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Geophysics and Seismology




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Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The Elkhorn Mine Of Jefferson County, Montana, David D. Walker Jun 1951

The Elkhorn Mine Of Jefferson County, Montana, David D. Walker

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

In 1901, after yielding metals valued in excess of five million dollars, it was considered worked out. Since that time the mine has passed through the hands of several own­ers, none of whom have failed to realize a profit from it. Although at no time since its zenith did it ever regain its once great production, it did provide a livelihood for those who worked it. Now with the American Smelting and Refining Company interested in it, perhaps it will once again become an important producer.

Mineralogy Of The Silver King Mine Of Park City, Utah, Pierce D. Parker May 1951

Mineralogy Of The Silver King Mine Of Park City, Utah, Pierce D. Parker

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

Except for the early work of Boutwell and Irving, little has been published on the geology of the Park City mining district. For this reason and because of the availability of a selected suite of ores from the Silver King mine of this area, this writer chose the mineralogy of the Silver King mine as a senior thesis for the de­partment of Geology of the Montana School of Mines.

Faunal Studies Of The Sappington Sandstone Of Southwestern Montana, Howard E. Banta May 1951

Faunal Studies Of The Sappington Sandstone Of Southwestern Montana, Howard E. Banta

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The exact upper boundary of the Devonian of Mont­ana has long been a controversy, as is true of the Dev­onian-Mississippian contact in many other localities. In an effort to delimit the upper Devonian, various paleontologic studies have been made, more especially in the southwestern part of the state.

A Listing Of Montana Invertebrate Fossils And A Bibliography Of Montana Paleontology, Robert G. Ingersoll May 1951

A Listing Of Montana Invertebrate Fossils And A Bibliography Of Montana Paleontology, Robert G. Ingersoll

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The oldest system in which identifiable invertebrate fossils have been found is the Cambrian. The basal Cambrian formation found in Montana is the Flathead sandstone and quartzite of Middle Cambrian age. No fossils have been reported from this formation. Above the Flathead is the Wolsey formation composed of green fissile shale with sandy and limy members. This fossiliferous member of the Middle Cambrian is known in Northwestern Montana as Gordon, and in the Philipsburg quadrangle as the Silver Hill formation.

Studies Of Antimony Occurrence With Special Relation To Its Effective Extraction, San Jose Antimony Mines, Wadley, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, J. C. Archibald Jr. Jan 1951

Studies Of Antimony Occurrence With Special Relation To Its Effective Extraction, San Jose Antimony Mines, Wadley, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, J. C. Archibald Jr.

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The mines at San Jose which are within the Wadley unit are the largest antimony mines in Mexico. These mines produce more than half of the antimony produced by the company from its mining operations. Since the time of the author's connection with the company, a number of changes have been made in planning of development work, handling of labor, methods of mine development, cost improvement, and other problems inherent in the successful guidance of an operation.

Importance Of Unconformities To Oil Occurrence In Montana, Robert E. Evenson Jun 1950

Importance Of Unconformities To Oil Occurrence In Montana, Robert E. Evenson

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

Although the majority of geologic structures in Montana have been tested in the search for petroleum, only a few have been found to contain commercial quantities of either oil or gas, and with each successive dry hole, producers are becoming more and more wary of investing capital in new wells located on structural features alone. It is apparent that if new oil and gas fields are to be found in Montana, exploration must be done on the basis of some­thing other than structure, or combined with structure.

Fauna Of The Pilgrim Formation Of The South Boulder Creek Area In Southwestern Montana, John T. Eastlick Jun 1950

Fauna Of The Pilgrim Formation Of The South Boulder Creek Area In Southwestern Montana, John T. Eastlick

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

This paper, a study of the fauna of the Pilgrim formation at South Boulder Creek in southwestern Montana, represents a laboratory study of the fossil specimens collected by Dr. Alvin Hanson during the summer of 1949. The scope of investigation includes identification and classification of the faunas, their stratigraphic relationship and zonal subdivisions.

Structure Of Southwestern Montana, Donald W. Levandowski May 1950

Structure Of Southwestern Montana, Donald W. Levandowski

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

Intrusions of granitic rocks on a large scale are commonly found in the central part of folded mountain systems. Igneous rocks, intrusive and extrusive, are widespread in the mountains of southwestern Montana. An examination of the structural pattern of this area indicates that the fold trends form a radial pattern. How and why this pattern formed and its relation to the igneous activity in the area have not yet been discussed in the literature.

The Christensen Sillimanite Deposit Southeast Of Dillon, Montana, Everett O. Bracken Jun 1949

The Christensen Sillimanite Deposit Southeast Of Dillon, Montana, Everett O. Bracken

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The minerals sillimanite, kyanite, andalusite, dumortierite, and topaz comprise a group of minerals whose high alumina content and physical properties are particularly desirable in the manufacture of refractory products. Sillimanite is the least plentiful of the minerals of this group, and for this reason it is not used extensively at the present time. However, it would be very desirable to the refractory industry if a suitable domestic source of supply could be established.

Daibase Sill Comanche County, Oklahoma, Jean A. Hardesty May 1949

Daibase Sill Comanche County, Oklahoma, Jean A. Hardesty

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The mechanics of intrusion and the processes involved are becoming of more and more interest to con­temporary geologists, because most of our mineral deposits are associated with igneous intrusions, and unknown-outcropping deposits are thought to be a thing of the past. If, by studying these pro­cesses, we could understand why some igneous masses are barren, while others of similar composition carry economic mineral deposits, geological prospecting for hidden mineral concentration would see a new era.

Geological Report Of Conrow Wood Creek Area 8 Miles N.E. Of Whitehall, Montana, Kenneth M. Judd Jan 1949

Geological Report Of Conrow Wood Creek Area 8 Miles N.E. Of Whitehall, Montana, Kenneth M. Judd

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

Plane table and pacing methods were used in the mapping of the individual areas, but an automobile traverse was used to tie the independent areas into a composite group that would be useful for the entire zone. All land marks, section corners, roads, fence lines, drainage, and geologic features were plotted in the field and later transferred to a master map.

Geology And Geological Structure Of The Alberta And Saskatchewan Plains, William E. Topley Jun 1948

Geology And Geological Structure Of The Alberta And Saskatchewan Plains, William E. Topley

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

Alberta, responsible for ninety per cent of Canada's output, had, by 1947 entered into her fifth year of production decline. Only ten per cent of Canada's oil requirements were secured from home fields. Ninety per cent had to be imported, mainly from the United States. How long could imports be maintained on present levels? During the year, the United States had started rationing; in one sector of its domain. Would this become general? If so, what was the answer for Canada?

A Discussion Of The Geology And An Isopach Map Of The Pennsylvanian System In Wyoming And Adjacent Areas, B. R. Alto May 1948

A Discussion Of The Geology And An Isopach Map Of The Pennsylvanian System In Wyoming And Adjacent Areas, B. R. Alto

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

Pennsylvanian strata in Wyoming and adjacent areas have been the subject of much work and discussion. Most of the work has been due to the economic importance of the system as an oil producer in this region. Oil production from strata of Pennsylvanian age is rather recent history; and therefore, much of the available information is local­ized and incomplete.

Sulfatizing Roasting Of A Copper Sulfide Ore, Walter D. Finnegan May 1948

Sulfatizing Roasting Of A Copper Sulfide Ore, Walter D. Finnegan

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

At present copper sulfide ores are recovered by pyrometallurgical processes. While the recovery of cop­per from sulfide ores by hydrometallurgical means has long been considered attractive, the impurities, low re­covery and mechanical difficulties have kept this process from becoming commercial.

Geology Of The Lost Creek-Modesty Creek Area Deerlodge County, Montana, Howard B. Nickelson, Robert L. Pott May 1948

Geology Of The Lost Creek-Modesty Creek Area Deerlodge County, Montana, Howard B. Nickelson, Robert L. Pott

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

In 1915 the United States Geological Survey published a folio by Calkins and Emmons on the geology of the Philipsburg Quadrangle, which ad­joins the area now under study to the west. Geology of this portion of Montana had not been mapped previously; consequently the purpose of this thesis is to make a geological reconnais­sance of the stratigraphy and structure of the area.

Geology Of The Renova-Bone Basin And Mayflower Mine Areas, R. L. Burns Sep 1947

Geology Of The Renova-Bone Basin And Mayflower Mine Areas, R. L. Burns

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

This report has been compiled from the data collected during the September, 1947, geologic field trip of the Montana School of Mines. The trip, under the direction of Dr. E. S. Perry, consisted of two weeks of field mapping and observation near Whitehall, Montana, and one week at the Montana School of Mines preparing this report.

A Geological Report On Several Localities In The Northwestern Tobacco Root Mountains, Rudi Forhan Sep 1947

A Geological Report On Several Localities In The Northwestern Tobacco Root Mountains, Rudi Forhan

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

To better acquaint seniors in Geology and mining with actual field practice, the Montana School of Mines offer a course in Geologic Field Mapping, during the three weeks preceding the opening of the fall semester. The first two weeks are spent in actual field mapping of the geologic formations near Whitehall, Montana, while the third week is spent back on the campus compiling data and finishing maps started in the field.

Rugose Corals Of The Madison Group, William R. Paine Jun 1947

Rugose Corals Of The Madison Group, William R. Paine

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

One of the best types of index fossils, and one which occurs most plentifully in the Madison group of formations in Montana, and yet, one which has been little studied, is the group of rugose, or cup, corals. Perhaps this group of fossils has not been studied in detail because their distinguishing characteristics are mainly internal, and labo­ratory preparation in the form of thin section or polished surfaces is necessary to bring out these characteristics.

Geology And Mineral Deposits Of Idaho: A Summary, Paul B. Bronken May 1947

Geology And Mineral Deposits Of Idaho: A Summary, Paul B. Bronken

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The great diversity on mineral wealth in Idaho establishes it as one of the principle mining states in the union. Mining first began in the state with the discovery of placer gold in the Pierce City district in 1861, and since that date has become one of the leading industries of the state.

Geology Of A Kyanite Deposit Near Ennis, Montana, Clarence L. Nordstrom May 1947

Geology Of A Kyanite Deposit Near Ennis, Montana, Clarence L. Nordstrom

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

A deposit of kyanite, an aluminum silicate mineral used in the ceramic industry, occurs in the low foothills of the Gravelly range about 10 miles south of Ennis, Montana. This study deals primarily with the character and origin of the deposit, and its relationship to the surrounding rocks.

Distribution And Lithology Of Sedimentary Rocks In Montana And Adjacent Areas, Harold Kentta May 1947

Distribution And Lithology Of Sedimentary Rocks In Montana And Adjacent Areas, Harold Kentta

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The general features of the sedimentary rocks in a region, their distribution, and the relationships of these rocks to other rocks of the area and of adjacent areas, are some of the things in which most geologists are interested, for reasons of general curiosity or for obtaining a better understanding of their specific prob­lems

Laboratory Model Shaking Table; An Investigation Of Defects And Suggested Improvements, George C. Horak Mar 1947

Laboratory Model Shaking Table; An Investigation Of Defects And Suggested Improvements, George C. Horak

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The laboratory model is considered in this thesis. Information gained from this investigation has not been trans­ferred to the larger industrial machines. Some of the factors noted concerning the efficiency of the laboratory shaking table are inherent in this small scale model only.

Spectrographic Analysis Of Montana Limestones, Clifford A. Barkell Apr 1943

Spectrographic Analysis Of Montana Limestones, Clifford A. Barkell

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

Spectrographic analysis of limestones as a possible method of correlation of geologic formations is an altogether new line of investigation. As far as known the only previous work consists of a few analyses made by Fred Lines in his bachelor thesis work at Montana School of mines in the spring of 1942.

Permeability And Porosity Studies Of The Cut Bank Oil Sand, Wesley Edward Davis Apr 1943

Permeability And Porosity Studies Of The Cut Bank Oil Sand, Wesley Edward Davis

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

In studying the Cut Bank field and its numerous wells, it is found that dry holes are surrounded by producing wells, and also that the field as a whole is very irregular; water, oil, and gas zones in many cases following no definite pattern. In some instances, this phenomenon may be due to the lensing and thinning of the producing sands, but it is evident that this is not the only factor. There­fore, the controlling factors must be porosity and permeability.

Insoluble Residues Of The Lower Mississippian Limestones Of The Madison Group, Fred G. Lines May 1942

Insoluble Residues Of The Lower Mississippian Limestones Of The Madison Group, Fred G. Lines

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The correlation of non-fossiliferous drill samples is one of the difficult problems that is en­countered in sub-surface stratigraphy. In order to truly correlate a formation, it must have some dis tinctive features and have an areal persistence of these features. These requirements are probably met best by limestone.

Geologic Field Mapping In An Area Eight Miles North Of Three Forks, Montana, H. E. Lillis Jan 1942

Geologic Field Mapping In An Area Eight Miles North Of Three Forks, Montana, H. E. Lillis

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The Three Forks are includes parts of Jefferson, Madison, Broadwater Pond Gallatin counties, Montana. Sedimentary formations lie at the surface nearly everywhere in the area, and the rugged surface topography has been developed through the folding and tilting of these formations and their dif­ferential erosion.

A Study Of The Concentration Of A Low-Grade Manganese Ore From The Ennis District, John B. Schuettenhelm May 1941

A Study Of The Concentration Of A Low-Grade Manganese Ore From The Ennis District, John B. Schuettenhelm

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The purpose of the investigation was to determine the most effective means of concentrating the manganese in the ore. The study was that of identification of the minerals present. This showed the presence of oxides of manganese and iron, and carbonates of calcium and manganese. Methods of investigation were planned to determined whether the ore could be concentrated effectively by gravity concentration methods. ­

The Geology And Ore Deposits Of The Ermont Mines, James L. Kelly May 1941

The Geology And Ore Deposits Of The Ermont Mines, James L. Kelly

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

The Ermont Mines are located sixteen miles northwest of Dillon, Montana, in section 35 of T.6S., R.11W. This is in the central part of Beaverhead County. They are considered to be in the Argenta min­ing district, the town of Argenta lying three miles to the northeast.

A Geological Report On An Area Five Miles Southeast Of Renova, Montana, And On An Area Seven Miles South Of Jefferson Island, Montana, Herman Neibauer Sep 1940

A Geological Report On An Area Five Miles Southeast Of Renova, Montana, And On An Area Seven Miles South Of Jefferson Island, Montana, Herman Neibauer

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

This trip was conducted to give those students working for their respective degrees an excellent opportunity to work under actual field conditions. A total of three weeks was taken to complete the required work. Two weeks were spent in the field gathering data, and making maps, and the last week was spent in the drawing room at the college preparing the final map.

Report On The Ermont Mine Sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 11 W., Beaverhead County, Montana, Chester Harkins Steele May 1940

Report On The Ermont Mine Sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 11 W., Beaverhead County, Montana, Chester Harkins Steele

Bachelors Theses and Reports, 1928 - 1970

An examination of the Ermont Mine was requested by the owners, Messrs. J. R. Bowles and R. B. Caswell, to determine the amount and grade of ore developed, the advisability of constructing a mill at the present time, and to recommend future development work.