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Full-Text Articles in Life Sciences

Reproductive Wastage In Sheep, R W. Kelly Jan 1986

Reproductive Wastage In Sheep, R W. Kelly

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

The average lambing performance of Western Australia's ewe flock fluctuates between 60 and 70 per cent. Although this level of performance and variation between years is important for the sheep industry, individual farmers are more concerned about performance of their own flocks.

Figure shows the range in lambing performances that exist between farms in this State in 1983-84. The seriously poor performance of many flocks is apparentm - 28 percent of farms had less than 60 per cent lambing. By contrast, 24 farms had performances better than 100 per cent. The reasons for the large differences between farms ( and …

Serradella Prospects At Esperance, Michael D A Bolland Jan 1986

Serradella Prospects At Esperance, Michael D A Bolland

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Yellow serradells is a promising introduced annual legume suitable for some of Western Australia's well drained sandy acid soils where other pasture legumes failto persist.

In the Esperance area serradella grows siccessfully on some sandy soils more than 0.5 metres deep. I develops deep roots rapidly - up to three times deeper than subterranean clover - and this is probably the main reason for its persistance.

At present only two late maturing, registered serradella cultivars are available to farmers in southern Australia. This article describes research at Esperance to delect earlier flowering cultivars for persistence in areas with less than …

Using The Zadoks Growth Scale, M W. Perry, D. G. Bowran, G. Brown Jan 1986

Using The Zadoks Growth Scale, M W. Perry, D. G. Bowran, G. Brown

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

The Zadoks growth scale, which is already used overseas as an aid to better crop management, is gradually being adopted in crop production in Western Australia.

By using the scale grain growers are able to identify the various stages of crop development, particularily those growth stages that are closely related to practices such as crop spraying where treatment too early or too late may be ineffective or damaging.

Ovulation Rate Of Ewes : Role Of Energy And Protein, E Teleni, J. B. Rowe Jan 1986

Ovulation Rate Of Ewes : Role Of Energy And Protein, E Teleni, J. B. Rowe

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Western Australia's sheep farmers are familiar with the low ovulation rate of Merino ewes and how this limits the lambing performance of ewe flocks.

One way in which ovulation rate and therefore lambing percentage may be increased is to feed seed of sweet lupin (Lupinus augustifolius) to ewes at mating. However, Department of Agriculture research has found that these increases do not show up consistently, and that there is considerable variability between farms.

If improved nutrition is to be a useful way to increasing ovulation rate, the mechanism by which nutrition affects ovulation rate must first be understood. This article …

Swathing Field Crops In The South-West, R Snowball Jan 1986

Swathing Field Crops In The South-West, R Snowball

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Swathing is a long established method of haarvesting field crops, especially in parts of Europe and North America. It involves cutting the crop when the seed is nearly mature and laying it in a swath or windrow to dry. when the crop has dried it is harvested using conventional harvesting machinery with a pick-up attatchment.

On the Eyre Peninsula of South Australia, an area prone to strong moist sea breezes, swathing barley is a common practice. More farmers along Western Australia's south coast are also swathing barley to reduce losses from conventional harvesting. Pod shattering losses of lupins and field …

Annual Ryegrass Toxicity Research Update, A G P Brown, P. Vogal Jan 1986

Annual Ryegrass Toxicity Research Update, A G P Brown, P. Vogal

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Annual ryegrass toxicity (ARGT) is a complex disease that kills sheep and cattle grazing pastures which contain infected ryegrass. The disease results when a nematode (Anguina agrostis) and a batcerium (Corynebacterium sp.) invade annual ryegrass and cause the seed heads to become toxic as the grass dries off.

The bacterium produces a complex toxin of 18 glycolipid compounds or corynetoxins which have been found to be virtually identical to the antibiotic tunicamycin.

Pregnancy Diagnosis Using Ultrasound, M A C Johns Jan 1986

Pregnancy Diagnosis Using Ultrasound, M A C Johns

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Few Western Australian ewe flocks are diagnosed for pregnancy despite the precence of high numbers of barren ewes. Surveys of farm flocks in the early 1970s recorded that between 14 and 29 per cent of ewes failed to lamb each year.

Techniques for diagnosing pregnant ewes have been available for many years, but ultrasonic devices and computer technology have made it possible for skilled operators to determine whether ewes are pregnant and more importantly, whether they have one, two or more foetuses.

Once the number of pregnant ewes is known farmers can use labour more efficiently. They can minimise the …

Rhizoctonia Patch Of Cereals, G C. Macnish Jan 1986

Rhizoctonia Patch Of Cereals, G C. Macnish

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Rhizoctonia patch is now widespread within Western Australia, having been recorded on all cereals and on a wide variety of other crops and pasture plants. Although the disease-as its name implies - looks spectacular in the field, the overall reduction in crop yield is probably small. However, its increasing frequency is causing considerable concern as the disease appears to be associated with minimum or reduced tillage systems.

Row Spacing And Cereal Crop Yield, R N. Burch, M. W. Perry Jan 1986

Row Spacing And Cereal Crop Yield, R N. Burch, M. W. Perry

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Cereal growers in western Australia have, traditionally, burned cereal stubbles. Burning stubble residues reduces weed seed populations and fungal pathogens, but its main purpose has been to eliminate straw which might cause blockages od seeding machinery and por see-bed preparation in the time critical seeding operation.

In 982, the Department of Agriculture began a project to determine whether wider spaced rows also depressed cereal yields in Western Australia. This article summarises some of the important results from that work.

Serena And Circle Valley Medic Establishment, M A B Ewing Jan 1986

Serena And Circle Valley Medic Establishment, M A B Ewing

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Since the commercial release of the burr medics Serens in 1983, and Circle Valley ayearlater, much has been learnt about the establishment and management of these pasture legumes. When sown on suitable soils and with appropriate establishment and management techniques, these medics have the potential to dramatically change farm profitability. This results from both increased production from livestock and from improved cereal crops grown in rotation.

Agricultural Progress On The Ord, D A. Mcghie Jan 1986

Agricultural Progress On The Ord, D A. Mcghie

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

This is the first of occasional articles describing the experimental and commercial activity on the Ord River Irrigation Area (ORIA) in Western Australia's Kimberley region.

Against a background of extensive recources of land and water, a sometimes cimatic advantage and a complementary disadvantage of a remote location, agriculture on the Ord has swung from various monocultures to a broadly based and diversified production. In 1986, the value of agricultural production on the Ord will approach values equivalent to those of the cotton era for the first time since the demise of that industry 12 years ago.

Control Strategies For Annual Ryegrass Toxicity, W J. Burdass Jan 1986

Control Strategies For Annual Ryegrass Toxicity, W J. Burdass

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

In 982-83, annual ryegrass tocicity (ARGT) was estimated to have cost Western Australian sheep farmers between $7 and $8 million in total economic losses.

The disease can severely disrupt farming operations. Sheep must be checked daily and if affected moved to a 'safe' paddock. The availability of paddock feed is reduced, as is stock carrying capacity. Worry about the possibility of dramatic stock losses, and uncertainty about what decisions to make, are all stressful.

Stock losses from ARGT can be minimised by the use of selective herbicides to control ryegrass in pastures and crops. This breaks the disease cycle - …

Phomopsis-Resistanct Lupins : Breakthrough Towards The Control Of Lupinosis, W A. Cowling, J. G. Allen, P Mcr. Wood, J. Hamblin Jan 1986

Phomopsis-Resistanct Lupins : Breakthrough Towards The Control Of Lupinosis, W A. Cowling, J. G. Allen, P Mcr. Wood, J. Hamblin

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Attemots to control lupinosis in sheep have been thwarted by the unpredictable occurence of the disease in the field. The complex interaction of the toxin-producing fungus (Phomopsis leptostromiformis) with its host (the lupin plant), together with variable weather and paddock grazing conditions, have made it difficult to predict when stock are in danger of contracting the disease. The risk of lupinosis discourages many farmers from growing lupins, despite the many potential benefits of including them in crop rotations.

A team of Department of Agriculture plant breeders, plant pathologists, and animal scientists set out in the mid 1970s to find resistance …

Lupin Processing : A New Development, R S. Coffey Jan 1986

Lupin Processing : A New Development, R S. Coffey

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

For a number of years Grain Pool marketing representatives have approachd stockfeed manufacturers around the world in an attempt to broaden the market for Western Australian lupin seed.

Wherever there was enough consumer interest to conduct a nutritional evaluation of the product, lupins were found to be non competitive for inclusion in both pig and poultry rations, while at the same price being acceptable as a cattle feed ingredient. The reason for this disparity proved to be the varying degrees of fibre digestability of lupins for the various livestock tested.

It became apparent that the fibrous lupin seed coat or …

Grazing And Management Of Saltland Shrubs, C V. Malcolm, J. E. Pol Jan 1986

Grazing And Management Of Saltland Shrubs, C V. Malcolm, J. E. Pol

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

areas of bare saltland on farms need not be unproductive etesores. Many Western Australian farmers are now successfully growing salt-tolerant or halophytic shrubs such as bluebush (Maireana brevifolia), saltbushes (Atriplex spp.) and samphires (Halosarcia spp.) on these areas.

Department of agriculture trials and farmers' experience indicate that if saltland is planted with recommended shrubs, it can provide two months' valuable grazing for sheep during autumn and early winter, a time when paddock feed is scarce. Research by the Department has also identified a range of salt-tolerant shrubs suited to the various types of saltland.

Grazing trials to …

Protein Enrichment Of Cereal Grains For Livestock, Andrew C. Dunlop, C. L. Mcdonald Jan 1986

Protein Enrichment Of Cereal Grains For Livestock, Andrew C. Dunlop, C. L. Mcdonald

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Every year Western Australian farmers feed about 759,000 tonnes of cereal grain to livestock, mostly to sheep but also to dairy and beef cattle. These grains are fed as drought feeds, as supplements to augment poor quality or scarce paddock feed or in growth rations to attain higher levels of production. Many grains fed, however, have a low protien content and are therefore used inefficiently by animals.

Several methods of improving the low protien content of feed grains have been tested. They include the addition of lupin seed, spraying oats with urea and gassing oats with ammonia.

Supplementary Feeds For Sheep, J B. Rowe Jan 1986

Supplementary Feeds For Sheep, J B. Rowe

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

No abstract provided.

Tolerance Of Cereal Crops To Herbicides, D G. Bowran Jan 1986

Tolerance Of Cereal Crops To Herbicides, D G. Bowran

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Herbicides have come to play an important role in the control of weeds in Western Australian cereal crops, with some estimates showing that sufficient herbicide was applied to treat every hectare of cereal grown in 1984.

While the use of herbicides reduces competition from weeds, they may have a hidden cost. As chemicals which affect plants, herbicides may also affect plants, herbicides may also affect and damage the crop which they are protecting. The crop may possibly fail, and some or all of the economic benefits obtained from the chemical control of weeds may not be realised.

More Lambs From Feed And Chemical Treatments, K P. Croker Jan 1986

More Lambs From Feed And Chemical Treatments, K P. Croker

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

The ovulation rate, or the number of eggs shed per ovulating ewe, represents the upper limit of the capacity of a flock of ewes toproduce lambs. Several methods can be used to increase ovulation rates and lambing percentages of ewes, including selection for better breeding, feeding and the use of chemicals.

The potential for improving the reproductive performance of Western Australia's ewe flocks by the use of different approaches to breeding was discussed by L.G. Butler and R.P. Lewer in the Journal of Agriculture in 1983.

This article mainly discusses the research conducted by the Department of Agriculture's Sheep and …

Reduced-Branching Lupins, R J. Delane, J. Hamblin, J. S. Gladstones Jan 1986

Reduced-Branching Lupins, R J. Delane, J. Hamblin, J. S. Gladstones

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

The flowering time of present narrow-leafed lupin varieties is now probably correct for most of Western Australia's grain growing areas. However lupin yields are frequently not as high as might be expected, in either low or high yielding sistuations, and further marked yield improvements seem theoretically possible. A likely reason for seed yields being below expectations is the growth and development pattern of present lupin varieties.

Some new lupin types in which branching is suppressed genetically - known as reduced-branching types - are being studied. These types could be useful in some lupin growing areas to help overcome seed yield …

Research Into Lupin Root Diseases, M W. Sweetingham Jan 1986

Research Into Lupin Root Diseases, M W. Sweetingham

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

increased yield from wheat after lupins, obtained without the need for applied nitrogen, has led many farmers to adopt a 1:1 wheat-lupin rotation. One of the advantages of lupins is the cleaning effect they have by reducing wheat diseases such as septoria and yellow leaf spot and root diseases, in particular take-all.

Before the present research projext started, little was known about lupin root diseases, or what effect lupins grown in close rotation with wheat might have on the build-up of root disease of lupins.

Phomopsis Infection Of Lupin Seed, D S. Petterson, P. Mcr. Wood Jan 1986

Phomopsis Infection Of Lupin Seed, D S. Petterson, P. Mcr. Wood

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Early reports of lupinosis in Western Australia implicated infected stems and leaves of the sandplain or W,A. blue lupin (Lupinus cosentinii) as the main source of toxicity.

After the introduction of low alkaloid varieties of L. augustifolius, lupinosis continued to oddur on stubbles but random testing of seeds showed only low levels of Phomopsis leptostromiformis infection.

However in 1976, scientists at the University of Western Australia who were evaluating the use of an all lupin seed ration for drought feeding sheep encounted lupinosis in one of their trials.Seven per cent of the seed used was found to be infected …

Increasing Wheat Yields Through Breeding, B R. Whan, R. Gilmour Jan 1986

Increasing Wheat Yields Through Breeding, B R. Whan, R. Gilmour

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

With the current 'cost price' sueeze facing Australia's farmers, the development of new higher yielding varieties is moe important that ever. By growing higher yielding varieties, farmers can increase their returns at virtuakky no additional cost: for example a wheat variety that produces 5 per cent extra yield from 1 t/ha crop returns about an additional $8/ha. Farmers can therefore increase their production by growing improved varieties.

Biological Control Of Parkinsonia, W M. Woods Jan 1986

Biological Control Of Parkinsonia, W M. Woods

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

One of the most troublesome weeds in northern Australia'a lastoral country is Parkinsonia aculeata, commonly called Parkinsonia, Jerusalem Thorn, Palo Verde or Retama. In 983 Western Australia, ueensland and the Northern Territory started a joint biological control programme against this perst by sending the author overseas to search for its natural predators in southern USA, Mexico and Central America. A few insects show promise and one, a bruchid beetle Mimosetes ulkei, is being tested under Quarantine in Queensland.

Barley Breeding Update, P A. Portmann Jan 1986

Barley Breeding Update, P A. Portmann

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Barley production in Western Australia has increased over the past few years, peaking at 1.42 million tonnes in 1984. The European Economic Community, however, has flooded world markets for barley and over half of ourbarley was sold for feed to Saudi Arabia last year. Current prices therefore have declined as has the total area sown to barley in this State.

Despite this, the potential to increase barley yields is most promising. The Department of Agriculture has cross-bred lines in advanced stages of field testing which could increase yield by 10 per cent across the agricultural areas.

In the longer term, …

Wool Staple Strength, I G. Ralph Jan 1986

Wool Staple Strength, I G. Ralph

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

The staple strength of western Australia's wool has come under scruitiny since additional wool measurements to those of yield, fibre diameter and vegetable matter began throughout the Australian 985-86 wool selling season.

In 1980, the Sale by Additional Measurement Trial conducted on the September-October wool sales at Fremantle showed a range in staple breaking forcesfrom 10 to 70 Newtons per kilotex, with an average breaking force of between 30 and 35 N/ktex, A third of the lots offered for sale had a staple breaking force of less than 26 N/ktex, a value which, according to the Australian Wool Testing Authority, …

Yellow Spot Of Wheat, R Loughman, J. M. Wilson, R. E. Wilson Jan 1986

Yellow Spot Of Wheat, R Loughman, J. M. Wilson, R. E. Wilson

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Yellow spot is a serious leaf disease of wheat in Western Australia. It also occurs in Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia. Yellow spot can appear as a severe leaf blight but generally the disease does not have the rapid epidemic development of wheat rust diseases. It builds up more slowly and is not as obvious in the crop, while caising appreciable yield loss.

Wheat Growth On Saline Waterlogged Soils, E G. Barrett-Lennard Jan 1986

Wheat Growth On Saline Waterlogged Soils, E G. Barrett-Lennard

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Studies of the growth of plants on salt-affected soils have focused maily on the effects of salt. However, many salt-affected soils are also subject to waterlogging. Glasshouse experiments conducted by the Department of Agriculture have shown that although wheat growth is not greatly reduced by low levels of salt under well drained conditions, under waterlogged conditions such levels of salt can have a severe effect.

Atrophic Rhinitis In Pigs, A R. Mercy Jan 1986

Atrophic Rhinitis In Pigs, A R. Mercy

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Severe atrophic rhinitis in pigs recurred recently in Australia after an apparent absence of some 20 years. The first of these recent cases occurred in a Westerm Australian herd in late 1984 and since then six other local herds have reported the disease. Severe atrophic rhinitis has also been seen recently in South Australia.

Atrophic rhinitis is a complex disease which causes degeneration of the nasal cavity, twisting of the snout and sometimes occasional bleeding from the nose.

It occurs only in pigs and severely affected animals may have a slower growth rate.

Feed For Autumn Lambing Ewes, B R. Beetson Jan 1986

Feed For Autumn Lambing Ewes, B R. Beetson

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4

Department of Agriculture feeding trials with grazing sheep have consistently shown that the level of supplementation should be set for survival and little more, because beyond that the additional costs of supplementary feeding usually outstrip the benefits from extra production.

Even sheep in the greatest need - autumn lambing ewes in late pregnancy and the early part of lactation before and during the break of season - can be fed less than was thought necessary to achieve acceptable production.