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Full-Text Articles in Law

The Moral Responsibility Of Law Schools, Terrance Sandalow Jan 1984

The Moral Responsibility Of Law Schools, Terrance Sandalow


The subject I have been asked to address, the moral responsibility of-law schools, is perplexing, less because answers to the implicit question are uncertain than because the meaning of the question is unclear. Our ideas about moral responsibility have been formed in reference to individuals. They presuppose the existence of distinctively human characteristics such as understanding and will. What, then, can be meant by the moral responsibility of "law schools," institutions that, just because they are not human, necessarily lack these capacities?

Administrators And Teachers—An Uneasy But Vital Relationship, Theodore J. St. Antoine Jan 1979

Administrators And Teachers—An Uneasy But Vital Relationship, Theodore J. St. Antoine


If William Faulkner could people a whole universe with the denizens of one atypical county in deepest Mississippi, I should be able to draw some general observations about the administration of teaching in American universities from my seven years' experience as dean of the Michigan Law School. But I lay no claim to Mr. Faulkner's powers of universalization, and so I shall begin with a few caveats about the peculiarities of legal education, about the ways we differ from undergraduate and graduate schools and even from other professional schools. My opinions can then be discounted accordingly.

Bad News And Good News, John W. Reed Jan 1976

Bad News And Good News, John W. Reed


I have been asked to visit with you about some of my current interests in the evidence field, in which I teach. When you invite an academic lawyer to speak at your meeting, you obviously expect of him something other than the latest hot tips on trial strategy and tactics, something other than a speech entitled "Reflections on My Last Eleven Victories in Court." Others can do that for you, probably at lunch - or, even better, at cocktails with the successes more impressive and the defeats more forgivable under the influence of an ounce or two of alcohol.

Legal Education In The Soviet Union And Eastern Europe, Whitmore Gray Jan 1971

Legal Education In The Soviet Union And Eastern Europe, Whitmore Gray


The following notes are based on interviews with law professors, law students and lawyers during a brief trip in 1970 to Moscow, Budapest and Prague. On previous visits in 1959 and 1965 the writer had visited law schools in Kiev, Baku, Tbilisi, Alma Ata, Leningrad, Prague and Warsaw, and had sat in on lectures, recitation sections, and examinations.1 In looking this time for changes, the writer was particularly interested in whether there was some reflection there of the general student malaise which the United States has been experiencing, manifested in American law schools in student pressure for "relevant" courses and …

The Basic Course—A Mild Dissent, Whitmore Gray Jan 1971

The Basic Course—A Mild Dissent, Whitmore Gray


Perhaps it is unusual to start a discussion of a topic with a dissent from the assumption underlying its choice, but I think that in the present case this may be justified. The present topic was no doubt selected because for many years teachers have viewed the course in "comparative law" as a basic course, leading subsequently to specialized courses or research in various subject matters or geographical areas. In fact, the other two speakers on this afternoon's program, Professors Rudolf Schlesinger of Cornell and Arthur von Mehren of Harvard, are both on record in the form of their casebooks …

The Lawyer As A Negotiator: An Adventure In Understanding And Teaching The Art Of Negotiation, James J. White Jan 1967

The Lawyer As A Negotiator: An Adventure In Understanding And Teaching The Art Of Negotiation, James J. White


In the fall of 1965 we enlisted experience as a teacher in an experimental seminar called "The Lawyer as a Negotiator." We gave the students experience not by simulation but by making them negotiate with one another for their grades in the course. In this as in many other "experience" courses the teaching supplement consisted of readings and of classroom participation by the students and teachers. However the supplement differed from the standard trials and appeals or legal writing course in that a psychiatrist was a full partner in the teaching and in the discussion and analysis of the student …

Ann Arbor And Legal Aid, James J. White Jan 1967

Ann Arbor And Legal Aid, James J. White


Since the leasing of its office in August 1965, the Washtenaw County Legal Aid Society has been open nearly 50 hours per week and has been staffed exclusively by second and third-year law students from the University of Michigan Law School. The bulk of the practice has been in family law--divorce, support, custody--but there have been a substantial number of creditor-debtor cases, a handful of misdemeanor defense cases, and a large batch of miscellaneous cases.

The Law School Of The University Of Michigan: 1859 - 1959, Elizabeth Gaspar Brown Aug 1959

The Law School Of The University Of Michigan: 1859 - 1959, Elizabeth Gaspar Brown


On October 3, 1959, the law school of the University of Michigan will have completed a hundred years of functioning existence. A century earlier, on October 3, 1859, James Valentine Campbell delivered an address On the Study of the Law at the Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor, officially opening the law department.

Legal Education: Past, Present, Future, E. Blythe Stason Aug 1959

Legal Education: Past, Present, Future, E. Blythe Stason


For this Law School Centennial issue of the Journal, I am undertaking to offer, first, a retrospective view of legal education of the past generation, and, second, a speculative preview of the years that lie ahead. This is a task of no slight challenge, for legal education is a truly complex activity in a rapidly changing world. To present an evaluation of the past as well as a prediction for the future within the compass of a short article necessarily involves both brevity and careful selection of the features of the subject to be examined. Moreover, since I am principally …

The Michigan Law Review: A Survey, John B. Waite Mar 1924

The Michigan Law Review: A Survey, John B. Waite


"The Michigan Law Review was instituted as a means of special education for those seniors in the Law Department who proved themselves particularly capable of profitting[sic] therefrom. It stands also as an extremely valuable service of the Law School to its alumni and to practicing lawyers in general."

The Future Of Michigan's Law School, Henry M. Bates Mar 1924

The Future Of Michigan's Law School, Henry M. Bates


An article penned by Dean Bates in anticipation of the opening of the Law School's Lawyers' Club buildings in the following year. Bates does not mention by name the "distinguished alumnus of the University" whose "vision has developed the best-conceived and most effective plan in the history of the legal profession and the interests which it serves." A general narrative "travelogue" of the Law School in 1924.

Teaching Of International Law To Law Students, Edwin D. Dickinson Jan 1923

Teaching Of International Law To Law Students, Edwin D. Dickinson


A point to be noted at the outset, in any discussion of the teaching of international law to law students, is the relatively unimportant place which the subject occupies in the law student's program of study. The students in our law schools are tolerant of the interest which others manifest in international law. Indeed they are themselves greatly interested. They concede freely that it occupies an important place in the general scheme of things. But most of them feel that professional students cannot afford the time for even an introductory course. It results that courses in international law included in …

The Department Of Law And The State, Henry M. Bates Jan 1913

The Department Of Law And The State, Henry M. Bates


We are living in a period of extraordinary unrest. The spirit of criticism is prevalent, and no belief or creed, no institution is exempt from this questioning spirit of the time. Among social institutions perhaps none is being more relentlessly subjected to attack than the law as administered in our courts and practiced by our lawyers. It is true that much of the criticism leveled at legal institutions is unreasonable and is based upon ignorance or prejudice, but there remains a residuum of complaint which is well founded. In the very nature of things law and its administration always have …

The Four Year Course In The Department Of Law, Henry M. Bates Jan 1912

The Four Year Course In The Department Of Law, Henry M. Bates


The present year has witnessed the final step in the establishment of the new entrance requirement to the Law Department which was undertaken by the Faculty and Regents several years ago. This, in effect, provides that every student in the Law Department from now on shall have had at least one year in the Literary Department, or its equivalent elsewhere, and places the course of the Law Department practically upon the four year basis of the other schools in the University.

The Art Of Legal Practice, Edson R. Sunderland Jan 1912

The Art Of Legal Practice, Edson R. Sunderland


In one respect the law is the most perplexing subject with which a man can deal. It shifts and changes so rapidly that only a nimble and diligent student can keep abreast of it. One is likely to wake up any morning and find that the legislature has repealed a good part of what he knows, and he is in constant danger of having his most carefully formed opinions completely upset by a new decision of the Supreme Court. These violent changes are not due to any new discoveries, such as constantly enliven the scientific world, but merely to the …

The Art Of Legal Practice, Edson R. Sunderland Jan 1909

The Art Of Legal Practice, Edson R. Sunderland


In one respect the law is the most perplexing subject with which a man can deal. It shifts and changes so rapidly that only a nimble and diligent student can keep abreast of it. One is likely to wake up any morning and find that the legislature has repealed a good part of what he knows, and he is in constant danger of having his most carefully formed opinions completely upset by a new decision of the Supreme Court. These violent changes are not due to any new discoveries, such as constantly enliven the scientific world, but merely to the …

The Law Teacher--His Functions And Responsibilities, Harry B. Hutchins Jan 1908

The Law Teacher--His Functions And Responsibilities, Harry B. Hutchins


The notion that the teaching of the law is quite as much a profession as is the practice of it, and that it demands an intellectual equipment of a high order, is probably gaining ground. It is fully recognized by those who understand what systematic legal education, as carried on to-day in our leading law schools, really is. But as yet the majority of laymen, and very many lawyers, probably most lawyers who were educated under the old regime as well as most of those who have come to the bar through the law office, fail to appreciate the full …

Legal Education In The United States, Horace Lafayette Wilgus Jan 1908

Legal Education In The United States, Horace Lafayette Wilgus


The origin of law schools is lost in antiquity. It is probable there were advocates in Babylonia,1 and schools for the education of judges and scribes (perhaps the ancestral lawyers) in Egypt,2 more than 2000 years B.C. The Civil Code of Deuteronomy was published 621 B.C.,3 and soon afterward schools of the prophets were formed for its study.4 When Ezra left Babylon for Jerusalem (485 B.C.) he "set his heart * * * to teach in Jerusalem statutes and judgments,"5 and the ruins of his school could be seen by the law students at Husal, 500 years later.6 It is …

Humanistic, And Particularly Classical, Studies As A Preparation For The Law, Harry B. Hutchins Jan 1907

Humanistic, And Particularly Classical, Studies As A Preparation For The Law, Harry B. Hutchins


Aside from the elementary branches, no particular subject is absolutely essential as a basis for the study and practice of the law. In this respect the law occupies a place somewhat different from that of the other learned professions. The student and practitioner of medicine must of necessity get a substantial scientific foundation for his professional work. This for him is an absolutely essential prerequisite. For the professional courses in engineering a special and definite scientific preparation must be made; without it nothing but the most ordinary work in engineering can be accomplished. And it is probable that for theology, …

Law As A Culture Study, Edson R. Sunderland Jan 1906

Law As A Culture Study, Edson R. Sunderland


That acute observer and commentator on American institutions, James Bryce, in an oft-quoted statement in his American Commonwealth, pays a high tribute to the efficiency of American law schools. "I do not know if there is anything," he writes, "in which America has advanced more beyond the mother country than in the provision she makes for legal education." In passing this generous judgment, in which many other eminent Englishmen have concurred, he views our law schools simply as institutions for developing technical proficiency among students destined to fill the ranks of the legal profession. And this is, indeed, the principal …

Conveyancing In The Law Department, James H. Brewster Jan 1903

Conveyancing In The Law Department, James H. Brewster


There was a time when the young man "studied law" in the private office of some successful practicing lawyer. Much time was spent by the student in copying legal papers the real meaning of which was seldom understood and seldom explained. Fundamental legal principles were but little considered. Only under the most exceptional circumstances was this method educational. There was little, if any, systematic and orderly study of law as a science. That young men, after serving such an apprenticeship, ever became good lawyers was rather in spite of this manner of training them than because of it. As the …

The Practice Court, Edson R. Sunderland Jan 1903

The Practice Court, Edson R. Sunderland


The law department of the University of Michigan has always proceeded upon the theory that the chief function of a law school is to fit men for the practice of the law. An aim to make professional instruction as thoroughly practical as possible is by no means a narrow one, nor is it out of accord with the liberalizing tendencies of university culture. The age is insisting with more and more emphasis that nothing is valuable which is not useful, a doctrine which does not put culture upon a money basis but does insist that all knowledge is but a …

Suggestions As To The Study Of Law, Floyd R. Mechem Jan 1901

Suggestions As To The Study Of Law, Floyd R. Mechem


I have been asked to make a few suggestions respecting the study of law. I realize, of course, that I am in no position to speak with authority upon the subject. I realize also that it is a subject upon which competent judges might give different opinions. It seems to me, however, that two or three points may be suggested with reference to which all might agree.

Joseph Hardcastle Vance, Jerome C. Knowlton Jan 1901

Joseph Hardcastle Vance, Jerome C. Knowlton


On December 20, 1900, after a quarter of a century's services in the University of Michigan, Joseph H. Vance died at his rooms on Monroe street in the city of Ann Arbor. He had been confined to the house for only a few days and the announcement of his death shocked many of his friends, who had not learned of his illness. He was seventy-three years of age and to those most intimately associated with him his death was not a surprise. During the past two years marked indications of senility had appeared with painful frequency.

The Professional School As A Factor In University Education, Harry B. Hutchins Jan 1899

The Professional School As A Factor In University Education, Harry B. Hutchins


The past twenty-five years have witnessed many radical changes in professional education. Here, quite as much as in other fields of learning, the old has given place to the new. This is particularly true of legal and medical education. In these departments the changes have been chiefly in the direction of more scientific methods and greater thoroughness. In the United States, until within a comparatively recent period, professional education in law and medicine was very largely obtained through an apprenticeship in the office of the practitioner. It is true that under the old regime, the medical student, if he aspired …

The First Law Class, Bradley M. Thompson Jan 1898

The First Law Class, Bradley M. Thompson


The writer was a member of the literary class of 1858, a class great in numbers. It graduated forty-nine. It was the custom in those days for each senior to deliver an oration on commencement day. The class of '58 were limited to five minutes each, and they gave the audience a perfect fusilade of speeches for more than three hours at short range.

Embarassments To Legal Education, Jerome C. Knowlton Jan 1892

Embarassments To Legal Education, Jerome C. Knowlton


In European countries a student is not allowed to undertake the study of law until he has received a degree equivalent to the A. B. degree in American colleges, and the minimum term of study is three years, and in some cases four or even five years are required. With some mortification, we recognize that the profession of law in this country has not approximated this high standard.

Law Schools And Legal Education, Henry W. Rogers Jan 1888

Law Schools And Legal Education, Henry W. Rogers


In the February number of the AMERICAN LAW REGISTER, there appeared an interesting article from the pen of Mr. Henry Budd, discussing the relation of law schools to legal education. The motive which inspired the writing of the article, was a commendable one, and the desire of the writer to have a higher standard established, governing admissions to the bar, will be quite generally concurred in. No one could read the article in question, however, without readily perceiving that the law schools of the United States were considered to be, in large measure, responsible for the admission to the bar …