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Sports Sciences




Articles 1 - 30 of 319

Full-Text Articles in Medicine and Health Sciences

Sources Of Nutrition Information In Recreational Ultra-Marathon Runners: A Mixed Methods Analysis, Sara E. Mahoney, Thomas R. Wójcicki, Andrew J. Carnes Dec 2020

Sources Of Nutrition Information In Recreational Ultra-Marathon Runners: A Mixed Methods Analysis, Sara E. Mahoney, Thomas R. Wójcicki, Andrew J. Carnes

Journal of Human Performance in Extreme Environments

Ultra-marathon events (i.e., .42.2-km) continue to grow in popularity; however, little is known regarding the sources of nutrition information which inform their beliefs and habits. The objective of this study was to characterize the acquisition of sport-specific nutrition information among ultra-endurance athletes using a mixed methods design. Qualitative data were collected through focus groups and analyzed using thematic analysis. Three primary higher order themes were identified: Optimal Diet for Ultra-Endurance Athletes, Common Sources of Information, and Barriers to Scientific Information. Then, a self-report inventory (Sources of Nutrition Information-SONI questionnaire) was developed to assess common sources of nutrition information and characterize …

Profil Antropometri, Ketersediaan Energi Dan Kepadatan Tulang Pada Atlet Remaja Putri Berbagai Cabang Olahraga, Novi Setyawati, Fillah Fithra Dieny, Ayu Rahadiyanti, Deny Yudi Fitranti, A. Fahmy Arif Tsani Dec 2020

Profil Antropometri, Ketersediaan Energi Dan Kepadatan Tulang Pada Atlet Remaja Putri Berbagai Cabang Olahraga, Novi Setyawati, Fillah Fithra Dieny, Ayu Rahadiyanti, Deny Yudi Fitranti, A. Fahmy Arif Tsani

Jurnal Keolahragaan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan profil antropometri, ketersediaan energi, dan kepadatan tulang pada atlet remaja putri berbagai cabang olahraga. Desain penelitian cross-sectional metode consecutive sampling dengan jumlah 54 atlet usia 13-21 tahun dilaksanakan di BPPLOP Jawa Tengah, Klub Atletik Salatiga, Klub Atletik dan Renang Universitas Negeri Semarang. Persen lemak tubuh, IMT, fat free mass diukur dengan Total Body Composition Analyzer. Form 24 hour-food recall, 24-hour physical activity record dan fat free mass untuk mengukur ketersedian energi. Bone densitometer Osteosys SONOST 3000 untuk mengukur kepadatan tulang. Analisis menggunakan uji One-way ANOVA dan uji Kruskal Wallis. Persen lemak …

Efektivitas Stretching, Passive Activity Dan Vo2 Max Dalam Mencegah Terjadinya Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, Andika Triansyah, Mimi Haetami Dec 2020

Efektivitas Stretching, Passive Activity Dan Vo2 Max Dalam Mencegah Terjadinya Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, Andika Triansyah, Mimi Haetami

Jurnal Keolahragaan

Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan efektivitas active isolated stretching dan passive activity dalam mencegah terjadinya delayed onset muscle soreness setelah olahraga intensitas tinggi; (2) Untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan efektivitas antara VO2Max tinggi dan VO2Max rendah dalam mencegah terjadinya delayed onset muscle soreness setelah olahraga intensitas tinggi; (3) Untuk mengetahui apakah ada interaksi antara active isolated stretching dan passive activity dengan VO2Max dalam mencegah terjadinya delayed onset muscle soreness setelah olahraga intensitas tinggi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen. Bentuk penelitian menggunakan rancangan faktorial 2x2. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian …

Efek Suplementasi Kalsium Terhadap Kebugaran Dan Profil Kesehatan Pada Atlet Tarung Derajat, Yusni Yusni, Amiruddin Amiruddin Dec 2020

Efek Suplementasi Kalsium Terhadap Kebugaran Dan Profil Kesehatan Pada Atlet Tarung Derajat, Yusni Yusni, Amiruddin Amiruddin

Jurnal Keolahragaan

Kalsium merupakan mineral utama yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh atlet untuk kekuatan tulang, sendi dan kontraksi otot pada saat berolahraga. Olahraga berat dan berlangsung lama secara progresif akan meningkatkan kebutuhan kalsium. Inadekuat asupan kalsium berdampak terhadap hipokalsemia yang akan meningkatkan risiko terjadinya cedera olahraga. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis pengaruh suplementasi kalsium terhadap kebugaran dan kesehatan pada atlet Tarung Derajat. Design penelitiannya adalah eksperimental (one group pretest-post test design). Total 21 atlet Tarung Derajat, usia 18-25 tahun, putra dan putri sebagai subjek. Pemeriksaan meliputi, pengukuran: komponen fisik untuk mengetahui kebugaran, anthropometri (berat, tinggi, dan indeks massa tubuh), dan tekanan darah …

Respon Kapasitas Daya Tahan Dan Aldosterone: Efek Minuman Isotonik, Nur Azis Rohmansyah, Wulan Rahmadhani, Setiyawan Setiyawan, Ashira Hiruntrakul Dec 2020

Respon Kapasitas Daya Tahan Dan Aldosterone: Efek Minuman Isotonik, Nur Azis Rohmansyah, Wulan Rahmadhani, Setiyawan Setiyawan, Ashira Hiruntrakul

Jurnal Keolahragaan

Ada kepercayaan umum bahwa minuman istonik berpotensi meningkatkan daya tahan dan aldosterone pada saat latihan dan pemulihan.Namun kepercayaan itu perlu dikaji ulang karena masih bisa untuk diperdebatkan dan lebih banyak lagi bukti empiris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji minuma isotonik, air dan kontrol pada respon fisiologis, termasuk kapasitas daya tahan dan aldosterone pada saat latihan dan pemulihan pada saat cuaca panas. Dua belas atlet sepakbola prosseional dari Khon Kaen FC, Thailand yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Lari 3000 m, pemulihan 1 jam, dan waktu untuk uji kelelahan dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak adanya respon fisiologis selama lari …

Respons Molekuler Beta Endorphin Terhadap Variasi Intensitas Latihan Pada Atlet Sprint, Eddy Purnomo, Joko Pekik Irianto, Mansur Mansur Dec 2020

Respons Molekuler Beta Endorphin Terhadap Variasi Intensitas Latihan Pada Atlet Sprint, Eddy Purnomo, Joko Pekik Irianto, Mansur Mansur

Jurnal Keolahragaan

Latihan Interval (LI) merupakan salah satu metode latihan untuk meningkatkan dan mempertahankan kemampuan/kecepatan berlari dalam jarak dan waktu tempuh yang sudah ditentukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan gambaran respons fisiologis dan biolemis Kadar β-endorfin terhadap LI dengan berbagai macam intensitas latihan (tinggi, sedang, dan rendah) pada sprinter dan non- sprinter Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen semu yang terdiri dari tiga tahap pelaksanaan pengukuran. Subjek penelitian ini adalah sprinter UKM 17 orang dan kelompok non-sprinter 15 orang. Setiap kelompok dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yang lebih kecil berdasarkan intensitas latihan, yaitu kelompok latihan intensitas tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Penelitian dilakukan …

Level Aktifitas Fisik Dan Faktor Risiko Penyakit Kardiovaskuler Pada Karyawan Kantor Di Universitas, Febriani Fajar Ekawati, Tri Winarti Rahayu, Hendrig Joko Prasetyo Dec 2020

Level Aktifitas Fisik Dan Faktor Risiko Penyakit Kardiovaskuler Pada Karyawan Kantor Di Universitas, Febriani Fajar Ekawati, Tri Winarti Rahayu, Hendrig Joko Prasetyo

Jurnal Keolahragaan

Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian utama di dunia. Kurangnya aktivitas fisik dapat meningkatkan risiko penyakit ini. Meskipun telah banyak penelitian yang menyelidiki tentang hubungan aktivitas fisik dan faktor risiko penyakit kardiovaskuler, hanya terdapat beberapa penelitian di Indonesia yang menelaah tentang peran aktivitas fisik dalam perkembangan penyakit kardiovaskuler. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang tingkat aktivitas fisik dan menyelidiki hubungannya dengan faktor risiko penyakit kardiovaskuler pada karyawan kantor di lingkungan Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS). Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian potong lintang, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 44 orang. Data level aktivitas fisik diperoleh dari International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). …

Pengaruh Pemberian Jus Buah Naga Merah Setelah Latihan Fisik Intensitas Berat Terhadap Jumlah Leukosit, Alginda Pranata Tarigan, Novita Sari Harahap, Deni Rahman Marpaung Dec 2020

Pengaruh Pemberian Jus Buah Naga Merah Setelah Latihan Fisik Intensitas Berat Terhadap Jumlah Leukosit, Alginda Pranata Tarigan, Novita Sari Harahap, Deni Rahman Marpaung

Jurnal Keolahragaan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian jus buah naga merah setelah melakukan latihan fisik intensitas berat terhadap jumlah leukosit. Metode penelitian ini adalah pre-experimental dengan desain pretest and posttest group design. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa Ilmu Keolahragaan angkatan 2018, Universitas Negeri Medan dengan purposive sampling diperoleh sampel 10 orang. Sampel dibagi atas 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok P1; kelompok yang diberi latihan fisik intensitas berat tanpa diberi jus buah naga merah dan kelompok P2; kelompok yang diberi latihan fisik intensitas berat dan diberi jus buah naga merah. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Januari 2020 sampai dengan Februari 2020, dosis buah …

Is Kinesiology A Bridge To Stem Engagement? Sport Science Labs In High School, Judy A. Schultz, Robert W. Danielson, Robert D. Catena, Christopher P. Connolly, Kasee Hildenbrand Dec 2020

Is Kinesiology A Bridge To Stem Engagement? Sport Science Labs In High School, Judy A. Schultz, Robert W. Danielson, Robert D. Catena, Christopher P. Connolly, Kasee Hildenbrand

Northwest Journal of Teacher Education

Improving STEM education in schools is important to prepare students for the increasing number of STEM related jobs. As a STEM discipline, kinesiology, which includes the study of sport, exercise, movement and well-being, may be an effective link between science concepts and students’ everyday lives and thus may stimulate science engagement. Our university’s kinesiology programs developed a set of sport related kinesiology labs which were presented by faculty and students during one semester in local high school Freshmen and Senior science classes. Survey data included information about STEM engagement, scientific inquiry, and knowledge of kinesiology as a STEM field. Findings …

Effectiveness Of Methods For Improving The Technique Of Performing The Snatch In Qualified Weightlifters, Shuhrat Toshturdiyev, Anvar Khodjayev Dec 2020

Effectiveness Of Methods For Improving The Technique Of Performing The Snatch In Qualified Weightlifters, Shuhrat Toshturdiyev, Anvar Khodjayev

Eurasian Journal of Sport Science

Aim: of the study is to develop suggestions and recommendations for improving the technique of performing the snatch in qualified weightlifters. Methods:usage of special auxiliary exercises and simulators in training sessions aimed at improving the technique of performing the snatch in qualified weightlifters. Results: pilot program using a new approachthe ability to spread training loads in the preparatory and pre-competition cycles had a positive impact on improving the level of physical fitness, which contributed to the growth of technical skill of weightlifters. Conclusion: usage of special auxiliary exercises, simulators in training sessions and program using a new approach improved level

Questions Of Temporary Adaptation Of Weightlifters To Different Climatic And Geographical Conditions, Rashid Matkarimov Dec 2020

Questions Of Temporary Adaptation Of Weightlifters To Different Climatic And Geographical Conditions, Rashid Matkarimov

Eurasian Journal of Sport Science

Aim: to study the features of adaptive adjustment of the body of weightlifters in various geographical climate conditions and the influence of training factors, physiotherapeutic agents and adaptogens of plant origin on these processes. Method of research: Analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, questionnaires, instrumental method, pedagogical testing and observation, pedagogical experiment, statistical methods of results processing. Results: Training loads before and after the migration period of training are experimentally justified, and the most effective options are considered in combination with the use of plant-based adaptogens that contribute to the active course of adaptation processes and maintain a …

Biomechanical Properties Of Land Based And Shallow Water Wait: A Comparative Review Of Literature, Mostafa Yaghoubi, Philip Fink, Wyatt H. Page, Sarah P. Shultz Dec 2020

Biomechanical Properties Of Land Based And Shallow Water Wait: A Comparative Review Of Literature, Mostafa Yaghoubi, Philip Fink, Wyatt H. Page, Sarah P. Shultz

International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education

Aquatic locomotion exercises are frequently used in rehabilitation and cross-training for land-based athletes. Hydrostatic pressure, thermal conductivity and drag force affect a person's ability to move; therefore, it is important to understand differences of biomechanical gait in water vs land. This review investigated biomechanical differences between shallow water and land-based exercises. PubMed, Google Scholar, SPORTDiscus and Scopus were searched; 33 studies included walking forward (27), backward (6) and running (6). Electromyographic amplitude was similar or less in submaximal intensity during aquatic gait, in comparison to on land. At maximal intensities, however, the amplitude was similar (n=5) or higher (n=4) in …

Changes In Lifeguards’ Hazard Detection And Eye Movements With Experience: Is One Season Enough?, Jennifer Smith, Geoff Long, Peter Dawes, Oliver Runswick, Michael J. Tipton Nov 2020

Changes In Lifeguards’ Hazard Detection And Eye Movements With Experience: Is One Season Enough?, Jennifer Smith, Geoff Long, Peter Dawes, Oliver Runswick, Michael J. Tipton

International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education

Surveillance is key to the lifesaving capability of lifeguards. Experienced personnel consistently display enhanced hazard detection capabilities compared to less experienced counterparts. However, the mechanisms which underpin this effect and the time it takes to develop these skills are not understood. We hypothesized that, after one season of experience, the number of hazards detected by, and eye movements of, less experienced lifeguards (LEL) would more closely approximate experienced lifeguards (EL). The LEL watched ‘beach scene’ videos at the beginning and end of their first season. The number of hazards detected and eye-movement data were collected and compared to the EL …

Microhemorrhages In Professional Motocross Athletes: A Case Series, Brianna Millsaps, Phillip R. Worts, Scott O. Burkhart, David C. Berg Oct 2020

Microhemorrhages In Professional Motocross Athletes: A Case Series, Brianna Millsaps, Phillip R. Worts, Scott O. Burkhart, David C. Berg

HCA Healthcare Journal of Medicine

Introduction: Motocross is a sport in which riders race 250–450 cc four-stroke dirt bikes and are potentially subjected to a high frequency of head injuries starting at a very young age. The objective of this case series is to present the findings following gradient echo T2-weighted MRI (SWI) upon clinical evaluation after a concussion in 4 young professional motocross racers.

Clinical Findings: Microhemorrhages were found in 2 of 4 riders. Areas of microhemorrhages were not aligned with a previously positive CT finding from a prior concussion in 1 rider.

Conclusions: Microhemorrhages were found in 2 young motocross riders following a …

Current State Of Sleep-Related Performance Optimization Interventions For The E-Sports Industry, Allison Joy Brager, Guido Simonelli Oct 2020

Current State Of Sleep-Related Performance Optimization Interventions For The E-Sports Industry, Allison Joy Brager, Guido Simonelli

Journal for Sports Neuroscience

Abstract: The e-sports industry is rapidly expanding but despite industry growth, there are existing gaps in knowledge regarding holistic and pharmacological performance enhancement strategies. The current commentary focuses on the current state of performance intervention strategies that target sleep/wake and circadian timing systems. These performance intervention strategies are based on the current state of sleep/wake health and research portfolios of Army research laboratories. The intent is to provide a foundation for future research efforts directly targeting sleep/wake and circadian timing systems in order to optimize and enhance e-sports performance at both the individual and group levels.

An Exploration Of Mosston’S Spectrum Of Teaching Styles In Athletic Training Education., Dominique M. Ross, Aimee M. Pascale Oct 2020

An Exploration Of Mosston’S Spectrum Of Teaching Styles In Athletic Training Education., Dominique M. Ross, Aimee M. Pascale

Journal of Sports Medicine and Allied Health Sciences: Official Journal of the Ohio Athletic Trainers Association

Athletic training educators teach in didactic, laboratory and clinical settings, all requiring an array of pedagogical strategies to effectively instruct students. Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles is a theoretical framework to support pedagogical decision making in physical education. The purpose of the commentary is to examine teaching styles from Mosston’s Spectrum in the context of athletic training education. A general introduction, review of comparative literature and practical application to athletic training education is provided for each of the eleven teaching styles. The examination and application of educational theory from other disciplines may provide athletic training educators additional resources to enhance …

Force And Emg Comparison Between A Weight-Bearing Clinical Assessment Of Hip Strength Assessment And Non-Weightbearing Tasks, Kemery J. Sigmund, Jennifer E. Earl-Boehm Oct 2020

Force And Emg Comparison Between A Weight-Bearing Clinical Assessment Of Hip Strength Assessment And Non-Weightbearing Tasks, Kemery J. Sigmund, Jennifer E. Earl-Boehm

Journal of Sports Medicine and Allied Health Sciences: Official Journal of the Ohio Athletic Trainers Association

Purpose: Altered hip strength is a risk factor for lower extremity injury but its relationship to biomechanical dysfunction is debated. Hip strength assessment methods are criticized for using unidirectional, non-weight-bearing positions which may not be representative of athletic activity and may affect comparison to biomechanical analysis of athletic tasks. A weight-bearing task may better represent hip muscle function during these movements. The aim of this study was to identify EMG and force differences for a clinical weight-bearing method of hip strength (the squat-hold) to traditional non-weight-bearing maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVICs) for hip abduction, extension, and external rotation. Methods: Twenty-nine …

Effect Of Age At Menarche On Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Incidence And Anterior Knee Laxity In Collegiate Athletes, Andrew W. Froehle, Joseph T. Cox, Jedediah H. May, Kimberly A. Grannis, Dana L. Duren Oct 2020

Effect Of Age At Menarche On Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Incidence And Anterior Knee Laxity In Collegiate Athletes, Andrew W. Froehle, Joseph T. Cox, Jedediah H. May, Kimberly A. Grannis, Dana L. Duren

Journal of Sports Medicine and Allied Health Sciences: Official Journal of the Ohio Athletic Trainers Association

Female athletes suffer painful, costly, and career-limiting non-contact anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries more often than males. Previous research suggests that pubertal neuromusculoskeletal development contributes to this sex-bias, but the manner in which variation in pubertal development affects injury risk within females is poorly understood. Age at menarche is a variable, significant pubertal developmental event, signaling the onset of estrogen cycling and affecting musculoskeletal development. Earlier menarche may increase injury risk, possibly by increasing anterior knee laxity through prolonged estrogen exposure. The purpose of this case-control study was to test the primary hypothesis that collegiate athletes with previous ACL injuries …

Adolescent Perceptions Of Injury And Pressures Of Returning To Sport: A Retrospective Qualitative Analysis, Jordan J. West, Zachary K. Winkelmann, Jessica Edler, Bradley C. Jackson, Lindsey E. Eberman Oct 2020

Adolescent Perceptions Of Injury And Pressures Of Returning To Sport: A Retrospective Qualitative Analysis, Jordan J. West, Zachary K. Winkelmann, Jessica Edler, Bradley C. Jackson, Lindsey E. Eberman

Journal of Sports Medicine and Allied Health Sciences: Official Journal of the Ohio Athletic Trainers Association

The increase in sport participation among adolescents has led to the rise in sport-related injuries, many of which have unique characteristics based on the patient, their perceptions, and the pressures faced when returning to sport. The purpose of this study was to identify the underlying factors that contributed to adolescents’ perceptions of injury and the various pressures they experienced when returning to sport. Two themes emerged from the study: support and fear. Support was provided to participants through development, care, and the environment. Fear was the factor that affected the participant in their return to sport, which came in the …

Recurrent Patellar Fracture In A Healthy Collegiate Basketball Player: An Exploration Clinical Case Report, Mikaela Boham, Jerry Hilker Oct 2020

Recurrent Patellar Fracture In A Healthy Collegiate Basketball Player: An Exploration Clinical Case Report, Mikaela Boham, Jerry Hilker

Journal of Sports Medicine and Allied Health Sciences: Official Journal of the Ohio Athletic Trainers Association

Recurrent Patellar Fracture in a Healthy Collegiate Basketball Player: An Exploration Clinical Case Report


Purpose: Patellar fractures only account for approximately 1% of all skeletal injuries. Patellar fractures usually result from direct trauma (i.e. falling on the knee, dashboard injury, etc.), or, less frequently, occur as a combination of direct and indirect mechanism (i.e. receiving a direct blow while contracting the quadriceps). While indirect trauma is the least common mechanism, it usually occurs due to an extensor mechanism failure during eccentric loading such as landing. Method: Case report, Level 3: Exploration Clinical Contribution to the Available Sources of Evidence …

Correlation Analyze Of Body Components And Speed Performance Of Young Footballers, Shokhrukh Erkinov Oct 2020

Correlation Analyze Of Body Components And Speed Performance Of Young Footballers, Shokhrukh Erkinov

Eurasian Journal of Sport Science

Aim:the study of the relationship of physical tests with bioimpedance analysis and as a result to obtain quantitative measures of these relationships in the form of pair correlation coefficients in order to search for effective means of developing speed qualities.

Methods:Analysis of morphological and functional parameters was measured by bioimpedance measurement. Evaluation of speed capabilities was determined by the Microgate Reystime 2 device, which ensured the measurement accuracy at the in-depth specialization stage. The processing was carried out by the computer mathematical and statistical program SPSS for parametric and non-parametric correlation, which allows us to determine a …

Comparison Of Physical Fitness Between Sport And Non-Sport Groups Among Elementary School Children, Junjiro Kubo, Saburo Nishimura, Takayuki Ogiwara Oct 2020

Comparison Of Physical Fitness Between Sport And Non-Sport Groups Among Elementary School Children, Junjiro Kubo, Saburo Nishimura, Takayuki Ogiwara

Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology

  • We compared physical fitness factors between sport and non-sport groups of elementary school children in all grades. The subjects of this study were 1,079 1st- to 6th-grade male elementary school children. Their parents completed a questionnaire examining whether the child attended sports lessons as a regular after-school activity. Physical fitness was evaluated by a new physical fitness test recommended by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (4). The test consists of the following items: 1) Grip strength (kg); 2) Sit-ups (number completed in 30 sec); 4) Sitting front stretches (cm); 5) Side steps (number completed in …

Winning In Weight-Loss: The Interaction Of Conscientiousness And Perceived Autonomy, Jason M. Curtis, Marc Lochbaum Sep 2020

Winning In Weight-Loss: The Interaction Of Conscientiousness And Perceived Autonomy, Jason M. Curtis, Marc Lochbaum

Journal for Sports Neuroscience



Understanding determinants for weight-loss is a national priority. Obesity is an epidemic with serious health consequences. Most of today’s obesity and overweight problems are being attributed to poor diets and not enough physical activity. These problems show no signs of slowing down with the behaviors of most Americans. The phenomenon of “The Biggest Loser” (different variants of weight-loss programs that consist of group exercise participation and nutrition therapy to elicit weight-loss, and hopefully behavior change) has spawned many variants in commercial health clubs. This prospectus study examined the direct and interactive or moderated effects of known determinants of …

The Nba Restart: A Numbers Game, Nathan L. Clark Aug 2020

The Nba Restart: A Numbers Game, Nathan L. Clark

Marriott Student Review

This paper examines how the NBA plans to overcome the risks of returning to play during a global pandemic by analyzing data from medical devices that monitor player health, perform contact tracing, and promote social distancing.

Effects Of Caffeinated And Non-Caffeinated Gum On Premotor, Motor, And Overall Reaction Time, Ashton E. Holliday, Maelee A. Wells, Rebecca R. Rogers, Joseph A. Pederson, Tyler Williams, Christopher G. Ballmann Aug 2020

Effects Of Caffeinated And Non-Caffeinated Gum On Premotor, Motor, And Overall Reaction Time, Ashton E. Holliday, Maelee A. Wells, Rebecca R. Rogers, Joseph A. Pederson, Tyler Williams, Christopher G. Ballmann

Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology

  • Chewing gum and caffeine when used independently and concurrently increase neural activity ultimately improving reaction time but less is known about how caffeinated gum influences distinct phases of the reaction time response.
  • Physically active college females (n=14) completed a 60-second reaction time test on a visuomotor board under the following counterbalanced conditions: 1) Baseline, 2) Non-caffeinated gum, 3) Caffeinated gum (300 mg caffeine).
  • Point of application #1: Chewing gum improved premotor reaction time compared to baseline, but caffeine did not provide additional benefit.
  • Point of application #2: Neither non-caffeinated nor caffeinated gum improved motor reaction times from baseline.
  • Point of …

Proceedings From The First Annual Society For Neurosports Conference, William R. Kochen Jul 2020

Proceedings From The First Annual Society For Neurosports Conference, William R. Kochen

Journal for Sports Neuroscience

Proceedings from the First Annual Society for NeuroSports Conference

Black Drowning Deaths: An Introductory Analysis, Alena Gadberry, James Gadberry Jul 2020

Black Drowning Deaths: An Introductory Analysis, Alena Gadberry, James Gadberry

International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education

Black children between the ages of 5 and 14 are 2.6 times more likely to drown than white children. A systematic exclusion from public pools and other forms of water activities over time has led to a lack of cultural capital involving aquatics among black families. Pierre Bourdieu has provided a theoretical foundation in which to understand this issue. The social fields created by generational socialization have made blacks feel like they have no place in the water. It will take a restructuring of the social institutions to set in motion the socialization (or a re-socialization) of new and more …

Calculating An Equation To Estimate The Maximum Oxygen Uptake In Lifeguards, Brais Ruibal-Lista, José Palacios-Aguilar, José Antonio Prieto, Sergio López-García, Miguel Santiago-Alonso, José Antonio Cecchini-Estrada, Cristian Abelairas-Gómez Jul 2020

Calculating An Equation To Estimate The Maximum Oxygen Uptake In Lifeguards, Brais Ruibal-Lista, José Palacios-Aguilar, José Antonio Prieto, Sergio López-García, Miguel Santiago-Alonso, José Antonio Cecchini-Estrada, Cristian Abelairas-Gómez

International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education

The aim of this study was to derive an equation that validly and reliably estimates the VO2 reached in the IPTL, a maximum stress test for lifeguards. From the results obtained in the first part of the research, a multiple linear regression model was identified. A "stepwise" procedure was established as a variable selection method, where the VO2IPTL was selected as the dependent variable and the maximum time reached in the IPTL (s), the percentage of muscle mass (%) and weight of the participant (kg), as independent variables. This procedure generated a regression model where a high correlation …

Portuguese Lifeguards Performance In Aquatic Rescue: An Exploratory Study, Olga G. Marques Ph.D., José Palacios-Aguilar Ph.D, Henrique G. Melo Mcs., Nuno G. Leitão, Lucia P. Castillo Msc., David Szpilman M.D, Luís Rama Ph.D. Jul 2020

Portuguese Lifeguards Performance In Aquatic Rescue: An Exploratory Study, Olga G. Marques Ph.D., José Palacios-Aguilar Ph.D, Henrique G. Melo Mcs., Nuno G. Leitão, Lucia P. Castillo Msc., David Szpilman M.D, Luís Rama Ph.D.

International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education

The objective of the study was to compare the performance of Portuguese lifeguards in two trials of simulated rescue at the beach within a regular continuous workday. Additionally, the study aimed to analyse the influence of experience and initial course syllabus on the rescue performance. A total of 86 Portuguese lifeguards (LG) participated in this study, 69 males and 17 females. The two simulated drowning occurrences were planned to occur at 50 meters from the coastline between 9.00h am and 18.00h pm. The weather conditions, the characteristics of the beach, wave amplitude were also controlled. The results were analysed through …

Teaching Foundational Aquatic Skills To Children In Open Water Environments, Chris Button, Angela J. Button, Anne-Marie Jackson, Jim D. Cotter, Brian Maraj Jun 2020

Teaching Foundational Aquatic Skills To Children In Open Water Environments, Chris Button, Angela J. Button, Anne-Marie Jackson, Jim D. Cotter, Brian Maraj

International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education

Learning to swim in a swimming pool might not prepare water competence sufficiently for different aquatic environments. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of teaching children water safety knowledge and skills in open water environments (i.e., harbor, river, and surf). The aquatic knowledge and skills of 98 children (7-11 years old) were tested in a swimming pool before, immediately after, and three months after receiving a three-day intensive education program. At pre-test, typically fewer than 50% of children achieved a high level of water safety competence. After the program, competency in each of the six tasks …