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Nutritive value

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Full-Text Articles in Life Sciences

Use Of Plant Height For Determining The Nutritive Value, Yield And The Optimal Use Span Of Lucerne, Lother Schmidt Sep 2024

Use Of Plant Height For Determining The Nutritive Value, Yield And The Optimal Use Span Of Lucerne, Lother Schmidt

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Determining the ·cutting date is important for high yield, good forage quality and longevity of lucerne (Medicago media Pers.) stands. Most recommendations for the optimal use date are based on the development ,stage. The results of research conducted over 9 years show that forage quality and the dry matter (DM) yield of luccrne, at the same, developmental stage, vary considerably, depending on weather conditions during the growth period. A better criterion is the plant height of lucerne. There was a highly significant correlation between plant height and the content of crude fibre, crude protein and DM. We recommend the …

Effects Of Grassland Burning During Early Spring In Korea, Sung Seo Aug 2024

Effects Of Grassland Burning During Early Spring In Korea, Sung Seo

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

A field experiment was carried out in 1989 and 1990 to determine the effects of dead material (length 15 cm and 30 cm), date of burning (21 February, 2 March, I I March and 20 March) and a non-burning control treatment during eacly spring on grass growth, yield, and nutritive value in existing pasture dominated by orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.). On average burning treatments increased the soil surface temperature and the 10 cm soil depth temperature by S.5°C and 2.8°C respectively. A little burning damage was present after the burn on 20 March. However, burning, date of burning or …

Micro-Computer Version Of The Database On Feed Commodities Derived From Pastures And Green Crops, H T. Ostrowski-Meissner Aug 2024

Micro-Computer Version Of The Database On Feed Commodities Derived From Pastures And Green Crops, H T. Ostrowski-Meissner

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

The subunit of the national feed database devoted specifically to feeds derived from grasslands and green crops is presented. This collection of chemical and nutritional data is the result of 20 years of data collection from analyses conducted from 62 laboratories Australia-wide, The data entries are classified according to each Australian state and laboratory which provided the analytical and nutritional characteristics of fodder. Each entry is classified according to the International Feed Numbering (IFN) system as maintained by the International Network of Feed Information Centres (INFIC), The data in the collection as presented in the paper are an integral part …

Determination Of Extractable And Bound Condensed Tannins In Forage Species, G B. Douglas, P Donkers, A G. Foote, T N. Barry Aug 2024

Determination Of Extractable And Bound Condensed Tannins In Forage Species, G B. Douglas, P Donkers, A G. Foote, T N. Barry

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

The levels of condensed tannins (CT) in 12 herbaceous species growing at 2 sites were determined using a recently modified butanol­HCL procedure. The method measured CT extractable in 70:30 acetone: water, and CT bound to protein and fibre, using ground, freeze-dried material. Total plant CT levels ranged from trace to 8% OM, with high concentrations (5-8% DM) being detected in 3 Dorycnium spp. and Lotus pedunculatus. Coronilla varia, Hedysarum coronarium and Lotus corniculatus had CT levels of 2-4% DM which may be appropriate for optimum nutritional value. CT content in ·n. rect11m, D. pe11taphyl/11m and L. pedunculatus was higher …

Evaluation Of Setaria Sphacelata Var. Splendida In Mediterranean Irrigated Conditions. I. Effect Of Cutting Frequency On Chemical Composition And Nutritive Value, P C. Tenreiro Aug 2024

Evaluation Of Setaria Sphacelata Var. Splendida In Mediterranean Irrigated Conditions. I. Effect Of Cutting Frequency On Chemical Composition And Nutritive Value, P C. Tenreiro

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Chemical composition and nutritive value of Setaria sphacelata var. splendida were studied under 3 culling frequencies, 14, 28 and 56 days, under mediterranean irrigated conditions. The effect of cutting frequency on chemical composition and nutritive value was evaluated by measuring crude protein, structural and non-structural carbohydrates and dry mailer digestibility. Metabolisable energy was also estimated. Nutritive value was not strongly affected by cutting frequency and acceptable quality was found in the 56 days treatment (60% IVDMD, 8.5 MJ MB/kg OM, 10% CP). The results achieved are similar to those obtained With annual summer forage grasses like Sorghum spp.

Implications And Improvements In Nutritive Value On Plant Performance And Grassland Management, D Clark, J R. Wilson Aug 2024

Implications And Improvements In Nutritive Value On Plant Performance And Grassland Management, D Clark, J R. Wilson

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Lignin modification is one method of improving plant nutritive value and is used to illustrate methods and consequences of plant manipulation. The effect of modifying lignin organ, tissue or enzyme levels on plant performance is inferred from recent scientific work on a range of species. Selection for higher whole plant digestibility is sometimes negatively correlated with plant yield. However, there is sufficient variation in both characters that improvement new not inevitably lead to decreased yield. Cultivars selected for low leaf strength or more digestible stems usually have lesser amounts of sclerenchyma and vascular tissue with less lignin and thinner walls. …

Prediction Of The Digestibility Of Forages At Different Stages Of Maturity By Using Chemical, In Vitro And In Vivo Methods, P C. Gupta, K Pradhan Aug 2024

Prediction Of The Digestibility Of Forages At Different Stages Of Maturity By Using Chemical, In Vitro And In Vivo Methods, P C. Gupta, K Pradhan

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

The chemical composition and in vitro dry matter (DM) and cell wall digestibility of different legumes, i.e, berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum), cowpea (Vigna sineuis),, guara (Cyamopsis tetragonolob), lucerne (Medicago sativa), metha (Trigonalla foeawmgroecun) and white senji (Melillotus alba); and non-legumes, i.e., bajra (Pennlsetum typloides), sorghum (Sorghum vulgare), maize (Zea mays), oat (Avena Sativa), PP grass (Pennisetum pedicellatum), sudan grass (Sorghum sudanese) and teosinte (Euchlaena maxicane) forages were determined. The correlation coefficients between ill vitro digestibility …

Comparative Study Of Four Varieties Of Cowpea. 2. Nutritive Value And Voluntary Intake, M A. Gabra, K M. Ghobrial Aug 2024

Comparative Study Of Four Varieties Of Cowpea. 2. Nutritive Value And Voluntary Intake, M A. Gabra, K M. Ghobrial

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Pour varieties of cowpea (Vigna spp.) were sown lo study the effect of varieties on nutritive value and voluntary intake by sheep in 4 metabolism trials. Results showed that the feeding value as total digestible nutrients, starch value (SV) and digestible crude protein (DCP) of the different varieties were 63.05-65.61 %, 56.22-58.50% and 12.64-13.08%, respectively. Nitrogen balance was positive with sheep fed green forage. The voluntary intake from SV and DCP by sheep could cover the maintenance requirements from energy and protein with surplus for production.

Forage Nutritive Value And Ensilability Of Some Common Grassland Herbs, J Isselstein Aug 2024

Forage Nutritive Value And Ensilability Of Some Common Grassland Herbs, J Isselstein

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Nutritive value for ruminant feeding and ensilability of Achillea millefollum, Plalllago lanceolata and Taraxacum offlcinale in comparison with Lolium perenne and Trifollum repens were investigated, The species were planted as monocultures in a field trial. The influence of the time of first cutting and nitrogen fertilisation was also studied, Laboratory methods were used to estimate the nutritive value and ensilability of the forage. L. perenne had the highest nutritive value, followed by T. repens and T. o.f!lc lnale. A, millefolium and P, lanceolata were of lower quality. The decrease indigestible net energy value from early to late cutting was …

Productivity And Nutritive Value Of The New Perennial Protein Fodder Crop Galega Orientalis Lam. Cv. Gale, B Radenovic Aug 2024

Productivity And Nutritive Value Of The New Perennial Protein Fodder Crop Galega Orientalis Lam. Cv. Gale, B Radenovic

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Galega orienalis Lam. cv. Gale was first sown in Yugoslavia in 1991, in the north Backa region. The yields of green mass and hay, and crude protein, crude fat, ash and dry matter (DM) contents, obtained from 2 swaths in the year of sowing were much higher than those obtained from lucerne as the control crop.

Genetic Improvement And Nutritive Value Of Lucerne: Crude Protein Content, P Rotili, G Gnocchi, C Scotti Aug 2024

Genetic Improvement And Nutritive Value Of Lucerne: Crude Protein Content, P Rotili, G Gnocchi, C Scotti

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Stratigraphical analysis of a lucerne (Medicago saliva L.) stand was made to show the effect of leaf age and health, and of leaf-stem ratio, on crude protein content, These data show that when the analysis was made on stems of the same age and on leaves of the same age, health and physiological state, the variability of this trait is negligible, which makes it very difficult to breed for crude protein content. Nevertheless ii is possible to improve the protein content by selection for physiological trails such as leaf persistence and tolerance of early culling.

Plant Improvement: The Evaluation And Extension Processes, A S. Laidlaw, K.F M. Reed Aug 2024

Plant Improvement: The Evaluation And Extension Processes, A S. Laidlaw, K.F M. Reed

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Registration and evaluation systems throughout the world range from voluntary registration to compulsory schemes involving assessment of taxonomic and agronomic characteristics. Evaluation can be confined to agronomic tests simulated under grazing management or extended to feeding-value trials. Criteria include adaptation to climate and soils, persistence and seasonal growth, annual dry matter production, resistance to pests and diseases, and association with beneficial organisms. The need for stress (e.g. drought, low nutrients, acidity, salinity, heat or cold) to be given more emphasis in programmes in specific localities is suggested. In developing regions the emphasis is screening a wide range of grasses and …

Achievements And Perspectives In The Breeding Of Forage Grasses And Legumes, A.J P. Van Wijk, J G. Boonman, W Rumball Aug 2024

Achievements And Perspectives In The Breeding Of Forage Grasses And Legumes, A.J P. Van Wijk, J G. Boonman, W Rumball

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Successful breeding progrnmmes on forage grasses and legumes have in common that they made seed and plant material of superior genetic and physical quality available to the end-user at competitive prices. This was achieved by government- and privately-funded breeding programmes. A distinction between these two types of breeding organisations is made and discussed. Achievements in various areas are presented and the constraints the breeder is faced with ore given. It is felt that highly advanced genetic designs are not directly applicable, but that progress can continue to be made by applying classical procedures at a greater level of efficiency.

Nutritive Value Of Regrowth Of Pennisetum Parents And Hybrid Progeny, S C. Schank, D A. Diz, R L. Smith Aug 2024

Nutritive Value Of Regrowth Of Pennisetum Parents And Hybrid Progeny, S C. Schank, D A. Diz, R L. Smith

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Low forage nutritive value of the giant forms of elephantgrass (Pen,1isetum purpureum Schum.) has limited its production In tropical areas. A dwarf cultivar, Motl ·(released In 1988), has given convincing evidence of much higher forage quality. A tall elephantgrass (cv. Kinggrass, USDA PI 300086) was hybridised with Moll. Over 400 lntraspecific hybrids were obtained in 1988 and evaluated. Yield and forage 11utrillve value of the two parents and selected progeny were compared. Dry matter production was measured at 6-week regrowth and 12-week regrowth during 1990. Samples collected were analysed for in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM) and crude protein (CP), …

Composition Of The Fractions Of Dry, Mature Subterranean Clover Digested In Vivo And In Vitro, L Klein, S K. Baker Aug 2024

Composition Of The Fractions Of Dry, Mature Subterranean Clover Digested In Vivo And In Vitro, L Klein, S K. Baker

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

A modified pepsin-cellulase procedure was used to improve the prediction of in vivo digestibility of dry, mature subterranean clovers (Trifolium subterraneum). Feed, faeces, and the residues from this /11 vitro procedure and the i11 vitro procedure of Tilley & Terry were analysed for protein, ash and fibre fractions lo determine the composition of the cell-wall functions that were digested. The extent of digestion of the cell-wall fractions differed between the two in vitro procedures, but the cell-wall fraction that was digested contained similar proportions of cellulose, hemicellulose, protein and lignin. The cellulose and protein contents of the cell-wall digested …

Characteristics Of Grass Species In Pasture For High Producing Cows In Northern Japan, K Sudo, K Ochiai, T Ikeda Jul 2024

Characteristics Of Grass Species In Pasture For High Producing Cows In Northern Japan, K Sudo, K Ochiai, T Ikeda

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

The prupose of this research was to investigate characteristics of grass species under different conditions appropriate to the intensive grazing system for high producing cows (8000 kg for a 305-day lactation) in northern Japan. Meadow fescue (Festuca elatior L.), timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perene L.) white clover (Trifolium repens L.) pastures were established and divided into two plots by difference of regulated plant height (meadow fescue and timothy) or of stocking intensity (perennial ryegrass). Each plot was 60m2 and was grazed when plant height reached 20cm or 30cm. Meadow fescue and perennial …

Forage Productivity And Animal Performance On Different Grass/Legume Pastures For Grazing Management, Sung Seo, Joung Kyong Lee, Dong Eun Shin Jul 2024

Forage Productivity And Animal Performance On Different Grass/Legume Pastures For Grazing Management, Sung Seo, Joung Kyong Lee, Dong Eun Shin

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

A grazing trial was carried out to determine the effects of different grass/legume pastures on forage productivity, nutritive value, and animal performance. The pasture mixtures were mainly orchardgrass (OG)+ladino clover(T1), mainly OG+alfalfa(T2), mainly perennial ryegrass+alfalfa(T3), and grasses alone (mainly OG, T4). The pastures were rotationally grazed 7 times with growing heifers in 1991 and 1992. The proportion rate of ladino clover in T1 mixtures rapidly increased from 21% up 54 to 68% during the grazing season. However, the rate of alfalfa in T2 and T3 ranged between 12% and 23%. The annual dry matter yield ranged from 9.19 in T4 …

White Clover Content In New Zealand Pastures Affects Milksolids Production, S` L. Harris, D A. Clark Jul 2024

White Clover Content In New Zealand Pastures Affects Milksolids Production, S` L. Harris, D A. Clark

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

As a preliminary experiment to measuring milksolids (fat plus protein) production of dairy cattle grazing swards containing different levels of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) nine Jersey and nine Friesian cattle housed indoors during late lactation and fed diets containing either 20, 50 or 80% white clover with the balance perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). During the first 10 day measurement period cows were fed ad libitum and during the second 10 days feeding was restricted to 75% of metabolisable energy requirement. Milk yields of cows fed 50 and 80% clover were 18% and 10% greater than for …

Evaluation Of Palatability And Nutrient Composition Of Terminalia Brownii (Fresen) Leaves Grown In Farm Land In Southern Ethiopia, Bayisa Bekele, Mohinder Singh Hooda, Asmelash Tesfaye Jun 2024

Evaluation Of Palatability And Nutrient Composition Of Terminalia Brownii (Fresen) Leaves Grown In Farm Land In Southern Ethiopia, Bayisa Bekele, Mohinder Singh Hooda, Asmelash Tesfaye

Journal of Bioresource Management

Fodder trees and shrubs are important diet and they can provide huge amount of nutrient for grazing animals specifically in areas where less amount of forage is found. The current study was conducted during the year of 2020-2021 at Southern Ethiopia with the objectives of evaluating the palatability and nutrient composition of Terminalia brownii leaves grown in farmland. Survey was conducted in the study area with a 5 % of the total HHs through selecting randomly from the kebeles resident list. Five samples from each management practice i.e. lopping, pollarding and pruning were taken and analyzed in the laboratory for …

Dry Matter Allocation And Nutritive Value Of Tropical And Temperate Fodder Trees And Shrubs In The Gauteng Province Of South Africa, J P. Lindeque, N.F G. Rethman, C C. Botha Jun 2024

Dry Matter Allocation And Nutritive Value Of Tropical And Temperate Fodder Trees And Shrubs In The Gauteng Province Of South Africa, J P. Lindeque, N.F G. Rethman, C C. Botha

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Fodder tree and shrub species from the genera Albizzia, Atriplex, Cassia, Chamaecytisus, Cytisus, Leucaena, Lupinus, Medicago, Sesbania and Teline were evaluated in terms of their adaptation to local conditions and potential production of protein-rich forage and fuelwood. Atriplex nummularia, Cassia sturtii, Chamaecytisus palmensis, Cytisus maderiensis, Leucaena species, Sesbania sesban and Teline stenopetala offer considerable potential, both in terms of yield of protein-rich forage and/or fuelwood.

Cutting Date Effects Of Yield And Quality Of Unimproved Kudzu (Pueraria Lobata (Willd.) Ohwi.), T H. Terrill, S Gelaye, S Mahotiere, E A. Amoah, S Miller, W R. Windham Jun 2024

Cutting Date Effects Of Yield And Quality Of Unimproved Kudzu (Pueraria Lobata (Willd.) Ohwi.), T H. Terrill, S Gelaye, S Mahotiere, E A. Amoah, S Miller, W R. Windham

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Kudzu (Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi.), a vigorous, perennial warmseason legume, is considered a weed in the southern United States. It is tolerant of drought and low soil fertility and has potential as a low-input forage for livestock production. A field experiment tested effects of cutting date on yield and nutritive value of an unimproved stand of kudzu (10-15 yr old) in central Georgia. Yield measurements were made in June, July, September, and November, 1994, with forage samples taken to determine quality parameters. Soil fertility was unaffected by cutting treatment. Whole plant and leaf dry matter (DM) production and crude …

Dry Matter Production And Nutritive Value Of Forage Of Digitaria Eriantha Cv. Irene In Two Locations Of The Central Semi-Arid Region Of Argentina, C A. Frasinelli, H J. Petruzzi, J H. Veneciano, C M. Ferri, V V. Jouve, N P. Stritzler, O A. Terenti Jun 2024

Dry Matter Production And Nutritive Value Of Forage Of Digitaria Eriantha Cv. Irene In Two Locations Of The Central Semi-Arid Region Of Argentina, C A. Frasinelli, H J. Petruzzi, J H. Veneciano, C M. Ferri, V V. Jouve, N P. Stritzler, O A. Terenti

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

The aim of this experiment was to compare dry matter (DM) production rates and nutritive value of a warm-season grass, Digitaria eriantha cv. Irene, in two locations of Central Argentina, Santa Rosa (SR) and Villa Mercedes (VM). The plants were established in two identical groups of plots, within a randomized block design. DM rates were calculated from serial, out of phase clippings, and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and crude protein (CP) content analyzed on subsamples. The study lasted for three consecutive growing seasons. Results showed that DM production rates were generally higher (P<0.05) in SR than in VM, but IVDMD and CP content showed no clear trends between both locations. DM production tended to lower from year 1 to 3, related to processes of N depletion from soils (VM) and diminishing rainfall (SR). It is concluded that D.eriantha is a very promising warm-season grass to Central Argentina. Data of nutritive value obtained in one location can be used in others, but results of DM production rates should be taken under the conditions where they will be used.

Separate Harvest Of Leaves From The Stems Of Lucerne Stands, L Schmidt Jun 2024

Separate Harvest Of Leaves From The Stems Of Lucerne Stands, L Schmidt

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Lucerne leaves have significantly higher crude protein and lower crude fibre contents than the stems. The present methods for separating the leaves from the stems have serious deficiencies. Early harvesting, for example, weakens the lucerne stand, and sifting after artificial drying impairs quality. Above that, preparation of leaf protein concentrates is rather expensive. Field trials with a pronged cylinder which strips the leaves from the stems produced leaf yields of ž 80 % with a stem portion of £ 15 % (containing ž 26 % crude protein and £ 18 % crude fibre in the dry matter). Lucerne leaves can …

Nutrient Content Of Saskatchewan Native Range Plants, Zoheir Abouguendia Jun 2024

Nutrient Content Of Saskatchewan Native Range Plants, Zoheir Abouguendia

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

This study reports on the nutrient content and digestibility of five cool-season grasses common in the Mixed-Prairie Ecoregion of Saskatchewan, Canada: (1) green needlegrass (Stipa viridula Trin.); (2) needle-and-thread (Stipa comata Trin & Rupr.); (3) western porcupinegrass (Stipa curtiseta (Hitchc.) Backworth); (4) northern wheatgrass (Agropyron dasystachyum (Hook.) Scribn.); and (5) western wheatgrass (Agropyron smithii Rydb.). Plant material was collected monthly and analyzed for invitro organic matter digestibility ( IVOMD), crude protein (CP), P, Ca, ADF and NDF. All species showed similar intra-seasonal pattern in the various parameters studied and no species x month interactions were …

Anatomic And Chemical Traits, And In Vitro Digestibility Of Three Tropical Grasses, S Queiroz, Jose Alberto Gomide, Jose Maria Jun 2024

Anatomic And Chemical Traits, And In Vitro Digestibility Of Three Tropical Grasses, S Queiroz, Jose Alberto Gomide, Jose Maria

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Single linear correlation was established between in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and contents of chemical entities as well as proportion of different tissues. Top and bottom leaves were sampled from Jaraguagrass, setariagrass and dwarf elephantgrass. Among the chemical entities, lignin showed better correlation with IVDMD. The proportion of sclerenchyma in the samples of stem and leaf lamina from the top layer and the parenchymall cells in the leaf sheath showed highly significant correlations with the IVDMS NDF content correlated positively with percentage of sclerenchyma, lignified vascular tissues and parenchyma bundle sheath, but negatively with percentage mesophyll and epidermis tissues. …

Analysis Of Mixed Sward Silage By Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (Nirs), P Castro, J Castro, A Gonzalez-Arraez, G Flores Jun 2024

Analysis Of Mixed Sward Silage By Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (Nirs), P Castro, J Castro, A Gonzalez-Arraez, G Flores

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

NIR calibration equations were developed to determine crude protein (CP), acid detergent fibre (ADF), organic matter (OM), in vivo organic matter digestibility (OMD) and metabolizable energy (ME) in mixed swards silages. Spectra of 96 in vivo evaluated silages were recorded on a PSCO 6250 monochromator spectrophotometer using NSAS (NIRS Spectral Analysis Software) and converted to NewISI software. NIR calibrations were obtained by modified PLS regression of the 2nd. derivative of SNV and De-trended spectra on laboratory and in vivo data. Determination coefficients (R2) ranged from 0.77 for ME to 0.98 for CP and OM. Highest standard errors of calibration and …

Quality And Nutritive Value Of Alfalfa And Grass Silages With Biological Additives, H Shorko-Sajko, W Bednarski, J Kowalewska-Piontas, J Sajko, K Mlynarczyk Jun 2024

Quality And Nutritive Value Of Alfalfa And Grass Silages With Biological Additives, H Shorko-Sajko, W Bednarski, J Kowalewska-Piontas, J Sajko, K Mlynarczyk

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

The present study satisfactorily utilized some food industry byproducts for improving fermentation characteristics, quality and nutritive value of silages. Five kinds of preparations were made: sugar-enzymes based (beet molasses and brewer’s yeast, mycelium of Aspergillus niger, malted barley at 3:3:3:1); enzymes-bacteria based (mycelium of Aspergillus niger, malted barley, acidic whey, fermentation broth and lactic acid bacteria or skim milk powder at 3:0.9:3:0.1); sugar based (molasses and brewer’s yeast at 1:1) and concentrate of lactic acid bacteria only. Untreated or additive-treated first-cut low sugar (60g kg-1DM, 19.4% DM) alfalfa ( Medicago sativa) plus grasses (Phleum pratense and Dactylis glomerata) was …

Selection For High Dry Matter And Nonstructural Carbohydrate Contents In Italian Ryegrass, J P. Marais, M De Figueiredo, D.C W. Goodenough Jun 2024

Selection For High Dry Matter And Nonstructural Carbohydrate Contents In Italian Ryegrass, J P. Marais, M De Figueiredo, D.C W. Goodenough

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

The objective of this investigation was to determine whether or not the selection parameters, dry matter and total nonstructural carbohydrate contents, in an Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) selection trial were linked to other traits affecting nutritive quality. Selected F3 plants had significantly higher dry matter and total nonstructural carbohydrate contents than the commercial control plants tested. Although differences in digestibility in vitro of selected plants and control cultivars were non-significant, the selected plants contained less acid detergent fibre and acid detergent lignin than the controls. Acid detergent fibre and acid detergent lignin, the main anti-quality factors associated with pasture …

Tropical Corn For Silage In Multiple Cropping Systems, J C. Burns, D S. Fisher Jun 2024

Tropical Corn For Silage In Multiple Cropping Systems, J C. Burns, D S. Fisher

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

This study compared the yield potential and inherent nutritive value and quality of tropical corn (Zea mays L.) with temperate corn and two forage sorghums [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] for use in multiple cropping systems. Tropical corn showed high dry matter yield potential (19.3 Mg ha-1) compared with a selected temperate corn (14.7 Mg ha-1) or with an intermediate (8.5 Mg ha-1) or taller growing forage-type sorghum (10.3 Mg ha-1). Neutral detergent fiber concentration (g kg-1) was lower for temperate corn (330) than for tropical (548) corn which had a concentration similar to the intermediate (497) and forage-type …

Effect Of Storage On Quality Of Cowpea Haulm Hay Under Warm Humid Conditions, S O. Apori Jun 2024

Effect Of Storage On Quality Of Cowpea Haulm Hay Under Warm Humid Conditions, S O. Apori

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

The effect of four months storage on chemical composition of hay prepared from cowpea haulm was monitored in a Coastal savanna environment in Cape Coast, Ghana. The average hydrometeorological conditions during the experimental period were 27.1oC of temperature, 30.1mm of rainfall, 80.4% of relative humidity and 0.80 water activity. Parameters measured were dry matter (DM%), crude protein (CP%), metabolisable energy for ruminants [MEr, MJME/KgDM], protein to energy ratio (p/E, g/MJME), pH, and rumen degradable nitrogen (RDN,%). The CP, MEr, P/E, pH and RDN values of 13.04%, 7.17 MJME kg-1DM, 18.18g/MJME, 6.35 and 58.83% of freshly prepared hay changed to 12.05%, …