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Lingnan University

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孫輩照顧者面對的挑戰研究報告, Chak Kwan, Dickon Chan, Kong Sang Lou, Meng Soi, Florence Fong, Sheung Wan, Wanda Wong, Ka Chung, Tom Kwong Sep 2024

孫輩照顧者面對的挑戰研究報告, Chak Kwan, Dickon Chan, Kong Sang Lou, Meng Soi, Florence Fong, Sheung Wan, Wanda Wong, Ka Chung, Tom Kwong

APIAS Research Report 研究報告


本研究於2023年4月至12月期間,採用深度訪談 (in-depth interview) 方式,訪問了共40位年齡介乎13至63歲的孫輩照顧者,瞭解他們成為照顧者的主要原因、提供了甚麼照顧,以及照顧過程中面對的困難。


  • 大部分受訪的孫輩照顧者 (67.5%) 為次照顧者,近半受訪者每周提供20小時以上的照顧工作。
  • 共有47位祖父母/外祖父母受到照顧,年齡介乎62至99歲。大部分被照顧者 (91.5%) 行動不便,或患有長期病患 (76.6%)。被照顧祖父母當中過半 (57.4%) 沒有與孫輩同住,8.5%為獨居。
  • 孫輩成為照顧者有數個原因,包括家庭成員無法提供照顧、減輕父母的壓力和回饋祖父母過往照顧之恩。
  • 孫輩照顧者的照顧角色與他們的年齡、生活狀態、能力,以及被照顧者的需要有關。大部分孫輩照顧者和家人分擔照顧工作,並得到他們的協助。孫輩照顧者會主動運用各種輔助設備,以提高照顧成效。
  • 孫輩照顧者除了要面對一般照顧者的困難外 (如支援服務及資訊不足、身心壓力和社交限制),他們面對的壓力還包括學業及就業、家庭角色的衝突、「夾心」照顧者面對多重壓力,以及缺乏社會的認同。
  • 政策建議

沒有年齡的課室 : 跨代共學實務手冊, 陳曉瑩, 伍婉萍, 袁沅玉, 周頌聲, 杜詠詩, 馮明穗, 陳澤群, 劉嘉慶, 鄺家宗 Jan 2024

沒有年齡的課室 : 跨代共學實務手冊, 陳曉瑩, 伍婉萍, 袁沅玉, 周頌聲, 杜詠詩, 馮明穗, 陳澤群, 劉嘉慶, 鄺家宗

Manual & Guide 手冊及指引


《沒有年齡的課室 : 跨代共學實務手冊》收錄了嶺南大學亞太老年學研究中心為「沒有年齡的課室」項目進行的成效評估研究結果,同時收錄了教學團隊設計的課程教案及活動設計,記錄曾面對的困難和具體改善建議,供有意舉辦跨代共學活動的幼兒及社福機構參考。

香港影視業勞工狀況終期研究報告2024, 嶺南大學政策研究院, 嶺南大學文化研究及發展中心, 嶺南大學「青年貧窮與就業」研究團隊, 潘毅, 梁仕池, 楊皓鋮, 蔡美琦, 鄧立賢 Jan 2024

香港影視業勞工狀況終期研究報告2024, 嶺南大學政策研究院, 嶺南大學文化研究及發展中心, 嶺南大學「青年貧窮與就業」研究團隊, 潘毅, 梁仕池, 楊皓鋮, 蔡美琦, 鄧立賢

CCRD Research Report




  • 影視從業員以自由工作者為主,缺乏保障,面對多種危脆性(見p.26)
  • 多數從業員開工前不會簽署正規協議(見p.35)
  • 業內實際工作協議的完整度,比從業員理想的完整度有很大落差(見p.38)
  • 行業零散度高,導致拖糧問題普遍(見p.47)
  • 從業員容易面臨壓價和被資方轉移商業風險(見p.53)


  • 從業員極度依賴人脈接觸工作機會。遇到不合理待遇時,顧慮到自己形象和開罪前輩的可能性,很多人都會忍氣吞聲,避免被行家覺得麻煩、小器,導致不獲重用。這無疑是製造了灰色地帶,讓掌握工作機會的人士和單位可以刻薄對待和剝削勞工,而毋須被問責(見p.58)
  • 行內論資排輩的文化仍然存在,底層從業員要對前輩服從,表現出「肯捱」、願意「跟師傅學嘢」、甚至「任砌」等特質,難以反駁不合理要求,勞動尊嚴受損(見p.62)
  • 從業員對藝術創作抱有熱誠,在商業製作中亦未必完全以金錢衡量自己的付出,因此容易陷入甘願「自我犧牲」的心態,導致被剝削(見p.64)
  • 從業員若遇到不公平待遇,普遍不傾向團結行家一起尋求改變。主流的做法是在個人網絡傳播、私下聯絡對方追討、或放棄追究。多名受訪者歡迎行內發展出爭取權益導向的工會,惟他們認為現時並未有足夠條件推動(見p.65)


  • 拍攝現場有不少職安隱患,頗多從業員曾經歷或目睹工傷發生。從業員工時長、經常在疲勞狀態下工作;拍攝節奏趕急;現場未必有專業人員把關安全,僅靠經驗判斷安危等,都是造成職安隱患的原因(見p.77)
  • 從業員連續多日超時工作的情況非常嚴重。受訪從業員認為行內有必要對作息時間有合理的規範,不應犧牲從業員健康(見p.74)
  • 從業員認同需要專人負責監察片場安全,但對於如何實行並無共識(見p.81)
  • 從業員普遍認為政府對行業的支援資源不足、不到位,應邁向更開放、不以商業效益為主要考量的方向改善(見p.84)



  • 業界引入標準合約,推廣開工前先簽訂完整協議的文化
  • 政府透過資助影像製作項目,推廣勞工友善措施
  • 業界規範工時,減低超時、高強度工作的情況


  • 業界和政府合作,設定適用於影視製作的職安課程、認證系統、作業指引
  • 政府改善職安執法
  • 從業員自我組織,維護及推動權益


  • 政府改善資助制度,支援各規模、多元創作
  • 增加畢業生支援,輔助院校新晉人才與業界接軌

Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter (No. 69) = 彩園通訊 (第69期), Lingnan Gardeners, Centre For Cultural Research And Development, Lingnan University Jan 2024

Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter (No. 69) = 彩園通訊 (第69期), Lingnan Gardeners, Centre For Cultural Research And Development, Lingnan University

Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter 嶺南彩園通訊

No abstract provided.

沒有年齡的課室 : 成效評估研究報告, Meng Soi, Florence Fong, Chak Kwan, Dickon Chan, Ka Hing, Calvin Lau, Ka Chung, Tom Kwong Jan 2024

沒有年齡的課室 : 成效評估研究報告, Meng Soi, Florence Fong, Chak Kwan, Dickon Chan, Ka Hing, Calvin Lau, Ka Chung, Tom Kwong

APIAS Research Report 研究報告


香港人口老齡化的趨勢持續加劇,傳統的家庭照顧模式已難以滿足老年人和幼童在身心發展上的需求,需要探索新的跨代互助模式。因此,和悅社會企業於2023 年夏季舉辦了一項名為「沒有年齡的課室」的計劃(以下簡稱「計劃」/「課程」)。該課程旨在為長者及幼童提供共學的機會,推動跨代連結與互惠。為了更客觀地檢視「沒有年齡的課室」的實施情況與成效,以及探討在香港推行跨代共學的可行性,和悅社會企業委託嶺南大學亞太老年學研究中心對該課程進行了評估研究,並撰寫了此報告以供相關持分者參考。


2. 研究採用定量研究及定性研究的數據收集和分析的混合研究法 (Mixed Methods) 進行。除了透過問卷調查和聚焦小組去收集參加者對課程的看法外,同時分析課程的數據、進行實地觀察,以及檢視相關文獻資料,從而更全面地瞭解整個課程的實施情況、對參與者的影響,以及探討計劃未來的發展方向。


3. 本研究於2023年6月至9月期間成功對實驗組及對照組參加者進行了兩輪問卷調查,收集參加者的意見。調查結果顯示,長者及幼童的家長讓他們的孩子參與計劃的最主要原因是為了「想學習新知識 」(長者學員:72%;幼童:73%),其次為「進行跨代接觸交流」 (長者學員:60%;幼童家長:54%),第三個主要原因是可以「嘗試新事物」(長者學員:40%;幼童:54%),以及可以「認識新朋友」 (長者學員:36%;幼童家長:50%)。至於計劃對參加者的影響方面,本研究透過比較實驗組 (即參加「沒有年齡的課室」的長者及幼童學員) 與對照組 (即課程無長幼共學成份)參加者在對雙方態度、自尊心及自信、社交技巧等方面的前後變化。從分析結果顯示,長幼學員在修畢本課程後,對彼此的態度 (長者學員對幼童態度:實驗組增長17%,對照組下降1%;幼童學員對長者態度:實驗組增長19%,對照組增長7%) 及幼童學員的社交技巧 (實驗組增長9%,對照組增長1%) 之增長達統計學顯著程度,足見本課程成功透過長幼共學的方式去改善長幼對彼此的觀感和態度。至於對課程的體驗方面,長者學員及幼童學員之家長均給予高度評價和評分,以1-7分為量表去評價,參加者普遍對課程感到十分滿意 (長者學員:平均分為6.07分;幼童學員:6.29分)、並表示若和悅社會企業日後舉行類似課程會再次參加(長者學員:平均分為5.33分;幼童學員:6.41分) 和向別人推薦此類課程 (長者學員:平均分為5.33分;幼童學員:6.29分)。概括而言,從統計結果反映了課程為參加者帶來很多正面影響,特別是長者或幼童態度之改善比沒有跨代共學成份的課程更為顯著。

4. 此外,本研究邀請了參與課程的長者、幼童家長、和推行「沒有年齡的課室」計劃的同工進行了3 場聚焦小組以深化對問卷調查結果,並進一步探討可如何改善計劃之推行及在社區推廣跨代共學的模式。從結果顯示,長幼學員透過參與本課程互相接觸及互動,增加彼此了解,使彼此的觀感及態度亦變得正面,達到促進跨代共融的目標。同時,幼童的社交技巧、接觸長者的動機及幼童的個人成長亦有所提升。長幼學員、課程導師及項目統籌人員均表示參加者能愉快地學習和十分享受參與本課程。

5. 從不同的的數據作綜合分析,促進「沒有年齡的課室」的成功因素包括: (i) 1對1的長幼配對,增加長幼學員之互動機會以便建立互信關係以及日後的情感聯繫; (ii) 課程時間節數安排要配合幼童的學習時間表 (如與暑假活動分開、每堂時數能讓幼童學員專心等) ;及 (iii) 招募適合的參加者,以其年齡、興趣喜好及性別進行配對 (如女性參加者明顯更為適合參與此類以幼童為對象的活動計劃)。

6. 關於課程的未來發展,研究建議推行機構可考慮以下5 個要點:(i) 除以1對1長幼配對外,亦可考慮同時加入1位長者對數名幼童,或1名幼童對數名長者的混合模式,這樣可以增加長幼學員與不同參加者的互動機會,進一步培養社交技巧;(ii) 可增加針對長者學員的課程內容 ,讓長者以學生身份投入各個課程活動;(iii) 讓一些能力比較高的長者參與課程設計及教材 (如讓長者準備自己過去相片與幼童分享過去時代點滴生活),為長者充權;(iv) 微調課堂時間以配合長者的活動時間表 (如可參考現時日間長者中心的活動時間);及 (v) 增加人手安排編制至5至8人,以便在推行活動過程中提供適時的支援 (如增設社工以應付課堂上幼童學員突發的情緒問題)。


7. 綜合各種數數據證明「沒有年齡的課室」有效促進跨代共學與互助,為長者建立正面形象、提升他們的生活質素、亦能令幼童認識如何與長者溝通,改善社交技巧以及提升自尊感等。因此,其他長者服務機構、企業及教育團體可以仿傚此活動,在幼稚園 (即幼兒期) 便引入跨代共學的元素,促進代際間情感、知識與文化的傳遞,重塑「老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼」的價值觀,建立一個強調代間互助和共融的社會。

夢、隱喻與思想 : 從意象基模解析《列子·周穆王篇》之夢寓及篇章意旨, Yin-Ching Chen Dec 2023

夢、隱喻與思想 : 從意象基模解析《列子·周穆王篇》之夢寓及篇章意旨, Yin-Ching Chen

嶺南學報 Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies


The Chapter of King Mu in the Liezi is composed of eight fantastic stories, centered on the themes of hypnosis, daydream, amnesia, illusion, and mental disorders. These stories conceive profound meanings which comprises religious and philosophical ideas, as well as real accounts of dreams. This article analyzes the stories and themes of the Chapter of King Mu by means of contemporary Western theories of “conceptual metaphor” and “image schema” and with reference to traditional Chinese research literature. It aims to clarify the relationship of the dream experience, metaphorical language, and Daoist thought. Further, it seeks to explore and compare …

Optimism About Philosophical Progress, A Historical Case Study, Daniele Bruno Garancini Nov 2023

Optimism About Philosophical Progress, A Historical Case Study, Daniele Bruno Garancini

Lingnan Theses (MPhil & PhD)

In this thesis I defend optimism about philosophical progress, which is a form of anti-exceptionalism about philosophy. Pessimists maintain that philosophy lacks the distinctive features that make science progressive. Optimism maintains that philosophy is like science, in this respect. My argumentative strategy is the following. I review the literature on philosophical progress to identify the feature that, according to pessimists, philosophy lacks. Then, I develop a historical case study to show that philosophy has these features. The goal is showing that philosophy makes progress by pessimistic standards.

My strategy is novel because other optimists, including Stoljar and Dellsén, Firing, and …

The Effects Of The Big-Headed Turtle (Platysternon Megacephalum) On Community And Ecosystem In Hong Kong Hill Streams, Wing Lam Fok Nov 2023

The Effects Of The Big-Headed Turtle (Platysternon Megacephalum) On Community And Ecosystem In Hong Kong Hill Streams, Wing Lam Fok

Lingnan Theses (MPhil & PhD)

Freshwater turtles and tortoises are ecologically important organisms; however, they are underappreciated, and conservation attention often focuses on the more charismatic animals such as birds and mammals. Although turtles are the most traded group of animals and many species are at the brink of extinction, little research has been done to understand their ecology in Asia because of the rarity of wild populations. Hong Kong is a biodiversity hotspot for freshwater turtle species. The Big-headed Turtle (Platysternon megacephalum) is a critically endangered species that still maintains small populations in Hong Kong, providing a rare opportunity to study the …

The Covid-19 Crisis And Intergenerational Relations : The Case Of Hong Kong Families With Older Parents Ageing In The Greater Bay Area In Mainland China, Bowen Zhou Nov 2023

The Covid-19 Crisis And Intergenerational Relations : The Case Of Hong Kong Families With Older Parents Ageing In The Greater Bay Area In Mainland China, Bowen Zhou

Lingnan Theses (MPhil & PhD)

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has been developed by the Chinese central government since 2016. Driven by the development of the Greater Bay Area, the well-developed transportation has further provided chances for Hong Kong older people to reside in the mainland GBA cities. The relevant Hong Kong government departments have made a comparison showing that the number of Hong Kong older people (aged 65 and above) who are ageing in the Greater Bay Area of mainland China has increased to around 90,200 in 2019, a 33% increase from 2013. Given the most updated situation, these Hong Kong families with …

Cross-Watershed Horizontal Ecological Compensation System : Comparative Examples From China And Germany, Yanyao Yang Nov 2023

Cross-Watershed Horizontal Ecological Compensation System : Comparative Examples From China And Germany, Yanyao Yang

SOC 605 Comparative Social Policy Research Project - Student Works

In recent years, horizontal ecological compensation in the Yangtze River basin is a new policy for protecting the ecology. But it still has shortcomings in policy implementation. In contrast, Germany, which reached an ecological compensation agreement with the Czech Republic on the Elbe River as early as the 1990s, is a worthy reference object for China. Therefore, this study systematically reviews the literature on horizontal ecological compensation in China and abroad. It finds that the relevant literature on ecological compensation policies lacks composite research using research methods that combine qualitative and quantitative analysis. So, this study uses social network analysis …

Comparative Study Of Barrier-Free City Construction In Shenzhen And Hong Kong, Fengyi Li Nov 2023

Comparative Study Of Barrier-Free City Construction In Shenzhen And Hong Kong, Fengyi Li

SOC 605 Comparative Social Policy Research Project - Student Works

The purpose of this research is to compare the barrier-free construction situation in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, and to compare them in terms of hardware facilities, publicity concepts, financial investment, etc. Qualitative analysis was used, interviews were conducted with people with disabilities, and the data results were analyzed to draw the direction of the future development of barrier-free facilities in the two places.

Challenges And Responses : The Impact Of Classification Methods Of Policies On First-Generation College Students In China And The Us, Ken Cheng Nov 2023

Challenges And Responses : The Impact Of Classification Methods Of Policies On First-Generation College Students In China And The Us, Ken Cheng

SOC 605 Comparative Social Policy Research Project - Student Works

In China and the United States, with the expansion of higher education, more and more people have become the first-generation of college students in their families. However, while gaining opportunities for social upward mobility, they also face many challenges, and the formation of these challenges is related to their multiple identities. In China, these challenges are more related to regional development differences, while in the United States, they are more impacted by identities such as immigrants and ethnic minorities. At the same time, the governments, universities, and society of both countries have introduced various policies to support first-generation college students, …

Comparison Of Transportation Accessibility Policy Among Elderly In Hong Kong And Singapore, Hui Zheng Nov 2023

Comparison Of Transportation Accessibility Policy Among Elderly In Hong Kong And Singapore, Hui Zheng

SOC 605 Comparative Social Policy Research Project - Student Works

With the coming of the aged society, the right of the elderly to participate in social life has been paid more and more attention, and the aging population urgently needs to promote the construction of traffic accessible environment with the travel needs of the elderly as the core. Through the document analysis method of qualitative research, this study chose to make a comparative analysis of the transport accessibility policies of the elderly in Singapore and Hong Kong, aiming to provide policy recommendations for government departments to accelerate the construction of a convenient transport environment for the elderly and support their …

The Sugar War : The Response Of Guangdong Brown Sugar To The Provincial Industrial Sugar System, 1933-1936, Yiqun Mao Oct 2023

The Sugar War : The Response Of Guangdong Brown Sugar To The Provincial Industrial Sugar System, 1933-1936, Yiqun Mao

Lingnan Theses (MPhil & PhD)

Thanks to the tariff imposition in the 1930s, Guangdong’s brown sugar trade, once shrinking due to the dumping of refined sugar, revived with soaring annual sales from hundreds of thousands to 1.3 million piculs. Meanwhile, Chen Jitang’s warlord regime in Guangdong established several provincial sugar factories and implemented a sugar monopoly policy from 1933 until its reign in 1936. Faced with the threats posed by refined sugar and the official disruption of the brown sugar system, Guangdong’s brown sugar maintained its prosperity with increasing output. Current sugar history studies mainly focused on how worldwide colonial regimes successfully built industrialized sugar …

Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter (No. 68) = 彩園通訊 (第68期), Lingnan Gardeners, Centre For Cultural Research And Development, Lingnan University Oct 2023

Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter (No. 68) = 彩園通訊 (第68期), Lingnan Gardeners, Centre For Cultural Research And Development, Lingnan University

Lingnan Gardeners Newsletter 嶺南彩園通訊

No abstract provided.

Students' Attitudes On Online And Face-To-Face Learning During Covid-19 : A Qualitative Study, Yanying Liu Sep 2023

Students' Attitudes On Online And Face-To-Face Learning During Covid-19 : A Qualitative Study, Yanying Liu

Lingnan Theses (Doctoral degree)

The purpose of this dissertation is to explore Lingnan University students’ attitudes on online and face-to-face learning during COVID-19. In early 2020, the sudden spread of the COVID-19 pandemic continued across the world and the epidemic had a profound impact on the teaching and learning. In order to reduce potential communication risks, universities have adopted the method of online learning to carry out learning task instead of face-to-face learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

From the perspective of students, this dissertation explores students’ attitudes on online and face-to-face learning during COVID-19 based on the Community of Inquiry Framework. The participants of …

Personal Life Security, Nonmonetary Benefits And Executive Compensation : Evidence From Stand Your Ground Laws, Zixuan Zeng Sep 2023

Personal Life Security, Nonmonetary Benefits And Executive Compensation : Evidence From Stand Your Ground Laws, Zixuan Zeng

Lingnan Theses (MPhil & PhD)

People prefer an amenable location and companies have to pay a higher level of salary to their executives in a less livable place. Focusing on a particular aspect of livability, i.e. life security, we investigate whether life security condition in a region has an impact on CEOs’ compensation using the enactment of Stand Your Ground (SYG) laws in U.S. 26 states from 2003 to 2020 as an exogenous shock. SYG laws, which grant individuals the legal right to use lethal force in self-defense without the duty to retreat, have the potential to affect executives' perception of personal security and consequently, …

Does Non-Financial Information Disclosure Promote Firm's Exports? Evidence From China's Mandatory Csr Reporting Regulation, Xin Chen Sep 2023

Does Non-Financial Information Disclosure Promote Firm's Exports? Evidence From China's Mandatory Csr Reporting Regulation, Xin Chen

Lingnan Theses (MPhil & PhD)

Although prior literature provides evidence on information technology's role in international trade, whether and how a firm's non-financial information disclosure affects export is underexplored. Using China's mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure as a quasi-natural experiment, we find that firms binding to the requirement significantly boost exports compared to their nonreporting peers. To understand the economic mechanisms, we propose that the positive impacts could be exposited through two channels: (1) information transparency and (2) financial constraint. The economic mechanism tests provide suggestive evidence that the effects are more substantial when firms are inferior in information transparency and financial constraint before …

照顧者實用資訊手冊, 嶺南大學亞太老年學研究中心 Asia-Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University, Meng Soi, Florence Fong, Chak Kwan, Dickson Chan, Kin Chung Cheung, Lai Ieng Jay Lau, Sin Yui Sharon Chan, Kin Ho William Li, Ka Ho, Alan Li Sep 2023

照顧者實用資訊手冊, 嶺南大學亞太老年學研究中心 Asia-Pacific Institute Of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University, Meng Soi, Florence Fong, Chak Kwan, Dickson Chan, Kin Chung Cheung, Lai Ieng Jay Lau, Sin Yui Sharon Chan, Kin Ho William Li, Ka Ho, Alan Li

Manual & Guide 手冊及指引
















◎ 針對預備照顧者、新手以及隱蔽照顧者,讓他們了解照顧者的角色和需要;照顧體弱長者的基礎知識,並提供應對壓力的建議,包括自我照顧和喘息服務等。


◎ 針對所有護老者,提供長者常用的社區服務、健康服務和支援計劃,包括暫託、住宿、護送及陪診、善別支援、情緒支援、復康用品津貼及租賃的支援計劃,以及財務策劃師提供的理財貼士。


◎ 針對照顧者,資訊包括不同的照顧者支援組織、同路人和畢業照顧者的經驗心得、培訓課程,以及實用的電子資訊平台推介。


◎ 針對服務提供者、政策倡議者及制定者,提供專家學者對照顧者服務及政策的未來發展方向的看法和建議,以期引發更多關於「如何為照顧者提供更好支持」的討論。





香港居家安老面對的挑戰 : 服務提供者及使用者之經驗, Chak Kwan, Dickon Chan, Meng Soi, Florence Fong, Mun Yu, Vera Tang, Lai Ieng Jay Lau, Kui Wai Gordon Chick, Sheung Wan, Wanda Wong, Kong Lung Yeung Sep 2023

香港居家安老面對的挑戰 : 服務提供者及使用者之經驗, Chak Kwan, Dickon Chan, Meng Soi, Florence Fong, Mun Yu, Vera Tang, Lai Ieng Jay Lau, Kui Wai Gordon Chick, Sheung Wan, Wanda Wong, Kong Lung Yeung

APIAS Research Report 研究報告


研究團隊綜合了長者居家安老的狀況,提出了幾方面的改進建議。在家居環境和社區設施方面,建議 (1) 政府應主動協助長者改善「居住環境」和安裝「緊急呼叫系統」,並(2) 建設合適長者的公共交通工具和道路設施和交通配套。在醫療層面方面,建議 (3) 資助有緊急需要的長者使用私營醫療服務、(4) 擴展醫療券計劃至購買坊間藥物和 (5) 改善普通科門診醫療預約系統和公開長者預約專籌的數量及其使用狀況。在長者社區照顧及支援服務方面,建議 (6) 檢視社區照顧服務券的宣傳和使用狀況、(7) 對長者家庭進行家訪,及早識別有需要個案和 (8) 檢視未來各區長者比例,規劃長者設施服務。

研究團隊分析了社福機構人員在提供長者服務過程中所遇到的困難後,提出了四方面的建議,分別爲 (1) 改進安老服務人員資歷架構和服務外包、(2) 簡化並加強服務資訊的宣傳、(3) 優化一站式服務平台及個案管理和 (4) 制訂長遠的安老政策方向。

A Socio-Ecological Barrier To Regular Migration, Regularization And Healthcare Access For Myanmar Irregular Migrant Workers In Thailand, Tual Sawn Khai Aug 2023

A Socio-Ecological Barrier To Regular Migration, Regularization And Healthcare Access For Myanmar Irregular Migrant Workers In Thailand, Tual Sawn Khai

Lingnan Theses (MPhil & PhD)

The Myanmar people have been migrating to Thailand since the 1980s through regular or irregular channels for better livelihood opportunities. Over the past decade, they have significantly contributed to the economic development of both sending and receiving states. Thailand and Myanmar signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to facilitate labour migration in 2003. The agreement aims to ensure that migrant workers have access to regular employment channels in Thailand and improve their employment rights. Under a bilateral agreement, migrant workers employed under the MOU can stay in Thailand for four years. However, they must apply for visa renewals every two …

An Investigation Of Africans And Hongkongers Relationship : A Social Psychological Approach, Raymond Agyenim-Boateng Aug 2023

An Investigation Of Africans And Hongkongers Relationship : A Social Psychological Approach, Raymond Agyenim-Boateng

Lingnan Theses (MPhil & PhD)

When members of different social groups come into contact, interactions and intergroup attitudes are not always reciprocal between the groups. Within social psychology, intergroup relations research has long been a topic of interest. Yet, such research has mostly been conducted in Western cultural settings. There is scant research from an East Asian cultural context, where intercultural encounters have been on the rise. Existing psychological literature has put much attention on the experiences of migrants and minorities, while the views of the host majority members would often be neglected. This thesis addresses this lacuna by using social psychological theories and research …

Perceived Similarity And Relationship Satisfaction : The Role Of Attributional Confidence, Ting Hin Lee Aug 2023

Perceived Similarity And Relationship Satisfaction : The Role Of Attributional Confidence, Ting Hin Lee

Lingnan Theses (MPhil & PhD)

Although perceived similarity has been found to foster relationship satisfaction, scarce studies have focused on how perceived similarity by oneself and by the partner are linked to relationship satisfaction. The purpose of Study 1 was to investigate the effect of perceived similarity on relationship satisfaction and the mediating role of attributional confidence in this association. Study 2 aimed to examine the effects of one’s own and the partner’s perceived similarity on relationship satisfaction, in addition to the mediating roles of one’s own and the partner’s attributional confidence in these associations. In Study 1, a total of 395 individuals (51.4% female) …

Dissertation On Applied Micro-Economics, Wei Liu Aug 2023

Dissertation On Applied Micro-Economics, Wei Liu

Lingnan Theses (MPhil & PhD)

My PhD thesis is composed of two chapters. The first chapter evaluates the effectiveness of China’s anti-corruption campaign in 2012 by conducting a difference-in-difference analysis of product-city-level cigarette consumption data from 2007 to 2014. The analysis found that following the campaign, there was an increase in sales of middle-end cigarettes and a decrease in sales of luxury cigarettes, which contrasts with the trend for lower-end cigarettes. This substitution pattern may be attributed to a decrease in public spending on luxury goods, and the patter is also influenced by officials’ wages. Additionally, our findings suggest that provinces with more intense anti-corruption …

Beyond Economics And Politics : A Sociological Review Of Local Long-Term Care Service Provision In China, Zhen Tian Aug 2023

Beyond Economics And Politics : A Sociological Review Of Local Long-Term Care Service Provision In China, Zhen Tian

Lingnan Theses (MPhil & PhD)

The socio-demographic transition presents a significant challenge that impacts the renewal of welfare arrangements and the reallocation of welfare responsibilities across sectors. Long-term care (LTC) services have emerged as a widely accepted strategy to promote the active daily living and human dignity of senior citizens. This study aims to assess the effective policy strategies employed in various Chinese contexts to address significant LTC policy concerns and synthesise lessons that can guide future policy decisions. The study addresses three questions to explore local variations in China's LTC service provision: (1) What differences exist in the long-term care services provision? (2) How …

Two Essays On Pollution, Trade And Industries In China, Jie Bai Aug 2023

Two Essays On Pollution, Trade And Industries In China, Jie Bai

Lingnan Theses (MPhil & PhD)

The relationship between environment and human economic activities is intricately intertwined. This thesis delves into the investigation of the causal effect of pollution on exports and, in turn, examines the impacts of industrial intelligence on the environment. It is organized into two chapters. The first chapter of the thesis studies whether and how air pollution affects firms’ exports based on Chinese data (2000-2007). The literature on the correlation between trade and environment is vast, but studies almost exclusively focus on the causal effects of trade on environment. This study examines the reverse effects. In the analysis, we use PM2.5 concentrations …

The Impact Of Parental Involvement In School Readiness On First-Grade Students' Learning Style And Cognitive Development In Shenzhen, China, Hua Li Aug 2023

The Impact Of Parental Involvement In School Readiness On First-Grade Students' Learning Style And Cognitive Development In Shenzhen, China, Hua Li

Lingnan Theses (Doctoral degree)

In recent years, children’s school readiness has become a hot spot in child development research. Cognitive development and learning style are critical to children’s growth and development. Further research on this topic can help parents participate in their children’s admission preparation and aid in the early recognition and timely intervention of children facing potential risks.

Guided by Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory, this qualitative study used the socioeconomic profile data of 24 parent participants to understand how their participation in their children’s school readiness affects these children’s cognition and learning style after entering the first grade in public, private, and international primary …

Experiences Of First-Generation Students In A Large Public University In Ghana : A Phenomenological Study, Jacob Oppong Nkansah Aug 2023

Experiences Of First-Generation Students In A Large Public University In Ghana : A Phenomenological Study, Jacob Oppong Nkansah

Lingnan Theses (Doctoral degree)

In this study, first-generation students (FGS) experiences in the higher education system of Ghana were explored. Only a few studies in Africa, notably Ghana, have focused on the concept of FGS. FGS are conceptualized as learners whose parents didn’t complete or attend university and are the first in their nuclear families to seek for higher education. This research looked into FGS experiences at the University of Education Winneba, which is a large public university viewed as a haven for FGS in Ghana because of its mandate to train teachers for immediate employment. The study explored FGS motivations for pursuing higher …

From Academic Burden Reduction To Quality Education : A Case Study Of Students' And Parents' Perceptions And Experiences Under The Double-Reduction Policy In China, Tao Xu Aug 2023

From Academic Burden Reduction To Quality Education : A Case Study Of Students' And Parents' Perceptions And Experiences Under The Double-Reduction Policy In China, Tao Xu

Lingnan Theses (Doctoral degree)

Research confirms the debilitating effect of academic stress on Chinese students. Excessive academic stress not only causes physical and mental problems for students but also affects the overall development of their abilities and literacy. This form of stress also exacerbates social problems, such as increased educational involution and deteriorating parent–child relationships. Therefore, the Chinese government has introduced the Double-Reduction Policy in 2021 to reduce the academic burden and out-of-school trainings for students in compulsory education. This study aims to explore high school students’ perceptions and experiences related to this policy and provide implications for its improvement. To this end, this …

Issues On Selling Products Via Social Media Influencers, Zhenhao Li Aug 2023

Issues On Selling Products Via Social Media Influencers, Zhenhao Li

Lingnan Theses (MPhil & PhD)

Recent years have witnessed an exponential growth of firms promoting and selling products via social media influencers. Although such practice has attracted a growing interest in academia, relevant studies are largely empirical, while analytical studies remain limited. To address this gap, we analytically investigate issues related to a firm's strategy of selling products via influencers in two studies.

In the first study, we develop a two-period model to investigate a firm's strategy for introducing a product via an influencer, where there may exist uncertainty in the influencer-product match. For the promotional campaign in the first period, the influencer exerts an …