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Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Student newspaper

Publication Year

Articles 1 - 20 of 20

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The Echo: May 11, 1933, Taylor University May 1933

The Echo: May 11, 1933, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Bishop Taylor Play Presented Tuesday By Volunteer Band – Dr. Berry Interprets Recent Passion Play – University Honors Bishop Taylor Day – Rev. Witsit Speaks In Vesper Service – President To Speak In Taylor’s Church – Class of ’34 Elect Marvin Schilling Senior President – “Coming Out Day” Is Last Week’s Feature – Seniors TO Sponsor First May Festival – Club Men to Debate Upon Jury Question – Eureka Debate Club Has Spring Banquet Last Saturday Eve – Nystrom Schedules Debates For 1933-34 – Mother’s Day Observance – Our Gospel Teams – Famous Remarks – Star Dust – A Selected …

The Echo: April 26, 1933, Taylor University Apr 1933

The Echo: April 26, 1933, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Smith and Gates Are Elected – Junior’s Edition Is Declared Winner Of 1933 Echo Contest – Latest News Given In Thalo Program – College Publication Retains High Rating – First Joint Banquet Is Feature Saturday – Cottingham Speaks At Prayer Meeting – Dr. Newton D. Wray Passes Away After Extended Illness – Class Schedule – 1933 Senior Pictures Is Presented Monday – Dr. Stuart Addresses High School Seniors – Fox Preaches Class Sermon Sunday Eve. – Ballots Show Junior Men Are Choice For Publication Staffs – Famed Passion Play To Be Given May 5 – Intercollegiate Debating – On Fellowship …

The Echo: April 12, 1933, Taylor University Apr 1933

The Echo: April 12, 1933, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

M. E. Conference Closes Sessions Sunday Evening – Missionary Speaks Of Christian Work – Athletes Organize T. U. Letter Club – Awards Presented To T. U. Athletes – No More Silk! – Gates, Weaver Named – Cottingham Speaks In Vesper Service Last Sunday Night – Many Guests Attend Taylor U. Banquet – Music Department Presents Program – E. Stanley Jones Speaks To Large Chapel Audience – Many Seniors Enjoy Being “Kids” Again – The Personal Easter – Sunday Vesper Services – Yawning – Easter – The Bruised Christ – What Easter Means To Me – Wealthy Students – Pennies Wanted! …

Echo The: April 1, 1933, Taylor University Apr 1933

Echo The: April 1, 1933, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

"April Fool's" edition

Of School Rule For Violation Seven Expelled – Bandits Get Papers At Business Office – CALENDAR – Basket Ball Authority Publishers Handbook – Swimming Pool to BE ComPleTed bY CommenCEment – Faculty Offers New Chapel, S. P. Rules – Phillips Introduces Hair Dressing Style – Professor Commits Suicide Here Today – ApRIL fooL

The Echo: March 24, 1933, Taylor University Mar 1933

The Echo: March 24, 1933, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Prohibition Is Theme Of Talk By Prof. Shute – Freshmen Spend Eve At Games And Taffy – Paul Blade Completes Mounting Elephant – Dr. Furbay Invited To Write For Text – Burkholder Is Named T. U. Representative – Conference Has Assemblies Soon At Huntington – Earlham Is Victor In Recent Debate – Ed. Screen To Give Noted Production – Stuart Meets With Fine Alumni Group – Horine An Dawes Married by Jones – University Honors Dr. And Mrs. Stuart – President’s Father Is Buried Recently – Hello - Everybody – Forced Back But Still Ahead – All One In Christ …

The Echo: February 28, 1933, Taylor University Feb 1933

The Echo: February 28, 1933, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Sophomore Contest Edition

Juniors-Seniors Enjoy Banquet – Rev. Cornuelle Leads Vesper Service – Educational Screen Presents Film – Music Muses – Holiman Addresses Future Teachers – League Holds Prayer Service – Members of Senior Class Hold Mock Wedding Ceremony – President Stuart Tours West – Staff To Publish Gem Soon – Professor Elliott Conducts Service – Taylor Debaters Attend Tourney – Doctor Taylor Closes Meeting – Quo Vadis? – A Directory of Organizations – Gossip – Famous Students – From Other Pens – Read ‘Em And Weep – Barter – In Chapel – Famous Remarks – Campussnooze – Alumni Flashes …

The Echo: February 15, 1933, Taylor University Feb 1933

The Echo: February 15, 1933, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Junior Contest Edition

Expedition Gives Valuable Specimen To Biology Dep’t. – Professor Steucke Conducts Experiment – Seniors Cancel Lyseum Number – Juniors Conduct Holiness League – Juniors To Fete Seniors Feb. 25 – Volunteers Hold Annual Meeting At Manchester – Notice – Hugo’s Famous Play To Be Shown Soon – Taylor To Offer Home Scholarships – Speake Given Work At World’s Fair – Professor Hansen to Appear In Fifth Organ Recital Here – Depression Dinner Enjoyed By Faculty – A New Policy – Why Not Debate? – Credit – Barbs – The Silver Net – The God Of Nature – …

The Echo: February 2, 1933, Taylor University Feb 1933

The Echo: February 2, 1933, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Senior Contest Edition

Sidelights Of The Week’s News – Hansen Scheduled To Appear In Recital – Reverend Hotchkiss To Visit Taylor – Local Professor Explores Subterranean Depths – Senior Class To Sponsor Burns’s Immortal Play – Prominent Playboy Accepts New Faith – Students Plan For Volunteer Convention – Pathologist Discusses Causes Of Stuttering – Debate Squad Prepares For Tournament – Philos To Present Interesting Program – Professor Pogue Enjoys New Work – Our Outlook – Think for Yourself – Our Sponsor – Star Dust – Literary Notes – Chapel Notes – Alumni News – Campussnooze – Taylor’s Debaters Meet Wheaton …

The Echo: January 26, 1933, Taylor University Jan 1933

The Echo: January 26, 1933, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Taylor To Act As Convention Host Next Nov.—Thompson Returns To Work In India – A New Record – Bad Weather Lowers Number Of Visitors – Many Frosh Enjoy First Class Party – 1933 Corn Show Convenes Here – Pogue Interviewed On Radio Program – Many Persons Enter Competitive Event – Rev. Ketchum Gives Illustrated Lecture – Haddock Speaks On Youth And Church – Eurekan’s Gain Coveted Trophy In Fine Clash – Mrs. Elliott Speaks About Peru Missions – Labor Versus College – Always The Truth – Star Dust – Troubles or Blessings – News Tid-Bits – A Selected Shelf – …

The Echo: January 18, 1933, Taylor University Jan 1933

The Echo: January 18, 1933, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Frosh Contest Edition

Basketball Tournament Is Success – Taylor Instructor Returns To Campus – Eureka-Eulog Debate Has Been Postponed – Alumna Writes Concerning Her Work In Panama – Stuart Sisters To Appear In Recital – Corn Show Promises Excellent Pageant – Notice: -- Noted Lecturer Pleases Friday Chapel Audience – Gray Dawn – Suppose! – Holiman-Freshman Sponsor – A “Sponsorial” Statement – Spilled Ink – Who’s Who? – Elliott Leads Thursday Prayer Meeting – Campus Literature – Alumni Tid-Bits – Ministerial Hears India Missionary – “Perfect Wedding” – Daily Chapel Programs Interesting – Personals – Overtones – Educational Screen Gives …

The Echo: January 12, 1933, Taylor University Jan 1933

The Echo: January 12, 1933, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Taylor Welcomes County Tournament – Annual Contest Will Be Staged In Maytag Gym – Stuart Addresses Commercial Group – University Debaters Plan Fine Schedule – Y. P. G. L. Council Meets At Chicago – Taylor Extends Hearty Welcome To Many Guests – Fred Vincent ’31, Is Rushed To Hospital – T. U. To Entertain County Corn Show – School Expects Many People To Attend Tourney – Thomas And Dennis Assist In Meeting – Faith Plus Labor – Why An Echo Contest – Appreciation And Cooperation – Star Dust – Literary Gleanings – Ed. Screen To Give Play “Miles Standish” – …

The Echo: December 15, 1932, Taylor University Dec 1932

The Echo: December 15, 1932, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Merry Christmas Happy New Year

Seniors Sponsor Huge Track Meet Friday Evening – Gospel Team Holds Holiday Meeting – Season’s Greetings – Educator Gives Grammar Theory – Educational Screen Gives Famed Legend – Revival Meeting Results in Fine Spiritual Value – NOTICE – Girls’ Gospel Team Makes Debut Sunday – Coach Cornwell Returns To T. U. – Wessel’s “Noel” To Be Presented By T. U. Chorus – Thalo’s To Present Christmas Pageant – Worship!! – The Other Wise Man – Hash – Star Dust – Literary Gleanings – Officers of Organizations for Winter Term – French Club Elects English President …

The Echo: November 16, 1932, Taylor University Nov 1932

The Echo: November 16, 1932, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Phillips Leads New Thalos In Unique Program – Inspiring Messages Brought By Wareing – Stuart Goes East To Represent T. U. – Students Present Y. P. G. L. Report – History Club Gets Election Returns – Furbay Receives Appointment From Biological Body – Institute Offers New Scholarships In Foreign Study – “Gypsy” Smith Is Chapel Speaker – Wareing Conducts Vesper Devotions – Decker To Speak In Rally Day Services – Convention Honors Weston And Wesche – Stuarts Entertain Senior Dignitaries – Give Thanks – Contributions – Better And Funnier Jokes – Star Dust – Literary Gleanings – Chapel Letter Tells …

The Echo: November 2, 1932, Taylor University Nov 1932

The Echo: November 2, 1932, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Legal Hundred Meets In Regular Session – Swallow-Robin Men Hold Many Offices – YEA POLITICS!!! – Philos Entertained At Unique Carnival – Sincerity Prevails At Prayer Meeting – Faculty Members Enjoy Outing At Local City Park – Elliott Speaks On The Works of Grace – Dr. Stuart Speaks At Vesper Service – Ghosts and Witches Haunt Thalo Party – Cornwell Installs Checking System – Dr. Wareing Conducts Annual Fall Revival – Library Receives Many New Volumes – Manley Leads Frosh In Prayer Meeting – “Selling Christ” – It Does Not Pay – Vacation – Promises Count – School Loyalty – …

The Echo: October 26, 1932, Taylor University Oct 1932

The Echo: October 26, 1932, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Taylor Freshman Enjoys Returning To American Life – Faculty Dames Elect Furbay As President – Albert Mathias ’32, Presents Lion Skeleton to T. U. Museum – Y. P. G. L. Convenes At Asbury College – Golf Challenge!! – Professor Cline Speaks At Holiness League – Varsity Debating Tryouts Start Soon – Several Professors Attend Ed. Assoc. – Professor Accepts Eastern Pastorate – Classes Observe Traditional Day Last Thursday – Echo Straw Vote Arouses Interest – The Y. P. G. L. – Christian Service – Star Dust – Literary Gleanings – Question Box – Chapel Notes – What Do-U-Know – Dr. …

The Echo: October 19, 1932, Taylor University Oct 1932

The Echo: October 19, 1932, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Seniors Visit Purdue U. for Annual Holiday – Worth-while Picture Given By Ed. Screen – Sign Board Used As Prayer Meeting Adv. – Textile Students Try Flax Spinning – Former Student Is Married Saturday – Professor Speaks of Inspirational Hymns – Speech Clinic Is Founded by C. L. Nystrom – Einstein Accepts Super-University Mathematics Chair – Alex Bougard Gives Old Echoes To Staff – Candidates Speak In Chapel Service – Miss Gerkin Leads Girls Gospel Team – Vayhinger Stirs Group in Sermon On “Follow Me” – Year Book Pictures Are Taken At Studio – Dr. Shute Returns To Theology Class …

The Echo: October 12, 1932, Taylor University Oct 1932

The Echo: October 12, 1932, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

T. U. Entertains M. E. Conference Training School – Ministers Extend Thanks to Taylor – Swallow Robin Men Are Very Partisan – Graduate Stirs Band By Inspiring Appeal – Mnanka Club Gives Tea For New Girls – Newspaper Votes Are Accurate – Ministerial Ass. Conducts Unique Vesper Service – Wheaton Record Takes New Step In Advertising – Attention Readers – Biology Lab Class Takes Field Trip – Backsliding Cure Is Topic Of League – Saucier Is Active As Dean of Fletcher – Volunteers To Sponsor Chapel – “The Deerslayer” Is First Picture Shown This Year – Romantic Students Crowd Observatory …

The Echo: October 5, 1932, Taylor University Oct 1932

The Echo: October 5, 1932, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Thalos Present Pantomime of Years Program – Girls Enjoy Annual Debate Club Outing – Brewington Speaks Before Chapel Group – Native from India Attends Taylor – Curriculum Is Changed – Philos Again Outrush Thalos – T. U. Ministers Start Active Work Monday – Pascoe Urges Life Entirely in Christ – Pres. Stuart Goes To Cameron, Wisc. – Allie Enjoys First Snipe Hunt of Year – Philos Please Audience With Japanese Play – Prayer Band Feels God’s Presence Near – College “Education” – The Old Man In The Model Church – Star Dust – Literary Gleanings – Gem Staff Announces Photography …

The Echo: September 28, 1932, Taylor University Sep 1932

The Echo: September 28, 1932, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

Debating Clubs Feat New Men in Annual Jamboree – Taylor Campus Has Goofy Golf Course – Professor Steuke Organizes Glee Club – Veteran Missionary Goes to His Reward – Holiness League Has First Altar Service – John Tucker And Ruth Wandell Are Married Saturday – Two Missionaries Talk To Students – Eighty-five Students Take Physical Exam – Miss Agnes Gerkin Is Friday’s Speaker – Girl Leaves India To Attend Taylor – Dr. Jacobs Speaks On Taylor’s Right – Opening Program Presented Last Friday Evening – India Needs Prayers Of Christian People – Whose is the Paper? – Societies – The …

The Echo: September 21, 1932, Taylor University Sep 1932

The Echo: September 21, 1932, Taylor University

1932-1933 (Volume 20)

The Echo Enters Twentieth Year As Newspaper – Students Take New Business Positions – Dr. Furbay Writes Magazine Articles – President R. L. Stuart Welcomes New Students on Taylor’s Campus – Summer Camus Gang Had Exciting Times – Dr. Wray Presents Books to Library – Librarians Enjoy New Arrangement – T. U. Freshman Day Is Great Success – Annual Reception Is Enjoyed By Everybody – New Profs Fill Vacancies on Teaching Staff – Large Group Attended The Vesper Service – Our Policy – Our School – Beneficial Rules – Vacations in Brief – Alumni News – Campus Buzz – Organizations …