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Lingnan University


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Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

沒有年齡的課室 : 成效評估研究報告, Meng Soi, Florence Fong, Chak Kwan, Dickon Chan, Ka Hing, Calvin Lau, Ka Chung, Tom Kwong Jan 2024

沒有年齡的課室 : 成效評估研究報告, Meng Soi, Florence Fong, Chak Kwan, Dickon Chan, Ka Hing, Calvin Lau, Ka Chung, Tom Kwong

APIAS Research Report 研究報告


香港人口老齡化的趨勢持續加劇,傳統的家庭照顧模式已難以滿足老年人和幼童在身心發展上的需求,需要探索新的跨代互助模式。因此,和悅社會企業於2023 年夏季舉辦了一項名為「沒有年齡的課室」的計劃(以下簡稱「計劃」/「課程」)。該課程旨在為長者及幼童提供共學的機會,推動跨代連結與互惠。為了更客觀地檢視「沒有年齡的課室」的實施情況與成效,以及探討在香港推行跨代共學的可行性,和悅社會企業委託嶺南大學亞太老年學研究中心對該課程進行了評估研究,並撰寫了此報告以供相關持分者參考。


2. 研究採用定量研究及定性研究的數據收集和分析的混合研究法 (Mixed Methods) 進行。除了透過問卷調查和聚焦小組去收集參加者對課程的看法外,同時分析課程的數據、進行實地觀察,以及檢視相關文獻資料,從而更全面地瞭解整個課程的實施情況、對參與者的影響,以及探討計劃未來的發展方向。


3. 本研究於2023年6月至9月期間成功對實驗組及對照組參加者進行了兩輪問卷調查,收集參加者的意見。調查結果顯示,長者及幼童的家長讓他們的孩子參與計劃的最主要原因是為了「想學習新知識 」(長者學員:72%;幼童:73%),其次為「進行跨代接觸交流」 (長者學員:60%;幼童家長:54%),第三個主要原因是可以「嘗試新事物」(長者學員:40%;幼童:54%),以及可以「認識新朋友」 (長者學員:36%;幼童家長:50%)。至於計劃對參加者的影響方面,本研究透過比較實驗組 (即參加「沒有年齡的課室」的長者及幼童學員) 與對照組 (即課程無長幼共學成份)參加者在對雙方態度、自尊心及自信、社交技巧等方面的前後變化。從分析結果顯示,長幼學員在修畢本課程後,對彼此的態度 (長者學員對幼童態度:實驗組增長17%,對照組下降1%;幼童學員對長者態度:實驗組增長19%,對照組增長7%) 及幼童學員的社交技巧 (實驗組增長9%,對照組增長1%) 之增長達統計學顯著程度,足見本課程成功透過長幼共學的方式去改善長幼對彼此的觀感和態度。至於對課程的體驗方面,長者學員及幼童學員之家長均給予高度評價和評分,以1-7分為量表去評價,參加者普遍對課程感到十分滿意 (長者學員:平均分為6.07分;幼童學員:6.29分)、並表示若和悅社會企業日後舉行類似課程會再次參加(長者學員:平均分為5.33分;幼童學員:6.41分) 和向別人推薦此類課程 (長者學員:平均分為5.33分;幼童學員:6.29分)。概括而言,從統計結果反映了課程為參加者帶來很多正面影響,特別是長者或幼童態度之改善比沒有跨代共學成份的課程更為顯著。

4. 此外,本研究邀請了參與課程的長者、幼童家長、和推行「沒有年齡的課室」計劃的同工進行了3 場聚焦小組以深化對問卷調查結果,並進一步探討可如何改善計劃之推行及在社區推廣跨代共學的模式。從結果顯示,長幼學員透過參與本課程互相接觸及互動,增加彼此了解,使彼此的觀感及態度亦變得正面,達到促進跨代共融的目標。同時,幼童的社交技巧、接觸長者的動機及幼童的個人成長亦有所提升。長幼學員、課程導師及項目統籌人員均表示參加者能愉快地學習和十分享受參與本課程。

5. 從不同的的數據作綜合分析,促進「沒有年齡的課室」的成功因素包括: (i) 1對1的長幼配對,增加長幼學員之互動機會以便建立互信關係以及日後的情感聯繫; (ii) 課程時間節數安排要配合幼童的學習時間表 (如與暑假活動分開、每堂時數能讓幼童學員專心等) ;及 (iii) 招募適合的參加者,以其年齡、興趣喜好及性別進行配對 (如女性參加者明顯更為適合參與此類以幼童為對象的活動計劃)。

6. 關於課程的未來發展,研究建議推行機構可考慮以下5 個要點:(i) 除以1對1長幼配對外,亦可考慮同時加入1位長者對數名幼童,或1名幼童對數名長者的混合模式,這樣可以增加長幼學員與不同參加者的互動機會,進一步培養社交技巧;(ii) 可增加針對長者學員的課程內容 ,讓長者以學生身份投入各個課程活動;(iii) 讓一些能力比較高的長者參與課程設計及教材 (如讓長者準備自己過去相片與幼童分享過去時代點滴生活),為長者充權;(iv) 微調課堂時間以配合長者的活動時間表 (如可參考現時日間長者中心的活動時間);及 (v) 增加人手安排編制至5至8人,以便在推行活動過程中提供適時的支援 (如增設社工以應付課堂上幼童學員突發的情緒問題)。


7. 綜合各種數數據證明「沒有年齡的課室」有效促進跨代共學與互助,為長者建立正面形象、提升他們的生活質素、亦能令幼童認識如何與長者溝通,改善社交技巧以及提升自尊感等。因此,其他長者服務機構、企業及教育團體可以仿傚此活動,在幼稚園 (即幼兒期) 便引入跨代共學的元素,促進代際間情感、知識與文化的傳遞,重塑「老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼」的價值觀,建立一個強調代間互助和共融的社會。

香港居家安老面對的挑戰 : 服務提供者及使用者之經驗, Chak Kwan, Dickon Chan, Meng Soi, Florence Fong, Mun Yu, Vera Tang, Lai Ieng Jay Lau, Kui Wai Gordon Chick, Sheung Wan, Wanda Wong, Kong Lung Yeung Sep 2023

香港居家安老面對的挑戰 : 服務提供者及使用者之經驗, Chak Kwan, Dickon Chan, Meng Soi, Florence Fong, Mun Yu, Vera Tang, Lai Ieng Jay Lau, Kui Wai Gordon Chick, Sheung Wan, Wanda Wong, Kong Lung Yeung

APIAS Research Report 研究報告


研究團隊綜合了長者居家安老的狀況,提出了幾方面的改進建議。在家居環境和社區設施方面,建議 (1) 政府應主動協助長者改善「居住環境」和安裝「緊急呼叫系統」,並(2) 建設合適長者的公共交通工具和道路設施和交通配套。在醫療層面方面,建議 (3) 資助有緊急需要的長者使用私營醫療服務、(4) 擴展醫療券計劃至購買坊間藥物和 (5) 改善普通科門診醫療預約系統和公開長者預約專籌的數量及其使用狀況。在長者社區照顧及支援服務方面,建議 (6) 檢視社區照顧服務券的宣傳和使用狀況、(7) 對長者家庭進行家訪,及早識別有需要個案和 (8) 檢視未來各區長者比例,規劃長者設施服務。

研究團隊分析了社福機構人員在提供長者服務過程中所遇到的困難後,提出了四方面的建議,分別爲 (1) 改進安老服務人員資歷架構和服務外包、(2) 簡化並加強服務資訊的宣傳、(3) 優化一站式服務平台及個案管理和 (4) 制訂長遠的安老政策方向。

「社交媒體、視訊會議平台和樂齡產品在長者院舍的應用情況」研究簡報, Chak Kwan, Dickon Chan, Sheung Wan, Wanda Wong, Meng Soi, Florence Fong, Le Gao Aug 2023

「社交媒體、視訊會議平台和樂齡產品在長者院舍的應用情況」研究簡報, Chak Kwan, Dickon Chan, Sheung Wan, Wanda Wong, Meng Soi, Florence Fong, Le Gao

APIAS Research Report 研究報告

香港的老年人口增長迅速,從1988年至2018年間,老年人口由46萬增加到127萬(政府經濟顧問辦公室, 2019)。隨著人口老化,長期護理服務需求也相對增加。資助安老院舍的平均等待時間長達20個月(香港政府, 2021)。在2017至2018年間,有40,000人在輪候資助安老院舍,其中6,600人在等候期間去世(香港政府, 2018)。安老服務業一直面臨人力短缺的問題,2017年的相關職位空缺率為15-20%(香港政府, 2017)。2013年的研究統計發現超過一半的安老服務前線員工超過50歲(勞工及福利局, 2019)。隨著退休潮的來臨,人力短缺的問題會進一步加劇。因此,科技與安老服務的結合被視爲減輕人手壓力的方向。結合科技和院舍服務不僅可以減輕工作量,還能提高服務質量和效率。社交媒體和視訊會議平台可以減少在訊息傳遞上的時間和人力成本。樂齡科技產品,諸如可穿戴設備和遠程監控傳感器,可以讓護理人員更快捷和系統化地掌握服務對象的狀態,從而減少親自監測的次數(Chen, 2020)。因此,自2017年起,香港政府與各部門積極推廣樂齡科技,並於2018年設立樂齡及康復創科應用基金,幫助合資格的安老及康復服務單位購置、租借和試用科技產品。香港政府於2022年更將此計劃擴展至其他非資助的私營或自負盈虧的安老院舍及殘疾人士院舍。在過去三年的新冠疫情影響下,大部分安老院舍因為防疫工作量的增加而面臨更嚴重的人手短缺,不少院舍開始將科技融入服務,以應對疫情衍生的需求和改善現有服務質素。然而,香港院舍對於如何應用社交媒體、會議平台和樂齡科技產品的研究甚少。在此背景下,本研究旨在瞭解院舍應用相關科技的情況,並提供應對有關障礙的政策建議。

From More Growth To Better Growth : The Challenge And The Way Out, Lok Sang Ho, Wing Lok Hung Jan 2023

From More Growth To Better Growth : The Challenge And The Way Out, Lok Sang Ho, Wing Lok Hung

PSEI/CERP Working Paper Series

The Chinese economy’s meteoric rise has caused alarm in the West. An article published online on the CNN website states, “China’s rapid technological advances have also made it a strategic threat to the United States and its allies. It’s steadily pushing American rivals out of long-held leadership positions in sectors ranging from 5G technology to artificial intelligence.” This, in truth, is the nature of the “threat” perceived by politicians in the West. It was also pointed out that “Until recently, some economists were predicting that China would become the world’s biggest economy by 2030, unseating the United States.” If China …

江門市居家養老研究報告 = A Research Report On Ageing In Place In Jiangmen City, 嶺南大學-五邑大學居家養老聯合研究創新中心 Jun 2022

江門市居家養老研究報告 = A Research Report On Ageing In Place In Jiangmen City, 嶺南大學-五邑大學居家養老聯合研究創新中心

APIAS Research Report 研究報告


硏究採用「量性研究」(Quantitative research method) 的方法,以問卷收集了482位居住在江門市城市、鄉鎮和農村60歲或以上長者的個人狀況和對居家養老的意見。




參與是次研究的受訪者普遍身體狀況和自理能力良好,7成以上滿意當前生活狀態 (包括居所狀況、社會支持、居家安老安排、社區設施及其生活條件),認爲目前條件能支持他們居家養老。


香港鄉村地區長者居家養老的需要:錦田例案報告 = The Needs Of Ageing In Place In Rural Hong Kong: The Case Of Kam Tin, Chak Kwan, Dickon Chan, Mun Yu, Vera Tang, Chak Lung Lam, Wing Yin Li, Mei Ling Lee, Seung Wan Wong Sep 2021

香港鄉村地區長者居家養老的需要:錦田例案報告 = The Needs Of Ageing In Place In Rural Hong Kong: The Case Of Kam Tin, Chak Kwan, Dickon Chan, Mun Yu, Vera Tang, Chak Lung Lam, Wing Yin Li, Mei Ling Lee, Seung Wan Wong

APIAS Research Report 研究報告

香港面臨人口高齡化,政府統計處(2020)估計65 歲或以上人口會由2019年的120萬增加至2039年252 萬。長者佔總人口比例亦由18.4%上升至33.3%;而老年撫養比率(65 歲及以上人口相對每千名15 至64 歲人口的比率)將由249大幅上升至508。這意味着社會在撫養和照顧長者, 將會面對更大的壓力。另外,老年家庭人口亦不斷增加, 家庭所有成員均為長者的數目從2006年大約18萬上升至2016年超過30萬(增長67.4%);獨居長者佔長者人口的比例亦由11.6%上升至13.1% (政府統計處,2018)。面對人口老化﹑雙老及獨居家庭等問題,社區需要有更全面的支持配套,才能使長者有良好的生活質素。

香港「社區照顧」(community care)政策源於政府於1977年發佈的《老人服務綠皮書》,強調居家安老為服務原則。該綠皮書(政府社會事務科,1977,頁5)指出,在社會及財政上而言,最可行的辦法就是提供適當的社會服務以幫助老年人能繼續與社會接觸在一起…當一個家庭在照顧老年人方面感到吃力時,政府便提供各種服務作爲對家庭一種的支持和協助。使老年人能繼續在家庭生活。

儘管政府一直強調「居家安老為本,院舍照顧為後援」,但多年來的資源分佈仍是以院舍照顧服務佔較大比例 (香港政策研究所,2017;羅致光,2018)。政府近年開始作出規劃上的調整,安老事務委員會(2017)於2017年發佈《安老服務計劃方案》建議加大社區照顧服務的比例,將社區照顧服務及院舍照顧服務的名額比率 由2016 年的1:1.3 加大至2031年的1:1.1(安老事務委員會,2017;羅致光, 2018)。因此, 加強「居家安老」政策,將會是政府其中一個安老服務規劃方向。

雖然政府及不同的社福機構在「居家安老」方面都有提供長者服務,但服務主要仍集中在城市,居住鄉村的長者因缺乏資源和渠道,較難得到協助。以居於元朗錦田 的長者為例,公營長者日間護理服務單位,全部位於元朗、天水圍或朗屏市區(社會福利署,2021),與他們的住處有一段距離。此外,針對鄉郊長者情況的「居家安老」服務規劃,亦未有在《安老服務計劃方案》中提及。因此, 本研究選取錦田區的長者作為主要訪談對象, 以了解鄉郊長者的「居家安老」情況。

錦田有悠久歷史,為最早來港定居的鄧氏族人居住地,有相當豐富的歷史建築群(陳天權,2016)。錦田面積龐大,近年開始規劃的錦田南和錦田北,佔地約1,400 公頃 (政府新聞公報,2014),佔元朗區14,430 公頃約一成面積,但人口只有 13,489,佔元朗人口約2% (政府統計處,2017;民政事務署,2021)。政府在錦 田規劃大綱中,仍保留不少地帶作「農業」、「自然保育區」或「鄉村式發展」用途(政府新聞公報,2014,2018)。因此,錦田仍然是本港主要的鄉郊地區之一。

本研究希望了解錦田長者的居家養老狀況和需求,為發展鄉郊長者服務的提供參考 資料。研究團隊探討長者於三個範疇的狀況,包括「社交支持」、「居所及社區支援 服務」和「長期護理服務的認識及意見」,並針對這三部分的發現提供相關建議。

江門市居家養老需求研究報告 : 城市深度訪談 = The Needs Of Ageing In Place In Jiangmen City : In-Depth Interviews In Urban Area, 嶺南大學-五邑大學居家養老聯合研究創新中心 Aug 2021

江門市居家養老需求研究報告 : 城市深度訪談 = The Needs Of Ageing In Place In Jiangmen City : In-Depth Interviews In Urban Area, 嶺南大學-五邑大學居家養老聯合研究創新中心

APIAS Research Report 研究報告




Hong Kong And Gba: Psychological Distance Among Hong Kong Working Adults, Ka-Ho Mok, Alex Yue-Feng Zhu, Geng-Hua Huang Jan 2021

Hong Kong And Gba: Psychological Distance Among Hong Kong Working Adults, Ka-Ho Mok, Alex Yue-Feng Zhu, Geng-Hua Huang

IPS Policy Brief

This research is conducted by Professor Joshua Ka-ho MOK, Professor Alex Yue-feng ZHU and Dr Geng-hua HUANG.

The research team commissioned an international survey firm Dynata to collect data from a sample of young adults in Hong Kong aged between 18 to 35 years between 25 March 2019 and 1 April 2019. Dynata adopted a random sampling method and selected / invited young adults from all eighteen local districts of Hong Kong to make up a ratio of participants from Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and the New Territories that would be close to 2:3:5.

The final sample consisted of 1,028 …

Does China Engage In Debt-Trap Diplomacy?, Shalendra Sharma, Xiangge Lin Jan 2021

Does China Engage In Debt-Trap Diplomacy?, Shalendra Sharma, Xiangge Lin

Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) Working Paper Series

No abstract provided.

Welfare Stigma Needs To Be Addressed To Protect The Incomes Of Hong Kong Older Adults, Stefan Kühner, Kee-Lee Chou Jan 2021

Welfare Stigma Needs To Be Addressed To Protect The Incomes Of Hong Kong Older Adults, Stefan Kühner, Kee-Lee Chou

IPS Policy Brief

• Based on a representative survey of 3,802 Hong Kong older adults, the study finds that the take-up rate of old-age CSSA, higher OALA and normal OALA has significantly improved over the last decade. Nevertheless, between 11% and 14% of eligible Hong Kong older adults for these benefits fail to receive them.

• The perceived insufficiency of the benefits, difficulties in the application procedure, time and effort in searching for information, and transaction costs were significantly associated with the non-take-up of oldage CSSA among eligible recipients. To increase the take-up rate of old-age CSSA further, the benefits stigma related to …

Creating An Enabling Environment For Early Childhood Development: A Collaborative Effort, Maggie Kw Lau, Kee Lee Chou, Kean Ky Poon Nov 2020

Creating An Enabling Environment For Early Childhood Development: A Collaborative Effort, Maggie Kw Lau, Kee Lee Chou, Kean Ky Poon

IPS Policy Brief

This research funded by the Public Policy Research Funding Scheme from Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (Project Number: 2017.A3.011.17C) investigated the mediating roles of parental investment and parental distress in the link between poverty and children’s cognitive development (including attention and executive functioning, language (Cantonese and English), memory and learning, and visuospatial processing). The team conducted assessments and surveys with 167 preschool children and their parents in the 2019/2020 academic year. This brief shares findings from this research with an aim to inform policies in relation to the advocacy of maximum working …

Hong Kong In Brief: Children’S Subjective Well-Being, Stefan Kühner, Maggie Lau Aug 2020

Hong Kong In Brief: Children’S Subjective Well-Being, Stefan Kühner, Maggie Lau

IPS Policy Brief

The research is conducted by Professor Stefan Kuehner and Professor Maggie Lau, Lingnan University and is funded by Children’s Worlds (ISCWeB, funded by the Jacobs Foundation), completed the third wave of their international survey, asking over 128,000 children in 35 societies worldwide about their lives.

A Preliminary Report On The Rural Neighbourhood Development Project In Tuen Mun And Yuen Long : Implementation And Achievement, Asia Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies Jul 2019

A Preliminary Report On The Rural Neighbourhood Development Project In Tuen Mun And Yuen Long : Implementation And Achievement, Asia Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies

APIAS Research Report 研究報告

With funding support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies (APIAS) of Lingnan University collaborated with Tuen Tsz Wai San Hing Tsuen Tsing Chuen Wai Rural Community Service Centre of Yan Oi Tong and Ngau Tam Mei Community Development Project of the Salvation Army to launch the first batch of professional support team-led (PST) district-based programme: Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project Rural Neighbourhood Development Project (the programme) in April 2018. The programme provided training to residents in Tuen Mun and Yuen Long rural areas to be Rural Befrienders, they were well-equipped with …

The National Security Argument For Protection Of Domestic Industries, Kwok Hon, Leonard Cheng, Gregory W. Whitten, Jingbo Hua Jul 2019

The National Security Argument For Protection Of Domestic Industries, Kwok Hon, Leonard Cheng, Gregory W. Whitten, Jingbo Hua

PSEI/CERP Working Paper Series

Tracing the origin of the national security argument for protection of domestic industries to Adam Smith, Alexander Hamilton, and Friedrich List, we study its post-GATT applications with reference to Article XXI of the WTO. We compare the use of tariff, production/input subsidy, and government procurement as alternative instruments of protection from the perspective of economic efficiency and study the disapproval of inward FDI to gain insights into the underlying national security concerns. The case studies of a) the US tariffs on aluminum and steel, b) German disapproval of the acquisition of a technology firm Leifeld Metal Spinning by a Chinese …

增闢土地,你我抉擇 = Land For Hong Kong : Our Home, Our Say!, Yuen Fai, Stanley Wong Nov 2018

增闢土地,你我抉擇 = Land For Hong Kong : Our Home, Our Say!, Yuen Fai, Stanley Wong

Policy Studies and Management Seminar Series 2018




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Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Action Plan : Yuen Long, Asia-Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University Sep 2017

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Action Plan : Yuen Long, Asia-Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project - Reports

In response to the global ageing population, the World Health Organization (the “WHO”) devised the concept of “Global Age-friendly Cities” in 2005 to encourage cities all around the world to develop a healthy and comfortable living environment with age-friendly facilities and provide sufficient community support and health care services which benefit the older people, family and society. In order to proactively tackle the challenges of an ageing population and promote the concept of an age-friendly city, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust launched the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project (“Project”) in 2015 in partnership with four gerontology research institutes …

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Baseline Assessment Report : Yuen Long, Asia-Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University Sep 2017

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Baseline Assessment Report : Yuen Long, Asia-Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project - Reports

The objectives of this baseline assessment was to evaluate the current state of age-friendliness and make a list of recommendations for the future development of Yuen Long District (the District) through a bottom up and district-based study. The baseline assessment provided opportunities for the elderly to voice their opinions and served as an appropriate strategy to meet their needs. Additionally, stakeholders from diverse groups can work together to build and maintain an age-friendly community.

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Action Plan : Tuen Mun, Asia-Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University Sep 2017

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Action Plan : Tuen Mun, Asia-Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project - Reports

In response to the global ageing population, the World Health Organization (the “WHO”) devised the concept of “Global Age-friendly Cities” in 2005 to encourage cities all around the world to develop a healthy and comfortable living environment with age-friendly facilities and provide sufficient community support and health care services which benefit the older people, family and society. In order to proactively tackle the challenges of an ageing population and promote the concept of an age-friendly city, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust launched the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project (“Project”) in 2015 in partnership with four gerontology research institutes …

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Baseline Assessment Report : Tuen Mun, Asia-Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University Sep 2017

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Baseline Assessment Report : Tuen Mun, Asia-Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project - Reports

The objectives of this baseline assessment was to evaluate the current state of age-friendliness and make a list of recommendations for the future development of Tuen Mun District (the District) through a bottom up and district-based study. The baseline assessment provided opportunities for the elderly to voice their opinions and served as an appropriate strategy to meet their needs. Additionally, stakeholders from diverse groups can work together to build and maintain an age-friendly community.

2016 香港快樂指數調查 Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey 2016, Lok Sang Ho Nov 2016

2016 香港快樂指數調查 Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey 2016, Lok Sang Ho

Hong Kong Happiness Index 香港快樂指數調查

According to the results of the Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey conducted by Chu Hai College of Higher Education in collaboration with Lingnan University’s Centre for Public Policy Studies, the Happiness Index for Hong Kong people in 2016 stands at 67.6 (on a scale of 0 to 100), significantly lower than last year’s 70.0. However, the main decline occurs with those aged below 30, whose happiness index plunged from 69.3 to 63.8, the lowest score on record.

This decline in the self-reported happiness index, paradoxically, occurs at a time when people’s satisfaction with the living environment, the media, the …

Happiness And Government: The Role Of Public Spending And Public Governance, Lok Sang Ho, Yew Kwang Ng May 2016

Happiness And Government: The Role Of Public Spending And Public Governance, Lok Sang Ho, Yew Kwang Ng

Centre for Public Policy Studies : CPPS Working Paper Series

We use a quadratic form in the key spending variables to estimate optimal government spending, using World Value Survey data covering 78 countries. We found that the average of total public spending for countries of good public governance, at 36.45% of GDP, is almost identical to the average of estimates of optimal public spending at 36.49%. However, significant over-spending or under-spending is found for individual countries. Optimal spending on both healthcare and that for education increase with population aging. Spending on education is found to reduce optimal healthcare spending. Per capita GDP increases optimal healthcare spending but reduces optimal education …

Hk Children Happiness Index 2015 = 2015年香港兒童快樂指數, Lok Sang Ho, Early Childhood Development Research Foundation 香港嬰幼兒發展研究基金會 Mar 2016

Hk Children Happiness Index 2015 = 2015年香港兒童快樂指數, Lok Sang Ho, Early Childhood Development Research Foundation 香港嬰幼兒發展研究基金會

Hong Kong Children Happiness Index 香港兒童快樂指數調查

According to the results of the 2015 Hong Kong Children’s Happiness Index Survey released by Lingnan University’s Centre for Public Policy Studies (CPPS) today (30 March), the overall Children’s Happiness Index in 2015 dropped noticeably to 6.49 (on a scale of 0 to 10) from 6.74 in 2014.

With funding support from the Hong Kong Early Childhood Development Research Foundation and the assistance of the Public Governance Programme of Lingnan University, the 2015 Children’s Happiness Index survey was conducted following the same methodology as in previous surveys. A total of 9 primary schools and 14 secondary schools (excluding international …

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Action Plan : Islands, Asia-Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University Feb 2016

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Action Plan : Islands, Asia-Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project - Reports

In response to the global ageing population, the World Health Organization (the “WHO”) devised the concept of “Global Age-friendly Cities” in 2005 to encourage cities all around the world to develop a healthy and comfortable living environment with age-friendly facilities and provide sufficient community support and health care services which benefit the older people, family and society. In order to proactively tackle the challenges of an ageing population and promote the concept of an age-friendly city, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust launched the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project (“Project”) in 2015 in partnership with four gerontology research institutes …

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Baseline Assessment Report : Islands, Asia-Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University Feb 2016

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Baseline Assessment Report : Islands, Asia-Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project - Reports

The aim of this baseline assessment was to evaluate the current state of age-friendliness and make a list of recommendations for the future development of Islands District (the District) through adopting a bottom up and district-based approach. The baseline assessment provided opportunities for the elderly to voice their opinions and served as an appropriate strategy to meet their needs. Additionally, stakeholders from diverse groups can work together to build and maintain an age-friendly community.

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Baseline Assessment Report : Tsuen Wan, Asia-Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University Feb 2016

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Baseline Assessment Report : Tsuen Wan, Asia-Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University

Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project - Reports

The aim of this baseline assessment was to evaluate the current state of age-friendliness and make a list of recommendations for the future development of Tsuen Wan District (the District) through adopting a bottom up and district-based approach. The baseline assessment provided opportunities for the elderly to voice their opinions and served as an appropriate strategy to meet their needs. Additionally, stakeholders from diverse groups can work together to build and maintain an age-friendly community.

服務研習對社區的影響 = Service-Learning Impacts On Community, Office Of Service-Learning, Lingnan University Jan 2016

服務研習對社區的影響 = Service-Learning Impacts On Community, Office Of Service-Learning, Lingnan University

OSL Research Report 研究報告



The Office of Service-Learning at Lingnan University is committed to encourage integration between Service-Learning and curriculum since its establishment in 2006. Service-Learning provides diverse learning experiences to students, and facilitates partnership between university and community. Service-Learning brings instructors and students to the community and encourages them to apply, transfer and contribute their knowledge to people in needs in the community.

Ten years of partnership between Lingnan University and Community not only built up good university-community relationship, but also created different impacts through students' effort. However, what are the impacts? We would like to share with readers how Service-Learning …

2015 香港快樂指數調查 Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey 2015, Lok Sang Ho Nov 2015

2015 香港快樂指數調查 Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey 2015, Lok Sang Ho

Hong Kong Happiness Index 香港快樂指數調查




According to the results of the Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey conducted by Lingnan University’s Centre for Public Policy Studies, the Happiness Index for Hong Kong people in 2015 stands at 70.0 (on a scale of 0 to 100), which is slightly lower than last year’s 70.5. Surprisingly, the Happiness Index of people aged below 30 rose from 67.8 to 69.3.

Respondents’ degree of satisfaction with the media rose slightly to 4.89 from last year’s 4.76, albeit still at a low level. Satisfaction with Hong Kong’s public policy is 4.37 (on …

Hk Children Happiness Index 2014 = 2014年香港兒童快樂指數, Lok Sang Ho, Early Childhood Development Research Foundation 香港嬰幼兒發展研究基金會 Apr 2015

Hk Children Happiness Index 2014 = 2014年香港兒童快樂指數, Lok Sang Ho, Early Childhood Development Research Foundation 香港嬰幼兒發展研究基金會

Hong Kong Children Happiness Index 香港兒童快樂指數調查

According to the results of the Children’s Happiness Index Survey released by Lingnan University’s Centre for Public Policy Studies (CPPS) today (17 April), the 2014 overall Children’s Happiness Index dropped noticeably to 6.74 (on a scale of 0 to 10) from 7.23 in 2013. This is the lowest on record since the survey commenced in 2012 when the Index was tracked at 6.91. Drop in happiness has been recorded for children of all school grades and age groups.

Commissioned by the Hong Kong Early Childhood Development Research Foundation, the 2014 Children’s Happiness Index adopts methodology similar to previous surveys. …

‘Post Service Learning’ : Civic Engagement, Social Justice And Beyond?, Man Lai, Manni Cheung Jan 2015

‘Post Service Learning’ : Civic Engagement, Social Justice And Beyond?, Man Lai, Manni Cheung

OSL Outstanding Student Series 傑出學生系列

Background: Civic model and social justice model of service-learning has been emerging in the US. It is believed that civic engagement and social justice can be promoted with the use of service-learnning as a pedagogy. This research investigates if service-learning programme at Lingnan University can promote civic engagement and provoking students’ thinking in a socially just way.

Method: 7 students is the sample, of which 2 being not having previous service-learning experience. The sample is obtained through purposive and snowball sampling technique. In-depth interviews are conducted to gather data in informants’ own words.

Result: Experiential Service-Learning and Participatory Service-Learning allows …

Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey 2014, Lok Sang Ho Dec 2014

Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey 2014, Lok Sang Ho

Hong Kong Happiness Index 香港快樂指數調查

According to the results of the Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey conducted by Lingnan University’s Centre for Public Policy Studies, the Happiness Index for Hong Kong people in 2014 stands at 70.5 (on a scale of 0 to 100), which is the same as last year. The survey outcome is an unexpected one taking into account the current social and political controversies in Hong Kong.

Respondents' degree of satisfaction with quality of public policy rose to 4.34 (on a scale of 0 to 10) from last year’s 4.14. Satisfaction with living environment rose to 5.95 from last year’s 5.75, while …