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Theses and Dissertations



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Full-Text Articles in Political Science

Three Essays On The Effectiveness Of Foreign Aid, Yunhee Choi Aug 2021

Three Essays On The Effectiveness Of Foreign Aid, Yunhee Choi

Theses and Dissertations

Throughout three essays, this dissertation investigates three important aspects of the effectiveness of foreign aid: whether and how foreign aid is effective. Chapter 1 explains the background of the study on foreign aid. This introduction chapter also summarizes my arguments and the empirical strategies of each essay. Chapter 2 analyzes when foreign aid helps the recipient countries’ economic growth. In specific, this chapter argues that the political leaders’ survival strategy determines how to spend the aid, and it makes the difference in the aid effectiveness to achieve economic growth. Using a panel dataset for the 82 aid recipient countries between …

Interstate Rivalry, Domestic Politics, And Economic Coercion, Shaoshuang Wen Jul 2021

Interstate Rivalry, Domestic Politics, And Economic Coercion, Shaoshuang Wen

Theses and Dissertations

As economic sanctions have been increasingly used to advance a range of foreign policy goals, a great deal of research has explored the determinants of sanctions use and sanctions success. Despite the fact that research on economic sanctions has produced significant advancement in our understanding of the causes and efficacy of the usage of these tools, a few important questions remain overlooked or unanswered in the sanctions literature. This dissertation aims to look into some of these overlooked questions by asking three interrelated questions. First, how do third-party rivals of the possible target state affect the onset of economic coercion? …

Racist Securitization Of Refugees, Syrian Refugees In Lebanon: A Case Study, Hind Alhelou Jun 2021

Racist Securitization Of Refugees, Syrian Refugees In Lebanon: A Case Study, Hind Alhelou

Theses and Dissertations

With the growing rates of involuntary (forced) migration and even traditional migration (movement from one country to another in search of work opportunities, better lifestyle, study, etc.); the movement of these bodies raises their vulnerability to be constructed as threats. The same threat they are fleeing from is being attached to them as they attempt to seek security elsewhere. This intersection of migration and securitization studies especially emerged because of the interconnectedness of the world that is majorly facilitated by globalization.

Within this context, this thesis examines how Syrian refugees in Lebanon are racialized because of a securitization process perpetuated …

The Anti-Secular Regulation Of Religious Difference In Egypt, Meriam Wagdy Azmi Jun 2021

The Anti-Secular Regulation Of Religious Difference In Egypt, Meriam Wagdy Azmi

Theses and Dissertations

Egyptian religious freedom activists and researchers have for decades called for more secularism to remedy the violations facing religious minorities. Those religious minorities have been subject to attacks for practicing religious rituals and suffered from lack of recognition by the government. As those activists advocated secularism, some academics critiqued it and deemed it the instigator of the very problems it claims to uproot. Saba Mahmood famously argued that secularism is a primary producer of religious tension in Egypt. In this thesis, I argue that it is not the mere regulation of religious difference as a feature of secularism that is …

On Fabric, Feminism And Faulty Legal Systems: Iran’S 1979 Revolution And Its Politics Of Touch, Zeena Amin Jun 2021

On Fabric, Feminism And Faulty Legal Systems: Iran’S 1979 Revolution And Its Politics Of Touch, Zeena Amin

Theses and Dissertations

The intersection of body and state is a fascinating phenomenon of modern-day politics. We are continuously subjected to the ingeniousness with which the ruling classes monitor and regulate our bodies; and most times we are not even aware of it. Whether it is for control over resources or political power and authority, the state uses its institutions and various tools available to it for the purpose of maintaining disciplined, uniform populations that could otherwise threaten prevailing power structures. In particular, the patriarchy has perpetuated the notion that a woman’s body is a specific threat to those prevailing power structures. This …

Beirut/The Other Side Of The City: The Impact Of Visual Texture Production Of The Lebanese Postmemory Generation, 1989 - Present, Mohamed Moustafa Gameel Ebada Jun 2021

Beirut/The Other Side Of The City: The Impact Of Visual Texture Production Of The Lebanese Postmemory Generation, 1989 - Present, Mohamed Moustafa Gameel Ebada

Theses and Dissertations

In 1989, after the Ta'if agreement, the war in Lebanon started to fade, which ended years of one of the most destructive civil conflicts in the region with no decisive winner or loser. The year also marked the birth of a new Lebanese generation who did not experience the war in person. It is a generation of postmemory, a term Maria Hirsch coined to describe the reminisces of those who did not have a personal encounter with past traumatic events. However, it was not before February 2005, when Rafic Al-Hariri's violent assassination occurred, when the postmemory generation started to question …

The Impact Of Global Crises On Women: The Case Of Covid-19 In Egypt, Nour A. Dokhan Jun 2021

The Impact Of Global Crises On Women: The Case Of Covid-19 In Egypt, Nour A. Dokhan

Theses and Dissertations

Any global crisis is expected to affect every human being, but for women it is always twice as hard. In the case of Covid-19, women are more affected across every domain, from social protection to health, simply because if their gender. This research explores the impact of Covid-19 on women, both economically and socially, with the focus on the case of Egypt. It explores the systematic gender inequalities in the economic, social, and health spheres using cases from previous crises, and how this gender inequality and vulnerability has resulted in much worse consequences of Covid-19 than that of men. The …

Democratization And Extremism: The Case Of Tunisia, Mariam Abdelaty Jun 2021

Democratization And Extremism: The Case Of Tunisia, Mariam Abdelaty

Theses and Dissertations

Terrorism has become a real security threat for nearly every country in the world. Despite of the declaration and adoption of several procedures to fight terrorism and its perpetrators, countries have not yet succeeded to control the huge numbers of recruits being mobilized by terrorist organizations.[1] The literature has covered several factors that make recruits vulnerable and easily mobilized and radicalized by terrorist organizations, among which is the suppression of civil and political rights in non-democratic countries, as well as weak political institutions.[2] Among the Arab world countries, it has been puzzling to find out that despite of …

Visual Messages Of Conflict Reporting On Twitter: Visual Frames And Ethical Standards, Hasan Karademir Jun 2021

Visual Messages Of Conflict Reporting On Twitter: Visual Frames And Ethical Standards, Hasan Karademir

Theses and Dissertations

This comparative study employs the theoretical frameworks of framing and hierarchy of influences model to analyze the ethical forces affecting journalists on Twitter and simultaneously their visual frames constructed in their images on Twitter. It investigates the portrayal of the Yemen conflict in the personal Twitter accounts of Yemeni journalists who were affiliated with the United States (US) and Qatari news organizations. Several studies have pointed out the graphic war coverage of Arab news organizations whereas scholars argue that US news organizations provide sanitized coverage on war zones (Johnson & Fahmy, 2007; Silcock, Schwalbe, & Keith, 2008; Karniel, Lavie-Dinur, & …

Islamic Ngos Under Different Authoritarian Regimes, Rana Aly May 2021

Islamic Ngos Under Different Authoritarian Regimes, Rana Aly

Theses and Dissertations

The state-civil society relationship has always been a highly controversial sphere specially when it comes to the Middle East. The exceptional complexities of the region make the dynamics of this relationship more questionable. The case of Egypt is a salient manifestation of these complexities where NGOs used to function under some variants of authoritarianism. Precisely, Islamic charities used to be one of the main social services providers for many decades in Egypt and which were tolerated to a great extent by the previous regimes in order to compensate for the lack of the services provided by the regime. Having these …

Backsliding To Autocracy: The Case Of Turkey Under Erdoğan, Yasmina Khaled Elazazi May 2021

Backsliding To Autocracy: The Case Of Turkey Under Erdoğan, Yasmina Khaled Elazazi

Theses and Dissertations

Democratic backsliding is a gradual process that results from changes in formal political institutions and informal political practices that significantly affect how citizens engage with the state. Even though such a phenomenon may occur in different types of democracies, there is always a threshold that determines whether the state will completely backslide to autocracy or conserve being a “minimal democracy”. For instance, a current model of democratic backsliding is Turkey; a state which has been experiencing a decline in basic civil liberties, political rights and freedoms. According to Freedom House, from 2002 to 2020, Turkey’s “political environment” has decreased from …

Rebel Movements & Autonomy: “A Similar Path, Divergent Outcomes” A Comparative Analysis Between The Zapatista Movement In Mexico, The Kurdish Movement In Turkey & The Polisario Front In Morocco, Amira Mostafa May 2021

Rebel Movements & Autonomy: “A Similar Path, Divergent Outcomes” A Comparative Analysis Between The Zapatista Movement In Mexico, The Kurdish Movement In Turkey & The Polisario Front In Morocco, Amira Mostafa

Theses and Dissertations

This thesis explores the factors that can explain why some rebel movements attain territorial autonomy while others do not. This was studied through a cross-regional comparison of three movements, the Zapatista movement in Mexico, the Kurdish movement in Turkey and the Polisario Front in Morocco. These cases were chosen with the aim to present a causal inference of their divergent outcomes, especially that the three rebel movements primarily sought to achieve some measure of self-determination. While it was relatively attained by the Zapatista movement through territorial autonomy, the Kurdish movement has been listed as a terrorist organization and the Polisario …

Pjesëmarrja Dhe Roli I Grave Kosovare Në Politikë, Alisa Thaqi May 2021

Pjesëmarrja Dhe Roli I Grave Kosovare Në Politikë, Alisa Thaqi

Theses and Dissertations

Pjesëmarrja e grave në vendimmarrje i kontribon proceseve pozitive transformuese për shoqëritë, siç janë ndryshimet e ligjeve, politikave, shërbimeve, institucioneve dhe normave shoqërore.Është e rëndësishme të sigurohet që të dëgjohen zërat e grave për vendimet që prekin jetët e tyre, jetët e familjeve të tyre dhe komuntitetit më gjërë. Këto vendime prekin gratë po aq sa edhe burrat. Prandaj, gratë duhet të përfshihen në vendimmarrje në çdo fushë dhe të kenë fuqi dhe numër të barabartë me burrat. Është përgjegjësi e qeverisë të sigurojë që grave iu ofrohen mundësi për të marrë pjesë në të gjitha nivelet e vendimmarrjes dhe …

Ndikimi I Ndotjes Së Ajrit Në Ambientin Jetësor Në Republikën E Kosovës – Komuna E Prishtinës, Nazif Fazliu May 2021

Ndikimi I Ndotjes Së Ajrit Në Ambientin Jetësor Në Republikën E Kosovës – Komuna E Prishtinës, Nazif Fazliu

Theses and Dissertations

Ambienti jetësor ka rëndësi shumë të madhe në jetën tonë, ku rrjedhimisht duhet të kushtohet shumë rëndësi kujdesit ndaj tij pasi që ambienti paraqet ajrin që ne thithim çdo ditë. Një ndër sfidat më të mëdha që është paraqitur në ditët e sotme, si rezultat i shumë veprimtarive të ndryshme dhe si pasojë e mos angazhimit të instrumenteve shtetërore është edhe sfida e ndotjes së ambientit jetësor në Kosovë. Kjo sfidë deri më tani, ka qëndruar në një farë mënyre e papërballueshme për institucionet tona duke pasur parasysh që kemi mungesë të theksuar të informacionit mbi ndotjen e ajrit, pasojat …

Bashkëpunimi Dhe Divergjencat Në Mes Të Shba-Së Dhe Be-Së, Edona Selmani May 2021

Bashkëpunimi Dhe Divergjencat Në Mes Të Shba-Së Dhe Be-Së, Edona Selmani

Theses and Dissertations

Intensifikimi i marrëdhënieve mes Bashkimit Evropian dhe Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës shënojnë një moment të ri për rendin global, sidomos pas Luftës së Dytë Botërore. BE-ja edhe pse nuk kishte një strukturë institucionale të konsoliduar kjo nuk e pengoj që të krijoj një raport funksional marrëdhëniesh mes dy vendeve, që përveç se ishin të dobishme në rrafshin ekonomik, ato u treguan se ishin më se të dobishme edhe në rrafshin politik e më së shumti në atë ushtarak.

Megjithatë, bashkëpunimi mes këtyre dy vendeve është shoqëruar edhe me divergjenca të ndryshme për çështje të caktuara. Trajtimi i sulmeve të …

Roli I Imf-Ve Në Stabilitetin Ekonomik Të Kosovës (Rast Studimi Monego Dhe Iutecredit), Aulona Binaku May 2021

Roli I Imf-Ve Në Stabilitetin Ekonomik Të Kosovës (Rast Studimi Monego Dhe Iutecredit), Aulona Binaku

Theses and Dissertations

Qëllimi i këtij punimi kërkimor është zhvillimi i analizës së sektorit të mikrokredisë në Kosovë,identifikimi dhe analiza e përbërësve që ndikojnë në përcaktimin e normave të interesit për mikrokreditë në vendin tonë. Për më tepër, hulumtimi do të vlerësojë nëse IMF-të dhe normat e interesit janë nëpërputhje me planet e tyre të biznesit, si dhe do të bëhet krahasimi i normave të interesit të Kosovës me vendet ballkanike.

Objektivë e këtij hulumtimi është dhe përcaktimi i faktorëve që ndikuan në rritjen e normave të interesit gjatë vitit 2018/2019 dhe në revokimin e licencave të IuteCredit-it dhe Monegos në Kosovë. Metodologjia …

The Little Man With The Big Mouth Stands Up For Wisconsin: George Wallace And The Political And Constitutional Struggles Between Federalism And Equal Protection In Wisconsin Elections From 1964 To 1976, Ben Hubing May 2021

The Little Man With The Big Mouth Stands Up For Wisconsin: George Wallace And The Political And Constitutional Struggles Between Federalism And Equal Protection In Wisconsin Elections From 1964 To 1976, Ben Hubing

Theses and Dissertations

Alabama Governor George Wallace ran for the presidency four times between 1964 and 1976, bringing his candidacy north of the Mason-Dixon Line to Wisconsin. Wallace’s campaign in the Badger State fostered a debate among residents regarding constitutional principles and values. Wallace weaponized federalism and states’ rights, arguing that the federal government should stay out of school segregation, promote law and order, restrict forced busing, and reduce burdensome taxation. White working-class Wisconsinites armed themselves with Wallace’s rhetoric, pushing back on social and political changes that threatened the status quo. Civil rights activists and the black community in Wisconsin armed themselves with …

Pick A Horse, Ditch The Goat: The Rise Of The Spoiler Frame In A Bipartisan Election Discourse, Barbara Alexandra Raftes Dahlgren May 2021

Pick A Horse, Ditch The Goat: The Rise Of The Spoiler Frame In A Bipartisan Election Discourse, Barbara Alexandra Raftes Dahlgren

Theses and Dissertations

Increasingly, public opinion shows Republican and Democratic presidential candidates are some of the most onerous in recorded history, and Americans want to see third-party options alongside them. Half of Americans use televised news to stay informed, but the two-party horserace leaves little room for the multiple candidates on the ballot. This analysis explores the prominent horserace discourse of the 2012 and 2016 televised coverage of the U.S. presidential races and the “spoiler effect” frame within. Following Jill Stein’s Green Party candidacy through the months surrounding each election, the coverage advanced her portrayal from “nonfactor” to “spoiler” despite the consistency in …

The Backlash Of The Online-Right During And After The 2020 United States Presidential Election, Luis Roberto Lopez Jr. May 2021

The Backlash Of The Online-Right During And After The 2020 United States Presidential Election, Luis Roberto Lopez Jr.

Theses and Dissertations

What type of Internet memes were utilized by the Online-Right to show support to former-President Donald Trump and to delegitimize the 2020 Presidential Election? In this thesis, I argue that the Online-Right used Internet memes for two purposes. The first was to discredit and attack the election and former President Trump’s opponents. The second purpose is that the Online-Right created a cult of personality around Donald Trump with the usage of Internet memes. Most of the literature focuses on the type of groups that use Internet memes on the Internet. I focus on what type of Internet memes were used …

Eagle Eye Vs. Gear Jammer, Jessica Danielle Ellis Apr 2021

Eagle Eye Vs. Gear Jammer, Jessica Danielle Ellis

Theses and Dissertations

Where similarities in class struggle have historically operated as a unifying force globally, the American crafted mythos isolates the individual and dehumanizes those that do not fall within the parameters of the cowboy archetype. The national protagonist is turned into a class traitor and an extension of government power.

Çështja E Kosovës Drejt Statusit Final Pako E Ahtisarit, Qendresa Xhafa Apr 2021

Çështja E Kosovës Drejt Statusit Final Pako E Ahtisarit, Qendresa Xhafa

Theses and Dissertations

Kur flasim për çështje të zgjidhjes së statutit të shteteve të pavarura në botë shohim modele të ndryshme, në disa raste në histori shohim fitimin e statusit të pavarësimit të shteteve në mënyrë të drejtpërdrejt nga rezultatet e luftërave, në raste të tjera shohim ndërmjetësime të fuqive të mëdha, raste të kompensimeve të ndryshme territoriale ose burimeve të ndryshme natyrore të shteteve. Një nga këto raste e hasim edhe rastin e Kosovës të cilin do të mundohemi të e shtjellojmë gjatë këtij punimi në një analizë të marrëveshjeve të ndryshme duke filluar nga marrëveshja e Kumanovës, rezoluta 1244, vendimi i …

Kosova Dhe Politika E Ibrahim Rugovës, Fiolla Zeqiri Apr 2021

Kosova Dhe Politika E Ibrahim Rugovës, Fiolla Zeqiri

Theses and Dissertations

Synimi i këtij punimi bachelor është trajtimi i çështjes së Kosovës gjatë udhëheqjes së Dr.Ibrahim Rugovës. Kuvendi i Republikës së Kosovës ka 120 anëtarë të zgjedhur për një mandat katër vjeçar. Sipas Kushtetutës, Kosova do të ketë një kuvend të përbërë nga 120 anëtarë. Kosova ka një sistem shumëpartiak, me parti të shumta në të cilat asnjë parti shpesh nuk ka shanse të fitojë pushtet, dhe partitë duhet të punojnë me njëra-tjetrën, për të formuar qeveritë e koalicionit. Ky punim përmban ecurinë e ngjarjeve kryesore duke filluar me Presidenti Ibrahim Rugova – cili ishte bashkëthemelues i Lidhjes Demokratike të Kosovë …

Kriza Jugosllave – Rasti I Kosovës, Anesa Ferati Apr 2021

Kriza Jugosllave – Rasti I Kosovës, Anesa Ferati

Theses and Dissertations

Synimi i këtij punimi bachelor është trajtimi i çështjes së Kosovës në ish-Jugosllavi gjatë viteve 1990-1999. Ky punim shtjellon çështjen e vetëvendosjes, përpjekjen e shqiptarëve për të qenë të lirë nga okupimi serb. Një luftë nga ana e popullit të Kosovës e cila kishte karakter çlirimtar duke u sfiduar me mënyra më të ndryshme dhe të dhunshme nga ana e serbëve. Si pasojë e përpjekjeve për lirinë e tyre, ata nuk morën asgjë tjetër përpos rrahjeve, burgosjeve, vrasjeve, dhunimeve, shkatërrimeve, plaçkitjeve, djegjeve, masakrimeve, duke mos i kursyer as gratë e deri tek fëmijët. Ky punim përmban ecurinë e ngjarjeve kryesore …

Changing Environment. Changing Attitudes?, Lindsey Brooke Hendren Apr 2021

Changing Environment. Changing Attitudes?, Lindsey Brooke Hendren

Theses and Dissertations

Most issues of hyper partisanship, such as health care, yield a strong constituency for action on the issue; the low salience of climate change, however, has failed to produce much change. In order to understand public opinion on climate change, this research draws not only on previous studies in political science, but also from psychology, sociology, communication studies, and other disciplines to provide a more comprehensive theoretical background. This dissertation emphasizes the need for more exploration in the field of political science and attempts to bridge some of the existing gaps. Findings from research such as this identify the opportunities …

Rethinking The Refugee Regime: Would A Human Rights-Based Approach To The Issue Of Climate Refugees Produce Just Outcomes?, Gordon Robinson Mar 2021

Rethinking The Refugee Regime: Would A Human Rights-Based Approach To The Issue Of Climate Refugees Produce Just Outcomes?, Gordon Robinson

Theses and Dissertations

Human rights-based approaches are highly useful for a myriad of issues facing the international community. However, they have yet to be utilized in practice due to norms in the international community that favor sovereignty over human rights and international cooperation. This thesis will demonstrate the utility of such approaches by applying one to the issue of climate refugees. It is estimated that by the year 2050, hundreds of millions of people around the globe will become displaced due to climate change. Because climate-related reasons are not included in the criteria for what makes one a refugee, these people will not …

Planifikimi Dhe Zhvillimi I Burimeve Njerezore Nȅ Administraten Komunale - Mitrovicë, Diellza Uka Mar 2021

Planifikimi Dhe Zhvillimi I Burimeve Njerezore Nȅ Administraten Komunale - Mitrovicë, Diellza Uka

Theses and Dissertations

Planifikimi dhe organizimi i burimeve njerëzore është pjesë e procesit të menaxhimit i përqendruar në raportet njerëzore dhe sigurimin e mirëqenies së tyre, duke synuar që ata të kontribuojnë dhe të kenë performancë të lartë në raport me kërkesat për shërbime cilësore.

Ky hulumtim ka për qëllim shqyrtimin dhe analizimin e planifikimit të organizimit të burimeve njerëzore duke u fokusuar në administratën publike, ndonëse planifikimi i duhur përmirëson cilësinë e punës së personelit, në këtë rast determinon ofrimin e shërbimeve cilësore në pushtetin lokal.

Menaxhimi i burimeve njerëzore nuk konsiderohet vetëm si domosdoshmëri, por edhe si aktivitet i përditshëm i …

Do The Tactics Of Armed Groups Affect Organizational Behavior? The Case Of Kidnap For Ransom, Tyler Young Jan 2021

Do The Tactics Of Armed Groups Affect Organizational Behavior? The Case Of Kidnap For Ransom, Tyler Young

Theses and Dissertations


The Crisis Of Democracy: The Case Study Of Democratic Backsliding And The Rise Of Populism In Poland, Nargiza Yusupova Jan 2021

The Crisis Of Democracy: The Case Study Of Democratic Backsliding And The Rise Of Populism In Poland, Nargiza Yusupova

Theses and Dissertations

Poland made impressive gains during its democratization phrase between 1989 and 2015. Its economy became significantly more open; formal institutions underwent dramatic changes in checks and balances. Yet the task of sustaining the impressive performance of democratic institutions has become increasingly difficult after the victory of the Law and Justice Party (PiS) party during the 2015 elections. A right-wing populist PiS party’s rise to power had clear political mainsprings. A number of changes and amendments to the Constitutional Tribunal Act have been introduced that threaten the Tribunal independence and put constraints on the independence of the media, civil service, police, …

The National Interest And The Roots Of American-Saudi Diplomacy, Oliver B. Wiegel Jan 2021

The National Interest And The Roots Of American-Saudi Diplomacy, Oliver B. Wiegel

Theses and Dissertations

This paper analyzes the beginnings of diplomacy between the United States and Saudi Arabia during the interwar years and World War II. It explores how national interest was decided upon, how oil companies affected American foreign policy, and the American government’s strategic interest in Saudi oil reserves.

Steps Towards New Public Management, Case Study Municipality Of Pristina, Fitim Topanica Jan 2021

Steps Towards New Public Management, Case Study Municipality Of Pristina, Fitim Topanica

Theses and Dissertations

Menaxhimi i administratës publike në shumicën e vendeve në zhvillim po ndryshon me shpejtësi përmes proceseve të reformave në lidhje me ofrimin e shërbimeve publike dhe stimulimin e rritjes ekonomike. Menaxhimi i ri publik i referohet një sërë reformash që kanë arritur të ripërcaktojnë rrënjësisht natyrën e organizatave të sektorit publik. Duke qenë të frymëzuar nga një ideologji e gjerë menaxhimi, reformat kanë sjellë ide rreth organizatave “reale” - të kesh identitet të qartë dhe unik, të jesh në gjendje të planifikosh dhe të zbatosh vendime racionale, dhe të kesh kufij të përcaktuar mirë dhe struktura hierarkike.

Menaxhimi i …