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Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®


Kimmel Education and Research Center: Presentations and White Papers



Articles 1 - 3 of 3

Full-Text Articles in Education

Coaching As A Catalyst: Distance Learning For Personal Innovation, Connie I. Reimers-Hild May 2012

Coaching As A Catalyst: Distance Learning For Personal Innovation, Connie I. Reimers-Hild

Kimmel Education and Research Center: Presentations and White Papers

Abstract of the paper and basis of the presentation:

Coaching is emerging as a tool that can be used to achieve sustainable personal and organizational innovation, and distance education technologies have made coaching more accessible, affordable and available. Distance learning professionals are in a unique position to help technology-based coaching evolve in an effective and sustainable manner. The expertise and experience of distance learning professionals has the potential to advance the interrelationships between teaching, learning and coaching in an effort to help individuals and organizations achieve sustainable and meaningful innovation. A coaching case study utilizing the Inner Leader Coaching Ecosystem …

The Freedom To Create Your Destiny, Connie I. Reimers-Hild May 2012

The Freedom To Create Your Destiny, Connie I. Reimers-Hild

Kimmel Education and Research Center: Presentations and White Papers

We have a unique gift in the United States, and that gift is freedom. The Declaration of Independence guarantees all of us “certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

This means we are free to pursue our lives and our vocations in any way that makes sense to us. Freedom is what makes America so great. What we do with our freedom is up to us. It is our choice. Freedom is our grandest opportunity and should be protected, especially in challenging times.

This radio update presents discusses the importance of freedom.

The Power Of Setting Smartr Goals, Connie I. Reimers-Hild Mar 2012

The Power Of Setting Smartr Goals, Connie I. Reimers-Hild

Kimmel Education and Research Center: Presentations and White Papers

Welcome to the Extension Update! My name is Connie Reimers-Hild, and I am an Extension Educator focused in leadership, innovation and entrepreneurship at the Kimmel Education and Research Center in Nebraska City. In today’s Extension Update, I will present the power of setting SMARTR Goals!

We all hear about how important it is to set goals, but very few of us to actually do it. What if we made the process of goal setting more personally fulfilling and more fun? As a Certified Professional Coach, I have used SMARTR goal setting with my clients. Establishing SMARTR goals can be powerful …