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Full-Text Articles in Education

Internalisasi Nilai Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Pada Tradisi Pesta Laut Blanakan Dalam Rangka Pengembangan Ideal Democratic Citizen, Lili Halimah, Anisah Anisah Dec 2018

Internalisasi Nilai Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Pada Tradisi Pesta Laut Blanakan Dalam Rangka Pengembangan Ideal Democratic Citizen, Lili Halimah, Anisah Anisah

Jurnal Civics: Media Kajian Kewarganegaraan

Pendidikan memiliki peranan yang penting dalam kehidupan manusia, dan diharapkan dapat menciptakan manusia yang berkualitas. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan memiliki tiga kompetensi yang dapat membentuk "the ideal democratic citizen" yakni kompetensi civic knowledge, civic skills, dan civic disposition. Pembelajaran PPKn mengaitkan antara teori dengan praktek nyata di lapangan, dan berhubungan dengan nilai-nilai budaya yang beragam dan majemuk. Faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai budaya lokal dalam melestarikan kebudayaan melalui upacara adat pesta laut Blanakan Kabupaten Subang Jawa Barat yang dilakukan setahun sekali guna menghormati leluhurmya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian (a) Masyarakat nelayan memunculkan civic knowledge yang diarahkan oleh para tokoh, sehingga …

Peran Karang Taruna Dalam Mewujudkan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Pemuda Sebagai Gerakan Warga Negara, Febri Fajar Pratama, Rahmat Rahmat Dec 2018

Peran Karang Taruna Dalam Mewujudkan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Pemuda Sebagai Gerakan Warga Negara, Febri Fajar Pratama, Rahmat Rahmat

Jurnal Civics: Media Kajian Kewarganegaraan

Generasi muda merupakan aset bangsa, namun banyak dari pemuda yang saat ini kurang memiliki rasa tanggung jawab sosial dalam dirinya. Selain melalui pendidikan, rasa tanggung jawab pemuda dapat diwujudkan melalui organisasi, salah satunya adalah Karang Taruna sebagai organisasi sosial berbasis kepemudaan yang memiliki peran penting dalam mewujudkan tanggung jawab sosial pemuda. Dalam konteks Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Karang Taruna dapat ditinjau sebagai gerakan warga negara yang termasuk kedalam domain sosial kultural yang menekankan pada konsep praksis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap peran dari Karang Taruna Nagasari dalam mewujudkan tanggung jawab sosial pemuda di Desa Sindanglaya dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data …

Front Matter, The Editors Dec 2018

Front Matter, The Editors

Jurnal Civics: Media Kajian Kewarganegaraan

No abstract provided.

Pengaruh Pendekatan Latihan Dan Koordinasi Mata Tangan Terhadap Ketepatan Shooting Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Basket, Desi Adityo Hermawan, Hari Amirullah Rachman Dec 2018

Pengaruh Pendekatan Latihan Dan Koordinasi Mata Tangan Terhadap Ketepatan Shooting Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Basket, Desi Adityo Hermawan, Hari Amirullah Rachman

Jurnal Keolahragaan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui pengaruh antara pendekatan latihan teknis dan taktis dengan ketepatan shooting; (2) mengetahui pengaruh antara kemampuan motorik koordinasi mata dan tangan terhadap ketepatan shooting; (3) mengetahui interaksi pengaruh antara pendekatan latihan dan koordinasi mata dan tangan dengan ketepatan shooting. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan rancangan 2x2. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu siswa SMP Negeri 1 Sumpiuh dan siswa SMP Negeri 2 Sumpiuh yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bola basket. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive random sampling dengan total responden sebanyak 20 orang. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan tes pengukuran. Analisis data menggunakan ANOVA …

Implementasi Pendidikan Jasmani Dalam International Primary Curriculum, Kristanto Adi Nugroho, Agus Kristiyanto, Muchsin Doewes Dec 2018

Implementasi Pendidikan Jasmani Dalam International Primary Curriculum, Kristanto Adi Nugroho, Agus Kristiyanto, Muchsin Doewes

Jurnal Keolahragaan

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui keterkaitan dan implementasi pendidikan jasmani dalam International Primary Curriculum (IPC) sebagai salah satu kurikulum internasional. IPC adalah kurikulum yang komprehensif, tematik, dinamis dan berwawasan global. Pelaksanaan kurikulum terstruktur dan terencana memungkinkan siswa untuk beradaptasi dengan tantangan global di masa mendatang. Metode penelitian adalah metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian, pelaksanaan pendidikan jasmani di IPC telah ditentukan oleh sekolah melalui data dengan pemutakhiran terbaru. Tema yang dipilih kemudian disesuaikan dengan tujuan sekolah, budaya lokal, kebutuhan siswa. Kesimpulannya adalah IPC sangat dinamis sehingga dapat diselaraskan untuk mencapai tujuan sekolah yang ingin dicapai dengan menyesuaikan budaya budaya lokal, …

Model Senam Lansia Untuk Kebugaran Jasmani Dan Fungsi Otak, Edo Fralian Putra, Suharjana Suharjana Dec 2018

Model Senam Lansia Untuk Kebugaran Jasmani Dan Fungsi Otak, Edo Fralian Putra, Suharjana Suharjana

Jurnal Keolahragaan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah senam lansia untuk kebugaran jasmani dan fungsi otak. Metode penelitian ini mengacu pada penelitian Borg & Gall dengan tahapan: studi pendahuluan, analisis desain draf awal, validasi ahli, uji coba produk, evaluasi, dan revisi. Subjek uji coba skala kecil 15 orang, subjek uji coba penelitian skala besar 57 orang, dan subjek uji efektifitas produk 12 orang. Penilaian para ahli dan instruktur menggunakan kuisioner. Pengukuran kebugaran jasmani lansia menggunakan tes uji jalan 6 menit, sedangkan untuk mengukur fungsi kognitif lansia menggunakan tes The Montreal Cognitif Assesment Indonesia (MoCA-Ina). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, model senam lansia valid, …

Modul Tutorial Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pencak Silat Untuk Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan, Guntur Eko Saputro, Yulingga Nanda Hanief, Reo Prasetiyo Herpandika, Deny Pradana Saputro Dec 2018

Modul Tutorial Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pencak Silat Untuk Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan, Guntur Eko Saputro, Yulingga Nanda Hanief, Reo Prasetiyo Herpandika, Deny Pradana Saputro

Jurnal Keolahragaan

Penelitian bertujuan untuk menghasilkan modul tutorial pembelajaran pencak silat yang dapat digunakan guru SMK dalam mata pelajaran Penjasorkes. Penelitian ini melalui 9 tahapan dengan mengadaptasi penelitian dan pengembangan pendidikan model Sugiyono. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMK 1 Ngunut Kabupaten Tulungagung. Instrumen berupa kuesioner. Hasil penelitian berupa modul tutorial pembelajaran pencak silat yang terdiri dari: (1) teknik dasar pukulan; (2) teknik dasar tendangan; dan (3) sikap pencak silat. Model disusun dalam bentuk buku panduan dengan judul "Modul Pembelajaran Pencak Silat untuk kelas XI SMA dan SMK". Berdasarkan penilaian para ahli materi, ahli media dan guru, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan modul tutorial …

Employment Prospects Of International Students In The U.S. And Canada: Socio-Political Implications For Colleges And Universities, Taiwo O. Soetan, David Hoa K. Nguyen Dec 2018

Employment Prospects Of International Students In The U.S. And Canada: Socio-Political Implications For Colleges And Universities, Taiwo O. Soetan, David Hoa K. Nguyen

Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education

While the increase of the international student population has been a significant issue on a global scale, it is rarely discussed in the context of two border countries in North America – the U.S. and Canada. In addition, attention to skilled migration as a policy preference has increased among governments in an effort to address labor market gaps arising from economic shifts and structural aging. Governments invent a list of desirable characteristics in international students, such as education, age, language, and work experience, that allows them to be able to apply for employment after graduation. Countries like Canada and Australia …

English Language Learners And Special Education, Adam Sempek Dec 2018

English Language Learners And Special Education, Adam Sempek

Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education

Language acquisition is not a cut and dried process, nor is the evaluation of English Language Learners. There are many factors that go into, and must be understood and considered by educators when it comes to working with English Language Learners and deciding if evaluation is appropriate, and if so, which evaluations and evaluation methods are appropriate to gather the most valid, representative data on the student. Being open-minded, understanding, and empathetic towards not just the process of language acquisition, but the individual student’s journey is a laudable beginning.

Exploring Solidarity In Teacher Learning And Activism For Social Justice, Rebecca Rogers, Luzkarime Calle Díaz Dec 2018

Exploring Solidarity In Teacher Learning And Activism For Social Justice, Rebecca Rogers, Luzkarime Calle Díaz

Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education

Teaching and organizing for social justice can be an alienating experience in the current educational climate. Being a part of a network of educators can help create community, support, and solidarity. Solidarity is a socio-political topic that has been understudied and, we argue, holds great potential for understanding the transformative power of educators organizing for social justice. In this paper, we draw on examples of educators’ narratives of solidarity who contributed to a social justice event organized by a grassroots educators' organization. Through the narratives of a community organizer, a classroom educator, and a community based arts educator, we highlight …

Ell Students: Literacy Development And Language Development, Heidi T. Penke Dec 2018

Ell Students: Literacy Development And Language Development, Heidi T. Penke

Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education

The article is about the history of ELL students and the challenges they are faced in an educational setting. Also literacy development is discussed as educators need to be aware of the importance of literacy development. The article also discusses language development and language acquisition for an ELL student.

In Defense Of Public Schools: A Toolkit From The Midwest, Ferial Pearson, Ann Hunter-Pirtle Dec 2018

In Defense Of Public Schools: A Toolkit From The Midwest, Ferial Pearson, Ann Hunter-Pirtle

Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education

One of the defining features of public schools is that they operate at the will of the people, with public oversight from elected school boards. In addition to being free and open to all, free from religious affiliation, and promoting civic understanding and participation, much of what makes public schools public happens through the democratic process. We have noticed that many teachers are so overworked and overwhelmed - rightly focused on their own classrooms and their own students’ day to day struggles - that it’s not easy for them to engage and advocate for themselves and their students in the …

Building Visible Allies For Safe And Supportive Environments: Systemic Implementation Of The Out For Safe Schools Campaign, James Marshall, Rachel Miller Dec 2018

Building Visible Allies For Safe And Supportive Environments: Systemic Implementation Of The Out For Safe Schools Campaign, James Marshall, Rachel Miller

Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education

Contemporary data illustrate a greater risk in school environments for students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, or queer (LGBTQ). Verbal or physical harassment, and feeling generally unsafe in school, can lead to higher absence rates and lower levels of academic performance for these youth, when compared to their heterosexual peers. School districts across the country are responding to this challenge. This article profiles an implementation of the OUT for Safe Schools Campaign which is designed to provide visible adult allies for LGBTQ students throughout a school district. It highlights the systemic nature of both the OUT for Sale …

Toward Diversity In Texts: Using Global Literature To Cultivate Critical Perspectives, Rick Marlatt Dec 2018

Toward Diversity In Texts: Using Global Literature To Cultivate Critical Perspectives, Rick Marlatt

Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education

Abstract Literature study in the 21st Century should be characterized by the inclusion of global texts that afford diverse students the opportunity to engage in their literacy development through and alongside authors, characters, and storylines that represent their own linguistic and cultural traditions. In this narrative analysis, I reflect on the importance of equity-driven literature study from my perspective as a teacher educator at a Hispanic-Serving Institution in the Southwestern United States. Following an introduction to the political and institutional contexts surrounding text selection in schools and a brief review of the literature, I situate myself and my students as …

School Readiness At The Nexus Between Poverty And Education: The Insights Of Two Jamaican Teachers, Zoyah Kinkead-Clark Dec 2018

School Readiness At The Nexus Between Poverty And Education: The Insights Of Two Jamaican Teachers, Zoyah Kinkead-Clark

Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education

In this article, the role of poverty as a barrier to children’s readiness for school is discussed. Using two Jamaican early childhood teachers to illuminate the findings, this piece sought to gain insight into teachers’ perspectives about supporting children, who come from impoverished circumstances, to be ready for primary school. Thematic analysis of the transcribed interviews revealed two dominant themes; Better preparation to meet children’s developmental needs Unrealistic expectations- curriculum expectations perpetuate knowledge gap These findings draw attention to some of the challenges teachers face in meeting the needs of children who live in poverty. These challenges have implications for …

Examining Culturally Responsive Understandings Within An Undergraduate Teacher Education Program, Kelly M. Gomez Johnson, Anne E. Karabon, Derrick A. Nero Dec 2018

Examining Culturally Responsive Understandings Within An Undergraduate Teacher Education Program, Kelly M. Gomez Johnson, Anne E. Karabon, Derrick A. Nero

Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education

This article examines how a group of elementary and secondary preservice teachers engaged in understanding “culture” and culturally responsive teaching while enrolled in an early program course. We analyze how culturally-related experiences, emotions, and perspectives contribute to the overall understanding of cultural competency training in teacher education. Preservice teachers varied in their use of individual- and structural-orientations, in isolation and in combination, as they developed and progressed as socially just teachers. These findings reveal that despite attempts to develop and shift toward asset-based perspectives, far more culturally embedded coursework and practicum experiences are necessary. This paper includes a reflection on …

What Is Your Social Justice Iq: Leading Social Justice In Higher Education, Janice M. Garnett, Germaine W. Huber Dec 2018

What Is Your Social Justice Iq: Leading Social Justice In Higher Education, Janice M. Garnett, Germaine W. Huber

Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education

This article describes an experience originating in the College of Education to explore a process for the college’s social justice efforts to lead and guide administration, faculty, and staff in their day-to-day decision-making. This educational process examined in the article was introduced through the College of Education’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee to engage administration, faculty, and staff in using their various perspectives focused on social justice to help them shift the college's current paradigm from understanding to action. The authors incorporated a conceptual framework as the foundation to develop the collaborative process to engage education professionals in gaining a greater …

The Missing Links: Enhancing Anti-Bias Education With Anti-Racist Education, Kerry-Ann Escayg Dec 2018

The Missing Links: Enhancing Anti-Bias Education With Anti-Racist Education, Kerry-Ann Escayg

Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education

Social justice in early childhood has generally been conceptualized to include the anti-bias curriculum, and to a lesser extent, anti-racist education. Over the years, however, scholars have highlighted the many areas in which anti-bias education falls short both pedagogically and conceptually. In keeping with such discussion, this paper highlights significant gaps of anti-bias education by engaging central premises of anti-racist education. By centering a critical race and anti-racist perspective, the paper further provides practical suggestions on how to align early childhood classroom practices with anti-racist principles.

Theorizing Social Justice: Funds Of Knowledge As Praxis, Heidi R. Bacon, Lavern Byfield Dec 2018

Theorizing Social Justice: Funds Of Knowledge As Praxis, Heidi R. Bacon, Lavern Byfield

Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education

The current socio-political landscape and proliferation of hate speak is fueling a growing sense of urgency to redress educational inequities and reclaim education. In this reflective article, we discuss our experiences as teacher educators in the rural Midwest who incorporate critical approaches to language and literacy into our repertories of practice. We aim to advance the conversation beyond the notion of social justice in theory to what social justice can look like in praxis. We argue for social justice education grounded in a funds of knowledge approach to untether social justice from overly broad or narrow representations and to locate …

Understanding School And Community Contexts: Leading For Success Along The Texas-Mexico Border, Erin D. Atwood Dec 2018

Understanding School And Community Contexts: Leading For Success Along The Texas-Mexico Border, Erin D. Atwood

Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education

Enacting social justice leadership requires that school leaders understand social, political, and historic contexts of the communities and schools where they lead. This paper examines the McAllen-Edinburg-Mission metropolitan area and highlights some of these issues within this particular community along the Texas-Mexico border. This description of the area provides understanding of the uniqueness of borderlands contexts and allows us to better understand the social justice work of one local school district in leading for success in this context.

Introduction: Exploring Socio-Political Issues In Education, Jeanne Surface Dec 2018

Introduction: Exploring Socio-Political Issues In Education, Jeanne Surface

Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education

No abstract provided.

Seeing Reading In First-Year Composition, Matthew Felumlee Dec 2018

Seeing Reading In First-Year Composition, Matthew Felumlee

Theses and Dissertations

This dissertation focuses on a study of reading-into-writing strategies employed by students in two sections of first-year-composition (FYC) that were paired with a support course as part of an accelerated learning program (ALP) at a community college. Each FYC course was comprised of 11 students whom the college had deemed college-ready without the ALP course, and 11 students who were deemed at remedial levels in reading and / or writing and who were subsequently required to enroll in the ALP course. The study employs grounded theory methodology to identify and consider the many factors that influenced how reading was portrayed, …

A Social Media Policy For Clinical Mental Health Counseling Programs, Rebecca A. Willow, David Tobin, Wei Y. Chong, Angela Jeffery, Danielle Strohmeyer, Nicole Morine Dec 2018

A Social Media Policy For Clinical Mental Health Counseling Programs, Rebecca A. Willow, David Tobin, Wei Y. Chong, Angela Jeffery, Danielle Strohmeyer, Nicole Morine

Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

The American Counseling Association 2014 Ethical Code mandates that counselors who engage in social media communication develop knowledge and skills related to ethical and legal considerations (American Counseling Association, 2014). In response to these expectations, this article introduces a social media policy created by faculty in a Clinical Mental Health Counseling program. An example and review of an implemented social media policy is provided, along with guidelines for a student-led training program. Case examples are provided that illustrate potential dilemmas of student misuse of social media, along with examples of faculty interventions. This article is designed to contribute to the …

The Experiences Of Counselors-In-Training In A School-Based Counseling Practicum, Christopher T. Belser, Naomi J. Wheeler, Samuel L. Bierbrauer, Coralis S. Solomon, Shaywanna Harris, A Elizabeth Crunk, Glenn W. Lambie Dec 2018

The Experiences Of Counselors-In-Training In A School-Based Counseling Practicum, Christopher T. Belser, Naomi J. Wheeler, Samuel L. Bierbrauer, Coralis S. Solomon, Shaywanna Harris, A Elizabeth Crunk, Glenn W. Lambie

Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Counselor education programs often must choose between providing in vivo faculty supervision or a community-based setting. Programs that combine both elements have shown positive preliminary findings related to counselor development; however, the in-depth experiences of students in such programs have not been explored. This phenomenological study examined the lived experiences of counselors-in-training who participated in a school-based counseling practicum with in vivo faculty supervision. Researchers identified six themes, including continuum of support within relationships, operational challenges and concerns, needs and challenges of the community, working with children, expectations and realities, and counselor identity development. Implications for counselor education and research …

School Counselors-In-Training Career Counseling Preparation Assignment, Carleton H. Brown Dec 2018

School Counselors-In-Training Career Counseling Preparation Assignment, Carleton H. Brown

Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Career counseling is an important skill to attain in training to become a school counselor; however, research has shown that school counselors-in-training need more preparation in terms of career counseling. The author describes an optional career counseling assignment added to a 300-hour school-counseling practicum course provided to 14 students in a southern region university school counseling program. Ten students chose to participate in the assignment and provided pre and post feedback of their experience. Student feedback and practical implications are discussed.

Research Mentorship: Implications For The Preparation Of Doctoral Students, Alyse M. Anekstein, Linwood G. Vereen Dec 2018

Research Mentorship: Implications For The Preparation Of Doctoral Students, Alyse M. Anekstein, Linwood G. Vereen

Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Research mentorship is an important aspect of the preparation of doctoral students in counselor education. A review of the literature of research mentorship within counselor education and related disciplines, the ACES definition, and the experiences of doctoral students grounded in the literature are provided. Recommendations for implementing research mentoring relationships are identified as well as implications for future research.

Evaluation Of A Program Designed To Increase Retention In Counselor Education: Reaching Year Two, James D. Jensen, Aida Midgett, Diana M. Doumas Dec 2018

Evaluation Of A Program Designed To Increase Retention In Counselor Education: Reaching Year Two, James D. Jensen, Aida Midgett, Diana M. Doumas

Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Student retention is a key issue in maintaining academic programs’ viability. This study evaluated a program designed to increase retention for first year Masters in Counseling students (N = 44). The program consisted of a series of activities developed to increase social integration with both students and faculty. Results of this study indicated that students in the cohort who participated in the program reported higher retention rates than students in the control cohort. Findings suggest that implementing a program designed to increase social integration may be a promising approach to retaining first year students in Counselor Education (CE) programs.

The Relationship Between Counseling Students’ Theoretical Orientation And Treatment Outcomes, Jessica Holm, Cynthia Bevly, Elizabeth Prosek Dec 2018

The Relationship Between Counseling Students’ Theoretical Orientation And Treatment Outcomes, Jessica Holm, Cynthia Bevly, Elizabeth Prosek

Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

A MANCOVA was conducted to determine differences in client treatment outcomes based on counseling students’ theoretical orientations. Results indicated that at a training clinic, clients demonstrated statistically significant improvement and, students’ theoretical orientation did not significantly affect client outcomes. Pedagogical strategies are suggested for counselor educators and supervisors.

Shaping Supervisory Working Alliance From A Distance, Tawny Chamberlain, Carol Smith Dec 2018

Shaping Supervisory Working Alliance From A Distance, Tawny Chamberlain, Carol Smith

Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

As technology advances, more counselor education programs are implementing options for students to complete clinical experiences at a distance from campus which requires distant supervision. Although distance supervision has the benefit of flexibility, it also has challenges such as building rapport and establishing effective communication. Supervisors would benefit from understanding the influence of delivery method on supervisory working alliance in order to monitor supervisee growth and development.This article explores the influence of supervision delivery method on supervisory working alliance. Recommendations for future research and counselor education supervisory practice are provided.

Setting The Scene Game Preview, Georgia Southern University Dec 2018

Setting The Scene Game Preview, Georgia Southern University

Athletics News

  • Setting the Scene Game Preview