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Physical Sciences and Mathematics

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Somatic Embryogensis And Plant Regeneration From Immature Inflorescences Of Hyparrhenia Hirta (L.) Stapf, R Hatipoglu, A Gland, C U. Hesemann, T Tukel Sep 2024

Somatic Embryogensis And Plant Regeneration From Immature Inflorescences Of Hyparrhenia Hirta (L.) Stapf, R Hatipoglu, A Gland, C U. Hesemann, T Tukel

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

The study was conducted to determine an efficient system for in vitro culture and Hyparrhenia hirta, The effects of 2 different auxins (2,4-D and dicamba) at 3 concentrations (4.5 µM, 22,6 µM and 45,2 µM) and 2 ecotypes with different chromosome numbers (2n= 36 and 2n • 54) on callus induction and plantlet regeneration from immature inflorescences of Hyparrhenia hirta were investigated. Inflorescence segments of 5 mm length from greenhouse-grown plants were cultured on a modified Linsmaier and Skoog medium supplemented with 30 g/1 agar, Large differences In frequency of callus induction and callus weight were observed among lhe different …

Somatic Embryogensis And Plant Regeneration From Long-Term Suspension Culture Of Digitaria Decumbens, Yu-Kuei Cheng Sep 2024

Somatic Embryogensis And Plant Regeneration From Long-Term Suspension Culture Of Digitaria Decumbens, Yu-Kuei Cheng

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

The optimum condition for embryogenic callus formation and plant regeneration from immature inflorescences of Digltarla decumbens was MS medium supplemented with O,S mg/I 2,4-D, 2.0 mg/) kinetin and 0,591, NaCl. For long-term subcultures, pieces of embryogenic callus were cultured on MS liquid medium supplemented with 1-2 mg/1 2,4-D, 0.591, NaCl, 5% coconut milk, SOO mg/I casein hydrolase and O.S mg/I 6-benzylaminopurlne, and were subcultured every 4-S days. Bmbryogenic suspension cultures were maintained for more than 1 year. More than 5000 plants may be produced from an explant within 6 months. Bmbryoids from suspension cultures showed a bipolar organisation.

Transformation Of White Clover With A Gene Encoding A White Clover Mosaic Virus Coat Protein, Brigitta Dudas, R L.S Forster, C J. Van Dolleweerd, D.W R. White Sep 2024

Transformation Of White Clover With A Gene Encoding A White Clover Mosaic Virus Coat Protein, Brigitta Dudas, R L.S Forster, C J. Van Dolleweerd, D.W R. White

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Genes encoding the white clover mosaic virus (WClMV) coat protein . have been introduced into white clover (Trifolimn repens L.) using Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated T-DNA transfer. Integration of the coat protein gene in regenerated callus has been confirmed hy Southern blotting of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification products generated using specific oligonucleotide primers. A polyclonal antibody, raised against purified WCIMV coal protein, recognised a polypeptide of c. 25 kDa after SOS-PAGE and Western blotting. The recogilised polypeptide co-migrates with the purified coat protein. Using ELISA, levels of coat protein accumulation in transgenic callus have been determined. The scope for …

Embryo Rescue And Somatic Hybridisation For The Production Of Interspecific Hybrids In The Genus Medicago, S Arcioni, F Damiani, M Piccirilli, F Pupilli Sep 2024

Embryo Rescue And Somatic Hybridisation For The Production Of Interspecific Hybrids In The Genus Medicago, S Arcioni, F Damiani, M Piccirilli, F Pupilli

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

T• broaden the germplasm sources available for the genetic improvement of alfalfa, new interspecific hybrids between Medlcago saliva L. and other Medicago species (M. coemlea, M. arborea and M. rugosa) hove been obtained. To • overcome lncompalibility barriers existing between alfalfa and the wild species, ovule-embryo culture and somatic hybridisation were used. Viable plants were obt11incd through the utilisation of both techniques Md their hybrid nature was demonstrated by analysis of morphological traits, by cylological investigations and by electrophorelic profiles of esterascs and peroxidases. Hybrids were fertile and In the fulure their backcross to alfalfa should allow the useful tr11i,s …

Use Of Molecular Markers In Alfalfa For Construction Of A Genetic Map And Studying Genetic Rearrangements In Non-Sexually Derived Hybrids, F Damiani, F Pupilli, M Piccirilli, S Arcioni Sep 2024

Use Of Molecular Markers In Alfalfa For Construction Of A Genetic Map And Studying Genetic Rearrangements In Non-Sexually Derived Hybrids, F Damiani, F Pupilli, M Piccirilli, S Arcioni

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Two genomic libraries have been constructed from Medicago saliva DNA reslfictcd with both Pstl and EcoRT. The libraries have been screened and compared for the presence of highly repeated DNA sequences. Restriction fragment length polymorphism among 3 varieties of M. saliva (Rangelander, Adriana, CADL) and 3 species of the genus Medicago (M. coerulea, M. falcata, M. arborea) has been investigated using a large number of probe-enzyme combinations .. Four-and 6-base cutter restriction enzymes have been used. DNA electrophoresis has been performed with· 2 substrates (agarose and polyacrylamide) in order to detect polymorphism at a higher range of fragment lengths. About …

Use Of Allozyme Genetic Markers To Follow The Establishment Of White Clover Oversown Into Hill Country, K D. Adam, M E. Wedderburn, L A. Greaves Sep 2024

Use Of Allozyme Genetic Markers To Follow The Establishment Of White Clover Oversown Into Hill Country, K D. Adam, M E. Wedderburn, L A. Greaves

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Allozyme marker loci Gpi-3,4 and Pgm-3,4 were used to monitor establishment of plants of the white clover (Trifolium repens L., cv. Grasslands Huia) oversown into 3 steep, north-facing hill country pastures. Comparisons of genotype frequencies in samples of the unimproved (resident) populations, the oversown populations 18 months after oversowing and Huia, provided information about changes in the genetic composition of the white clover populations after oversowing. In each case, oversowing brought about significant changes in allele frequencies but the estimated proportions of plants of cuhivar Huia were variable at 24.2%, 92.4% and 100%, indicating that establishment rates can vary not …

Tissue Culture Of Sainfoin, Nakashima Hiroshi, Yang Zhuomeng Sep 2024

Tissue Culture Of Sainfoin, Nakashima Hiroshi, Yang Zhuomeng

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

The effecls of 1-napthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 6-benzylamino purine (BAP) on callus induction, callus proliferation and plant regeneration were examined ip sainfojn (011ob1ycl1is viciifo/ia Scop.) from differen! ex plant. Then the effects of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) on root formation from differentiated shoot from calli were examined. The combinations of 1-10 µM ofNAA an4 BAP were better for sainfoin culture. For callus induction, there was no significant difference among 3 explants, but Chere were interactions between explant and media. For plant regeneration, hypocotyl and root are 􀄊ter explants than cotyledon. The effects of NAA and BAP showed less effective on callus …

Use Of Allozyme Genetic Markers To Follow The Establishment Of White Clover Oversown Into Hill Country Pastures, K D. Adam, M E. Wedderburn, L A. Greaves Sep 2024

Use Of Allozyme Genetic Markers To Follow The Establishment Of White Clover Oversown Into Hill Country Pastures, K D. Adam, M E. Wedderburn, L A. Greaves

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Allozyme marker loci Gpi-3,4 and Pgm-3,4 were used to monitor establishment of plants of the white clover (Trifolum repens L., cv. Grasslands Huia) oversown into 3 steep, north-facing hill country pastures. Comparisons of genotype frequencies in samples of the unimproved (resident) populations, the oversown populations 18 months after oversowing and Huia, provided information about changes in the genetic composition of the white clover populations after oversowing. In each case, oversowing brought about significant changes in allele frequencies but the estimated proportions of plants of cuhivar Huia were variable at 24.2%, 92.4% and 100%, indicating that establishment rates can vary …

Application Of The Somaclone Method In Fertility Restoration Of The Partially Sterile Hybrid Of Agropyron Repens X Bromus Inermis: Callus Initiation And Plant Regeneration, L E. Heszky, J Janovsky, G Gyulai, E Kiss, L T. Hangyel Sep 2024

Application Of The Somaclone Method In Fertility Restoration Of The Partially Sterile Hybrid Of Agropyron Repens X Bromus Inermis: Callus Initiation And Plant Regeneration, L E. Heszky, J Janovsky, G Gyulai, E Kiss, L T. Hangyel

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

. Callus initiation and plant regeneration from the new intergeneric hybrid of Agropyron repens L., Beauv, x Bromus inermis.1 Leyss. cv. Nanus (Agromus) was carried out. For callus initiation, the inflorescence primordia were incubated on an optimised nutritive medium designated medium-F, supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (0.5 mg/ I). Within 21 days of plating, embryogenic callus with globular structures were developed, From the 21st day of culture, one-step plant regeneration occurred from callus without subculture. Non-regenerative calli were subcultured to medium-F supplemented with different cytokinins. The cytological analysis of the calli showed wide genetic:il variability in chromosome number with …

Dairying Farming In New Zealand, Bryan Guy Sep 2024

Dairying Farming In New Zealand, Bryan Guy

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Dairy farming in New Zealand is primarily an export industry based almost entirely on the use of perennial ryegrass and while clover. A low cost dairy farming system has been developed and it is this system which enables the New Zealand dairy farmer to survive on returns from the international marketplace. Milk marketing in New Zealand is controlled by a single producer organisation, the New Zealand Dairy Board, which also provides breeding services lo some 14 700 dairy farmers. The industry aims to maximise the net income of dairy farmers. Emphasis is on efficient production and is often measured on …

Sheep And Beef Farming On The West Coast Of The North Island Of New Zealand, R A. Neeley, T G. Parminter Sep 2024

Sheep And Beef Farming On The West Coast Of The North Island Of New Zealand, R A. Neeley, T G. Parminter

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Over 40% of New Zealand's occupied land area is devoted to hill country farming. The forms are typically owned, managed and ·worked by a single family with some help from seasonal labour. The properly owned by L.D. and R.A. Neeley is a typical example of the type of hill country farms found on the west coast of the North Island. It has an effective area of 520 ha and carries 5000 stock units, 30% of which are cattle. The sheep policy is to finish 60-100% of lambs produced from an improved Romney breed flock (with a 90-100% lambing rate). Friesian …

Policy Developments And Trade Prospects For Grassland-Based Products, Graeme H. Tie, Jayantha P. Kottege, Brian S. Fisher Sep 2024

Policy Developments And Trade Prospects For Grassland-Based Products, Graeme H. Tie, Jayantha P. Kottege, Brian S. Fisher

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

The economic outlook for grassland-based products over the next decade will be influenced by a range of factors. Important among these will be the outcome of the agricultural negotiations in the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Failure to achieve satisfactory agricultural reform in the Uruguay Round could result in an acceleration in the trend toward the formation of regional trading arrangements. This could, in turn, lead to increased fragmentation of the international trading system. Such fragmentation reduces the global economic gains available from trade which stem from specialisation and the associated exercise of comparative advantage. …

European Grassland Farming: Future Prospects, David R. Harvey, Caroline Saunders Sep 2024

European Grassland Farming: Future Prospects, David R. Harvey, Caroline Saunders

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

The paper reviews recent policy reforms and current pressures in Europe, including the CAP reforms, GATT considerations, the potential for European and CIS integration, and the environmental pressures on policy. The possible consequences of these reforms are then considered, illustrated by estimates of European grassland product market conditions in the event of multilateral free trade in form products. Finally, the implications of these trends for farming practices are considered, with special reference to the UK and European Community. In spite of rather glacial progress towards trade liberalisation, Che conclusions are: i) that future· strategic planning at both national and farm …

A Traditional Exporter's Perspective Of Trade Reforms, N R. Mitchell Sep 2024

A Traditional Exporter's Perspective Of Trade Reforms, N R. Mitchell

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

The agriculture and trade policies which governments commonly have pursued over the last three decades, particularly governments in the large developed countries, have had a major impact on world patterns of production and trade in livestock and livestock products. This has been especially so for milk and dairy products where government involvement in markets has been most pervasive. One effect has been that the comparative advantages derived from the production of livestock products based on pasture feeding of animals \lave been suppressed or overridden. Reform of the international trading system for agricultural products now being developed in the GATT, and …

Impact Of Changing Trade Opportunities On Livestock Production In Developing Countries, J K. Camoens Sep 2024

Impact Of Changing Trade Opportunities On Livestock Production In Developing Countries, J K. Camoens

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

For the lesser developed countries (LDCs) and advanced countries (ACs), the paper identifies the determinants of "free" trade, analyses protectionism, examines the global trade picture with respect lo "free" trade, relates trade to production and the structure of demand, and finally predicts the impact of trade reforms. The analysis concludes that: (i) trade policies per se do not impact in any significant manner on domestic production or imports in the LDCs since world trade constitutes a small fraction of production; (ii) demand, and hence supply, of animal products are determined primarily by GNP, income distribution and price; (iii) grassland farming …

Development Of Grain-Saving, High Efficiency Pasture Animal Industry, Han Gui Qing Sep 2024

Development Of Grain-Saving, High Efficiency Pasture Animal Industry, Han Gui Qing

IGC Proceedings (1993-2023)

Grain-saving, high efficiency pasture-sustained (GSHEPS) animal industry, with its final purpose of profitable industry, is forage-orientated. This is a new fonn of operation based on advanced feeding management.

Comparing A Narrative And Didactic Approach To An Invasive Species Education Video, Tim Campbell, Bret Shaw, Amulya Rao, Jenna Klink, Feiran Chen Sep 2024

Comparing A Narrative And Didactic Approach To An Invasive Species Education Video, Tim Campbell, Bret Shaw, Amulya Rao, Jenna Klink, Feiran Chen

The Journal of Extension

Video is a common tool for engaging audiences in Extension topics, yet evaluation of the different video production approaches is lacking. We compared learning and emotional outcomes after boaters in the Great Lakes watched either a narrative or didactic video focused on how to prevent the spread of an aquatic invasive species. There were differences in how each approach affected viewers, indicating that there can be utility in both approaches to video production. Extension staff that are creating videos should have these outcomes in mind to promote desired behaviors.

Exploring The Correlation Between Climate Change And Influenza Activity In The Northeast United States, 2003-2023, Emily M. Posadas Sep 2024

Exploring The Correlation Between Climate Change And Influenza Activity In The Northeast United States, 2003-2023, Emily M. Posadas

Doctoral Dissertations and Projects

The influenza virus is influenced by a myriad of complex interactions with human and environmental factors, with changing climate patterns having significant effects on the health status of a population. This study investigates the correlation between climate change and influenza activity in the northeast United States from 2003 to 2023, providing insight and understanding into the interaction between the two variables. The anthropogenic factors that have contributed to climate change are recognized, and circulating seasonal and avian influenza viruses are discussed within the context of climate change. The investigation of the correlation between climate change and influenza activity across this …

A Limited-Preemption Scheduling Model Inspired By Security Considerations, Benjamin Standaert, Fatima Raadia, Marion Sudvarg, Sanjoy Baruah, Thidapat Chantem, Nathan Fisher, Christopher Gill Sep 2024

A Limited-Preemption Scheduling Model Inspired By Security Considerations, Benjamin Standaert, Fatima Raadia, Marion Sudvarg, Sanjoy Baruah, Thidapat Chantem, Nathan Fisher, Christopher Gill

Computer Science and Engineering Publications and Presentations

Safety-critical embedded systems such as autonomous vehicles typically have only very limited computational capabilities on board that must be carefully managed to provide required enhanced functionalities. As these systems become more complex and inter-connected, some parts may need to be secured to prevent unauthorized access, or isolated to ensure correctness.

We propose the multi-phase secure (MPS) task model as a natural extension of the widely used sporadic task model for modeling both the timing and the security (and isolation) requirements for such systems. Under MPS, task phases reflect execution using different security mechanisms which each have associated execution time costs …

Economic Impacts Of Establishing A Neutron Source Facility In Windsor, Abdur Rahman Sep 2024

Economic Impacts Of Establishing A Neutron Source Facility In Windsor, Abdur Rahman

Major Papers

Cancer poses a significant health challenge in Canada, with two in five individuals likely to develop the disease. This paper explores the economic impacts of establishing a prototype compact accelerator-based neutron source (PC-CANS) facility in Windsor that will produce medical isotopes locally in Windsor, Ontario, rather than relying on centralized production and transportation from London, Ontario. Fluorine-18 medical isotopes, crucial for positron emission tomography (PET) scans, experience significant decay losses during transportation due to their short half-life of 109.8 minutes, increasing costs and restricting availability. Using a differential analysis approach, the study quantifies economic benefits, focusing on three main impacts: …

Synthesis Of Zno: Zro2 Nanocomposites Using Green Method For Medical Applications, Mohammed J. Tuama, Maysoon F. Alias Sep 2024

Synthesis Of Zno: Zro2 Nanocomposites Using Green Method For Medical Applications, Mohammed J. Tuama, Maysoon F. Alias

Karbala International Journal of Modern Science

These days, nanocomposites are very popular, especially in medical applications. The spread of diseases in general, and those caused by microbes and cancerous diseases in particular, and the increased resistance of these diseases to antibiotics, have led to the need for the rapid, low-cost, and environmentally friendly production of nanocomposites. To create the chemical G-ZnO: ZrO2 and S-ZnO: ZrO2 (green technique), two different plant extracts were utilized: Z. officinal and S. aromaticum. The effective synthesis and acceptable properties features of the nanoparticles were confirmed using characterization techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) , diffuse reflectance spectroscopy …

The Interplay Of Social Constraints And Individual Variation In Risk Tolerance In The Emergence Of Superspreaders, Earl Carr, Matthew J. Young, Matthew J. Silk, Alexander J. Pritchard, Nina F. Fefferman Sep 2024

The Interplay Of Social Constraints And Individual Variation In Risk Tolerance In The Emergence Of Superspreaders, Earl Carr, Matthew J. Young, Matthew J. Silk, Alexander J. Pritchard, Nina F. Fefferman

Faculty Publications and Other Works -- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Individual host behaviours can drastically impact the spread of infection through a population. Differences in the value individuals place on both socializing with others and avoiding infection have been shown to yield emergent homophily in social networks and thereby shape epidemic outcomes. We build on this understanding to explore how individuals who do not conform to their social surroundings contribute to the propagation of infection during outbreaks. We show how non-conforming individuals, even if they do not directly expose a disproportionate number of other individuals themselves, can become functional superspreaders through an emergent social structure that positions them as the …

Perceptions Of Pharmacy Students Towards The Transition To Online Communication In Learning: Lessons From The Covid-19 Pandemic, Wejdan Shroukh Dr Sep 2024

Perceptions Of Pharmacy Students Towards The Transition To Online Communication In Learning: Lessons From The Covid-19 Pandemic, Wejdan Shroukh Dr

Middle East Journal of Communication Studies

This study aims to explore the experiences of pharmacy students at Middle East University (MEU) in the transition to online communication in pharmacy education during the COVID-19 pandemic in the academic year 2021/2022.The current study follows an inductive qualitative research design based on conducting semi-structured interviews with students. Thematic analysis of data was carried out, and the six phases of analysis described by Braun and Clarke were followed. Data analysis yielded the following themes: acceptance of the transition to online communication in pharmacy education, the perceived difficulty of online courses delivered during the pandemic, drawbacks of online communication in pharmacy …

Search For Core Collapse Supernovae Signals In Ligo’S Third Observation Run Using A Network Of Gravitational Wave Detectors Integrated With A Multiclass Convolutional Neural Network, Shahrear Khan Faisal, Gaukhar Nurbek, Michael Benjamin, Bhawana Sedhai, Soma Mukherjee Sep 2024

Search For Core Collapse Supernovae Signals In Ligo’S Third Observation Run Using A Network Of Gravitational Wave Detectors Integrated With A Multiclass Convolutional Neural Network, Shahrear Khan Faisal, Gaukhar Nurbek, Michael Benjamin, Bhawana Sedhai, Soma Mukherjee

Physics and Astronomy Faculty Publications and Presentations

In the existing body of literature, numerous waveforms of core collapse supernovae (CCSN) have emerged from extensive simulations conducted in high-performance computing facilities globally. These waveforms exhibit distinct characteristics related to their explosion mechanisms, influenced by parameters such as progenitor mass, angular momentum, gravitational wave energy, peak frequency, duration, and equation of state. Core collapse supernovae stand out as highly anticipated sources in LIGO’s fourth observation (O4) run, prompting dedicated efforts to detect them. The integration of machine learning, specifically convolutional neural networks (CNN), has become a pivotal avenue for analysis. This study addresses a fundamental query: how can a …

Systematic Review On Isolation, Purification, Characterization, And Industrial Applications Of Thermophilic Microbial Α- Amylases, Rugaiyah A. Arfah, Sarlan Sarlan, Abdul Karim, Anita Anita, Ahyar Ahmad, Paulina Taba, Harningsih Karim, Siti Halimah Larekeng, Dorothea Agnes Rampisela, Rusdina Bte Ladju Sep 2024

Systematic Review On Isolation, Purification, Characterization, And Industrial Applications Of Thermophilic Microbial Α- Amylases, Rugaiyah A. Arfah, Sarlan Sarlan, Abdul Karim, Anita Anita, Ahyar Ahmad, Paulina Taba, Harningsih Karim, Siti Halimah Larekeng, Dorothea Agnes Rampisela, Rusdina Bte Ladju

Karbala International Journal of Modern Science

The α-amylase enzyme, sourced from diverse organisms, including plants, animals, and bacteria, plays a crucial role in multiple industries, notably food processing sectors like cakes, fruit juices, and starch syrup. Research identifies thermophilic organisms as prime sources of this enzyme thriving at temperatures ranging from 41°C to 122°C. The enzyme purification was carried out using liquid-liquid extraction, which involved the exchange of substances between two liquid phases that were immiscible or partially soluble. The optimal temperature for α-amylase was 45 to 90°C. The best pH for bacterial and fungal α-amylases ranged from 5.0 to 10.5 and 5.0 to 9.0. Based …

The Aimag Project: Using Machine Learning To Predict Crustal Magnetic Anomaly Values, Xavier Gobble, Marlie Mollett, Dr. Dawn King, Dr. Cory Reed, Erin Knese Sep 2024

The Aimag Project: Using Machine Learning To Predict Crustal Magnetic Anomaly Values, Xavier Gobble, Marlie Mollett, Dr. Dawn King, Dr. Cory Reed, Erin Knese

Undergraduate Research Symposium

A detailed model of the Earth’s total magnetic field is important for acquiring the means for GPS-alternative, magnetic anomaly-based navigation. The Earth’s total magnetic field is an amalgam of 5 mechanisms: the geodynamo generated by the rotation of the Earth’s molten iron core, the fields induced by the flows of electric current in the atmosphere and oceans, the disturbance of the ionosphere by solar wind, and local anomalies attributable to ferromagnetic minerals present in the crust; the lattermost compose the crustal magnetic field. The EMAG2v3 dataset comprises a compilation of satellite, shipborne, and airborne magnetic measurements differenced from the Comprehensive …

Exploring The Early Solar System: Cometary Chemical Fingerprints: A Study Of Comet C/2022 E3 (Ztf) Via Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Grace Puchalski Sep 2024

Exploring The Early Solar System: Cometary Chemical Fingerprints: A Study Of Comet C/2022 E3 (Ztf) Via Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Grace Puchalski

Undergraduate Research Symposium

Comets are small, icy remnants from the solar system formation (4.5 billion years ago). Their interior composition should reflect the composition and conditions presented in the mid-plane of the protoplanetary region where (and when) they formed. These small objects predominantly reside in two major reservoirs, the Oort cloud and the Kuiper belt. Comets coming from the Oort cloud have long orbital periods while comets from the Kuiper belt have short orbital periods (< 200 years). An overarching goal in astronomy is to understand the conditions presented in the planetary region in the early solar system. Since comets lack a known mechanism of self internal heating, any processes that have changed their composition should only affect a few meters deep, which is believed to be excavated over a course of a perihelion passage into the inner parts of the solar system. As comets get closer to the Sun, solar irradiation causes their ices to sublime, leaving a formation of a freely expanding atmosphere (coma). Depending on the science interest, astrophysicists use different techniques for data collection, a common one being spectroscopy. Using iSHELL spectrograph at the NASA-Near-Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF), we examine the primary chemical composition (e.g., H2O, CO, CH4, C2H6, C2H2, H2CO, NH3, CH3OH, OCS, and OH) of cometary coma in bright comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF). Our preliminary results indicate the H2O production rate of ~3.4E28 (molecules per second), which corresponds to the rotational temperature of 86 (K). Cometary atmospheres are dense enough that molecules in the inner coma are thermalized by collision (Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium), thus 86 (K) is a physical parameter of coma. We compared the production of the rest of species with that of water (in %) and our results indicated that comet E3 was typical (close to average) in mixing ratios of all volatile species. By mapping the intensity of light with distance from the nucleus,we were able to examine the spatial distribution of volatiles and dust in E3’s coma which were consistent with production directly from the nucleus.

Leveraging Propagation Delay For Wormhole Detection In Wireless Networks, Harry May, Travis Atkison Sep 2024

Leveraging Propagation Delay For Wormhole Detection In Wireless Networks, Harry May, Travis Atkison

Journal of Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice

Detecting and mitigating wormhole attacks in wireless networks remains a critical challenge due to their deceptive nature and potential to compromise network integrity. This paper proposes a novel approach to wormhole detection by leveraging propagation delay analysis between network nodes. Unlike traditional methods that rely on signature-based detection or specialized hardware, our method focuses on analyzing propagation delay timings to identify anomalous behavior indicative of wormhole attacks. The proposed methodology involves collecting propagation delay data in both normal network scenarios and scenarios with inserted malicious wormhole nodes. By comparing these delay timings, our approach aims to differentiate between legitimate network …

Understanding The Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Cybercrime, Sinyong Choi, Thomas Dearden, Katalin Parti Sep 2024

Understanding The Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Cybercrime, Sinyong Choi, Thomas Dearden, Katalin Parti

International Journal of Cybersecurity Intelligence & Cybercrime

Artificial intelligence is one of the newest innovations that offenders also exploit to satisfy their criminal desires. Although understanding cybercrimes associated with this relatively new technology is essential in developing proper preventive measures, little has been done to examine this area. Therefore, this paper provides an overview of the articles featured in the special issue of the International Journal of Cybersecurity Intelligence and Cybercrime, ranging from deepfake in the metaverse to social engineering attacks. This issue includes articles that were presented by the winners of the student paper competition at the 2024 International White Hat Conference.

Cyber Victimization In The Healthcare Industry: Analyzing Offender Motivations And Target Characteristics Through Routine Activities Theory (Rat) And Cyber-Routine Activities Theory (Cyber-Rat), Yashna Praveen, Mijin Kim, Kyung-Shick Choi Sep 2024

Cyber Victimization In The Healthcare Industry: Analyzing Offender Motivations And Target Characteristics Through Routine Activities Theory (Rat) And Cyber-Routine Activities Theory (Cyber-Rat), Yashna Praveen, Mijin Kim, Kyung-Shick Choi

International Journal of Cybersecurity Intelligence & Cybercrime

The integration of computer technology in healthcare has revolutionized patient care but has also introduced significant cyber risks. Despite the healthcare sector being a primary target for cyber-attacks, research on the dynamics of these threats and practical solutions remains limited. Understanding the complexities of cyberattacks in this sector is critical, as the impact extends beyond financial losses to directly affect patient care and the protection of sensitive information. This paper applies Routine Activities Theory (RAT) and Cyber Routine Activities Theory (C-RAT) to analyze high-tech cyber victimization case studies in healthcare. The analysis explores the motivations behind these attacks and identifies …