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Western Australia - A Johne's Disease Free Zone, Peter Morcombe Jan 2000

Western Australia - A Johne's Disease Free Zone, Peter Morcombe

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

The control of Johne's disease (JD) in Australia is coordinated nationally by Animal Health Australia in conjunction with the livestock industries and the Commonwealth and State "Governments. Zones were established for Australia in July 1999 to control the spread of JD. These zones ensured that surveillance established the prevalence of JD, and that movement restrictions on livestock appropriate to the zone status were implemented. Following many years of surveillance and restrictions on the introduction of livestock, Western Australia has now been declared a Johne's Disease Free Zone - the first in Australia. Johne's Disease State Coordinator Peter Morcombe looks at …

Eradicating Virulent Footrot From Western Australia, R K. Mitchell Jan 1999

Eradicating Virulent Footrot From Western Australia, R K. Mitchell

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Western Australia has a unique opportunity to eradicate virulent footrot from the State's sheep flock, with only 62 properties or 0.6 per cent of sheep properties currently in quarantine. The majority of Western Australian flocks are now free of virulent footrot, with targeted on-farm and abattoir surveillance used to detect the remaining properties affected by the disease. Bob Mitchell reports on how farmers, industry, and government are working together, with research playing an important part in the eradication campaign.

Bean Yellow Mosiac Virus In Lupins, Roger Jones Jan 1997

Bean Yellow Mosiac Virus In Lupins, Roger Jones

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) is a threat to lupin crops in high rainfall areas of south-western Australia, particularly in districts where subterranean clover pastures are prevalent. The disease causes markedly reduced grain yield in all types of lupins. Worldwide this is the most important virus affecting lupins. The author outlines the symptoms, spread and management of this serious disease.

Sharing Information Benefits The Meat Industry, Michael Paton Jan 1995

Sharing Information Benefits The Meat Industry, Michael Paton

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Cronic health problems of livestock, seldom detected on farms, reduce the efficiency of abattoirs and returns to producers. But a major project providing information to producers from abattoirs is indicating how everyone could benefit from feedback.

Coming To Grips With Eradu-Patch Of Lupins, Bill Macleod, Mark Sweetingham Jan 1995

Coming To Grips With Eradu-Patch Of Lupins, Bill Macleod, Mark Sweetingham

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Investigations by Bill MacLoud and Mark Sweetingham have confirmed that Eradu-patch of lupins is caused by apreviously undescribed fungal pathogen,\.

They have developed strategies to minimise the spread of patches but choices are limited for control in lupin crops

Cucumber Mosiac Virus In Lupins, Annette Bwye, Roger Jones, Wayne Proudlove Jan 1995

Cucumber Mosiac Virus In Lupins, Annette Bwye, Roger Jones, Wayne Proudlove

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Cucumber mosaic virus is a threat to lupin crops from Geraldton to Esperance, particularly to those growing in areas receiving more than 400 mm average annual rainfall. The disease markedly decreases grain yield in narrow-leafed and yellow lupins but doesnot infect albus or sandplain lupins. Worldwide , after bean yellow mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus is the second most important virus affecting lupins. Annette Bwye, Roger Jones and Wayne Proudlove outline the symptoms, spread and management of this serious disease.

Virus Diseases Of Subterranean Clover Pastures And Their Management, David Ferris, Roger Jones Jan 1994

Virus Diseases Of Subterranean Clover Pastures And Their Management, David Ferris, Roger Jones

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

In Western Australia and southern Australia generally, subterranean clover mottle (SCMV) and bean yellow mosaic (BYMV) are the most damaging virus diseases of subterranean clover pastures.

Although infected plants cannot be cured of virus infection, pastures can be managed to reduce both virus spread and persistence from year to year. Management options depend on which virus is present and include reseeding with resistant varieties; changing the pasture composition so that non-host species predominate; altering grazing practices to limit spread; and application of pesticide sprays to kill aphids.

Quality Wool Production At Lower Cost, Peter Metcalfe Jan 1994

Quality Wool Production At Lower Cost, Peter Metcalfe

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Low wool prices are forcing farmers to reduce their sheep management costs but, fortunately, cost cutting is not resulting in lower wool production, poorer wool quality or lessened sheep care on the best wool growing properties.

Control Of Cheesy Gland In Sheep, Michael Paton Jan 1993

Control Of Cheesy Gland In Sheep, Michael Paton

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Cheesy gland is a widespread problem in Western Australian sheep flocks. Less than 1 per cent of flocks are free of this disease, and all sheep in one line of 550 cull ewes slaughtered at Katanning Abattoir were infected.

A study of what affects new cheesy gland . infection found that shower dipping and keeping sheep under cover after shearing increased new infections. Farmers who shower dip sheep should consider vaccinating them against cheesy gland. Sheep should be let out into the open as soon as possible after shearing.

The total cost of the disease in Australia is about $30 …

Eradication Of Apple Scab, John Cripps, Ralph Doepel Jan 1993

Eradication Of Apple Scab, John Cripps, Ralph Doepel

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

The detection of apple scab in two orchards at Pemberton and New/ands in December 1989 ended Western Australia's 41-year, scab-free span for apple growers .

Without eradication orchardists would have had to apply up to 20 fungicidal sprays a year, at an annual cost of $1-2 million, to be able to market a high proportion of scab-free fruit. The industry chose eradication as the cheaper alternative, but the location of infected orchards at Pemberton in particular, with its high rainfall, suggested that it would be difficult .

Scab, or black spot, is the most serious fungal disease of apples in …

Progress Toward Eradication Of Virulent Footrot, Bob Mitchell Jan 1993

Progress Toward Eradication Of Virulent Footrot, Bob Mitchell

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Western Australia is well placed to eradicate virulent footrot from the State's sheep and goat populations.

Between 1950 and 1993 the proportion of sheep flocks with footrot fell from about 15 per cent to less than 2 percent, and the 1990-92 outbreak has been turned around. One hundred and eighty properties (]. 7 per cent) of flocks, mostly in the high rainfall South-West, are in quarantine for footrot today.

This high level of footrot control is the result of strong support from the sheep industry and years of good cooperation between farmers and the Department of Agriculture.

Western Australia leads …

The Western Australian Pig Health Monitoring Scheme, Ashley Mercy Jan 1990

The Western Australian Pig Health Monitoring Scheme, Ashley Mercy

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Over 30,000 slaughter pigs from 245 Western Australian piggeries have been examined for the presence of 16 diseases since the Western Australian Pig Health Monitoring Scheme (PHMS) started in January 1987. The scheme was developed by the author in conjunction with Dr Chris Brennan, a pig veterinary consultant. Monitoring of slaughter pigs is an important part of providing an effective veterinary service to commercial piggeries. It can be used in accreditation schemes and to help in certifying herds free of particular disease

Control Of Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis In Goats, T M. Ellis Jan 1988

Control Of Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis In Goats, T M. Ellis

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Caprine arthritis-encephalitis, CAE for short, is the name given to a disease complex in goats, one form of which, 'big knee', has been recognized in dairy goats in Australia since the late 1950s. There are many forms of this progressive disease, all of which result in premature culling in milking goats

Seed-Bourne Virus Diseases In Annual Pasture Legumes, R A C Jones Jan 1988

Seed-Bourne Virus Diseases In Annual Pasture Legumes, R A C Jones

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

No abstract provided.

Btec Campaign Ends In 1992, Carole A. O'Dwyer Jan 1988

Btec Campaign Ends In 1992, Carole A. O'Dwyer

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

BTEC, the national brucellosis and tuberculosis eradication campaign, is funded jointly by cattle producers and the Commonwealth and State Governments. When the campaign was launched on July 1,1970, its aims were to remove a potential export trade barrier and to improve the level of herd health. The campaign should be substantially completed by the end of 1992.

The Kimberley region of Western Australia was declared free of brucellosis in April 1980, and the entire State was declared free in 1985, the first mainland State to achieve this status.

All parts of Western Australia south of the 20th parallel were declared …

Yellow Spot Of Wheat, R Loughman, J. M. Wilson, R. E. Wilson Jan 1986

Yellow Spot Of Wheat, R Loughman, J. M. Wilson, R. E. Wilson

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Yellow spot is a serious leaf disease of wheat in Western Australia. It also occurs in Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia. Yellow spot can appear as a severe leaf blight but generally the disease does not have the rapid epidemic development of wheat rust diseases. It builds up more slowly and is not as obvious in the crop, while caising appreciable yield loss.

Control Strategies For Annual Ryegrass Toxicity, W J. Burdass Jan 1986

Control Strategies For Annual Ryegrass Toxicity, W J. Burdass

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

In 982-83, annual ryegrass tocicity (ARGT) was estimated to have cost Western Australian sheep farmers between $7 and $8 million in total economic losses.

The disease can severely disrupt farming operations. Sheep must be checked daily and if affected moved to a 'safe' paddock. The availability of paddock feed is reduced, as is stock carrying capacity. Worry about the possibility of dramatic stock losses, and uncertainty about what decisions to make, are all stressful.

Stock losses from ARGT can be minimised by the use of selective herbicides to control ryegrass in pastures and crops. This breaks the disease cycle - …

Preventing Lupinosis With Phomopsis-Resistant Lupins, Jeremy G. Allen, W. A. Cowling Jan 1986

Preventing Lupinosis With Phomopsis-Resistant Lupins, Jeremy G. Allen, W. A. Cowling

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Lupinosis is one of the major livestock siseases in Western Australia. It is caused by stock eating toxins produced by the fungus Phomopsis leptostromiformis which colonises the stems of dead lupin plants.

In 975, the Department of Agriculture started a breeding programme to develop Phompsis-resistant lupins to overcome or control lupinosis. In the previous issue of this Journal the results of small plot evaluations of new lines of Phompsis-resistant lupins developed in this programme were reported. This article describes the first trial involving grazing of Phompsis-resistant lupins.

Atrophic Rhinitis In Pigs, A R. Mercy Jan 1986

Atrophic Rhinitis In Pigs, A R. Mercy

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Severe atrophic rhinitis in pigs recurred recently in Australia after an apparent absence of some 20 years. The first of these recent cases occurred in a Westerm Australian herd in late 1984 and since then six other local herds have reported the disease. Severe atrophic rhinitis has also been seen recently in South Australia.

Atrophic rhinitis is a complex disease which causes degeneration of the nasal cavity, twisting of the snout and sometimes occasional bleeding from the nose.

It occurs only in pigs and severely affected animals may have a slower growth rate.

Keeping Ahead Of Powdery Mildew In Barley, T N. Khan, K. Young, P. A. Portmann Jan 1985

Keeping Ahead Of Powdery Mildew In Barley, T N. Khan, K. Young, P. A. Portmann

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Powdery mildew is one of the world's most significant barley diseases. In Australia, and more particularly Western Australia, its importance has been under-rated, and only recently has interest in this disease emerged.

Powdery mildew was widespread throughout Western Australia's southern cereal growing areas in 1983. Only a prolonged dry period in August and early September of that year prevented possible large-scale crop losses. Similar outbreaks occurred in 1984.

While some barley varieties are resistant to infection, the use of fungicides, particularly seed dressings, can minimise further infection.

New Developments In Footrot Control, R B. Richards, L. J. Depiazzi, R. V. R. Gwynn Jan 1984

New Developments In Footrot Control, R B. Richards, L. J. Depiazzi, R. V. R. Gwynn

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

The eradication policy for footrot in sheep adopted by the Western Australian Department of Agriculture has produced an overall decline in the number of properties with the disease.

Our knowledge of the disease has improved substantially as a result of the research conducted at the Slabany Regional Veterinary Laboratory in recent years. Laboratory tests now sssist stock inspectors and veterinary officers to distinguish between different forms of footrot and to quarantine and eradicate accordingly.

The recent discovery of more effective foot-bathing solutions by officers of the Victorian Department of Agriculture will greatly assist further eradication procedures.

Western Australia's sheep industry …

Bitter Pit Control Could Save Export Granny Smiths, S E. Hardisty Jan 1979

Bitter Pit Control Could Save Export Granny Smiths, S E. Hardisty

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Western Australian exports of Granny Smith apples are threatened by the incidence of bitter pit. Fortunately treatments which can control this storage disorder, have become available.

Progress In Clover Scorch Research, A Bokor, D. L. Chatel, D. A. Nicholas Jan 1978

Progress In Clover Scorch Research, A Bokor, D. L. Chatel, D. A. Nicholas

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Considerable progress has been made with the clover scorch problem since the devastation of the 971 epidemic when intensive research began.

Over 2000 varieties and crossbreds of subterranean clover from various collections have been screened for resistance resulting in the release of the first resistant clover, Esperance, this year.

Benefits of fungicidal spraying have been demonstrated and low cost spraying programmes for grazed pastures, and seed and hay crops are under field investigation.

Controlling Annual Ryegrass Toxicity, C H. Trotman Jan 1978

Controlling Annual Ryegrass Toxicity, C H. Trotman

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Eight years of intensive work has changed annual ryegrass toxicity from an unknown killer to a manageable problem.

Progress In Mastitis Control : A Simple Control Programme That Works, G R. Olney, R. K. Mitchell Jan 1977

Progress In Mastitis Control : A Simple Control Programme That Works, G R. Olney, R. K. Mitchell

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Intensive Department of Agriculture work on the mastitis problem has resulted in development of a simple control programme that works in W.A. dairy herds.

Farmern receive regular advice on their herd mastitis levels, and advice is available on overcoming specific problems.

Prospects For A Successful Rape Crop, M J. Barbetti, A. G. P. Brown, P. Mcr. Wood Jan 1975

Prospects For A Successful Rape Crop, M J. Barbetti, A. G. P. Brown, P. Mcr. Wood

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Since the disastrous 1972 season, when blackleg disease reached epidemic proportions, rapeseed production has declined dramatically. With attractive prices for rapeseed in prospect many farmers may be trying this crop again.

If the risk of loss from blackleg could be assessed early in the season it would assist in deciding whether rape would be an economic proposition.

The Sheep Measles Control Programme, J B. White Jan 1975

The Sheep Measles Control Programme, J B. White

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

In the first seven months of 1968 Australia exported to the United States 17 747 tons of boned mutton; of this 2 198 tons, or 12.4 per cent, was condemned on arrival in that country.

The main cause of rejection was the presence of Cystkercus ovis cysts, the intermediate stage of the tapeworm Taenia ovis, of which the definitive host is the dog.

In 1969 the Western Australian Department of Agriculture decided to study the epidemiology of this disease.

This was the beginning of the work which would evolve into the 'Three Shire Control Programme'

Pit And Scald Of Granny Smiths, Department Of Agriculture, Western Australia Jan 1972

Pit And Scald Of Granny Smiths, Department Of Agriculture, Western Australia

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Trials investigating storage and shipping disorders of fruit, mainly apples and pears, are conducted annually in cool rooms made available to the Department by the W.A. Meat Export Works.

Glume Blotch Of Wheat, Department Of Agriculture, Western Australia Jan 1972

Glume Blotch Of Wheat, Department Of Agriculture, Western Australia

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Glume blotch on wheat crops is seen frequently in some areas of Western Australia and was particularly severe in the West Midlands in 1971.

The disease is caused by the fungus Septoria nodorum which infects the leaves, stems and heads of the wheat plant.

Diseases Of Rape, A Bokor Jan 1972

Diseases Of Rape, A Bokor

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

A few serious outbreaks of disease occurred in rape crops in Western Australia in 1971 but future crop losses will be much greater where routine disease prevention is not practised.

Control measures for all these diseases are based on efficient destruction of crop residues by grazing and burning and by rotations which allow time for decay of below ground residues.