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Articles 1 - 11 of 11
Full-Text Articles in Architecture
Re-Defining Vernacular Architecturein Third Millennium, Ibrahim Maarouf
Re-Defining Vernacular Architecturein Third Millennium, Ibrahim Maarouf
Architecture and Planning Journal (APJ)
The key purpose of this paper concerns the definition of vernacular architecture in third millennium; a topic which gives the impression of confusion from the beginning when it was a word in the book of Rudofsky. In redefining this term, supplementary conceptual issue will need to be focused briefly and the role of classification will need to be more generally because of an inextricably linked between these two matters. It may seem strange to raise such a basic question again about "What is vernacular architecture?"; because, up till now, it needs to be addressed. There has been a major revitalization …
The Shenzhen Activist Program`, Hyunggyu Kim, Jae Hyun Kim
The Shenzhen Activist Program`, Hyunggyu Kim, Jae Hyun Kim
Architecture Senior Theses
There is a gap between being an architecture student in western countries and working as an architect in underrepresented communities. Architect Teddy Cruz defines the role of an activist architect as "expanded mode of practice", and the task of "deigning the protocols or the interfaces between communities and spaces".
This thesis contends that architecture schools need to continue to embrace the widely-accepted norm of studios studying abroad and working in an international studio. Current study abroad programs tend to skew towards being touristic field trips and there is not a curriculum or programmatic investment in cultivating relationships between the visiting …
Challenges Of Spatial Planning In Kosovo In Transition Time, Besim Gollopeni, Alban Kurtishaj
Challenges Of Spatial Planning In Kosovo In Transition Time, Besim Gollopeni, Alban Kurtishaj
UBT International Conference
Spatial planning refers to the methods used by the public sector to influence the distribution of people and items in the area, always having balanced development in space. Spatial planning for people, land, homes, where we live, learn, heal, work, have fun, public service, and all items have their place. Today, many scientific disciplines are closely related to spatial planning, and through the three main components (social, economic and environmental). In the postmodern time, spatial planning takes place at the local, regional, national, transnational level and often results in the creation of a spatial plan within the state/s. System and …
Compression Testing And Failure Modes Of Steel-Concrete Composite (Sc) Structures For Nuclear Containment, Patrick Michael Wanamaker, Amit H. Varma
Compression Testing And Failure Modes Of Steel-Concrete Composite (Sc) Structures For Nuclear Containment, Patrick Michael Wanamaker, Amit H. Varma
The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Symposium
Although being able to provide much cleaner power than burning coal and other fossil fuels, nuclear power plants are still a tough sell to the general public due to their history of being spontaneously dangerous. The containment structures surrounding these nuclear plants, however, can play a huge role in reducing the risks associated with them. Relatively new designs for these containment assemblies, known as SC (steel-concrete composite) structures, aim to increase the strength and durability of the containment facilities while keeping costs down. By varying the spacing between shear studs, the ratio of concrete to steel, and the ratio of …
Addressing Local Development And Local Identity: Rethinking The Chapman Highway Corridor In South Knoxville, William Edward Copeland
Addressing Local Development And Local Identity: Rethinking The Chapman Highway Corridor In South Knoxville, William Edward Copeland
Masters Theses
This thesis addresses the idea of identity within the landscape. The mechanisms that form identity, the representation of identity through both tangible and intangible forms, and the growth,evolution, and erosion of identity over time are all topics that help to inform the argument being made. Moving from an abstract ideal to a specific place, I will address the needs of a local Knoxville community that has come to struggle in recent years due to a loss of their identity within a regional context. Working to translate the mechanisms that foster a sense of identity into physical changes to the landscape …
Local Y Global: Una Aproximación Desde El Sentido De Pertenencia, Fernando Carrión Mena Arq.
Local Y Global: Una Aproximación Desde El Sentido De Pertenencia, Fernando Carrión Mena Arq.
Fernando Carrión Mena
Uno de los grandes debates actuales en el ámbito mundial tiene por objeto el sentido de identidad que se desarrolla en la dinámica global/local, fenómeno que desde el segundo tercio del siglo pasado tiende a difundirse a la manera de un asunto de pertenencia generalizada.
Para comprender las identidades a partir de la relación global/local, es ne¬cesario tener en cuenta dos elementos constitutivos. Por un lado, y siguiendo a Giménez (1999), que las identidades provienen de una doble situación: primero, de la condición de pertenencia que expresa la adscripción al territorio, al género, a la clase, a la generación o …
Keep It Local, Michael E. Lewyn
Keep It Local, Michael E. Lewyn
Michael E Lewyn
Criticizes state-imposed limits on local taxation on the ground that state governments have no legitimate interest in setting local tax rates.
Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Local Land Use Planning, Zhenghong Tang, Christopher Hussey
Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Local Land Use Planning, Zhenghong Tang, Christopher Hussey
Community and Regional Planning Program: Faculty Scholarly and Creative Activity
Land use and land use planning have profound implications for greenhouse gas emission (GHG). Local land use planning is well suited to play a critical leadership role in addressing the effects of climate change by encouraging change in development patterns to reduce GHG emissions and their impacts. Although some studies have begun to discuss the role of local land use planning in climate change, little research has been conducted to determine how to convert the concepts of climate change into local land use planning tools and empirically integrate climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies into local land use planning. The …
Interrogatorio A La Descentralización Latinoamericana, Fernando Carrión Mena
Interrogatorio A La Descentralización Latinoamericana, Fernando Carrión Mena
Fernando Carrión Mena
En América Latina, el proceso de descentralización se inició con el quiebre de aguas que significó el retomo a la democracia, producido a fines de la década de los setenta y principios de la de los ochenta. Esto quiere decir que su existencia tiene no menos de 25 años, que nació de la mano de la redemocratización y que, por lo tanto, éste debería ser su signo.
Sin embargo, la descentralización también fue contemporánea de dos procesos simultáneos de reforma del Estado: el uno, de carácter político, que impulsó la llamada gobernabilidad por medio del fortalecimiento del presidencialismo y por …
El Municipio En La Seguridad Ciudadana: Un Panorama Latinoaméricano, Fernando Carrión Mena
El Municipio En La Seguridad Ciudadana: Un Panorama Latinoaméricano, Fernando Carrión Mena
Fernando Carrión Mena
Lo primero que llama la atención es que todos reclamamos seguridad ciudadana. ¿Por qué no existen opositores? ¿Por qué no se ha logrado disminuir la violencia y más bien sigue ofreciendo? Mucho más cuando todos estamos absolutamente de acuerdo con esta propuesta. Me da la impresión que es un tema relativamente parecido a los de descentralización, democracia, derechos humanos o desarrollo económico a los que nadie se opone.
Lo que ocurre es que la inseguridad y la violencia son conceptos polisémicos; es decir, que tienen distintos significados dependiendo de quién los proponga. Porque si no es así hace mucho tiempo …
La Constitución De Un Estado Descentralizado, Fernando Carrión Mena
La Constitución De Un Estado Descentralizado, Fernando Carrión Mena
Fernando Carrión Mena
El proceso centralizador de la sociedad, la economía, la cultura, la política y el territorio -en un contexto globalizador y de revolución científico tecnológico- conduce al desarrollo de su antitesis: la descentralización. Este proceso que se inició en Europa con una década de anticipación a ocurrido en América Latina, requiere ser conocido y analizado; es necesario hacer un balance de las principales experiencias latinoamericanas, así como de la historia de los procesos particulares. Mucho más, si se constata que no hay un modelo de descentralización latinoamericano; aunque es innegable la existencia de ciertas constantes. Cada país, en cada momento debe …