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Arts and Humanities Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®


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Articles 2221 - 2250 of 201460

Full-Text Articles in Arts and Humanities

Unmasking The Resistance: A Comprehensive Study Of Anti-Ku Klux Klan Endeavors In Upcountry South Carolina During The Reconstruction Era, Jacob Spencer Moule Jan 2024

Unmasking The Resistance: A Comprehensive Study Of Anti-Ku Klux Klan Endeavors In Upcountry South Carolina During The Reconstruction Era, Jacob Spencer Moule

Masters Theses

To many in 1865, the American Civil War ended in McLean’s Parlor when Robert E Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Ulysses S Grant. In reality, however, the American Civil War continued to rage on in the American South, especially in South Carolina, till 1876 when Federal Troops were withdrawn from the South. The South, like most defeated nations, accepted that it had lost the conventional war with the North and with it independence but refused to accept the results of this fighting; primarily the introduction of free-labor principles, equal rights, and voting rights for freedmen. The South …

Harbingers Of A New Age: Irish And Scots Irish Indian Fighters On The Colonial American Frontier, Christina A. Neely Jan 2024

Harbingers Of A New Age: Irish And Scots Irish Indian Fighters On The Colonial American Frontier, Christina A. Neely

Doctoral Dissertations and Projects

Through the examination of various points of Irish and Scots Irish settlement in the New World, a previously underrepresented portion of American history emerges to tell the story of a hearty and industrious people who literally went out into the wilderness and settled their own communities. Through their hard work and enterprising nature, they were able to not only survive in the face of extreme adversity on the frontier, but they preserved their culture for generations and contributed to the cultural, political, military, religious, and environmental influences that shaped the New World and the American nation. Their martial prowess and …

Knapp, Obadiah Mead, 1841-1921 (Sc 3707), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives Jan 2024

Knapp, Obadiah Mead, 1841-1921 (Sc 3707), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives

Manuscript Collection Finding Aids

Finding aid and typescripts (Click on "Additional Files" below) for Manuscripts Small Collection 3707. Letters of Connecticut native Obadiah M. Knapp, written during his U.S. Army Civil War service. A steward at the Army’s General Hospital in Bowling Green, Kentucky, he writes of conflict between the hospital surgeon, with whom Knapp wishes to advance his medical studies, and a commanding officer. He also describes the welcome arrival of a chaplain, local prejudices against Northerners and abolitionists, the threat of guerrillas, and the development of hospital facilities in Bowling Green to treat both whites and African Americans. The original letters are …

Sarah Simmons Gibson Jan 2024

Sarah Simmons Gibson

African American Funeral Programs, Willow Hill Heritage & Renaissance Center, Bulloch County, Georgia

The death notice for Sarah Simmons Gibson does not indicate the year she died in, but does it does note that she was 83.

Lanthorn, Vol. 58, No. 10, January 8, 2024, Grand Valley State University Jan 2024

Lanthorn, Vol. 58, No. 10, January 8, 2024, Grand Valley State University

Volume 58, August 7, 2023 - April 15, 2024

Lanthorn is Grand Valley State's student newspaper, published from 1968 to the present. Issue 9 is currently missing from our collection.

The Origin Of Arabic Words In The Ancient Egyptian Language, Deena Alesaily Jan 2024

The Origin Of Arabic Words In The Ancient Egyptian Language, Deena Alesaily

Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists

أصل الكلمات العربية من اللغة المصرية القديمة [Ar]

يھدف المقال الحالي إلى إجراء دراسة تحلیلیة بناءً على البيانات التي تم جمعها في هذا البحث من اللغة العربية الفصحى، تم تفسير كلمات لغاتها لهذه الدراسة التي نشأت من أصل المصرية القديمة. إلقاء نظرة عميقة على مختلف جوانب الحضارة المصرية القديمة والعديد من جوانب حياتنا المعاصرة يؤكد لنا أن هناك استمرارية بين الماضي والحاضر في العديد من تقاليدنا التي ورثناها، وكذلك بعض المعتقدات الدينية. سيظهر الموروث من أسلافنا بشكل أوضح في لغتنا العربية، مثل أسماء بعض مدننا وقرانا، وبعض المفردات العربية الفصحى المستخدمة في الحياة اليومية. في سياق الاهتمام بإحياء …

Reviving The Ancient Egyptian Festivals As An Authentic Tourism Product, Azza Saad, Mona Taha Hussein, Emad Eddin Abu Elenain Jan 2024

Reviving The Ancient Egyptian Festivals As An Authentic Tourism Product, Azza Saad, Mona Taha Hussein, Emad Eddin Abu Elenain

Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists

إحياء المهرجانات المصرية القديمة كمنتج سياحي أصيل [Ar]

تعد المهرجانات من المكونات الأساسية لصناعة السياحة نظرا لأهميتها في الترويج للمقصد السياحي وتعزيز صورته، وأصبحت الأصالة من العناصر الرئيسية التي تؤثر بشكل مباشر على التصنيف العالمي للمنطقة المزارة. و بالرغم من تزايد اعداد الباحتين والدراسين لمفهوم الأصالة في السياحة إلا أن تجربة المهرجانات القديمة لم يتم التطرق إليها. استنادا على تلك الفجوة البحثية، تهدف الدراسة إلى إلقاء الضوء علي الأصالة المتحققة من المهرجانات المصرية القديمة عن طريق دراسة نوعية لتحديد كيفية توظيف تلك الأحداث كوسيلة لترويج السياحة في مصر. وجدير بالذكر أن المهرجانات كانت معروفة في مصر منذ العصور القديمة بل …

The Conservation Of Tutankhamun’S Leather Scale Armour, Safwat Mohamed, Rasha Metawi Metawi, Ahmed Alshoky, Hussein Kamal Jan 2024

The Conservation Of Tutankhamun’S Leather Scale Armour, Safwat Mohamed, Rasha Metawi Metawi, Ahmed Alshoky, Hussein Kamal

Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists

تحديد وكشف لطرق صناعة درع توت عنخ آمون ذو القشور الجلدية بمساعدة عمليات الترميم [Ar]

يتناول هذا البحث ويكشف عن تقنيات صناعة الدرع الجلدي ذو القشور الخاص بتوت عنخ آمون. كان هذا الدرع في حالة حرجة وخضع للعديد من إجراءات الترميم. وقد عانى هذا الدرع من بعض مظاهر التلف الخطيرة مثل: التحطم الى أجزاء، حيث عثر على العديد من القشور الجلديه مبعثرة في صندوق ومنفصلة عن الحامل الكتاني للدرع. مما جعل الحدود الخارجية لهذا الدرع مبهمة وغير مفهومة. لذلك كان الدرع في أمس الحاجة للتدخل بالترميم وإعادة البناء. تم اجراء بعض عمليات التوثيق قبل البدء بإجراءات الترميم. تم تطبيق …

New Insights On Mummification Techniques During Ancient Egypt's Middle Kingdom Period (2055-1782 Bc) Using Non-Destructive Ct-Scanning Of The Mummy Of Lady Amanit, Priestess Of Hathor, Ibrahim Badr, Linda Sutherland, Angela Tooley, Maarten Praet Jan 2024

New Insights On Mummification Techniques During Ancient Egypt's Middle Kingdom Period (2055-1782 Bc) Using Non-Destructive Ct-Scanning Of The Mummy Of Lady Amanit, Priestess Of Hathor, Ibrahim Badr, Linda Sutherland, Angela Tooley, Maarten Praet

Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists

رؤى جديدة لتقنيات التحنيط فى عصرالدولة الوسطى في مصر القديمة (2055-1782 ق.م.) ياستخدام التصوير بالاشعة المقطعيىة للمومياء السيدة أمانيت، كاهنة حتحور. في القرن التاسع عشر وأوائل القرن العشرين كانت طرق فحص ودراسة المومياوات المصرية ، تعتمد على الفحص البصري والطرق غير العلمية المدمرة. ومع تقدم التكنولوجيا في القرن الحادي والعشرين، ظهرت طرق فحص علمية غير تدميرية مثل الفحص بالأشعة المقطعية. CT وتهدف الدراسة إلى إعادة فحص المومياوات وإعادة قراءتها بناءً على أدلة علمية واضحة، ودراسة مدى الارتباط بين الفحص البصري بالفحص بالأشعة المقطعية CT. حيث تم تقسيم جسم المومياء إلى مناطق مختلفة لتتبع التغيرات المورفولوجية بعد التحنيط، حيث كشف الفحص …

Study And Publication Of A Collection Of Chinese Metal Artifacts With Islamic Scripts Preserved In The Beijing Niujie Mosque, Hamada Hagras Jan 2024

Study And Publication Of A Collection Of Chinese Metal Artifacts With Islamic Scripts Preserved In The Beijing Niujie Mosque, Hamada Hagras

Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists

دراسة ونشر مجموعة من التحف المعدنية الصينية ذات الكتابات الإسلامية محفوظة في مسجد نيوجيه ببكين [Ar]
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى نشر وفحص ودراسة مجموعة لم تنشر من قبل لأربعة من التحف المعدنية الصينية ذات الكتابات الإسلامية والمحفوظة في مسجد نيوجيه، أقدم مسجد في بكين. تعود هذه الأواني إلى عصر أسرتي مينغ (1368-1644م) وتشينغ (1644-1912م) الحاكمة للصين، مؤرخة بخراطيش كتابية تحمل أسماء كل من الإمبراطور شواندا (1425-1435م) والامبراطور جياتشينغ (1796-1820 م) والامبراطور كانغشي (1661-1722) والامبراطور تشيان لونغ (1735-1796). تحاول هذه الدراسة شرح الأساليب الفنية والمواد الخام الخاصة بالمجموعة، وكذلك الزخارف التي اتسمت بالثراء والتنوع، كما تسعى الدراسة إلى استكشاف تاريخ المسلين …

The Rhyton Vessel Of Persian And Greek Origins In The Light Of Petosiris Tomb In Tuna El-Gebel (Comparative And Analytical Study), Tony Taleb Abd El Salam Jan 2024

The Rhyton Vessel Of Persian And Greek Origins In The Light Of Petosiris Tomb In Tuna El-Gebel (Comparative And Analytical Study), Tony Taleb Abd El Salam

Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists

أواني الريتون ما بين الفارسي واليوناني من خلال مقبرة بيتوزيريس بتونا الجبل دراسة تحليلية مقارنة [Ar]

يعد إناء الريتون من الأواني الهامة التي اسُتخدمت في الاحتفالات والطقوس الدينية كأواني لشرب الماء أو الخمر، ويرجع ظهورها إلي الربع الأخير من القرن الرابع قبل الميلاد في بلاد اليونان، حيث يذكر المؤرخ هيرودوت، بأن اليونانيين عثروا عقب الحروب الفارسية علي كثير من مقتنيات المعسكر الفارسي والتي كانت من بينها أواني الريتون. وتنقسم أواني الريتون من حيث الشكل إلي ثلاثة أنواع، النوع الأول: يتمثل في إناء الريتون المنحني ويكون فيه الإناء ذو قاعدة تُمثل الجزء السفلي من الإناء يعلوها رأس الحيوان التي تُمثل الجزء …

The Inscribed Lintel Of Seshemnefer Discovered Recently At Saqqara, Saleh Soleiman Jan 2024

The Inscribed Lintel Of Seshemnefer Discovered Recently At Saqqara, Saleh Soleiman

Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists

العتب المنقوش الخاص بـ سشم نفر المكتشف حديثاً بسقارة [Ar]
يهدف البحث لدراسة عتب منحوت من الحجر الجيري ومكتشف حديثاً بجبانة جسر المدير، غرب هرم ونيس بوسط سقارة، حيث تم وصف العتب وترجمة نصه، بالوصف والترجمة تعليق يرتبط باسم المتوفى ولقبه وصيغة القربان حتب دي نسوت وصيغة برت خرو، كما تم استعراض الاسم الشخصي للمتوفى من حيث النطق والمعني وتاريخ ومكان ظهوره، ودراسة لقب المتوفى من حيث تأريخ ومكان ظهوره واستمراريته، مع أضافة التعليق على نعوت أنوبيس الأربعة الواردة على العتب، وسُجل الشكل الجديد على هذا العتب لكتابة اسم المتوفى، سشم نفر، مع استعراض بداية ظهور صيغة برت خرو نت، …

Publishing A Variety Of Inscribed Stone Blocks From The Discoveries Of Heliopolis In The Arab Al-Hīṣn Antiquities Store In Al-Mataria, Mahmoud Hamed Elhosary Jan 2024

Publishing A Variety Of Inscribed Stone Blocks From The Discoveries Of Heliopolis In The Arab Al-Hīṣn Antiquities Store In Al-Mataria, Mahmoud Hamed Elhosary

Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists

نشر مجموعة متنوعة من الكتل الحجرية المنقوشة من اكتشافات عين شمس بمخزن آثار عرب الحصن بالمطرية [Ar]

يتناول هذا البحث دراسة ونشر مجموعة متنوعة من الكتل الحجرية مستطيلة الشكل والمكتشفة أثناء أعمال الحفائر بمنطقة آثار المطرية وعين شمس، وهى محفوظة حالياً بمخزن آثار عرب الحصن بالمطرية، وهذه الكتل عبارة عن بقايا عناصر معمارية هامة تعود لفترات زمنية مختلفة، وترجع أهمية هذه التحف الحجرية أنها أجزاء من مبانٍ أثرية تم هدمهما في العصور القديمة، وبدراسة هذه الكتل التي ظلت منسية لسنوات عديدة بعد اكتشافها، ستعطي لنا صورة أوضح عما كانت عليه هليوبوليس قديماً، ومن الممكن أن يتم ربطها بقطع أثرية أخري …

The Iconography Of Depicting Naked Enemies In Ancient Egypt And Mesopotamia: A Comparative Study, Fawziah Abdulghani Jan 2024

The Iconography Of Depicting Naked Enemies In Ancient Egypt And Mesopotamia: A Comparative Study, Fawziah Abdulghani

Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists

دلالات تصوير الأسرى العراة في مصر القديمة وبلاد العراق القديم [دراسة مقارنة]

[AR] تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى مناقشة دلالات تصوير الأعداء العراة في كل من مصر القديمة والعراق القديم. وتقتصر على تمثيل الأعداء العراة من الرجال فقط دون الأطفال أو النساء. ويكمن السبب في اختيار هذا الموضوع إلى إلقاء المزيد من الضوء على أوجه الشبه والاختلاف بين تمثيل الأسرى العراة، وكذلك المقارنة بين مفهوم تجريدهم من ملابسهم في مناظر كلتا الحضارتين. وقد ناقشت الدراسة أهم هذه التمثيلات واستعرضتها للإجابة على كثير من الأسئلة التي تدور حول هذا الموضوع ، ومنها: ما الحضارة التي ظهر هذا النمط في مناظرها أكثر من …

“And So My Soul Shall Rise”: Enslaved And Free African American Christianity Before Emancipation, Holly J. Lawson Jan 2024

“And So My Soul Shall Rise”: Enslaved And Free African American Christianity Before Emancipation, Holly J. Lawson

Montview Journal of Research & Scholarship

The Christianity of enslaved and free African Americans in the years immediately following the first Great Awakening through the end of the Civil War (roughly 1750-1850) evidences a complex cultural fusion and a complicated theological depth. There were many different aspects of the religious and spiritual practices of these African American Christians, including preaching, baptism, ecstatic spiritual experiences, evangelism, violent and non-violent forms of resistance to slavery, and, possibly the most prevalent of all, music and singing. The hundreds of thousands of African people unwillingly brought to America brought with them their African heritage, but the survival of their African …

The Uss Liberty Incident: Accident Or Intentional Attack, Maximus E. Marlowe Jan 2024

The Uss Liberty Incident: Accident Or Intentional Attack, Maximus E. Marlowe

Montview Journal of Research & Scholarship

When I first heard the story of the USS Liberty I became extremely interested in learning more about the events that transpired and began reading about the incident in my free time. Thus, when I registered for Modern American Military History with Dr. Snead, I was already eager to research this topic.

While my primary fields of study are engulfed in the Colonial American period, I have had a strong interest in American military history since I was a child. This would especially be the case with the U.S. Navy as my father is a retired Naval officer and I …

Galileo And The Church: An Ecological Perspective, Holly J. Lawson Jan 2024

Galileo And The Church: An Ecological Perspective, Holly J. Lawson

Montview Journal of Research & Scholarship

The post-medieval church was surrounded by intense sociocultural factors, including the recent Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation. Although “the Galileo affair,” as it has been dubbed in the years since, is generally presented as a case example of the conflict between science and faith or religion, it is far more complex than these two issues alone. Galileo’s discoveries supporting the Copernican theory entered a complex interplay of factors, eventually leading to a highly pressurized encounter between Galileo and the Inquisition. Galileo’s indictment is a nuanced, poignant example of the rich cultural and contextual factors that drive clashes of religion …

Silent Voices: The Missing Historiography Of Soviet Evangelicalism, Abigail Coker Jan 2024

Silent Voices: The Missing Historiography Of Soviet Evangelicalism, Abigail Coker

Montview Journal of Research & Scholarship

The historiography of Soviet evangelicalism has suffered from both lack of attention and lack of detail-oriented, scholarly research. These failings are not surprising, considering the limitations exerted by the Cold War and the nature of the Soviet system. From the 1920s to the 1990s, the primary limitation to research of Soviet evangelicalism lay in the creation of and access to primary sources. This lack of primary sources, combined with the incautious use of government sources, marks the early works on Soviet religion. Indeed, the problem of sources was not entirely resolved until the 1980s and 1990s, when Gorbachev’s liberalization measures …

Of Sacrament And Safety: How Two 1970s Home Birth Services Magnified The Power And The Limits Of Women's Voices, Kristen S. Burgess Jan 2024

Of Sacrament And Safety: How Two 1970s Home Birth Services Magnified The Power And The Limits Of Women's Voices, Kristen S. Burgess

Montview Journal of Research & Scholarship

Two home birth services faced changes in the early 1970s, resulting in a watershed moment for maternity care and childbirth options throughout the United States. One service began in Summertown, Tennessee, where a counterculture group believed birth was sacramental and home birth was essential to honoring that sacrament. Still, these resourceful pioneers embraced technology for prenatal care and safe birth practices, leading to the establishment of the Farm Midwifery Clinic and contributing directly to the rebirth of midwifery in the United States. Chicago, in contrast, offered home delivery to urban Chicago's racially diverse, low-income population through The Chicago Maternity Center. …

Francis Of Assisi: A Reputation Marred Beyond Recognition, Jackson Gravitt Jan 2024

Francis Of Assisi: A Reputation Marred Beyond Recognition, Jackson Gravitt

Eleutheria: John W. Rawlings School of Divinity Academic Journal

Francis of Assisi believed his mission was to preach the gospel, and his reputation shortly after his death was that of a prolific preacher. However, members of his Order eventually began to present his life differently due to controversies that developed after his death. They began to de-emphasize his preaching ministry to instead focus on his holiness, miracles, or reformed mindedness. In the twentieth century, these works served as the foundation of Francis studies, resulting in scholars neglecting his reputation as a preacher. Francis became caricatured as anti-oracular, most notably by his association with an apocryphal quote: “Preach the gospel …

End Of The Patrol: Analysis Of The Blimp And Its Contributions To The Us Navy, 1941-1962, Spencer M. Benefiel Jan 2024

End Of The Patrol: Analysis Of The Blimp And Its Contributions To The Us Navy, 1941-1962, Spencer M. Benefiel

Channels: Where Disciplines Meet

From 1917 to 1962, the United States Navy was America’s main contributor to the use of lighter-than-air vehicles, from small observational kite-balloons to the massive infamous rigid airships like the ill-fated Shenandoah, Akron, and Macon. Most aviation histories cover the Navy’s rigid airships but ignore the post-rigid era, a period that began after the demise of the Hindenburg. This study serves to examine the Navy’s airship program in the subsequent two time periods: World War II and the post-war era. This study is based upon both qualitative and quantitative sources, most of which come from written …

Questioning Reality: The Progressive Development Of Modern Physics, Joshua Lancman Jan 2024

Questioning Reality: The Progressive Development Of Modern Physics, Joshua Lancman

STEM for Success Showcase

Humanity has a tendency to divide time. The past is distinct from the present which is entirely separate from the future. In supposedly 20-20 vision history is neatly divided into different sections, distinct eras with sharp lines between them. What is present and in the future is always modern. What is past is something else with another name.

Yet time is not divided so neatly. We know this living through it: years and decades blend into one another in a non-uniform progression. To divide human history into separate eras is a necessary simplification, as it helps to ascribe order onto …

Baird, Nancy Disher, B. 1935 (Sc 3706), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives Jan 2024

Baird, Nancy Disher, B. 1935 (Sc 3706), Manuscripts & Folklife Archives

Manuscript Collection Finding Aids

Finding aid only for Manuscripts Small Collection 3706. Notes and typescripted portions of letters, diaries and journals of women who emigrated to South Africa from the United Kingdom, 1819-1892. From collections in South African repositories, including the Cory Library, Grahamstown.

Sam Robinson Jan 2024

Sam Robinson

African American Funeral Programs, Willow Hill Heritage & Renaissance Center, Bulloch County, Georgia

No abstract provided.

Alberta Smith Jan 2024

Alberta Smith

African American Funeral Programs, Willow Hill Heritage & Renaissance Center, Bulloch County, Georgia

No abstract provided.

Charlie Smith Jan 2024

Charlie Smith

African American Funeral Programs, Willow Hill Heritage & Renaissance Center, Bulloch County, Georgia

No abstract provided.

Determining Jury Impartiality In The Malice Green Murder Cases, Marco Cardamone Jan 2024

Determining Jury Impartiality In The Malice Green Murder Cases, Marco Cardamone

Rushton Journal of Undergraduate Humanities Research

Detroit Police Department officers Walter Budzyn and Larry Nevers beat Black resident Malice Green to death in November 1992 and were convicted of second-degree murder, however, their convictions were overturned by appellate courts on the basis that the jury was influenced by outside sources. Race played a critical factor in the trials and public opinion as both officers were White and the judge, juries, and prosecutors were Black. While the evidence of the case suggests a wrongful death, public opinion in Detroit and exposure to media compromised the juries’ impartiality.

Motion Capture For Orature Wintersession 2024 | Syllabus, Melisa Achoko Allela, Movement Lab Jan 2024

Motion Capture For Orature Wintersession 2024 | Syllabus, Melisa Achoko Allela, Movement Lab

Course Materials

This winter session course invites students to explore motion capture through the lens of traditional oral storytelling practices. Students will actively identify the unique and distinguishing features of orature, and leverage their own cultural backgrounds, personal perspectives, and idiosyncrasies to create motion capture data that can be used in crafting an immersive digital retelling of a folktale.

Session 1 | Orature: Setting The Foundation, Melisa Achoko Allela, Movement Lab Jan 2024

Session 1 | Orature: Setting The Foundation, Melisa Achoko Allela, Movement Lab

Course Materials

Presentation for the Motion Capture and Orature course offered during the 2024 Wintersession.

Session 5 | Oral Storytelling Props And Costume, Melisa Achoko Allela, Movement Lab Jan 2024

Session 5 | Oral Storytelling Props And Costume, Melisa Achoko Allela, Movement Lab

Course Materials

Presentation for the Motion Capture and Orature course offered during the 2024 Wintersession.