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Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Singapore Management University


Computer vision

Articles 1 - 13 of 13

Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Fine-Grained Domain Adaptive Crowd Counting Via Point-Derived Segmentation, Yongtuo Liu, Dan Xu, Sucheng Ren, Hanjie Wu, Hongmin Cai, Shengfeng He Jul 2023

Fine-Grained Domain Adaptive Crowd Counting Via Point-Derived Segmentation, Yongtuo Liu, Dan Xu, Sucheng Ren, Hanjie Wu, Hongmin Cai, Shengfeng He

Research Collection School Of Computing and Information Systems

Due to domain shift, a large performance drop is usually observed when a trained crowd counting model is deployed in the wild. While existing domain-adaptive crowd counting methods achieve promising results, they typically regard each crowd image as a whole and reduce domain discrepancies in a holistic manner, thus limiting further improvement of domain adaptation performance. To this end, we propose to untangle domain-invariant crowd and domain-specific background from crowd images and design a fine-grained domain adaption method for crowd counting. Specifically, to disentangle crowd from background, we propose to learn crowd segmentation from point-level crowd counting annotations in a …

Curricular Contrastive Regularization For Physics-Aware Single Image Dehazing, Yu Zheng, Jiahui Zhan, Shengfeng He, Yong Du Jun 2023

Curricular Contrastive Regularization For Physics-Aware Single Image Dehazing, Yu Zheng, Jiahui Zhan, Shengfeng He, Yong Du

Research Collection School Of Computing and Information Systems

Considering the ill-posed nature, contrastive regularization has been developed for single image dehazing, introducing the information from negative images as a lower bound. However, the contrastive samples are non-consensual, as the negatives are usually represented distantly from the clear (i.e., positive) image, leaving the solution space still under-constricted. Moreover, the interpretability of deep dehazing models is underexplored towards the physics of the hazing process. In this paper, we propose a novel curricular contrastive regularization targeted at a consensual contrastive space as opposed to a non-consensual one. Our negatives, which provide better lower-bound constraints, can be assembled from 1) the hazy …

Where Is My Spot? Few-Shot Image Generation Via Latent Subspace Optimization, Chenxi Zheng, Bangzhen Liu, Huaidong Zhang, Xuemiao Xu, Shengfeng He Jun 2023

Where Is My Spot? Few-Shot Image Generation Via Latent Subspace Optimization, Chenxi Zheng, Bangzhen Liu, Huaidong Zhang, Xuemiao Xu, Shengfeng He

Research Collection School Of Computing and Information Systems

Image generation relies on massive training data that can hardly produce diverse images of an unseen category according to a few examples. In this paper, we address this dilemma by projecting sparse few-shot samples into a continuous latent space that can potentially generate infinite unseen samples. The rationale behind is that we aim to locate a centroid latent position in a conditional StyleGAN, where the corresponding output image on that centroid can maximize the similarity with the given samples. Although the given samples are unseen for the conditional StyleGAN, we assume the neighboring latent subspace around the centroid belongs to …

Bubbleu: Exploring Augmented Reality Game Design With Uncertain Ai-Based Interaction, Minji Kim, Kyungjin Lee, Rajesh Krishna Balan, Youngki Lee Apr 2023

Bubbleu: Exploring Augmented Reality Game Design With Uncertain Ai-Based Interaction, Minji Kim, Kyungjin Lee, Rajesh Krishna Balan, Youngki Lee

Research Collection School Of Computing and Information Systems

Object detection, while being an attractive interaction method for Augmented Reality (AR), is fundamentally error-prone due to the probabilistic nature of the underlying AI models, resulting in sub-optimal user experiences. In this paper, we explore the effect of three game design concepts, Ambiguity, Transparency, and Controllability, to provide better gameplay experiences in AR games that use error-prone object detection-based interaction modalities. First, we developed a base AR pet breeding game, called Bubbleu that uses object detection as a key interaction method. We then implemented three different variants, each according to the three concepts, to investigate the impact of each design …

Pose- And Attribute-Consistent Person Image Synthesis, Cheng Xu, Zejun Chen, Jiajie Mai, Xuemiao Xu, Shengfeng He Feb 2023

Pose- And Attribute-Consistent Person Image Synthesis, Cheng Xu, Zejun Chen, Jiajie Mai, Xuemiao Xu, Shengfeng He

Research Collection School Of Computing and Information Systems

PersonImageSynthesisaimsattransferringtheappearanceofthesourcepersonimageintoatargetpose. Existingmethods cannot handle largeposevariations and therefore suffer fromtwocritical problems: (1)synthesisdistortionduetotheentanglementofposeandappearanceinformationamongdifferentbody componentsand(2)failureinpreservingoriginalsemantics(e.g.,thesameoutfit).Inthisarticle,weexplicitly addressthesetwoproblemsbyproposingaPose-andAttribute-consistentPersonImageSynthesisNetwork (PAC-GAN).Toreduceposeandappearancematchingambiguity,weproposeacomponent-wisetransferring modelconsistingoftwostages.Theformerstagefocusesonlyonsynthesizingtargetposes,whilethelatter renderstargetappearancesbyexplicitlytransferringtheappearanceinformationfromthesourceimageto thetargetimageinacomponent-wisemanner. Inthisway,source-targetmatchingambiguityiseliminated duetothecomponent-wisedisentanglementofposeandappearancesynthesis.Second,tomaintainattribute consistency,werepresenttheinputimageasanattributevectorandimposeahigh-levelsemanticconstraint usingthisvectortoregularizethetargetsynthesis.ExtensiveexperimentalresultsontheDeepFashiondataset demonstratethesuperiorityofourmethodoverthestateoftheart,especiallyformaintainingposeandattributeconsistenciesunderlargeposevariations.

High-Resolution Face Swapping Via Latent Semantics Disentanglement, Yangyang Xu, Bailin Deng, Junle Wang, Yanqing Jing, Jia Pan, Shengfeng He Jun 2022

High-Resolution Face Swapping Via Latent Semantics Disentanglement, Yangyang Xu, Bailin Deng, Junle Wang, Yanqing Jing, Jia Pan, Shengfeng He

Research Collection School Of Computing and Information Systems

We present a novel high-resolution face swapping method using the inherent prior knowledge of a pre-trained GAN model. Although previous research can leverage generative priors to produce high-resolution results, their quality can suffer from the entangled semantics of the latent space. We explicitly disentangle the latent semantics by utilizing the progressive nature of the generator, deriving structure at-tributes from the shallow layers and appearance attributes from the deeper ones. Identity and pose information within the structure attributes are further separated by introducing a landmark-driven structure transfer latent direction. The disentangled latent code produces rich generative features that incorporate feature blending …

Adaptive Aggregation Networks For Class-Incremental Learning, Yaoyao Liu, Bernt Schiele, Qianru Sun Jun 2021

Adaptive Aggregation Networks For Class-Incremental Learning, Yaoyao Liu, Bernt Schiele, Qianru Sun

Research Collection School Of Computing and Information Systems

Class-Incremental Learning (CIL) aims to learn a classification model with the number of classes increasing phase-by-phase. An inherent problem in CIL is the stability-plasticity dilemma between the learning of old and new classes, i.e., high-plasticity models easily forget old classes, but high-stability models are weak to learn new classes. We alleviate this issue by proposing a novel network architecture called Adaptive Aggregation Networks (AANets) in which we explicitly build two types of residual blocks at each residual level (taking ResNet as the baseline architecture): a stable block and a plastic block. We aggregate the output feature maps from these two …

Counterfactual Zero-Shot And Open-Set Visual Recognition, Zhongqi Yue, Tan Wang, Qianru Sun, Xian-Sheng Hua, Hanwang Zhang Jun 2021

Counterfactual Zero-Shot And Open-Set Visual Recognition, Zhongqi Yue, Tan Wang, Qianru Sun, Xian-Sheng Hua, Hanwang Zhang

Research Collection School Of Computing and Information Systems

We present a novel counterfactual framework for both Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) and Open-Set Recognition (OSR), whose common challenge is generalizing to the unseen-classes by only training on the seen-classes. Our idea stems from the observation that the generated samples for unseen-classes are often out of the true distribution, which causes severe recognition rate imbalance between the seen-class (high) and unseen-class (low). We show that the key reason is that the generation is not Counterfactual Faithful, and thus we propose a faithful one, whose generation is from the sample-specific counterfactual question: What would the sample look like, if we set its …

Projecting Your View Attentively: Monocular Road Scene Layout Estimation Via Cross-View Transformation, Weixiang Yang, Qi Li, Wenxi Liu, Yuanlong Yu, Yuexin Ma, Shengfeng He, Jia Pan Jun 2021

Projecting Your View Attentively: Monocular Road Scene Layout Estimation Via Cross-View Transformation, Weixiang Yang, Qi Li, Wenxi Liu, Yuanlong Yu, Yuexin Ma, Shengfeng He, Jia Pan

Research Collection School Of Computing and Information Systems

HD map reconstruction is crucial for autonomous driving. LiDAR-based methods are limited due to the deployed expensive sensors and time-consuming computation. Camera-based methods usually need to separately perform road segmentation and view transformation, which often causes distortion and the absence of content. To push the limits of the technology, we present a novel framework that enables reconstructing a local map formed by road layout and vehicle occupancy in the bird's-eye view given a front-view monocular image only. In particular, we propose a cross-view transformation module, which takes the constraint of cycle consistency between views into account and makes full use …

Formresnet: Formatted Residual Learning For Image Restoration, Jianbo Jiao, Wei-Chih Tu, Shengfeng He Aug 2017

Formresnet: Formatted Residual Learning For Image Restoration, Jianbo Jiao, Wei-Chih Tu, Shengfeng He

Research Collection School Of Computing and Information Systems

In this paper, we propose a deep CNN to tackle the image restoration problem by learning the structured residual. Previous deep learning based methods directly learn the mapping from corrupted images to clean images, and may suffer from the gradient exploding/vanishing problems of deep neural networks. We propose to address the image restoration problem by learning the structured details and recovering the latent clean image together, from the shared information between the corrupted image and the latent image. In addition, instead of learning the pure difference (corruption), we propose to add a 'residual formatting layer' to format the residual to …

Deshadownet: A Multi-Context Embedding Deep Network For Shadow Removal, Liangqiong Qu, Jiandong Tian, Shengfeng He, Yandong Tang, Rynson W. H. Lau Jul 2017

Deshadownet: A Multi-Context Embedding Deep Network For Shadow Removal, Liangqiong Qu, Jiandong Tian, Shengfeng He, Yandong Tang, Rynson W. H. Lau

Research Collection School Of Computing and Information Systems

Shadow removal is a challenging task as it requires the detection/annotation of shadows as well as semantic understanding of the scene. In this paper, we propose an automatic and end-to-end deep neural network (DeshadowNet) to tackle these problems in a unified manner. DeshadowNet is designed with a multi-context architecture, where the output shadow matte is predicted by embedding information from three different perspectives. The first global network extracts shadow features from a global view. Two levels of features are derived from the global network and transferred to two parallel networks. While one extracts the appearance of the input image, the …

Exemplar-Driven Top-Down Saliency Detection Via Deep Association, Shengfeng He, Rynson W. H. Lau, Qingxiong Yang Jun 2016

Exemplar-Driven Top-Down Saliency Detection Via Deep Association, Shengfeng He, Rynson W. H. Lau, Qingxiong Yang

Research Collection School Of Computing and Information Systems

Top-down saliency detection is a knowledge-driven search task. While some previous methods aim to learn this "knowledge" from category-specific data, others transfer existing annotations in a large dataset through appearance matching. In contrast, we propose in this paper a locateby-exemplar strategy. This approach is challenging, as we only use a few exemplars (up to 4) and the appearances among the query object and the exemplars can be very different. To address it, we design a two-stage deep model to learn the intra-class association between the exemplars and query objects. The first stage is for learning object-to-object association, and the second …

Oriented Object Proposals, Shengfeng He, Rynson W. H. Lau Dec 2015

Oriented Object Proposals, Shengfeng He, Rynson W. H. Lau

Research Collection School Of Computing and Information Systems

In this paper, we propose a new approach to generate oriented object proposals (OOPs) to reduce the detection error caused by various orientations of the object. To this end, we propose to efficiently locate object regions according to pixelwise object probability, rather than measuring the objectness from a set of sampled windows. We formulate the proposal generation problem as a generative probabilistic model such that object proposals of different shapes (i.e., sizes and orientations) can be produced by locating the local maximum likelihoods. The new approach has three main advantages. First, it helps the object detector handle objects of different …