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Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

Syracuse University



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Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Reevaluating The Cosmological Origin Of Dark Matter, Scott Watson Dec 2009

Reevaluating The Cosmological Origin Of Dark Matter, Scott Watson

Physics - All Scholarship

The origin of dark matter as a thermal relic offers a compelling way in which the early universe was initially populated by dark matter. Alternative explanations typically appear exotic compared to the simplicity of thermal production. However, recent observations and progress from theory suggest that it may be necessary to be more critical. This is important because ongoing searches probing the microscopic properties of dark matter typically rely on the assumption of dark matter as a single, unique, thermal relic. On general grounds I will argue that non-thermal production of dark matter seems to be a robust prediction of physics …

Presentations Of Rings With Non-Trivial Semidualizing Modules, David A. Jorgensen, Graham J. Leuschke, Sean Sather-Wagstaff Nov 2009

Presentations Of Rings With Non-Trivial Semidualizing Modules, David A. Jorgensen, Graham J. Leuschke, Sean Sather-Wagstaff

Mathematics - All Scholarship

Let R be a commutative noetherian local ring. A finitely generated R-module C is semidualizing if it is self-orthogonal and satisfies the condition HomR(C,C) \cong R. We prove that a Cohen-Macaulay ring R with dualizing module D admits a semidualizing module C satisfying R\ncong C \ncong D if and only if it is a homomorphic image of a Gorenstein ring in which the defining ideal decomposes in a cohomologically independent way. This expands on a well-known result of Foxby, Reiten and Sharp saying that R admits a dualizing module if and only if R is Cohen-Macaulay and a …

Aether Unleashed, Christian Armendariz-Picon, Alberto Diez-Tejedor Nov 2009

Aether Unleashed, Christian Armendariz-Picon, Alberto Diez-Tejedor

Physics - All Scholarship

We follow a low-energy effective theory approach to identify the general class of theories that describes a vector field (of unconstrained norm) coupled to gravity. The resulting set may be regarded as a generalization of the conventional vector-tensor theories, and as a high-momentum completion of aether models. We study the conditions that a viable cosmology, Newtonian limit and absence of classical and quantum instabilities impose on the parameters of our class of models, and compare these constraints with those derived in previously studied and related cases. The most stringent conditions arise from the quantum stability of the theory, which allows …

Reducing Microwave Loss In Superconducting Resonators Due To Trapped Vortices, Britton Plourde, C. Song, M. P. Defeo, Kang Yu Nov 2009

Reducing Microwave Loss In Superconducting Resonators Due To Trapped Vortices, Britton Plourde, C. Song, M. P. Defeo, Kang Yu

Physics - All Scholarship

Microwave resonators with high quality factors have enabled many recent breakthroughs with superconducting qubits and photon detectors, typically operated in shielded environments to reduce the ambient magnetic field. Insufficient shielding or pulsed control fields can introduce vortices, leading to reduced quality factors, although increased pinning can mitigate this effect. A narrow slot etched into the resonator surface provides a straightforward method for pinning enhancement without otherwise affecting the resonator. Resonators patterned with such a slot exhibited over an order of magnitude reduction in the excess loss due to vortices compared with identical resonators from the same film with no slot.

Non-Commutative Desingularization Of Determinantal Varieties, I, Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz, Graham J. Leuschke, Michel Van Den Bergh Nov 2009

Non-Commutative Desingularization Of Determinantal Varieties, I, Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz, Graham J. Leuschke, Michel Van Den Bergh

Mathematics - All Scholarship

We show that determinantal varieties defined by maximal minors of a generic matrix have a non-commutative desingularization, in that we construct a maximal Cohen-Macaulay module over such a variety whose endomorphism ring is Cohen-Macaulay and has finite global dimension. In the case of the determinant of a square matrix, this gives a non-commutative crepant resolution.

Area Contraction For Harmonic Automorphisms Of The Disk, Ngin-Tee Koh, Leonid V. Kovalev Nov 2009

Area Contraction For Harmonic Automorphisms Of The Disk, Ngin-Tee Koh, Leonid V. Kovalev

Mathematics - All Scholarship

A harmonic self-homeomorphism of a disk does not increase the area of any concentric disk.

The Nitsche Conjecture, Tadeusz Iwaniec, Leonid V. Kovalev, Jani Onninen Nov 2009

The Nitsche Conjecture, Tadeusz Iwaniec, Leonid V. Kovalev, Jani Onninen

Mathematics - All Scholarship

The conjecture in question concerns the existence of a harmonic homeomorphism between circular annuli A(r,R) and A(r*,R*), and is motivated in part by the existence problem for doubly-connected minimal surfaces with prescribed boundary. In 1962 J.C.C. Nitsche observed that the image annulus cannot be too thin, but it can be arbitrarily thick (even a punctured disk). Then he conjectured that for such a mapping to exist we must have the following inequality, now known as the Nitsche bound: R*/r* is greater than or equal to (R/r+r/R)/2. In this paper we give an affirmative answer to his conjecture. As a corollary, …

Exact Algorithm For Sampling The 2d Ising Spin Glass, Alan Middleton, Creighton K. Thomas Oct 2009

Exact Algorithm For Sampling The 2d Ising Spin Glass, Alan Middleton, Creighton K. Thomas

Physics - All Scholarship

A sampling algorithm is presented that generates spin glass configurations of the 2D Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glass at finite temperature, with probabilities proportional to their Boltzmann weights. Such an algorithm overcomes the slow dynamics of direct simulation and can be used to study long-range correlation functions and coarse-grained dynamics. The algorithm uses a correspondence between spin configurations on a regular lattice and dimer (edge) coverings of a related graph: Wilson's algorithm [D. B. Wilson, Proc. 8th Symp. Discrete Algorithms 258, (1997)] for sampling dimer coverings on a planar lattice is adapted to generate samplings for the dimer problem corresponding to …

Supersymmetric Lattices - A Brief Introduction, Simon Catterall Oct 2009

Supersymmetric Lattices - A Brief Introduction, Simon Catterall

Physics - All Scholarship

Recently, new theoretical ideas have allowed the construction of lattice actions which are explicitly invariant under one or more supersymmetries. These theories are local and free of doublers and in the case of Yang-Mills theories also possess exact gauge invariance. In this talk these ideas are reviewed with particular emphasis being placed on {\cal N}=4 super Yang-Mills theory.

Probes Of Nearly Conformal Behavior In Lattice Simulations Of Minimal Walking Technicolor, Simon Catterall, Joel Giedt, Francesco Sannino, Joe Schneible Oct 2009

Probes Of Nearly Conformal Behavior In Lattice Simulations Of Minimal Walking Technicolor, Simon Catterall, Joel Giedt, Francesco Sannino, Joe Schneible

Physics - All Scholarship

We present results from high precision, large volume simulations of the lattice gauge theory corresponding to minimal walking technicolor. We find evidence that the pion decay constant vanishes in the infinite volume limit and that the dependence of the chiral condensate on quark mass m_q is inconsistent with spontaneous symmetry breaking. These findings are consistent with the all-orders beta function prediction as well as the Schroedinger functional studies that indicate the existence of a nontrivial infrared fixed point.

Microboone: A New Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Experiment, Mitchell Soderberg Oct 2009

Microboone: A New Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Experiment, Mitchell Soderberg

Physics - All Scholarship

Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber detectors are well suited to study neutrino interactions, and are an intriguing option for future massive detectors capable of measuring the parameters that characterize neutrino oscillations. These detectors combine fine-grained tracking with calorimetry, allowing for excellent imaging and particle identification ability. In this talk the details of the MicroBooNE experiment, a 175 ton LArTPC which will be exposed to Fermilab's Booster Neutrino Beamline starting in 2011, will be presented. The ability of MicroBooNE to differentiate electrons from photons gives the experiment unique capabilities in low energy neutrino interaction measurements.

Liquid-Argon Time Projection Chambers In The U.S, Mitchell Soderberg Oct 2009

Liquid-Argon Time Projection Chambers In The U.S, Mitchell Soderberg

Physics - All Scholarship

Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LAr TPC) detectors are ideally suited for studying neutrino interactions and probing the parameters that characterize neutrino oscillations. The ability to drift ionization particles over long distances in purified argon and to trigger on abundant scintillation light allows for excellent particle identification and triggering capability. Recent U.S. based work in the development of LAr TPC technology for massive kiloton size detectors will be discussed in this talk, including details of the ArgoNeuT (Argon Neutrino Test) test-beam project, which is a 175 liter LAr TPC exposed to Fermilab's NuMI neutrino beamline.

Argoneut: A Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Test In The Numi Beamline, Mitchell Soderberg Oct 2009

Argoneut: A Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Test In The Numi Beamline, Mitchell Soderberg

Physics - All Scholarship

Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber detectors are ideally suited for studying neutrino interactions and probing the parameters that characterize neutrino oscillations. The ability to drift ionization particles over long distances in purified argon and to trigger on abundant scintillation light allows for excellent particle identification and triggering capability. In these proceedings the details of the ArgoNeuT test-beam project will be presented after a brief introduction to the detector technique. ArgoNeuT is a 175 liter detector exposed to Fermilab's NuMI neutrino beamline. The first neutrino interactions observed in ArgoNeuT will be presented, along with discussion of the various physics analyses to …

Additive Maps Preserving The Reduced Minimum Modulus Of Banach Space Operators, Abdellatif Bourhim Oct 2009

Additive Maps Preserving The Reduced Minimum Modulus Of Banach Space Operators, Abdellatif Bourhim

Mathematics - All Scholarship

Let B(X) be the algebra of all bounded linear operators on an infinite dimensional complex Banach space X. We prove that an additive surjective map phi on B(X) preserves the reduced minimum modulus if and only if either there are bijective isometries U:X -> X and V:X -> X both linear or both conjugate linear such that phi(T)=UTV for all T in B(X), or X is reflexive and there are bijective isometries U:X* -> X and V:X -> X* both linear or both conjugate linear such that phi(T)=UT*V for all T in B(X). As immediate consequences …

Extracting Black Hole Physics From The Lattice, Simon Catterall, Toby Wiseman Sep 2009

Extracting Black Hole Physics From The Lattice, Simon Catterall, Toby Wiseman

Physics - All Scholarship

We perform lattice simulations of N D0-branes at finite temperature in the decoupling limit, namely 16 supercharge SU(N) Yang-Mills quantum mechanics in the 't Hooft limit. At low temperature this theory is conjectured to be dual to certain supergravity black holes. We emphasize that the existence of a non-compact moduli space renders the partition function of the quantum mechanics theory divergent, and we perform one loop calculations that demonstrate this explicitly. In consequence we use a scalar mass term to regulate this divergence and argue that the dual black hole thermodynamics may be recovered in the appropriate large N limit …

Perturbed S3 Neutrinos, Joseph Schechter, Renata Jora, M. Naeem Shahid Sep 2009

Perturbed S3 Neutrinos, Joseph Schechter, Renata Jora, M. Naeem Shahid

Physics - All Scholarship

We study the effects of the perturbation which violates the permutation symmetry of three Majorana neutrinos but preserves the well known (23) interchange symmetry. This is done in the presence of an arbitrary Majorana phase which serves to insure the degeneracy of the three neutrinos at the unperturbed level.

The Hunt For New Physics At The Large Hadron Collider, Joseph Schechter, Pran Nath Sep 2009

The Hunt For New Physics At The Large Hadron Collider, Joseph Schechter, Pran Nath

Physics - All Scholarship

We study the effects of the perturbation which violates the permutation symmetry of three Majorana neutrinos but preserves the well known (23) interchange symmetry. This is done in the presence of an arbitrary Majorana phase which serves to insure the degeneracy of the three neutrinos at the unperturbed level.

Exact Lattice Supersymmetry, Simon Catterall, David B. Kaplan, Mithat Unsal Sep 2009

Exact Lattice Supersymmetry, Simon Catterall, David B. Kaplan, Mithat Unsal

Physics - All Scholarship

We provide an introduction to recent lattice formulations of supersymmetric theories which are invariant under one or more real supersymmetries at nonzero lattice spacing. These include the especially interesting case of {\cal N}=4 SYM in four dimensions. We discuss approaches based both on twisted supersymmetry and orbifold-deconstruction techniques and show their equivalence in the case of gauge theories. The presence of an exact supersymmetry reduces and in some cases eliminates the need for fine tuning to achieve a continuum limit invariant under the full supersymmetry of the target theory. We discuss open problems.

A Non-Thermal Wimp Miracle, Scott Watson, Bobby Samir Acharya, Gordon Kane, Piyush Kumar Sep 2009

A Non-Thermal Wimp Miracle, Scott Watson, Bobby Samir Acharya, Gordon Kane, Piyush Kumar

Physics - All Scholarship

Light scalar fields with only gravitational strength couplings are typically present in UV complete theories of physics beyond the Standard Model. In the early universe it is natural for these fields to dominate the energy density, and their subsequent decay, if prior to BBN, will typically yield some dark matter particles in their decay products. In this paper we make the observation that a Non-thermal WIMP `Miracle' may result: that is, in the simplest solution to the cosmological moduli problem, non-thermally produced WIMPs can naturally account for the observed dark matter relic density. Such a solution may be generic in …

Contact Process In A Wedge, J. Theodore Cox, Nevena Maric, Rinaldo Schinazi Aug 2009

Contact Process In A Wedge, J. Theodore Cox, Nevena Maric, Rinaldo Schinazi

Mathematics - All Scholarship

We prove that the supercritical one-dimensional contact process survives in certain wedge-like space-time regions, and that when it survives it couples with the unrestricted contact process started from its upper invariant measure. As an application we show that a type of weak coexistence is possible in the nearest-neighbor "grass-bushes-trees'' successional model introduced in Durrett and Swindle (1991).

A Remark On The Topology Of (N,N) Springer Varieties, Stephan M. Wehrli Aug 2009

A Remark On The Topology Of (N,N) Springer Varieties, Stephan M. Wehrli

Mathematics - All Scholarship

We prove a conjecture of Khovanov [Kho04] which identifies the topological space underlying the Springer variety of complete flags in C2n stabilized by a fixed nilpotent operator with two Jordan blocks of size n.

Mesoporosity And Functional Group Dependent Endocytosis And Cytotoxicity Of Silica Nanomaterials, Zhimin Tao, Bonnie B. Toms, Jerry Goodisman, Tewodros Asefa Aug 2009

Mesoporosity And Functional Group Dependent Endocytosis And Cytotoxicity Of Silica Nanomaterials, Zhimin Tao, Bonnie B. Toms, Jerry Goodisman, Tewodros Asefa

Chemistry - All Scholarship

We report different mesoporosity-dependent and functional group-dependent cytotoxicity and endocytosis of various silica nanomaterials on suspended and adherent cells. This dependency further varied with incubation time and particle dosage, and appeared to be associated with the particles' endocytotic efficiency and their chemical and physical properties. We studied two common mesoporous nanomaterials (MSNs), MCM-41 and SBA-15, and one type of solid-cored silica microsphere, paralleled by their quaternary amine functionalized counterparts. Compared to SBA-15, MCM-41 has a larger surface area but smaller pore size, whereas SMS exhibits low surface area and poor porosity. In Jurkat cells, SBA-15 and MCM-41 exhibited different cytotoxicity …

Mesoporosity And Functional Group Dependent Endocytosis And Cytotoxicity Of Silica Nanomaterials, Zhimin Tao, Jerry Goodisman, Tewodros Asefa, Bonnie B. Toms Aug 2009

Mesoporosity And Functional Group Dependent Endocytosis And Cytotoxicity Of Silica Nanomaterials, Zhimin Tao, Jerry Goodisman, Tewodros Asefa, Bonnie B. Toms

Chemistry - All Scholarship

We report different mesoporosity-dependent and functional group-dependent cytotoxicity and endocytosis of various silica nanomaterials on suspended and adherent cells. This dependency further varied with incubation time and particle dosage, and appeared to be associated with the particles’ endocytotic efficiency and their chemical and physical properties. We studied two common mesoporous nanomaterials (MSNs), MCM-41 and SBA-15, and one type of solid-cored silica microsphere, paralleled by their quaternary amine functionalized counterparts. Compared to SBA-15, MCM-41 has a larger surface area but smaller pore size, whereas SMS exhibits low surface area and poor porosity. In Jurkat cells, SBA-15 and MCM- 41 exhibited different …

Khovanov Homology, Sutured Floer Homology, And Annular Links, J. Elisenda Grigsby, Stephan M. Wehrli Jul 2009

Khovanov Homology, Sutured Floer Homology, And Annular Links, J. Elisenda Grigsby, Stephan M. Wehrli

Mathematics - All Scholarship

Lawrence Roberts, extending the work of Ozsvath-Szabo, showed how to associate to a link, L, in the complement of a fixed unknot, B in S3, a spectral sequence from the Khovanov homology of a link in a thickened annulus to the knot Floer homology of the preimage of B inside the double-branched cover of L. In a previous paper, we extended Ozsvath-Szabo's spectral sequence in a different direction, constructing for each knot K in S3 and each positive integer n, a spectral sequence from Khovanov's categorification of the reduced, n-colored Jones polynomial to the sutured Floer homology …

On The Naturality Of The Spectral Sequence From Khovanov Homology To Heegaard Floer Homology, J. Elisenda Grigsby, Stephan M. Wehrli Jul 2009

On The Naturality Of The Spectral Sequence From Khovanov Homology To Heegaard Floer Homology, J. Elisenda Grigsby, Stephan M. Wehrli

Mathematics - All Scholarship

Ozsvath and Szabo have established an algebraic relationship, in the form of a spectral sequence, between the reduced Khovanov homology of (the mirror of) a link L in S3 and the Heegaard Floer homology of its double-branched cover. This relationship has since been recast by the authors as a specific instance of a broader connection between Khovanov- and Heegaard Floer-type homology theories, using a version of Heegaard Floer homology for sutured manifolds developed by Juhasz. In the present work we prove the naturality of the spectral sequence under certain elementary TQFT operations, using a generalization of Juhasz's surface decomposition …

Quasiplurisubharmonic Green Functions, Dan Coman, Vincent Guedj Jul 2009

Quasiplurisubharmonic Green Functions, Dan Coman, Vincent Guedj

Mathematics - All Scholarship

Given a compact Kahler manifold X, a quasiplurisubharmonic function is called a Green function with pole at p in X if its Monge-Ampere measure is supported at p. We study in this paper the existence and properties of such functions, in connection to their singularity at p. A full characterization is obtainedin concrete cases, such as (multi)projective spaces.

Simultaneous, Noninvasive Observation Of Elastic Scattering, Fluorescence And Inelastic Scattering As A Monitor Of Blood Flow And Hematocrit In Human Fingertip Capillary Beds, Joseph Chaiken, Jerry Goodisman, Bin Deng, Rebecca J. Bussjager, George Shaheen Jul 2009

Simultaneous, Noninvasive Observation Of Elastic Scattering, Fluorescence And Inelastic Scattering As A Monitor Of Blood Flow And Hematocrit In Human Fingertip Capillary Beds, Joseph Chaiken, Jerry Goodisman, Bin Deng, Rebecca J. Bussjager, George Shaheen

Chemistry - All Scholarship

We report simultaneous observation of elastic scattering, fluorescence, and inelastic scattering from in vivo near-infrared probing of human skin. Careful control of the mechanical force needed to obtain reliable registration of in vivo tissue with an appropriate optical system allows reproducible observation of blood flow in capillary beds of human volar side fingertips. The time dependence of the elastically scattered light is highly correlated with that of the combined fluorescence and Raman scattered light. We interpret this in terms of turbidity (the impeding effect of red blood cells on optical propagation to and from the scattering centers) and the changes …

Are “Quantitative” Pits Still Necessary At Hubbard Brook?, Chris E. Johnson Jul 2009

Are “Quantitative” Pits Still Necessary At Hubbard Brook?, Chris E. Johnson

Civil and Environmental Engineering

No abstract provided.

Pamela Satellite Data As A Signal Of Non-Thermal Wino Lsp Dark Matter, Scott Watson, Gordon Kane, Ran Lu Jun 2009

Pamela Satellite Data As A Signal Of Non-Thermal Wino Lsp Dark Matter, Scott Watson, Gordon Kane, Ran Lu

Physics - All Scholarship

Satellite data is accumulating that suggests and constrains dark matter physics. We argue there is a very well motivated theoretical preexisting framework consistent with dark matter annihilation being observed by the PAMELA satellite detector. The dark matter is (mainly) the neutral W boson superpartner, the wino with mass below 200 GeV. Using the program GALPROP we study the annihilation products and backgrounds together. Antimatter and gammas from annihilating winos contribute below this energy. We explain why PAMELA data does not imply no antiproton signal was observed by PAMELA or earlier experiments, and explain why the antiproton analysis was misunderstood by …

Two-Dimensional Matter: Order, Curvature And Defects, Mark Bowick, Luca Giomi Jun 2009

Two-Dimensional Matter: Order, Curvature And Defects, Mark Bowick, Luca Giomi

Physics - All Scholarship

Many systems in nature and the synthetic world involve ordered arrangements of units on two-dimensional surfaces. We review here the fundamental role payed by both the topology of the underlying surface and its detailed curvature. Topology dictates certain broad features of the defect structure of the ground state but curvature-driven energetics controls the detailed structured of ordered phases. Among the surprises are the appearance in the ground state of structures that would normally be thermal excitations and thus prohibited at zero temperature. Examples include excess dislocations in the form of grain boundary scars for spherical crystals above a minimal system …