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Medicine and Health Sciences Commons

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Full-Text Articles in Medicine and Health Sciences

Genetic Diversity And Distribution Of Tilapia Lake Virus In Fish Polyculture System In Bangladesh, Partho Pratim Debnath Jan 2021

Genetic Diversity And Distribution Of Tilapia Lake Virus In Fish Polyculture System In Bangladesh, Partho Pratim Debnath

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Tilapia is the world's second most important farmed fish species, following carp. Bangladesh is the world's fourth-largest tilapia producer and has largely adopted fish polyculture. Few research on factors associated with mortality and economic losses following such deaths have been undertaken in Bangladesh due of its perceived hardiness. Tilapia lake virus (TiLV) is an emerging pathogen in aquaculture, reportedly affecting farmed tilapia in 16 countries across multiple continents. Following an early warning in 2017 that TiLV could be widespread, we surveyed 565 tilapia farms in 15 of Bangladesh's most important tilapia-producing districts using online tilapia epidemiology and health economics survey …

ปัจจัยที่มีความสัมพันธ์ต่อความเครียดในผู้ดูแลผู้มีภาวะสมองเสื่อม, ปวีณา ทักษิณาเจนกิจ Jan 2021

ปัจจัยที่มีความสัมพันธ์ต่อความเครียดในผู้ดูแลผู้มีภาวะสมองเสื่อม, ปวีณา ทักษิณาเจนกิจ

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

การวิจัยนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษา ระดับความเครียดของผู้ดูแลผู้มีภาวะสมองเสื่อมและศึกษาความสัมพันธ์ระหว่าง เพศ ความสัมพันธ์ต่างเกื้อกูลกับผู้สูงอายุ ชั่วโมงในการดูแล คุณภาพการนอนหลับ ความสอดคล้องในการมองโลก อารมณ์ขัน กับความเครียดในผู้ดูแลผู้มีภาวะสมองเสื่อม กลุ่มตัวอย่างคือ คือผู้ดูแลหลักที่มีอายุ 20 ปีบริบูรณ์ขึ้นไปเพศชายและเพศหญิงที่ดูแลผู้ป่วยสมองเสื่อม ได้รับการวินิจฉัยว่ามีภาวะสมองเสื่อมระดับเล็กน้อยถึงปานกลาง และมารับการตรวจติดตามผลการรักษา ณ คลินิกผู้สูงอายุ แผนกผู้ป่วยนอก โรงพยาบาลระดับตติยภูมิ 2 แห่ง จำนวน 120 คน ใช้วิธีการเลือกกลุ่มตัวอย่าง แบบหลายขั้นตอน เครื่องมือในการเก็บข้อมูลได้แก่ แบบสอบถามข้อมูลส่วนบุคคล แบบวัดภาระในการดูแลของผู้ดูแลผู้มีภาวะสมองเสื่อม แบบประเมินการนอนหลับของผู้ดูแล แบบวัดอารมณ์ขันหลายมิติ แบบสอบถามความสัมพันธ์ต่างเกื้อกูลระหว่างผู้สูงอายุและญาติผู้ดูแล และแบบประเมินทดสอบความสอดคล้องในการมองโลก ผ่านการตรวจสอบจากผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ 5 คน ได้ค่าความตรงตามเนื้อหาของแบบสอบถามเท่ากับ 1 , 0.96 , 1 , 0.99 และ 0.98 ตามลำดับและมีค่าความเที่ยงเท่ากับ 0.89, 0.97, 0.95, 0.91 และ 0.83 ตามลำดับ วิเคราะห์ข้อมูลโดยใช้สถิติเชิงบรรยาย และค่าสัมประสิทธิ์สหสัมพันธ์แบบสเปียร์แมน ผลการวิจัยสรุปได้ดังนี้ 1. ระดับความเครียดของผู้ดูแลผู้มีภาวะสมองเสื่อมโดยรวมคือ ไม่มีภาวะเครียด คิดเป็นร้อยละ 51.7 2. เพศ ไม่มีความสัมพันธ์กับความเครียดของผู้ดูแลผู้มีภาวะสมองเสื่อม โดยในเพศชายและเพศหญิงมีความเครียดโดยรวมไม่แตกต่างกันอย่างมีนัยสำคัญทางสถิติ 3. ปัจจัยความสัมพันธ์ต่างเกื้อกูลกับผู้มีภาวะสมองเสื่อม และ ความสอดคล้องในการมองโลก มีความสัมพันธ์กับภาวะความเครียดของผู้ดูแล อย่างมีนัยสำคัญทางสถิติที่ p<0.001 (r= - 0.598, p<0.001) และ (r= - 0.246, p=0.001) ตามลำดับ 4. ชั่วโมงในการดูแล และ คุณภาพการนอนหลับ ไม่มีความสัมพันธ์กับความเครียดของผู้ดูแลผู้มีภาวะสมองเสื่อม (p= 0.132 และ 0.790 ตามลำดับ) 5. อารมณ์ขัน มีความสัมพันธ์กับภาวะความเครียดของผู้ดูแลอย่างมีนัยสำคัญทางสถิติที่ p<0.001

สุขภาพจิตและปัจจัยที่เกี่ยวข้องกับภาวะติดกาเฟอีนของพนักงานบริษัทแห่งหนึ่ง ในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร, นิศาชล อัศวธาระกุล Jan 2021

สุขภาพจิตและปัจจัยที่เกี่ยวข้องกับภาวะติดกาเฟอีนของพนักงานบริษัทแห่งหนึ่ง ในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร, นิศาชล อัศวธาระกุล

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

การศึกษาในครั้งนี้เป็นการวิจัยเชิงพรรณนา ณ ช่วงเวลาใดช่วงเวลาหนึ่ง มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาความชุกของภาวะติดกาเฟอีน สุขภาพจิต คุณภาพการนอนหลับ รวมถึงปัจจัยอื่น ๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับภาวะติดกาเฟอีนของพนักงานบริษัท กลุ่มตัวอย่างเป็นพนักงานบริษัทแห่งหนึ่งในกรุงเทพมหานครซึ่งเก็บข้อมูลผ่านการส่งออกแบบสอบถามออนไลน์แก่กลุ่มตัวอย่าง จำนวน 1,406 คน และได้รับแบบสอบถามคืนจำนวน 347 ชุด จากนั้นเมื่อพิจารณาตามเกณฑ์การคัดออกและความสมบูรณ์ของข้อมูลแล้ว พบว่าเหลือชุดข้อมูลจากกลุ่มตัวอย่างทั้งสิ้น 321 ชุด ซึ่งคิดเป็นร้อยละ 92.51 ซึ่งทำให้กลุ่มตัวอย่างในการศึกษาครั้งนี้เป็นผู้ที่บริโภคกาแฟทั้งหมด โดยเก็บข้อมูลระหว่างเดือน พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564 ถึง กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2565 จากกลุ่มตัวอย่างที่มีคุณสมบัติตามเกณฑ์การคัดเข้า เครื่องมือที่ใช้ในการเก็บข้อมูล ประกอบด้วย แบบสอบถามข้อมูลส่วนบุคคล แบบสอบถามข้อมูลการบริโภคกาแฟ แบบสอบถามภาวะติดกาเฟอีน แบบสอบถามสุขภาพจิต แบบสอบถามคุณภาพการนอนหลับ แบบสอบถามการสูบบุหรี่ แบบสอบถามการดื่มสุรา และแบบสอบถามการใช้สารเสพติดอื่น ๆ ข้อมูลที่รวบรวมได้มาจากกลุ่มที่บริโภคกาแฟทั้งหมดโดยถูกนำมาวิเคราะห์โดยใช้สถิติเชิงพรรณนา ได้แก่ ร้อยละ ค่าเฉลี่ย ส่วนเบี่ยงเบนมาตรฐาน ค่าต่ำสุด และค่าสูงสุด และสถิติเชิงอนุมาน ได้แก่ Chi-square, Independent t-test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient และ Logistic regression เพื่อวิเคราะห์ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างตัวแปรสุขภาพจิต คุณภาพการนอนหลับ กับภาวะติดกาเฟอีน ผลการศึกษาพบว่า จากกลุ่มตัวอย่างทั้งหมด 321 คน พบว่า ร้อยละ 55.44 ไม่มีอาการของสุขภาพจิตและโรคซึมเศร้า ร้อยละ 29.91 มีอาการในระดับน้อย ร้อยละ 13.40 มีอาการระดับปานกลาง และร้อยละ 1.25 มีอาการอยู่ในระดับสูง ตามลำดับ ด้านคุณภาพการนอนของกลุ่มตัวอย่างส่วนใหญ่มีคุณภาพการนอนในระดับที่ไม่ดี คิดเป็นร้อยละ 94.08 อีกทั้งเมื่อพิจารณาจากแบบสอบถามภาวะติดกาเฟอีน กลุ่มตัวอย่างจำนวน 248 คน ถูกพิจารณาว่าเป็นผู้ติดกาเฟอีน และ 73 คน เป็นผู้ที่ไม่ติดกาเฟอีน อีกทั้งคะแนนสุขภาพจิตและคุณภาพการนอนมีความสัมพันธ์กัน (r=0.578, p<0.001) ด้านปัจจัยที่มีความสัมพันธ์กับภาวะติดกาเฟอีนอย่างมีนัยสำคัญทางสถิติ (p<0.05) ได้แก่ เพศหญิง ดื่มกาแฟ 2 – 4 แก้ว/วัน ดื่มกาแฟสด ดื่มเมนูคาปูชิโน ดื่มกาแฟ 4 – 7 วัน/สัปดาห์ ดื่มกาแฟเพราะเคยชินกับการดื่มเป็นประจำ ดื่มเพื่อแก้ง่วง คุณภาพการนอนไม่ดี และมีอาการของสุขภาพจิตโรคซึมเศร้า สามารถทำนายภาวะติดกาแฟของพนักงานบริษัทในทิศทางบวก ผลจากการวิจัยนี้จะช่วยชี้ให้เห็นถึงความสำคัญในการดำเนินการของบริษัทหรือฝ่ายที่เกี่ยวข้องเพื่อส่งเสริมคุณภาพทางกายและทางจิตใจให้แก่พนักงานออฟฟิศ เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการส่งเสริมนี้จะยังผลต่อการปฏิบัติหน้าที่และคุณภาพของงานด้วย

Identification Of Snp Barcode For Classify Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (Cre) And Non-Cre Using Nanopore Sequencing, Nicha Sangpiromapichai Jan 2021

Identification Of Snp Barcode For Classify Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (Cre) And Non-Cre Using Nanopore Sequencing, Nicha Sangpiromapichai

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Background: The continuous increase of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) prevalence has been a serious problem for public health worldwide. In the previous study, 25% of 3864 Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates were carbapenem-resistant. One of the most important risks of bacterial drug resistance is the improper use of antibiotics. The routine antimicrobial-susceptibility test requires overnight and has a turnaround time of approximately 2–3 days which delays the proper antibiotics. This study aims to develop a technique to classify CRE and non-CRE by SNP barcode. Method: Forty Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP) clinical isolates were collected from 2020–2021 at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. Twenty samples were …

Subjective Perception Of Nasal Breathing ; Identifying Patient At Risk Of A Poor Surgical Outcome, Dichapong Kanjanawasee Jan 2021

Subjective Perception Of Nasal Breathing ; Identifying Patient At Risk Of A Poor Surgical Outcome, Dichapong Kanjanawasee

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

No abstract provided.

Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Biomarkers In Diabetic Nephropathy Patients In Thailand : A Diabetic Eye And Kidney Diseases (Dek-D) Study, Nuntachai Surawatsatien Jan 2021

Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Biomarkers In Diabetic Nephropathy Patients In Thailand : A Diabetic Eye And Kidney Diseases (Dek-D) Study, Nuntachai Surawatsatien

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Diabetes mellitus (DM) can cause many microvascular complications including diabetic retinopathy (DR) and diabetic nephropathy (DN). It is estamated that about one-third of diabetic patients have DR and about 40% have DN. DR and DN share a common pathology in microvasculature. With the development of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA), the examination of retinal capillary is more convenient and less invasive. This is a cross-sectional observational study aimed to identify OCTA parameters as biomarkers that predict the diabetic nephropathy and association with 24-hour urine albumin level in diabetic patients. 186 eyes from 93 individuals were divided into 3 groups according …

Bending Radiograph As Predictive Factor Of In-Brace Correction (Ibc) In Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (Ais), Raden Achmad Candra Putra Jan 2021

Bending Radiograph As Predictive Factor Of In-Brace Correction (Ibc) In Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (Ais), Raden Achmad Candra Putra

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Introductions: In-brace correction (IBC) is one of the most important factors in bracing treatment for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS). Several factors influenced IBC achievement. The curve flexibility found to be associated with the IBC. One of the most common methods for assessing curve flexibility is to take a side bending radiograph. It has been widely used as a predictor of surgical correction in AIS. However, bending radiograph to predict the amount of fulltime IBC is not cleared in orthotics practice. The purpose of this study was to evaluate flexibility as measured by a side bending radiograph as a predictive factor …

Efficacy Of Chitosan Paste As Intracanal Medication Against Enterococcus Faecalis And Candida Albicans Compared To Calcium Hydroxide, Pasika Thien-Ngern Jan 2021

Efficacy Of Chitosan Paste As Intracanal Medication Against Enterococcus Faecalis And Candida Albicans Compared To Calcium Hydroxide, Pasika Thien-Ngern

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Introduction: Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans are frequently found in persistent endodontic infection and are resistant to calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), a commonly used intracanal medication. Thus, an effective and safe antimicrobial medication against such refractory infection is necessary in endodontic retreatment, so we aimed to test the efficacy of chitosan paste against these microorganisms compared with Ca(OH)2 in root canals of extracted human teeth. Methods: Thirty-six sterilized human root samples prepared from extracted premolars and upper maxillary incisors were infected with E.faecalis for 14 days, while 32 were infected with C.albicans for 48 hours, for mature biofilm formation. The samples …

The Effectiveness Of Asiaticoside On Osteogenic Differentiation Ability In Aging Human Periodontal Ligament Cells In Vitro, Adisa Suthirathikul Jan 2021

The Effectiveness Of Asiaticoside On Osteogenic Differentiation Ability In Aging Human Periodontal Ligament Cells In Vitro, Adisa Suthirathikul

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Retaining teeth is essential for the quality of life of the aging population. However, aging has biological effects in periodontal ligament cells with significant changes in their proliferative rate and regenerative function. Asiaticoside, extracted from Centella asiatica, was found to have potential in osteogenic differentiation and mineralization in human periodontal ligament cells (HPDLCs). The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of asiaticoside on the aging HPDLCs osteogenic differentiation and mineralization. Aging HPDLCs, retrieved from patients age 60 and above, were confirmed aging status using Senescence-Associated ß -Galactosidase assay. The cells were incubated with various concentrations of asiaticoside …

Development Of Novel Point-Of-Care-Testing For Oxalate Detection In Urine Based On Oxalate-Binding Ligands, Naruerat Joybumrung Jan 2021

Development Of Novel Point-Of-Care-Testing For Oxalate Detection In Urine Based On Oxalate-Binding Ligands, Naruerat Joybumrung

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Kidney stone disease is the third most common urinary tract disease worldwide that is more prevalent in the tropics. In Thailand, the highest stone prevalence up to 17% is reported in the Northeast. The disease is highly recurrent with a recurrence rate of about 50% within 5-10 years. The most common type of kidney stones is calcium oxalate (CaOx), and an increased urinary oxalate excretion is an important risk factor. Most of kidney stone patients have a hyperoxaluria condition (urinary oxalate >40 mg/day or >0.46 mmol/day). Therefore, urinary oxalate measurement has been widely used for estimating the risk of CaOx …

Endotoxemia From Nsaids-Induced Gut-Leakage Enhanced Lupus Characteristics In Fc Gamma Receptor Iib Deficient Lupus Mice, Thansita Bhunyakarnjanarat Jan 2021

Endotoxemia From Nsaids-Induced Gut-Leakage Enhanced Lupus Characteristics In Fc Gamma Receptor Iib Deficient Lupus Mice, Thansita Bhunyakarnjanarat

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

High dose of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), the common analgesia, might induce lupus activity through NSAIDs-induced gastrointestinal permeability defect (gut leakage) that causes endotoxemia. Indomethacin (25 mg/day) was orally administered for 7 days in 24-week-old Fc gamma receptor IIb deficient (FcgRIIb-/-) mice, an asymptomatic lupus model, and age-matched wild-type (WT) mice. The severity of indomethacin-induced enteropathy in FcgRIIb-/- mice was higher than WT mice as demonstrated by intestinal injury (histology, immune-deposition and intestinal cytokines), gut leakage (FITC-dextran assay and endotoxemia) and serum cytokines. In addition, higher responses against endotoxemia in indomethacin-administered FcgRIIb-/- mice was also supported by the prominent responses …

Impact Of Bacterial Dna In Severity Of Sepsis, Warerat Kaewduangduen Jan 2021

Impact Of Bacterial Dna In Severity Of Sepsis, Warerat Kaewduangduen

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Bacterial sepsis can be caused by intestinal damage, leading to the passage of viable bacteria and their components into the circulatory system. Bacterial-free DNA in the blood during sepsis can be derived from bacterial death and intestinal translocation of free DNA in the gut contents. The presence of bacterial DNA in combination with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) can lead to more serious outcomes of sepsis. To explore the impact of bacterial-free DNA in sepsis, animal and macrophage experiments were performed. Firstly, the appearance of bacterial-free DNA and bacteriome in the blood was presented in mice with cecal ligation and puncture sepsis. Secondly, …

Ultrastructural Changes Of Endothelial Cell, Pericyte And Vascular Basement Membrane In Cisplatin-Induced Neuropathy In Rats: Correlation With Neuropathic Changes After Treatments, Phetnarin Kobutree Jan 2021

Ultrastructural Changes Of Endothelial Cell, Pericyte And Vascular Basement Membrane In Cisplatin-Induced Neuropathy In Rats: Correlation With Neuropathic Changes After Treatments, Phetnarin Kobutree

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Cisplatin is an antineoplastic agent used to treat cancers of several organs. Peripheral neuropathy is one of its major side effects leading to dose reduction or cessation. Underlying mechanisms of cisplatin-induced neuropathy are not fully understood. According to current evidence, vascular dysfunction may play a role. Curcumin is a polyphenol found in the root of Curcuma longa with the anti-oxidant property and neuroprotection. Curcumin has shown effectiveness against experimental cisplatin neuropathy. B vitamins are a class of water-soluble vitamins that play important roles in cell metabolism and maintaining nervous system functions. Increasing evidence suggests the efficacy of vitamin B1-6-12 for …

Study Of G6pd Deficiency With Clinical And Hematological Correlation In Newborn Infants, Thanaporn Pimpakan Jan 2021

Study Of G6pd Deficiency With Clinical And Hematological Correlation In Newborn Infants, Thanaporn Pimpakan

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

G6PD deficiency is the most common enzymatic aberration, affecting more than a million people worldwide. If severe cases at birth are not diagnosed and treated promptly, they can develop into cerebral jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia. Hyperbilirubinemia is caused by an imbalance between increased bilirubin production and ineffective excretion of bilirubin. This can result in the neurotoxicity of bilirubin, kernicterus, and fatal mental retardation. Besides, It has been speculated that the presence of a high number of reticulocytes in newborns interferes with the diagnosis of G6PD deficiency since reticulocytes contain higher amounts of G6PD enzyme than mature erythrocytes. Therefore, the purposes of …

The Effects Of A Recurrent Stroke Prevention Program On Blood Pressure, Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, And Blood Glucose Among Patients With First Ischemic Stroke, Orapin Jullmusi Jan 2021

The Effects Of A Recurrent Stroke Prevention Program On Blood Pressure, Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, And Blood Glucose Among Patients With First Ischemic Stroke, Orapin Jullmusi

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

This cluster randomized control trial research with control group and repeated measure. The objectives of this study were to explore the effect of a recurrent stroke prevention program on blood pressure, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, and blood glucose among patients with first ischemic stroke. The participants were the patients who have been diagnosed with first ischemic stroke. They were recruited from two stroke units from two tertiary hospitals in public health region 2, Thailand. Sixty participants were randomly recruited and divided into experimental group (n=30) and control group (n=30). The participants in the experimental group received the recurrent stroke prevention …

Anti-Inflammatory And Regeneration Properties Of Iloprost On Inflamed Human Dental Pulp Cells Model: An In Vitro Study, Rahman Wahyudi Jan 2021

Anti-Inflammatory And Regeneration Properties Of Iloprost On Inflamed Human Dental Pulp Cells Model: An In Vitro Study, Rahman Wahyudi

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

In the clinical situation, pulp exposure can happen during caries removal procedures. Inflammation can occur on the pulp of the exposed area because of infiltration of bacteria from caries or as a result of pulp reaction to caries removal drilling. When the pulp was exposed during the caries removal procedure, traditional methods to preserve the pulp such as pulp capping and pulpotomy were performed. The ideal treatment outcome of the pulp exposure is to regain the primary structure of tubular dentin as well as maintain the vitality and healthiness of the dental pulp Thus, good dental materials or drugs used …

Differences Of Sound And Morphology In Skeletal Class Iii Patients, Natthaporn Pravitharangul Jan 2021

Differences Of Sound And Morphology In Skeletal Class Iii Patients, Natthaporn Pravitharangul

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

[Background] This study aimed to explore differences in vowel production using acoustic analysis in skeletal Class III and Class I Japanese participants, and to investigate the correlation between vowel sounds and cephalometric variables in skeletal Class III subjects. [Materials and Methods] Japanese males with skeletal Class III (ANB<0°) and Class I skeletal relationships (0.62°

Cellular Responses Of Stem Cells Isolated From Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth Towards Different Concentration Of Calcium Ion, Thanika Phlinyos Jan 2021

Cellular Responses Of Stem Cells Isolated From Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth Towards Different Concentration Of Calcium Ion, Thanika Phlinyos

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Ca2+ on proliferation, osteogenic differentiation, and migration of stem cells from human exfoliated teeth (SHEDs) in vitro Materials and methods: SHEDs were seeded in culture media and osteogenic induction media containing 1.8-16.2 mM of Ca2+. SHEDs proliferation was determined using MTT assay and colony forming unit assay. Osteogenic differentiation was evaluated using mineralization assay and osteogenic marker gene expression and cell migration was evaluated using wound healing assay. Values were expressed as mean + S.D. Statistical analysis of MTT assay and wound healing assay were performed using two-way …

Expression Of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Protein In Mrna-Transfected Human Periodontal Ligament Cells, Mana Naratippakorn Jan 2021

Expression Of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Protein In Mrna-Transfected Human Periodontal Ligament Cells, Mana Naratippakorn

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

The complete regeneration of periodontal tissues following current periodontal therapy remain challenging and unpredictable. Nucleoside-modified messenger RNA (mRNA) technology can be a promising novel platform in regenerative medicine. The aims of this study were to evaluate whether pseudouridine modified mRNA encoding vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) could induce VEGF production in human periodontal ligament cells (PDLCs) and this translated protein function by promoting in vivo blood vessel formation using chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay. Isolated PDLCs from healthy periodontal tissue were transfected with modified mRNA encoding VEGF (VEGF mRNA) complexed with a transfecting agent, Lipofectamine 2000 (L2000) and L2000 alone (control). …

Production Optimization Of Porcine Reproductive And Respiratory Syndrome (Prrs) Virus Nucleocapsid Protein In Nicotiana Benthamiana, Boonyasit Porngarm Jan 2021

Production Optimization Of Porcine Reproductive And Respiratory Syndrome (Prrs) Virus Nucleocapsid Protein In Nicotiana Benthamiana, Boonyasit Porngarm

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus (PRRSV) is a considerable pathogen to occur disease in pigs and effect to economic on the swine industry around the world including Thailand. Routine observation, rapid diagnosis of PRRSV infection is essential for effective monitoring and disease control. The serological assays using highly conserved viral nucleocapsid (N) protein are widely used for the detection of antibodies to the PRRSV. Accordingly, this study was aimed to produce the N-protein of the PRRSV in the plant system by using Nicotiana benthamiana. The N-protein gene was designed into four constructs that contained with and without the plant …

Antioxidant Activity Of Thunbergia Laurifolia Lindl. Ethanolic Extract In Keratinocytes, Buakotchaphan Jirabanjerdsiri Jan 2021

Antioxidant Activity Of Thunbergia Laurifolia Lindl. Ethanolic Extract In Keratinocytes, Buakotchaphan Jirabanjerdsiri

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) can cause skin damage through the induction of oxidative stress in epidermis. Antioxidants help counteract with cellular oxidant species and maintain cell homeostasis. This study aims to examine the protective effect of Thunbergia laurifolia lindl. ethanolic extract on PM2.5-mediated oxidative stress in epidermal keratinocytes. High-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection was conducted for quantitative analysis of rosmarinic acid content in the extract. Cell viability was detected by the 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide assay. Intracellular ROS was monitored using 2’,7’-Dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate. Proteins related to p62-Keap1-Nrf2 signaling pathway were examined by western blot analysis. Expressions of Nrf2 and p62 …

Antioxidant With Antimelanogenic Activities Of Sericin Hydrolysates Optimized By Response Surface Methodology In Human Melanin-Generating Mnt-1 Cells, Keerati Joyjamras Jan 2021

Antioxidant With Antimelanogenic Activities Of Sericin Hydrolysates Optimized By Response Surface Methodology In Human Melanin-Generating Mnt-1 Cells, Keerati Joyjamras

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Sericin, a protein presenting in the wastewater from silk industry, causes water pollution and ecological problem. To increase economic value to this waste product, the optimum enzymatic condition that could create sericin hydrolysates with high antioxidant and antimelanogenic capacities was generated through response surface methodology (RSM). Response surface plots demonstrate the major role of temperature on scavenging capacity of sericin hydrolysates assessed via DPPH, FRAP and ORAC assays. Alcalase®-hydrolyzed sericin consisted of sericin-related peptides in differing amounts and smaller sizes compared with unhydrolyzed sericin, as respectively demonstrated by peptidomic and SDS-PAGE analysis. Pre-incubation with 20 mg/mL sericin hydrolysates digested by …

Development Of Mucoadhesive Polymeric Nanoparticles For Intranasal Delivery Of Favipiravir In Treating Sars-Cov-2 Infection, Khent Alcantara Jan 2021

Development Of Mucoadhesive Polymeric Nanoparticles For Intranasal Delivery Of Favipiravir In Treating Sars-Cov-2 Infection, Khent Alcantara

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Nanoparticles (NPs) have been used as an effective carrier for transmucosal delivery of drugs through their prolonged residence time and deposition, or the enhanced permeation through the mucosa. In this study, we aimed to design a nanocarrier using the combined mucoadhesive (M) properties of chitosan (CS) and alginate (ALG) polymers for the intranasal delivery of favipiravir (FVR) in treating SARS-CoV-2 infection. The optimized FVR-loaded mucoadhesive CS-coated ALG-NPs (FVR-MCS-ALG-NPs) rendered suitable size (233.5 nm), zeta potential (-21.6 mV), loading capacity (26.0%), and encapsulation efficiency (84.6%) for transmucosal delivery. Superior mucoadhesiveness and higher permeation and deposition in the porcine nasal mucosa of …

Extraction Of Cannabinoids Using Vegetable Oils And Its Uva-Photoprotective Effect On Human Skin Keratinocytes, Nur Alfan Muhammad Zen Jan 2021

Extraction Of Cannabinoids Using Vegetable Oils And Its Uva-Photoprotective Effect On Human Skin Keratinocytes, Nur Alfan Muhammad Zen

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Nowadays, vegetable oil has attracted attention in its role as an alternative solvent. Its ability to dissolve various active compounds from plants has been proven by several previous studies. Moreover, other benefits of the use of vegetable oil as a solvent are affordable, non-toxic, and eco-friendly. The extraction process is one of the crucial factors that affect the quality of cannabis. Ethanol is still consistently the best solvent for cannabis extraction in terms of yield production compared to other organic solvents used in this study including oil whose yield cannot be calculated since vegetable oil cannot be evaporated. HPTLC fingerprint …

Production And Characterization Of Escherichia Coli Outer Membrane Vesicles Displaying Anti-Muc1 Single-Chain Variable Fragment Via Spytag/Spycatcher System, Sedthawut Laotee Jan 2021

Production And Characterization Of Escherichia Coli Outer Membrane Vesicles Displaying Anti-Muc1 Single-Chain Variable Fragment Via Spytag/Spycatcher System, Sedthawut Laotee

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) secreted from Gram-negative bacteria have been discovered for a decade. Special features like high stability, ease of production, and intrinsic adjuvanticity highlight the use of OMVs in diverse applications such as vaccination, bioimaging, and multifunctional delivery systems. Synthetic biological approaches can functionalize OMVs to present heterologous proteins by expressing genetic fusion of target protein to outer membrane proteins. However, complex proteins cannot be incorporated into the OMVs due to lack of some post-translational modifications in bacteria. Herein, we demonstrated a convenient method for presentation of versatile proteins in OMVs with the implementation of the bio-ligation system …

Geographical Distribution Improvement Of Physicians In Thailand And Japan : A Comparative Longitudinal Secondary Data Analysis, Hiromichi Takahashi Jan 2021

Geographical Distribution Improvement Of Physicians In Thailand And Japan : A Comparative Longitudinal Secondary Data Analysis, Hiromichi Takahashi

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Background: The equitable distribution of healthcare workforces to all citizens is necessary to achieve health for all, and has been discussed and addressed in all countries including Thailand and Japan. The objective of this study was to longitudinally examine the change in the geographical distribution of physicians and related policies between 2008 and 2018 through a comparison between Thailand and Japan. Methodology: This research was a longitudinal comparative descriptive study. All data is open secondary data that can be downloaded in the government website. The number of physicians, the physician-population ratio, the Gini coefficient and the Spearman’s correlation coefficient between …

A Policy Simulation Impact Of Tobacco Excise Tax Increase On Cigarette Consumption, Mortality, Medical Treatment Cost, Life-Years Gained, And Government Revenue In Indonesia, Ridhwan Fauzi Jan 2021

A Policy Simulation Impact Of Tobacco Excise Tax Increase On Cigarette Consumption, Mortality, Medical Treatment Cost, Life-Years Gained, And Government Revenue In Indonesia, Ridhwan Fauzi

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

The study aimed to examine the impact of tobacco excise tax increase on cigarette consumption, mortality, medical treatment cost, life-years gained, and government revenue in Indonesia. The study consisted of two phases. First, the demand for cigarettes was analyzed using the two-part econometrics model. Data were retrieved from the National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS) 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, and 2020. The smoking participation was examined using logit specification, while the second part (smoking intensity) used the Generalized Linear Model (GLMs). Second, a compartmental model involving 65 million smokers was employed to assess the impact of different tobacco excise tax increased scenarios …

Prevalence And Associated Factors Of Food Insecurity During Covid-19 Pandemic In Bangkok, Thailand : A Cross-Sectional Study, Wimonmanee Mekkhum Jan 2021

Prevalence And Associated Factors Of Food Insecurity During Covid-19 Pandemic In Bangkok, Thailand : A Cross-Sectional Study, Wimonmanee Mekkhum

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

The prevalence of food insecurity (FI) in Thailand has fluctuated throughout time. The COVID-19 pandemic had a substantial impact on Thailand's food system and the factors that contribute to food insecurity differ greatly across developed and developing countries. Consequently, this study may contribute as a step in achieving the SDGs by 2030. The aim was to estimate the prevalence and associated factors of food insecurity during COVID-19 pandemic among Bangkokian. A cross-sectional study was conducted over 440 Bangkokians and data were collected through self-administrated. The questionnaire included the general characteristics, associated factors and the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) in …

Assessment Of Pharmacovigilance System Of New Drugs In Thailand, Nisittra Polkot Jan 2021

Assessment Of Pharmacovigilance System Of New Drugs In Thailand, Nisittra Polkot

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

Previous studies evaluated pharmacovigilance (PV) system in term of passive surveillance in only post-marketing phase and did not specify new drugs. None study reviewed PV system of new drugs from pre-marketing phase to post-marketing phase. In addition, the situation of new safety monitoring program (SMP) risk-based approach integrated with risk management plan (RMP) was unknown. The objectives of the study were to review pharmacovigilance system of new drugs in targeted countries and to assess pharmacovigilance system of new drugs in Thailand. Method of the first objective was systematic review and primary data sources were drug regulatory authority websites in 83 …

Effects Of 4-Week Neuromuscular Training On Contralateral Pelvic Drop And Running Economy In Recreational Female Runners, Venus Dokchan Jan 2021

Effects Of 4-Week Neuromuscular Training On Contralateral Pelvic Drop And Running Economy In Recreational Female Runners, Venus Dokchan

Chulalongkorn University Theses and Dissertations (Chula ETD)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 4-weeks neuromuscular training programs on contralateral pelvic drop (CPD) and running economy (RE) in female runners. Thirty-two female runners who experienced CPD volunteered for the study. The study was divided into 2 parts. The first part investigated the effectiveness of four neuromuscular training programs during four weeks. The purpose of the first part was to find which neuromuscular training program was most effective in correcting CPD. The second part examined the retention effects of the four neuromuscular training programs for another four weeks. In this study, the participants were …