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Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan


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Articles 61 - 90 of 869

Full-Text Articles in Education

The Concept Of Competence Approach In Teaching A Foreign Language, Feruza Dauletbaevna Atashova, Gabidden Urazbaevich Konisov Mar 2022

The Concept Of Competence Approach In Teaching A Foreign Language, Feruza Dauletbaevna Atashova, Gabidden Urazbaevich Konisov

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

This article is devoted to the theoretical background of the communicative competence and the description of the development of foreign communicative competence as a goal of teaching a foreign language. Here we describe the development of the main linguistic and methodological principles, as well as the parameters of the description of foreign languages for the purpose of teaching them; the implementation of this theoretical basis of the reform in the teaching of foreign languages was carried out within the framework of a number of interrelated projects. The key to successful speech activity of students are also non-traditional forms of English …

Implementation Of Improvement Of Emotions Based On National And Universal Values To Primary School Students Through Physical Education And Sports Activities, Shodiyor Urolovich Atamurodov Mar 2022

Implementation Of Improvement Of Emotions Based On National And Universal Values To Primary School Students Through Physical Education And Sports Activities, Shodiyor Urolovich Atamurodov

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

We tried to rely on unifying parameters in the organization of physical education and sports events. These include the naming of physical education and sports activities, the purpose for which they are to be used, the useful means of the measures, the methods and techniques used to organize the games, and so on. All of this provides vital opportunities for participation in life education and sports activities on the front. At the same time, pedagogical life was sufficiently focused on inculcating feelings based on national and universal values

Comparative Analysis Of Phonological Formation Of Reduplication In English And Uzbek Languages, Dilobar Bakhtiyor Kizi Begimkulova Mar 2022

Comparative Analysis Of Phonological Formation Of Reduplication In English And Uzbek Languages, Dilobar Bakhtiyor Kizi Begimkulova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

This article examines reduplication in English and Uzbek as a phonological phenomenon, its degree of investigation in English linguistics, the interpretation of the concept of reduplication in English and Uzbek, their similarities and differences. At the same time, the status of reduplication in the language system, the phonological aspects, classification and linguistic features of their language expression are analyzed comparatively. The ideas have been proven by discussing a number of specific examples and their meanings. The analysis of reduplicative units was carried out on the basis of explanatory and bilingual dictionaries in English and Uzbek languages, examples from the fiction, …

Modern Approach And Methods In Literature Teaching, Nilufar Sabirbaevna Duschanova Mar 2022

Modern Approach And Methods In Literature Teaching, Nilufar Sabirbaevna Duschanova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

The main goal of the ongoing reforms in the field of education in our country is to modernize education. Especially in recent years, socio-economic conditions have changed, a high-tech educational environment is being created. Serious practical work is being done to ensure the effective integration of education, science and industry.

The Notion Of Synchronic Translation, Its History Of Development And The Extension Of Its Usage, Azamat Eshonkulov Mar 2022

The Notion Of Synchronic Translation, Its History Of Development And The Extension Of Its Usage, Azamat Eshonkulov

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

General concepts related to synchronic translation illustrate that it is very broad area of oral translation. In the following article, we are going to discuss general information dealing with this branch of translation, in which we look into the emergence of simultaneous interpretation as well as considering the differences between the types of oral translation. And we try to highlight theoretical basis of simultaneous interpretation which were presented by the scientists who even currently work as professional interpreters. Now that the huge demand for simultaneous interpretation is increasing, it is incredibly essential to gain fundamental background on the synchronic translational …

Uzbek Translations Of Some English Proverbs And Translation Problems, Shuhratjon Mashrapovich Boykhanov Mar 2022

Uzbek Translations Of Some English Proverbs And Translation Problems, Shuhratjon Mashrapovich Boykhanov

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

Idiomatic expressions, proverbs and sayings are closely connected with a particular nation’s culture and history. For this reason, they are hardly understood by other nations. This is one of the reasons causes some scholars have a point that those kinds of lexical items cannot be translated; however, other authors proposed different translation techniques to find solutions to this problem. This article analyzes particularly this problem. In conducting this research, comparative, contrastive, and content analyses were utilized. To test different scholars’ opposite views, nine English proverbs were randomly selected and translated into Uzbek. Descriptive analysis revealed that one out of nine …

Problems Of Interdisciplinary Integration And Tasks To Be Solved, Sakhob Bakhromovich Karimov Mar 2022

Problems Of Interdisciplinary Integration And Tasks To Be Solved, Sakhob Bakhromovich Karimov

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

This article discusses how music can have a powerful effect on human emotions, ways to engage children in music, including the integration of music and literature lessons, and how to increase the effectiveness of music lessons. it is also stated that extracurricular activities, which are determined by the context of their content and form, are also of great importance. The article also provides guidelines and methodological recommendations on how to organize music lessons in five types of activities: listening to music, singing, performing musical-rhythmic movements, musical creativity, music literacy. In view of the above, it is emphasized that the five …

The Levels Of Students’ Independent Learning Activities And The Ways To Improve Working Independently, Shakhnoza Daniyarovna Hayitova Mar 2022

The Levels Of Students’ Independent Learning Activities And The Ways To Improve Working Independently, Shakhnoza Daniyarovna Hayitova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

This article outlines the levels and criteria of independent learning activities, the stages of implementation of independent learning, the ways of developing skills and competence of working independently and the degrees of independent learning. It also reveals the content and the ways of organizing students' independent learning,objectives of independent education.

The Ways To Enhance The Training Process Of Young Volleyball Players., Saydullo Tulanboevich Khakimov Mar 2022

The Ways To Enhance The Training Process Of Young Volleyball Players., Saydullo Tulanboevich Khakimov

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

Today, volleyball is considered one of the priorities in the development and popularization of children's sports in our country. "It is important to increase and realize the creative and intellectual potential of the younger generation, to form a healthy lifestyle among children and youth, to involve them in physical culture and sports". In recent years, the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, his active efforts and under his direct leadership, physical culture, mass and professional sports, as in all areas, is one of the priorities of state policy. This article covers the results of research conducted in …

The Role Of Digital Educational Resources In Teaching The Russian Language To Pupils In Uzbek-Teaching Schools, Feruza Sunnatovna Kasymova Mar 2022

The Role Of Digital Educational Resources In Teaching The Russian Language To Pupils In Uzbek-Teaching Schools, Feruza Sunnatovna Kasymova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

The DER (digital educational resources) set is the resources necessary for organizing the educational process and presented in digital form, selected in accordance with the content of a particular textbook, "tied" to lesson planning and provided with the necessary methodological recommendations. The greatest interest among students is the use of an interactive rule, diagram, drawing, poster, where the explanation opens with a mouse click and can be hidden back. Thanks to this feature, the teacher gets additional opportunities when explaining new material: it is possible to focus the attention of students on the information that is most significant at this …

Omina Shenlikoglu: A Look At The Novel The Imam's Mannequin Daughter, Gulmera Mukhiddinovna Kuchimova Mar 2022

Omina Shenlikoglu: A Look At The Novel The Imam's Mannequin Daughter, Gulmera Mukhiddinovna Kuchimova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

Man is created so that he is only interested in the material things around him. But he does not think or think about the real reason for the creation of matter, which pleases his eyes and makes him want to live, and the essence that makes him so attractive. Because in this life all our activities are based on contradictions. Jalaliddin Rumi argues that the value of any discovery is in its contradictions, and it is impossible to describe what is not contradictory. From the moment a person is born to the moment he leaves this mortal world, these ideas …

Teachining Communication Technologies In Modern Foreign Languages, Gulnoz Uzokovna Komilova, Maxbuba Bozorovna Ostonova Mar 2022

Teachining Communication Technologies In Modern Foreign Languages, Gulnoz Uzokovna Komilova, Maxbuba Bozorovna Ostonova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

In this article will discuss the most important tasks today is the use of rapidly developing information and communication technologies (ICT), a new approach to the educational process and its creation. A great example of this is the increased emphasis on ICT in teaching foreign languages. Constantly increasing demands to the level of training of modern professionals make the teachers of higher educational institutions increasingly turn to the problem of increasing the effectiveness of training through innovative methods developed at universities.

Methods Of Developing Intercultural Competence Of Future Teachers In The Condition Of Teaching A Foreign Language, Feruza Komiljanovna Kurbanova Mar 2022

Methods Of Developing Intercultural Competence Of Future Teachers In The Condition Of Teaching A Foreign Language, Feruza Komiljanovna Kurbanova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

Ushbu maqolada biz talabalarning chet tilini o'rganishdagi madaniyatlararo kompetensiyasi, mavzuga oid ba'zi masalalar va dars davomida muvaffaqiyatga erishish yo'llari haqida gapirishni maqsad qilganmiz. “Asl dunyo” va “maqsadli jamiyat olami” o‘rtasidagi munosabatni bilish, anglash va tushunish (o‘xshashlik va farqlovchi farqlar) madaniyatlararo ongni hosil qiladi. Albatta, shuni ta'kidlash kerakki, madaniyatlararo xabardorlik ikki dunyoda mintaqaviy va ijtimoiy xilma-xillikdan xabardorlikni o'z ichiga oladi. Ob'ektiv bilimga qo'shimcha ravishda, madaniyatlararo xabardorlik har bir jamoa boshqasining nuqtai nazaridan, ko'pincha milliy stereotiplar ko'rinishida paydo bo'lishi haqida xabardorlikni qamrab oladi. Ko'p tilli va ko'p madaniyatli kompetentsiya odatda bir yoki bir nechta usulda notekisdir. Bunday nomutanosibliklar mutlaqo normaldir. “Ona tili”da …

Slang - As A Specific Phenomenon To Colloquial Speech, Abduvali Musaev Mar 2022

Slang - As A Specific Phenomenon To Colloquial Speech, Abduvali Musaev

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

In this article, it is important to study the words that correspond to the jargon as a phenomenon specific to slang-speech, to identify words belonging to dialects, dialects, professions in order to determine what opportunities exist in Uzbek colloquial speech.

Similarities In Poetic Ideas In A. Fitrat’S “Satan’S Rebellion Against God” And G.G. Byron's “Cain”, Parda Akhmedovich Kurbonov Mar 2022

Similarities In Poetic Ideas In A. Fitrat’S “Satan’S Rebellion Against God” And G.G. Byron's “Cain”, Parda Akhmedovich Kurbonov

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

O'zbek adibi, dramaturg, shoir Abdurauf Fitratning “Shaytonning tangriga isyonlari” asarlarida xalqni qullik asoratiga solgan jabr-zulm, istibdod tuzumiga qarshi g'oyalarni oldinga surdi. Ingliz shoiri JGBayronning “Kain” dramasida ham bir kichik poetik goya bor. Lyutsifer (Shayton) aralashmaganida ham Odam farzand ruhida mana shu ishonkorlik, hurfikrlikka intilish bor edi. Shayton uni faqat tezlashtirdi. Bayronsidagi Kain va Lyutsifer she'rlari bilan Fitrat dramasidagi Shayton so'zlari ostidagi g'oyaviy dramatik bor. Xil ikkala asarda insonlarning faqat qullab yashashi, muteylik, laganbarlik, yaratganga madhu sano aytilishi ko'rinadi. Xil ikki asarda fikrsizlik, fikrlamay, faqat Yaratganga hamdu sano aytish, qabul qilish, erkin fikrlamas tubanlik, pastkashlik kabi sifatlarning qo'

The Differences Between Genders In Learning Languages, Dilafruz Nematjanova Mar 2022

The Differences Between Genders In Learning Languages, Dilafruz Nematjanova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

This article mainly discusses the differences between the sexes in language acquisition in recent years and the biological, neurological, and environmental considerations that lead women and men to learn other languages in different ways.

The Formation Of Civic Consciousness Of Young People As A Political-Technological Phenomenon, Umid Norbekov Mar 2022

The Formation Of Civic Consciousness Of Young People As A Political-Technological Phenomenon, Umid Norbekov

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

The formation of civic consciousness of young people is not a psychological process. The fact that the civic consciousness of young people is a political process has become clear in today’s local and national, regional and global socio-political processes. The civic consciousness of young people is achieved through the use of well-thought-out political methods and technologies, the preservation of national identity, identity, ancestral spirituality in young people in today’s era of global information and communication technologies, and civil immunity through inculcating traditional values in their minds. This article is based on the fact that the formation of civic consciousness of …

The Concept Of Alliteration And Its Functions, Zebo Nizomova Mar 2022

The Concept Of Alliteration And Its Functions, Zebo Nizomova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

Alliteration has become an important part of poetry of all time. Alliteration is a means of sound writing; repetition of the supporting consonant, which is, immediately preceding the stressed vowel, as well as the repetition of the initial consonant in different words of the same speech segment; a stylistic device aimed at enhancing the expressiveness of artistic speech, especially verse. In this article, we will analyze the definitions of alliteration in order to create more favorable conditions for comparing foreign texts using this technique and their translation versions in Uzbek. Along with the definitions, we will discuss the functions of …

Ratio Of Performance Of Highly Qualified Taekwondo Fighters In Difficult And Extreme Conditions, Abror Nuritdinov Mar 2022

Ratio Of Performance Of Highly Qualified Taekwondo Fighters In Difficult And Extreme Conditions, Abror Nuritdinov

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

The competitive activity of taekwondo fighters is characterized by the fact that technical and tactical tasks are solved many times. The difficulty in accurately selecting a combat action that will be effective in a particular episode of a battle is that the number of actions planned in combat, as well as their qualitative composition and the nature of the opponent's actions, are constantly changing again and again. In addition, taekwondo fighters have the opportunity to choose objectively when the appropriate solutions are single and multiple. This article covers an analysis of the competitions highly qualified taekwondo fighters have been participating …

Sports Terminology As A Source Of Synonymy In Language: The Case Of Uzbek Language, Qodir Turdiyevich Ruziyev Mar 2022

Sports Terminology As A Source Of Synonymy In Language: The Case Of Uzbek Language, Qodir Turdiyevich Ruziyev

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

Modern sports and their terminologies in European and other languages have been strongly influenced by English. In spite of our country being under the influence of the former Soviet Union for a long period, we can still see a lot of foreign sports terminology together with Russian terminologies in Uzbek language. Most sports terminologies are Russian because they come through Russian. The reason is that some of the most popular sports originating in European countries have been exported to other countries together with established terminology. There are several possibilities of how to transfer terminology into recipient languages: to borrow and …

Ulugbek Hamdam's Interpretation Of Morality In Subconscious Experiences In The Poetics Of The Story, Dilorom Bobanazarovna Toshpulatova Mar 2022

Ulugbek Hamdam's Interpretation Of Morality In Subconscious Experiences In The Poetics Of The Story, Dilorom Bobanazarovna Toshpulatova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

The work of art is imprinted in the mind of the writer, the situation is a product of the conditions. Man is the most intelligent and perfect creature of the universe. The writer focuses on discovering the inner workings of this creature. The author's self-indulgence, which disturbed his mind and echoed in his past, is in a sense reminiscent of a fate doomed to loneliness. In the story of "Loneliness", the nameless protagonist, who is moving boldly towards the mental balance, is distinguished by the miraculous changes in the psyche, the event of distancing himself from the crowd, which enters …

Translation Of Russian Languages To Uzbek Language, Dilfuza Daminovna Turaeva Mar 2022

Translation Of Russian Languages To Uzbek Language, Dilfuza Daminovna Turaeva

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

In the works translated from Russian into Uzbek, on the other hand, translators often resort to visual aids. Because these field tools perform a variety of methodological and pragmatic tasks in a literary text, the translator uses them effectively. In the first case, the translator can perceive a semantic image of a verb or adjective in Russian and translate it in the translation by means of a word belonging to an independent category derived from a figurative word. This not only increases the informativeness, emotionality, or expressiveness of the text, but also does not violate the requirement of a volume …

Tendencies For The Development Of Technical Education For Future Engineers, Olim Kholbutayevich Turakulov, Uktam Haydarovich Halimov Mar 2022

Tendencies For The Development Of Technical Education For Future Engineers, Olim Kholbutayevich Turakulov, Uktam Haydarovich Halimov

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

Today, we are witnessing that industrial enterprises and factories are equipped with technologies that clearly meet the requirements of the modern world, which are convenient in all respects. At the same time, the emergence of new generations of technologies from year to year is characterized by its versatility compared to the original. As an example of the efficiency aspects of the new technologies, we can say that they are economically low cost and fast. This article gives an idea of the effectiveness of an innovative pedagogical approach to technical education in shaping the professional training of future engineers, their ability …

Factors Of Creating A Scientific Environment In The Formation Of Professional Knowledge And Skills Of Future Power Engineers., Olim Kholbutayevich Turakulov, Erkin Hafizov Mar 2022

Factors Of Creating A Scientific Environment In The Formation Of Professional Knowledge And Skills Of Future Power Engineers., Olim Kholbutayevich Turakulov, Erkin Hafizov

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

Energy is a huge system, in which people extract, process, convert all types of natural energy resources into electricity and heat and meet their needs is a continuous process in social life. Therefore, we need to develop the electricity sector and pay serious attention to the activities of qualified power engineers working in this environment. This article focuses on the factors that increase the efficiency of the energy company, which is one of the priorities of the country's long-term economic development. We will also examine the real needs of the energy sector. It also considers ways to identify the needs …

Training In Agricultural Higher Education Institutions Of Some Sulfur-Containing Pesticide Preparations And Their Production, Impact On The Environment (Ecology), Sadriddin Nasriddinovich Khodjibekov Mar 2022

Training In Agricultural Higher Education Institutions Of Some Sulfur-Containing Pesticide Preparations And Their Production, Impact On The Environment (Ecology), Sadriddin Nasriddinovich Khodjibekov

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

The protection of plants and agricultural products from various diseases and pests with the help of chemicals is devoted in this article. To date, it is necessary to create new drugs that meet modern requirements both in terms of efficiency and safety for humans and the environment. About the need for chemical compounds of fungicide, herbicides, defoliants, insecticides and acaricides that protect crops and products from pests, diseases caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses, and also play an important role in plant growth and increasing yields. And in this, chemists will have to strengthen the teaching of the subject of …

Applying Innovative Teaching Methods In A Second Language Classroom, Akmal Amirovich Xamzaev, Almat Raxmonovich Abdullayev Mar 2022

Applying Innovative Teaching Methods In A Second Language Classroom, Akmal Amirovich Xamzaev, Almat Raxmonovich Abdullayev

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

This article deals with the level of using creative teaching methodologies in second language classroom as studied by the researcher. A series of qualitative methods such as using newspaper, media, movies, interpreting advertisements can be employed in the classroom in order to develop students’ second language learning ability. The article focuses on how teaching methodologies should be modified and used in the classroom appropriately by understanding the learning capacity of students , their learning interest in the classroom and the use of creative teaching methodologies in the second language classroom .

The Importance Of Developing Speaking Skills In Foreign Language Teaching And Its Problems, Muhayyo Alisherovna Khalikova Mar 2022

The Importance Of Developing Speaking Skills In Foreign Language Teaching And Its Problems, Muhayyo Alisherovna Khalikova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

The content of the article - a new method of teaching foreign languages in our country in accordance with the recommendations of the European system of assessment of knowledge and skills of foreign language teachers, the use of advanced pedagogical technologies, interactive, innovative methods, communication tools in foreign language teaching requirements are to underestimate the importance of development. It is important to create textbooks for students of secondary schools and vocational colleges. One of the most controversial aspects of the problem of foreign language teaching is the methodology of testing and accounting for knowledge, skills and competencies, and their organization …

Methodology Of Teaching Literature At Schools, Manzura Ravshanovna Karajanova Mar 2022

Methodology Of Teaching Literature At Schools, Manzura Ravshanovna Karajanova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

The diversity of the content of literature as an academic subject at school also requires a variety of teaching methods and techniques, which in their totality would ensure the conscious, deep and lasting assimilation of knowledge by schoolchildren, their mastery of skills and abilities, would contribute to their aesthetic, moral and mental development. The role of teaching literature is always actual and it contributes to the spiritual development of the school children. In order to have effective and interactive literature lesson, a teacher is required to get familiar with the most necessary methodology of teaching literature which is specialized for …

Religious And Scientific Approaches To The Concept Of Kindness And Generosity, Iqboloy Akbutaevna Umarova Mar 2022

Religious And Scientific Approaches To The Concept Of Kindness And Generosity, Iqboloy Akbutaevna Umarova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

In today’s renewed Uzbekistan, the need to awaken historical memory, to restore forgotten national and universal values, in harmony with the spirit of the times, is permeating the worldview and consciousness of our people. Universal values: preserving and cherishing peace, preserving drinking water, not polluting the air, preserving nature, mutual solidarity, friendship, love, kindness, generosity and others. In the process of globalization, it should be and is absolutely necessary for every citizen to harmonize universal values with our national values, to preserve them and pass them on to future generations. I would like to focus on generosity and kindness among …

Cognitive Features Of The Proper Nouns, Malika Pulatova Mar 2022

Cognitive Features Of The Proper Nouns, Malika Pulatova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

Doing research on proper names has not been completed in the sphere of cognitive linguistics. From the point of view of cognitive science, the creation of a new name is not so much the use of predetermined mental representations, but an active process of establishing various connections between mental spaces in which various aspects of information are integrated. In this case, the linguistic unit does not just excite a certain stereotypical cognitive structure in our minds, but launches a creative process in which the person himself chooses the ways and means of constructing a situation or an object. With this …