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Life Sciences


Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4


Articles 1 - 25 of 25

Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

How Sustainable Is Grazing Sheep On Annual Pastures In The Woolbelt?, Don Mcfarlane, Richard George Jan 1994

How Sustainable Is Grazing Sheep On Annual Pastures In The Woolbelt?, Don Mcfarlane, Richard George

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Low wool prices have reduced the profitability of producing wool from clover-based annual pastures in the south-western woo/belt. The heavy reliance on one commodity is economically unsustainable for many farmers. But we should also consider how ecologically sustainable the practice is.

Shallow-rooted annual pastures contribute to widespread salinity in the area, annual legumes are acidifying the soils and making them water repellent, and bare, detached soils from heavy grazing cause sheet and rill erosion during autumn storms. In addition, stock are degrading remnant vegetation and destroying the soil's structure.

To counteract this degradation, the woo/belt needs more perennial pastures and …

Quality Wool Production At Lower Cost, Peter Metcalfe Jan 1994

Quality Wool Production At Lower Cost, Peter Metcalfe

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Low wool prices are forcing farmers to reduce their sheep management costs but, fortunately, cost cutting is not resulting in lower wool production, poorer wool quality or lessened sheep care on the best wool growing properties.

The Extent And Cost Of Waterlogging, Don Mcfarlane, Buddy Wheaton Jan 1990

The Extent And Cost Of Waterlogging, Don Mcfarlane, Buddy Wheaton

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Waterlogging is an underrated and not widely recognized problem in our cropping areas. Before we can tackle the problem through drainage and alternative cropping systems, we need to know its extent and how much crop yield is lost. The effect of waterlogging on pasture growth is also poorly known.

Soil Acidity On High Rainfall Pastures, J S. Yeates, D. A. Mcghie, I. R. Wilson Jan 1984

Soil Acidity On High Rainfall Pastures, J S. Yeates, D. A. Mcghie, I. R. Wilson

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Most soils of the high rainfall area of south-western Western Australia are naturally acis.

The most acid group of soils, the peaty sands. have been routinely limed before subterranean clover pastures were established since research in the 1950s showed that poor Rhizobium nodulation could be overcome with the application of about 2 tonnes per hectare of coastal limesand.

Sulphur Needs Of Crops And Pastures, J S. Yeates Jan 1984

Sulphur Needs Of Crops And Pastures, J S. Yeates

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Sulphur deficiency has long been recognised as a potential problem of legume pastures in the higher rainfall areas (over 750 mm a year) of south-west Western Australia. Before the introduction of granulated superphosphate (about 1970), sulfer deficiencies commonly developed in spring on susceptible soils despite autumn applications of superphosphate (containing about 10.5 per cent sulphur).

In loww and medium rainfall areas sulphur deficiency is rarely reported, at least partly because of annual superphosphate applications. However large areas of the sandy-surfaced soils of Western Australia would become sulphur deficient for pastures and crops if sulphur inputsd in fertilisers were substantially reduced. …

Alternative Pasture Species For Deep Sands, D A. Nicholas Jan 1984

Alternative Pasture Species For Deep Sands, D A. Nicholas

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Although the climate of the swan coastal plain between Perth and Bunbury is suitable for growing a range of pasture species, some soil types greatly limit this range.

Pasture species commonly grown in the South-West, such as subteranean clover and annual ryegrass, can only be grown successfully on the better soils of the coastal plain - the loams, yellow sands and Joel sands. On the freely drained, deep, infertile Gavin sands such species rarely persist because of the soil's poor water holding capacity, and its water repellency and its poor ability to retain nutrients.

Soil Acidity And Liming In The Lower Great Southern, R N. Glencross, M. G. Clarke Jan 1984

Soil Acidity And Liming In The Lower Great Southern, R N. Glencross, M. G. Clarke

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

In the 375 to 750 millimetre rainfall area of the Lower Great Southern, reports of loss of subterranean clover from established pastures, reduced carrying capacity for sheep and increasing soil acidity lead to the establishment in 1981 of a research programme into the effects of soil acidity on pasture productivity in that region.

Nitrogen Fertilisers For Pasture Production, Walter Jacob Cox, K Hawley Jan 1974

Nitrogen Fertilisers For Pasture Production, Walter Jacob Cox, K Hawley

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

At current prices nitrogen fertiliser is not an economic substitute for good clover pastures, but it can supplement the system by increasing nitrogen supply at peak growth periods. It can also provide useful increases in pasture production at critical feed times. Nitrogen usage for pasture production is still in the experimental stages and small areas should be tried before large-scale application.

Potassium For Pastures, Walter Jacob Cox Jan 1973

Potassium For Pastures, Walter Jacob Cox

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

IVIany pastures in the south-west of Western Australia are deficient in potassium or need regular dressings for maximum growth. This article indicates areas and situations in which potassium might be needed, shows how deficiency is diagnosed and gives recommended rates of application.

Superphosphate Deficiency Raises Pasture Oestrogens, H G. Neil, T. Marshall Jan 1970

Superphosphate Deficiency Raises Pasture Oestrogens, H G. Neil, T. Marshall

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

A recent field experiment on established pastures at Esperance Downs Research Station has demonstrated a relationship between superphosphate application, pasture oestrogens and oestrogenic response in sheep.

Results of the experiment indicate that on phosphate deficient soils carrying oestrogenic clovers, the levels of oestrogenic materials in the pasture are increased if superphosphate applications are below those recommended for healthy pasture growth.

Pasture Establishment In The Wheatbelt, M L. Poole Jan 1969

Pasture Establishment In The Wheatbelt, M L. Poole

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

The value of legume based wheatbelt pastures is so great that considerable care is warranted during their establishment. Without such care patchy establishment or even complete failure is likely to occur.

IN THE WHEATBELT too many farmers still put less effort into their seeding of pasture species than their seeding of crops.

This may be because both compete for the farmer's time in the busy seeding period and it is the cereal crop which possesses the obvious cash value.

However, the total value of a good pasture has to be assessed over a period of several years because of its …

Pasture Improvement In South Western Australia, J W. Malcolm Jan 1969

Pasture Improvement In South Western Australia, J W. Malcolm

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

"There is no doubt that Australia's enhanced prosperity in the last 30 years has been dependent in no small measure on the use of legume-based pastures." E. M. Hutron, June, 1968. *

THE LAST 30 years have seen an increased interest in pasture improvement which has transformed much of Western Australia. Large areas have been sown to new and improved pasture species—as a result productivity of both livestock and cereal enterprises has risen.

Pastures For The Pastoral Areas, D G. Wilcox, K. Fitzgerald Jan 1969

Pastures For The Pastoral Areas, D G. Wilcox, K. Fitzgerald

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

The pastoral areas lie generally outside the zone where cultivated crops are grown.

The rainfall is erratic and the basic pastures for sheep and cattle consist of native plants.

In some favoured areas however, and in particular situations, sown pasture species are becoming increasingly important.

Saltland Pastures, C V. Malcolm Jan 1969

Saltland Pastures, C V. Malcolm

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

FOLLOWING THE DEVELOPMENT of Agriculture in Western Australia considerable areas of highly productive land have become salt affected to the degree that normal crops and pastures cannot be grown.*

However, species and establishment methods are available which can bring at least some of this land back into production.

Superphosphate For Wheatbelt Pastures : Rates Of Application, Walter Jacob Cox Jan 1969

Superphosphate For Wheatbelt Pastures : Rates Of Application, Walter Jacob Cox

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

BECAUSE Western Australian soils are low in phosphorus, frequent applications of superphosphate are required for both crop and pasture production. The recommended rates are determined from the results of field experiments that test different quantities of super and measure the extra yield.

This article discusses the recommended rates of superphosphate in relation to soil type and superphosphate history. Methods of application and time of topdressing are also discussed.

Promising Results On West Kimberley Pindan Country, A L. Payne Jan 1969

Promising Results On West Kimberley Pindan Country, A L. Payne

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

IN the 22 to 28 inch rainfall belt of the West Kimberley area of Western Australia are extensive areas of what is locally known as "pindan" country.

The term "pindan" refers to a light red or yellow sandy soil type supporting scattered Eucalypts, sparse-dense wattle scrub and grasses such as curly spinifex, ribbon grass and native sorghum.

West Midlands Development : Pastures For Sandplain Soils, Department Of Agriculture, Western Australia Jan 1968

West Midlands Development : Pastures For Sandplain Soils, Department Of Agriculture, Western Australia

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

TRIALS at the Badgingarra Research Station have indicated that many pasture species will grow in the West Midlands area.

Choice of the species most suited to any particular locality will be influenced by soil type, rainfall, grazing characteristics and possible ill-effects on stock.

The following species have been recommended.

Seed And Pasture Rates For New Dairy Pastures, F E. Ryan Jan 1965

Seed And Pasture Rates For New Dairy Pastures, F E. Ryan

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

THE success or failure of pasture establishment on new land often depends on the interaction of rate of seeding and rate of superphosphate application.

Every year large areas of virgin land are cleared and sown to pasture in the higher rainfall areas, and all-too often the new pasture is not as successful as it should be because too little super is applied, and, in some cases, too little seed.

Set Stocking Has A Place In Soil Conservation Farming, J E. Watson Jan 1964

Set Stocking Has A Place In Soil Conservation Farming, J E. Watson

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Set stocking of sheep at increased stocking rates is rapidly becoming popular with farmers in the agricultural areas of Western Australia.

But will set stocking increase soil erosion hazards? It should do just the reverse, according to Soil Conservation Adviser J. E. Watson, B.Sc, who claims that set stocking has a place in soil conservation farming.

Farming Without Fallow, H M. Fisher Jan 1962

Farming Without Fallow, H M. Fisher

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

UNDER the more intensive cropping rotations common in the early development of the cereal areas of Western Australia bare fallowing was a basic technique in cereal production.

By ploughing the land in July or August and keeping it bare of vegetation for nine or ten months, either by grazing or cultivation, a substantial beneficial effect on the subsequent crop could be expected.

Good Pasture On A Problem Soil, R Sprivulis Jan 1961

Good Pasture On A Problem Soil, R Sprivulis

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

The acid peaty sands of the South-West have always been problem soils, and are often considered useless.

But, by following recommended establishment methods, farmers like Mr. F. E. Bellanger, of Nornalup, have shown that it can carry valuable pasture.

Palatability Of Forage Plants In North-West Sheep Pastures, R H. Collett Jan 1961

Palatability Of Forage Plants In North-West Sheep Pastures, R H. Collett

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

A DECLINE in carrying capacity has occurred in large areas of the Pilbara district of the North-West, due to the decrease in palatable plants and the increase in unpalatable ones.

The relative palatability of the various species to sheep is therefore a matter of considerable importance to pastoralists.

Establishing Saltland Pastures, C V. Malcolm Jan 1961

Establishing Saltland Pastures, C V. Malcolm

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

WITH the approach of winter, thoughts are turning to the seeding season. It will therefore be appropriate to discuss methods of establishing saltland pastures.

This discussion will be restricted to "bluebush," creeping saltbush, and old man saltbush. Seed of these plants is available from local stock firms.

Healthy Pastures, F E. Ryan Jan 1961

Healthy Pastures, F E. Ryan

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

IN sweeping away forests to make room for pastures we have taken on the responsibility of maintaining these areas in a condition suitable for the growth of pasture plants.

This is done by a choice of suitable species, fertilising, cultivating, drainage, control of grazing and by weed and insect control.

Salty Seepages Can Be Productive, C V. Malcolm Jan 1961

Salty Seepages Can Be Productive, C V. Malcolm

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

MUCH has been said and written concerning the use of Paspalum vaginatum for growing on seepage areas, but the general production to be expected from seepage areas has not received much attention.

The fact is that properly handled, seepage areas can be quite productive, and can be valuable for summer grazing.