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Coalitions Matter: Citizenship, Women, And Quota Adoption In Africa, Alice Kang, Aili Mari Tripp 2018 University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Coalitions Matter: Citizenship, Women, And Quota Adoption In Africa, Alice Kang, Aili Mari Tripp

Department of Political Science: Faculty Publications

We provide new theory and evidence of the role of domestic women’s coalitions in the adoption of gender quotas. Previous research has shown the importance of women’s movements to policy change. We show that specific types of mobilization, often multiethnic in character, are a more precise way of describing these influences. Using a new dataset of coalitions in 50 countries in Africa (1989–2014), we first examine where coalitions are likely to emerge. Controlling for factors that correlate with their formation, we find that when domestic women’s organizations form a coalition for quotas, governments are more likely to adopt them and …

Intercultural Orientation And Support When Living As A Hispanic-American Expatriate In Jakarta, Ana Cristina Valdez Cordovez 2018 Universitas Indonesia

Intercultural Orientation And Support When Living As A Hispanic-American Expatriate In Jakarta, Ana Cristina Valdez Cordovez

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

The population of Hispanic-Americans living in Asia is growing, but there is still a lack of knowledge about their nationalities or cultural background. Past studies and academic research are often too broad as they consider all expatriates as virtually the same. This article will fill this gap by focusing specifically on people originating from Central and South American countries and examining the challenges and adjustment difficulties they face during their assignments overseas. The research was conducted by using a qualitative methodology, hence, in-depth interviews as well as informal conversational interviews were jointly used as methods of data collection, along with …

Destination Brand Storytelling: Analisis Naratif Video The Journey To A Wonderful World Kementerian Pariwisata, Febby Amelia Trisakti, Hifni Alifahmi 2018 Universitas Indonesia

Destination Brand Storytelling: Analisis Naratif Video The Journey To A Wonderful World Kementerian Pariwisata, Febby Amelia Trisakti, Hifni Alifahmi

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Sektor pariwisata menjadi primadona pada beberapa tahun terakhir bagi sejumlah negara dengan ditandai dengan berbagai aktivitas destination branding yang mengutamakan tujuan wisata, kuliner ataupun penamaan brand yang unik. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori paradigma naratif sebagai pondasi utama untuk menganalisis bagaimana pendekatan storytelling digunakan pada video The Journey to A Wonderful World sebagai upaya pembentukan identitas destination branding. Temuan penelitian ini terlihat bahwa pendekatan storytelling dalam destination branding membantu suatu negara membentuk identitas destinasi wisata. Akan tetapi, masih dibutuhkan upaya jangka panjang dan konsistensi pesan yang serta keselarasan dengan realitas yang ada saat melakukan kampanye untuk destinasi pariwisata sehingga dapat diterima …

Understanding Online Political Participation: Theory Of Planned Behavior And Social Identity Model Of Deindividuation Effect To Predict Online Petition Behavior, Whisnu Triwibowo 2018 Universitas Indonesia

Understanding Online Political Participation: Theory Of Planned Behavior And Social Identity Model Of Deindividuation Effect To Predict Online Petition Behavior, Whisnu Triwibowo

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

The online petition is one of the latest forms of collective action as the Internet diminishes space, time and effort constraints. This technology also enables people to exercise citizenship that can, directly and indirectly, influence the policy-making processes. Yet, it is argued the action is a shallow and passive as citizens engaged to merely clicking and thoughtless that would undermine the essence of democracy. This study examines an individual’s action in signing an electronic petition that is perceived to be a rational and volitional behavior. Furthermore, the study also identifies the type of social influence that affects individuals’ intention to …

Negosiasi Identitas Perempuan Muslim Dalam Ideologi Agnostisisme Di Majalah-Web Feminis : Analisis Feminist Stylistics Artikel Di Majalah-Web Magdalene.Co, Ria Hasna Shofiyya, Udi Rusadi 2018 Universitas Indonesia

Negosiasi Identitas Perempuan Muslim Dalam Ideologi Agnostisisme Di Majalah-Web Feminis : Analisis Feminist Stylistics Artikel Di Majalah-Web Magdalene.Co, Ria Hasna Shofiyya, Udi Rusadi

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Penelitian ini membahas tentang bentuk negosiasi identitas perempuan Muslim antara dirinya dan keluarga atau lingkungan sekitarnya terkait ideologinya yang menganut agnostisisme. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan analisis terhadap 2 artikel yang dipublikasikan di sebuah majalah-web yang bernama Analisis teks akan dilakukkan dengan menggunakan teknik analisis feminist stylistics dari Sara Mills. Penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa merahasiakan identitas diri merupakan strategi negosiasi identitas diri (sebagai seorang penganut agnostisisme) yang dilakukan di dalam lingkup keluarganya yang masih konservatif. Meskipun demikian, konfrontasi juga perlu dilakukan untuk mencapai integrasi antara penulis dengan keluarganya. Selain itu penelitian ini juga menunjukkan, penulis belum mencapai hasil akhir dari …

Upaya Agensi Melawan Logika Jangka Pendek Jurnalisme Daring: Studi Kasus Tirto.Id, Suluh Gembyeng Ciptadi, Ade Armando 2018 Universitas Indonesia

Upaya Agensi Melawan Logika Jangka Pendek Jurnalisme Daring: Studi Kasus Tirto.Id, Suluh Gembyeng Ciptadi, Ade Armando

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Beberapa studi terdahulu menunjukkan bahwa jurnalisme daring mengikuti struktur logika jangka pendek. Logika tersebut berimplikasi pada praktik pemberitaan yang ringkas, berkelanjutan, sensasional, dan hanya mementingkan banyaknya jumlah clickers dan viewers. Akan tetapi, seiring berjalannya waktu, hadir media daring yang tidak mengikuti logika jangka pendek. Salah satunya adalah Dengan menggunakan teori strukturasi sebagai kerangka pemikiran, penelitian ini mengkaji bagaimana bentuk-bentuk resistensi yang dilakukan oleh terhadap struktur logika jangka pendek. Sejak kehadirannya pada 2016, Tirto menyajikan bentuk baru jurnalisme daring yang disebutnya sebagai jurnalisme data/presisi. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa berita panjang, mendalam, cover both sides, dan penuh data merupakan bentuk-bentuk …

Model Persuasi Yang Efektif Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Rasa Takut (Fear Appeal): Studi Eksperimen Bahaya Rokok Di Kalangan Mahasiswa Di Jakarta, Eriyanto Eriyanto, Irwa R. Zarkasih 2018 Universitas Indonesia

Model Persuasi Yang Efektif Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Rasa Takut (Fear Appeal): Studi Eksperimen Bahaya Rokok Di Kalangan Mahasiswa Di Jakarta, Eriyanto Eriyanto, Irwa R. Zarkasih

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Penelitian ini berangkat dari celah studi teori EPPM, di mana studi mengenai EPPM selama ini jarang mengkaji pengaruh bentuk-bentuk pesan persuasi terhadap motivasi khalayak untuk menerima pesan persuasi. Penelitian ini mengkaji apakah ada efek bentuk pesan persuasi (pesan persuasi dengan berbagai tingkatan ancaman dan efikasi) terhadap motivasi untuk mengikuti pesan persuasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain factorial 3x3. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan pesan persuasi dengan pendekatan rasa takut (fear appeals) mempunyai efek terhadap tingkat motivasi subyek penelitian untuk tidak merokok. Pesan persuasi dengan ancaman yang tinggi dan disertai dengan efikasi tinggi menghasilkan motivasi yang paling tinggi dari subyek …

Pengelolaan Kecemasan Dan Ketidakpastian Dalam Komunikasi Antarbudaya Antara Auditor Dan Auditee, Afriyanti Diana, Eduard Lukman 2018 Universitas Indonesia

Pengelolaan Kecemasan Dan Ketidakpastian Dalam Komunikasi Antarbudaya Antara Auditor Dan Auditee, Afriyanti Diana, Eduard Lukman

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Interaksi antara auditor dan auditee yang baru pertama kali bertemu dapat memunculkan kecemasan dan ketidakpastian bagi kedua pihak. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pengelolaan kecemasan dan ketidakpastian yang dialami auditor dalam komunikasi antarbudaya yang dilakukannya dengan auditee, dengan menggunakan Teori Pengelolaan Kecemasan dan Ketidakpastian (Anxiety and Uncertainty Management – AUM) dari Gudykunst. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif interpretif dengan metode studi kasus, dan teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara. Kecemasan yang dialami oleh auditor terkait dengan rasa cemas dan khawatir karena belum memiliki informasi mengenai entitas dan auditee, dan perasaan tegang karena memeriksa auditee yang memiliki pengaruh atau relasi dengan pihak yang berkuasa/berpengaruh. …

Sistem Reputasi Penjual Dalam Proses Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Di Platform C2c E-Commerce, Lidya Agustina, Firman Kurniawan 2018 Universitas Indonesia

Sistem Reputasi Penjual Dalam Proses Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Di Platform C2c E-Commerce, Lidya Agustina, Firman Kurniawan

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

This study discusses the process of purchase decision making which made through online transaction in customer to customer (C2C) e-commerce platform. Online review and online rating have been known as a part of electronic word of mouth which has an impact on buyer's purchase decisions. This study use Kotler and Keller's (2009) purchase making decision process to finds out the purchase decision making process which happens through C2C e-commerce. This study also aims to finds out how online reviews and online rating are used in purchase decision making process. This study uses post-positivistik paradigm with qualitative approach and case study …

Blue-Collar Work, Career, And Success: Occupational Narratives Of Sisu, Kristen Lucas, Patrice M. Buzzanel 2018 University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Blue-Collar Work, Career, And Success: Occupational Narratives Of Sisu, Kristen Lucas, Patrice M. Buzzanel

Kristen Lucas

This study examined underground iron ore miners’ occupational narratives to uncover how their stories socialize miners into blue-collar careers and reinforce their work identities. Through the root theme of sisu (Finnish for inner determination), underground miners create a status hierarchy that is used to construct a sense of pride around their work and to establish milestones of success for themselves and others in their workgroup. Furthermore, they communicatively construct exemplars that guide their performance and decisions during the unfolding of their work experiences. Their discourses provide alternatives to white-collar conceptualizations and practices of careers and success.

Joint Declaration On Freedom Of Expression And “Fake News,” Disinformation, And Propaganda, Mickey Huff 2018 Diablo Valley College

Joint Declaration On Freedom Of Expression And “Fake News,” Disinformation, And Propaganda, Mickey Huff

Secrecy and Society

No abstract provided.

#Whitegenocide, The Alt-Right And Conspiracy Theory: How Secrecy And Suspicion Contributed To The Mainstreaming Of Hate, Andrew F. Wilson 2018 University of Derby, UK

#Whitegenocide, The Alt-Right And Conspiracy Theory: How Secrecy And Suspicion Contributed To The Mainstreaming Of Hate, Andrew F. Wilson

Secrecy and Society

This article considers the relationship between “hashtag activism” as it is currently being used by the alt-right and the tendency to draw on conspiracy theory that Richard Hofstadter identified as being prevalent among what he termed “pseudo-conservatives” half a century earlier. Both the alt-right and Hofstadter’s “pseudo-conservatives” can be characterised by a pronounced populist nationalism that understands its aims as protecting a particular way of life whilst drawing on an aggrieved sense of injustice at being conspired against by an unseen enemy. That this “enemy” is typically foreign in actuality or in spirit confirms the cultural dimension on which their …

Central Florida Future, Vol. 41 No. 18, February 16, 2009, 2018 University of Central Florida

Central Florida Future, Vol. 41 No. 18, February 16, 2009

Central Florida Future

Candidates sign in; Ticket still in after retrial; Nursing students homesick until 2011; Hip-hop meets history; About Jeff Johnson.

It’S Like Déjà Vu All Over Again: Seismic Changes In The American Experiment, David King 2018 Valparaiso University

It’S Like Déjà Vu All Over Again: Seismic Changes In The American Experiment, David King


“I’ve never seen anything like this.” “Is this the end of the country?”

In 2016, it seemed that both of those statements, or something similar, was on the tongues of nearly every American. No matter who you supported, there seemed to be something entirely new about the election cycle that the nation found itself in. There is no doubt that for this generation, the 2016 election is a watershed moment for the United States. For the U.S., however, watershed moments in democracy are not the exception but the rule. To fully understand how our democracy transitions, one must return to …

Conversations That Matter: How A Thriving Public Sphere Makes Better Citizens And Better Neighbors, Kylie Schreiber 2018 Valparaiso University

Conversations That Matter: How A Thriving Public Sphere Makes Better Citizens And Better Neighbors, Kylie Schreiber


While it is true that the most recent presidential election cycle highlighted deeply rooted divisions lying in our American democracy, there is more to this separation than politics. Globalization and polarization have acted as catalysts, in part, to the decline of neighborliness and citizenship in America. I argue that a return to the “public” sphere in local communities can remedy this. This paper tests this theory by strategically selecting public policies and civic engagement activities that attempt to accomplish this goal of returning to the public and evaluating them on their ability to do so.

There are important questions about …

Digital Citizenship Tools For Cause-Based Campaigns: A Broadened Spectrum Of Social Media Engagement And Participation-Scale Methodology, Jennifer Miller 2018 University of Central Florida

Digital Citizenship Tools For Cause-Based Campaigns: A Broadened Spectrum Of Social Media Engagement And Participation-Scale Methodology, Jennifer Miller

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Digital Citizenship Tools for Cause-Based Campaigns: A Broadened Spectrum of Social Media Engagement and Participation-Scale Methodology develops and applies two new tools for understanding, measuring, and recursively adjusting small to medium-size social media-based philanthropic campaigns to better foster participation and engagement—in other words, democratic digital citizenship. First, a theoretical model is offered broadening current binary conceptions of success and failure or impact of campaigns, situating specific participant actions in social media on a spectrum. Then, from that model, a new methodology is provided to measure participation and engagement generated by campaign posts. Recommendations are also offered for recursively adjusting campaign …

Características De La Cultura Organizacional En El Comando General De Las Fuerzas Militares De Colombia, Leidy Lorena Ospina Quiroga, Oliver Rodríguez Sajonero 2018 Universidad de La Salle, Bogotá

Características De La Cultura Organizacional En El Comando General De Las Fuerzas Militares De Colombia, Leidy Lorena Ospina Quiroga, Oliver Rodríguez Sajonero

Administración de Empresas

Con el estudio de las “Características de la cultura organizacional en el Comando General de las Fuerzas Militares de Colombia” se busca identificar cómo influyen los aspectos de cultura de cada una de las Fuerzas y el desarrollo de éstas en un solo entorno, como lo es el Comando General. Este articulo está dividido en tres partes. En la primera parte, se encuentran las principales definiciones de lo que es cultura organizacional y cómo se evidencia en cada Fuerza. En la segunda parte, se analizarán los ritos, rituales, ceremonias, símbolos, y eslóganes de cada una de las fuerzas, así como …

News Literacy, Sissel W. McCarthy 2018 CUNY Hunter College

News Literacy, Sissel W. Mccarthy

Open Educational Resources

"The digital age has created the need for a new kind of literacy-a literacy that empowers news consumers to determine whether information is credible, reliable and truthful. This is not just a skill; it is a new core competency for the 21st century. So-called “fake news” is hard to spot and spreads easily, leading to disagreements over basic facts. The antidote to the growing challenges posed by this digital revolution is news literacy. This mini news literacy course includes two three-hour sessions that will teach anyone to become a more critical consumer of news. "

The News Literacy course package …

Forecasting Changes In Religiosity And Existential Security With An Agent-Based Model, Ross J. Gore, Carlos Lemos, F. LeRon Shults, Wesley J. Wildman 2018 Old Dominion University

Forecasting Changes In Religiosity And Existential Security With An Agent-Based Model, Ross J. Gore, Carlos Lemos, F. Leron Shults, Wesley J. Wildman

VMASC Publications

We employ existing data sets and agent-based modeling to forecast changes in religiosity and existential security among a collective of individuals over time. Existential security reflects the extent of economic, socioeconomic and human development provided by society. Our model includes agents in social networks interacting with one another based on the education level of the agents, the religious practices of the agents, and each agent's existential security within their natural and social environments. The data used to inform the values and relationships among these variables is based on rigorous statistical analysis of the International Social Survey Programme Religion Module (ISSP) …

Linguistic Imperialism In Post-Colonial Ghana: Access To Written News Media In The Local Languages, Rikki N. Bergen 2018 Western University

Linguistic Imperialism In Post-Colonial Ghana: Access To Written News Media In The Local Languages, Rikki N. Bergen

Anthropology Presentations

No abstract provided.

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