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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

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Universitas Indonesia




Articles 31 - 48 of 48

Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

Peran Gender Perempuan Militer Dalam Majalah Korps Wanita Angkatan Darat "Melati Pagar Bangsa", Ika Putriana Apr 2012

Peran Gender Perempuan Militer Dalam Majalah Korps Wanita Angkatan Darat "Melati Pagar Bangsa", Ika Putriana

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Tulisan ini membahas tentang bagaimana peran gender perempuan militer yang tergabungdalam institusi Korps Wanita Angkatan Darat (Kowad) digambarkan melalui majalah MelatiPagar Bangsa. Penulis membongkar ideologi dominan di balik penggambaran tersebut dengan standpoint theory, didukung kajian feminisme eksistensialis untuk memperkuat dasar pemikiran peneliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam memproduksi sebuah wacana tentang peran gender, perempuan masih terpengaruh oleh ideologi dominan, patriarki. Di sisi lain, mereka juga mencoba untuk membebaskan diri dari belenggu budaya patriarki dengan berusaha untuk menjadi subjek atas dirinya sendiri.

This article discusses about the gender role played by female military officers members of the Army Women’s Corps (Korps …

Konstruksi Realitas Keotoriteran Presiden Sukarno Dalam Novel: Analisis Framing Teks Novel The Year Of Living Dangerously, Priscilla Chrisanty Apr 2012

Konstruksi Realitas Keotoriteran Presiden Sukarno Dalam Novel: Analisis Framing Teks Novel The Year Of Living Dangerously, Priscilla Chrisanty

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Makalah ini berargumen bahwa novel The Year of Living mengkonstruksi realitas melalui framing image Sukarno sebagai seorang pemimpin otoriter. Hal ini diteliti melalui analisis dialog yang terjadi antara tokoh-tokoh fiktif dan narasi-narasi yang berkaitan dengan Sukarno dan Indonesia di tahun 1965. Penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa pengarang melakukan framing image otoriter terhadap Sukarno melalui metafora dan julukan negatif sehingga mengarahkan khalayak kepada sudut pandang yang diinginkan pengarang. Exemplars yang menceritakan kondisi Indonesia di tahun 1965 juga turut memperkuat framing image otoriter Sukarno.

This article argues that the novel The Year of LivingDangerously constructs reality through framing an image of Sukarno as an …

“Persinggungan Yang Riskan”: Bahasa, Permainan Kata, Dan Politik Budaya Dalam Opera Van Java Di Trans7, Liam Merrifield Prince Apr 2012

“Persinggungan Yang Riskan”: Bahasa, Permainan Kata, Dan Politik Budaya Dalam Opera Van Java Di Trans7, Liam Merrifield Prince

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Dalam acara televisi Opera Van Java (OVJ), sekelompok aktor mementaskan riskyencounters atau “persinggungan yang riskan” (istilah yang dipinjam dari GoenawanMohamad) dengan bahasa dan idiom budaya yang baru. Daya tarik OVJ bagi para penontonIndonesia terpusat pada cara sekelompok aktor yang menjelajahi bahasa dan idiom baruyang --melalui permainan kata dan komedi lisan-- bisa mencapai sebuah rekonsiliasi antaraunsur budaya lama dan unsur budaya baru melalui --misalnya-- dialek. Beberapa dialekini bersaing untuk hadir dan berekspresi di ruang publik. Proses sosio-budaya berupa alihbahasa merupakan sumber ketegangan dan kecemasan sosial di Indonesia sekarang. OVJmerupakan wujud budaya “baru” yang mengizinkan sebuah proses penyesuaian antara unsurbudaya tradisional dengan …

Resistensi Pekerja Perempuan Terhadap Dominasi Pekerja Laki-Laki Dalam Film North Country, Nur Aini Tumakaka Apr 2012

Resistensi Pekerja Perempuan Terhadap Dominasi Pekerja Laki-Laki Dalam Film North Country, Nur Aini Tumakaka

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Penelitian ini membahas resistensi pekerja perempuan terhadap dominasi pekerja lakilakidalam film North Country, bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana ideologi patriarki berperan dalam menentukan identitas serta mitos kehidupan perempuan pekerja yang muncul lewat tanda dan bahasa dalam film. Pertama, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pekerja perempuan mengalami ketidakadilan gender seperti kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, stereotip, dan marginalisasi. Kedua, industri Hollywood bukan hanya mewacanakan persamaan hak gender, tetapi juga sebagai media sosialisasi mengenai masa depan ekonomi tanpa batas dalam sistem kapitalisme. Ketiga, diskriminasi terhadap perempuan dalam pekerjaan disebabkan karena peran biologis dan peran ‘masyarakat’ yang dilekatkan pada perempuan. Penilaian peran yang berbeda diantara laki-laki …

Ode Untuk Seorang Communication Scholar Par Excellence, Ignatius Haryanto Apr 2012

Ode Untuk Seorang Communication Scholar Par Excellence, Ignatius Haryanto

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

No abstract provided.

Teori Spiral Kesunyian Dan Negara Transisi Demokrasi: Sebuah Pengujian Di Indonesia, Eriyanto Eriyanto Apr 2012

Teori Spiral Kesunyian Dan Negara Transisi Demokrasi: Sebuah Pengujian Di Indonesia, Eriyanto Eriyanto

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Studi berasumsi bahwa teori spiral kesunyian tidak sesuai dalam konteks negara transisidemokrasi karena lahir dalam konteks negara maju yang berasumsi bahwa warganegaranya memiliki akses media dan telah mencapai pendidikan tinggi. Hasil dari tigakasus yang dipelajari, korupsi Bibit-Chandra, meledaknya tabung gas, dan minoritasAhmadiyah, menunjukkan bahwa teori tersebut hanya nyata dalam kondisi tertentu.Beberapa kondisinya adalah pengetahuan politik, muatan moral, dan konformitas.Studi juga menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan politik dan prediksi opini dominan adalahvariabel penting dalam menjelaskan kesediaan seseorang mengekspresikan opininya.

This study assumes that spiral of silence is not suitable in the context of democratictransition countries as it emerged in the context of developed …

Efektivitas Program Csr/Cd Dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan; Studi Peran Perusahaan Geotermal Di Jawa Barat, Dody Prayogo, Yosef Hilarius Jan 2012

Efektivitas Program Csr/Cd Dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan; Studi Peran Perusahaan Geotermal Di Jawa Barat, Dody Prayogo, Yosef Hilarius

Masyarakat: Jurnal Sosiologi

This study discusses model of measurement to assess the effectiveness of programs of corporate social responsibility (CSR) held by corporation of mines, oil and gas, and geothermal in relation with poverty alleviation within the surrounding communities. The case study is conducted in a geothermal company in West Java. Results of study indicate that measurements of CSR should be developed in accordance with the scale of program, and should as well make use micro indicators which are relevant with elements of poverty. Also, the assessment should mainly be focused to the target group of beneficiaries. The role of corporation can be …

Dinamika Elite Lokal Madura, M. Imam Zamroni Jan 2012

Dinamika Elite Lokal Madura, M. Imam Zamroni

Masyarakat: Jurnal Sosiologi

The priyayi played a vital role in leading the Indonesian community during the colonial era. The same applies to Madura society. During the colonial era, power wielded by the priyayi was constricted on the basis of Madura culture and was strengthened by the bureaucratic power structure at both the village and district/ city level. This was manifested in such ways as serving as a klébun or bupati. However, the pattern of priyayi power, which was underpinned by feudalism waned, being replaced by Islamic religious leaders known as kiai. During the New Order regime, kiai in Madura played a very dominant …

Teori Ruang Dalam Sosiologi Perkotaan: Sebuah Pendekatan Baru, Raphaella Dewantari Dwianto Jan 2012

Teori Ruang Dalam Sosiologi Perkotaan: Sebuah Pendekatan Baru, Raphaella Dewantari Dwianto

Masyarakat: Jurnal Sosiologi

When New Urban Sociology (NUS) appeared in urban sociology in early 1970s in Europe, by including state and class, it offered a macro view point, to answer the insuficiency of micro frame which had been the characteristic of urban sociology from the Chicago School. However, along with the weakening of welfare state, NUS also lost its significance, and it then chose to deconstruct itself through theory of space. This paper tries to elaborate the origin of NUS and its development, putting it in the present context, to explore the possibility of perspective of the urban as the hub that connects …

Transformasi Jazz Yogyakarta: Dari Hibriditas Menjadi Komoditas, Oki Rahadianto Sutopo Jan 2012

Transformasi Jazz Yogyakarta: Dari Hibriditas Menjadi Komoditas, Oki Rahadianto Sutopo

Masyarakat: Jurnal Sosiologi

This article tries to show the transformation of jazz music as a cultural product in Yogyakarta. This transformation is, according to Baumann, fluid, contradictory, and ambivalent. In the origin, this music became a symbol of resistance by the lower class, whereas in Indonesia jazz became the upper middle class consumption. However, in its development, some jazz musicians try to restore the original meaning by combining local elements and bring a hybrid genre of jazz, although this was not last long. The traditional elements can not survive to bring the spirit of resistance because this new genre of jazz eventually entered …

Memperbincangkan Sejarah-Sejarah Mikro Disiplin Sosiologi, Geger Riyanto Jan 2012

Memperbincangkan Sejarah-Sejarah Mikro Disiplin Sosiologi, Geger Riyanto

Masyarakat: Jurnal Sosiologi

No abstract provided.

Pengaruh Penggabungan Mata Uang Di Uni Eropa Terhadap International Risk Sharing Dan Home Bias, Risna Triandhari, Sugiharso Safuan Jan 2012

Pengaruh Penggabungan Mata Uang Di Uni Eropa Terhadap International Risk Sharing Dan Home Bias, Risna Triandhari, Sugiharso Safuan

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

Resident of the industrialized countries can lower some of their economic risk they face by diversifying their portfolios including foreign assets. In the world with perfect capital mobility, international risk sharing will reduce saving with constant relative risk aversion. The objective of this study to analyze the impact of the establishment of single currency on the degree of international risk sharing and the home bias among country member of European Union (EU). Using panel data, the increasing output correlation between individual countries and group of eleventh countries indicate the adoption of single currency increase the degree of international risk sharing.

Analisis Pengaruh Transfer Pemerintah Pusat Terhadap Upaya Pemungutan Pajak Kabupaten/Kota Di Indonesia, Ruth Nikijuluw Jan 2012

Analisis Pengaruh Transfer Pemerintah Pusat Terhadap Upaya Pemungutan Pajak Kabupaten/Kota Di Indonesia, Ruth Nikijuluw

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

The main objective of this research is to get analytical results about the impact of intergovernmental transfers on the municipalities tax effort over the period of 2005-2008. This research uses regression approach method to calculate tax effort index and panel regression method to address the impact of central government transfer. Empirical evidence supports that generally intergovernmental transfers in kind of dana perimbangan has a positive relation with local tax effort. Meanwhile using the component of dana perimbangan, an increase in the untied grants (block grants), Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU) and Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH), significantly pushes the growth of …

Determinan Intensitas Energi Di Indonesia, Fitri Kartiasih, Yusman Syaukat, Lukytawati Anggraeni Jan 2012

Determinan Intensitas Energi Di Indonesia, Fitri Kartiasih, Yusman Syaukat, Lukytawati Anggraeni

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

This study contributes to the existing literature by examining energy consumption, energy intensity and its determinants in Indonesia's aggregate and sectoral economy. Index Ideal Fisher uses to decompose two key determinants of changes in energy intensity - efficiency improvements and changes in economic activity - to analyze which determinant is more important in driving improvements in energy intensity. VAR/VECM analysis is used to determine which economic variables affect the aggregate intensity. The study found that energy intensity increased gradually. The main contributing factor in the national level is the changes in economic activity, while in the sectoral level is efficiency …

Pengaruh Ketidakmayoritasan Partai Politik Kepala Daerah Di Dprd (Divided Government) Terhadap Keterlambatan Penetapan Apbd, Sigit Wahyu Kartiko Jan 2012

Pengaruh Ketidakmayoritasan Partai Politik Kepala Daerah Di Dprd (Divided Government) Terhadap Keterlambatan Penetapan Apbd, Sigit Wahyu Kartiko

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

Why is APBD (Regional Budget) often enacted after the budgeted financial year has started? Is it because of political factor? The research would like to highlight the economic and political perspectives of divided government as one of the factors of the bad performance of the Regional Budget (APBD) enactment. By using logit regression equation model, a result obtained shows that government formations from Legislative General Elections 2004 and Direct Local Elections of the years 2005, 2006, and 2007, such as single minority party, minority coalition, majority coalition, and single majority party, influence the regional late budget of the year 2008-2009.

Instrumen Stimulus Fiskal: Pilihan Kebijakan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Perekonomian, Wisynu Wardhana, Djoni Hartono Jan 2012

Instrumen Stimulus Fiskal: Pilihan Kebijakan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Perekonomian, Wisynu Wardhana, Djoni Hartono

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

This study aims to identify the impact of the fiscal stimulus instrument choices on the economy, and to formulate policy options appropriate with the fiscal stimulus in boosting the economy, especially on economic growth, employment, and household income. The analysis tools is Applied General Equilibrium Model for Fiscal Policy Analysis (AGEFIS) using the Social Accounting Matrix database (SAM) of Indonesia in 2005. The simulation results show that (i) fiscal stimulus provide a boost to economic growth, employment, and household income, but on the other hand have a potential to cause an increase in price, (ii) government spending and cutting taxes …

Pengangguran, Lama Mencari Kerja, Dan Reservation Wage Tenaga Kerja Terdidik, N. Haidy. A. Pasay, Ratna Indrayanti Jan 2012

Pengangguran, Lama Mencari Kerja, Dan Reservation Wage Tenaga Kerja Terdidik, N. Haidy. A. Pasay, Ratna Indrayanti

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

Number of educated unemployment is increasing every year. Of the 8.59 million unemployed labor force in 2010, 4.8 million of whom are middle and high educated unemployed. Meanwhile, unemployment duration was 11 months. Two step Heckman method is employed to estimate reservation wage. The OLS estimates duration of search for educated unemployment as well as by social, demographic, and regional characteristics. Search duration for middle and high educated workforce is longer than low educated workforce. The reservation wage of highly educated labor force by social, demographic, and regional characteristics is higher than other labor force.

Kinerja Keuangan Daerah, Infrastruktur, Dan Kemiskinan: Analisis Kabupaten/Kota Di Indonesia 2006{2009, Diyah Nugraheni, D. S. Priyarsono Jan 2012

Kinerja Keuangan Daerah, Infrastruktur, Dan Kemiskinan: Analisis Kabupaten/Kota Di Indonesia 2006{2009, Diyah Nugraheni, D. S. Priyarsono

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

One important aspect of fiscal decentralization policy is delegation of authority and responsibility of management of public finance to regional governments, especially those of municipalities/districts. After more than ten years of implementation, it is now the right time to evaluate the policy questioning how effective its impacts on regional economic development. The study intends to find on how effective the performance of regional public finance is in providing basic infrastructures and how effective the provision of basic infrastructures reduces the poverty rates. By using panel data methods, this study confirms the positive relationship between performance of regional finance management and …