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Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

Articles 31 - 60 of 97

Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Implementimi I Sigurisë Në Active Directory, Ilir Morina Sep 2012

Implementimi I Sigurisë Në Active Directory, Ilir Morina

Theses and Dissertations

Në këtë punim është paraqitur vetëm një pasqyrë shumë e shkurtër nga tema e gjerë e cila përdoret në fushën e sigurisë së Acitve Directory-it, për të treguar rreth risive të cilat e mundësojnë sigurinë dhe mbarëvajtjen e kompjuterëve në organizatat e mëdha. Si e tillë, paraqet vetëm një vështrim nga aspekti teknik informativ i sigurisë e cila është menduar për t‘u njoftuar me rregullat e përditshme që ballafohen IT-it. Këtu më shumë do të shtjellohet koncepti dhe rëndësia e sigurisë.

Responsive Web Design Vs Mobile Web Vs Mobile App, Ndriçim Idrizi Sep 2012

Responsive Web Design Vs Mobile Web Vs Mobile App, Ndriçim Idrizi

Theses and Dissertations

Mobile Ueb I referohet qasjes ne world wide web përmes shërbimeve te bazuara ne shfletues nga pajisje mobile siç janë smartphones, feature phones dhe tablatet. Kur behet fjalë për kërkime ne internet apo qasje ne ueb gjithmonë na shkon mendja tek kompjuterët tradicional, mirëpo gjërat kane filluar te ndryshojnë ne favor te pajisjeve mobile si shkak I rritjes se numrit te përdorueseve te këtyre te fundit. Për ketë arsye zhvilluesit e ueb-it kane filluar qe ueb faqet e tyre ti ndërtojnë ne atë mënyre qe ti kënaqin si shfrytëzuesit te cilët qasen nga kompjuterët po ashtu edhe ata te cilët …

Automatic Generation Of Music For Inducing Emotive And Physiological Responses, Kristine Perry Monteith Aug 2012

Automatic Generation Of Music For Inducing Emotive And Physiological Responses, Kristine Perry Monteith

Theses and Dissertations

Music and emotion are two realms traditionally considered to be unique to human intelligence. This dissertation focuses on furthering artificial intelligence research, specifically in the area of computational creativity, by investigating methods of composing music that elicits desired emotional and physiological responses. It includes the following: an algorithm for generating original musical selections that effectively elicit targeted emotional and physiological responses; a description of some of the musical features that contribute to the conveyance of a given emotion or the elicitation of a given physiological response; and an account of how this algorithm can be used effectively in two different …

A Confidence-Prioritization Approach To Data Processing In Noisy Data Sets And Resulting Estimation Models For Predicting Streamflow Diel Signals In The Pacific Northwest, Nathaniel Lee Gustafson Aug 2012

A Confidence-Prioritization Approach To Data Processing In Noisy Data Sets And Resulting Estimation Models For Predicting Streamflow Diel Signals In The Pacific Northwest, Nathaniel Lee Gustafson

Theses and Dissertations

Streams in small watersheds are often known to exhibit diel fluctuations, in which streamflow oscillates on a 24-hour cycle. Streamflow diel fluctuations, which we investigate in this study, are an informative indicator of environmental processes. However, in Environmental Data sets, as well as many others, there is a range of noise associated with individual data points. Some points are extracted under relatively clear and defined conditions, while others may include a range of known or unknown confounding factors, which may decrease those points' validity. These points may or may not remain useful for training, depending on how much uncertainty they …

The Severity Of Stages Estimation During Hemorrhage Using Error Correcting Output Codes Method, Yurong Luo Aug 2012

The Severity Of Stages Estimation During Hemorrhage Using Error Correcting Output Codes Method, Yurong Luo

Theses and Dissertations

As a beneficial component with critical impact, computer-aided decision making systems have infiltrated many fields, such as economics, medicine, architecture and agriculture. The latent capabilities for facilitating human work propel high-speed development of such systems. Effective decisions provided by such systems greatly reduce the expense of labor, energy, budget, etc. The computer-aided decision making system for traumatic injuries is one type of such systems that supplies suggestive opinions when dealing with the injuries resulted from accidents, battle, or illness. The functions may involve judging the type of illness, allocating the wounded according to battle injuries, deciding the severity of symptoms …

Question Classification In The Cancer Domain, Adam Kurmally Aug 2012

Question Classification In The Cancer Domain, Adam Kurmally

Theses and Dissertations

We are investigating question classification for restricted domains with the broader goal of supporting mixed-initiative interaction on mobile phones. In this thesis, we present the development of a new domain-specific corpus of cancer-related questions, a new taxonomy of Expected Answer types, and our efforts toward training a classifier.

This work is the first of its kind in the cancer domain using a corpus consisting of real user questions gathered from cQA websites, and a taxonomy built from that corpus. Our goal is to create software to engage newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients in question-answering dialogs related to their treatment options. …

Mësimi Elektronik Në Sistemin Arsimorë Në Kosovë Në Të Gjitha Nivelet, Besim Shala Aug 2012

Mësimi Elektronik Në Sistemin Arsimorë Në Kosovë Në Të Gjitha Nivelet, Besim Shala

Theses and Dissertations

E-mësimi është një qasje e re e cila përmban në vete të mësuarit në njërën anë dhe teknologjinë informative dhe kompjuterët në anën tjetër. Është shkrirje e të mësuarit dhe internetit në një vend.

Ky portal është metoda më efikase dhe e avancuar për qasje elektronike në kërkimet shkencore, shkëmbime informacionesh, interaktivitet mes studentëve dhe profesorëve, video ligjërata, librari elektronik dhe forume.

Studimi online nga distanca, është portali mësimi elektronikë e cila edhe nëse jeni i punësuar dhe nuk mund ti vijoni ligjëratat ju mundëson të studioni nga rehatia e zyrës, apo shtëpisë suaj.

Kjo platformë është metodë më e …

Integrating "Code Smells" Detection With Refactoring Tool Support, Kwankamol Nongpong Aug 2012

Integrating "Code Smells" Detection With Refactoring Tool Support, Kwankamol Nongpong

Theses and Dissertations

Refactoring is a form of program transformation which preserves the semantics of the program. Refactoring frameworks for object-oriented programs were first introduced in 1992 by William Opdyke. Few people apply refactoring in mainstream software development because it is time consuming and error-prone if done by hand. Since then, many refactoring tools have been developed but most of them do not have the capability of analyzing the program code and suggesting which and where refactorings should be applied. Previous work discusses many ways to detect refactoring candidates but such approaches are applied to a separate module. This work proposes an approach …

A Configuration Management System For Software Product Lines, Cheng Thao Aug 2012

A Configuration Management System For Software Product Lines, Cheng Thao

Theses and Dissertations

Software product line engineering (SPLE) is a methodology for developing a family of software products in a particular domain by systematic reuse of shared code in order to improve product quality and reduce development time and cost. Currently, there are no software configuration management (SCM) tools that support software product line evolution. Conventional SCM tools are designed to support single product development.

The use of conventional SCM tools forces developers to treat a software product line as a single software project by introducing new programming language constructs or using conditional compilation. We propose a research conguration management prototype called Molhado …

A Physiological Signal Processing System For Optimal Engagement And Attention Detection., Ashwin Belle Jul 2012

A Physiological Signal Processing System For Optimal Engagement And Attention Detection., Ashwin Belle

Theses and Dissertations

In today’s high paced, hi-tech and high stress environment, with extended work hours, long to-do lists and neglected personal health, sleep deprivation has become common in modern culture. Coupled with these factors is the inherent repetitious and tedious nature of certain occupations and daily routines, which all add up to an undesirable fluctuation in individuals’ cognitive attention and capacity. Given certain critical professions, a momentary or prolonged lapse in attention level can be catastrophic and sometimes deadly. This research proposes to develop a real-time monitoring system which uses fundamental physiological signals such as the Electrocardiograph (ECG), to analyze and predict …

A General Framework For Interactive Television News, Benjamin Bart Sellers Jul 2012

A General Framework For Interactive Television News, Benjamin Bart Sellers

Theses and Dissertations

We design a complete interactive television news system. We develop a news production system that allows for the creation of flexible, content-rich interactive news. This system embraces a general creation process to interactive news that is built on top of a newscast model that evolves from and conforms with the current production newscast model. It allows for content sharing and content reuse. We also create an interactive news viewing system that adapts well to a living room environment. It contains several interactive features designed to give the viewer control and allow them to watch the news when, where, and how …

Detection Likelihood Maps For Wilderness Search And Rescue: Assisting Search By Utilizing Searcher Gps Track Logs, Michael Thomas Roscheck Jul 2012

Detection Likelihood Maps For Wilderness Search And Rescue: Assisting Search By Utilizing Searcher Gps Track Logs, Michael Thomas Roscheck

Theses and Dissertations

Every year there are numerous cases of individuals becoming lost in remote wilderness environments. Principles of search theory have become a foundation for developing more efficient and successful search and rescue methods. Measurements can be taken that describe how easily a search object is to detect. These estimates allow the calculation of the probability of detection—the probability that an object would have been detected if in the area. This value only provides information about the search area as a whole; it does not provide details about which portions were searched more thoroughly than others. Ground searchers often carry portable …

Administrimi I Bazave Relacionale Të Të Dhënave: Një Studim Krahasues Mes Ms Sql Server 2008 Vs Oracle 11g, Dren Kada Jul 2012

Administrimi I Bazave Relacionale Të Të Dhënave: Një Studim Krahasues Mes Ms Sql Server 2008 Vs Oracle 11g, Dren Kada

Theses and Dissertations

Duke ditur rendësin madhore që kanë sistemet Relacionale të bazave të dhënave për gjithë industrinë e IT-se, është i nevojshëm një studim krahasues do të analizonte dy lojtarë më të mëdhenj dhe më të rëndësishëm në tregun botorë të këtij sektori të industrinë në IT. Kjo analizë do të tregonte trandet e zhvillimeve të sistemeve Relacionale te bazës së të dhënave dhe rekomandojë sferat teknike dhe jo teknike ku dominon njëra apo tjetri sistem. Konkretisht për shkak se shumica e sistemeve në botë kanë njërën nga këto dy sistemi MS SQL Serverin nga Microsoft apo Oracle, për krahasime të detajuar …

Implementing Network Security At Layer 2 And Layer 3 Osi Model, Luan Gashi Jul 2012

Implementing Network Security At Layer 2 And Layer 3 Osi Model, Luan Gashi

Theses and Dissertations

This thesis investigated the features of security devices that would be suitable for implementations in medium to large enterprise networks at the global scale. In the thesis are covered open standard and proprietary security features. The open standard security features that are discussed in the report are the one that are developed by Internet Engineering Task Force – IETF and described in their Request For Comments – RFC. The proprietary features discussed in this report are from Cisco Systems and these features are always implemented in the Cisco Systems equipment. The author at the beginning describes common vulnerabilities, threats and …

Ophthalmology Product Sale And Management System (Opsms), Qëndresa Hajdari Jul 2012

Ophthalmology Product Sale And Management System (Opsms), Qëndresa Hajdari

Theses and Dissertations

Një ndër konceptet themelore në zhvillimin e zgjidhjeve të sotme është gjithashtu aplikacioni për menaxhim te punëve pa të cilën do të jetë shumë e vështirë zgjidhja e disa problemeve ku do të kishim të bënim me më shumë të dhëna, apo zgjidhjet që janë shumë të komplikuara në menaxhimin dhe organizimin e atyre të dhënave. Këto zgjidhje na bëjnë të mendojmë në rrethinën e menaxhimit të këtyre aplikacioneve. Të gjitha kodimet dhe energjia që shpenzohet në drejtim të zhvillimit efikas të aplikacioneve, do të ishin të parëndësishëm nëse shfrytëzuesit nuk do të ishin në gjendje të qaseshin me efikasitet …

Technique And Cue Selection For Graphical Presentation Of Generic Hyperdimensional Data, Lee Mont Howard Jun 2012

Technique And Cue Selection For Graphical Presentation Of Generic Hyperdimensional Data, Lee Mont Howard

Theses and Dissertations

The process of visualizing n-D data presents the user with four problems: finding a hyperdimensional graphics package capable of rendering n-D data, finding a suitable presentation technique supported by the package that allows insight to be gained, using the provided user interface to interact with the presentation technique to explore the information in the data, and finding a way to share the information gained with others. Many graphics packages have been written to solve the first problem. However, existing packages do not sufficiently solve the other three problems. A hyperdimensional graphics package that sufficiently solves all these problems simplifies the …

Analysis And Design Tools For Structured Feedback Systems, Anurag Rai Jun 2012

Analysis And Design Tools For Structured Feedback Systems, Anurag Rai

Theses and Dissertations

As we begin to analyze and construct extremely complex systems, a theory for understanding and designing the underlying architecture becomes very important. To move in the direction of a precise theory of architecture, this thesis will provide some concrete tools to analyze and design complex systems with a given network structure. The first main result of this thesis analyzes the vulnerability of a system and shows that a system's vulnerability depends on its network structure. We will consider destabilization attacks acting on a single link in a system's logical interconnection structure. The concept of a vulnerable link is characterized and …

The White-Hat Bot: A Novel Botnet Defense Strategy, Tyrone C. Gubler Jun 2012

The White-Hat Bot: A Novel Botnet Defense Strategy, Tyrone C. Gubler

Theses and Dissertations

Botnets are a threat to computer systems and users around the world. Botmasters can range from annoying spam email propagators to nefarious criminals. These criminals attempt to take down networks or web servers through distributed denial-of-service attacks, to steal corporate secrets, or to launder money from individuals or corporations. As the number and severity of successful botnet attacks rise, computer security experts need to develop better early-detection and removal techniques to protect computer networks and individual computer users from these very real threats. I will define botnets and describe some of their common purposes and current uses. Next, I will …

Resource Provisioning In Large-Scale Self-Organizing Distributed Systems, M. Brent Reynolds Jun 2012

Resource Provisioning In Large-Scale Self-Organizing Distributed Systems, M. Brent Reynolds

Theses and Dissertations

This dissertation researches the mathematical translation of resource provisioning policy into mathematical terms and parameters to solve the on-line service placement problem. A norm called the Provisioning Norm is introduced. Theorems presented in the work show the Provisioning Norm utility function and greedy, random, local search effectively and efficiently solve the on-line problem. Caching of placements is shown to reduce the cost of change but does not improve response time performance. The use of feedback control theory is shown to be effective at significantly improving performance but increases the cost of change. The theoretical results are verified using a decentralized, …

Enhancing Trust In The Smart Grid By Applying A Modified Exponentially Weighted Averages Algorithm, Andrew T. Kasperek Jun 2012

Enhancing Trust In The Smart Grid By Applying A Modified Exponentially Weighted Averages Algorithm, Andrew T. Kasperek

Theses and Dissertations

The main contribution of this thesis is the development and application of a modified Exponentially Weighted Moving Algorithm (EWMA) algorithm, and its ability to robustly function in the face varying numbers of bad (malicious or malfunctioning) Special Protection System (SPS) nodes. Simulation results support the use of the proposed modified EWMA reputation based trust module in SPSs within a smart grid environment. This modification results in the ability to easily maintain the system above the minimum acceptable frequency of 58.8 Hz at the 95% confidence interval, when challenged with test cases containing 5, 10 and 15 bad node test cases …

Decentralized Riemannian Particle Filtering With Applications To Multi-Agent Localization, Martin J. Eilders Jun 2012

Decentralized Riemannian Particle Filtering With Applications To Multi-Agent Localization, Martin J. Eilders

Theses and Dissertations

The primary focus of this research is to develop consistent nonlinear decentralized particle filtering approaches to the problem of multiple agent localization. A key aspect in our development is the use of Riemannian geometry to exploit the inherently non-Euclidean characteristics that are typical when considering multiple agent localization scenarios. A decentralized formulation is considered due to the practical advantages it provides over centralized fusion architectures. Inspiration is taken from the relatively new field of information geometry and the more established research field of computer vision. Differential geometric tools such as manifolds, geodesics, tangent spaces, exponential, and logarithmic mappings are used …

Vulnerability Analysis Of The Player Command And Control Protocol, John T. Hagen Jun 2012

Vulnerability Analysis Of The Player Command And Control Protocol, John T. Hagen

Theses and Dissertations

The Player project is an open-source effort providing a control interface specification and software framework for abstracting robot hardware. This research presents five exploits that compromise vulnerabilities in Player's command and control protocol. The attacks exploit weaknesses in the ARP, IP, TCP and Player protocols to compromise the confidentially, integrity, and availability of communication between a Player client and server. The attacks assume a laptop is connected in promiscuous mode to the same Ethernet hub as the client and server in order to sniff all network traffic between them. This work also demonstrates that Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) is capable …

Forensic Memory Analysis For Apple Os X, Andrew F. Hay Jun 2012

Forensic Memory Analysis For Apple Os X, Andrew F. Hay

Theses and Dissertations

Analysis of raw memory dumps has become a critical capability in digital forensics because it gives insight into the state of a system that cannot be fully represented through traditional disk analysis. Interest in memory forensics has grown steadily in recent years, with a focus on the Microsoft Windows operating systems. However, similar capabilities for Linux and Apple OS X have lagged by comparison. The volafox open source project has begun work on structured memory analysis for OS X. The tool currently supports a limited set of kernel structures to parse hardware information, system build number, process listing, loaded kernel …

Process Flow Features As A Host-Based Event Knowledge Representation, Benhur E. Pacer Jun 2012

Process Flow Features As A Host-Based Event Knowledge Representation, Benhur E. Pacer

Theses and Dissertations

The detection of malware is of great importance but even non-malicious software can be used for malicious purposes. Monitoring processes and their associated information can characterize normal behavior and help identify malicious processes or malicious use of normal process by measuring deviations from the learned baseline. This exploratory research describes a novel host feature generation process that calculates statistics of an executing process during a window of time called a process flow. Process flows are calculated from key process data structures extracted from computer memory using virtual machine introspection. Each flow cluster generated using k-means of the flow features represents …

Humbjet E Sinjalit Në Kabllin Optik , Teknologjia Wdm Dhe Dwdm Në Rrjetat Optike Backbone, Arben Sylejmani Jun 2012

Humbjet E Sinjalit Në Kabllin Optik , Teknologjia Wdm Dhe Dwdm Në Rrjetat Optike Backbone, Arben Sylejmani

Theses and Dissertations

Rrjetat optike janë bërë linja kryesore (backbone) në rrjetat telekomunikuese nacionale dhe internacionale. Rritja e kërkesave për shfrytëzimin më të madh të kapaciteteve të internetit ka bërë që sot shumë kompani të ndryshme të telekomunikacionit t’i kushtojnë rëndësi të madhe linjave kryesore (backbone) që kryesisht ndërtohen me kanale kabllore nëntokësore në të cilat vendosen mediumet (kabllot optike) me mundësi të kapaciteteve të larta të transferimit të të dhënave. Linjat kryesore backbone të cilat kanë për qëllim lidhjen ndërkombëtare në mes dy shteteve apo dy kontinenteve përdorin teknologjinë e avancuar WDM dhe DWDM për të shfrytëzuar sa më shumë hapësirën e …

Web Sherbimet, Ismajl Dragobuzhda Jun 2012

Web Sherbimet, Ismajl Dragobuzhda

Theses and Dissertations

Ueb shërbimet (Web Services) janë një teknologji e re që mundësojnë qasjen e funksioneve në largësi përmes internetit. Ueb shërbimet janë aplikacione kyçe në komunikimin e bizneseve me biznese (B2B) dhe biznesit me konsumator (B2C). Ueb shërbimet janë të bazuara në një bashkësi XML-standardesh, të cilat janë WSDL (Web Services Descritpion Language), SOAP (Simple Objekt Access Protocol) si dhe UDDI (Universal Descripption, Discovery and Integration). Përmes këtyre standardeve ueb shërbimet mundësojnë që nga një Windows klient ti qasemi një funksioni në largësi, i cili ofrohet nga një sistem në Linux dhe anasjelltas. Komunikimi në mes të shfrytëzuesit të ueb shërbimit …

Principet Fundamentale Të Projektimit Të Rrjetave Kompjuterike Për Fsk, Naser Ramadani Jun 2012

Principet Fundamentale Të Projektimit Të Rrjetave Kompjuterike Për Fsk, Naser Ramadani

Theses and Dissertations

Ky dokument përshkruan mënyrën e preferuar të projektimit të rrjetave LAN bazuar në principet fundamentale – standardet e aprovuara ndërkombëtarisht , duke përfshirë përshkrimet e topologjive, protokoleve të routimit, mënyrën e shtrirjes së rrjetave dhe shumë gjëra të tjera të rëndësishme për rrjeta. Rrjetat projektohen sipas Enterpise Composite Network Model me redundant në çdo pjesë për të arritur një disponueshmëri të kënaqshme. Në këtë mënyrë rrjetet janë skalabile dhe lehtë është ndërtimi i tyre dhe shtimi i funksioneve të reja më vonë (VoIP, Rrjeta pa tela, e tjerë). Punimi përshkruan hulumtimet shkencore në lidhje me principet fundamentale të projektimit të …

Komunikimi I Paisjeve Mobile, Riad Maliqi Jun 2012

Komunikimi I Paisjeve Mobile, Riad Maliqi

Theses and Dissertations

Ueb shërbimet mundësojnë ekzekutimin e funksioneve në largësi përmes internetit. Ueb shërbimet sigurojnë platformë të pavarur nga gjuhët programuese dhe lidhin aplikacionet e organizatave dhe ndërmarrjeve të ndryshme përmes rrjetës (internetit). Qasja në internet nga pajisjet mobile është bërë e nevojshme për shumë biznese dhe aktivitete të ndryshme profesionale. Shumë kompani dhe organizata të ndryshme kanë ueb faqe dhe ueb shërbime të publikuara në internet për komunikim me klientët e tyre që mund të jenë nga cila do anë e botës. Këto ueb faqe dhe ueb shërbime, kryesisht janë zhvilluar për t’ju qasur nga kompjuterët, kurse sot është e nevojshme …

Short Message Service (Sms) Command And Control (C2) Awareness In Android-Based Smartphones Using Kernel-Level Auditing, Robert J. Olipane Jun 2012

Short Message Service (Sms) Command And Control (C2) Awareness In Android-Based Smartphones Using Kernel-Level Auditing, Robert J. Olipane

Theses and Dissertations

This thesis addresses the emerging threat of botnets in the smartphone domain and focuses on the Android platform and botnets using short message service (SMS) as the command and control (C2) channel. With any botnet, C2 is the most important component contributing to its overall resilience, stealthiness, and effectiveness. This thesis develops a passive host-based approach for identifying covert SMS traffic and providing awareness to the user. Modifying the kernel and implementing this awareness mechanism is achieved by developing and inserting a loadable kernel module that logs all inbound SMS messages as they are sent from the baseband radio to …

Authorship Is Continuous: Detecting Plagiarism In Student Code Assignments With Version Control, Ian Mathias Koss Jun 2012

Authorship Is Continuous: Detecting Plagiarism In Student Code Assignments With Version Control, Ian Mathias Koss

Theses and Dissertations

In academia, the conflict between plagiarist and instructor is reaching a crescendo. The increasing availability of source material available from the Internet, either for free or for hire, is met by the increasing sophistication of tools that help with the detection of these activities. These plagiarism detection tools work by comparing sets of documents to identify similar passages of text, but this approach has some inherent limitations. Chief among these is the single source problem. If a student hires someone to write a term paper for him or her, clearly plagiarism has taken place. However, there is no second copy …