La Anima Sola,
lmprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo
University of Dayton
La Anima Sola, Lmprenta De Antonio Vanegas Arroyo
Marian Broadsides from Mexico
Illustrator: Jose Guadalupe Posada
Here we have another of Posada's masterpieces, "The Lonely Soul," a breathtaking depiction of a tormented soul in purgatory pleading with Mother Mary and St. Joseph to intercede with the Holy Trinity on her behalf. The idea of purgatory, an intermediate place where souls suffer for a period of time in order to pay penance for sins committed while alive, has roots that extend centuries before Christianity and spread to the ancient belief systems of such far-flung locales as India, Persia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Palestine. The concept gained widespread acceptance in the Church in the …
Remedios Y Rituales De La Medicina Tradicional Hispana En Nuevo México.,
Mario E. Del Angel Guevara
University of New Mexico - Main Campus
Remedios Y Rituales De La Medicina Tradicional Hispana En Nuevo México., Mario E. Del Angel Guevara
Chamisa: A Journal of Literary, Performance, and Visual Arts of the Greater Southwest
El presente ensayo proporciona materiales educativos para el aprendizaje sobre varios de las plantas medicinales que se utilizan en la elaboración de remedios y rituales en el curanderismo, la medicina tradicional hispana de México y el suroeste de los Estados Unidos. Estos materiales educativos se encuentran disponibles a estudiantes registrados en el curso de Curanderismo que se enseña en la Universidad de Nuevo México o a cualquier miembro de la comunidad por medio de su clase de verano ofrecida a través de la oficina de “Continuing Education”. En la primera parte del ensayo se incluyen hierbas comunes en el tratamiento …
El Duende: Folktale, Oral History, And The Construction Of Gendered And Racialized Discourses In Quito,
Carolina Bucheli Penafiel
University of New Mexico - Main Campus
El Duende: Folktale, Oral History, And The Construction Of Gendered And Racialized Discourses In Quito, Carolina Bucheli Penafiel
Latin American Studies ETDs
El Duende is a popular mythical character featured in written and oral traditions in Latin America and Spain, where it is often described as particularly dangerous for women. In this research project, I focus on this character to explore the cultural and social meanings of these narratives in the Ecuadorian context, specifically in the city of Quito. Applying oral history methodology, I collected nine participants’ narratives about El Duende and conducted a discourse analysis of these stories. In this thesis, I discuss ways in which the stories about El Duende reproduce narratives of traditional gender role expectations and violence against …
A Linguistic Comparison: Stress-Timed And Syllable-Timed Languages And Their Impact On Second Language Acquisition,
Madeline M. Conlen
Wayne State University
A Linguistic Comparison: Stress-Timed And Syllable-Timed Languages And Their Impact On Second Language Acquisition, Madeline M. Conlen
Honors College Theses
Acquisition of a second language can be a challenging task because no two languages are alike in their structure, syllabification, pronunciation, rhythm, etc. Also, after speaking one language for any amount of time, the speaker becomes accustomed to the specific qualities of that language; therefore, learning to speak another language takes extra effort because it is essentially rewiring the brain to think differently in many ways. One important element of language is prosody, or the patterns of stress and intonation in language (Dilley et al 237). The subsector of prosody that is to be studied is rhythm, explicitly isochrony and …
Cuentos Cortos Sobre Terrorismo De Estado En Argentina: Lecturas, Análisis Y Usos / Short Stories About Argentina’S State Terrorism: Readings, Analysis And Uses,
Shannon Anderson
SIT Study Abroad
Cuentos Cortos Sobre Terrorismo De Estado En Argentina: Lecturas, Análisis Y Usos / Short Stories About Argentina’S State Terrorism: Readings, Analysis And Uses, Shannon Anderson
Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection
Esta investigación estudia los cuentos cortos relacionados con el tema del terrorismo de estado que pasó desde 1976 hasta 1983 en Argentina. A través de 8 cuentos cortos de diferentes décadas en y después de la dictadura cívico-militar (desde 1976 hasta 2019) y autores diversos/as femeninas y masculinos, examino las maneras en que este genero de la literatura muestra los contextos históricos, sociales y políticos del tiempo de la publicación de cada cuento. También, incorporo las perspectivas de personas involucradas en el estudio y la promoción de la literatura de este tema a través de entrevistas personales que examinan el …
Poemas Migrantes,
Consuelo Hernández
American University
Poemas Migrantes, Consuelo Hernández
Includes the poems "La inmigrante", "El tren de la muerte", "Borderlands", "Nostalgia", and "Lejos"
Autores Dominicanos De La Diáspora: Apuntes Bio-Bibliográficos (1902-2012),
Sarah Aponte, Franklin Gutiérrez
CUNY Dominican Studies Institute, The City College of New York
Autores Dominicanos De La Diáspora: Apuntes Bio-Bibliográficos (1902-2012), Sarah Aponte, Franklin Gutiérrez
Publications and Research
Reference work devoted to Dominican writers that have published outside the Dominican Republic, or the Diaspora. Includes a biography and bibliography of established and emerging writers as well as a significant number of self-published authors, ranging from 1902 to 2012. This essential reference work for Dominican Studies received the Medina Award at the 2014 SALALM Conference.
The African Diaspora In The Dominican Republic’S Culture: It’S More Prominent Than You Think,
Yeseri Johenny Rosa Vizcaino
Connecticut College
The African Diaspora In The Dominican Republic’S Culture: It’S More Prominent Than You Think, Yeseri Johenny Rosa Vizcaino
CISLA Senior Integrative Projects
In gran culmination, this paper was designed to illustrate and showcase the many different aspects of the African Diaspora in Dominican popular culture and history. First, since there is little direct intervention by outside groups and institutions in Afro-Dominican religion and music, these aspects of the African Diaspora have been syncretized from the Transatlantic Slave trade and Haitian occupation. Through the analysis of the history of Dominican Santeria, Salves, Palos Music, Merengue, and Mangulina, this paper illustrates the African Diapora's current influence. In this paper, I have explored those aspects of the Diaspora African that I researched during my Internship …
La Paisana Jacinta: El Programa Que Causa La Risa Para Algunas Y El Sufrimiento Para Otros,
Rachel Wyman
Union College - Schenectady, NY
La Paisana Jacinta: El Programa Que Causa La Risa Para Algunas Y El Sufrimiento Para Otros, Rachel Wyman
Honors Theses
Examino el papel de la comedia en La Paisana Jacinta en la naturalización de la discriminación racial. La identidad denigrada que se asigna a La Paisana Jacinta origina en los estereotipos populares de la población indígena en Perú, no es solamente una interpretación de la cultura andina migrante. Entonces, analizo los comentarios de los usuarios fans en las redes sociales para entender como el programa ha ganado popularidad, incluyendo la reacción a la censura del programa. También, examino la reacción de las organizaciones humanas y indígenas que desean imponer la censura y el fin inmediatamente del programa. La Paisana Jacinta …
El Futuro Del Quechua En El Perú: ¿Se Puede Revitalizar?,
Sarah Dowman
Bowling Green State University
El Futuro Del Quechua En El Perú: ¿Se Puede Revitalizar?, Sarah Dowman
La BloGoteca de Babel
No abstract provided.