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Science and Mathematics Education


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Full-Text Articles in Education

Pembelajaran Hubungan Antar Sudut Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Guided Inquiry, Sundari Gita Pertiwi, Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana Dec 2020

Pembelajaran Hubungan Antar Sudut Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Guided Inquiry, Sundari Gita Pertiwi, Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Materi geometri merupakan materi yang penting untuk dipelajari karena berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari dan sebagai materi dasar pendukung penguasaan materi matematika yang lain. Namun, materi geometri, khususnya materi hubungan antar sudut, masih dianggap sulit dipahami oleh siswa. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu model pembelajaran yang interaktif dan dapat menuntun siswa menemukan sendiri konsep yang dipelajari untuk mengembangkan pemahaman mereka. Salah satu model pembelajaran alternatif yang dapat digunakan adalah model guided inquiry atau penyelidikan terbimbing yang mana dalam model pembelajaran tersebut siswa adalah pusat pembelajaran dan guru adalah fasilitator dan motivator belajar sis­wa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk mendeskripsikan …

Kemampuan Siswa Menyelesaikan Masalah Berbentuk Soal Cerita Sistem Persamaan Linear Ditinjau Dari Kemampuan Penalaran, Dimas Aditya Yudha Pradana, Budi Murtiyasa Dec 2020

Kemampuan Siswa Menyelesaikan Masalah Berbentuk Soal Cerita Sistem Persamaan Linear Ditinjau Dari Kemampuan Penalaran, Dimas Aditya Yudha Pradana, Budi Murtiyasa

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita sistem persamaan linear dua variabel ditinjau dari kemampuan penalaran matematis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII C SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta tahun 2019/2020. Teknik pengambilan subjek berdasarkan tingkat kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa sehingga diperoleh tiga subjek kelas VIII C dengan kategori penalaran matematis rendah, sedang, dan tinggi. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa hasil tes, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) siswa dengan penalaran matematis rendah belum …

Penentuan Sistem Antrean Dengan Pertimbangan Biaya Dan Kontrol Kedatangan Pasien: Studi Kasus Di Puskesmas Ungaran Semarang, Albert Hosea Santoso, Hanifa Reygina Fajrin, Akhmad Sultoni, Dwi Ertiningsih Dec 2020

Penentuan Sistem Antrean Dengan Pertimbangan Biaya Dan Kontrol Kedatangan Pasien: Studi Kasus Di Puskesmas Ungaran Semarang, Albert Hosea Santoso, Hanifa Reygina Fajrin, Akhmad Sultoni, Dwi Ertiningsih

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan sistem antrean yang efektif dengan mempertimbangkan biaya dan kontrol kedatangan pasien pada fasilitas kesehatan: Puskesmas Ungaran, Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan data kuantitatif berupa waktu kedatangan pasien, waktu pelayanan pasien, jumlah pasien, dan jumlah pelayan. Tahapan-tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisis steady state dari sistem antrean, ukuran kinerja pada sistem antrean, keefektifan sistem antrean dengan pertimbangan biaya (cost), dan keefektifan sistem antrean dengan pertimbangan kontrol pada kedatangan pasien. Hasil analisis sistem antrean pada kedatangan pasien di loket pendaftaran, ruang dokter, dan loket apotek merupakan proses Poisson, sedangkan pelayanan pasien berdistribusi eksponensial. Jumlah …

Hubungan Pedagogical Content Knowledge Guru Matematika Dan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Maria Evarista Barut Barut Oktaviane, Ariyadi Wijaya, Heri Retnawati Dec 2020

Hubungan Pedagogical Content Knowledge Guru Matematika Dan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Maria Evarista Barut Barut Oktaviane, Ariyadi Wijaya, Heri Retnawati

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Guru telah dikenal luas sebagai salah satu faktor penting yang mempengaruhi prestasi belajar siswa. Kompetensi guru, khususnya pengetahuannya, membantu guru untuk mengorganisasi­kan pem­belajaran yang efektif guna memfasilitasi keberhasilan belajar siswa. Salah satu jenis penge­tahuan yang penting dikuasai oleh guru adalah Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). PCK merupakan kombinasi pengetahuan konten dan pedagogi yang mengarah pada bagaimana aspek-aspek tertentu dari materi pembelajaran diatur, diadaptasi, dan direpresentasikan untuk diterapkan di dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan ting­kat PCK guru matematika dan prestasi belajar siswa, serta menguji hubungan keduanya. Pene­litian ini adalah kuantitatif-korelasional dengan subjek penelitian 56 guru mate­matika dan 499 siswa …

Konsepsi Siswa Kelas Tiga Sekolah Dasar Tentang Bilangan Bulat, Syafdi Maizora, Rizky Rosjanuardi Dec 2020

Konsepsi Siswa Kelas Tiga Sekolah Dasar Tentang Bilangan Bulat, Syafdi Maizora, Rizky Rosjanuardi

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Article ini menggambarkan konsepsi salah seorang siswa kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar di Kota Bengkulu tentang bilangan bulat di luar pembelajaran formal. Siswa ini mengalami banyak intervensi tanpa skenario dalam pembelajarannya, di antaranya dari keluarga (kakak kelas 8 yang memiliki prestasi baik dalam matematika, kedua orang tua pengajar matematika) dan pelatihan sempoa. Konsepsi yang digali adalah arti bilangan negatif, bilangan bulat, serta operasi penjumlahan dan pengurangan pada bilangan bulat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Subjek diberikan beberapa pertanyaan seputar konsepsi bilangan bulat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subjek memiliki konsepsi sebagai berikut: 1) menggunakan istilah "kurang", "utang" …

Literasi Matematis Dan Self-Efficacy Siswa Ditinjau Dari Perbedaan Kebijakan Sistem Zonasi, Ahmad Muhazir, Kana Hidayati, Heri Retnawati Dec 2020

Literasi Matematis Dan Self-Efficacy Siswa Ditinjau Dari Perbedaan Kebijakan Sistem Zonasi, Ahmad Muhazir, Kana Hidayati, Heri Retnawati

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan kemampuan literasi matematis dan self-efficacy siswa kelas XI SMA; (2) mendeskripsikan dampak perbedaan kebijakan sistem zonasi terhadap kemampuan literasi matematis dan self-efficacy siswa kelas XI SMA; dan (3) mendes­kripsikan hubungan antara literasi matematis dan self-efficacy siswa kelas XI SMA. Penelitian survei ini melibatkan 346 siswa dari Kota Banjarmasin dan 321 siswa dari Kota Palangka Raya. Kedua kota tersebut memiliki kebijakan zonasi yang berbeda. Pengumpulan data dila­kukan me­lalui tes dan angket yang telah memenuhi kriteria valid dan reliabel. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif dan inferensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa literasi matematis siswa …

Pengembangan Metode Pembelajaran Halaqah Berbasis Etnomatematika Untuk Memahamkan Penyelesaian Masalah Transportasi Kelas Program Linier, Hartono Hartono, Wandra Irvandi Dec 2020

Pengembangan Metode Pembelajaran Halaqah Berbasis Etnomatematika Untuk Memahamkan Penyelesaian Masalah Transportasi Kelas Program Linier, Hartono Hartono, Wandra Irvandi

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan metode pembelajaran halaqah berbasis etnomatematika pada kelas program linier untuk membantu mahasiswa memahami penyelesaian masalah transportasi. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini terdiri dari tahap define, design, dan develop. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar validasi untuk menilai kevalidan, angket untuk menilai kepraktisan, dan tes hasil belajar untuk menilai keefektifan metode pembelajaran halaqah berbasis etnomatematika. Penelitian menghasilkan metode pembelajaran yang terdiri dari empat tahapan. Tahap pertama yaitu pemilihan kompetensi dan materi berbasis etnomatematika, dan kompetensi terkait pemahaman penyelesaian masalah transportasi dengan konteks berupa pembiayaan transportasi pembuatan baju tradisional Kopa etnis Dayak Kualant. Tahap …

Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (Lkpd) Berbasis Problem-Based Learning (Pbl) Pada Topik Sudut, Dandi Mifta Abdillah, Dwi Astuti Dec 2020

Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (Lkpd) Berbasis Problem-Based Learning (Pbl) Pada Topik Sudut, Dandi Mifta Abdillah, Dwi Astuti

PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) berbasis Problem-Based Learning (PBL) pada topik sudut yang layak. Penelitian pengembangan ini mengadopsi model pengembangan ADDIE dengan tahapan meliputi Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation. Kualitas LKPD ditinjau dari penilaian ahli materi, ahli media, dan respon peserta didik. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah angket ahli materi, angket ahli media, dan angket respon peserta didik. LKPD diujicobakan di kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta dengan subjek sebanyak 32 peserta didik. LKPD yang dikembangkan memuat aktivitas pembelajaran sesuai langkah PBL, menyajikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari di awal pembelajaran, dan dapat …

Drawing Parallels In Art Science For Collaborative Learning: A Case Study, Karen Westland Dec 2020

Drawing Parallels In Art Science For Collaborative Learning: A Case Study, Karen Westland

The STEAM Journal

This research paper explores drawing as a tool to facilitate interdisciplinary practice. Outlined is the personal experience of PhD researcher [name removed] in their physics/craft research project, combined with thoughts and opinions from collaborators gathered through group discursive interviews. Interdisciplinary projects face interpersonal and conceptually ambiguous challenges which can be addressed through adopting drawing techniques for educational purposes. Findings highlight that drawing can assist across a breadth of applications as a learning tool for everyone, regardless of drawing ability, to improve the functionality of collaborative projects. Specifically, drawing combined with other communication techniques develops a performative communicative approach that enriches …

Possible Adventures In Impossible Figures, Knarik Tunyan Dec 2020

Possible Adventures In Impossible Figures, Knarik Tunyan

The STEAM Journal

This interdisciplinary article aims to engage student into stepping outside traditional disciplinary boundaries by combining the arts, math, and programming. First, we explore a geometric pattern in the Penrose triangle. Then using the fundamental concepts of geometry, we find geometric relationship, calculate the vertices coordinates, and digitally reconstruct the Penrose triangle using coding. Students are encouraged to further explore this topic by finding another pattern, creating modifications of the Penrose triangle by changing measurements, or considering other impossible figures.

Visual Arts Enhance Instruction In Observation And Analysis Of Microscopic Forms In Developmental And Cell Biology, Max Ezin, Christina Noravian, Amira Mahomed, Adam Lyle, Aveleen Gill, Tamira Elul Dec 2020

Visual Arts Enhance Instruction In Observation And Analysis Of Microscopic Forms In Developmental And Cell Biology, Max Ezin, Christina Noravian, Amira Mahomed, Adam Lyle, Aveleen Gill, Tamira Elul

The STEAM Journal

Two important skills for scientists in developmental and cell biology, as well as in fields such as neurobiology, histology and pathology, are: 1) observation of features and details in microscopic images of cells, and 2) quantification of cellular features observed in microscopic images. However, current training in developmental and cell biology does not emphasize observation and quantitative analysis of microscopic images, and it is unclear how best to teach students these skills. Here, we describe our experiences applying visual artistic approaches to instruct undergraduate and graduate students in how to observe and analyze cellular forms in microscopic images. At Loyola …

Secondary Mathematics Teacher Beliefs: Heterogeneous Or Homogenous Tracking And Ability Grouping, Andrew Hughes Dec 2020

Secondary Mathematics Teacher Beliefs: Heterogeneous Or Homogenous Tracking And Ability Grouping, Andrew Hughes

Journal of Critical Issues in Educational Practice

This study focused on secondary school mathematics teachers’ beliefs about tracking (ability grouping across classes) and ability grouping within classes and their perceived effects on student achievement, student affects and behaviors, and instruction. Case study methodology was employed, and semi-structured interviews conducted with a purposive sample of six teachers from two schools in a city within the southeastern United States. Three teachers worked in a school that predominantly tracks their students while the other three teachers worked in a school that mixes their students by ability across classes. Data from this study are consistent with social inequities reported in tracking …

Toward A Critical-Pbl: Centering A Critical Consciousness In The Middle Grades, Jaclyn Caires-Hurley, Margarita Jimenez-Silva, Rachel Harrington Dec 2020

Toward A Critical-Pbl: Centering A Critical Consciousness In The Middle Grades, Jaclyn Caires-Hurley, Margarita Jimenez-Silva, Rachel Harrington

Middle Grades Review

The dual pandemic of 2020 that includes racism and COVID-19 demonstrates the need for students to become socially responsible and critically conscious world citizens. Students in the middle grades are developing their sense of identity while concomitantly trying to understand the complex world around them. While many teachers understand the need for critical pedagogy, many still struggle to find time to teach rigorous content standards while integrating social justice education. In this article, we propose the four pillars of Critical-Problem Based Learning (Critical-PBL). Using critical standards, critical problems, critical content, and critical discourse, we offer a framework to support teachers …

What A Difference A Decade Makes. The Evolving Gender Gap In Students’ Goal Endorsement And Stem Career Choice, Chen Chen, Gerhard Sonnert, Philip M. Sadler Dec 2020

What A Difference A Decade Makes. The Evolving Gender Gap In Students’ Goal Endorsement And Stem Career Choice, Chen Chen, Gerhard Sonnert, Philip M. Sadler

Journal of Sustainable Social Change

Two national datasets of first-year college students, collected a decade apart, asking the same questions about career interests and life goal endorsement, allowed us to investigate the extent to which the life goals and career interests had converged among young men and women. We compared the gender differences in four types of goal endorsement (communal, material, intellectual, and free-time goals) by career interest groups (science, engineering, medicine, health, and other professions) between the two cohorts (2007 vs. 2017). Conversely, we compared the gender differences in career interests by goal endorsement between the two cohorts. Our specific focus was on science, …

Review Of Mathematical Imagining: A Routine For Secondary Classrooms By Christof Weber, Geoff Krall Dec 2020

Review Of Mathematical Imagining: A Routine For Secondary Classrooms By Christof Weber, Geoff Krall

Colorado Mathematics Teacher

This book review of Christof Weber's Mathematical Imagining yields insight into the routine of mathematical imagining and offers practitioners advice on how to incorporate the routine in the classroom. A brief summary of the book is provided, followed by commentary on potential benefits of mathematical imagining, connection to other research, and suggestions for accommodating for emergent bilingual students. Readers are encouraged to follow up with a reading of the original book.

Virtual Manipulatives: Making Effective Instructional Choices, Katie L. Anderson-Pence Dec 2020

Virtual Manipulatives: Making Effective Instructional Choices, Katie L. Anderson-Pence

Colorado Mathematics Teacher

This article gives three tips for the effective use of virtual manipulatives in mathematics instruction to promote active engagement and student learning: (1) match the virtual manipulative to the learning target; (2) determine the task to pose to students; and (3) encourage discourse.

Factors Impacting Students’ Perceptions Of Mathematics, Amber Souza Dec 2020

Factors Impacting Students’ Perceptions Of Mathematics, Amber Souza

Honors Program Theses and Projects

I want to be able to present math in a positive light to all of my future students, regardless of race, gender, and math background. However, for teachers as a whole to be able to take this important step, they must first develop a deeper understanding of why math is a sore spot for many students.

Is Kinesiology A Bridge To Stem Engagement? Sport Science Labs In High School, Judy A. Schultz, Robert W. Danielson, Robert D. Catena, Christopher P. Connolly, Kasee Hildenbrand Dec 2020

Is Kinesiology A Bridge To Stem Engagement? Sport Science Labs In High School, Judy A. Schultz, Robert W. Danielson, Robert D. Catena, Christopher P. Connolly, Kasee Hildenbrand

Northwest Journal of Teacher Education

Improving STEM education in schools is important to prepare students for the increasing number of STEM related jobs. As a STEM discipline, kinesiology, which includes the study of sport, exercise, movement and well-being, may be an effective link between science concepts and students’ everyday lives and thus may stimulate science engagement. Our university’s kinesiology programs developed a set of sport related kinesiology labs which were presented by faculty and students during one semester in local high school Freshmen and Senior science classes. Survey data included information about STEM engagement, scientific inquiry, and knowledge of kinesiology as a STEM field. Findings …

Personal Reflections / 12.14.20, José M. Torres Dec 2020

Personal Reflections / 12.14.20, José M. Torres

Personal Reflections

On Saturday, December 7, 2020, I got up early at 5:00 a.m., put on a white shirt, a black jacket, and shorts, and joined a zoom call broadcasted from Alexandria, Egypt. A longtime friend, Bill, passed away at age 90 from COVID-19 complications. Bill and his wife Peg, who passed away 12 years ago, opened their home to me in 1980, when I was only 20 years old and needed a place to stay. Six months later, I found a more permanent home. While my time living with them in their home was short, this experience and our continued relationship …

Effect Of Flour Type On Sourdough Starters, Irene (Sooah) Park, Kenith Taukolo '23 Dec 2020

Effect Of Flour Type On Sourdough Starters, Irene (Sooah) Park, Kenith Taukolo '23

Methods in Scientific Inquiry

After deciding on world hunger as our topic for our Methods in Scientific Inquiry (MSI) project, we decided to conduct an experiment about sourdough starters. In particular, we were asking how the type of flour (ie, whole wheat and all-purpose) may affect the rise of sourdough starters. The differences in height in the different types of sourdough starters using whole wheat and all-purpose flour were identified. We used paired t-tests for deciding if the heights of the starters grew overtime and a two-sample t-test to find if the mean change in height was statistically significant between the different types of …

Student Perceptions Of An Inquiry‐Based Molecular Biology Lecture And Lab Following A Mid‐Semester Transition To Online Teaching, Jeremy L. Hsu, Melissa Rowland-Goldsmith Dec 2020

Student Perceptions Of An Inquiry‐Based Molecular Biology Lecture And Lab Following A Mid‐Semester Transition To Online Teaching, Jeremy L. Hsu, Melissa Rowland-Goldsmith

Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Sciences Faculty Articles and Research

The transition to online learning in spring 2020 was abrupt for both students and instructors. While many instructors moved to asynchronous classes, some institutions relied more heavily on synchronous online courses. Here, we evaluate student perceptions of an inquiry‐based molecular biology lecture and lab course following this transition by comparing student survey responses from spring 2019, when the lecture and lab were fully in person, to spring 2020, when the lecture and lab started in person before transitioning to a synchronous online format. Students were asked to identify the main factors that supported their learning in lecture and lab, characterize …

La Realite Du Phenomene De Competence Dans Le Systeme Didactique Libanais, Nawal Abou Raad Dec 2020

La Realite Du Phenomene De Competence Dans Le Systeme Didactique Libanais, Nawal Abou Raad

Al Jinan الجنان

Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons à la réalité du phénomène de compétence dans le système didactique libanais, et plus particulièrement au programme des mathématiques de la classe EB1. D’abord, nous procèderons par une revue historique sur les différentes approches du curriculum libanais des mathématiques en comparant leurs objectifs. Nous parlerons de l’introduction d’un terme nouveau dans les objectifs du curriculum, celui de compétences. Nous chercherons
en particulier, à savoir pourquoi les compétences occupent une place centrale dans notre système didactique.
Nous étudierons l’organisation des contenus mathématiques du programme et du manuel de la classe d’EB1 dans une fin de …

Timss 2019 Australia. Volume I: Student Performance, Sue Thomson, Nicole Wernert, Sima Rodrigues, Elizabeth O'Grady Dec 2020

Timss 2019 Australia. Volume I: Student Performance, Sue Thomson, Nicole Wernert, Sima Rodrigues, Elizabeth O'Grady

TIMSS 2019

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is an international comparative study of student achievement directed by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). TIMSS was first conducted in 1995 and the assessment conducted in 2019 formed the seventh cycle, providing 24 years of trends in mathematics and science achievement at Year 4 and Year 8. In Australia, TIMSS is managed by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and is jointly funded by the Australian Government and the state and territory governments. The goal of TIMSS is to provide comparative information about educational achievement …

High School Students As Citizen Scientists To Decrease Radon Exposure, Ellen J. Hahn, Craig Wilmhoff, Mary Kay Rayens, Nicholas B. Conley, Emily Morris, Angela Larck, Trista Allen, Susan M. Pinney Dec 2020

High School Students As Citizen Scientists To Decrease Radon Exposure, Ellen J. Hahn, Craig Wilmhoff, Mary Kay Rayens, Nicholas B. Conley, Emily Morris, Angela Larck, Trista Allen, Susan M. Pinney

Nursing Faculty Publications

Residents in rural Kentucky (KY) and suburban Ohio (OH) expressed concerns about radon exposure and lung cancer. Although 85% of lung cancer cases are caused by tobacco smoke, radon exposure accounts for 10–15% of lung cancer cases. Academic and community members from the University of KY and the University of Cincinnati developed and pilot-tested a family-centered, youth-engaged home radon testing toolkit. The radon toolkit included radon information, and how to test, interpret, and report back findings. We educated youth as citizen scientists and their teachers in human subjects protection and home radon testing using the toolkit in the classroom. Youth …

Copyright Information, Todd Pagano, Sami Kahn Dec 2020

Copyright Information, Todd Pagano, Sami Kahn

Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities

No abstract provided.

Call For Manuscript, Todd Pagano, Sami Kahn Dec 2020

Call For Manuscript, Todd Pagano, Sami Kahn

Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities

No abstract provided.

Designing Research-Based Instructional Materials That Leverage Dual-Process Theories Of Reasoning: Insights From Testing One Specific, Theory-Driven Intervention, Mila Kryjevskaia, Mackenzie R. Stetzer, Beth A. Lindsey, Alistair Mcinerny, Paula R. L. Heron, Andrew Boudreaux Dec 2020

Designing Research-Based Instructional Materials That Leverage Dual-Process Theories Of Reasoning: Insights From Testing One Specific, Theory-Driven Intervention, Mila Kryjevskaia, Mackenzie R. Stetzer, Beth A. Lindsey, Alistair Mcinerny, Paula R. L. Heron, Andrew Boudreaux

Physics & Astronomy

[This paper is part of the Focused Collection on Curriculum Development: Theory into Design.] Research in physics education has contributed substantively to improvements in the learning and teaching of university physics by informing the development of research-based instructional materials for physics courses. Reports on the design of these materials have tended to focus on overall improvements in student performance, while the role of theory in informing the development, refinement, and assessment of the materials is often not clearly articulated. In this article, we illustrate how dual-process theories of reasoning and decision making have guided the ongoing development, testing, and analysis …

The Fear Of Reptiles And How To Change It, Maxwell Lyman Dec 2020

The Fear Of Reptiles And How To Change It, Maxwell Lyman

Honors Projects

Reptile fear is prominent across many cultures. Anti-reptilian attitudes can lead to anti-conservation attitudes towards reptiles. Person-animal interaction has been shown to decrease fear desensitization and increase positive attitudes towards "unpopular" animals. My project demonstrates the effectiveness of live animal presentation in dispelling negative attitudes of reptiles. However, due to the sample size of the project, further research is highly suggested.

Mathematics In A Social Justice World: A Statistical Reasoning Unit Investigating Modern-Day School Segregation, Zoe Alberts Dec 2020

Mathematics In A Social Justice World: A Statistical Reasoning Unit Investigating Modern-Day School Segregation, Zoe Alberts

Honors Projects

It is no secret that our daily lives are full of mathematical concepts and skills. Taking it one step further, many social justice issues are rooted in mathematical research and data. This idea should be the center of the mathematics classroom. According to Crystal Watson, a math teacher from Cincinnati City Schools District, we need to incorporate these social issues into the classroom because the “lack of opportunity to explore, learn, and master mathematical concepts keep out students, families, and communities oppressed (Watson, 2020)”. This is a fully functional, ready to use, digital mini unit over 7th grade statistical reasoning …

Covid-19 Impact On Radiology Students’ Distance Learning (Fall 2020), Mary Lee, Zoya Vinokur, Jason Chan, Renzo Marmolejo, Cherylann Jackson-Holmes Dec 2020

Covid-19 Impact On Radiology Students’ Distance Learning (Fall 2020), Mary Lee, Zoya Vinokur, Jason Chan, Renzo Marmolejo, Cherylann Jackson-Holmes

Publications and Research

Distance learning (DL) is a teaching tool that offers education to students remotely in various locations (Ruiz, 2006). The increase in distance learning education is evident in all types of educational programs including those in Radiologic Sciences. DL education programs are expected to comply with all standards just as traditional programs are (Aaron, 2015). With traditional class settings, knowledge is taught at a given time and day and is structured in terms of course development and attendance. It does not factor in the domestic and familial responsibilities of the students outside the classroom walls or the effects of a worldwide …