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Metallurgy Commons

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The Effect Of Germanium On The Current Efficiency In The Electrolysis Of Pure Zinc Sulfate Solution, Keith R. Bock May 1953

The Effect Of Germanium On The Current Efficiency In The Electrolysis Of Pure Zinc Sulfate Solution, Keith R. Bock

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

It has long been recognized that electrolytic zinc cells are extremely sensitive to impurities. In fact, cer­tain impurities present in amounts as low as 0.1 mg/1 cause a serious loss of current efficiency. Also, the presence of several impurities in the electrolyte may accelerate the detrimental effect of each impurity.

The Decomposition Of Calcium Tungstate And Synthetic Scheelite With Hydrochloric Acid, Robert R. Beebe May 1953

The Decomposition Of Calcium Tungstate And Synthetic Scheelite With Hydrochloric Acid, Robert R. Beebe

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The decomposition of scheelite with hydrochloric acid was studied under conditions of variable acid concentration, time and temperature. The reactions were traced by weigh­ing material untransformed and, in some cases, by analyzing the transformation products.

Recrystallization Of High Purity Aluminum, Virgil H. Griswold Jr. May 1953

Recrystallization Of High Purity Aluminum, Virgil H. Griswold Jr.

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

If a metal is first cold-worked and then heated to a sufficient temperature for an adequate length of time, the hardening properties due to cold-working disappear, and the metal will return more or less to its original state. Upon examination of the microstructure, we find that new grains have replaced the old grains through what is called recrystallization. The final size of the recrystallized grains depends upon three important variables--the degree of cold-work or deforma­tion, annealing temperature, and annealing time.

The Indium-Mercury Constitutional Diagram, Bert E. Lake May 1953

The Indium-Mercury Constitutional Diagram, Bert E. Lake

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

Whenever metals differ greatly in electropositivity, intermetallic compounds are likely to form in preference to solid solutions. 21ercury and indium show a considerable difference in electropositivity. This would indicate that intermetallic compounds may play an important role in the con­stitutional diagram for the mercury-indium system.

Metal Dust Production, James H. Foreman May 1953

Metal Dust Production, James H. Foreman

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The object of this thesis is to study the production of metal dust by direct application of a mechanical force to a stream of molten metal.

A Study Of The Effects Of The Chloride Ion On The Lead-Silver Anodes And On The Lead Tenor Of The Zinc Deposit In Zinc Electrolysis, William A. Mitchell May 1953

A Study Of The Effects Of The Chloride Ion On The Lead-Silver Anodes And On The Lead Tenor Of The Zinc Deposit In Zinc Electrolysis, William A. Mitchell

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The electrolyte used in the commercial production of electrolytic zinc from zinc sulphate solutions contains small amounts of impurities each of which has its own effects upon the process. Impurities such as antimony, cobalt, nickel, and iron tend to lower the current efficiency while other impurities such as chlorine, fluorine, and nitrates tend to increase the corrosion of the lead anodes and thereby increase the lead tenor of the zinc deposit.

The Precipitation Of Calcium Tungstate From Sodium Tungstate Solution, Martin E. Messner May 1953

The Precipitation Of Calcium Tungstate From Sodium Tungstate Solution, Martin E. Messner

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

In view of the great need for tungsten in the present industrial world it is necessary that all known tungsten sourves be utilized to the greatest possible extent. Scheelite ores promise to be an increasingly important source of tungsten, inasmuch as the discovery of vast new deposits has been made and known deposits of high grade ores have practically been depleted.

The Effect Of Manganese On The Age Hardening Of Aluminum-Copper Alloys, Keith P. Burgess May 1953

The Effect Of Manganese On The Age Hardening Of Aluminum-Copper Alloys, Keith P. Burgess

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

It is known that age-hardening occurs in alloys of the solid solution type containing a hardening constituent, of a metal or metallic compound which is more soluble in the solvent phase at higher tempertures than at lower temperatures.

A Study Of The Beneficiation Of Low-Grade Domestic Chromite, Darrell Edward Bodie May 1953

A Study Of The Beneficiation Of Low-Grade Domestic Chromite, Darrell Edward Bodie

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

Chromite, a strategic mineral, is being consumed in ever increasing quantities in the United States today. Although the United States imports practically all of the chromite that is being consumed, it is gradually becoming necessary to exploit the low-grade deposits that are located within the United States, and also the low-grade deposits of Canada.

The Benefication Of A Low-Grade, Montana Scheelite Ore, Walter G. Parker May 1953

The Benefication Of A Low-Grade, Montana Scheelite Ore, Walter G. Parker

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The increasing importance of tungsten as an industrial metal and the recent discoveries of extensive deposits of low-grade tungsten ores in Montana led to the investigation which is reported in this paper. The purpose of this investigation was to determine if a saleable concentrate could be obtained from one of these low-grade, Montana scheelite ores.

A Petrographic Analysis Of The Basal Member Of The Kootenai Formation, Frank E. Coupal May 1953

A Petrographic Analysis Of The Basal Member Of The Kootenai Formation, Frank E. Coupal

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The basal member of the Kootenai formation in south­western Montana is typically a fine to medium-grained "salt and pepper" sandstone and chert-pebble conglomerate. The section between Delpine, Montana, and Melrose, Montana, generally thickens and markedly coarsens to the West.

Oil Shales In Montana, Richard N. Miller Feb 1953

Oil Shales In Montana, Richard N. Miller

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

Montana has long been known to have very large resources of coal and oil, and undetermined amounts of oil shale. The reserves of coal and oil have been proven, in part, and have been produced commercially, but not much is known about the extent and apparent value of the oil shales. Under present .conditions, and according to standards set by the United States Bureau of Mines, the shales are not of commercial value. They are, however, a potentially valuable mineral resource, and portions of them will possibly be utilized, although not in the near future.

The Mechanical Production Of Zinc Dust, Charles A. Schroer May 1952

The Mechanical Production Of Zinc Dust, Charles A. Schroer

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The object of this thesis is to produce zinc dust suitable for zinc leach purification, by direct application of a mechanical force on a stream of molten zinc.The project is a continuation of work done by Mr. D. S. Gleason, while working for his Master of Science degree in the spring of 1952.

The Sedimentary Petrography Of The Oil And Gas Producing Horizons In Montana, Patrick J. Donahue May 1952

The Sedimentary Petrography Of The Oil And Gas Producing Horizons In Montana, Patrick J. Donahue

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

Montana is an excellent oil province, as oil and gas are pro­duced from a wider range of beds in the geologic section than in any other district in the United States. (1,864) Commercial fields have been developed in Ordovician, Devonian, Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, and Upper Cretaceous. It is believed that by describing the physical characteristics of the producing horizons, and by placing this information in one compact volume, a better under­standing of oil and gas occurrence in Montana may be gained.

The Accessory Minerals Of Some Granitic Rocks Of The Boulder Batholith, Robert T. Donahue May 1952

The Accessory Minerals Of Some Granitic Rocks Of The Boulder Batholith, Robert T. Donahue

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

Although the position of the Boulder batholith in space and time is well known, the modes of occurrence of various rock types and the inter-relationships between the petrographic types are not known in detail.

Flotation Of Huebnerite, Henry Albright May 1952

Flotation Of Huebnerite, Henry Albright

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The development of suitable beneficiation processes for treating domestic low-grade tungsten ores is a problem now facing the mineral industry. While we are now consuming more tungsten than normally because of the defense program, we are no longer able to import ores from the world's principal source, China. The problem then, is to increase our domestic production so as to ac­quire a greater degree of self-sufficiency.

Geological Problems At Kerr Dam Lake County, Montana, Roger C. Rice May 1952

Geological Problems At Kerr Dam Lake County, Montana, Roger C. Rice

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

With an increased demand for power in Montana and sur­rounding territory, there is a need for existing power installations to produce more hydro-electric power. Kerr Dam, Lake County, Montana has been one of the dams selected for added output.The existing dam and power house installation with its two hydro-electric was finished in 1938, and has been producing power ever since.

The Construction Of An X-Ray Camera, Emil Bazarnicki May 1952

The Construction Of An X-Ray Camera, Emil Bazarnicki

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The major portion of the construction of the X-ray camera was performed in the machine shop of Montana School of Mines. However, some machine work had to be accomplished in the Butte High Machine Shop, as well as in the machine shop of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company.

Protective Refractory Coatings On Titanium Metal, Eugene F. Gibbs May 1952

Protective Refractory Coatings On Titanium Metal, Eugene F. Gibbs

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The problem undertaken in this thesis concerns the development of a newer phase of metallurgy, namely the adaption of the strong, lightweight metal titanium to high-temperature uses. The primary objective of the investigation is to determine wheth­er the application of refractory coatings to titanium will pro­tect the metal from chemical reactions and corrosion at high temperatures.

The Birdie Mine Tungsten Deposit Butte Mining District, Silverbow County, Montana, Bernard A. Fahm May 1952

The Birdie Mine Tungsten Deposit Butte Mining District, Silverbow County, Montana, Bernard A. Fahm

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The importance of tungsten has encouraged the search for minerals of this metal, and consequently new deposits have been discovered, and known deposits have been re-examined. Western Montana has rather widespread deposits if low-grade types are also considered. Many deposits were known long ago, but abandoned because the use of tungsten was still in its beginning stage and therefore little attention was given to this type of mineral.

Variation Of Induction And Hysteresis Curves For The Heusler Alloy, Cu2mna1, Ford W. Knight May 1952

Variation Of Induction And Hysteresis Curves For The Heusler Alloy, Cu2mna1, Ford W. Knight

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The purpose of this investigation is to determine the fundamental magnetic characteristics of induction and hysteresis, for the alloy Cu2MnAl. This is a ternary, ferromagnetic Heusler alloy. The problem is not only to determine these characteristics for the alloy as-cast but to heat treat it and observe the manner in which different heat treat­ments affect these two fundamental magnetic characteristics.

The Mechanical Production Of Zinc Dust, Robert F. Payne May 1952

The Mechanical Production Of Zinc Dust, Robert F. Payne

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

It was the purpose of this investigation to delve further into the possibility of producing, by mechanical means, a zinc dust which might be suitable for the puri­fication of zinc leach solution.

The Effect Of Ferric Iron Upon The Current Efficiency And The Deposition Of Copper In The Electrowinning Of Copper From Copper Sulphate Solutions, James L. Owings May 1952

The Effect Of Ferric Iron Upon The Current Efficiency And The Deposition Of Copper In The Electrowinning Of Copper From Copper Sulphate Solutions, James L. Owings

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

In the hydrometallurgy of copper, probably the most widely used method for the precipitation of copper is by electrolysis using insoluble anodes. The process is similar in many respects to the electrolytic refining of copper; one of the main differences is the use of insoluble anodes in electrowinning as compared to the use of impure copper anodes in electrorefining. Impurities, however, are common to both processes. The nature of these impurities differ and the problem of purifying the electrolyte is also different.

The Immersion Coating Of Indium Upon Magnesium From Sulphate Solutions Containing Flourides, John J. Harrington May 1952

The Immersion Coating Of Indium Upon Magnesium From Sulphate Solutions Containing Flourides, John J. Harrington

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The thesis problem that will be discussed in this report is an investiga­tion of a method of plating a coating of indium upon magnesium and magnesium alloys. The method used to accomplish the final results is the immersion pro­cess. It can be defined as the process of coating a metal with a second metal by immersing the first in a solution containing ions of the second.

The Occurrence Of Molybdenite In The United States, Alaska, Canada, And Newfoundland, Richard W. Brummett May 1952

The Occurrence Of Molybdenite In The United States, Alaska, Canada, And Newfoundland, Richard W. Brummett

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

In this study of molybdenite and its occurrence, the pub­lished literature on 66 separate deposits was reviewed, sum­marized, and coordinated. The following descriptions are in­tended to point out the important features of molybdenite oc­currences as described in the literature.

Electrowinning Of Zinc By Mercury Cathode, Tor O. Notevarp May 1952

Electrowinning Of Zinc By Mercury Cathode, Tor O. Notevarp

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The problem was the investigation of electrowinning of zinc by using a mercury cathode, employing a neutral solution of zinc sulphate and containing small amounts of zinc, in the order of ten grams zinc per liter and less. The purpose of this study was on the base of the laboratory experiments to investigate the operational data that might possibly be applied in practice or industry.

The Metallography Of Aluminum Casting Alloys, Donald D. Goehler May 1952

The Metallography Of Aluminum Casting Alloys, Donald D. Goehler

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The purpose of this thesis is to supply the Montana School of Mines with an up to date source of information concerning the metallography of aluminum casting alloys. This thesis is designed as a continuing project. Ultimately, it is hoped that a catalog containing all the typical structures of aluminum casting alloys will develop.

An Investigation Of The Hardening Properties Of Some Alpha Copper Indium Alloys, Charles W. Mcpherson May 1952

An Investigation Of The Hardening Properties Of Some Alpha Copper Indium Alloys, Charles W. Mcpherson

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

Precipitation hardening alloys has assumed a major role in modern day development of alloys. In his search for stronger, harder materials, the metallurgist has often been limited by the cost of metals which posses the needed properties.

Electroplating Of Chromium, Nickel And Copper Upon Titanium, Stanley O. Fong May 1952

Electroplating Of Chromium, Nickel And Copper Upon Titanium, Stanley O. Fong

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

Recently, there has been a great amount of research work done on the metal titanium. Since it is a light weight metal, with unusual strength and good resistance to corrosion, it may be a possible substitute for aluminum and magnesium alloys, or steel.

The Effect Of Iron Upon The Electrowinning Of Copper With An Amalgam Electrode, John A. Alexander May 1952

The Effect Of Iron Upon The Electrowinning Of Copper With An Amalgam Electrode, John A. Alexander

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

Current commercial use of the mercury cathode cell is limited to two types of electrolytic sodium cells-­the Castner cell and the Sorenson cell. Mercury as a cathode medium has also found application in polarographic analysis, a method of a simultaneous quantitative and qualitative analysis of several metal components of solution.