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Full-Text Articles in Engineering

Human Blood Grup And Rhesus Detection Tool Prototype Design Based On Iot, Trisiani Dewi Hendrawati, Inzaghi Hasanudin Dec 2022

Human Blood Grup And Rhesus Detection Tool Prototype Design Based On Iot, Trisiani Dewi Hendrawati, Inzaghi Hasanudin

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Currently, medical practitioners carry out blood type and rhesus examinations by directly observing the agglutination reaction and depending on the examiner's eye. Meanwhile, the effects of eye fatigue and saturation will cause inaccurate data. Therefore, a detection device was made which aims to display information about reading human blood type and rhesus on a digital display which can also store the data into a database. The ABO and rhesus systems were used in this study. This research was made using a real-time method based on the internet of things (IoT). sending data in real-time using WiFi Module ESP-01 and other …

Design And Development Of Aluminum Frame Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Hexacopter Configuration To Support Heavy Payload, Ulfah Mediaty Arief, Pramudyo Wicaksono, Indah Novi Yarman Dec 2022

Design And Development Of Aluminum Frame Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Hexacopter Configuration To Support Heavy Payload, Ulfah Mediaty Arief, Pramudyo Wicaksono, Indah Novi Yarman

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Previous research has proven that the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can increase the efficiency of human work. However, the design of the usefulness of UAV is considered to be limited. This limitation, for example, is that the UAV's lifting capacity is only capable of lifting 3-5 kilograms of load on average. In addition, the main material of the UAV frame also uses carbon fiber produced by build-up factories abroad, this makes the UAV design less economical. Furthermore, this study discusses the development of the UAV's lifting capacity of 25 kilograms to be able to lift the pesticide liquid …

Realtime Monitoring System Of Solar Panel Performance Based On Internet Of Things Using Blynk Application, Inayatul Inayah, Nur Hayati, Aflah Nurcholis, Achmad Dimyati, Muhammad Ghofinda Prasetia Dec 2022

Realtime Monitoring System Of Solar Panel Performance Based On Internet Of Things Using Blynk Application, Inayatul Inayah, Nur Hayati, Aflah Nurcholis, Achmad Dimyati, Muhammad Ghofinda Prasetia

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Renewable energy is one of the options to meet the increasing energy needs. As a tropical country, Indonesia has great potential for solar energy development. At this time, solar panels have been built in places exposed to direct light. However, monitoring solar panels is still performed manually using a multimeter by operators or field officers, so it cannot be performed in real-time. Real-time tracking is carried out to prevent damage and decreased performance of solar panels. Hence, we designed a real-time solar panel monitoring system based Internet of Things (IoT) using the Blynk application on a smartphone. Based on the …

A New Two Switched-Impedance Network For High Ratio Quasi-Z-Source Inverter, Irham Fadlika, Mega Agustina, Rahmatullah Aji Prabowo, Misbahul Munir, Arif Nur Afandi Dec 2021

A New Two Switched-Impedance Network For High Ratio Quasi-Z-Source Inverter, Irham Fadlika, Mega Agustina, Rahmatullah Aji Prabowo, Misbahul Munir, Arif Nur Afandi

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

The increasing demand and widespread of renewable energy inherently compel the development of power electronics converter as an interface between consumers and the energy source/s. This paper presents a new two switched-impedance networks qZSI converter called High Ratio Two Switched-impedance quasi-Z-Source Inverter (HR2SZ-qZSI). Compared with the previous topology, this proposed HR2SZ-qZSI topology can achieve higher voltage gain with lower shoot-through duty ratio, and a higher boost factor. This paper also discusses comparative analysis between the previous topology and the proposed HR2SZ-qZSI topology. Furthermore, the simulation and experimental data are presented to prove the theoretical analysis of the proposed HR2SZ-qZSI topology. …

Perangkat Penentu Kualitas Beras Ditinjau Dari Kadar Air Dan Berat Butir Menir Berbasis Arduino Uno, Mustofah Mustofah, Pipit Utami Dec 2019

Perangkat Penentu Kualitas Beras Ditinjau Dari Kadar Air Dan Berat Butir Menir Berbasis Arduino Uno, Mustofah Mustofah, Pipit Utami

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Determining the quality of rice is something that must be done to maintain the quality of rice produced by farmers. Quality determinants used for this process can be relied on for rice properly and efficiently. Determination of air content using soil moisture sensor yl-69 and determination of grain weight using a load cell sensor that emits with an Arduino UNO microcontroller as a device controller device. System making method consists of needs, analytic requirements, block diagrams, system design, manufacturing tools, testing tools and tools. The test results show that the determinant of rice quality in terms of good air and …

Analisis Kasus Pencurian Listrik Menggunakan Proses Stochastic Pada Lingkungan Terpasang Smart Metering, Arya Sony Dec 2019

Analisis Kasus Pencurian Listrik Menggunakan Proses Stochastic Pada Lingkungan Terpasang Smart Metering, Arya Sony

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Menggunakan metode deteksi yang presisi pada kasus pencurian listrik merupakan pekerjaan yang mustahil dilakukan. Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya satu variabel yang bernilai ekonomi tinggi yang diperlukan agar perhitungan mungkin untuk dilakukan, yaitu variabel jarak penghantar. Dengan memasukkan proses stokastik ke dalam persamaan deteksi pencurian listrik akan banyak mengurangi pekerjaan PLN dalam mengimplementasikan Sistem Smart Metering. Smart Metering adalah Perangkat IoT yang dapat merekam jumlah konsumsi listrik pelanggan yang terpasang pada masing-masing meteran listrik pelanggan PLN. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan proses stochastik tidak mengurangi akurasi Sistem Smart Metering dan hanya menunjukkan kesalahan rata-rata 1,19E-07%. Penemuan ini sangat …

Studi Komparasi Simulasi Sistem Kendali Pid Pada Matlab, Gnu Octave, Scilab Dan Spyder, Ardy Seto Priambodo Dec 2019

Studi Komparasi Simulasi Sistem Kendali Pid Pada Matlab, Gnu Octave, Scilab Dan Spyder, Ardy Seto Priambodo

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Dalam penelitian ini perbandingan antara perangkat lunak MATLAB, GNU Octave, Scilab dan Spyder akan diamati. Proses yang menjadi obyek dalam penelitian ini adalah sistem kendali PID yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan plant yang berupa model motor DC. Fungsi alih dari motor DC merupakan model dari motor DC yang diturunkan dari hukum newton ke-2 dan hukum kirchoff tegangan. Simulasi dilakukan pada perangkat lunak menggunakan 2 cara yaitu kode program dan block programming. Jumlah baris kode program yang terpendek adalah MATLAB dengan 17 baris dan yang terpanjang adalah Spyder dengan 20 baris kode program. Untuk block programming hanya dapat dilakukan pada MATLAB dan …

Analisa Pengujian Repeatability Timbangan Elektronik Dengan Metode Syarat Teknis Timbangan Non Otomatis Dan Metode Nmi Australia, Ponco Wali Dec 2019

Analisa Pengujian Repeatability Timbangan Elektronik Dengan Metode Syarat Teknis Timbangan Non Otomatis Dan Metode Nmi Australia, Ponco Wali

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Testing repeat electronic scales with non-automatic scales technical requirements so far is fairly long if not using a calculator or computer. The aim of this research is to compare the repeatability testing method of electronic scales using methods according to the technical requirements of non-automatic scales and the Australian NMI method, both of which refer to OIML R76 in determining the validity or cancellation of electronic scales repeatability testing. This research method is done through repeat testing on 3 samples of electronic scales, then on each electronic scale 2 test methods are performed. The conclusion is that the electronic scales …

Prototype Autonomous Rover Pembersih Sampah Pantai Menggunakan Ardupilot, Adhy Febry Anto, Totok Sukardiyono Dec 2019

Prototype Autonomous Rover Pembersih Sampah Pantai Menggunakan Ardupilot, Adhy Febry Anto, Totok Sukardiyono

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Indonesia has the second longest coastline in the world. On the other hand, Indonesia is the second largest contributor to marine waste in the world. Coastal cleanliness needs to be maintained so that it becomes an attraction for tourism and to protect the marine ecosystem. This article describes the results of testing devices that can be used to clean beaches. Research carried out by the development method. An autonomous beach garbage cleaning rover is a beach trash sweeper robot equipped with GPS, compass, telemetry, ArduPilot as a navigation and communication system when the robot operates. This robot moves using 2 …

Rancang Bangun Alarm Deteksi Asap Rokok Dan Kebisingan Pada Ruang Kelas Secara Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler, Imas Dian Ratnasari Dec 2018

Rancang Bangun Alarm Deteksi Asap Rokok Dan Kebisingan Pada Ruang Kelas Secara Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler, Imas Dian Ratnasari

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Abstrak- Asap rokok dan kebisingan merupakan masalah yang sering terjadi di sekolah, sedangkan dalam penanganan masalah asap rokok dan kebisingan di sekolah belum maksimal karena belum terdapat alat yang mampu mendeteksi asap rokok sekaligus kebisingan yang diterapkan di sekolah. Pemantauan kondisi ruang kelas agar tetap kondusif perlu diadakan, maka dari itu dilakukan pengembangan alarm deteksi asap rokok dan kebisingan pada ruang kelas secara otomatis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu guru dalam memonitoring kondisi di ruang kelas ketika ruang kelas sedang tidak ada guru. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D), yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan mulai yaitu dari …

Otomasi Sistem Hidroponik Dft (Deep Flow Technique) Berbasis Arduino Android Dengan Memanfaatkan Panel Surya Sebagai Energi Alternatif, Eko Agus Suprayitno Mt, Rohman Dijaya M. Kom, M. Atho㢂¬„¢Illah St Dec 2018

Otomasi Sistem Hidroponik Dft (Deep Flow Technique) Berbasis Arduino Android Dengan Memanfaatkan Panel Surya Sebagai Energi Alternatif, Eko Agus Suprayitno Mt, Rohman Dijaya M. Kom, M. Atho㢂¬„¢Illah St

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

The application of hydroponic farming methods has been widely applied by the community, the system used is still manual so that it lacks quality, both in terms of humidity and growth. For that we need a system that is able to regulate the time of watering and the provision of nutritional solutions automatically without disturbing the activity. In the design of an automatic DFT hydroponic system using an Android Arduino based solar panel. Where the solar panel system functions as a renewable energy substitute for PLN which will fill the accumulator. The accumulator filling process is equipped with a solar …

Pengatur Suhu Dan Kelembaban Kumbung Jamur Otomatis, Aji Nugroho Dec 2018

Pengatur Suhu Dan Kelembaban Kumbung Jamur Otomatis, Aji Nugroho

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Temperature and humidity have an important role in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms to obtain optimal growth of oyster mushrooms. The optimum temperature required ranges from 24 ° C - 27 ° C and 80% - 90% humidity. The watering of mushroom kumbung should be done regularly, in order to maintain the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air, then conducted research that aims to create a tool that can regulate the temperature and humidity kumbung mushrooms automatically to facilitate farmers keep the temperature and humidity stability continuously. This automatic adjustment system uses DHT-11 sensors as air and humidity and …

Reosquido Desalinasi Metode Evaporasi Dengan Ultraviolet Berbasis Mikrokontroller, Muhammad Abdul Azis, Nuryake Fajaryati Dec 2018

Reosquido Desalinasi Metode Evaporasi Dengan Ultraviolet Berbasis Mikrokontroller, Muhammad Abdul Azis, Nuryake Fajaryati

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

This research aims to create a Reosquido desalination tool for evaporation methods using a microcontroller. This tool can control the temperature to speed up the evaporation process in producing fresh water. The method applied to Reosquido desalination uses Evaporation. The first process before evaporation is the detection of temperature in sea water that will be heated using an element heater. The second process of temperature measurement is to turn off and turn on the Arduino Uno controlled heater, when the temperature is less than 80 ° then the heater is on. The third process is evaporation during temperatures between 80 …

Desain Dan Implementasi Real-Time Visible Light Communication System Berbasis Bpsk, Trio Adiono, Syifaul Fuada Dec 2018

Desain Dan Implementasi Real-Time Visible Light Communication System Berbasis Bpsk, Trio Adiono, Syifaul Fuada

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Salah satu teknik multiplexing yang saat ini populer digunakan untuk aplikasi akses komunikasi cepat berbasis cahaya tampak adalah Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). Meskipun lebih kompleks dibandingkan modulasi berbasis Pulse Time Modulation (PTM), teknik OFDM disinyalir dapat lebih menghemat bandwidth komunikasi karena membagi bandwidth lebar menjadi spektrum yang sempit (sub-carrier) dan saling overlap. Sebagai akibat, transfer data akan lebih cepat dibandingkan PTM. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, penulis telah berhasil mendesain sistem low-cost VLC dengan modulasi digital 1-PWM (3,3 kbps) dan 2-PWM (6,2 kbps). Motivasi dari penelitian ini adalah menigkatkan laju data dengan menggunakan OFDM. Modulasi binary shift-keying modulation …

Atap Otomatis Sensor Suhu, Air Dan Tenaga Surya (Alas Tsusu), Koko Hendriawan Dec 2015

Atap Otomatis Sensor Suhu, Air Dan Tenaga Surya (Alas Tsusu), Koko Hendriawan

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Atap otomatis sensor suhu,sensor air dan surya(ALAS TSUSU) sebagai inovasi desain atap yang dapat membuka dan menutup secara otomatis.Atap adalah salah satu komponen yang sangat penting dalam sebuah bangunan. Dengan adanya dua musim yang di miliki Negara Indonesia Antara musim hujan dan kemarau atap tidak hanya sebagai fungsi utama dalam melidungi kita dari matahari dan hujan akan tetapi juga memiliki nilai estetika yang sangat tinggi misalnya intensitas cahaya yang diterima bumi kurang terang dengan rain probability (kemungkinan turun hujan) tinggi. Sedangkan pada musim kemarau, sinar matahari lebih terang dengan kemungkinan turun hujan sangat rendah, bahkan hampir tidak pernah turun hujan. …