021 in combination with the Correlates of State Policy Project, we find that right-leaning political contexts—both policies and public attitudes—are predictive of riskier health behaviors. Counterfactual simulations show that these associations are …
Are California’S Local Jurisdictions Disproportionately Directing Growth Toward Existing Disadvantaged Communities? Evidence From The Southern California And San Francisco Bay Area Regions, 2024 San Jose State University
Are California’S Local Jurisdictions Disproportionately Directing Growth Toward Existing Disadvantaged Communities? Evidence From The Southern California And San Francisco Bay Area Regions, Shishir Mathur, Christopher Ferrell
Mineta Transportation Institute
Communities across the United States are striving to promote smart urban growth through compact urban infill residential development. They are doing so to mitigate sprawl's negative fiscal, environmental, social, and physical impacts, strengthen land use-housing-transportation linkages, and develop at densities needed for well-functioning public transit. Some states, such as California, have gone a step further by linking compact urban infill development as critical to meeting greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets. Anecdotal evidence suggests some California local jurisdictions are planning disproportionately large amounts of new urban development in disadvantaged communities (DACs). However, empirical evidence is lacking. This study aims to fill …
Examining The Small Business Characteristics Of The Dayton-Kettering Msa, 2024 Cleveland State University
Examining The Small Business Characteristics Of The Dayton-Kettering Msa, Molly Schnoke, Jack Yochum
All Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs Publications
This brief examines the industry, size, and regional characteristics of the small enterprises across the three county Dayton-Kettering MSA in 2022. This brief is meant to help close the gap in data collection for small businesses identified in the Center’s collaboration with the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce in advancing the region’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Notes From The Field - A Militarização Do Espaço Urbano Do Rio De Janeiro: Grupos Armados, Forças De Segurança E Forças Armadas E A Disputa Por Território, 2024 Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies
Notes From The Field - A Militarização Do Espaço Urbano Do Rio De Janeiro: Grupos Armados, Forças De Segurança E Forças Armadas E A Disputa Por Território, Thiago Sardinha
Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies
The Militarization of the Urban Space of Rio de Janeiro is the synthesis of different historical processes: The state through massive incarceration of black and racialized people, and the systematic elimination of black poor people from favelas through urban policing operations by security and armed forces, traffic patrols, and paramilitary/vigilante groups. Together, they result in the production of different actors that exert violent territorial domination for economic exploitation and social control.
Nevada’S Predictable Housing Train Wreck And What To Do About It, 2024 University of Arizona
Nevada’S Predictable Housing Train Wreck And What To Do About It, Arthur C. Nelson
Policy Briefs and Reports
Nevada is on the cusp of a housing catastrophe, especially in Southern Nevada.
Consider that the state has fewer households than it should. A household is defined as one or more people who have a home of their own. But for price, location, configuration, and other factors, about 60,000 households in Nevada do not exist because there is no home for them. And it’s going to get worse. Including these “missing households,” nearly 470,000 new occupied homes will need to be built between 2020 and 2040 to meet the housing needs of all Nevadans, or about 23,000 per year. The …
Nevada’S Housing Policy Landscape: Data, Analysis, And Policy Solutions, 2024 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Nevada’S Housing Policy Landscape: Data, Analysis, And Policy Solutions, Brookings Mountain West, Lied Center For Real Estate
Brookings Mountain West Special Events
From rising rents to high interest rates to limited supply, housing policy is a central issue in the 2024 elections. Brookings Mountain West, in partnership with UNLV’s Lied Center for Real Estate, hosted a community forum examining the local, state, and federal impacts of Nevada’s housing challenges. New research presented at the forum offer insights into the demographic and economic dynamics of individuals and families navigating Nevada's turbulent housing market, assess trends in home ownership, and evaluate barriers preventing Nevadans from accessing the housing market.
Mission And Editorial Policy, 2024 Valparaiso University
Editorial History, 2024 Valparaiso University
Reviewers And Referees, 2024 Valparaiso University
Author Biographical Notes, 2024 Valparaiso University
Editor's Note, 2024 Valparaiso University
Statement From The Indiana Academy Of The Social Sciences And Board Of Directors, 2024 Valparaiso University
Statement From The Indiana Academy Of The Social Sciences And Board Of Directors
Midwest Social Sciences Journal
No abstract provided.
Are Economic Gender Differences The Same Everywhere? Cross-Societal Comparisons In The Early 21st Century, 2024 Wesleyan University
Are Economic Gender Differences The Same Everywhere? Cross-Societal Comparisons In The Early 21st Century, Joyce P. Jacobsen
Midwest Social Sciences Journal
Are gender differences in economic outcomes the same everywhere? Using the most recent available data (generally from the 2021–2023 period), I consider the patterns for these gender differences and provide an annotated list of statistical sources for students and researchers to use in exploring these differences. Overall, women still work less than men in paid work, work more than men in unpaid household work, and make less than men; however, these patterns have converged somewhat, with some narrowing of work and pay gaps relative to the last part of the 20th century, and with women rapidly closing the educational-attainment gap …