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Full-Text Articles in Organisms
Loose Smut Of Barley. Sub-Clover Root Rot. Rapeseed Diseases., M. J. Barbetti
Loose Smut Of Barley. Sub-Clover Root Rot. Rapeseed Diseases., M. J. Barbetti
Experimental Summaries - Plant Research
Loose smut of barley. Fungicidal control of loose smut in barley – 81MT31, 81NA29. Sub-clover root rot. Fungicidal control of pythium sp – 81AL37, 81BU3. Rapeseed diseases. 1. Rapeseed varieties/Lancelin blackleg strain – 81MO24. 2. Rapeseed varieties/Sclerotinia disease – 81MT32. 3. White leaf spot and grey stem of rapeseed – 81MT33.
Septoria Diseases Of Wheat, A. G. P. Brown
Septoria Diseases Of Wheat, A. G. P. Brown
Experimental Summaries - Plant Research
Effect of stubble on septoria infection. Avondale, Badgingarra, Chapman, Esperance, Kojonup, Mt Barker, Newdegate, Wongan - 81BA47, 81BA48.
Diseases Of Lupins And Lupinosis., P Mcr Wood
Diseases Of Lupins And Lupinosis., P Mcr Wood
Experimental Summaries - Plant Research
Summary of experimental results, 1981. Geraldton: Brown spot (Pleiochaeta setosa) was widespread. Root rots were not considered generally to be a problem in 1981.Three Springs: Fungal root rots were commonly observed. Brown spot leaf and stem infection was also prevalent. Moora: Brown spot was the most prevalent. Northam: Crops were generally healthy. Albany: Crops were generally healthy Sclerotinia being present. Bridgetown: Brown spot was the main disease present. Root rots were also present. In December, a widespread disorder occurred, Late brown spot infection is suspected. An important point emerging from the programme is that often the lines showing Phomopsis resistance …
Growth Regulator Trials. Part 1, M W. Perry, R N. Weir
Growth Regulator Trials. Part 1, M W. Perry, R N. Weir
Experimental Summaries - Plant Research
This summary covers 1981 trials on chlormequat plant growth regulant (formulated as Cycocel 750A or Halloween), ECO organic seed dressing and a range of organic foliar sprays. Rates and times of application of chlormequat on wheat. 81A22, 81BA3, 81Cl8, 81E25, 81M22, 81MT2, 81N4, 81SG36, 81WH4. Effects of chlormequat on wheat varieties (S4 trials). 81A6, 81BA7, 81C6, 81E6, 81M9, 81M13, 81MT9, 81N10, 81SG26, 81WH19. Trials comparing organic seed treatments, organic foliar sprays and plant growth regulators. 81WH61, 81LG34, 81LG48, 81ME27a, 81ME276, 81TS39, 81ES51, 81ES52, 81ES53, 81ES54, 81NA57, 81N4A, 81MT2A, 81TS38A. H. McCashney, Cadoux Un-numbered, Newdegate Research Station.
Barley Disease, Scald, Spot Type Net Blotch, Powdery Mildew, Leaf Diseases, Double Cropping, Resistance Of Cvt Barley, T N. Khan
Experimental Summaries - Plant Research
I. Barley disease survey and an unidentified disorder on forrest barley. II. Scald: crop loss assessment – 81BA20, 81A17, 81MT23, 81WH30, 81A17, 81BA20, 81MT23, 81WH30, III. Scald: epidemics in simulated populations segregating for scald resistance – 81BA22, 81MT25, 81BA22, 81MT25. IV. Scald: reactions in single plant and hill plots – 81MT24, 81MT21, 81BA21, V. Spot type net blotch: crop loss assessment – 81C17. VI. Net blotch: effect of grazing on infection levels – 81A20. VII. Powdery mildew: crop loss assessment – 81PE5. VIII. Value of whole plot scores in assessing leaf diseases. IX. Disease and yield in simulated double cropping …
Clover Scorch Fungicide Trials, Cercospora Leaf Spot, Facial Eczema Investigation., A Bokor
Clover Scorch Fungicide Trials, Cercospora Leaf Spot, Facial Eczema Investigation., A Bokor
Experimental Summaries - Plant Research
Clover scorch fungicide trials – 81AL33, 81D8. Cercospora leaf spot – 81AL35. Facial eczema investigation - In W.A. a serious outbreak of this disease has occurred on mixtures of annual and perennial species in the autumn.