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Environmental Law

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India’S Use Of Public/Private Partnerships To Promote Rapid Expansion Of Solar Electricity Facilities, Kara Consalo Jan 2023

India’S Use Of Public/Private Partnerships To Promote Rapid Expansion Of Solar Electricity Facilities, Kara Consalo

Journal Publications

This Article will explore the use of PPPs to encourage the flow of private capital and expertise toward development of low-carbon, low pollution, sustainable energy generation in India to achieve the country's ambitious goal of creating 175 gigawatts of renewably sourced electricity by 2022. The lessons in India's extensive use of PPPs to achieve such ambitious electricity goals should serve as a model for other governments to engage the private sector to successfully develop solar and other renewable energy projects with limited risk but with significant benefits for their citizens.

The "Human Face" Of Sea-Level Rise: Protection Of Persons Affected, Patricia Galvao Teles Jan 2023

The "Human Face" Of Sea-Level Rise: Protection Of Persons Affected, Patricia Galvao Teles

American University Law Review

Thank you so much, Professor Grossman. I will not take time from my presentation to do a long thank you or introduction, but I really wanted to thank you warmly, Claudio, for putting together these two days of conversation so that we can connect with the Americas and also have your contributions and your experiences to our work, which you, Claudio, have committed to and are delivering on your promise to help us to navigate through what is going on in the Americas concerning sea-level rise. This is very important because, as it was mentioned, the Commission works based on …

Opening Speech, Claudio Grossman Jan 2023

Opening Speech, Claudio Grossman

American University Law Review

Good morning and good afternoon, depending on your time zone. It is a great pleasure to introduce this conference on “Sea Level Rise and International Law: Assessing its Impacts on the Americas.” Sea level rise is a pressing global challenge that could generate catastrophic effects, including in the Americas, which are surrounded by four oceans: the Arctic, the Antarctic, the Atlantic, and the Pacific. Several of the countries in the Region could suffer disproportionately from the consequences of this serious phenomenon. The implications for States and people all over the world are devastating, making rising sea levels a matter of …

The Law And Economics Of Freshwater, Bruce R. Huber Jan 2023

The Law And Economics Of Freshwater, Bruce R. Huber

Book Chapters

The chapter is a tribute to Klaus Mathis for his invaluable contributions at the intersection of law and economics.

Law and Economics in all seinen Facetten Festschrift zu Ehren von Klaus Mathis trans: Law and Economics in All His Facets: Festschrift in Honor of Klaus Mathis

Series: Schriften zur Rechtstheorie, vol. 309

Using State Law Before The Glaciers Thaw: Climate Torts After Bp V. Baltimore, Jillian Mayer Jan 2023

Using State Law Before The Glaciers Thaw: Climate Torts After Bp V. Baltimore, Jillian Mayer

American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law

We are living in the beginning stages of Earth’s sixth mass extinction. Since the Industrial Revolution of the nineteenth century, the burning of fossil fuels has released huge quantities of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses (“GHGs”) into the atmosphere. The increased concentration of GHGs causes the atmosphere to retain more heat. Consequently, ecosystems and weather patterns shift and change faster than most plants, animals, and human societies can adapt. Climate change threatens global peace, crashes economies, and creates humanitarian crises.

Environmental Evidence, Seema Kakade Jan 2023

Environmental Evidence, Seema Kakade

University of Colorado Law Review

The voices of impacted people are some of the most important when trying to make improvements to social justice in a variety of contexts, including criminal policing, housing, and health care. After all, the people with on-the-ground experience know what is likely to truly effectuate change in their community, and what is not. Yet, such lived experience is also often significantly lacking and undermined in law and policy. People with lived experience tend to be seen as both community experts with valuable knowledge, as well as nonexperts with little valuable knowledge. This Article explores the lived experience with pollution as …

24/7 Clean Energy, Todd Aagaard Jan 2023

24/7 Clean Energy, Todd Aagaard

University of Colorado Law Review

In the face of the rapidly escalating climate crisis, the electricity sector is moving toward renewable energy. To date, policies and strategies have focused on increasing overall renewable energy generation, with little regard for timing and location. The result has been a misalignment of supply and demand in renewable energy markets. Renewable power projects produce energy when and where it is least expensive, leaving supply scarce at other times and places. Consumers, meanwhile, continue to use power when and where they need it. This mismatch increases the electricity grid’s dependence on fossil fuel–fired electricity to meet electricity demand at times …

The Dark Sun Network, Frédéric Gilles Sourgens Jan 2023

The Dark Sun Network, Frédéric Gilles Sourgens

University of Colorado Law Review

Climate scientists agree that climate change will soon require the deployment of a highly dangerous geoengineering approach known as “solar radiation management.” Solar radiation management uses chemical or physical barriers to solar energy entering the atmosphere and thereby forces global temperatures downwards almost immediately by creating “artificial shade.” Problematically, the unilateral deployment of domestic solar radiation management approaches can have different and potentially devastating effects around the world, even if they help the country deploying the approach to limit the worst climate change consequences at home. So far, there is no global governance framework that can guide the development and …

Climate Change And Modern State Common Law Nuisance And Trespass Tort Claims, Jack Wold-Mcgimsey Jan 2023

Climate Change And Modern State Common Law Nuisance And Trespass Tort Claims, Jack Wold-Mcgimsey

University of Colorado Law Review

This Comment examines the use of state common law tort claims to address climate change. The aim of this work is not to provide an in-depth examination of these issues, but rather to provide a contextualized and comprehensive overview of some of the most important issues in this field using modern cases actively being litigated. This Comment comes to the conclusion that the future of common law nuisance and trespass claims in the context of climate change is, for now, unclear. Given the national and global implications of climate change, courts may find that isolated states cannot set binding precedents …

Present And Future Of Environmental Law In Cuba, Daimar Cánovas González Jan 2023

Present And Future Of Environmental Law In Cuba, Daimar Cánovas González

FIU Law Review

The environmental legal framework in Cuba is based on constitutional article 75 and Law 81, of July 11, 1997, on the environment, a framework law on the matter, with a series of complementary provisions with the rank of Decree Law or Ministerial Resolution. The adoption of the new constitutional text in 2019 is followed by the updating of all environmental legislation that requires a new framework law, which fills the gaps in the current one and leads to more effective environmental management. The paper addresses some of the areas in which significant changes have occurred or should occur. In particular, …

Waste And Chemical Management In A 4°C World, Michael B. Gerrard Jan 2023

Waste And Chemical Management In A 4°C World, Michael B. Gerrard

Faculty Scholarship

Many chemicals and hazardous substances are kept in places that can withstand ordinary rain, but not severe storms or floods. If these events occur and the chemicals are released, people and the environment may be endangered. This Article discusses the hazards posed to chemical and waste disposal facilities by extreme weather events that would be worsened as a result of climate change, and how U.S. laws do (or do not) deal with these hazards; and considers how the law would need to change to cope with what would happen to these facilities in a potentially 4°C world. It is adapted …

New York's Green Amendment: The First Decisions, Michael B. Gerrard, Edward Mctiernan Jan 2023

New York's Green Amendment: The First Decisions, Michael B. Gerrard, Edward Mctiernan

Faculty Scholarship

On Nov. 2, 2021, the voters of New York by a margin of more than 2-1 approved an environmental rights amendment to the Bill of Rights in the New York State Constitution. Article I Section 19 reads in its entirety: “Environmental Rights. Each person shall have a right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment.” In the little more than a year since then, one of the great questions in New York environmental law has been — what does this mean? It looks significant, but just how much? That is left to the courts to decide. We now …

Energy Insecurity Mitigation: The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program And Other Low-Income Relief Programs In The Us, Andrea Nishi, Diana Hernández, Michael B. Gerrard Jan 2023

Energy Insecurity Mitigation: The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program And Other Low-Income Relief Programs In The Us, Andrea Nishi, Diana Hernández, Michael B. Gerrard

Faculty Scholarship

Energy insecurity, defined as the “inability to meet basic household energy needs,” can be both a chronic and an acute problem. Chronic energy insecurity manifests as an inability to access or afford adequate supplies of energy, while acute energy insecurity arises when infrastructural, maintenance, environmental, or other external sources disrupt or impede access to energy. A substantial number of individuals and families across the United States experience energy insecurity, which can lead to a variety of adverse consequences including residential instability and poor health outcomes.

Perbandingan Penyelesaian Sengketa Lingkungan Hidup Melalui Mekanisme Gugatan Warga Negara (Citizen Lawsuit) Di Indonesia Dan Amerika Serikat, Listyalaras Nurmedina Dec 2022

Perbandingan Penyelesaian Sengketa Lingkungan Hidup Melalui Mekanisme Gugatan Warga Negara (Citizen Lawsuit) Di Indonesia Dan Amerika Serikat, Listyalaras Nurmedina

"Dharmasisya” Jurnal Program Magister Hukum FHUI

A citizen lawsuit is a lawsuit filed by citizens against state officials that cause negligence and cause losses. This negligence is an act against the law (onrechtmatige overhead daad), where the state is ordered to improve its performance and issue a policy for general governing policies (regeling). It is intended to ensure that the negligence that previously occurred will not be repeated. A citizen lawsuit is almost similar to a class action lawsuit because it has the same thing, namely that the lawsuit is filed involving the interests of many people represented by one or more people. The difference is …

Climate Change Adaptation As A Problem Of Inequality And Possible Legal Reforms, David A. Dana Aug 2022

Climate Change Adaptation As A Problem Of Inequality And Possible Legal Reforms, David A. Dana

Northwestern University Law Review

Climate change will necessitate adaptation in all parts of the United States, but some individuals and localities will be better able to adapt than others. Wealth inequalities among individuals and localities already are translating—and will continue to translate—into inequalities between the rich and poor in their capacity to adapt. Current federal disaster aid programs and policies exacerbate these inequalities by favoring the wealthy, and future government resource management decisions and investments also may broaden the gap between rich and poor in terms of the economic and other costs they will bear from climate change. Some have suggested broadening Takings Clause …

And Then There Were Two: Splitting South Carolina's Department Of Health And Environmental Control, Arslan S. Valimohamed Jul 2022

And Then There Were Two: Splitting South Carolina's Department Of Health And Environmental Control, Arslan S. Valimohamed

South Carolina Law Review

No abstract provided.

Deciphering Lessons From The Ashes: Saving The Amazon, Shannon K. Woulfe Jun 2022

Deciphering Lessons From The Ashes: Saving The Amazon, Shannon K. Woulfe

Natural Resources Journal

For over forty years, Brazil, its subnational governments, Indigenous communities, other nations, non-governmental organizations, corporations, and individuals have worked to conserve the Amazon rainforest through a staggering number of diverse international initiatives. While some initiatives have supported Brazil in decreasing the rate of deforestation over the past fifteen years, the 2019 fires demonstrated that destruction continues. Left unchecked, this irreversible destruction promises to amplify. Fortunately, the long history of global involvement in Amazon conservation provides ample lessons for effective, place-based deforestation prevention. Thoughtful and coordinated international action can address the current lethal combination of destructive factors: Brazil’s environmentally hostile federal …

Procedural Environmental Justice, Jonathan Skinner-Thompson Jun 2022

Procedural Environmental Justice, Jonathan Skinner-Thompson

Washington Law Review

Achieving environmental justice—that is, the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies—requires providing impacted communities not just the formal right, but the substantive ability, to participate as equal partners at every level of environmental decision-making. While established administrative policy purports to provide all people with so-called meaningful involvement in the regulatory process, the public participation process often excludes marginalized community members from exerting meaningful influence on decision- making. Especially in the environmental arena, regulatory decisions are often …

Hidden In Plain Sight: The Dangers Of Environmental Protections Waivers, Olivia Stevens Apr 2022

Hidden In Plain Sight: The Dangers Of Environmental Protections Waivers, Olivia Stevens

Indiana Law Journal

When enacting both statutory and regulatory environmental protections, Congress and various agencies have recognized that emergency situations could arise that would require flexibility in the application and enforcement of those protections. Incorporating waivers into such protections provides that flexibility. However, the current state of waivers leaves them vulnerable to abuse. In this Note, I explore how a lack of procedural and substantive safeguards allows the inappropriate use of waivers to further administrative agendas in a way that poses serious risks to both environmental and human health. I then suggest remedial measures available to Congress that would strengthen environmental protections while …

The Rise Of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, Their Effects, And How We Can Stop Their Growth, Andrea Prisco Apr 2022

The Rise Of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, Their Effects, And How We Can Stop Their Growth, Andrea Prisco

Dickinson Law Review (2017-Present)

Dramatic changes in the agricultural industry over the last century have led to the rise of concentrated animal feeding operations– industrial facilities that raise a large number of animals in confined spaces. Animals raised in these facilities suffer from poor quality of life and abuse. For humans, these facilities have had adverse effects on the environment and public health, but they are also associated with high productivity and low food costs. This Comment analyzes the effects of concentrated animal feeding operations on animal well-being, the environment, and public health. This Comment also analyzes current federal legislation that helps combat the …

Teaching Environmental Law After Trump, Doug Williams Jan 2022

Teaching Environmental Law After Trump, Doug Williams

Saint Louis University Law Journal

This Article addresses some of the challenges in teaching environmental law after the administration of President Donald Trump. The Trump Administration mounted a relentless, aggressive, and largely deregulatory overhaul of the nation’s major environmental regulatory efforts, particularly the efforts of the prior Obama Administration. Many of these efforts by the Trump Administration have been challenged in court, some successfully, while others have been reversed or are in the process of reversal by the administration of President Joseph Biden. For teachers of environmental law, these actions present opportunities to demonstrate how regulatory agencies (under the direction of presidents), rather than Congress, …

Waste And The Governance Of Private And Public Property, Tara K. Righetti, Joseph A. Schremmer Jan 2022

Waste And The Governance Of Private And Public Property, Tara K. Righetti, Joseph A. Schremmer

University of Colorado Law Review

Common law waste doctrine is often overlooked as antiquated and irrelevant. At best, waste doctrine is occasionally examined as a lens through which to evaluate evolutions in modern property theory. We argue here that waste doctrine is more than just a historical artifact. Rather, the principle embedded in waste doctrine underpins a great deal of property law generally, both common law and statutory, as well as the law governing oil and gas, water, and public trust resources. Seen for what it is, waste doctrine provides a fresh perspective on property, natural resources, and environmental law.

In this Article, we excavate …

Fig Leaves, Pipe Dreams, And Myopia: Too-Easy Solutions In Environmental Law, Albert C. Lin Jan 2022

Fig Leaves, Pipe Dreams, And Myopia: Too-Easy Solutions In Environmental Law, Albert C. Lin

University of Colorado Law Review

Much of environmental law and policy rests on an unspoken premise that accomplishing environmental goals may not require addressing the root causes of environmental problems. For example, rather than regulating risks directly, society may adopt warnings that merely avoid risk, and rather than limiting plastic use and reducing plastic waste, society may adopt recycling programs. Such approaches may be well-intended and come at a relatively low economic or political cost. However, they often prove ineffective, or even harmful, and they may mislead society into believing that further responses are unnecessary.

This Article proposes the concept of "too-easy solutions" to describe …

A Cost To Bear—Environmental Contamination And Eminent Domain, Evan C. Heaney Jan 2022

A Cost To Bear—Environmental Contamination And Eminent Domain, Evan C. Heaney

Seattle University Law Review

This Note advocates for Washington courts to adopt a system that universally allows evidence of environmental contamination on the private property taken in eminent domain proceedings. Part I of this Note discusses the history and progression of eminent domain and the broader constitutional roots of the Takings Clause. Part II explores Washington’s environmental remediation statute. Part III details the various approaches jurisdictions around the county have formulated to deal with this issue. Part IV argues Washington courts should adopt the inclusionary approach, which allows the introduction of environmental evidence in eminent domain proceedings.

Clean Air Act Section 115: Is The Ipcc A 'Duly Constituted International Agency'?, Adam D. Orford Jan 2022

Clean Air Act Section 115: Is The Ipcc A 'Duly Constituted International Agency'?, Adam D. Orford

Scholarly Works

Does EPA’s receipt of the Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) trigger the agency’s duties under Clean Air Act § 115? The law requires EPA to take action to prevent or eliminate air pollution endangering the public health or welfare of foreign nationals under certain circumstances. If triggered, the argument goes, the law could justify, or compel, EPA’s imposition of nationwide greenhouse gas regulation to combat climate change. One way to justify this, or compel it, is to trigger EPA’s duties “upon receipt of reports, surveys or studies from any duly constituted international agency.” This article …

Regulation Of Polyfluoroalkyl Chemicals In New York, Michael B. Gerrard, Edward Mctiernan Jan 2022

Regulation Of Polyfluoroalkyl Chemicals In New York, Michael B. Gerrard, Edward Mctiernan

Faculty Scholarship

Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) are two polyfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFAS) – a class of over 7,000 compounds with unique chemical structures that repel lipids and water. As a result, PFOA and PFOS have been used in numerous household products, such as nonstick cookware and stain-resistant carpets, and commercial applications such as firefighting foam. PFOS and PFOA are frequently referred to as “emerging contaminants,” a label with no precise regulatory definition but generally understood to refer to chemicals for which there are few published standards designed to protect human health and the environment from perceived hazards. Many PFAS compounds …

Keeping Nutrient Pollution At Bay: An Analysis Of Efforts To Mitigate Non-Point Source Pollution In The Chesapeake Bay, Madison Hinkle Sep 2021

Keeping Nutrient Pollution At Bay: An Analysis Of Efforts To Mitigate Non-Point Source Pollution In The Chesapeake Bay, Madison Hinkle

West Virginia Law Review

The Chesapeake Bay is one of the most important estuaries in the United States, adding to the region’s ecological, economic, recreational, historic, and cultural value. In 1982, a study was conducted that determined that a rapid loss of aquatic life in the Bay was due to nutrient pollution, specifically nitrogen and phosphorus, the majority of which is associated with the agricultural industry. A number of the jurisdictions2 within the Bay Watershed established the first Chesapeake Bay Agreement in 1983, aimed at abating the issues. Over the next four decades, the Agreement was then modified and resigned, additional jurisdictions have signed …

Addressing Climate Change: Comparing The Paris Agreement To The Addition Of Ecocide To The Rome Statute, Regan K. Robinson Jul 2021

Addressing Climate Change: Comparing The Paris Agreement To The Addition Of Ecocide To The Rome Statute, Regan K. Robinson

Bridges: An Undergraduate Journal of Contemporary Connections

This paper argues that ecocide is the most effective way to address climate change. Through comparing ecocide to the Paris Agreement, this paper concludes ecocide has the potential to better ensure that States commit to reducing environmental harm. It is concluded that ecocide is the most effective way to address climate change as ecocide holds more polluters accountable, utilizes a more effective pre-emptive approach, contains stronger legal consequences and employs a narrative that emphasizes the protection of human rights. As climate change continues to exacerbate, this paper provides valuable insight on how we can better address climate change at an …

Making Executioners Out Of Pharmacists: Why South Carolina Should Not Adopt A Lethal Injection Secrecy Statute, Elizabeth T. French Jul 2021

Making Executioners Out Of Pharmacists: Why South Carolina Should Not Adopt A Lethal Injection Secrecy Statute, Elizabeth T. French

South Carolina Law Review

No abstract provided.

A Legacy Of Slavery: The Citizen's Arrest Laws Of Georgia And South Carolina, Roger M. Stevens Jul 2021

A Legacy Of Slavery: The Citizen's Arrest Laws Of Georgia And South Carolina, Roger M. Stevens

South Carolina Law Review

No abstract provided.