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Full-Text Articles in Education

Liberdade, Ética E Direito, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha Nov 2008

Liberdade, Ética E Direito, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha

Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Further than Ethics concieved as mere obedience, Republican Ethics expresses the idea of duty for freedom and Liberty. After Law concieved as only duty and imperative norms from power to the subjects, there is the possibility of a fraternal law, in new patterns. This article explores several ways in a new ethics and a new law paradigms, after the objective Roman Law and the subjective modern Law.

Globalisation And Migrant Labour In A 'Rainbow Nation': A Fortress South, Nicos Trimikliniotis Sep 2008

Globalisation And Migrant Labour In A 'Rainbow Nation': A Fortress South, Nicos Trimikliniotis

Nicos Trimikliniotis

Outside southern Africa little attention has been given to the lively debates, particularly within South Africa, about migration, economic integration, racism/xenophobia and exclusion. After the collapse of apartheid the Southern African Development Community (sadc) developed initiatives on regional co-operation on population movement in a far-reaching 1995 Draft Protocol on Free Movement. However, the post-apartheid South African state was concerned solely with free trade and, with the support of other regional players, managed to halt the Protocol. The processes of neoliberal regional integration, socioeconomic transformations, poverty and inequality, as well as the political turmoil in countries of the sub-Saharan region, have …

Kατεδαφιζόμεθα Ή Καταρρέει Ένα Ιδεολόγημα, Nicos Trimikliniotis Sep 2008

Kατεδαφιζόμεθα Ή Καταρρέει Ένα Ιδεολόγημα, Nicos Trimikliniotis

Nicos Trimikliniotis

Kατεδαφιζόμεθα ή καταρρέει ένα ιδεολόγημα Στο απόηχο της πρώτης και σ’ αναμονή της δεύτερης συνάντησης των δύο ηγετών, του κ. Χριστόφια και κ. Ταλάτ, «ξέσπασε» ή μάλλον «κατασκευάστηκε» από κάποια μίντια (και τις εμπρηστικές δηλώσεις από διάφορους) μια έξαλλη «συζήτηση» γύρω από την εγκύκλιο του Υπουργού Παιδείας. Μάλλον καταλάγιασε, προσωρινά τουλάχιστον, αλλά θα σιγοκαίει καθώς προχωρούν οι συνομιλίες. «Αλλού μας τρώει» λοιπόν… Αξίζει ωστόσο να πάρουμε κάτι από τις αντιδράσεις από μια εγκύκλιο που λέει τα αυτονόητα, κι απλά θέλει να εφαρμόσει στην πράξη αυτά που προφανώς ψευδώς διακηρύσσαμε. Γι’ αυτό και παίρνουμε στα σοβαρά τα τραγελαφικά που ζούμε κι …

Η Κύπρος Στα Δύσκολα Μονοπάτια Της Αλήθειας Και Της Συμφιλίωσης», [Cyprus Confronting The Difficult Pathway Of Truth And Reconciliation], Nicos Trimikliniotis Jun 2008

Η Κύπρος Στα Δύσκολα Μονοπάτια Της Αλήθειας Και Της Συμφιλίωσης», [Cyprus Confronting The Difficult Pathway Of Truth And Reconciliation], Nicos Trimikliniotis

Nicos Trimikliniotis

[In Greek] This paper is an attempt at approaching the issue of truth and reconciliation in Cyprus in a way that draws upon both the international as well as the local struggles and traditions, in an effort to critically integrate the knowledge, experiences and allow for reflectivity. What follows is a brief sketch of a more extensive paper which reflects upon the means, goals and ultimate objectives in a manner that is open-ended and non-exhaustive to contribute towards a debate on a subject that has not received its due attention . The paper draws upon some of the debates over …

Rethinking Reconciliation And Cooperation With View To Reunification In Cyprus: Challenges For Citizens, Political And Social Actors, Nicos Trimikliniotis Jun 2008

Rethinking Reconciliation And Cooperation With View To Reunification In Cyprus: Challenges For Citizens, Political And Social Actors, Nicos Trimikliniotis

Nicos Trimikliniotis

Concept The conference aims to initiate a dialogue between the two communities on the concept as well as the potential for reconciliation and cooperation in Cyprus today: at a time when working groups and technical committees are engaged in a dialogue preparing the ground for the face to face meeting between the leaders of the two communities, academics, researchers, activists and concerned citizens cannot stand by and watch; they need to find ways to constructively engage in the debate over the future of Cyprus and contribute to building trust, communication and understanding between the two communities. The conference proposes to …

The Power Of Simple Hands-On Cyberforensics Exercises: A Guide For Faculty, Gary C. Kessler, Jim Hoag May 2008

The Power Of Simple Hands-On Cyberforensics Exercises: A Guide For Faculty, Gary C. Kessler, Jim Hoag

Gary C. Kessler

"Computer forensics is a hands-on discipline. Introductory skills, however, can be taught using simple exercises that require neither expensive laboratory facilities nor even face-to-face courses. This paper describes a simple floppy disk analysis project that allows an instructor to address issues ranging from the computer forensics process and basics of file systems to long file names, file signatures, and hashing. Projects are essential to teaching this discipline as they support active learning, constructivism, and active learning. These hands-on projects also offer an opportunity for courses to be taught online and for students to build their own toolkits using open source …

A Primary Human Challenge, Carroy U. Ferguson Apr 2008

A Primary Human Challenge, Carroy U. Ferguson

Carroy U "Cuf" Ferguson, Ph.D.

We may ask why, at both the individual and collective levels, it has seemed so difficult for us to choose to evolve our human games with Joy. There is no one answer for such a question, for each of us has the gift of free will. I will suggest, however, that built into our human games is what I call a primary human challenge. That primary human challenge is a dynamic tension, flowing from our creative urge for the freedom “to be” who we really are in our current physical form, and simultaneously to embrace our responsibility for our Being-ness.

Gender Audits As An Input To Engender Governance: Vibhuti Patel, Professor Vibhuti Patel Jan 2008

Gender Audits As An Input To Engender Governance: Vibhuti Patel, Professor Vibhuti Patel

Professor Vibhuti Patel

‘gender audit’ is referred to as ‘mainstreaming’ public policy, including legislation, regulations, allocations, taxation and social projects, from the point of view of their effect on the status of women in a given society. Gender audits also analyse the income and expenditures of the government from a gender perspective. The basic assumption of a gender audits is that public policy impacts differently on men and women. The variance stems from the different roles of women and men in the family and from the lower economic status of women. The purpose of gender audits is to lead to changes in public …

Закон За Спречување На Корупција Во Локалната Власт: Правни Прашања Поврзани Со Дизајнирање На Прописи И Тела За Спречување На Корупција На Локално Ниво Во Македонија, Bryane Michael Dec 2007

Закон За Спречување На Корупција Во Локалната Власт: Правни Прашања Поврзани Со Дизајнирање На Прописи И Тела За Спречување На Корупција На Локално Ниво Во Македонија, Bryane Michael

Bryane Michael (

Општините во Република Македонија треба да усвојат прописи за спречување на корупција со цел да ја намалат корупцијата. Овој труд ги разгледува правните прашања поврзани со изработката на такви прописи и обезбедува правен совет за советите на општините за правна и економска анализа потреба за решавање на некои од потешките и подетални прашања. Најважното прашање произлегува од креирањето на модел на пропис кој општините во Македонија (или Заедницата на единиците на локалната самоуправа на Република Македонија) можат да го усвојат со цел воспоставување и работа на тела за спречување на корупција на локално ниво. Анализирана е локацијата на таквите тела, …

Migration States Or States Of Exception? Social Movements Confront Authoritarian Statism, Nicos Trimikliniotis Dec 2007

Migration States Or States Of Exception? Social Movements Confront Authoritarian Statism, Nicos Trimikliniotis

Nicos Trimikliniotis

-Introduction -Defining the State -Europeanisation and the State -The Emergent Migration State -The Centrality of the Border: Migration and the State of Exception -Revisiting the ‘Agency versus Structure’ Debate -Migrants against the State of Exception ----Link: Introduction If we are to address thoroughly an issue as complex as migration, we are forced to examine closely how the methods for controlling migration are being reformulated. The focus of our paper is primarily the European context, but the ideas and processes have a much wider scope. In an era that is characterised by a generalised ‘state of exception’ (Agamben, 2004), the …

Att Arbeta Med Sig Själv: Pedagogiska Tankar Utifrån Stanislavskij, Matilda Arvidsson Dec 2007

Att Arbeta Med Sig Själv: Pedagogiska Tankar Utifrån Stanislavskij, Matilda Arvidsson

Dr Matilda Arvidsson

I detta paper utgår jag ifrån Konstantin Stanislavskijs En skådespelares arbete med sig själv och ställer frågor kring hur lärandesituationen på en juridisk utbildning kan vägledas av Stanislavskijs teori och praktik.

Marketing To Helicopter Parents: Hovering Headache Or Untapped Economic Resource, Oscar T. Mcknight, Ronald Paugh, Aaron Mcknight, Heidi Parker Dec 2007

Marketing To Helicopter Parents: Hovering Headache Or Untapped Economic Resource, Oscar T. Mcknight, Ronald Paugh, Aaron Mcknight, Heidi Parker

Oscar T McKnight Ph.D.

Too often helicopter parents are deemed bothersome to professionals in higher education. However, this research indicates that helicopter parents are a niche market. Thus, incorporating the helicopter parent into a university's offical target marketing campaign appears warranted and necessary given the current economic climate.

Human And Fundamental Rights And Duties In Portuguese Constitution. Some Reflections, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha Dec 2007

Human And Fundamental Rights And Duties In Portuguese Constitution. Some Reflections, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha

Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

The Portuguese Constitution (1976) came after a period of 48 years of authoritarianism and a closed society, in which some happy few enjoyed great privileges while the great majority of people were charged with heavy duties So, by a very understandable "law of human nature", the constituent law givers could not reasonably impose constitutionally many obligations, in an autonomous way. As rights and duties are the twin sides of the same coin, the juridical formulation under the sign of rights also implies obligations, related to those same rights. This is kinder and more pleasant to do by a liberating Constitution...

El Derecho Natural, Historia E Ideologia, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha Dec 2007

El Derecho Natural, Historia E Ideologia, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha

Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Intentemos retomar algunos hilos sueltos de discursos dispersos y con una nueva mirada analítica, procuremos ver una realidad sutil y huidiza: ese derecho natural que parece silencioso en nuestros días, y más silencioso aún en los discursos psitacistas: tanto en los pomposos como en los pseudo-rigurosos.

Princípio Republicano E Virtudes Republicanas, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha Dec 2007

Princípio Republicano E Virtudes Republicanas, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha

Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

O presente artigo procura unir traços de aparente heterodoxia, recuperando, porém, paradigmas e tópicos que não são novos. Com efeito, nem as virtudes, nem a república, nem sequer a felicidade são novidades. O que talvez seja novo (new again) é o espírito de buscar outra vez as raízes, as fontes, para um intento de renovação do ambiente juspolítico. Somos naturalmente favorável a uma Constituição principial e valorativa, como a nossa. Mas parece-nos que há nela lugar a Virtudes (que já existem nela), e que a descoberta das Virtudes nas Constituições, e, logo, no Direito, é, afinal, um ovo de Colombo. …

Da Constituição Antiga À Constituição Moderna. República E Virtude, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha Dec 2007

Da Constituição Antiga À Constituição Moderna. República E Virtude, Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha

Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Virtude e República necessariamente têm de levar-nos à Antiguidade: desde logo porque a primeira “começa” com a helénica "areté". Logo, é preciso ir, antes de mais, à Grécia Antiga, e especialmente ao legado ateniense. “Directly or indirectly, Athenian democracy as an extraordinary experiment in social history thus stimulates our own thinking about crucial issues of our own democracy and society, incomparably more complex though they are. The point is precisely that the ancients help us focus on the essentials" - como afirma Kurt A. Raaflaub.

Uma Filosofia Constitucional Comum (Luso-Brasileira), Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha Dec 2007

Uma Filosofia Constitucional Comum (Luso-Brasileira), Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha

Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Onde melhor se pode aquilatar de uma filosofia constitucional? Além do cunho da constitução, que já vimos ser liberal na fórmula política (porque moderna ecodificada) e social na social, cultural e económica, o que mais exprime uma filosofia constitucional é a ética constitucional, e, antes de mais, são os valores. A Constituição cidadão brasileira e a Constituição portuguesa de 1976 comungam, em grande medida, dos meus valores de liberdade, igualdade, justiça, e outros, progressivos e de cidadania.

Cascading Infrastructure Failures: Avoidance And Response, George H. Baker, Cheryl J. Elliott Dec 2007

Cascading Infrastructure Failures: Avoidance And Response, George H. Baker, Cheryl J. Elliott

George H Baker

No critical infrastructure is self-sufficient. The complexity inherent in the interdependent nature of infrastructure systems complicates planning and preparedness for system failures. Recent wide-scale disruption of infrastructure on the Gulf Coast due to weather, and in the Northeast due to electric power network failures, dramatically illustrate the problems associated with mitigating cascading effects and responding to cascading infrastructure failures once they have occurred.

The major challenge associated with preparedness for cascading failures is that they transcend system, corporate, and political boundaries and necessitate coordination among multiple, disparate experts and authorities. This symposium brought together concerned communities including government and industry …

The Bologna Process And Its Impact In Europe: It's So Much More Than Degree Changes, Laurel S. Terry Dec 2007

The Bologna Process And Its Impact In Europe: It's So Much More Than Degree Changes, Laurel S. Terry

Laurel S. Terry

The Bologna Process is a massive, multi-year project designed to create the European Higher Education Area by the year 2010. It began approximately ten years ago when four European Union (EU) countries signed a relatively vague declaration. It has now grown to forty-six countries, including all of the EU Member States and nineteen non-EU countries. The Bologna Process countries have agreed on ten action lines for restructuring European higher education. These action lines are nothing short of revolutionary - they address everything from adoption of a three-cycle degree system (e.g., bachelor-master's-doctorate degrees), European-wide quality assurance efforts, mobility of higher education …