Co-Creation, Interpretations And Engagement With A Movement-Based Symbol For Climate Justice: A Qualitative Inquiry, 2025 Wilfrid Laurier University
Co-Creation, Interpretations And Engagement With A Movement-Based Symbol For Climate Justice: A Qualitative Inquiry, Kai Reimer-Watts
Theses and Dissertations (Comprehensive)
The climate crisis demonstrates with complete clarity the need for massive systems-level changes towards far more sustainable societies. Global and local emissions need to decline rapidly to mitigate intensifying climate breakdown, accompanied by climate and sustainability solutions, to secure a far more stable, safe, and just future for all people and all life. Within these changes, engaging in our communities is essential to support and co-create broader solutions to help advance more sustainable societies, reduce negative impacts of a changing climate, and to move towards cultures and systems that recognize natural limits and centre care for people and planet.
‘Climate …
Table Of Contents, 2024 University of Nebraska at Omaha
Table Of Contents
International Dialogue
Analysis of the PLO and Hamas: Interview with Sir John Jenkins Raphael Cohen-Almagor
What Freedom? Edward Sankowski and Betty J. Harris
Ethnocratizing the “Holy Land” Curtis Hutt
Rochelle Terman The Geopolitics of Shaming: When Human Rights Pressure Works—and When It Backfires Brett J. Kyle
Steven Levitsky and Lucan Way Revolution and Dictatorship: The Violent Origin of Durable Authoritarianism Joseph L. Derdzinski
Arabic قصیدة بلا عنوانأسماء عزایزة
English Untitled Poem Asmaa Azaieh
Notes From The Editor, 2024 University of Nebraska at Omaha
Analysis Of The Plo And Hamas: Interview With Sir John Jenkins, 2024 University of Hull
Analysis Of The Plo And Hamas: Interview With Sir John Jenkins, Raphael Cohen-Almagor
International Dialogue
Sir John Jenkins is currently a Senior Fellow at Policy Exchange, the London-based think tank, for whom he has written extensively on Islamism and extremism more generally. Between 1980 and 2015 he served as a British diplomat, initially in Abu Dhabi (1983–86), Malaysia (1989–92) and Kuwait (1995–98) before being appointed Ambassador to Burma (1999–2002). He was subsequently HM Consul-General, Jerusalem (2003–06), Ambassador to Syria (2006–07), FCO Director for the Middle East and North Africa (2007-09), Ambassador to Iraq (2009–11), Special Representative to the National Transitional Council and 1subsequently Ambassador to Libya (2011) and Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia …
What Freedom? Freedom-A Disease Without Cure. Slavoj Žižek. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 2023. Pp. 328., 2024 University of Nebraska at Omaha
What Freedom? Freedom-A Disease Without Cure. Slavoj Žižek. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 2023. Pp. 328., Edward Sankowski, Betty J. Harris
International Dialogue
Slavoj Žižek's outpouring of books continues, including the volume, Freedom-A Disease Without Cure (2023). The title is somber, but the contents do not signal an unrelievedly depressed attitude on the part of the author. Rather, the book manifests expanding curiosity and far-reaching originality. That is, however, supplemented by some self-criticism, e.g., when the author broods about the apathy in himself and others that he claims is a result of the hyperactivity enjoined by and observed in contemporary capitalism. We hope to go beyond critical interpretation and evaluation of Žižek, to express our own new insights beyond those formulated or hinted …
Ethnocratizing The “Holy Land” The Politics Of Sacred Places: A View From Israel-Palestine Nimrod Luz. London, New York And Dublin: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. Pp. 223., 2024 University of Nebraska at Omaha
Ethnocratizing The “Holy Land” The Politics Of Sacred Places: A View From Israel-Palestine Nimrod Luz. London, New York And Dublin: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. Pp. 223., Curtis Hutt
International Dialogue
In this review essay, I will engage with some critical issues raised by Nimrod Luz in his recent book, The Politics of Sacred Places: A View From Israel-Palestine. This is a follow up to earlier articles that I have written for ID: International Dialogue and elsewhere related to holy sites as well as pilgrimage to, from, and within what is commonly known in the Western Christian world for the last one thousand years as the “Holy Land.” 1 It is also a companion piece to a recent review I have written of Marshall J. Breger and Leonard M. Hammer’s landmark …
The Geopolitics Of Shaming: When Human Rights Pressure Works—And When It Backfires Rochelle Terman. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2023. Pp. 216., 2024 University of Nebraska at Omaha
The Geopolitics Of Shaming: When Human Rights Pressure Works—And When It Backfires Rochelle Terman. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2023. Pp. 216., Brett J. Kyle
International Dialogue
In The Geopolitics of Shaming: When Human Rights Pressure Works—and When It Backfires (Princeton University Press, 2023), Rochelle Terman takes on the important and interesting question of the effectiveness of states’ denunciation of each other in the enforcement of human rights. “Naming and shaming” states for their human rights abuses has long been a feature of international relations. Despite its consistent presence in the international arena, it is often met with skepticism by IR scholars and seen as nothing more than power politics in disguise. Rather than seeking to downplay or push back against this criticism of norm enforcement, Terman …
Revolution And Dictatorship: The Violent Origin Of Durable Authoritarianism Steven Levitsky And Lucan Way. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2022. Pp. 656., 2024 United States Air Force Academy
Revolution And Dictatorship: The Violent Origin Of Durable Authoritarianism Steven Levitsky And Lucan Way. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2022. Pp. 656., Joseph L. Derdzinski
International Dialogue
W h y do s o m e ––a nd not other, of course— regimes survive? Surveying a comprehensive range of historical and more contemporary examples, Levitsky and Way's Revolution and Dictatorship: The Violent Origins of Durable Authoritarianism is an important contribution to scholarship that seeks to answer this fundamental question. While much of comparative political specifically, and political science more broadly, centers on democratic regimes and their fragility (and cases of stability, to be fair), why some authoritarian regimes "succeed" over multiple generations is less well understood. By focusing on the authoritarian regimes that emerge from social revolutions, Levitsky …
Untitled Poem (In Arabic), 2024 Palestinian poet. She currently works and lives in the city of Haifa
Untitled Poem (In English), 2024 Palestinian poet. She currently works and lives in the city of Haifa
Untitled Poem (In English), Asmaa Azaizeh
International Dialogue
No abstract provided.
The Politics Of Science Communication In Indonesia: Understanding The Role Of Science Academies, 2024 Communication Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
The Politics Of Science Communication In Indonesia: Understanding The Role Of Science Academies, Uswatul Chabibah, Nur Rafiza Putri, Inaya Rakhmani, Muhamad Burhanudin, Wahyu Adiningtyas
The role of Indonesian academies as science communicators evolves together with changing government regimes. Globally, science academies are typically not-for-profit, independent academic communities committed to providing advice for the nation in matters pertaining to science and technology. In Indonesia, science academies are historically formed under state regimes. This article, drawing on Niilo Kauppi’s framework, examines five years of science communication by the Indonesian Academy of Sciences, and two organizations under its auspices: the Indonesian Young Academy of Sciences and the Indonesian Science Fund. It reflects on their efforts to bridge the gaps between science, policy, and the public. Within the …
Transforming Whatsapp And Zoom Into Religious Space: A Digital Ethnography Of An Online Meditation Community In Indonesia, 2024 Faculty of Communication, Institut Nalanda, Jakarta, Indonesia
Transforming Whatsapp And Zoom Into Religious Space: A Digital Ethnography Of An Online Meditation Community In Indonesia, Wirawan Wirawan, Rudi Sukandar
Drawing on an online meditation community mentored by Samanera Abhisarano in Indonesia, this study explores how the members use digital media to engage in religious practices and teachings. The data were collected through multisited digital ethnographic fieldwork conducted from December 2021 to July 2022. During this period, we immersed ourselves in the WhatsApp group and the Zoom virtual room of the community. In addition to participating in their online activities and interviewing five community members remotely, we conducted on-site fieldwork at the temple where the mentor lives and organized a face-to-face in-depth interview with him. Employing Hjarvard’s theory of mediatization …
Disaster Reporting In Indonesian National Online Media: Agenda Setting And Sentiment Analysis, 2024 Center for Woman, Family and Disaster Studies,Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Disaster Reporting In Indonesian National Online Media: Agenda Setting And Sentiment Analysis, Erwin Rasyid, Erni Saharuddin, Zahro Varisna Rohmadani
In the context of disasters, the mass media is one of the main sources of information for the community. Mass media, as a communication channel, can be utilized as a disaster management system to mitigate the impact of disaster risk. However, disaster events are often treated as commodities by the mass media to attract audience attention. This study analyzes the agenda-setting and sentiment of disaster news coverage by national online media in Indonesia. It uses the Agenda-Setting Theory of McCombs and Shaw to explore how media agenda-setting relates to disaster issues. This research employs a descriptive quantitative approach using sentiment …
Cyber Crime Against Women's Personal Data On Online Platforms And The Role Of Pdp Laws, 2024 Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Cyber Crime Against Women's Personal Data On Online Platforms And The Role Of Pdp Laws, Ambar Alimatur Rosyidah, Farah Fajriyah, Rahayu Rahayu
The presence of online platforms such as financial technology lending platforms is like a double-edged knife for women. These platforms pave the way for restrictions on women accessing loans. However, the use of fintech poses risks to women. They become victims of cybercrime with the existence of desk collectors who collect online loans and the third party who use the women's data. This study aims to examine the cybercrime implications of using fintech experienced by women related to fintech lending and then explore the role, data protection, and scope of the PDP Law as a solution. This study uses Qualitative …
Representation Of Lgbtq Identity On Social Media: Multimodality Analysis On Instagram Account @Yayasangayanusantara, 2024 Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia
Representation Of Lgbtq Identity On Social Media: Multimodality Analysis On Instagram Account @Yayasangayanusantara, Muhammad Fauzi Fitri Andika, Ana Indriastuti, Khoirunnisa Nur Fithria, Pramudya Ardhika Hernanto, Tutik Wijayanti
This research examines the representation of LGBTQ identity on Instagram using multimodal content analysis on the @yayasangayanusantara account. Using Muted Theory, this study highlights how LGBTQ identities are formed and presented in social and digital contexts. Instagram was identified as an essential platform for authentic and multidimensional LGBTQ identities by challenging conventional stereotypes and discrimination in traditional media. The research methodology involves qualitative analysis of various forms of content (text, images, and videos). The main focus is how LGBTQ individuals use social media to express themselves, seek support, and build solidarity. The findings show that Instagram is not just a …
Female Fandom In The Digital Era: ‘Alternative Universe’ For Promoting Thai Boys Love Drama, 2024 Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia; Department of Women’s Studies, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Female Fandom In The Digital Era: ‘Alternative Universe’ For Promoting Thai Boys Love Drama, Monika Sri Yuliarti
Digital era has changed human’s life, including in the practice of fandom. It results in a much broader dissemination of fans-related products produced by the fans, such as alternative universe (AU) as part of fan fiction. In addition, nowadays, Thailand popular culture is rising, especially with the boys’ love drama series (Thai BL drama) which caught foreign viewers’ interest, including Indonesians. This study explores how AU can be considered as a tool for promoting Thai BL drama which goes to fandom actively involvement in the promotion of a foreign country's cultural product with taboo value. It is a qualitative content …
Hierarchy Of Influence On The Implementation Of Search Engine Optimization In The Tribun-Bali.Com Newsroom, 2024 Communication studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Indonesia
Hierarchy Of Influence On The Implementation Of Search Engine Optimization In The Tribun-Bali.Com Newsroom, Oktava Anggara, Ni Made Ras Amanda Gelgel, Ni Luh Ramaswati Purnawan
Technological disruption has driven changes in the media and journalism industry, affecting the workflow in the newsroom. One emerging practice in the newsroom is the application of search engine optimization (SEO). This practice raises concerns about editorial decisions being directed toward topics that are "popular and easily clickable". is one of the biggest news portals in Bali that implements SEO. This study aims to depict the hierarchy of influences on the implementation of SEO in the newsroom. It is a qualitative descriptive study that employs interview methods with key informants. Utilizing the hierarchy of influences theory proposed by …
Principal Agency 50 Years After The Lau Decision: Building And Sustaining Bilingual Education Programs For Asian Languages, 2024 Pepperdine University
Principal Agency 50 Years After The Lau Decision: Building And Sustaining Bilingual Education Programs For Asian Languages, Kevin M. Wong, Zhongfeng Tian
Education Division Scholarship
This study examined how three champion principals of Asian language dual language bilingual education (DLBE) programs—Cantonese, Korean, and Mandarin—in California have navigated the oscillating language-in-education policies after the Lau decision. We explored principals' various roles through a lens of agency in a social justice leadership framework, specifically considering the opportunities and challenges for agentive leadership from three different phases: foregrounding and engaging, planning and implementing, and evaluating and sustaining. Findings demonstrate that the success of DLBE programs goes beyond the overarching language policies that supposedly enable bilingual education; rather it hinges on the bottom-up commitment, collaboration and resilience of principals, …
Age. Cultural Intelligence, Social Media Use And Anxiety, 2024 Lipscomb University
Age. Cultural Intelligence, Social Media Use And Anxiety, Bill Comstock
Master's Theses & Other Graduate Student Works
This study investigated the intricate relationship between social media use, age, cultural intelligence, and anxiety levels, aiming to unravel potential interactions and influences across diverse demographics. In a survey-based approach, 49 participants from various age groups and cultural backgrounds were tested for age, cultural intelligence scores (CQS), anxiety levels (GAD-7), and social media use patterns assessed by the Social Networking Time Use Scale (SONTUS). The central hypothesis posited that age, cultural intelligence, and social media use collectively interact in predicting anxiety levels. To address this, a multiple linear regression analysis was employed, examining the complex relationships among social media use, …
Empowering Ugandan Women Smallholder Farmers: Documenting Her Mighty Hands Agriculture Extension Nonprofit, 2024 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Empowering Ugandan Women Smallholder Farmers: Documenting Her Mighty Hands Agriculture Extension Nonprofit, Anna Mathis
Agricultural Education, Communications and Technology Undergraduate Honors Theses
Women smallholder farmers in East Africa, including Uganda, provide the majority of agriculture labor. However, women are significantly less productive than men due to extreme barriers such as their lack of decision-making rights, inability to solely own land, and familial responsibilities. The purpose of this project was to create a full integrated communications and fundraising campaign for Her Mighty Hands, an agriculture extension nonprofit whose mission is to connect Ugandan women subsistence farmers to technology and knowledge which empower them to advance their agricultural business; enabling them to improve the quality of life for themselves, their families, and communities. Photos …