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Full-Text Articles in Organisms
Diseases Of Lupins And Lupinosis., P Mcr Wood
Diseases Of Lupins And Lupinosis., P Mcr Wood
Experimental Summaries - Plant Research
Summary of experimental results, 1981. Geraldton: Brown spot (Pleiochaeta setosa) was widespread. Root rots were not considered generally to be a problem in 1981.Three Springs: Fungal root rots were commonly observed. Brown spot leaf and stem infection was also prevalent. Moora: Brown spot was the most prevalent. Northam: Crops were generally healthy. Albany: Crops were generally healthy Sclerotinia being present. Bridgetown: Brown spot was the main disease present. Root rots were also present. In December, a widespread disorder occurred, Late brown spot infection is suspected. An important point emerging from the programme is that often the lines showing Phomopsis resistance …