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International and Intercultural Communication Commons

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Democratic Statecraft: Political Realism And Popular Power, John R. Wallach 2015 University of Nebraska at Omaha

Democratic Statecraft: Political Realism And Popular Power, John R. Wallach

International Dialogue

This book presents itself as a critique of the idealist strand of democratic theory, via a theory of “democratic statecraft” that relies on “realism,” “pragmatism,” and “skepticism,” rather than “idealism, “moralism,” or “utopianism” for first principles. In order to make his case, the author generates a “composite portrait” of this concept, drawing interesting and idiosyncratically on relatively unknown political thinkers, movies, and selective readings of major figures in the history of Western political thought, theory, and events—for example, Athenian democracy and Aristotle, Bartholomew’s Day, Machiavelli, Traiano Boccalini, Herbert Traubeneck, James Weaver, and The Mission.

Absolute Recoil: Towards A New Foundation Of Dialectical Materialism, Robert Sinnerbrink 2015 University of Nebraska at Omaha

Absolute Recoil: Towards A New Foundation Of Dialectical Materialism, Robert Sinnerbrink

International Dialogue

Slavoj Žižek continues his idiosyncratic critique of global capitalism, democratic culture, and neoliberal ideology in his latest 400+ page tome, Absolute Recoil: Towards a New Foundation of dialectical Materialism, which promises to provide, much like his Less than Nothing: Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism (Verso, 2012), a resolutely idealist “new foundation” for dialectical materialism. This is a promise that Žižek has made for some years now, since what we might call his “system” turn became manifest in the publication of a series of major books (In Defense of Lost Causes [Verso, 2008]; Living in the End Times, Less …

The Role Of Self-Awareness In Developing Global Competence: A Qualitative Multi-Case Study, Stacy D. Shipman 2015 Bellarmine University

The Role Of Self-Awareness In Developing Global Competence: A Qualitative Multi-Case Study, Stacy D. Shipman

Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Capstones

The current era of globalization and unprecedented global migration is creating the need for schools to educate students for global competence (GC). Multiple researchers (Boix Mansilla & Jackson, 2011; Hunter, 2004; Hunter et al., 2006; Morales & Ogden, 2013) suggest that self-awareness is the core dimension of GC, but about which very little is known. This paper considers the demonstrations of self-awareness in the development of GC. Using Kim's (2008) Intercultural Personhood Theory and the specific components of personal and social communication processes, self-awareness was investigated in East African immigrants. Findings suggest that the construct of self-awareness dimensionalizes differently for …

Banjir Ibu Kota Pada Tahun Politik: Tipologi Kritik Media Oleh Bloggers Kompasiana Sebagai Pilar Kelima, Andina Dwifatma 2015 Universitas Indonesia

Banjir Ibu Kota Pada Tahun Politik: Tipologi Kritik Media Oleh Bloggers Kompasiana Sebagai Pilar Kelima, Andina Dwifatma

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Studi ini membahas pembingkaian bloggers Kompasiana terhadap banjir Jakarta pada tahun diselenggarakannya pemilu legislatif dan pemilu presiden, serta tipologi kritik media apa saja yang muncul dalam rangkaian posting mereka terkait tema tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan paradigma konstruktivis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa banjir Jakarta oleh bloggers Kompasiana dibingkai bukan hanya sebagai bencana, namun juga sebagai komoditas berita politik; tipologi kritik media yang muncul adalah Agenda Setting, Framing, dan Praktik Jurnalistik; dan peran bloggers sebagai pilar kelima baru mencapai tahap awal kemunculannya (emerging).

The study discusses the framing Kompasiana bloggers give to Jakarta floods in the year prior to …

Gambaran Gamang Kampanye Di Media Sosial, Ummi Salamah 2015 Universitas Indonesia

Gambaran Gamang Kampanye Di Media Sosial, Ummi Salamah

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

No abstract provided.

Pemilihan Penggunaan Bahasa Dalam Interaksi Sebagai Bentuk Adaptasi Antarbudaya Di Indonesia, El Chris Natalia 2015 Universitas Indonesia

Pemilihan Penggunaan Bahasa Dalam Interaksi Sebagai Bentuk Adaptasi Antarbudaya Di Indonesia, El Chris Natalia

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Penelitian ini membahas tentang orang-orang Korea Selatan dalam memilih penggunaan bahasa saat berinteraksi sebagai bentuk adaptasi antarbudaya di Indonesia. Orang-orang Korea Selatan menghadapi budaya yang berbeda ketika di Indonesia dan mengharuskan mereka beradaptasi dengan budaya dan orang-orang Indonesia. Salah satu perbedaan budaya yang harus dihadapi adalah bahasa. Bahasa bisa jadi penghalang dalam melakukan komunikasi. Akomodasi komunikasi menjadi suatu aspek pendukung bagi orang-orang Korea Selatan untuk beradaptasi. Penelitian ini berfokus untuk menjelaskan bagaimana penggunaan bahasa yang dilakukan orang-orang Korea Selatan dalam berinteraksi sebagai bentuk adaptasi antarbudaya di Indonesia. Pendekatan penelitian adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa kesamaan …

Identitas Dan Pembentukan Stereotip Pemain Indonesia Dalam Online Game, Girindra Adyapradana 2015 Universitas Indonesia

Identitas Dan Pembentukan Stereotip Pemain Indonesia Dalam Online Game, Girindra Adyapradana

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Perkembangan tekonologi komunikasi telah membawa babak baru dalam kehidupan manusia. Salah satu hasil perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang mempunyai pengaruh signifikan dalam interaksi antar manusia adalah game online, dalam hal ini adalah Massively Multiplayer Online game (MMOG). Seperti halnya dalam komunikasi antar budaya yang terjadi dalam konteks bertatap muka, stereotipe sulit untuk dihindari. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan stereotipe-stereotipe yang muncul di antara pemakain game online. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan metode studi kasus, dan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Informan dalam penelitianini adalah para pemain Battle of Immortals (BoI) yang berasal dari Indonesia. …

Media Sosial Terintegrasi Dalam Komunikasi Pemasaran Brand: Studi Komparasi Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Oleh High Dan Low Involvement Decision Brand, Vega Karina Andira Putri 2015 Universitas Indonesia

Media Sosial Terintegrasi Dalam Komunikasi Pemasaran Brand: Studi Komparasi Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Oleh High Dan Low Involvement Decision Brand, Vega Karina Andira Putri

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan social media serta bentuk integrasi social media yang tepat bagi brand dengan proses pengambilan keputusan konsumen melalui high maupun low involvement dalam komunikasi pemasaran brand. Dari hasil studi komparasi ditemukan perbedaan dalam pemanfaatan social media dan bentuk integrasi media sosial antara high dengan low involvement decision brand. Perbedaan dapat dilihat dari proporsi penggunaan media digital, akun media sosial yang dikelola brand, konten tiap akun media sosial, kerjasama dengan buzzer, dan hubungan antar social media tools. Selain itu, ditemukan juga bahwa brand yang sukses melakukan komunikasi pemasaran melalui social media adalah brand yang mengelola komunitas …

Strategi Intergrated Social Media Network Game: Penggunaan Advergame Dalam Membentuk Customer Brand Engagement, Ira Agustiana Halim 2015 Universitas Indonesia

Strategi Intergrated Social Media Network Game: Penggunaan Advergame Dalam Membentuk Customer Brand Engagement, Ira Agustiana Halim

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Penelitian ini dengan mempergunakan teori Phases of Engagement, membahas bagaimana proses terbentuknya engagement pemain advergame Explorion dengan brand Pocari Sweat. Melalui metode kualitatif yang mempergunakan teknik triangulasi dalam penggabungan berbagai teknik sumber data melalui observasi berperan, wawancara mendalam dan studidokumen maka dapat diketahui bahwa penggunaan sosial media yang terintegrasi dengan advergame Explorion merupakan strategi yang memang ditetapkan oleh Pocari Sweat sebagai bagian dari kampanye pemasaran terpadu mereka yang dalam pelaksanaannya tidak dapat dipisahkan dari penggunaan elemen-elemen pemasaran lain seperti advertising baikmedia elektonik dan media cetak serta PR/Publicity. Penggunaan strategi sosial media yang terintegrasi dengan advergame mengindikasikan keinginan Pocari Sweat untuk …

Komodifikasi Kebertubuhan Perempuan Dalam Wacana Erotika Dan Pornografi Pada Tayangan Televisi, Andrine Prima Afneta 2015 Universitas Indonesia

Komodifikasi Kebertubuhan Perempuan Dalam Wacana Erotika Dan Pornografi Pada Tayangan Televisi, Andrine Prima Afneta

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Kemampuan media untuk menampilkan sosok perempuan sebagai objek, menyebabkan eksploitasi fisik perempuan sebagai daya tarik tayangan. Studi ini berfokus pada komodifikasi kebertubuhan perempuan dalam wacana erotika dan pornografi pada tayangan televisi “Mata Lelaki”. Kemenarikan fisik perempuan serta penggunaan wacana tubuh perempuan dimanfaatkan oleh tayangan Mata Lelaki untuk membawa imajinasi khalayak ke tema yangmenjadi segmentasi program. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan paradigma kritis. Melalui analisis framing Gamson dan Modigliani, hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kebertubuhan perempuan dalam tayangan televisi dianggap sebagai instrumen dalam mengakumulasi modal. Objektifikasi perempuan selalu disajikan dalam rancangan program, menjadi salah satu manifestasi eksploitasi perempuan. Perempuan diidentifikasi …

Cross-Sectional Assessment Of Safety Culture Perceptions And Safety Behavior In Collegiate Aviation Programs In The United States, Daniel Kwasi Adjekum, Julius Keller, Micah Walala, John P. Young, Cody Christensen, Randal J. DeMik, Gary J. Northam PH.D. 2015 University of North Dakota

Cross-Sectional Assessment Of Safety Culture Perceptions And Safety Behavior In Collegiate Aviation Programs In The United States, Daniel Kwasi Adjekum, Julius Keller, Micah Walala, John P. Young, Cody Christensen, Randal J. Demik, Gary J. Northam Ph.D.

International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace

A cross-sectional quasi- mixed-method approach was used to determine the relationships between safety culture perceptions and safety reporting behavior among flight students with and without certified flight instructor (CFI) ratings. Respondents (n=259) were recruited from five collegiate aviation programs in the US and took part in the study. Survey Items adopted from the Collegiate Aviation Perception of Safety Culture Assessment Survey (CAPSCAS) were validated using factor analysis analyzed for reliability before use in the study. Researchers sought to find out if the safety reporting behavior (reporting frequency) of respondents could be predicted from their safety culture perceptions. Pearson’s …

Business Negotiations Between American And Vietnamese Businesses: The Influence Of Proxemics And Site Setting On Negotiation Outcomes, Tuong-Minh Ly-Le 2015 Bond University

Business Negotiations Between American And Vietnamese Businesses: The Influence Of Proxemics And Site Setting On Negotiation Outcomes, Tuong-Minh Ly-Le

Tuong-Minh Ly-Le

Vietnam is becoming an increasingly inviting market for foreign investment. However, working with foreigners and expanding business abroad can be risky for all parties involved. The diversity among business cultures frequently leads to confusion, misunderstanding, and failure in cross-cultural endeavors. It is therefore important to study business negotiation in a cross-cultural setting. This paper addresses nonverbal communication during negotiations between Vietnamese and American businesses. The proxemics within traditional Vietnamese companies are examined, with specific consideration given to the choice of negotiation site and the room arrangement of that site to further determine how American people perceive them and how these …

Countermessaging Isis: Grusin's Premediation And The Curious Case Of Islamic State (Ppt Presentation), Athina Karatzogianni 2015 Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication, University of Leicesterl

Countermessaging Isis: Grusin's Premediation And The Curious Case Of Islamic State (Ppt Presentation), Athina Karatzogianni

Athina Karatzogianni

Research on reporting war and security has benefited greatly form Grusin's Premediation: Affect and Mediality After 9/11 (2010). Here I employ his concepts in combination with my own cyberconflict theory to examine the mediatization of Islamic State in the social media battleground. Deliberation, propaganda, recruitment and mobilization through social media networks on the Islamic State (IS) by the various protagonists, including IS itself, point to a construction of discourse in commercial platforms which creates ethical issues surrounding security, surveillance and problems government and commercial actors face in responding to the group's media activities. Premediation on the part of all parties …

Vicarious Trauma As Applied To The Professional Sign Language Interpreter, Jami L. Macdonald 2015 Liberty University

Vicarious Trauma As Applied To The Professional Sign Language Interpreter, Jami L. Macdonald

Montview Journal of Research & Scholarship

This collected research and analysis will focus on vicarious trauma as applied to the experience of the professional Sign Language interpreter. Sign Language interpreters work in a vast scope of different settings where there can be a high risk of exposure to traumatic events or content and where the staffed professionals are equipped with training and support services. Sign Language interpreters do not have access to training or support services for managing vicarious trauma, though they are widely impacted by it. The extent of impact depends on the nature of the assignment as well as the susceptibility of the interpreter. …

Eco-Nostalgia In Popular Turkish Cinema, Ekin Gündüz Özdemirci, Salma Monani 2015 Gettysburg College

Eco-Nostalgia In Popular Turkish Cinema, Ekin Gündüz Özdemirci, Salma Monani

Environmental Studies Faculty Publications

Book Summary: Ecomedia: Key Issues is a comprehensive textbook introducing the burgeoning field of ecomedia studies to provide an overview of the interface between environmental issues and the media globally. Linking the world of media production, distribution, and consumption to environmental understandings, the book addresses ecological meanings encoded in media texts, the environmental impacts of media production, and the relationships between media and cultural perceptions of the environment. [From the publisher]

Ecomedia: Key Issues, Stephen Rust, Salma Monani, Sean Cubitt 2015 University of Oregon

Ecomedia: Key Issues, Stephen Rust, Salma Monani, Sean Cubitt

Gettysburg College Faculty Books

Ecomedia: Key Issues is a comprehensive textbook introducing the burgeoning field of ecomedia studies to provide an overview of the interface between environmental issues and the media globally. Linking the world of media production, distribution, and consumption to environmental understandings, the book addresses ecological meanings encoded in media texts, the environmental impacts of media production, and the relationships between media and cultural perceptions of the environment. [From the publisher]

“Of All, I Most Hate Bulgarians”: Situating Oplakvane In Bulgarian Discourse As A Cultural Term For Communicative Practice, Nadezhda M. Sotirova 2015 University of Massachusetts Amherst

“Of All, I Most Hate Bulgarians”: Situating Oplakvane In Bulgarian Discourse As A Cultural Term For Communicative Practice, Nadezhda M. Sotirova

Doctoral Dissertations

The following dissertation raises these questions: how do people talk about their communication, and what role does this play as constructing a widely used cultural resource? The specific data concerns oplakvane, referring both to a key cultural term and a range of communication practices in Bulgaria. This term, and these practices are explored through the theoretical and methodological frame of cultural communication (Philipsen, 1981-87), ethnography of communication (Hymes, 1962), and cultural discourse analysis (Carbaugh, 1992, 2007a, 2010). The analyses demonstrate how oplakvane, which can loosely be translated as “complaining” and “mourning”, functions as a deeply shared cultural resource for communication …

Reinventing The Role Of Children And Youth In Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, Amirah M. Alias 2015 SIT Graduate Institute

Reinventing The Role Of Children And Youth In Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, Amirah M. Alias

Capstone Collection

This paper underlines the roles of children and youth in post-conflict peacebuilding and the reinvention of their roles from participants of peacebuilding to active facilitators of post-conflict peacebuilding. The reinvention is based on the re-interpretation of the traditional roles of children and youth in post-conflict peacebuilding and the analysis of children and youth peacebuilding programs. The re-interpretation will suggest that children and youth take on a more active role, if not, a leadership role in peacebuilding programs conducted for children and youth. This paper will look at the historical and contextual information about Nigeria's inter-religious conflict and a youth peacebuilding …

Design Research: Typography Within The Israeli Linguistic Landscape, Shayna Tova Blum 2015 Xavier University of Louisiana

Design Research: Typography Within The Israeli Linguistic Landscape, Shayna Tova Blum

Faculty and Staff Publications

A linguistic landscape signifies language used within a physical or virtual public space, in which communication is presented in typographic form, portraying a message to an audience. Within the state of Israel, the linguistic landscape presents a unique situation in which it is common to view municipal and commercial multilingual signs that are designed using Hebrew, English, and Arabic letterforms. By studying the diverse linguistic landscape within Israeli urban environments, the article offers perspectives on the use of multilingual visual language, based on discussions with five Israeli designers in the summer of 2015.

Comparing News Frames About The Syrian Crisis Between The Kommersant And The Financial Times, Anton Dinerstein 2015 University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Comparing News Frames About The Syrian Crisis Between The Kommersant And The Financial Times, Anton Dinerstein

Masters Theses

This is an exploratory comparative study aimed to examine media frames about ongoing civil war in Syria. The civil uprising started on March 15, 2011, and turned into a civil war after May 8, 2011. The conflict has lasted for more than four years, and more than 220,000 people have died since it began. During the conflict, both the Syrian government and military opposition were accused of extreme cruelty and of using chemical weapons. However, there was no official proof of using chemical weapons until the August 21, 2013, when Syrian government forces used chemical weapons during their attack on …

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