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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

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Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

Modal Sosial Keagamaan Dan Partisipasi Perempuan Muslim Indonesia Dalam Perburuhan, Rahma Nida, Yunisvita Yunisvita, Gustriani Gustriani Jul 2024

Modal Sosial Keagamaan Dan Partisipasi Perempuan Muslim Indonesia Dalam Perburuhan, Rahma Nida, Yunisvita Yunisvita, Gustriani Gustriani

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

In recent years, the muslim majority countries’ focus on women’s labor force participation has grown, particularly Indonesia which stands out with its high female labor force participation rate. We aim to shed light on the relationship between religion and work decisions in Indonesia, employing data from the World Value Survey and utilizing logistic regression analysis. Our findings reveal that active participation in religious activities positively affects muslim women’s likelihood of working part-time and in the agricultural sector. Through the results, policymakers and relevant stakeholders can consider leveraging religious organizations as potential channels for promoting women’s labor force participation.

Dampak Kesenjangan Jam Bekerja Terhadap Ketimpangan Upah Di Jabodetabek Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Tahun 2020, Sophia Lailil Jannah, Ariska Nurfajar Rini Jan 2024

Dampak Kesenjangan Jam Bekerja Terhadap Ketimpangan Upah Di Jabodetabek Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Tahun 2020, Sophia Lailil Jannah, Ariska Nurfajar Rini

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

This study aims to analyze the differences in working hours of male and female workers on the wage gap during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) area in 2020 using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and the Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition. Utilizing the National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) 2020, the results showed that working hours positively and significantly affected wages with a coefficient of 4.72% for male workers and 7.05% for female workers. The Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition proved that working hours contribute to reducing the wage gap because there is wage convergence due to reduced working hours during …

Bekerja Tetapi Tetap Miskin, Apakah Permasalahan Kemiskinan Multidimensi?, Abdus Salam, Endan Suwandana, Watekhi Watekhi Jan 2024

Bekerja Tetapi Tetap Miskin, Apakah Permasalahan Kemiskinan Multidimensi?, Abdus Salam, Endan Suwandana, Watekhi Watekhi

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

Working but still in poverty, is one of the phenomena of poor workers where they continue to work but their work does not guarantee them a better life. This study uses the concept of poverty from a monetary and multidimensional perspective. This study uses data from the March 2018 National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) and 2018 Village Potential Survey (Podes), and uses logistic regression to analyze whether the phenomenon of the working poor is a multidimensional poverty problem. The results of the study stated that poor workers have a close relationship with low education, millennial/young workers, a single parent, employees, a …

Pengaruh Modal Manusia Terhadap Transisi Tenaga Kerja Formal Menjadi Informal Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19, Tasmilah Tasmilah, Devanto Shasta Pratomo, Wildan Syafitri Jan 2023

Pengaruh Modal Manusia Terhadap Transisi Tenaga Kerja Formal Menjadi Informal Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19, Tasmilah Tasmilah, Devanto Shasta Pratomo, Wildan Syafitri

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

This study aims to examine the effect of human capital on the transition of formal to informal labor during the Covid-19 pandemic. Human Capital in this study includes education, training, experience, skills, and the use of digital technology and the internet. Using Sakernas data in August 2019 and 2020, logistic regression was conducted to estimate the effect of human capital on the formal labor transition. Based on analysis, human capital has a significant effect on the transition of formal labor during the pandemic. Education, training, and use of digital technology and the internet will prevent the transition of formal to …

Dampak Pinjaman Mikro Terhadap Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga Perempuan Pengusaha Mikro Dan Kecil, Dewi Ratna Sjari M, Bonar M. Sinaga, Nunung Kusnadi, Yusman Syaukat Jul 2022

Dampak Pinjaman Mikro Terhadap Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga Perempuan Pengusaha Mikro Dan Kecil, Dewi Ratna Sjari M, Bonar M. Sinaga, Nunung Kusnadi, Yusman Syaukat

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

This study aims to examine how credit lending can improve MSEs performance, its impact on women micro and small entrepreneurs (PPMK) household welfare, and the determinants of their disinterest in subsidised loans. Using a sample of 82 PPMK households in Depok City and Bogor Regency with the Propensity Score Matching (PSM) method, the results showed loans could boost business income. Still, the government’s credit with low-interest rates is not the primary choice due to limited knowledge, an obligation for collateral, and religious issues such as usury. This study also shows government credit assistance can improve the welfare of MSE households.

Peluang Wanita Bekerja Keluar Dari Pasar Tenaga Kerja Setelah Menikah, Isra Yeni, Joan Marta, Doni Satria, Melti Roza Adry, Dewi Zaini Putri, Yollit Permata Sari, Urmatul Uska Akbar, Hari Setia Putra Jan 2022

Peluang Wanita Bekerja Keluar Dari Pasar Tenaga Kerja Setelah Menikah, Isra Yeni, Joan Marta, Doni Satria, Melti Roza Adry, Dewi Zaini Putri, Yollit Permata Sari, Urmatul Uska Akbar, Hari Setia Putra

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

Working after marriage is a dilemma for most women in Indonesia. This study estimates the probability of a working woman to exit the labor market after marriage. Using the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) data from the 2007 and 2014 waves, this study estimates a logit model on the probability of a working woman to exit the labor force. This study found that working in the formal sector is the most significant variable to encourage a working woman to leave the labor force. The policy recommendation of this study is reducing the opportunity costs of working for women in the …

Determinan Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Industri Manufaktur Besar Dan Sedang Di Pulau Jawa, Rika Dwi Puspita Sari, Siskarossa Ika Oktora Jul 2021

Determinan Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Industri Manufaktur Besar Dan Sedang Di Pulau Jawa, Rika Dwi Puspita Sari, Siskarossa Ika Oktora

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

Industrialization is one of the government’s focuses on development. Java is an area focused on the industry. However, the labor productivity of large and medium manufacturing industries in Java is lower than regions outside Java and national level of productivity. This study aims to analyze determinants of labor productivity in large and medium manufacturing industries in all provinces in Java from 2010 to 2015 using panel data regression. As the best model, fixed effect model showed that HDI, real wages, and vehicle PMTB has a positively significant effect on labor productivity.

Perilaku Pemilihan Moda Transportasi Pekerja Komuter: Studi Kasus Jabodetabek, Amelia Dertta Irjayanti, Dyah Wulan Sari, Ismatulloh Rosida Jul 2021

Perilaku Pemilihan Moda Transportasi Pekerja Komuter: Studi Kasus Jabodetabek, Amelia Dertta Irjayanti, Dyah Wulan Sari, Ismatulloh Rosida

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

Using Greater Jakarta Commuter Survey data published by Statistics Indonesia in 2014, this study aims to identify the factors affecting commuting workers to choose the mode of transportation for work and the marginal effect of these factors. Estimation results from logistic regression indicate that income and workdays are not significantly affecting the commuting workers mode choice. The number of modes used has the highest impact on the probability of private vehicle and motorcycle use over public transport. As age, time travel, and travel distance increase, commuter worker less likely to use private vehicle.

Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Menuju Era Bonus Demografi Di Sumatra Barat, Sri Maryati, Hefrizal Handra, Irwan Muslim Jan 2021

Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Menuju Era Bonus Demografi Di Sumatra Barat, Sri Maryati, Hefrizal Handra, Irwan Muslim

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

Indonesia’s provincial population projection in 2010–2035 shows West Sumatra is one of the provinces that may not experience a demographic bonus or it could be delayed to the next period. This study aims to analyze the determinants of sectoral employment absorption and its effect on economic growth with a demometric approach. The result shows that the absorption of labor in West Sumatra is influenced by economic variables (Gross Regional Domestic Product) and demographic variables (Human Development Index). As a consequence, the productivity and the quality of human resources become important factors to achieve demographic bonus in West Sumatra.

Pengaruh Jam Kerja Orang Tua Terhadap Kognitif Anak Di Indonesia, Pradini Ajeng Gemellia, Turro S. Wongkaren Jan 2021

Pengaruh Jam Kerja Orang Tua Terhadap Kognitif Anak Di Indonesia, Pradini Ajeng Gemellia, Turro S. Wongkaren

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

The current phenomenon shows an increasing work activities by both fathers and mothers to fulfil household needs. This social change is feared to give children imbalance time, causing children’s development to be not optimal. This study aims to see the influence of parental working hour on children’s cognitive scores in Indonesia. This study used data from IFLS Survey in 2007 and 2014 with a unit of analysis of children aged 7 to 14 used an OLS estimation method. The results of this study indicate that parental working hours had negative influence on children’s cognitive scores.

Pengaruh Pekerja Keluarga Dan Peran Inovasi Terhadap Produktivitas Usaha Di Indonesia, Subhan Fikri Lubis, Andi Fahmi Lubis Jan 2020

Pengaruh Pekerja Keluarga Dan Peran Inovasi Terhadap Produktivitas Usaha Di Indonesia, Subhan Fikri Lubis, Andi Fahmi Lubis

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to estimate the influence of family involvement through business ownership (own capital) and the involvement of family members (family workers) in companies/micro and small enterprises in Indonesia on the productivity of their business. Based on previous studies, family involvement can decrease and increase productivity. With relatively small capital, less qualified workforce and low technology productivity of micro and small industries that employ family members within the company will tend to be lower because they will be more avoiding risky changes. The role of innovation can be proven as moderate in the research is expected …

Gender Gap Pada Tingkat Partisipasi Kerja Di Provinsi Dki Jakarta, Azwar Anas, Maria Goreti Arie Damayanti Jan 2020

Gender Gap Pada Tingkat Partisipasi Kerja Di Provinsi Dki Jakarta, Azwar Anas, Maria Goreti Arie Damayanti

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia

This research aims to decompose the employment participation rate to explain gender gap in DKI Jakarta Province in three periods (1995, 2005, and 2015). Determinant of employment participation rate of men and women was estimated by probit regression model and marginal effect. Non-linear decomposition technique used to analyze the source of gender gap. The results show that the main cause of gender gap comes from structural factors in the labor market (discrimination). The value of the gender gap in 20 years has decreased, in 1995, 2005, and 2015 it was 40,82%; 39,17%; and 29,34% respectively. It shows that the discrimnination …