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Full-Text Articles in Law

Ontario Courts And Procedure, Herbert Harley Apr 1914

Ontario Courts And Procedure, Herbert Harley

Michigan Law Review

I cannot cover this part of the subject better than by quoting literally: "There are two classes of practitioners, barristers and solicitors. A lawyer must belong to one; most belong to both. The barrister alone can conduct a case at trial; the solicitor alone files pleadings."

Proposed Remedies In Court Procedure, Willis B. Perkins Mar 1914

Proposed Remedies In Court Procedure, Willis B. Perkins

Michigan Law Review

It is the judgment of the writer that the chief function of the legislature is to declare substantive rights. Court procedure being but the machinery by which substantive rights are determined, the responsibility for the effectiveness of that machinery should rest alone upon the courts. Unnecessary prolixity and confusion too frequently result from the present two-fold source of procedural law.

Ontario Courts And Procedure, Herbert Harley Mar 1914

Ontario Courts And Procedure, Herbert Harley

Michigan Law Review

The progress made in England under the Judicature Acts of 1873 and 1875, with occasional revisions of procedure, has a deep interest for the American lawyer in search of judicial efficiency. In recent years a number of our lawyers have studied the English courts at first hand and upon their return have spread the news of great accomplishments in the home of the common law. These enthusiastic reports have been subjected to incisive criticism, so that controversy has arisen, and it has been difficult to determine to what extent inference from undoubted facts would apply to our own unsettled conditions. …

Recent Important Decisions Jun 1913

Recent Important Decisions

Michigan Law Review

Attachment - Property in Custodia Legis; Bankruptcy - Promise After Adjudication to Pay Dischargeable Debt; Bills and Notes - Provision for Extension of Time of Payment; Bills and Notes - Transfer as Collateral for Pre-Existing Debt; Carriers - Ticket Not Conclusive Evidence of Contract of Carriage; Constitutional Law - Race Discrimination in Selection of Jury; Corporations - Rights of Pledgor of Stock; Courts - English the Official Language of the Phillippines; Evidence - Declarations as to Pedigree; Evidence - Expert Testimony; Husband and Wife - Power of Husband to Dispose of his Personalty by Gift Causa Mortis; Insurance - Liability …

Note And Comment, Edwin C. Goddard, Jack M. Hendrick, Wilson W. Mills, Samuel H. Morris, George A. Cram Apr 1913

Note And Comment, Edwin C. Goddard, Jack M. Hendrick, Wilson W. Mills, Samuel H. Morris, George A. Cram

Michigan Law Review

The Effect of the Carmack Amendment to the Hepburn Act Upon State Laws as to Limitation by Contract of the Amount of the Liability of a Common Carrier - Three recent decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States involving the construction, of the Carmack Amendment to the Hepburn Act may be considered together, as the second was governed wholly and the third largely by the decision of the first. In the first case plaintiff delivered to defendant express company at Cincinnati, Ohio, a diamond, ring consigned to Augusta, Georgia. The package was never delivered, and plaintiff recovered judgment …

Recall Of Judges And Of Judical Decisions, Howard Weist Feb 1913

Recall Of Judges And Of Judical Decisions, Howard Weist

Michigan Law Review

We live in an age when courts are attacked, judges condemned for obeying the constitution, and representative government is ridiculed and sought to be destroyed. The wish of socialists has become the political ethics of near-socialists and many other citizens. It has become popular to rail against the authority 'of courts; to demand that courts shall no longer be conservators of constitutional guarantees; that judges shall serve under the fear of recall; and representative government shall give way to an absolute democracy. Has political wisdom waited for the year 1912, only to offer us socialism and the worn out and …

Judicial Criticism Of Legislation By Courts, Charles G. Haines Nov 1912

Judicial Criticism Of Legislation By Courts, Charles G. Haines

Michigan Law Review

In the application of the doctrine of judicial review of legislative acts, the federal courts of the United States have not infrequently been criticised for usurping part of the functions of the legislature. The criticisms have increased to such an extent as to raise an issue of national significance. Recently, charges against the judiciary for the usurpation of legislative functions have been made rather frequently by the justices of our federal Supreme Comt. The late Associate Justice Harlan, dissenting in part from the reasoning of the majority of the court in the Standard Oil case, brought such a criticism against …

Note And Comment, Sigmund W. David, Newton K. Fox, Harold R. Curtis, Aquilla C. Lewis, Albert R. Dilley Jun 1912

Note And Comment, Sigmund W. David, Newton K. Fox, Harold R. Curtis, Aquilla C. Lewis, Albert R. Dilley

Michigan Law Review

Civil Liability for False Testimony; Review by the Courts of the Decisions of the Land Department; Right of One Partner to Sue His Co-Partners in Conversion; Does a Tax Deed, Void on it Face, Give Color of Title; Interference With Employment by Trade Union;

Note And Comment, Gordon W. Stoner, Newton K. Fox, Walle W. Merritt, Albert E. Meder Feb 1912

Note And Comment, Gordon W. Stoner, Newton K. Fox, Walle W. Merritt, Albert E. Meder

Michigan Law Review

The Power of a Court to Compel a jury to Render its Verdict in Accordance with a Peremptory Instruction; The Liability of Municipal Corporations in the Discharge of Public or Governmental Duties and of Private or Corporate Duties; Some views of the Nature and Effect of Corporateness; Mitigation of Damages or Substituted Contract; Limitation of the Amount of a Carrier's Liability

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review Jan 1912

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Adverse Possession--Hostile Character--Possession Under Executory Contract for Sale; Bills and Notes--Bona Fide Purchase--Effect of Taking After Maturity; Bills and Notes--Bona Fide Purchase--Payment of Forged Check--Recovery of Payment; Bills and Notes--Invalidity of Note--Recovery Upon Original Consideration; Constitutional law--Due Process of Law--Situs of Ship for Purposes of Taxation; contracts--Sufficiency of Typewritten Signature; Copyright--Moving Pictures as Dramatization of Book; Corporations--Stockholder's Meetings--Effect of Withdrawal of Stockholders; Courts--The New Commerce Court--Jurisdiction--First Decision; Covenants Running with the Land--Building Restrictions; Damages--Excessiveness--Personal Injuries--Remittitur; Dead Bodies--Burial Determination of Place; Easements--Merger--Use by Owner of Servient Estate--Adverse Possession; Homicide--Burden of Proof When Insanity is a Defense; Intoxicating Liquors--Illegal Sale--"Dispensing"; Judgment--Collateral Attack--Defective …

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review Nov 1911

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Adverse Possession--Actual Possession--Occupation of Part; Banks and Banking--Payment of Deposits on Forged Checks--Liability--Affirmative Defense; Banks and Banking--Payment of Check--Forged Indorsements; Cancellation of Instrument for Want of Consideration--Stauts Quo; Charities--Charitable Gift--Validity; Commerce--Interstate Commerce--Continuous Shipment--Violation of Elkins Act; Constitutional Law--Power of Judicial Department--Infringement on Executive; Conversion--Return of Goods as Defense; Conveyancing--Grantee's Name Left Blank; Courts--State Courts--Jurisdiction over National Banks; Criminal Law--Harmless Error in Admission of Evidence; Equity--Subrogation of Mortgagor to Rights of Mortgagee; Evidence--Admissibility of Statements in Corroboration of Testimony of Discredited Witness; Evidence--Other Offenses as Evidence of Offense Charged; Fixtures--Between Vendor of Chattel and Mortgagee of Land; Husband and Wife--Action Against …

Note And Comment, Ralph W. Aigler, Edson R. Sunderland, Clarence E. Eldridge, Mckee Robison May 1911

Note And Comment, Ralph W. Aigler, Edson R. Sunderland, Clarence E. Eldridge, Mckee Robison

Michigan Law Review

The Corporation Tax Decision; The Rights of Passengers in an Unregistered Automobile; Expert Testimony in Michigan; Federal Supreme Court's Jurisdiction Unalterable;

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review May 1911

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Appearance--appeal from Action in Rem as General Appearance; Bankruptcy--Suit by Trustee--Right to Trial by Jury; Bills and Notes--Draft by Agent on Principal--Necessity of Acceptance; Carriers--Merchandise as Baggage--Notice; Constitutional Law--Impairing Obligation of Contract--Clause of Insurance Contract Limiting the Time in Which to Bring Action; Constitutional Law--Invalidating Existing Contracts for Free Transportation; Contracts--Mutual Promises--Independent or Conditional; Courts--Supreme Court--Jurisdiction--Mandamus to Compel Entry of Judgment by Lower Court; Eminent Domain--Damages; Evidence--Confession of an Alleged Accomplice; Evidence--Statutes--Enrolled bill as Evidence; Homestead--Does Joinder of Wife to Release Dower Bar Her Homestead Right?; Insurance--Increase of Hazard; Libel and slander--Absolute Privilege--Judicial Proceedings; Parent and Child--May Parent Authorize Agent …

Note And Comment, John R. Rood, Arthur J. Abbott, Allen Mck. Bond, Howard H. Campbell Feb 1911

Note And Comment, John R. Rood, Arthur J. Abbott, Allen Mck. Bond, Howard H. Campbell

Michigan Law Review

Ignorance and Mistake of Law Caused by Over-Ruled Cases; The Doctrine of Exemplary Damages in Its Application to Corporations; When is a Will Signed "At the End?": Construction of the Code Phrase "Subject of Action"

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review Feb 1911

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Bankruptcy--rights of Action Passing to Trustee--Injury to Property; Banks and Banking--Who May Question the Power of National Banks to Take Real Estate in Trust; Bills and Notes--Avoidance of Indorser's Liability by Fraudulent Representations of Indorsee; Carriers--Is the Ticket Conclusive Evidence of the Passenger's Right to be Carried?; Carriers--When does the Liability of a Carrier change to That of A Warehouseman?; Constitutional Law--Equal Protection of the Law--Right to Hunt and Fish; Constitutional law--Liberty and Freedom of Conscience--Right to Wear a Religious Garb in Public Schools--Power of the Legislature; Contracts--Implied Contracts--Persons in Family Relations; Contributory Negligence--Acts in Emergency--Emergency Caused by Party Injured--Saving …

The Reasons For Some Legal Fictions, Sidney T. Miller Jun 1910

The Reasons For Some Legal Fictions, Sidney T. Miller

Michigan Law Review

In this age of fact, fancy is at a discount. Consequently legal fictions, which required the play of some fancy in their beginning, have fallen not only into disuse but also into disfavor. Many of them, however, have done good work in the past, and some are doing it now. Therefore it may not prove uninstructive to consider some in a discursive way. A legal fiction is probably best defined as "a legal assumption that something is true which is, or may be, false-being an assumption of an innocent and beneficial character, made to advance the interests of justice."1 From …

Recent Important Decisions, Michigal Law Review Feb 1910

Recent Important Decisions, Michigal Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Appeal and Error--Attorney's Interest in Case on Appeal--Contingent Fee; Bankruptcy--discharge--subsequent Action for Fraud; Bills and Notes--Usury No Defense Against a bona Fide Holder--Construction of Negotiable Instruments Statute; Boundaries--Street, Terminus A Quo; Carriers--Hepbern Act--State and Federal Courts--Phrase "Caused by It"; Chattel Mortgages--Payment without Notice of Assignment--Construction of a Mortgage Provision; Constitutional Law--Equal Protection of Laws--Statute Requiring Screens on Cars Operated by Corporations; Constitutional Law--Equal Protection of the Laws--Class Legislation; Contracts--No Recovery Under an Entire Illegal Contract; Contracts--Validity of Contract in Contemplation of Divorce; Courts--Federal Courts--authority of Decision of State Courts--"Telegraph"; Covenants--Breach of that Against Incumbrances; Elections--Ballots--Indication of Choice by Voter; Evidence--Facts …

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review Mar 1909

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Assignment for Creditors--Validity of Common Law Assignment Under State Statutes--Assignee May Maintain Replevin; Bills and Notes--Fraud--Ability to Read; Bills and Notes--Signature by Agent or Representative--Personal Liability; Boundaries--Meander Line as Boundary in Government Grants--Mistake in Survey; Carriers--Liability as Carriers of Live Stock; Contracts--Antenuptial Agreements--Performance Prevented by Party; Courts--Supreme Court--Review of Decisions of State Courts; Courts--United States Courts Enjoining Proceedings in State Courts--establishment of Railroad Rates by Commission; Criminal Law--Larceny--Fraudulent Use of Legal Process; Criminal Law--Reception of Verdict--Accused's Right to be Present; Dead Bodies--Power of Court to Order Exhumation to Procure Evidence; Evidence--Burden of Proof; Evidence--compelling Accused to Criminate Himself--Waiver of Privilege; …

The Proposed Court Of Patent Appeals, Otto Raymond Barnett Apr 1908

The Proposed Court Of Patent Appeals, Otto Raymond Barnett

Michigan Law Review

Experience has demonstrated that nowhere was the foresight and wisdom of the framers of the Federal Constitution more clearly shown than when they embodied in that instrument the provision that to encourage progress in science and the useful arts, Congress should have authority to secure to writers and inventors for limited times, exclusive rights to their productions. When the Federal Constitution was drafted, the manufacturing industries of this country were insignificant. Since then the industrial progress of the United States has been one of the marvels of the world's history and this progress and the supremacy of American manufacturers have …

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review Apr 1908

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Adoption--Defect in Proceedings--Effect; Bankruptcy--Equitable Rights under Unrecorded Mortgage--Agreement to Insure--Equitable Lien on Insurance Money; Bankruptcy--Insolvent Firm--Individual Estate of Unadjudicated Solvent Partner Not Subject to Administration; Bills and Notes--Liability of Indorser of Non-Negotiable Note; Bills and Notes--Liability of Irregular Indorser; Carriers--Wrongful Treatment of Passengers--Damages for Mental Suffering; Constitutional Law--Imprisonment for Debt--Peonage; Constitutional Law--Interstate Commerce--Shipments Within a State; Corporations--Foreign Corporations--Effect of Withdrawal From State--Validity of Service; Courts--Jurisdiction--Action Under the Laws of Another State; Covenants--Running with the Land; Damages--Destruction of Growing Grass; Evidence--Admissibility of a Deed as an Ancient Document; Evident--Admissions in Pleading; Garnishment--Nonresident Defendant--Jurisdiction; Jury--Right to Trial by Twelve Jurors--Waiver of Jury; …

Note And Comment, Harry B. Hutchins, Frank B. Fox, Frank P. Helsell, Burns A. Henry, Clyde Dewitt Dec 1907

Note And Comment, Harry B. Hutchins, Frank B. Fox, Frank P. Helsell, Burns A. Henry, Clyde Dewitt

Michigan Law Review

Liability of Carriers for Injuries Arising from Failure to Have Waiting Rooms Properly Heated; Special Assessments and Railroad Rights of Way; State and Federal Regulation Rates; Duty Toward Trespassing Children Where a Dangerous Article is Left in the Street; Collateral Attack on Injunctional Orders;

Note And Comment, Henry M. Bates, Robert M. See, Horace Lafayette Wilgus, Clyde A. Dewitt Nov 1907

Note And Comment, Henry M. Bates, Robert M. See, Horace Lafayette Wilgus, Clyde A. Dewitt

Michigan Law Review

Courts--Jurisdiction of Circuit Court--Enjoining Writ of Error; Criminal Law--Arraignment--Waiver; Damages--Personal Injuries--Expense of Nursing; Deeds--Boundaries--Navigable Waters; Deeds--Variance Between Granting Clause and Habendum--Construction; Eminent Domain--Use of Urban Street Car Lines by Interurban Cars; Evidence--Admissibility of Statement of One Partner to a Commercial Agency as to Asset and Liabilities; Evidence--Admission of a Carbon Copy of a Contract as a Duplicate Original; Federal Courts--jurisdiction--Action Against State Officers; Foreign Corporations--Liability to be Sued; Homicide--Self-Defense--Provoking Difficulty; Insurance--Certificate Silent as to Suicide; Joint Stock Associations--have they at Common law Powers and Privileges of a Corporation not Possessed by Individuals or Partnerships?; Municipal corporations--Protecting Against Fraud by Ordinance--Sale …

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review Nov 1907

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Adoption--Who is a "Child"; Agency--Ratification--Act Must Have Been Done as Agent--Trusts--Pretended Agent as Constructive Trustee; Bankruptcy--Assets--Commissions of Agent on Policies Written Prior to Adjudication; Bankruptcy--Property Held Under conditional Sale--Right to Reclaim; Banks and Banking--Usury Laws--Notes Purchased in Good Raith--Power of Congress to Regulate National Banks; Bills and Notes--Execution in Blank--Statutory Provisions; Constitutional Law--Inheritance Tax--due Process of Law; Contracts--Abandonment--Recovery;

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review Jun 1907

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Bankruptcy--Insurance Policies--Cash Surrender Value; Bankruptcy--Partnership and Individual Assets; Bills and Notes--Payment by the United States of Pension Checks on Forged Indorsements--Recovery of Payment; Common Carriers--Defective Transfers; Constitutional Law--Commerce in Intoxicating Liquors--License Tax of Traveling Salesman; Constitutional Law--Equal Protection of the Law--State Statute; Constitutional law--Police Power--Flag Legislation; Contracts--Assignments of--Right of Assignee Against Debtor; Corporations--Acquisition of Exemption in Merger; Deeds--Construction and Operation--Reservation and Exception; Deeds--Suit to Set Aside--Duress of Wife--Parties in Pari Delicto; Evidence--Confessions to One Not in Authority--Admissibility; Foreign Corporations--Effect on contracts of Failure to Register--Contracts; Fraud--Independent Investigation; Frauds, Statute of--agreement to Deal in Lands; Husband and Wife--Right to Disposition of …

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review May 1907

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Bankruptcy--Assigned Claim for Wages--Preference; Bankruptcy--time of Filing Claims; Banks and Banking--Liability of Stockholders--Unregistered Transfer; Banks and Banking--What is a Bank?; Bills and Notes--Indorsement Before Issue--Liabilities; Bills and Notes--usury--Evidence--Burden of Proof; Carriers--Freight Elevators as Carriers of Passengers; Carriers of Passengers--Servants--Communication of Disease; Constitutional Law--Delegation of Power; Constitutional Law--Police Power to Restrict Hours of Labor; Contracts--Mutuality; Courts--Criminal Law--Instructions to Jury; Covenants--Warranty--claims "By, Through or Under" Grantor--Eminent Domain; Criminal Law--Exclusion of Public From Trial; Criminal Law--Trial--conduct of Jury--comments on Defendant's Failure to Testify; Divorce--Custody of Minor Children--Duty to Support Father's Misconduct; Ejectment--When Maintainable--Easements; Estate by Entirety--Effect of Murder of Wife by Husband; Evidence--Wife …

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review Apr 1907

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Aliens - Right to Take Land by Descent - Loss of State's Right to Escheat; Bailment - Liability of Incidental Bailee; Bankruptcy - Preferences - Franchise Tax; Bankruptcy - Transfers Required to be Recorded - Preferences; Bills and Notes - Bona Fide Purchaser - Notice of Want of Power in Transferrer; Bills and Notes - Unrestricted Negotiability of Bills of Lading; Constitutional Law - Commerce Clause - Statute Relating to Interstate Carriers as Employers; Constitutional Law - Indeterminate Sentence Law; Courts - Rules of Property - Stare Decisis; Criminal Law - Exclusion of Public from Trials; Criminal Law - Impeachment …

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review Feb 1907

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Admiralty--Liability of Public Corporation for Tort; Bankruptcy--bills and Notes--discharge of Indorser; Bankruptcy--Title to Stock Held by Stockholders; Bills and Notes--Renewal of Void Note--Moral Obligation Not a Good Consideration; Bills and Notes--Renewal of Void Note--Moral Obligation Sufficient Consideration; Carriers--contributory Negligence--Protruding Arms of Passengers; Carriers--Contributory Negligence--Protruding Arms of Passengers; Constitutional law--foreign Corporations--Service of Summons on the Auditor of State--Due Process of Law; Contract to Devise--Parol Evidence to vary Consideration Expressed in a Deed; Corporations--application for Shares--Contracts; Easements--Way of Necessity--Relation of Parties; Equity--Jurisdiction--Bills of Peace; Executors and Administrators--Allowance to Surviving Children--Stepchildren; Garnishment--Proceeds form Sale of Homestead Exempt; Garnishment--Waiver of Defect in Writ; Homestead--conveyance--Joinder …

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review Nov 1906

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Bankruptcy--"Mining" includes Quarrying; Bankruptcy--Persons Entitled to Oppose Discharge; Banks and Banking--Right of Drawer of Check to Stop its Payment; Bills and Notes--Trustees for Benefit of Creditors as Holders in Due course--Pre-Existing Debt Constitutes Value; Building Contracts--Provisions for Extra Work--Powers of Architect; Common Carriers--Delay Co-Operating with Act of God; Contracts--When a Breach on the Part of One party to a Contract Entitles the Other to Rescind; Criminal Law--Former Jeopardy; Damages--Recovery for Gratuitous Services; Deeds--Estate Granted--Conflict Between the Habendum and the Granting Clauses; Equity--Wills--Precatory Trust; Foreign Corporations--Statute Revoking License on Removal of a Cause to Federal Court; Husband and Wife--Purchase by Wife …

The Compensation Of Medical Witnesses, Harry B. Hutchins Apr 1906

The Compensation Of Medical Witnesses, Harry B. Hutchins

Michigan Law Review

The power to compel testimony is inherent in every court, for without it justice could constantly be thwarted. Generally all persons may be compelled to give evidence that is relevant to the matter in controversy. If, therefore, a person who has been duly summoned as a witness at a particular trial absents himself therefrom, without just cause, or attending, refuses to give evidence or to answer questions when directed so to do by the court, he is liable to punishment for contempt. But there are limitations upon the general rule, some based upon principles of legal policy and some upon …

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review May 1905

Recent Important Decisions, Michigan Law Review

Michigan Law Review

Bailments--Care Required of Agistor--Special Contracts; Bankruptcy--Trading Corporations--Hotels; Common Carriers--discrimination--Exclusive Depot Privileges; Conditional Sales--Street Railway Equipment--Rights of Vendor; Constitutional Law--Class Legislation--Equal Protection of the Amendment of the Federal Constitution and the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights; Constitutional Law--Interference with Civil rights--Power of Congress to Enforce the Fourteenth Amendment; Contempt of Court--Fraudulent Claims; Contract--Assignment; Contract to Indemnify Against negligence--Statutory Prohibition--Public Policy; Corporations--Sale of corporate Property to Directors--Validity; Damages--Remote; Deeds--Duress--Grantor in Possession; Deeds--Restriction Against Building Tenement House--Deeds--Standing Timber--Construction; Equity--Possession of Personal Property; Evidence--Hypothetical Question; Execution--Exemptions--Life Insurance; Fixtures--Mortgage--Distruction of Property; Foreign Corporations--Service of Summons of Officer of; Highway--Rights of Abutting Owner; Husband and Wife--Contracts--Effects of …