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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

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Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

Re-Imagining The Labor Movement As A Social Movement, James Patin Mar 2018

Re-Imagining The Labor Movement As A Social Movement, James Patin

James Patin

This paper presents a new theoretical contribution which seeks to provide a framework
for the labor movement to be rebuilt by engaging both in traditional labor struggles and in social
movements. I argue that the labor movement must use labor power to fight for social change on
all fronts, using demands which bridge member consciousness to social movement
consciousness, as well as framing and organizing tactics which unite the community around the
union. This paper provides a theoretical analysis of labor movement and social movement theory
and practice. We demonstrate that Marxist Theory has been historically present, but that it …

Academic Librarians And Labor Unions: Attitudes And Experiences, Ian Mccullough Dec 2017

Academic Librarians And Labor Unions: Attitudes And Experiences, Ian Mccullough

Ian McCullough

This research project investigates librarians’ attitudes toward unions and collective bargaining through data collected from a nationwide survey of 359 academic librarians in the United States. We found that academic librarians have a generally positive view of unions and collective bargaining agreements, a notable result in a national political atmosphere that is demonstrably anti-union. Union membership is strongly bound to faculty status. Our research results imply that unionization and collective bargaining provide stronger job protections and higher wages than faculty status alone, and suggest that discussions of faculty status in academic libraries may not have provided best possible way to …

Vietnamese Textile And Garment Industry In The Global Supply Chain: State Strategies And Workers' Responses, Angie Tran Oct 2017

Vietnamese Textile And Garment Industry In The Global Supply Chain: State Strategies And Workers' Responses, Angie Tran

Angie Tran

This paper examines the development of textile and garment manufacturing in the context of the prevailing arguments on pursuing market- oriented liberalisation and state directed domestic linkages, and the impacts of these developments on unions and workers in Vietnam. Despite rapid growth in exports and employment, the empirical evidence shows that market-oriented integration in the global economy has limited firms’ operations to low value- added activities and workers to toil for non-livable wages. The global supply chain has also exposed firms and consigned workers to the vicissitudes of volatile fluctuations in demand causing retrenchments, substandard working conditions and a vicious …

Segmented Labour Markets In South Africa, Gary S. Fields Jul 2016

Segmented Labour Markets In South Africa, Gary S. Fields

Gary S Fields

[Excerpt] The textbook labour market model aggregates all workers, all employers and all sectors of the economy into a single labour market. In this single labour market, workers supply labour, employers demand labour and the rate of pay (termed wage for shorthand) is determined by the intersection of supply and demand. Segmented labour market analysis proceeds from a different starting point. Workers, employers and sectors are not aggregated together. Rather, two or more labour market segments are identified, the groupings reflecting fundamental differences in how labour supply, labour demand and wage-determination mechanisms operate in different segments. For example, in the …

Choosing Union Representation: The Role Of Attitudes And Emotions, Adrienne E. Eaton, Sean Rogers Ph.D., Tracy F. H. Chang, Paula B. Voos Apr 2016

Choosing Union Representation: The Role Of Attitudes And Emotions, Adrienne E. Eaton, Sean Rogers Ph.D., Tracy F. H. Chang, Paula B. Voos

Sean Edmund Rogers

In the United States, most unions are recognized by a majority vote of employees through union representation elections administered by the government. Most empirical studies of individual voting behavior during union representation elections use a rational choice model. Recently, however, some have posited that voting is often influenced by emotions. We evaluate competing hypotheses about the determinants of union voting behavior by using data collected from a 2010 representation election at Delta Air Lines, a US-based company. In addition to the older rational choice framework, multiple regression results provide support for an emotional choice model. Positive feelings toward the employer …

Experimentation And Decentralization In China’S Labor Relations, Eli D. Friedman, Sarosh Kuruvilla Oct 2015

Experimentation And Decentralization In China’S Labor Relations, Eli D. Friedman, Sarosh Kuruvilla

Sarosh Kuruvilla

In this introduction to the special issue ‘Changing work, labour and employment relations in China’, we argue that China is taking an experimental and decentralized approach to the development of new labor relations frameworks. Particular political constraints in China prevent interest aggregation among workers, as the central state sees this as posing a risk to social stability. Firms and local governments have been given a degree of space to experiment with different arrangements, as long as the categorical ban on independent unions is not violated. The consequence has been an increasingly differentiated labor relations landscape, with significant variation by region …

Experimentation And Decentralization In China’S Labor Relations, Eli D. Friedman, Sarosh Kuruvilla Apr 2015

Experimentation And Decentralization In China’S Labor Relations, Eli D. Friedman, Sarosh Kuruvilla

Eli D Friedman

In this introduction to the special issue ‘Changing work, labour and employment relations in China’, we argue that China is taking an experimental and decentralized approach to the development of new labor relations frameworks. Particular political constraints in China prevent interest aggregation among workers, as the central state sees this as posing a risk to social stability. Firms and local governments have been given a degree of space to experiment with different arrangements, as long as the categorical ban on independent unions is not violated. The consequence has been an increasingly differentiated labor relations landscape, with significant variation by region …

Insurgency And Institutionalization: The Polanyian Countermovement And Chinese Labor Politics, Eli D. Friedman Apr 2015

Insurgency And Institutionalization: The Polanyian Countermovement And Chinese Labor Politics, Eli D. Friedman

Eli D Friedman

Why is it that in the nearly 10 years since the Chinese central government began making symbolic and material moves towards class compromise that labor unrest has expanded greatly? In this article I reconfigure Karl Polanyi's theory of the countermovement to account for recent developments in Chinese labor politics. Specifically, I argue that countermovements must be broken down into two constituent but intertwined "moments": the insurgent moment that consists of spontaneous resistance to the market, and the institutional moment, when class compromise is established in the economic and political spheres. In China, the transition from insurgency to institutionalization has thus …

Organizing In The Nafta Environment: How Companies Use “Free Trade” To Stop Unions, Kate Bronfenbrenner Apr 2013

Organizing In The Nafta Environment: How Companies Use “Free Trade” To Stop Unions, Kate Bronfenbrenner

Kate Bronfenbrenner

[Excerpt] These findings point to both an enormous challenge and a great opportunity for American unions. Clearly, under NAFTA and other free trade agreements more and more employers will feel emboldened to threaten to close the plant during organizing campaigns, and workers and unions will find organizing increasingly difficult. At the same time, unions have an opportunity to overcome these barriers to organizing if they commit enough resources to run large-scale, aggressive campaigns which mobilize the rank-and-file workers to build a union in their workplace, regardless of the intensity of the employer’s campaign.

Lasting Victories: Successful Union Strategies For Winning First Contracts, Kate Bronfenbrenner Apr 2013

Lasting Victories: Successful Union Strategies For Winning First Contracts, Kate Bronfenbrenner

Kate Bronfenbrenner

[Excerpt] These studies leave no doubt that employers have at their disposal a myriad of legal and illegal tactics which they can use to effectively block union efforts at winning a first agreement. The critical question to be answered is whether the same kind of grassroots, rank-and-file intensive union-building strategies that have been found to be so effective in certification and decertification elections are equally effective in overcoming employer opposition in first contract campaigns.

Successful Union Strategies For Winning Certification Elections And First Contracts: Report To Union Participants (Part 1: Organizing Survey Results), Kate Bronfenbrenner Apr 2013

Successful Union Strategies For Winning Certification Elections And First Contracts: Report To Union Participants (Part 1: Organizing Survey Results), Kate Bronfenbrenner

Kate Bronfenbrenner

Summary of results from 1986-1988 survey of 261 lead organizers conducted by Kate Bronfenbrenner in cooperation with the Organizing Department of the AFL-CIO.

Obits For Labor Unions Are Premature, Kate Bronfenbrenner Apr 2013

Obits For Labor Unions Are Premature, Kate Bronfenbrenner

Kate Bronfenbrenner

[Excerpt] The press recently declared the end of the labor movement. It reported on a major new study by Harvard economist Richard Freeman and Joel Rogers of the University of Wisconsin, suggesting that American workers would prefer cooperative relationships with management to traditional labor unions. Coupled with union membership at less than 16 percent of the work force and a new wave of far-from-pro-labor Republicans marching into Washington, many see this as definitive proof of labor's obsolescence. A more careful analysis, however, reveals that this is far from the truth.

Overcoming The Challenges To Organizing In Manufacturing, Kate Bronfenbrenner, Robert Hickey Apr 2013

Overcoming The Challenges To Organizing In Manufacturing, Kate Bronfenbrenner, Robert Hickey

Kate Bronfenbrenner

[Excerpt] By 2002, the decline of organizing in the U.S. manufacturing sector has reached crisis proportions. In the 1930s it was industrial organizing that built the labor movement and brought a decent standard of living to millions of industrial workers, their families, and communities across the country. Absent intensive efforts to organize the nation's most mobile industries, U.S. workers will lose their only hedge against the worst effects of the global economy, and American manufacturing employers will lead the race to the bottom in workplace democracy, wages, working conditions, and living standards. The American labor movement needs its industrial base …

Successful Union Strategies For Winning Certification Elections And First Contracts: Report To Union Participants (Part 2: First Contract Survey Results), Kate Bronfenbrenner Apr 2013

Successful Union Strategies For Winning Certification Elections And First Contracts: Report To Union Participants (Part 2: First Contract Survey Results), Kate Bronfenbrenner

Kate Bronfenbrenner

Summary of results from 1986-1988 survey of 100 chief negotiators conducted by Kate Bronfenbrenner in cooperation with the Organizing Department of the AFL-CIO.

Political Insiders And Social Activists: Coalition Building In New York And Los Angeles, Marco Hauptmeier, Lowell Turner Oct 2012

Political Insiders And Social Activists: Coalition Building In New York And Los Angeles, Marco Hauptmeier, Lowell Turner

Lowell Turner

[Excerpt] Why have labor movements in New York City and Los Angeles changed so dramatically? And more specifically, why have the activist social coalitions that revitalized the labor movement in Los Angeles not played the same kind of role in New York? Our research persuades us that the relationship between .contrasting coalition types—political and social—is central to explaining the differences. Political coalitions refer to cooperation between unions and parties, politicians, and other social actors, focused largely on elections and policy-making processes. Social coalitions, by contrast, include labor and other social actors such as community, religious, environmental, and immigrant rights groups, …

Institutions And Activism: Crisis And Opportunity For A German Labor Movement In Decline, Lowell Turner Oct 2012

Institutions And Activism: Crisis And Opportunity For A German Labor Movement In Decline, Lowell Turner

Lowell Turner

In recent decades, German unions have rested on their institutional laurels even as the ground has slipped away. This article analyzes two recent innovative campaigns based on grassroots mobilization that, the author argues, offer possibilities for renewed union strength. A breakthrough campaign against a militantly anti-union firm in the retail industry demonstrates the potential for a German brand of social movement unionism. The story line and institution-building strategy of this campaign fall entirely outside the framework of traditional German industrial relations. A second, very different campaign, from deep inside that traditional framework, has mobilized union members in Nordrhein-Westfalen (IG Metall’s …

The Effect Of Unions On Productivity In The Public Sector: The Case Of Municipal Libraries, Ronald G. Ehrenberg, Joshua L. Schwarz Aug 2012

The Effect Of Unions On Productivity In The Public Sector: The Case Of Municipal Libraries, Ronald G. Ehrenberg, Joshua L. Schwarz

Ronald G. Ehrenberg

[Excerpt] This paper represents our initial efforts at analyzing the effects of unions on productivity in the public sector. We first sketch an analytical framework that can be used to estimate these effects, focusing for expository purposes on municipal public libraries. We initially focus on libraries because considerable effort has been devoted to conceptualizing productivity measures for them and because of the availability of data to implement the framework. After discussing the analytical framework, we present preliminary estimtes of the effects of unions on productivity in public libraries based upon analyses of data from 71 municipal libraries in Massachusetts. We …

Unions And Productivity In The Public Sector: A Study Of Municipal Libraries, Ronald G. Ehrenberg, Daniel R. Sherman, Joshua L. Schwarz Jul 2012

Unions And Productivity In The Public Sector: A Study Of Municipal Libraries, Ronald G. Ehrenberg, Daniel R. Sherman, Joshua L. Schwarz

Ronald G. Ehrenberg

This paper develops and illustrates the use of two methodologies to analyze the effect of unions on productivity in the public sector. Although the methodologies are applicable to a wide variety of public sector functions, the focus of the paper is on municipal libraries because of the availability of relevant data. The empirical analysis, which uses 1977 cross-section data on 260 libraries, suggests that collective bargaining coverage has not significantly affected productivity in municipal libraries.

The Empirical Case For Streamlining The Nlrb Certification Process: The Role Of Date Of Unfair Labor Practice Occurrence, Kate Bronfenbrenner, Dorian Warren Apr 2012

The Empirical Case For Streamlining The Nlrb Certification Process: The Role Of Date Of Unfair Labor Practice Occurrence, Kate Bronfenbrenner, Dorian Warren

Kate Bronfenbrenner

[Excerpt] One of the long held performance objectives of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has been to reduce the time period between the filing of the petition and union certification elections. This year the NLRB's 2010 Performance Accountability Report claimed that 86.3 percent of all NLRB elections were held within 100 days of the petition being filed and 95.1 percent of all initial elections were held within 56 days of the petitions being filed. Our analysis of Bureau of National Affairs (BNA) data from 1999-2009 found that in the last two years there has been a slight increase in …

A War Against Organizing, Kate Bronfenbrenner Apr 2012

A War Against Organizing, Kate Bronfenbrenner

Kate Bronfenbrenner

[Excerpt] Unless Congress passes serious labor law reform with real penalties, only a small fraction of the workers who seek union representation will succeed. If recent trends continue, there will no longer be a functioning legal mechanism to effectively protect the right of private-sector workers to organize and collectively bargain. Our country cannot afford to make workers defer their rights and aspirations for union representation any longer.

Unions And The Contingent Work Force, Kate Bronfenbrenner Mar 2012

Unions And The Contingent Work Force, Kate Bronfenbrenner

Kate Bronfenbrenner

[Excerpt] Unions seeking to organize the unorganized face increasing numbers of part-time, temporary and leased employees. These contingent workers now make up more than a quarter of the American work force. Of the new work force they are the least organized and perhaps the most difficult to organize. But they are also the group most in need of the protections, benefits and representation that a union can provide. There have always been some service industries such as hotel, health care and retail, that have maintained a large contingent work force because of long hours and fluctuating demand. Also there have …

Union Tactics Matter: The Impact Of Union Tactics On Certification Elections, First Contracts And Membership Rates, Kate Bronfenbrenner, Tom Juravich Mar 2012

Union Tactics Matter: The Impact Of Union Tactics On Certification Elections, First Contracts And Membership Rates, Kate Bronfenbrenner, Tom Juravich

Kate Bronfenbrenner

[Excerpt] This study examines the impact of union tactics on certification election win rates, first contracts and post-contract membership rates in the public sector. Based on an in-depth survey of union organizers in a national sample of public sector certification election campaigns the findings suggest that a grassroots, rank-and-file intensive strategy, building a union and acting like a union from the very beginning of the campaign are critical components of union organizing success. By comparing these findings with Bronfenbrenner's earlier study of private sector union campaigns (1993) we found that not only are these strategies important to the union's ability …

Introduction To Ravenswood: The Steelworkers’ Victory And The Revival Of American Labor, Kate Bronfenbrenner, Tom Juravich Mar 2012

Introduction To Ravenswood: The Steelworkers’ Victory And The Revival Of American Labor, Kate Bronfenbrenner, Tom Juravich

Kate Bronfenbrenner

[Excerpt] When the Ravenswood Aluminum Company locked out seventeen hundred workers on October 31, 1990, it hardly looked like a big opportunity for labor. In what had become standard operating procedure for employers during the 1980s, management broke off bargaining with the United Steelworkers of America, and then brought hundreds of replacement workers into a heavily fortified plant surrounded by barbed wire and security cameras. Injunctions prevented union members from doing little more than symbolic picketing, and the wheels of justice, as they had done for more than a decade, creaked ever so slowly. All the pieces were in place …

Showdown On Wall Street And K Street, Peter Dreier Jun 2011

Showdown On Wall Street And K Street, Peter Dreier

Peter Dreier

No abstract provided.

The Battle For Bank Reform On Wall Street And K Street, Peter Dreier Jun 2011

The Battle For Bank Reform On Wall Street And K Street, Peter Dreier

Peter Dreier

No abstract provided.

Methodological Challenges In Union Commitment Studies, Mahmut Bayazit, Tove Hammer, David L. Wazeter Mar 2010

Methodological Challenges In Union Commitment Studies, Mahmut Bayazit, Tove Hammer, David L. Wazeter

Tove H Hammer

Excerpt] Methodological problems in studies of union commitment were identified and illustrated with data from 4,641 members and 479 stewards in 297 local teachers’ unions. Using a 20-item union commitment scale, results confirmed the existence of 3 substantive factors and 1 method factor at the individual level of analysis: loyalty to the union, responsibility to the union, willingness to work for the union, and a factor of negatively worded items. Tests of measurement invariance showed that the scale captured commitment for rank-and-file members but not for union stewards. The authors also found partial measurement invariance between long-time and newer members …

What Is Labor’S True Purpose? The Implications Of Seiu’S Unite To Win Proposals For Organizing, Kate Bronfenbrenner Oct 2009

What Is Labor’S True Purpose? The Implications Of Seiu’S Unite To Win Proposals For Organizing, Kate Bronfenbrenner

Kate Bronfenbrenner

[Excerpt] That labor is in a crisis cannot be questioned. While there may be some labor leaders who are content to keep ministering to an ever less powerful, shrinking base, there were few in the room that day that would disagree with the words expressed by SEIU International Executive Vice President Gerry Hudson on the opening panel, that the U.S. "labor movement is becoming dangerously close to being too small to matter." For the first time in decades, both organizing activity and union membership numbers have dropped precipitously. Where in past years unions had to organize 500,000 new workers just …

Significant Victories: An Analysis Of Union First Contracts, Tom Juravich, Kate Bronfenbrenner, Robert Hickey Oct 2009

Significant Victories: An Analysis Of Union First Contracts, Tom Juravich, Kate Bronfenbrenner, Robert Hickey

Kate Bronfenbrenner

[Excerpt] After two decades of massive employment losses in heavily unionized sectors of the economy and exponential growth of the largely unorganized service sector, the U.S. labor movement is struggling to remain relevant. Despite new organizing initiatives and practices, union organizing today remains a tremendously arduous endeavor, particularly in the private sector, as workers and their unions are routinely confronted with an arsenal of aggressive legal and illegal antiunion employer tactics. This vigorous opposition to unions in the private sector does not stop once an election is won, but continues throughout bargaining for an initial union agreement, all too often …

It Takes More Than House Calls: Organizing To Win With A Comprehensive Union-Building Strategy, Kate Bronfenbrenner, Tom Juravich Dec 2008

It Takes More Than House Calls: Organizing To Win With A Comprehensive Union-Building Strategy, Kate Bronfenbrenner, Tom Juravich

Kate Bronfenbrenner

[Excerpt] Until recently, some national and local union leaders still argued that labor should circle the wagons and take care of existing members rather than spend scarce resources on organizing nonunion workers. Today those voices have largely been silenced by the hard numbers of labor's dramatic decline. As expressed in the platform of the new AFL-CIO leadership slate, the American labor movement must "organize at an unprecedented pace and scale." The question unions face today is no longer whether to make organizing a priority but how that can best be achieved.

Union Myopia And The Taxation Of Capital, Dwight Lee, Robert L. Sexton, Philip E. Graves Dec 1994

Union Myopia And The Taxation Of Capital, Dwight Lee, Robert L. Sexton, Philip E. Graves

Robert L Sexton

After an extensive discussion of the nature of the interactions among unions, corporations, and government, we find that government in granting privileges to workers organized into unions implicitly taxes capital formation. The result has been to lessen the attention business decisions pay to the future, to substitute excessive wages for appropriate capital investment, and to reduce the competitive vitality of major U.S. industries.