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Full-Text Articles in Law

Dinamika Kebijakan Ganja Dalam Politik Hukum Global Dan Indonesia, Aristo Pangaribuan Mar 2024

Dinamika Kebijakan Ganja Dalam Politik Hukum Global Dan Indonesia, Aristo Pangaribuan

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

This article discusses legal and political issues related to marijuana in global literature and its influence in the Indonesian context. Moreover, this article also tries to predict the dynamics of the ongoing reform process related to Indonesian narcotic laws. To achieve such missions, mainly, this article summarizes the debate within marijuana literature and highlights its influence within the Indonesian context. The first part of this article discusses the legal and political dynamics of marijuana laws globally. Here, this article found that there is a paradigm shift toward marijuana use -- from a crime problem to a health problem. Subsequently, this …

Konsep Kecakapan Subjek Hukum Dalam Kewenangan Bertindak Pada Hukum Perkawinan Di Indonesia Dari Perspektif Psikologis, Imelda Martinelli, Joko Priyono, Yunanto Yunanto Jun 2023

Konsep Kecakapan Subjek Hukum Dalam Kewenangan Bertindak Pada Hukum Perkawinan Di Indonesia Dari Perspektif Psikologis, Imelda Martinelli, Joko Priyono, Yunanto Yunanto

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

This study explores the concept of 'injustice' in legal policy, focusing on the 'criterion of injustice' from the perspective of the individual's legal rights. The study identifies several differences in Indonesian legal systems, but focuses on the 'injustice' principle as a common principle in the legal system. The study also discusses the concept of 'injustice' as a legal principle that can be applied both in the public and private sectors. The study also highlights the role of 'law' in legal policy, which is a central aspect of legal research and is still present in the legal system. The study distinguishes …

Peraturan Kraton Yogyakarta Yang Tak Lagi Jadul (Suatu Analisis Terhadap Pembaharuan Teknik, Format Dan Muatan Dawuh Dalem Di Kraton Yogyakarta), Rozi Beni Mar 2023

Peraturan Kraton Yogyakarta Yang Tak Lagi Jadul (Suatu Analisis Terhadap Pembaharuan Teknik, Format Dan Muatan Dawuh Dalem Di Kraton Yogyakarta), Rozi Beni

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

In the midst of the rapid development of the conception and implementation of a modern and democratic government structure, the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Sultanate was able to preserve its customary laws, including regarding governance and government structure in a monarchical system regulated in the Kraton's statutory regulations. Customary law, such as Dawuh Dalem, is often considered ancient, out of date, only important for legal historians, and other skeptical views. However, in reality, customary law is still alive with various reforms. In this normative research, we discuss the renewal of the internal statutory regulations of the Yogyakarta Palace, called Dawuh Dalem. The …

Potensi Pengembangan Wakaf Saham Sebagai Objek Wakaf Baru Di Indonesia: Perspektif Hukum Islam, Fahrul Fauzi Dec 2021

Potensi Pengembangan Wakaf Saham Sebagai Objek Wakaf Baru Di Indonesia: Perspektif Hukum Islam, Fahrul Fauzi

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

Share waqf is holding one or more shares owned by wakif in a company that is engaged in a field that is permitted under sharia, the profits of which are used according to the purpose of waqf both for public and private in the framework of worshiping Allah SWT. The regulation of share waqf in Indonesia is still incorporated in the provisions of waqf in general. The existence of this regulation is the result of ijtihad by Indonesian ulama who adjusts to the needs and current social conditions. Shares in Islamic law are categorized as a form of Syirkah. The …

Model Pembentukan Peraturan Daerah Yang Ideal Dalam Penyelenggaraan Otonomi Daerah, Marten Bunga Dec 2019

Model Pembentukan Peraturan Daerah Yang Ideal Dalam Penyelenggaraan Otonomi Daerah, Marten Bunga

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

This study aims to analyze the model formation of regional regulations in the implementation of regional autonomy. This research method used is included in the type of normative legal research that uses secondary data obtained from library materials in the form of primary legal material. The results of the study indicate that regional regulations in the implementation of regional autonomy are a policy instrument in the implementation of the regional government. Establishment of regional regulations that are in accordance with the interests of the community must implement the principles of regional autonomy and the content of regional regulations must not …

Penyelesaian Perkawinan Yang Tidak Memenuhi Syarat Perkawinan Melalui Isbath Nikah, Barzah Latupono Dec 2019

Penyelesaian Perkawinan Yang Tidak Memenuhi Syarat Perkawinan Melalui Isbath Nikah, Barzah Latupono

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

Marriage is a spiritual bond between a woman and a man as husband and wife to form a happy and eternal family based on the Godhead. For that marriage must be done by fulfilling the rules of marriage law in accordance with applicable law. One of the requirements for a marriage is in accordance with Article 6 of the Marriage Law No. 1 of 1974 is: A person who is still bound by a marriage with another person cannot remarry except to fulfill the provisions of Article 3, (2) and article 4. If this point is not fulfilled, and the …

Dinamika Pengelolaan Zakat Oleh Negara Di Beberapa Provinsi Di Indonesia Pasca Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 2011, Muhammad Izzuddin Abdul Aziz, Heru Susetyo Dec 2019

Dinamika Pengelolaan Zakat Oleh Negara Di Beberapa Provinsi Di Indonesia Pasca Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 2011, Muhammad Izzuddin Abdul Aziz, Heru Susetyo

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

This article is derived from research conducted by the authors in some provinces in Indonesia. The focus of the research is the administration of zakat (alms) by the state, in this case, is BAZNAS at various provinces in Indonesia in the aftermath of Law No. 23/ 2011 on Zakat Administration. The authors select two provinces where Muslim inhabitants are a minority, namely in North Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and three provinces where Muslims are majority namely in Aceh, West Nusa Tenggara, and Gorontalo. There is three focus of questions: 1. The practice of zakat administration by the BAZNAS; …

Corporate Social Responsibility Sebagai Promosi Perseroan Terbatas, Chandra Yusuf, Endang Purwaningsih Dec 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Sebagai Promosi Perseroan Terbatas, Chandra Yusuf, Endang Purwaningsih

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

The application of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Fiduciary Duty in Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies creates a conflict of interest. The problem that arises is the placement of CSR in the company's income statement that will reduce the company's dividend distribution. This violates the principle of "fiduciary duty". Directors of Limited Liability Company must maximize shareholder prosperity. So far, CSR is considered a social activity. To avoid conflicts of interest, CSR must be classified into a promotional account in the financial statements, especially the Balance Sheet. The method used to assess CSR refers to the …

Pelaksanaan Corporate Social Responsibility Dan Zakat Perusahaan Perbankan Syari’Ah Di Madura, Erie Hariyanto, Mohammad Ali Al Humaidy Sep 2019

Pelaksanaan Corporate Social Responsibility Dan Zakat Perusahaan Perbankan Syari’Ah Di Madura, Erie Hariyanto, Mohammad Ali Al Humaidy

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

Corporate Social Responsibility and corporate zakat programs are two instruments for distributing with social responsibility funds that both have a legal basis, namely Law No.40 of 2007 concerning with Limited Liability Companies and company zakat, Law No.23 of 2011 concerning Zakat Management. In general, zakat and CSR contain the same vision and mission, namely concern for the overall social condition. Particularly, the life of the community is related to the welfare, security and peace of the people. The present study uses qualitative methods. The results of the research are Firstly, Bank BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep has form of Sharia Business …

The Characteristics Of Proportionality Principle In Islamic Crowdfunding In Indonesia, Fiska Silvia Raden Roro, Agus Yudha Hernoko, Ghansham Anand Jul 2019

The Characteristics Of Proportionality Principle In Islamic Crowdfunding In Indonesia, Fiska Silvia Raden Roro, Agus Yudha Hernoko, Ghansham Anand

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

Proportionality is a legal principle not only requires equility of the rights and obligations among parties based on competing values, but also has purpose to deliver justice among parties. This principle is in line with the Al Musawah principle in the Islamic contract or agreement which it also has the same goal: ad ‘adl wa tawazun. This principle is the implementation of the principle of good faith, the principle of transactions based on honesty including in terms of determining the profit margin. The research significance are to provide enhance knowledge about proportionality principle in Islamic crowdfunding in Indonesia, especially in …

Child Marriage And Zina In Indonesian Legislation In Islamic Law, Neng Djubaedah Mar 2019

Child Marriage And Zina In Indonesian Legislation In Islamic Law, Neng Djubaedah

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

Article 7 paragraph (1) of Law No. 1 Year 1974 on Marriage determines marriage permitted if the man is 19 years old and female 16 years old. The age limit of marriage for 16-year-old women is considered an early age and is a problem. Child marriage in this paper is a marriage performed by men and women under the age of 18 years. It is able to cause divorce and obstruction of education. In addition to article 7 paragraph (1), child marriage is also due to pregnancy due to free sex (zina) of teenagers. According to Islamic Law, zina is …

Revitalisasi Desa Dalam Konstelasi Desentralisasi Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa, Richard Timotius Jul 2018

Revitalisasi Desa Dalam Konstelasi Desentralisasi Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa, Richard Timotius

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

In the New Order period, the village was arranged separately in Law No. 5 of 1979, which adopted the uniformity of such a village in Java, precisely causing the existence of customary law community outside Java experienced a tremendous reduction. Law No. 6 of 2014 finally accommodate the existence of indigenous villages and villages. This paper used normative juridical research method which result that the existence of Law Number 6 Year 2014 regarding Village is a form of revitalization of previous regulation. The revitalization covers the arrangement of village authority, village finance arrangement, village government management and rural development and …

Menghancurkan Kepalsuan (Studi Tentang Tindak Pidana Pemalsuan Dan Problema Penerapannya), Eva Zulfa Jul 2018

Menghancurkan Kepalsuan (Studi Tentang Tindak Pidana Pemalsuan Dan Problema Penerapannya), Eva Zulfa

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

The development of the falsification of letter or document falcification has in essence undergone tremendous progress attributed to the qualification and types of documents, the various provisions and types of documents, the various provisions of rules and regulation and the interpretation of its. The evidiantary system associated with e-document is highly developed with several of form. This development makes the interpretation of the elements in the formulation of the article that has been the various provisions of the article 263, article 264 or article 266 KUHP very developed. The calculation of the expiration of prosecution which of the become a …

Perlindungan Hukum Atas Cerita Rakyat Yang Ditulis Oleh Pencipta Dalam Rangka Benefit Sharing, Eva Dewi Kartika Jul 2018

Perlindungan Hukum Atas Cerita Rakyat Yang Ditulis Oleh Pencipta Dalam Rangka Benefit Sharing, Eva Dewi Kartika

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

Indonesia is known as a country rich in culture. Every region in Indonesia has its own folklore that comes from the local community. This folklore is basically given through oral and non-written media and is known as folkore. Writing a book based on folklore with the inclusion of the name of the creator is not appropriate because the copyright of the folklore is included as one of the traditional cultural expressions and owned by the state, in this case managed and represented by the government. The community of origin of the folklore is also entitled to the utilization of the …

Espaktasi Pengelolaan Tanah Terlantar Oleh Baitul Mal Dalam Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat, Zaki Ulya Dec 2016

Espaktasi Pengelolaan Tanah Terlantar Oleh Baitul Mal Dalam Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat, Zaki Ulya

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

Baitul Mal is an institution that is authorized as property manager religion formed on the basis of specificity Aceh in implementing Islamic law. Baitul Mal authority in managing the wealth of religion stipulated in Qanun No. 10 of 2007 about Baitul Mal, where one authority Baitul Mal is managing the property / land owners and their heirs abandoned. Abandoned land owners and their Heirs applicable reference to the provisions referred to as a wasteland controlled by the state. In deed the management of abandoned land intended to improve the welfare of the community, which can be managed by the Baitul …

Studi Sosio-Legal Terhadap Ketertiban Dan Ketentraman Di Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Victor Imanuel W. Nalle Sep 2016

Studi Sosio-Legal Terhadap Ketertiban Dan Ketentraman Di Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Victor Imanuel W. Nalle

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

Peace and order is a city needs. Achievement of these needs by local governments through regulatory instruments, namely the Regional Regulation. Sidoarjo regency set through Peraturan Daerah No. 10 of 2013. This study through socio-legal approach has been assessing the condition of the aspects that affect the implementation of the local regulation and constraints. This study shows that there are gaps in the understanding of the urgency of the substance of Peraturan Daerah No. 10 of 2013 for the public interest. In addition, conditions of law enforcement structures and culture of the people do not support the implementation of the …

Penanganan Konflik Sosial Dengan Pendekatan Keadilan Restoratif, - Sukardi Mar 2016

Penanganan Konflik Sosial Dengan Pendekatan Keadilan Restoratif, - Sukardi

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

Restorative Justice approach in conflict resolution is basically a new method of settling disputes, especially in the concept-criminal cases, but using traditional patterns whose values have no concept of local wisdom in each culture. Therefore, the application of restorative justice approach in conflict resolution, in fact is the use of traditional patterns with the values of the resolution of the existing conflicts in wisdom local culture, with a focus on fulfillment of justice victims, through the concept of equality, partnership, reconciliation and participation.

Norma Kesusilaan Sebagai Batasan Penemuan Hukum Progresif Perkara Kesusilaan Di Bangkalan Madura, Hwian Christianto Mar 2016

Norma Kesusilaan Sebagai Batasan Penemuan Hukum Progresif Perkara Kesusilaan Di Bangkalan Madura, Hwian Christianto

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

Society definitely have different conception to the norms especially Bangkalan citizen, Madura. Once social case happen, judge confronted to decide according to decency norms. The Bangkalan State Court have arranged decency norm as main basic to judge social case. The decision is accepted as a law product which appoint to justice. This thought is in line with progressive law-founding which underline the essence of society values conception as an exist law. The decision of Bangkalan State Court have kept the social that highly suspended by people in Bangkalan Madura