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Arts and Humanities Commons

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Biblical Studies

Bible Commentary

Articles 1 - 30 of 36

Full-Text Articles in Arts and Humanities

Joshua & Judges And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Alice Camille, Sean Mcdonough Jun 2014

Joshua & Judges And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Alice Camille, Sean Mcdonough

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Joshua and Judges
  2. Conquest (Joshua 1-12)
    • Joshua (Joshua 1)
    • The Land (Joshua 2-12)
      • Working the Land (Joshua 5)
      • Conquering the Land (Joshua 6-12)
      • Remembering God’s Presence in the Land (Joshua 4:1-9)
  3. Coordination (Joshua 13-22)
  4. Covenant (Joshua 23-24)
  5. Chaos (Judges 1-21)
    • Failing the Driving (Out) Test (Judges 1-2)
    • The Judges (Judges 3-16)
      • Deborah (Judges 4-5)
      • The Economic Effects of War (Judges 6:1-11)
      • Gideon’s Ambivalent Leadership (Judges 6:12 – 8:35)
      • The Judges’ Failure of Leadership (Judges 9-16)
    • Israel Falls Apart (Judges 17-21)
      • The prosperity gospel unmasked in early form (Judges 17)
      • Human depravity and the complicity of religious authorities unveiled …

Psalms And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Duane Garrett, Lindsay Wilson, Russell Fuller Jun 2014

Psalms And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Duane Garrett, Lindsay Wilson, Russell Fuller

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Psalms
  2. Book 1 (Psalms 1–41)
    • Personal Integrity in Work (Psalm 1)
    • Obedience to God (Psalm 2)
    • Foes and opponents (Psalms 4, 6, 7, 17)
    • Authority (Psalm 8)
    • Business ethics (Psalms 15, 24, 34)
    • Trusting God in the face of institutional pressure (Psalm 20)
    • God’s presence in our struggles at work (Psalm 23)
    • God’s guidance in our work (Psalm 25)
  3. Book 2 (Psalms 42–72)
    • God’s presence in the midst of disaster (Psalm 46)
    • Anxiety when unscrupulous people succeed (Psalms 49, 50, 52, 62)
  4. Book 3 (Psalms 73–89)
    • The workplace consequences of personal failings (Psalm 73)
    • The economic consequences of …

Samuel, Kings & Chronicles And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Jill Baker, Brian Housman, Alice Matthews Jun 2014

Samuel, Kings & Chronicles And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Jill Baker, Brian Housman, Alice Matthews

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Samuel, Kings and Chronicles
    • The historical background of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles
  2. From Tribal Confederation to Monarchy: 1 Samuel
    • The perils of inherited authority (1 Samuel 1-3)
    • The perils of treating God like a good luck charm (1 Samuel 4)
    • The opportunities that arise from working faithfully (1 Samuel 5-7)
    • When children disappoint (1 Samuel 8:1-3)
    • The Israelites ask for a king (1 Samuel 8:4-22)
    • The Task of Choosing a King (1 Samuel 9-16)
    • David's rise to power (1 Samuel 17-30)
      • Abigail defuses a crisis between David and Nabal (1 Samuel 25)
  3. The Golden Age of the Monarchy: …

Romans And Work, Theology Of Work Project, John Lewis, Jane Patterson May 2014

Romans And Work, Theology Of Work Project, John Lewis, Jane Patterson

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Romans
  2. The Gospel of Salvation—Paul’s Vocation (Romans 1:1-17)
  3. Our need for salvation in life and work (Romans 1:18-1:32)
  4. All have sinned (Romans 2-3)
  5. Judgment, justice and faith (Romans 3)
    • Judgment, the source of broken relationships (Romans 3:1-20)
    • God’s justice, the solution to our false judgments (Romans 3:21-26)
    • Faith/Faithfulness, the entry to God’s justice (Romans 3:27-31)
  6. An exemplary faith: Abraham trusted God’s promises (Romans 4)
  7. Grace reigns for eternal life through Jesus Christ (Romans 5)
    • Grace transforms suffering in our life in Christ (Romans 5:1-11)
    • Grace and righteousness lead to eternal life through Christ (Romans 5:12-21)
  8. Walking in Newness …

The General Epistles And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Kelly Liebengood, Al Erisman Mar 2014

The General Epistles And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Kelly Liebengood, Al Erisman

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to General Epistles
  2. James - Faith Works
    • Depending on God (James 1:1-18)
    • Working for the Benefit of Others in Need (James 1:22-28)
    • Faith and Work(s) (James 2:14-26)
    • Discriminating Against the Poor and Currying Favor with the Rich (James 2:1-13)
    • Listening Well and Taming the Tongue (James 1:19-21 and 3:1-12)
    • Selfish Ambition and Investing in Others (James 3:13-4:12)
      • Selfish Ambition and Submission to God (James 3:13-4:12)
      • Investing In Others (James 4:1-12)
    • Business Forecasting (James 4:13-17)
    • Business Oppression (James 5:1-6)
    • Waiting for the Harvest (James 5:7-20)
  3. 1 Peter - Serving the World as Resident Alien Priests
    • Resident Aliens and Priests (1 …

Deuteronomy And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Duane Garrett Dec 2013

Deuteronomy And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Duane Garrett

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Deuteronomy
  2. Rebellion and Complacency (Deuteronomy 1:1–4:43)
    • Israel Refuses to Enter the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 1:19-45)
    • When Success Leads to Complacency (Deuteronomy 4:25-40)
  3. God’s Law and its Applications (Deuteronomy 4:44–30:20)
    • The Ten Commandments (Deuteronomy 5:6-21)
      • “You shall have no other gods before me” (Deut 5:7; Ex 20:3)
      • “You shall not make for yourself an idol” (Deut 5:8; Ex 20:4)
      • “You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the LORD your God” (Deut 5:11; Ex 20:7)
      • “Observe the Sabbath day and keep it holy” (Deut 5:12; Ex 20:8-11)
        • The Sabbath and the work we do (Deut 5:12; Ex …

Numbers And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Bob Stallman Nov 2013

Numbers And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Bob Stallman

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Numbers
  2. God Numbers and Orders the Nation of Israel (Numbers 1:1-2:34)
  3. The Levites and the Work of God (Numbers 3-8)
  4. Offering God the Products of Human Labor (Numbers 4 and 7)
  5. Confession and Restitution (Numbers 5:5-10)
  6. Aaron’s Blessing for the People (Numbers 6:22–27)
  7. Retirement from Regular Service (Numbers 8:23–26)
  8. The Challenge to Moses’ Authority (Numbers 12)
  9. When Leadership Leads to Unpopularity (Numbers 13 and 14)
  10. Offering God our First Fruits (Numbers 15:20-21; 18:12-18)
  11. Reminders of the Covenant (Numbers 15:37-41)
  12. Moses’ Unfaithfulness at Meribah (Numbers 20:2-13)
  13. When God Speaks Through Unexpected Sources (Numbers 22-24)
  14. Land Ownership and Property Rights …

Genesis 12-50 And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Bob Stallman Jul 2013

Genesis 12-50 And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Bob Stallman

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Genesis 12-50 and Work
  2. Abraham (Genesis 12:1-25:11)
    • Abraham’s faithfulness contrasted with the faithlessness of Babel (Genesis 12:1-3)
    • The Pastoral Lifestyle of Abraham and his Family (Genesis 12:4-7)
    • Abraham’s journey begins with disaster in Egypt (Genesis 12:8-13:2)
    • Abraham and Lot parted (Genesis 13:3-18)
    • Abraham and Sarah’s hospitality (Genesis 18:1-15)
    • Abraham’s dispute with Abimelech (Genesis 20:1-16; 21:22-34)
    • A burial plot for Sarah (Genesis 23:1-20)
  3. Isaac (Genesis 21:1-35:29)
  4. Jacob (Genesis 25:19-49:33)
    • Jacob's unethical procurement of Esau’s birthright and blessing (Genesis 25:19-34; 26:34–28:9)
    • Jacob Gains His Fortune (Genesis 30-31)
    • Jacob’s transformation and reconciliation with Esau (Genesis 32–33)
  5. Joseph (Genesis 37:2-50:26)
    • Joseph rejected …

Genesis 1-11 And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Andrew Schmutzer, Alice Matthews Jun 2013

Genesis 1-11 And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Andrew Schmutzer, Alice Matthews

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Genesis 1-11
  2. God Creates the World (Genesis 1:1-2:3)
    • God works to create the world (Genesis 1:1-25)
      • God brings the material world into being (Genesis 1:1-2)
      • God’s creation takes work (Genesis 1:3-25; 2:7)
      • Creation is of God, but is not identical with God (Genesis 1:11)
      • God sees that his work is good (Genesis 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31)
    • God works relationally (Genesis 1:26a)
    • God limits his work (Genesis 2:1-3)
  3. God Creates and Equips People to Work (Genesis 1:26-2:25)
    • People are created in God's image (Genesis 1:26, 27; 5:1)
    • Dominion (Genesis 1:26; 2:5)
    • Relationships (Genesis 1:27; 2:18, 21-25) …

Leviticus And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Bob Stallman May 2013

Leviticus And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Bob Stallman

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction— does Leviticus have anything to tell us about our work?
  2. The Foundational Concept of Holiness in Leviticus
  3. Israel’s Sacrificial System (Leviticus 1–10)
    • The Dwelling of God in the Community (Leviticus 1-10)
    • The Whole People of God at Work (Leviticus 1-10)
    • The Workplace Significance of the Guilt Offering (Leviticus 6:1-7)
  4. The Unclean and the Clean (Leviticus 11–16)
    • The Permissibility of Eating Particular Animals (Leviticus 11)
    • Dealing with Skin Diseases and Mold Infections (Leviticus 13–14)
  5. Holiness (Leviticus 17–27)
    • Gleaning (Leviticus 19:9–10)
    • Behaving honestly (Leviticus 19:11–12)
    • Treating workers fairly (Leviticus 19:13)
    • Rights of People with Disabilities (Leviticus 19:14)
    • Doing Justice (Leviticus 19:15–16) …

Ruth And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Daniel I. Block May 2013

Ruth And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Daniel I. Block

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to the Book of Ruth
  2. Tragedy strikes the family of Ruth and Naomi (Ruth 1:1-22)
  3. God’s blessing is the source of human productivity (Ruth 2:1-4)
  4. God bestows his blessing of productivity through human labor (Ruth 2:5-7)
  5. Receiving God’s blessing of productivity means respecting co-workers (Ruth 2:8-16)
  6. God calls people to provide opportunities for the poor to work productively (Ruth 2:17-23)
    • God’s law calls people of means to provide economic opportunities for the poor (Ruth 2:17-23)
    • God leads individuals to provide economic opportunities for the poor and vulnerable (Ruth 2:17-23)
  7. God’s blessing is redoubled when people work according to his …

Exodus And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Bob Stallman Dec 2012

Exodus And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Bob Stallman

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Exodus
  2. Israel in Egypt (Exodus 1:1–13:16)
    • The Harshness of the Israelites’ Slave Labor in Egypt (Exodus 1:8-14)
    • The Work of Midwifery and Mothering (Exodus 1:15-2:10)
    • God’s Call to Moses (Exodus 2:11-3:22)
    • God’s Work of Redemption for Israel (Exodus 5:1-6:28)
    • Moses and Aaron Announce God’s Judgment to Pharaoh (Exodus 7:1-12:51)
  3. Israel at the Red Sea and on the Way to Sinai (Exodus 13:17-18:27)
    • The Work of Justice Among the People of Israel (Exodus 18:1-27)
  4. Israel at Mount Sinai (Exodus 19:1-40:38)
    • The Meaning of Law in Exodus (Exodus 19:1-24:18)
    • The Role of the Law for Christians (Exodus 20:1-24:18)
    • Instructions about …

The Twelve Prophets And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Tim Meadowcroft, William Messenger Aug 2012

The Twelve Prophets And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Tim Meadowcroft, William Messenger

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to the Twelve Prophets
  2. Historical Backdrop of the Twelve Prophets
  3. Faith and Work Before the Exile—Hosea, Amos, Obadiah, Joel, Micah
    • God Demands Change (Hosea 1:1-9, Micah 2:1-5)
    • God Makes Change Possible (Hosea 14:1-9, Amos 9:11-15, Micah 4:1-5, Obadiah 21)
    • Unjust Work (Micah 1:1-7; 3:1-2; 5:10-15)
    • Working Unjustly (Hosea 4:1-10; Joel 2:28-29)
    • Individuals’ and Communities’ Work are Interdependent (Amos 8:1-6, Micah 6:1-16)
    • Work and Worship (Micah 6:6-8; Amos 5:21-24; Hosea 4:1-10)
    • Apathy Due to Wealth (Amos 3:9-15, 6:1-7)
  4. Faith and Work During the Exile—Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah
    • God’s Punishing Hand at Work (Nahum 1:1-12; Habakkuk 3:1-19; Zephaniah 1:1-13)
    • Idolatrous Work (Habakkuk …

Acts And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Aaron Kuecker Aug 2012

Acts And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Aaron Kuecker

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Acts
  2. The Beginning of God's New World (Acts 1-4)
    • A Community with a Mission (Act 1:6)
    • An Orienting Vocation for the Kingdom of God (Acts 1:8)
    • An Orienting Identity as God's Kingdom Witnesses in Daily Life (Acts 2:1-41)
    • An Orienting Community that Practices the Ways of God's Kingdom (Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-38)
      • The Economics of Radical Generosity (Acts 2:45; 4:34-35)
      • The Holy Spirit Empowers Radical Generosity With Every Kind of Resource (Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-38)
      • A Just Community Is a Witness to the World (Acts 2:47; 6:7)
  3. A Clash of Kingdoms: Community and Power (Acts 5-7)
    • Ananias and Sapphira: A …

Proverbs And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Bruce Waltke, Alice Matthews Jun 2012

Proverbs And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Bruce Waltke, Alice Matthews

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Proverbs
  2. About the Book of Proverbs
  3. What Do the Proverbs Have to Do With Work?
    • The Valiant Woman (Proverbs 31:10-31)
  4. The Wise Worker is Trustworthy (Proverbs)
    • A Trustworthy Worker is Faithful to His or Her Fiduciary Responsibilities (Proverbs)
    • A Trustworthy Worker is Honest (Proverbs)
  5. The Wise Worker is Diligent (Proverbs)
    • A Diligent Worker is Hard-working (Proverbs)
    • A Diligent Worker Plans for the Long Term (Proverbs)
    • A Diligent Worker Contributes to the Profitability of the Enterprise (Proverbs)
    • A Diligent Worker Can Smile at the Future (Proverbs)
  6. The Wise Worker is Shrewd (Proverbs)
  7. The Wise Worker is Generous (Proverbs)
  8. The …

Hebrews And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Jon C. Laansma May 2012

Hebrews And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Jon C. Laansma

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Hebrews
  2. Christ Created & Sustains the World (Hebrews 1:1-2:8)
  3. The Creation has Become Subject to Evil (Hebrews 2:14-3:6)
  4. Life in the Wilderness: Journey to the New World (Hebrews 3:7-4:16)
  5. Our Great High Priest (Hebrews 5:1-10:18)
    • Christ's Sacrifice Makes Possible Our Service (Hebrews 5:1-7:28)
    • Christ's Intercession Empowers Our Life and Work (Hebrews 7:1-10:18)
  6. Realizing the Faith (Hebrews 10:19-11:40)
  7. Enduring Hardship, Pursuing Peace (Hebrews 12:1-16)
  8. Shaking Things Up (Hebrews 12:18-29)
  9. Hospitality (Hebrews 13:1-3)
  10. Money Matters (Hebrews 13:5-6)
  11. Working Outside the Camp (Hebrews 13:11-25)
  12. Conclusion to Hebrews

1 Corinthians And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Joel R. White Dec 2011

1 Corinthians And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Joel R. White

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to 1 Corinthians
  2. All are called (1 Cor 1:1-3)
  3. Spiritual Resources Available (1 Cor 1:4-9)
  4. The Need for a Common Vision (1 Cor 1:10-17)
  5. Friends in Low Places (1 Cor 1:18-31)
  6. It Takes All Sorts (1 Cor 3:1-9)
  7. Do Good Work (1 Cor 3:10-17)
  8. Leadership as Service (1 Cor 4:1-4)
  9. Working with Nonbelievers (1 Cor 5:9-10)
  10. Bloom Where You are Planted (1 Cor 7:20-24)
  11. Maintain the Proper Perspective (1 Cor 7:29-31)
  12. Everyone Gets Their Fair Share (1 Cor 9:7-10)
  13. God's Glory is the Ultimate Goal (1 Cor 8 & 10)
  14. Gifted Communities (1 Cor 12:1-14:40)
  15. Our Work is Not …

2 Corinthians And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Joel R. White Oct 2011

2 Corinthians And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Joel R. White

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to 2 Corinthians
  2. Thank God for Relationships (2 Corinthians 1:1-11)
  3. Transparency (2 Corinthians 1:12-23)
  4. Working for the Joy of Others (2 Corinthians 1:24)
  5. The Priority of Relationships (2 Corinthians 2:12-16)
  6. Sincerity (2 Corinthians 2:17)
  7. A Genuine Reputation (2 Corinthians 3)
  8. Leading and Serving (2 Corinthians 4)
  9. Performance and Accountability (2 Corinthians 5:1-15)
  10. Reconciling the Whole World (2 Corinthians 5:16-21)
  11. Transparency Revisited (2 Corinthians 6:11)
  12. Working with Nonbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)
  13. The Encouragement of Praise (2 Corinthians 7)
  14. Generosity Is Not Optional (2 Corinthians 8:1-9)
  15. Timely Fulfillment of Obligations (2 Corinthians 8:10-12)
  16. Sharing the Wealth (2 Corinthians 8:13-15)
  17. You Can't …

Mark And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Grant Macaskill Oct 2011

Mark And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Grant Macaskill

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Mark
  2. Kingdom and Discipleship (Mark 1-4, 6, 8)
    • The Beginning of the Gospel (Mark 1:1-13)
    • The Calling of the First Disciples (Mark 1:16-20)
    • The Paralytic Man (Mark 2:1-12)
    • The Calling of Levi (Mark 2:13-17)
    • The Twelve (Mark 3:13-19)
    • Discipleship in Process (Mark 4:35-41; 6:45-52; 8:14-21)
  3. Rhythms of Work, Rest and Worship (Mark 1-4, 6, 13)
    • The First Days of the Movement (Mark 1:21-45)
    • The Lord of the Sabbath (Mark 2:23-3:6)
    • Jesus the Builder (Mark 6:1-6)
    • Parables at Work (Mark 4:26-29 and 13:32-37)
  4. Economic Issues (Mark 10-12)
    • The Rich Young Man and Attitudes to Wealth and Status (Mark 10:17-31) …

Ecclesiastes And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Duane Garrett Jul 2011

Ecclesiastes And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Duane Garrett

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Ecclesiastes
  2. Working Under the Sun (Eccl 1:1-11)
  3. Work is a Chasing After Wind (Eccl 1:12-6:9)
    • Achievement (Eccl 1:12-18)
    • Pleasure (Eccl 2:1-11)
    • Wisdom (Eccl 2:12-17)
    • Wealth (Eccl 2:18-26)
    • Timing (Eccl 3:1-4:6)
    • Friendship (Eccl 4:7-4:16)
    • Joy (Eccl 5:1-6:9)
  4. There is No Way to Find Out What is Good to Do (Eccl 6:10-8:17)
  5. There is No Way to Know What Comes Afterwards (Eccl 9:1-11:6)
  6. A Poem on Youth and Old Age (Eccl 11:7-12:8)
  7. Epilogue of Praise for the Teacher (Eccl 12:9-14)
  8. Conclusions to Ecclesiastes

Matthew And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Jonathan Pennington, Alice Matthews Jul 2011

Matthew And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Jonathan Pennington, Alice Matthews

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Matthew
    • The Kingdom of Heaven Has Come Near (Matthew)
  2. Working as Citizens of God's Kingdom (Matthew 1-4)
    • Why Should We Listen to Jesus? (Matthew 1-2)
    • Jesus Calling (Matthew 3-4)
  3. The Kingdom of Heaven at Work in Us (Matthew 5-7)
    • The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12)
      • "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:3)
      • "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted" (Matthew 5:4)
      • "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5)
      • "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled" (Matthew 5:6) …

Job And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Timothy Johnson Jun 2011

Job And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Timothy Johnson

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Job
  2. Background and Outline (Job)
  3. Theology and Themes (Job)
  4. Prologue (Job 1-2)
    • Job’s Prosperity Acknowledged as God’s Blessing (Job 1:1-12)
    • God Allows Satan to Destroy Job’s Prosperity (Job 1:13-22)
    • God Allows Satan to Destroy Job’s Health (Job 2:1-11)
    • Job’s Friends Arrive to Comfort Him (Job 2:11-13)
  5. Job’s First Lament (Job 3)
  6. Job’s Friends Blame Job for the Calamity (Job 4-23)
    • Job’s Friends Accuse Him of Doing Evil (Job 4-23)
    • Job’s Friends Accuse Him of Abandoning God (Job 8-22)
    • Job Pleads His Case to God (Job 5-13)
    • Job’s Friends Try to Protect God (Job 22-23)
    • Job’s Complaints Take on …

John And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Sean Mcdonough May 2011

John And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Sean Mcdonough

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to John
  2. The Word's Work in the World (John 1:1-18)
  3. Calling Disciples/Friends (John 1:35-51)
  4. The Wedding Planner (John 2:1-11)
  5. Jesus' Hand in All Things (John 3:1-36)
  6. Water Works (John 4)
  7. Who Works When, and Why? (John 5)
  8. Bread of Life (John 6)
  9. Seeing and Believing (John 9)
  10. Life, and Looming Death (John 10-12)
  11. Servant Leadership (John 13)
  12. Farewell Words (John 14-17)
    • Work and Relationships (John 14-17)
    • Work and Productivity (John 14-17)
  13. Stranger in a Strange Land (John 18-20)
  14. Beloved Disciples (John 21)

Luke And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Aaron Kuecker Apr 2011

Luke And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Aaron Kuecker

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Luke
  2. The Kingdom of God Shows Up at Work (Luke 1-5)
    • God at Work (Luke 1, 2 and 4)
    • Jesus Calls People at Work (Luke 5:1-11; 27-32)
    • John the Baptist Teaches Workplace Ethics (Luke 3:8-14)
    • Jesus is Tempted to Abandon Serving God (Luke 4:1-13)
  3. Healing in Luke
  4. Sabbath and Work (Luke 6:1-11; 13:10-17)
  5. The Ethics of Conflict (Luke 6:27-36; 17:3-4)
  6. God's Provision (Luke 9:10-17; 12:4-7; 12:22-31)
    • The Shrewd Manager and the Prodigal Son (Luke 16:1-13; 15:11-32)
  7. Wealth in Luke
    • Concern for the Wealthy (Luke 6:25; 12:13-21; 18:18-30)
    • Concern for the Poor (Luke 6:17-26; 16:19-31)
    • Generosity: The Secret to …

The Pastoral Epistles And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Alex Kirk Mar 2011

The Pastoral Epistles And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Alex Kirk

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to the Pastoral Epistles and Work
  2. 1 Timothy - Working for Order in God's Household
    • True belief leads to a sound organization (1 Timothy 1:1-11, 18-20; 3:14-16)
    • Prayer, peace and order are needed at work as in church (1 Timothy 2:1-15)
    • Integrity and relational ability are key leadership qualities (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9)
    • God's Creation is Good (1 Timothy 4:1-5)
    • Good relationships arise from genuine respect (1 Timothy 5:1-6:2; Titus 2:1-10)
    • Godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Timothy 6:3-10, 17-19)
  3. 2 Timothy - Encouragement for a Faithful Worker
  4. Titus - Working for Good Deeds
  5. Conclusions to the …

Isaiah And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Mark S. Gignilliat, Alice Matthews Jan 2011

Isaiah And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Mark S. Gignilliat, Alice Matthews

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Isaiah
  2. An Overview of the Book of Isaiah
  3. God's View of Our Work (Isaiah)
    • Worship and Work (Isaiah 1ff.)
    • Arrogant Pride and Self-Sufficiency (Isaiah 2ff.)
    • Exploitation and Marginalization (Isaiah 3ff.)
    • Peace and Prosperity (Isaiah 9ff.)
    • Life, Knowledge, and Wisdom (Isaiah 28ff.)
    • Servant at Work (Isaiah 40ff.)
    • Work's Ultimate Meaning (Isaiah 60ff.)
  4. Conclusion to Isaiah
  5. Cross Reference of Cited Passages and Theme Sections in Isaiah

1 & 2 Thessalonians And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Colin Nicholl Dec 2010

1 & 2 Thessalonians And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Colin Nicholl

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction 1 & 2 Thessalonians
  2. Working Faith, Finishing Up, and Keeping the Faith (1 Thess 1:1-4:8; 4:13-5:28; 2 Thess 1:1-2:17)
  3. Faithful Work (1 Thess 4:9-12, 2 Thess 3:6-16)
  4. Christians are Expected to Work (1 Thess 4:9-12; 5:14)
  5. Those Truly Unable To Work Should Receive Assistance (1 Thess 4:9-10)
  6. Idleness (2 Thess 3:6-15)
  7. Conclusion to 1 & 2 Thessalonians

Introduction To The Prophets, Theology Of Work Project, Alice Matthews Dec 2010

Introduction To The Prophets, Theology Of Work Project, Alice Matthews

Theology of Work Project

  1. Who Were the Prophets?
  2. Situating the Prophets in Israel's History
  3. Timeline of the Prophets

Daniel And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Kenneth Matthews Dec 2010

Daniel And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Kenneth Matthews

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Daniel
  2. Is Daniel a Model for Christians Today?
  3. The Big Picture of the Book of Daniel
  4. Introduction: In Exile at Babylon U. (Daniel 1)
  5. Theme A: God will Overthrow Pagan Kingdoms and Replace Them with His Own Kingdom (Daniel 2)
  6. Theme B: Sufferings, Yet Rewards, for Faithful Witnesses to God in the Meantime (Daniel 3)
  7. Theme C: Humbling and Overthrow of the Pagan King (Daniel 4)
  8. Theme C Revisited: Humbling and Overthrow of the Pagan King (Daniel 5)
  9. Theme B Revisited: Sufferings, Yet Rewards, for Faithful Witnesses to God in the Meantime (Daniel 6)
  10. Theme A Revisited: God …

Jeremiah & Lamentations And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Joshua Moon, Alice Matthews Dec 2010

Jeremiah & Lamentations And Work, Theology Of Work Project, Joshua Moon, Alice Matthews

Theology of Work Project

  1. Introduction to Jeremiah and Lamentations
  2. Jeremiah and His Times (Jeremiah and Lamentations)
  3. An Overview of the Book of Jeremiah
  4. Work-related Themes in the Book of Jeremiah
    • Calling to Work (Jeremiah 1)
    • Goodness and Defilement of Work (Jeremiah 2)
    • Acknowledgement of God's Provision (Jeremiah 5)
      • Material Success and Failure (Jeremiah 5)
    • Injustice, Greed, the Common Good and Integrity (Jeremiah 5-8)
    • Faith in God's Provision (Jeremiah 8-16)
    • Work Within a Balanced Life (Jeremiah 17)
    • Blessing the Wider Society Through Work (Jeremiah 29)
      • God's Presence Everywhere (Jeremiah 29)
      • Blessing for All Peoples (Jeremiah 29)
    • The Goodness of Work Restored (Jeremiah 30-33)
    • Slaves Set …