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Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education Commons

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Desafios Constitucionais, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha 2010 Universidade do Porto

Desafios Constitucionais, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha

Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Há tentativas de fazer recuar as Constituições, de as “rever e romper”. Foi um sonho desde sempre acalentado pelos inimigos e falsos amigos das constituições modernas, sociais, democráticas, culturais, humanísticas, mas que hoje encontra terreno mais propício. Porque as forças sociais, as “pedras vivas”, estão mais vulneráveis. E os “Homens Livres” menos unidos e interventivos, pelo menos por agora. E a crise gera o medo, e o medo a vã esperança em mudanças radicais, que seriam afinal para pior. É assim que se vão incubando as ditaduras. Tal ocorre sobretudo nos países que, dominados por crises económicas e financeiras, se …

Universidade: Um Manifesto Pelo Sonho, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha 2010 Universidade do Porto

Universidade: Um Manifesto Pelo Sonho, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha

Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Por muito vilipendiado que seja, e é-o praticamente todos os dias por sociedades que recusam ser educadas e se comprazem na sua má-educação e incultura, além de por políticos impreparados, e mesmo por colegas não solidários, o Professor que o é por vocação está como Lutero: aqui está, aqui fica, não pode fazer de outra maneira. Só este professor por vocação e por sonho ainda faz a Escola valer. Até quando continuará a haver professores destes? E até onde irá a sua inadaptação com as condições em que tem de sobreviver, fazendo um papel que lhe não é reconhecido, tantas …

Concretizar A Constituição, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha 2010 Universidade do Porto

Concretizar A Constituição, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha

Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

O presente artigo pondera observações sobre a Constituição Portuguesa: é ela realmente normativa, ou inefectiva? Impõe-se uma análise das críticas ao statu quo constitucional: dirigem-se elas à Constituição em si ou apenas ao seu deficiente cumprimento? Finalmente, em que medida é que a Constituição, parecendo a alguns impecilho para a resolução da crise, contudo pode ser adjuvante para a sua superação.

Crítica Da Razão Jurídica, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha 2010 Universidade do Porto

Crítica Da Razão Jurídica, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha

Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

A razão jurídica racionalista fez-se abstraccionismo e dogmatismo e tornou-se legalismo. O Direito ficou, em muitos casos, empedernido e injusto. Abrir o Direito aos sentidos e aos sentimentos, na senda, por exemplo, de um Luis Alberto Warat, sendo fascinante e iconoclasta, não é tarefa fácil, se for empresa prudente. Precisamente porque os juristas, mesmo muitos dos mais radicias, se habituaram a certos limites, e mesmo na semiótica dos seus lugares, dos seus modos e vestes reconheceríamos sombras avessas às paixões. As quais podem ser, porém, um vício oposto ao racionalismo. O desafio é reinventar a razão jurídica sem o normativismo …

Não Uma Outra República, A Nossa República, Outra, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha 2010 Universidade do Porto

Não Uma Outra República, A Nossa República, Outra, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha

Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Porque é que as democracias nunca se defendem bem? E como não vêem alguns dos que, generosa ou utopicamente, advogam uma nova república (a que chamam IV, normalmente, contando como tal o salazarismo-caetanismo, que foi uma autocracia, logo não uma república, mesmo uma anti-república), estão objectivamente a levar água ao moinho dessa coisa-outra que pode ter fachada republicana (ou monárquica…), mas só poderia ser, de novo, uma autocracia?

"People Who Look Like Me": Community, Space And Power In A Segregated East Tennessee School, Nicholas Scott Mariner 2010 University of Tennesse - Knoxville

"People Who Look Like Me": Community, Space And Power In A Segregated East Tennessee School, Nicholas Scott Mariner

Doctoral Dissertations

This Cultural Studies dissertation comes from extended research on three East Tennessee school districts as they attempted to integrate after the Supreme Court mandated an end to segregation in the United States. The study focuses on the experiences of former students of Austin High School, the segregated black school on the eastern edge of Knoxville, Tennessee. From looking at their schooling experiences in the context of the area's failed attempts to integrate, I address the myriad ways these participants and white citizens took up the term community to advance or block integration efforts. Community, I argue from this research, is …

Effects Of Comprehensive Education On Elementary School Student Performance On Standardized Exams, Kenneth Vaughn Higbee 2010 University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Effects Of Comprehensive Education On Elementary School Student Performance On Standardized Exams, Kenneth Vaughn Higbee

UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones

The purpose if this study was to compare math and reading Criterion Reference Test (CRT) scores of 3rd and 5th grade students using two distinct educational models: a comprehensive educational curriculum (CEC) model and a No Child Left Behind (NCLB) curricular model. While the CEC curricular model focuses on a combination of core and non-core curriculum, the NCLB curricular model focused on a combination of intense core remediation and the reduction of some non-core curriculum. Students were from two demographically similar frontier Nevada elementary schools. Test scores were compared in 2004 when both schools used identical curricular approaches, and then …

Revisões Constitucionais Inconstitucionais?, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha 2010 Universidade do Porto

Revisões Constitucionais Inconstitucionais?, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha

Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Algumas propostas de revisão constitucional parecem ignorar que tal procedimento está constitucionalizado, e que há regras para o fazer, assim como vários limites a respeitar. Só podem ser consideradas iniciativas de divulgação de ideários políticos porque, se por absurdo fossem por diante, acabariam por constituir revisões constitucionais inconstitucionais. Um dos pontos mais nevráligicos da polémica (não só portuguesa) sobre as mutações constitucionais é o Estado Social. Sobre ele se gerou um amplo consenso na Constituinte, que persiste e até talvez se haja aprofundado na sociedade de hoje. Ele faz intrinsecamente parte do programa da Constituição vigente, pelo que revê-la de …

Visões E Revisões Constitucionais, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha 2010 Universidade do Porto

Visões E Revisões Constitucionais, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha

Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Os tempos actuais são apesar de tudo excelentes para reflectir sobre o vero alcance das normas. E sobretudo das normas generosas da nossa Constituição democrática e social. Não se pense que a Constituição é milagrosa. As crises, como aquela em que nos encontramos, colocam-lhe desafios sérios, e é a força das coisas, dos factos, e não o normativo dos textos, quem impera normalmente.

Institutional Structure And Decision Making In Sudan, Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed 2010 Department of Economics. Al Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan

Institutional Structure And Decision Making In Sudan, Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed

Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed

The study here presented reviews the institutional structure of the Sudanese government. Truly, though it is stigmatized as totalitarian, the structure is phenotypically perfect. Ministry of Ministries council is supposed to cater for analyzing data concerning ministries performance, drawing strategic planning, executing them through ministries and conduct the follow-ups. Department of decision-making was created and packages for data collection and analyses were improvised. However, all these structures seem skeletal as the final decisions structurally seem to be lost between the Presidency Institution and the executive institutions. An introduced flowing chart indicates that the cycle of all decisions end up at …

The International Society And The Sudanese National Disintegration, Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed 2010 Department of Economics. Al Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan

The International Society And The Sudanese National Disintegration, Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed

Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed

The political crisis of Sudan is amplified everyday with the expansion of civil conflict from Darfur to Southern Kordofan state. The inevitable secession of Southern Sudan is threatened by the chronic crisis of Abyei pocket between the north and the south that saw open war between the two opponents; the Sudanese army and Popular Liberation of Sudan. Nevertheless, the Attorney General of the International Criminal Court, Ocambo vocalizes more concerns of humanitarian sufferings and war crimes that he claims to be continuing despite of peaceful negotiations. Such situation seems irrational with the de facto state of war that currently prevails …

The Impact Of Tribal Structure On The Economic Parameters And Conflicts Between North And South Sudan, Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed 2010 Department of Economics. Al Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan

The Impact Of Tribal Structure On The Economic Parameters And Conflicts Between North And South Sudan, Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed

Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed

The crisis of Greater Darfur Region of Sudan extends to other regions as the South Sudan prepares for secession next July 2011. In the past eight years Sudan's crisis in Darfur was amplified by global news media all over the world. Civil conflict erupted, developed into armed rebellions and open uncontrolled war that enveloped the whole region. The current inflamed undecided and unmarked future borders between the south and north are also facing growing tensions. In this current paper we present some information on what we see as the seeds of conflicts with complicated tribal structures in both sides and …

Women Of African Descent: Persistence In Completing A Doctorate, Vannetta L. Bailey-Iddrisu 2010 Florida International University

Women Of African Descent: Persistence In Completing A Doctorate, Vannetta L. Bailey-Iddrisu

FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations

This study examines the educational persistence of women of African descent (WOAD) in pursuit of a doctorate degree at universities in the southeastern United States. WOAD are women of African ancestry born outside the African continent. These women are heirs to an inner dogged determination and spirit to survive despite all odds (Pulliam, 2003, p. 337).This study used Ellis’s (1997) Three Stages for Graduate Student Development as the conceptual framework to examine the persistent strategies used by these women to persist to the completion of their studies.

The History Of Special Education: Lessons From The Past, Implications For The Future, Lucinda S. Spaulding, Deanna L. Keith Dr. 2010 Liberty University

The History Of Special Education: Lessons From The Past, Implications For The Future, Lucinda S. Spaulding, Deanna L. Keith Dr.

Lucinda S. Spaulding

We identify three eras in the history of special education: Early Reform (1800 – 1870), Stagnation and Regression (1870-1950), and Contemporary Reform (1950 – present). Next we examine parallels between eras and consider implications for people with disabilities today, highlighting the importance of the systematic study of historical perspectives in preparation programs for special educators.

Fend For Sudan Unity, Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed 2010 Department of Economics. Al Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan

Fend For Sudan Unity, Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed

Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed

Sudan is unified as a country by many bonds that are also reasons for it disintegration. From the year 2005 where Nivasha Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the North and South parts, to 2011 the efforts of dividing the country were evident. From 2005, many analysts, tried to warn of the coming consequences of the Southern part secession. There were calls for improvements of the current regime's totalitarianism, open the doors for democracy, sharing people in power and decision making and amending human standards and freedom. However, all calls fell on deaf ears. The Darfur crisis accelerated and the regime clutch …

La Autonomía Universitaria: Una Perspectiva Política, Imanol Ordorika 2010 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

La Autonomía Universitaria: Una Perspectiva Política, Imanol Ordorika

Imanol Ordorika

En este artículo se discute la relación entre la autonomía —como forma de interacción entre las universidades y otras instituciones del Estado— con la conceptualización sobre la misma, en particular para el caso de la UNAM y otras universidades mexicanas. Se pone énfasis en la naturaleza política de la autonomía y por ende la necesidad de desarrollar perspectivas de corte político para su análisis y comprensión.

International Trade, Structural Deformations And Hegemony In Islamic And Arabic Countries, Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed, Dr. Mohamed A. Osman 2010 Department of Economics. Al Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan

International Trade, Structural Deformations And Hegemony In Islamic And Arabic Countries, Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed, Dr. Mohamed A. Osman

Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed

Contemporary world economic situation seems gloomy with the shadows of recession in many big economies. There attempts to rectify that situation with domestic restructuring and improvements in social parameters. However, it is imperative that holistic approaches should be reviewed whereas part of them are helping developing economies to improve productivity and expand their exports and imports. The books reviews issues of international trade as presented in theories and de facto applications. Historical backgrounds are analyzed to emphasize their impacts on the present situations. Within the parameters discussed are crusades and ensuing colonization. All these foot prints are still engraved in …

State Institutionalization, Governance And Decision Making In Sudan, Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed 2010 Department of Economics. Al Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan

State Institutionalization, Governance And Decision Making In Sudan, Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed

Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed

The study here presented reviews the institutional structure of the Sudanese government. Truly, though it is stigmatized as totalitarian, the structure is phenotypically perfect. Ministry of Ministries council is supposed to cater for analyzing data concerning ministries performance, drawing strategic planning, executing them through ministries and conduct the follow-ups. Department of decision-making was created and packages for data collection and analyses were improvised. However, all these structures seem skeletal as the final decisions structurally seem to be lost between the Presidency Institution and the executive institutions. An introduced flowing chart indicates that the cycle of all decisions end up at …

Banks' Reserves Restrictions And Macroeconomic Parameters Of Sudanese Economy (2007-2009), Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed 2010 Department of Economics. Al Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan

Banks' Reserves Restrictions And Macroeconomic Parameters Of Sudanese Economy (2007-2009), Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed

Professor Issam A.W. Mohamed

The paper analyzes the impacts of Islamic and conventional Banks reserves' restrictions in Sudan. Comprehensively, those restrictions are necessary for health banks, performance and the viability of the macroeconomic performance in any country. The selected period of the analysis (2007-2009) is vital to study impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on the Sudanese economy. The paper introduces available data on banks institutions, macroeconomic policies and the central Bank of Sudan considering its part on controlling money supply and demand besides drawing policies for banks behaviors. It is conceivable from my conclusions here that there are conflicts between conventional and Islamic …

Palavras Claras, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha 2010 Universidade do Porto

Palavras Claras, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha

Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Cuidemos das palavras. É tão fácil identificar um novo-rico cultural ou um tecnocrata vazio pela linguagem de plástico... Essa linguagem (voltei a ver agora numa releitura de António Telmo, mas já está em Confúcio), molda mesmo a mente. Quem assim fala, assim pensa. É critério infalível.

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