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Computer Sciences Commons

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Full-Text Articles in Computer Sciences

Best Practices Of Consuming Linked Open Data, Arbër Beshiri, Joana Mita, Anja Vangieli Nov 2014

Best Practices Of Consuming Linked Open Data, Arbër Beshiri, Joana Mita, Anja Vangieli

UBT International Conference

The term Linked Data is defined as a set of best practices for publishing and interlinking structured data on the web. These best practices were introduced by Tim Berners-Lee and are also known as principles. These best practices are used by the vast majority of data providers leading to the establishment of a global data space known as the web of data. In this paper will analyze and explore the technical principles of Linked Data, the best practices of using Linked Data, some deployed Linked Data applications and use cases to exploit the Web of Data.

Mechatronics In Electrical Efficiency And Environmental Impact, Sherif Hyseni Nov 2014

Mechatronics In Electrical Efficiency And Environmental Impact, Sherif Hyseni

UBT International Conference

This paper focuses on the mechatronic technology development, and its influent on electrical efficiency with a direct result in cost and environment. Considering the well-known European Union standard “20-20-20” and the possibility and responsibility of Kosovo in this field, the role of energy efficiency has great impact for future directions. This paper refers to a new technology solution for heating that is available on the local market, called “DAIKIN” by analyzing the functionality of this device and its promise to save up to 40% of the heating costs. Implementation of “DAIKIN” technology in state institutions in Prishtina, and also the …

Authentication In Saas By Implementing Double Security Measures, Muhamet Gërvalla, Shkëlqim Berisha Nov 2014

Authentication In Saas By Implementing Double Security Measures, Muhamet Gërvalla, Shkëlqim Berisha

UBT International Conference

Growing trends of services offered in the field of Cloud Computing are increasing on daily basis. These services are divided into three models: Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Despite this, much interest is shown to the usage of Software as a Service (SaaS) model. This model offers the usage of software’s that are hosted in Cloud that can be accessed by using web browsers or through “thin client”. Security and privacy are two most important problems that can occur in this model. Authentication through password is one of the …

Concept Of Online Assisted Platform For Technologies And Management In Communications – Optimek, Galia Marinova, Vassil Guliashki, Ognyan Chikov Nov 2014

Concept Of Online Assisted Platform For Technologies And Management In Communications – Optimek, Galia Marinova, Vassil Guliashki, Ognyan Chikov

UBT International Conference

The paper describes the concept of a Multimodular Multydisciplinary platform, contacting through unified templates in a Portal with knowledge, with Useful INTERNET resources, in order to provide advanced research and education. Usually the online resources available are mainly in the area of e- and distance education, but still an understanding is missing for the scale and the use of studying and the systematization of the online resource. The new concept has an accent of the useful INTERNET resource and the development of a System of nets to it, in the aim of solving tasks and generating new knowledge in the …

The Impacts Of Cloud Computing And Big Data Applications On Developing World-Based Smallholder Farmers, Nir Kshetri Nov 2014

The Impacts Of Cloud Computing And Big Data Applications On Developing World-Based Smallholder Farmers, Nir Kshetri

UBT International Conference

Cloud computing and big data applications are likely to have far-reaching and profound impacts on developing world-based smallholder farmers. Especially, the use of mobile devices to access cloud-based applications is a promising approach to deliver value to smallholder farmers in developing countries since according to the International Telecommunication Union, mobile-cellular penetration in developing countries is expected to reach 90% by the end of 2014. This article examines the contexts, mechanisms, processes and consequences associated with cloud computing and big data deployments in farming activities that could affect the lives of developing world-based smallholder farmers. We analyze the roles of big …

Itu-Prp: Parallel And Distributed Computing Middleware For Java Developers, Enis Spahi, D. Turgay Altilar Nov 2014

Itu-Prp: Parallel And Distributed Computing Middleware For Java Developers, Enis Spahi, D. Turgay Altilar

UBT International Conference

ITU-PRP provides a Parallel Programming Framework for Java Developers on which they can adapt their sequential application code to operate on a distributed multi-host parallel environment. Developers would implement parallel models, such as Loop Parallelism, Divide and Conquer, Master-Slave and Fork-Join by the help of an API Library provided under framework. Produced parallel applications would be submitted to a middleware called Parallel Running Platform (PRP), on which parallel resources for parallel processing are being organized and performed. The middleware creates Task Plans (TP) according to application’s parallel model, assigns best available resource Hosts, in order to perform fast parallel processing. …

The Analysis Of Composıtıonal Data, A General Overvıew And An Applicatıon With Gdp Data For Albanıan Economy In R Software, Mirjeta (Dëra) Pasha, Edlira Kalemi, Senada Bushati, Anisa Skandaj Nov 2014

The Analysis Of Composıtıonal Data, A General Overvıew And An Applicatıon With Gdp Data For Albanıan Economy In R Software, Mirjeta (Dëra) Pasha, Edlira Kalemi, Senada Bushati, Anisa Skandaj

UBT International Conference

In the paper “The analysis of compositional data, a general overview and an application with GDP data for Albanian economy in R software" we have studied the principle rules of the compositional data analysis. We have listed some of the fields where we can find and we can apply compositional data analysis. Furthermore there have been treated the main problems that a user will have during the work with coda data. After problems there are a lot of ways and methods in order to avoid those problems and some transformations that really help the coda work. The most important part …

Theoretical Analysis Of Dynamic General Equilibrium Model, Mimi Kodheli, Arjeta Vokshi Nov 2014

Theoretical Analysis Of Dynamic General Equilibrium Model, Mimi Kodheli, Arjeta Vokshi

UBT International Conference

Central Bank is one of the most important institutions of a country because its responsibility is to draw and implement the monetary policy. The central bank, in order to accomplish this responsibility, has to have a clearly defined main objective, the instruments that will use to achieve the objective, and it should be able to make precise or very good forecasts of macroeconomic variables. In order to make these forecasts, the central bank should first of all understand every monetary transmission mechanism and determine the most effective one. The success or non-success of monetary policy, living apart the other factors, …

Efficient Algorithm For Solving 3sum Problem, Muhamed Retkoceri Nov 2014

Efficient Algorithm For Solving 3sum Problem, Muhamed Retkoceri

UBT International Conference

In this paper is presented an algorithm for solving 3SUM problem efficiently in general computation model. The algorithm is based on sorting and splits the task into sub-tasks where this approach enables the algorithm to run concurrently at the high-level of computing. The algorithm is O(n2) and running sequentially achieves at least ~1/5 n2 number of basic necessary accesses of data structures. In this paper is also presented a comparison of running performances in practice between the new algorithm and the current most famous algorithm for 3SUM which is in-place and also based on sorting.

The Use Of Intelligent System In Transport And Concrete Benefits When Using This System In Context Of Saving Fuel, Muhamet Avdyli Nov 2014

The Use Of Intelligent System In Transport And Concrete Benefits When Using This System In Context Of Saving Fuel, Muhamet Avdyli

UBT International Conference

The intelligent systems in transport are being used increasingly in order to facilitate the transportation management, improving the economic aspect as well as increasing safety during the transportation process.The article initially makes an analysis of the evolution, distribution and use of the telematics systems in the transportation business until nowadays, extracting as a result some suggestions. Furthermore, the article analysis the economic character and drawing the concrete results, that supports the use of such systems and makes them a must in progress of a transport business. The direct impact in terms of economics has the managerial aspect too, which is …

Logistical Route Optimization To Reduce Transportation Cost, Bashkim Çerkini, Valma Prifti, Robert Kosova Nov 2014

Logistical Route Optimization To Reduce Transportation Cost, Bashkim Çerkini, Valma Prifti, Robert Kosova

UBT International Conference

Many manufacturing companies produce their products in few locations and transport them to the different shops or demand points. In this paper work we will use the power of IP - Solver and Microsoft Solver Foundation in order to resolve logistical route optimization problem to reduce transportation cost of the fruit juice factory or to find the least expensive way to produce and transport products to the customers and meet customer demand. Fruit juice company produces juice in three different factories: F1, F2 and F3. Each week, the fruit juice factory must transport juice to the five different demand points: …

Using Congruence In Encoding Musical Partituras, Besim Shala, Besiana Mehmedi, Shkodran Tolaj, Azir Jusufi Nov 2014

Using Congruence In Encoding Musical Partituras, Besim Shala, Besiana Mehmedi, Shkodran Tolaj, Azir Jusufi

UBT International Conference

Along with theoretical review of partituras and encryption systems, we have tried to conduct encryption of sheets by encoding all of its elements such as: encoding musical notes, encoding values of notes and intermissions, encoding accords, encoding tonalities and encoding rhythm whereby the original musical piece is transformed into an irregular and meaningless sheet. Information technology today has allowed for easier copying of authorial pieces; therefore, it is necessary to know encryption which allows protection of pieces from any misuse. Cryptology including knowledge of congruence deals with resolution of these insecurities. The significance of this paper lies in intertwining knowledge …

It, E-Commerce, Individual And Team Learning Environment, Besnik Skenderi, Diamanta Skenderi Nov 2014

It, E-Commerce, Individual And Team Learning Environment, Besnik Skenderi, Diamanta Skenderi

UBT International Conference

This paper is about impact of Information Technology on creating learning environment and on e-commerce. Because of innovations on the field of IT, individuals and businesses are affected; however with those changes also need for capacity building and long life learning is appearing. In addition, companies and markets can not be considered as a static concept, but they are changing and evolving every day. Those changes are also brining innovations in management procedures and in production of goods and services. Implementation of e-commerce is trigering also the implementation of other e-tools that can help companies to manage in better way …

On The Role Of Gis Technology In Geospatial Education (Qgis Vs Argis), Shkelqim Kuka, Jozef Bushati Nov 2014

On The Role Of Gis Technology In Geospatial Education (Qgis Vs Argis), Shkelqim Kuka, Jozef Bushati

UBT International Conference

In the teaching of modeling concepts and spatial analysis, a major role play technologies and software. Anyhow main aim at the education is the teaching of concept independently on what kind of technologies and software will be used. The latter might be grouped in two categories: the commercial software and Open Source software. In this article emphasises the role of GIS technologies at the process of teaching and it is fulfilled an analysis advantages adn disadvantages between both software: commercial software ArcGis, and so called “Open Source” QuantumGis. Taking in to consideration the financial possibility of the educational institutions and …

Nderlidhja Mes Rrjetit Fiks Dhe Rrjetit Mobil, Saranda Xhokli Jul 2014

Nderlidhja Mes Rrjetit Fiks Dhe Rrjetit Mobil, Saranda Xhokli

Theses and Dissertations

Qëllimi i punimit tim është paraqitja e ndërlidhjes të rrjetit fiks dhe rrjetit mobil të telekomit të Kosovës, teknologji të cilat bashkjetojnë për mëse 5 vite dhe I japin shërbime abonentëve, duke përfshirë organizimit të shtyllës kurrizore të rrjetit transmetues të Kosovës i cili zhvillohet nëpërmjet kabllit optik, sistemti transmetues PDH/SDH në skaje të të cilave janë të lidhura paisjet komutuese të paketëve IP të quajtura SOFT SWICH i cili është i vendosur në qendër dhe paraqet boshtin kurrizor të telekomit si dhe nderlidhjen me rrjetin e telefonisë mobile GSM 2.75 dhe në parim paraqet shpirtin komunikues i ndërlidhur në …

Rëndesia E Bi Sistemeve Në Institucionet E Kosovës, Elena Hajredini Apr 2014

Rëndesia E Bi Sistemeve Në Institucionet E Kosovës, Elena Hajredini

Theses and Dissertations

Kjo temë ka për qëllim të përshkruaj rëndësinë e BI sistemeve në insitucionet e Kosovës duke marrë në konsideratë të mirat që mund të fitojnë insitucionet kosovare duke shfrytëzuar këtë teknologji për ndërveprim ndërmjet tyre, gjendjen aktuale dhe parashikimet për të ardhmen në bazë të rritjes së trendit të shfrytëzimit të BI sistemeve dhe në bazë të rezultateve ose përfitimeve nga shfyrtëzimi i tyre në të ardhmen. Thelbi i këtij hulumtimi është që të prezantoj përfitimet e insitucioneve nëse e shfrytëzojnë një vegël si Business Intelligence për ndërveprim në mes veti duke u bazuar në informacionet e centralizuara. Po ashtu …

Implementimi I Iptv Në Sistemet Telekomunikuese, Milot Bajrami Mar 2014

Implementimi I Iptv Në Sistemet Telekomunikuese, Milot Bajrami

Theses and Dissertations

Ky punimi diplome shtjellon fazat e përgatitjes së një pakete të protokollit të internetit për implementim nëpër rrjetat telekomunikuese dhe më gjerësisht në sistemin IPTV, arkitekturën e thjeshtuar të një sistemi IPTV dhe si rast studimi është marrur implementimi i IPTV-së në Post dhe Telekomin e Kosovës si ndërmarrja më e madhe në tregun telekomunikues në vendin tonё. PTK si teknologji të transmetimit të televizionit ka zgjedhur teknologjinë IPTV nëpër DSL, pasi që ajo eliminon nevojën e një rrjeti sekondar përgjatë rrjetit ekzistues (twisted-pair network). Tani kemi kanalet televizive që na sigurojnë informacione 24 orë në ditë dhe në anën …

Analizing Protocols For Layer Three Network Redundancy, Taulant Galimuna Feb 2014

Analizing Protocols For Layer Three Network Redundancy, Taulant Galimuna

Theses and Dissertations

This thesis will analyze FHRP (First Hop Redundancy Protocols) which are three redundancy protocols of the IP Layer (layer 3). Protocols of the default gateway redundancy or FHRP are HSRP (Hot Standby Router Protocol) which is a Cisco proprietary and is an active/standby redundancy protocol, GLBP (Gateway Load Balancing Protocol) which is an active/active redundancy protocol and also it does Load Balancing, and the last VRRP (Virtual Redundant Routing Protocol) which is typically used with non-Cisco routers (such as Juniper) and is an extension of GLBP. Basically what FHRP protocols do is; they allow multiple redundant routers on the same …

Metodat Për Parandalimi E Rreziqeve Qe Vijnë Nga Shfrytëzimi I Internetit, Nalton Mustafa Feb 2014

Metodat Për Parandalimi E Rreziqeve Qe Vijnë Nga Shfrytëzimi I Internetit, Nalton Mustafa

Theses and Dissertations

Interneti është bere pjese e pa ndare e punës tone, por me këtë risi ka ardhur edhe rreziku i përhapjes se kodeve te dëmshme. Është fakte qe ne pjesën me te madhe te komunikimit e bëjmë me internet për një çmime shume te volitshëm duke komunikuar ne distanca shume te mëdha por qe kemi një kosto ne siguri te cilës duhet te i adresohemi.

Përfitimet nga interneti janë te shumta nga dërgimi i e-mail-eve, komunikimi me video dhe zë shikimi i videove, bartja e fajlla-ve leximi i gazetave, argëtimet e ndryshme etj.

Ne fokus te kësaj teme do te jete …

Analiza E Redundancës Në Shtresën 2 Të Rrjetës Kampus, Selim Kolgeci Feb 2014

Analiza E Redundancës Në Shtresën 2 Të Rrjetës Kampus, Selim Kolgeci

Theses and Dissertations

Përgjatë viteve, kanë ndodhur ndryshime marramendëse në avancimin e teknologjisë së komunikimit dhe ka me mijëra aplikacione të cilat i gjejmë në treg. Shumë nga këto aplikacione janë të llojit (real-time) apo të pa-ndërprera dhe si të tilla janë të ndjeshme ndaj ndërprerjes së trafikut, për shkak të natyrës së tyre të shkëmbimit të të dhënave në kohë reale dhe pa pengesa. Në cilindo lloj të rrjetit, redundanca është tejet e rëndësishme që të sigurojë dhe të “shërojë” lidhjen përmes intervenimit automatik në rast të ndërprerjeve, dështimit apo de-aktivizimit të linkut për çfarëdo lloj arsye. Sido që të jetë, konsideroj …

Vigjilenca E Individëve Kundër Tentimeve ‘Phishing’: Rast Studimi Në Ubt, Enes Morina Jan 2014

Vigjilenca E Individëve Kundër Tentimeve ‘Phishing’: Rast Studimi Në Ubt, Enes Morina

Theses and Dissertations

Me siguri se secili përdorues kompjuteri ka pranuar ndonjë email për thyrje të identitetit (phishing) gjatë përvojës së vetë në internet. Disa dinë si të ballafaqohen me këtë ndërsa disa të tjerë nuk dinë si të ballafaqohen. Ky studim raporton se çka i bënë përdoruesit të dyshimtë për sulme phishing dhe cila është përgjigja e tyre kundrejt këtyre sulmeve. Hulumtimi ka filluar me hulumtimin e situatës eksistente duke rishikuar literaturë të ndryshme, e cila do të vijohet me dërgimin e pyetësorëve te hulumtimit te studentët. Pyetësori ka tetë pyetje dhe iu është dërguar më shumë se 100 përdoruesve të kompjuterëve …

Analyzing Implementation Of Ip Telephony Solutions, Erkan Ramadani Jan 2014

Analyzing Implementation Of Ip Telephony Solutions, Erkan Ramadani

Theses and Dissertations

In this thesis, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology will be explored and a recommendation of the operational benefit of VoIP will be provided. A network model will be used to demonstrate improvement of voice End-to-End delay by implementing quality of service (QoS) controls. An overview of VoIP requirements will be covered and recommended standards will be reviewed. Take some time-off from your busy schedules and have a look at what I have to say. I guarantee that you will change your mind. In the near future, if you make a telephone call, it is more than likely that it …