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Medicine and Health Sciences Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

Association of Arab Universities

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Articles 31 - 60 of 400

Full-Text Articles in Medicine and Health Sciences

Design A Strategy To Estimate The Ideal Number Treatment Services Facilities For Cancer Patients (2024-2050) A Case Study In Egypt, Gharbia Governorate., Mahmoud Ahmed Zak Dr. Hosny Dewair, Hala Saied Mahamed Yassen Jul 2024

Design A Strategy To Estimate The Ideal Number Treatment Services Facilities For Cancer Patients (2024-2050) A Case Study In Egypt, Gharbia Governorate., Mahmoud Ahmed Zak Dr. Hosny Dewair, Hala Saied Mahamed Yassen

Journal of Engineering Research

Estimating therapeutic services for cancer patients within comprehensive cancer centers, including chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy, and other services, is a complex and difficult endeavor that varies from one country to another and from year to year due to changing rates of cancer prevalence, its nature, and other variables. Many countries resort to estimating these services based on global experiences without taking into account the local situation and the needs of the region. Therefore, the research focuses on studying the influences and variables that affect the estimation of these services, using local statistics and linking them to international standards to prove their …

The Role Of 3d Printing Technology In Achieving Egypt’S Vision For Sustainable Development 2030, أسماء أحمد عزه صبحي, مي مدكور Jul 2024

The Role Of 3d Printing Technology In Achieving Egypt’S Vision For Sustainable Development 2030, أسماء أحمد عزه صبحي, مي مدكور

Journal of Engineering Research

هذه الدراسة تركز علي فهم تأثير تكنولجيا الطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد علي مجال العمارة والبناء المستدام، مع التركيز على جوانب الاستدامة البيئية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية كما توضح الدراسات السابقة المعتمده علي التحليل النقدي أن الطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد بديلاً مستدامًا مع ما يصل إلى 49% أقل من البصمة البيئية و78% أكثر فعالية من حيث التكلفة مقارنة بتقنيات البناء التقليدية وتواجه صناعة البناء في جمهورية مصر العربية مجموعة من التحديات مثل عدم دمج تقنيات الطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد في صناعة البناء في مصر بما توفره من إمكانيات تساعد في الوصول لمباني أكثر استدامة بما يحقق متطلبات رؤية مصر 2030 للتنمية المستدامة بالاضافة الي ضعف ملائمة …

A Comparative Analysis In Energy Efficiency In Buildings To Support Clean Energy Transitions In Architecture, Nourhane M. El-Haridi Jul 2024

A Comparative Analysis In Energy Efficiency In Buildings To Support Clean Energy Transitions In Architecture, Nourhane M. El-Haridi

Journal of Engineering Research

Over the past few decades, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of energy efficiency policies in designing buildings for supporting clean energy transitions. Buildings account for a significant share of global energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, and improving their energy efficiency in the design phase can reduce energy use and emissions, while also providing numerous other benefits such as cost savings, improved comfort and health, and job creation. Many countries have already implemented energy efficiency policies in buildings, such as building codes, standards, labeling schemes, and financial incentives in addition to governmental regulations. Since the governments …

Activating Urban Spaces To Achieve Social Sustainability In Closed Residential Communities, ولاء أحمد نو زة صبحي السقا , أحمد السيد الشناوي , سارة حسني شعلان Jul 2024

Activating Urban Spaces To Achieve Social Sustainability In Closed Residential Communities, ولاء أحمد نو زة صبحي السقا , أحمد السيد الشناوي , سارة حسني شعلان

Journal of Engineering Research

تماشيا مع توجهات الجمهورية الجديدة و رؤية مصر 2030 من أجل خلق مجتمعات سكنية مستدامة تلبي احتياجات سكانيها الاجتماعية .وقد ادي انتشار المجتمعات السكنية المغلقة الي وجود مشكلة اجتماعية لسكانها من عزلة و انحصارهم داخلها وانفصالهم عن المجتمع المحيط بهم وعن سكان باقي المدينة وبالتالي ظهرت مشاكل اجتماعية مثل العزلة و الشعور بالوحدة وفقدان الانتماء الاجتماعي وزيادة الانفصال.لذلك يتناول البحث تفعيل دور الفراغات العمرانية وتاثيرها علي العلاقة الاجتماعية بين ساكني تلك التجمعات المغلقة والتاكيد علي ضرورة تطبيق تلك المعايير التصميمية لتلبية احتياجات السكان الاجتماعية. لما للفراغ العمراني من دور مهم في ممارسة الانشطة و الفاعليات التي من شانها تحقيق التواصل …

Evaluation Of The Built Environment Performance In Light Of Sustainable And Universal Design: Criteria And Methods, N.A.Mohamed E. A. Morghany, M. E. Khalil Jul 2024

Evaluation Of The Built Environment Performance In Light Of Sustainable And Universal Design: Criteria And Methods, N.A.Mohamed E. A. Morghany, M. E. Khalil

Journal of Engineering Research

Egypt's Vision 2030 for Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) emphasizes social inclusion and accessibility. The concept of Universal Design (UD) is crucial in achieving the goals of SDS by facilitating utilization and access to the built environment for all.

Palm Agricultural Residues As A Sustainable Local Construction Material For Siwa House: One Click Life Cycle Assessment Perspective, Nader Mohamed Gharib, Jul 2024

Palm Agricultural Residues As A Sustainable Local Construction Material For Siwa House: One Click Life Cycle Assessment Perspective, Nader Mohamed Gharib,

Journal of Engineering Research

This study focuses on conducting a life cycle assessment (LCA) of using green agricultural waste as a sustainable local building material compared to conventional materials. Agricultural residues present a major waste management issue, however they can be repurposed as renewable construction resources. The aim is to quantify the environmental impacts of an experimental palm midribs roof design versus a traditional reinforced concrete roof. by using One Click LCA software to model the two design scenarios and analyze key sustainability indicators including carbon emissions. By comparing the LCA results, the study benchmarks the global warming potential and identifies opportunities to promote …

Opportunities And Challenges For Achieving Sustainable Architectural Education In Egypt, In Light Of Universal Design Approach., مي عيد خليل أحمد م/ هناء شعبان حسن Jul 2024

Opportunities And Challenges For Achieving Sustainable Architectural Education In Egypt, In Light Of Universal Design Approach., مي عيد خليل أحمد م/ هناء شعبان حسن

Journal of Engineering Research

الملخص يعتبر التعليم الجامعي هو المفتاح لتغيير الثقافة المهنية في مجالات التصميم، لذا يقع على عاتق المؤسسات التعليمية مسؤولية التعليم والتثقيف للطلاب الجامعيين، حيث يقدم التعليم المعماري حلولاً مجدية للقضايا الدولية الملحة من خلال تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة والتي صاغتها الأمم المتحدة، يمكن التغلب على هذه القضايا من خلال تطبيق مفهوم التصميم العالمي (الشامل) UD والذي يسعي لتبسيط الحياه علي الجميع وتحقيق الوصول والاستخدام اليسير للجميع بغض النظر عن القدرات البدنية والأعمار.

The Role Of Interior Architecture In Developing Sustainable Educational Building Spaces And Its Impact On Users In University Institutions, زينب ناجي¹ ريم الحداد Jul 2024

The Role Of Interior Architecture In Developing Sustainable Educational Building Spaces And Its Impact On Users In University Institutions, زينب ناجي¹ ريم الحداد

Journal of Engineering Research

يهدف البحث الى تسليط الضوء على أهمية الاستدامة في التصميم وما تحققه من جوانب ايجابية على الفرد والمجتمع، حيث أن أبنية العمارة المستدامة هي التي يتم تصميمها وإنشاءها بطرق ومواد البناء المحلية والتي لا تؤثر سلبيا على البيئة وصحة المستعملين والقائمين بالبناء وتحافظ على حقوق الأجيال القادمة، وتتناول الأبنية المستدامة العديد من الإعتبارات ومنها إستعمالات الأراضي والتأثير على الموقع والبيئة المحيطة وإستنزاف الطاقة والمياه. و يصبح المبنى الذي يبنى على أساس العمارة المستدامة مفيد لأنه يعتمد على تحسين كفاءة الطاقة المستخدمة وبالتالي توفير المال، والحد من التلوث بزيادة نقاء الهواء الذي يوفر لمستخدمي المبنى بيئة صحية سليمة بالإضافة الى المحافظة …

The Impact Of Digital Twin On Real Estate Marketing, نوران عاطف محمد غانم Eng, مروة أحمد قمر الدولة أ.د أحمد عبد الوهاب أحمد رزق Jul 2024

The Impact Of Digital Twin On Real Estate Marketing, نوران عاطف محمد غانم Eng, مروة أحمد قمر الدولة أ.د أحمد عبد الوهاب أحمد رزق

Journal of Engineering Research

يتناول هذا البحث أولا الدراسات النظرية الأكثر حداثة التي تناولت تقنية التوأمة الرقمية وعلاقتها بالعقارات وتسويقها ونشأتها ومفهومها ومكوناتها، ثم انتقلنا الي الدراسات المخصصة لاستخداماتها في قطاع العقارات وأهميتها، ومن بعد تناولنا استخدامتها في التسويق العقاري بصفة خاصة من حيث المشاريع والبرامج. ومن ثم وضحنا أهمية تقنية التوأمة وتأثيرها علي التسويق العقاري من حيث العملاء والشركات والأسواق، وبعد ذلك تناولنا تطبيق للتسويق العقاري باستخدام تقنية التوأمة الرقمية علي التخطيط العمراني وكيفية تأثيره علي تسويق المشروع. ومن خلال القيام بدراسة استبيان لقياس أهمية تأثير تقنية التوأمة الرقمية علي أراء العملاء وتفضيلاتهم في اتخاذ القرارات واختيارهم للشركات حين ذاك، وربط تقنية التوأمة …

Challenges Of New And Renewable Energy In The Face Of Climate Change: An Introduction To Evaluating The Egyptian Experience, نهي أحمد عبد المنعم السيد, شاهيناز محمد علي طايع Dr, Nevine Gado Dr. Jul 2024

Challenges Of New And Renewable Energy In The Face Of Climate Change: An Introduction To Evaluating The Egyptian Experience, نهي أحمد عبد المنعم السيد, شاهيناز محمد علي طايع Dr, Nevine Gado Dr.

Journal of Engineering Research

أصبحت التغيرات المناخية وما يترتب عليها من المخاطر البيئية قضية من القضايا الحيوية والتي عقدت لها عدة مؤتمرات دولية مثل مؤتمر المناخ العالمي COP 27 والذي استضافته مصر في عام 2023 لوضع الحلول لتلك الأزمة. ومن أجل ذلك أصبح مردود الطاقة الجديدة والمتجددة احدى اليات وادوات التعامل مع هذه القضية الحيوية كبديل مستدام وصديق للبيئة.

Sensory Garden Preferences For Autism Spectrum: Insights From Psychologists And Urban Designers, Maram Adel Ebaid Jul 2024

Sensory Garden Preferences For Autism Spectrum: Insights From Psychologists And Urban Designers, Maram Adel Ebaid

Journal of Engineering Research

Sensory gardens are outdoor environment that stimulate the senses and promote well-being for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In Egypt, there is an absence of gardens, compounded by a limited understanding of the design principles aligned with the needs of people with ASD. The research explores sensory garden features and the specific challenges faced by people with ASD. To bridge this gap, the methodology depends on qualitative approach through interviews with psychology and urban design experts. The results highlight the correlation between prevalent strategies among people with ASD and the elements of sensory gardens, considering both soft and hard …

Incorporation Of Bim Techniques In The Architectural Engineering Curriculum, Ahmed Ahmed M. Saleh, Sherif S. Abdalla Jul 2024

Incorporation Of Bim Techniques In The Architectural Engineering Curriculum, Ahmed Ahmed M. Saleh, Sherif S. Abdalla

Journal of Engineering Research

In this era, the age of the digital revolution, Egyptian engineering universities and academies compete by integrating new technologies such as building information modeling (BIM) inside the educational curriculum. The research aims to examine and integrate BIM techniques within the course specifications in Egyptian universities and academies, majoring in architectural engineering pathing through the four levels of credit hours system so that, teaching the BIM courses is not limited to one or two only. Furthermore, the current situation of BIM maturity levels, dimensions, and tools implementation in some architecture universities and academies curriculum will be determined and monitored. As a …

Operating Efficiency In Accommodation Units And Its Impact On The Design Of Comprehensive Single Patient Rooms In Hospitals, نهال نبيل محمد مصطفي ، احمد هلال محمد محمد ، نادي مصطفي عبد الكريم Jul 2024

Operating Efficiency In Accommodation Units And Its Impact On The Design Of Comprehensive Single Patient Rooms In Hospitals, نهال نبيل محمد مصطفي ، احمد هلال محمد محمد ، نادي مصطفي عبد الكريم

Journal of Engineering Research

هناك الكثير من التحديات التشغيلية والتنظيمية التي تواجهها المجموعات المهنية المختلفة داخل وحدات الإقامة في المستشفيات بسبب عدم كفاية معايير التصميم الموضوعة بالاحتياجات المطلوبة خاصة بغرف المرضي، ومن اهم التحديات التي يواجهها الاطباء وفرق التمريض والفنيين وغيرهم. القدرة السلسة على دخول غرفة المريض والتفاعل مع عناصر الغرفة بشكل واضح دون حدوث تصادمات او احتكاكات، كذلك القدرة علي القيام بالأعمال التحضيرية المتعلقة بالأنشطة التمريضية المطلوبة داخل غرف المرضي وتشمل كافة الأنشطة التي يقوم بها الشخص المهني سواء اكان طبيب ام تمريض ام فني منذ لحظة دخوله غرفة المريض وحتي اداءه المهمة المطلوبة. ويجب ان تتم هذه المهام بشكل مريح وباستجابة سريعة …

Inactivation Of Bacterial And Viral Indicators In The Secondary Effluent Of Al-Khober Wastewater Treatment Plant With Ozone, Uv-Radiation And Electrochemical Process: A Comparative Study, Muhammad Saleem Dr. Jul 2024

Inactivation Of Bacterial And Viral Indicators In The Secondary Effluent Of Al-Khober Wastewater Treatment Plant With Ozone, Uv-Radiation And Electrochemical Process: A Comparative Study, Muhammad Saleem Dr.

Journal of Engineering Research

Increased use of available water resources necessitates the reuse of treated wastewater at least for irrigation purposes. Generally, pathogenic microorganisms are present in treated wastewater; these pathogens are responsible for spread of many infectious diseases. Disinfection stands out as the pivotal stage in the treatment of effluents during wastewater reuse, crucial for averting the transmission of infectious diseases However, disinfection of wastewater with chlorine may form toxic by-products, a number of which are mutagenic and/or carcinogenic. The aim of present study was to examine the possibility of using three processes, namely; ozonation, UV-radiation, and electrochemical process for disinfection of secondary …

Performance And Enhancement Evaluation Of A Solar Still By Using Spraying Technology, Mahmoud Mohamed Dewedar, Yasser A. F. El-Samadony, Alsayed Alsaeed Mohamed, Ahmed Ibrahim Abdo Jul 2024

Performance And Enhancement Evaluation Of A Solar Still By Using Spraying Technology, Mahmoud Mohamed Dewedar, Yasser A. F. El-Samadony, Alsayed Alsaeed Mohamed, Ahmed Ibrahim Abdo

Journal of Engineering Research

The current experimental investigation uses the water spraying approach to increase the productivity and efficiency of pyramid solar still. The design, construction, and testing of a traditional and modified small-scale pyramid solar still were conducted under identical meteorological conditions as in Tanta City, Egypt (30° 47' N, 31°E). One of the modifications is that heated sheet metal will occasionally be sprayed with salted water. We looked into how the modified solar still's (MPSS) performance characteristics were affected by solar radiation, water depth, and sheet metal-specified temperature. Measurements were made of the saline water temperature, glass temperature, spraying flow rate, and …

Securing Body Area Networks With Fingerprint Cryptography And Authentication In Manet, Alaa M. Elbanaa, Roayat Ismail Abdelfatah, Mohamed E. Nasr Jul 2024

Securing Body Area Networks With Fingerprint Cryptography And Authentication In Manet, Alaa M. Elbanaa, Roayat Ismail Abdelfatah, Mohamed E. Nasr

Journal of Engineering Research

Standard MANETs face issues like incorrect transmission and vulnerability to unauthorized node access, posing significant security concerns, especially regarding authentication procedures. To address these challenges, researchers are exploring innovative approaches to enhance authentication mechanisms within MANETs. In this paper, we present a novel solution integrating a Body Area Network (BAN) scheme to capture biomedical data from sensors such as ECG and EEG, facilitating data transmission across MANETs. Furthermore, we employ a hybrid Elgamal algorithm for encrypting biomedical data, bolstered by fingerprint biometrics to fortify the cryptographic process, enhancing network security. Additionally, we conduct comparative analyses, exploring different key sizes and …

"Blockchain-Enhanced Electronic Health Records: A Secure And Immutable Approach To Ehr Management", Mostafa Abdelwahed Eltabakh, Mohamed E. Nasr, Emad Abd-Elrahman, Roayat Ismail Abdelfatah Jul 2024

"Blockchain-Enhanced Electronic Health Records: A Secure And Immutable Approach To Ehr Management", Mostafa Abdelwahed Eltabakh, Mohamed E. Nasr, Emad Abd-Elrahman, Roayat Ismail Abdelfatah

Journal of Engineering Research

Traditional Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems face security risks, data misuse, and audit trail concerns. This paper proposes leveraging blockchain technology to improve EHRs, emphasizing Blockchain's potential to enhance data security, accessibility, and privacy through its encrypted and interconnected data block system, thereby addressing the core challenges of conventional EHR practices. This paper introduces a blockchain-based framework designed to consolidate and secure patient data within a singular record owned by the patient. Developed on the Ethereum network utilizing Ganache, this system employs programming languages and tools such as Solidity and web3.js. It leverages the blockchain platform for storing patient data …

A Technical Survey On The Impact Of Exhaust Gas Recirculation And Multifuel Blends On Diesel Engine Performance And Emission Characteristics, Medhat Elkelawy Prof. Dr, Eng., Hagar Alm-Eldin Bastawissi Prof. Dr. Eng., E. A. El Shenawy Prof. Dr., Mustafa Mohamed Ouda Eng. Jul 2024

A Technical Survey On The Impact Of Exhaust Gas Recirculation And Multifuel Blends On Diesel Engine Performance And Emission Characteristics, Medhat Elkelawy Prof. Dr, Eng., Hagar Alm-Eldin Bastawissi Prof. Dr. Eng., E. A. El Shenawy Prof. Dr., Mustafa Mohamed Ouda Eng.

Journal of Engineering Research

The increasing demand for fossil fuels poses significant challenges as their reserves gradually deplete over time. Biodiesel is considered one of the most effective alternative fuels to mitigate these issues. Current research focuses on comparing engine performance parameters when blending biodiesel with fossil fuels in Compression Ignition (C.I.) engines. The study demonstrates a comparison of the exhaust emissions produced by biodiesel fuel. In comparison to diesel, biodiesel generally exhibits lower heating value, higher density, increased fuel consumption, and elevated nitrogen oxide levels. To address these challenges, various additives are mixed and blended with biodiesel to meet international fuel standards. These …

Heat And Mass Transfer Characteristics During Vacuum Drying Of Wood, Mohamed Salah Elmetwaly, Lotfy Hassan Rabie Saker, Mohamed Sameh Salem Jul 2024

Heat And Mass Transfer Characteristics During Vacuum Drying Of Wood, Mohamed Salah Elmetwaly, Lotfy Hassan Rabie Saker, Mohamed Sameh Salem

Journal of Engineering Research

The properties affecting the characteristics of heat and mass transfer during vacuum drying of wood are studied in this paper. The experimental work is carried out in 0.0365 m3 test rig vacuum dryer. The drying chamber dimensions are 0.5 m long and 0.305 m diameter carbon steel cylinder. This drying chamber is internally coated with epoxy paint, also this chamber is detachable closing caps at both ends meaning welded at one end and bolted at the other end to facilitate loading and unloading of the specimen. Two stainless steel heat exchanger plates with dimensions 0.3 m length, 0.15 m …

Prediction Of Noise From A Construction Site, Amira Mostafa Ibrahim Miss, Nashwa Mohamed Yossef Prof, Adel Ibrahim Eldosouky Emeritus Professor Jul 2024

Prediction Of Noise From A Construction Site, Amira Mostafa Ibrahim Miss, Nashwa Mohamed Yossef Prof, Adel Ibrahim Eldosouky Emeritus Professor

Journal of Engineering Research

Construction activities significantly contribute to environmental noise pollution, affecting workers' health and the surrounding community, posing significant challenges to human well-being and productivity. This paper presents a prediction method and a modelling technique used to assess construction site noise. Various factors influencing noise generation and propagation, such as equipment types, operational conditions, site characteristics, and environmental factors, are discussed. This paper explores the application of Monte Carlo technique as an effective method for predicting construction site noise and planning noise mitigation strategies.

Numerical Investigation Of Liquefaction Mitigation In-Sandy Soils Under Earthquake Loading Using Vertical Gravel Drains., Marawan M. Shahien M. Shahein, Ahmed Nasr, Baher Mohamed Abd El Fattah Jul 2024

Numerical Investigation Of Liquefaction Mitigation In-Sandy Soils Under Earthquake Loading Using Vertical Gravel Drains., Marawan M. Shahien M. Shahein, Ahmed Nasr, Baher Mohamed Abd El Fattah

Journal of Engineering Research

Liquefaction is one of the most dramatic defects of granular soil. This phenomenon is mostly observed when loose sand is subjected to a dynamic load or earthquake. In this study, the liquefaction that affected the loose soil evaluated, and some recommendations are introduced. (2-D) Numerical analysis using Plaxis (8.2) was conducted to simulate the behavior of the loose soil under dynamic loads. The studied model was carried out on multi-layers soil supported by stone columns subjected to dynamic loads. It was found that stone columns enhanced the soil behavior and reduced the damage that occurred. Liquefaction of the loose soil …

Chemical Kinetic Investigation: Exploring The Impact Of Various Concentrations Of Hho Gas With A 40% Biodiesel/Diesel Blend On Hcci Combustion, Mai H. Aboubakr, Medhat Elkelawy Prof. Dr, Eng., Hagar Alm-Eldin Bastawissi, Ayman Refat Abd Elbar Jul 2024

Chemical Kinetic Investigation: Exploring The Impact Of Various Concentrations Of Hho Gas With A 40% Biodiesel/Diesel Blend On Hcci Combustion, Mai H. Aboubakr, Medhat Elkelawy Prof. Dr, Eng., Hagar Alm-Eldin Bastawissi, Ayman Refat Abd Elbar

Journal of Engineering Research

This study uses the Chemkin software program to evaluate the effect of different quantities of oxyhydrogen gas [HHO] added to 40% biodiesel and diesel mix [B40], including B40, B40+5HHO, B40+10HHO, and B40+15HHO, on the HCCI combustion process's efficiency. The information collected includes cylinder pressure, cylinder temperature, accumulated gas phase heat release, heat loss rate, UHC, and mole fractions of O2, CO, CO2, diesel [NC7H16], biodiesel [C5H10O2], and oxyhydrogen [H2O]. The finding is that, when compared to a blend of biodiesel and diesel, using oxyhydrogen in the biodiesel/diesel mix boosts the properties of the HCCI engine.

Exploring The Influence Of Various Factors, Including Initial Temperatures, Equivalence Ratios, And Different Biodiesel/Diesel Blend Ratios, On Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (Hcci) Combustion, Mai H. Aboubakr, Medhat Elkelawy Prof. Dr, Eng., Hagar Alm-Eldin Bastawissi, Ayman Refat Abd Elbar Jul 2024

Exploring The Influence Of Various Factors, Including Initial Temperatures, Equivalence Ratios, And Different Biodiesel/Diesel Blend Ratios, On Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (Hcci) Combustion, Mai H. Aboubakr, Medhat Elkelawy Prof. Dr, Eng., Hagar Alm-Eldin Bastawissi, Ayman Refat Abd Elbar

Journal of Engineering Research

This paper discusses the impact of three study cases that change with different values: the first case is four initial temperature values [313, 323, 333, and 343 K], the second case is three equivalence ratios [0.2, 0.3, and 0.4], and the third case uses various concentrations of biodiesel and diesel mixes [D100, B20, B40, B60, B80, and B100]. The purpose is to use the Chemkin software program to determine the effectiveness of each case in the HCCI combustion process. The results included cylinder pressure, cylinder temperature, accumulated gas phase heat release, heat loss rate, UHC, and mole fractions of O …

Survey And Analysis Of Safety Components And Costs In Construction Projects In Egypt, Emad E. Etman Prof., Haytham Sanad Prof., Asmaa Ibrahim Khater Jul 2024

Survey And Analysis Of Safety Components And Costs In Construction Projects In Egypt, Emad E. Etman Prof., Haytham Sanad Prof., Asmaa Ibrahim Khater

Journal of Engineering Research

The difficulty of determining the factors that achieve safety on Egyptian construction sites as a result of multiple and different criteria and different relative weights of the criteria represents a challenge to achieve safety and a secure environment on construction sites. This issue has been of interest for many decades and continues to be a topic of discussion today because of construction project management is rapidly modernizing. The paper aims to identify the safety standards most commonly used on construction sites, and determine their relative weights as seen by the target audience and also estimate the cost of safety measures …

Multi-Classification Model For Brain Tumor Early Prediction Based On Deep Learning Techniques, Abdelrahman T. Elgohr, Mohamed S. Elhadidy, Mahmoud Elazab Dr, Raneem Ahmed Hegazii, Moataz M. El Sherbiny Jul 2024

Multi-Classification Model For Brain Tumor Early Prediction Based On Deep Learning Techniques, Abdelrahman T. Elgohr, Mohamed S. Elhadidy, Mahmoud Elazab Dr, Raneem Ahmed Hegazii, Moataz M. El Sherbiny

Journal of Engineering Research

Brain tumor early prediction is a critical task in medical imaging, as early detection and classification of tumors can significantly improve patient outcomes and treatment planning. In this study, we propose multi-classification models based on deep learning techniques for early prediction of brain tumors using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. Specifically, we investigate the effectiveness of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in the You Only Look Once (YOLO) approach for an accurate classification of brain tumors into multiple classes based on their morphological characteristics. The proposed model is designed to extract spatial features from MRI images, capturing local patterns and structures …

Enhancing Decision In Information System Through Weighted Preliminary Pretopology Analysis, Mustafa Elsayed, Rifet Agassi Jul 2024

Enhancing Decision In Information System Through Weighted Preliminary Pretopology Analysis, Mustafa Elsayed, Rifet Agassi

Journal of Engineering Research

It is clear from adequate study of the past decades that there has been rapid growth in the information system, which relies mainly on programming systems. This has led to the necessity of dealing with high efficiency with the information system necessary for decision support. Information systems are a mixture of software and hardware to store and process all the data required and are presented in a useful form to extract information by applying topological concepts. In this paper a pretopological space from an information system is to be constructed. The computation of decision accuracy stands as a pivotal stage …

تحسين كفاءه التوازن الحرارى لمستخدمى الفراغات السكنيه, Alamera Kamal Elden Elfeky, Elamira Elfeky, Walaa Ahmed Nour, Lobna Abdallah Agha Jul 2024

تحسين كفاءه التوازن الحرارى لمستخدمى الفراغات السكنيه, Alamera Kamal Elden Elfeky, Elamira Elfeky, Walaa Ahmed Nour, Lobna Abdallah Agha

Journal of Engineering Research

human belonging to nature Considered innate, and known as Biophilie, it has direct and strong relation with human heath and his welfare which affected by quality of internal environment where we Live and work as we spend most of our time in this environment. Biophelic design Aim to improve heath and welfare of human. natural. and reconnect him with his natural environment beside achieving the aesthetic aspect of his place.

in our present time, gap appeared in relation between human and environment as a result of modern design solution, as it has negative effect on human heath and safety, to …

L-2-Hydroxyglutaric Aciduria In Two Palestinian Siblings With A Novel Mutation In The L2hgdh Gene, Imad Dweikat, Bassam Abu Libdeh, Iman Abu-Libdeh, Motee Ashhab, Haneen Zitawi Jul 2024

L-2-Hydroxyglutaric Aciduria In Two Palestinian Siblings With A Novel Mutation In The L2hgdh Gene, Imad Dweikat, Bassam Abu Libdeh, Iman Abu-Libdeh, Motee Ashhab, Haneen Zitawi

Journal of the Arab American University مجلة الجامعة العربية الامريكية للبحوث

L-2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria is a rare autosomal recessive neurometabolic disorder caused by deficiency of L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase. This enzyme catalyses the conversion of L-2-hydroxyglutarate to alpha-ketoglutarate and its deficiency causes accumulation of L-2-hydroxyglutarate which is s toxic to the brain leading to the leukoencephalopathy.

The researchers reported a novel mutation in the L2HGDH gene in two siblings with L-2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria and described clinical phenotype. The symptoms were presented with developmental delay, cerebellar ataxia, tremor and speech regression. Urine organic acid analysis revealed massive excretion of 2-Hydroxyglutaric acid. Brain magnetic resonance imaging showed the characteristic leukodystrophy involving the subcortical cerebral white matter and …

Boredom And Its Relationship With Experiential Avoidance Styles As Perceived By The Students Of Al-Quds Open University, Zuhair El-Nawajah Jul 2024

Boredom And Its Relationship With Experiential Avoidance Styles As Perceived By The Students Of Al-Quds Open University, Zuhair El-Nawajah

Journal of the Arab American University مجلة الجامعة العربية الامريكية للبحوث

The study aimed to identify the levels and correlation between boredom and experiential avoidance styles, and examine the differences in the experiential avoidance styles in terms of gender. The study sample consisted of (124) males and females from Al-Quds open university. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used two instruments: the boredom scale prepared by (Fahlman,2013) and the experiential avoidance styles scale (Gámez, et al, 2011). The study concluded that the total degree of boredom was moderate. Stress aversion, distress tolerance, evasive behavior and distraction were high, while procrastination and denial were moderate. There was also a …

Towards Environmentally Sustainable Preservation Of Heritage Buildings, Rozal Rozal Yousef Hanna1, Ayman Gamal El-Din Abd El- Tawab2, Walaa Abou El- Haggag Mehanna3 Jul 2024

Towards Environmentally Sustainable Preservation Of Heritage Buildings, Rozal Rozal Yousef Hanna1, Ayman Gamal El-Din Abd El- Tawab2, Walaa Abou El- Haggag Mehanna3

Journal of Engineering Research

The construction industry, characterized by its intricate processes and extensive stakeholder networks, stands at the cusp of a digital revolution. The adoption of blockchain-smart contract (BCSC) technology is at the heart of this transformation. This research delves deep into the BCSC within the construction arena to provide comprehensive insight into its probable applications, inherent challenges, and potential future trajectories. Leveraging the PRISMA analysis technique, a curated collection of relevant academic research articles was assembled, shedding light on the existing body of knowledge regarding the application of BCSC technology in construction. The authors developed an innovative user interface tool customized to …