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Animal Law



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Crow Indian Tribe V. United States, Hallee Kansman Dec 2018

Crow Indian Tribe V. United States, Hallee Kansman

Public Land & Resources Law Review

The protection status of the Greater Yellowstone grizzly bear continues to elicit debate and find its way into the courtroom. In Crow Indian Tribe v. United States, for the second time in the last decade, a court held the Service’s attempt to delist the Yellowstone Grizzly arbitrary and capricious. Specifically, the court found the Service’s evaluation of remnant populations, recalibration, and genetic health deficient. This case demonstrates the importance in and the resilient motivation behind preserving grizzly bear populations and genetics. As the practice of delisting a species under the Endangered Species Act continues, this case will provide important …

Accurate Economics To Protect Endangered Species And Their Critical Habitats, Jacob P. Byl Dec 2018

Accurate Economics To Protect Endangered Species And Their Critical Habitats, Jacob P. Byl

Pace Environmental Law Review

Federal agencies currently use a methodology that finds negligible benefits of protecting critical habitat for endangered species, despite the prime real estate that is often involved. The Endangered Species Act already calls for economic analysis, but agencies currently treat it as a meaningless hoop to jump through. Agencies justify this hollow exercise by pointing to the difficulty in quantifying the increment of added protection that comes with critical habitat designation. However, the increment of added protection for critical habitat can be measured using methods already employed by agencies in other environmental analyses. Although the central benefits of critical habitat are …

Bringing The European Eel Back From The Brink: The Need For A New Agreement Under The Convention On Migratory Species, Chris Wold Dec 2018

Bringing The European Eel Back From The Brink: The Need For A New Agreement Under The Convention On Migratory Species, Chris Wold

Pace Environmental Law Review

The European eel is considered “Critically Endangered.” Its population has been declining due to overutilization, barriers to migration such as dams, pollution, and climate change. The international community has responded by including the European eel in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (“CITES”) to regulate international trade and Appendix II of the Convention on Migratory Species (“CMS”) to help improve the species conservation status. The EU has taken regional action to prohibit imports into and exports from EU Member States, although intra-EU trade is permissible. Despite these actions, the eel’s conservation status might not be …

The Native Species Protection Act: A Deceptively-Named Measure To Destroy The Endangered Species Act, Daniel Fors Dec 2018

The Native Species Protection Act: A Deceptively-Named Measure To Destroy The Endangered Species Act, Daniel Fors

Villanova Environmental Law Journal

No abstract provided.

Alaska Oil & Gas Association V. Pritzker: The Court Foresees A Warm Future And Upholds Bearded Seals' Esa Listing, Shawna Riley Dec 2018

Alaska Oil & Gas Association V. Pritzker: The Court Foresees A Warm Future And Upholds Bearded Seals' Esa Listing, Shawna Riley

Villanova Environmental Law Journal

No abstract provided.

Contracting For Sustainable Surface Management, Tara Righetti Dec 2018

Contracting For Sustainable Surface Management, Tara Righetti

Arkansas Law Review

No abstract provided.

For Your Entertainment: Researching Animal Cruelty Under The Big Top, Virginia C. Thomas Dec 2018

For Your Entertainment: Researching Animal Cruelty Under The Big Top, Virginia C. Thomas

Library Scholarly Publications

No abstract provided.

Western Organization Of Resource Councils V. United States Bureau Of Land Management, Seth Sivinski Oct 2018

Western Organization Of Resource Councils V. United States Bureau Of Land Management, Seth Sivinski

Public Land & Resources Law Review

To what extent must the BLM analyze potential climate change impacts where millions of acres of public lands and federal mineral estates are being considered for coal development? Western Organization of Resource Councils v. BLM addresses this, setting the scope for NEPA-mandated environmental impact analysis and reasonable alternative consideration by federal agencies. Judge Brian Morris of the District of Montana eschewed BLM’s assertions that considering climate impacts would be speculative, instead requiring BLM to acknowledge scientific reality and include modern climate science in its NEPA review analysis.

Highway Culverts, Salmon Runs, And The Stevens Treaties: A Century Of Litigating Pacific Northwest Tribal Fishing Rights, Ryan Hickey Oct 2018

Highway Culverts, Salmon Runs, And The Stevens Treaties: A Century Of Litigating Pacific Northwest Tribal Fishing Rights, Ryan Hickey

Public Land & Resources Law Review

Isaac Stevens, then Superintendent of Indian Affairs and Governor of Washington Territory, negotiated a series of treaties with Indian tribes in the Pacific Northwest during 1854 and 1855. A century and a half later in 2001, the United States joined 21 Indian tribes in filing a Request for Determination in the United States District Court for the District of Washington. Plaintiffs alleged the State of Washington had violated those 150-year-old treaties, which remained in effect, by building and maintaining culverts under roads that prevented salmon passage. This litigation eventually reached the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which held in favor …

Collaboration Through Nepa: Achieving A Social License To Operate On Federal Public Lands, Temple Stoellinger, L. Steven Smutko, Jessica M. Western Oct 2018

Collaboration Through Nepa: Achieving A Social License To Operate On Federal Public Lands, Temple Stoellinger, L. Steven Smutko, Jessica M. Western

Public Land & Resources Law Review

As demand and consumption of natural gas increases, so will drilling operations to extract the natural gas on federal public lands. Fueled by the shale gas revolution, natural gas drilling operations are now frequently taking place, not only in the highly documented urban settings, but also on federal public lands with high conservation value. The phenomenon of increased drilling in sensitive locations, both urban and remote, has sparked increased public opposition, requiring oil and gas producers to reconsider how they engage the public. Oil and gas producers have increasingly deployed the concept of a social license to operate to gain …

Public-Private Conservation Agreements And The Greater Sage-Grouse, Justin R. Pidot Oct 2018

Public-Private Conservation Agreements And The Greater Sage-Grouse, Justin R. Pidot

Public Land & Resources Law Review

In 2015, the Obama Administration announced its conservation plans for the greater sage-grouse, an iconic bird of the intermountain west.Political leadership at the time described those plans as the “largest landscape-level conservation effort in U.S. history,”and they served as the foundation for a decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (“FWS”) that a listing of the bird was not warranted under the Endangered Species Act (“ESA”). The Trump Administration appears poised to substantially amend the plans, although an array of interested parties have urged that the plans be left intact. Regardless of the outcome of this debate, conservation of …

Streamlining The Production Of Clean Energy: Proposals To Reform The Hydroelectricity Licensing Process, Travis Kavulla, Laura Farkas Oct 2018

Streamlining The Production Of Clean Energy: Proposals To Reform The Hydroelectricity Licensing Process, Travis Kavulla, Laura Farkas

Public Land & Resources Law Review

Hydroelectric power is an efficient and clean source of power. In an era when air emissions dominate public concern about the environmental effects of the energy sector, it is a paradox that among the most highly regulated energy projects are hydroelectric dams, which do not combust fuel. This is partly due to a failure of successive statutory enactments,which have transformed hydroelectric licensing from a regulatory “one-stop shop” with a single regulator, to a process chained to a bewilderingnumber of often conflicting regulatory agencies, often riven with delay. Hydroelectric licensing has also failed because its capacious standard of review encourages special-interest …

Keeping Power In Charge: Federal Hydropower And The Downstream Environment, Reed D. Benson Oct 2018

Keeping Power In Charge: Federal Hydropower And The Downstream Environment, Reed D. Benson

Public Land & Resources Law Review

No abstract provided.

Language Matters: Environmental Controversy And The Quest For Common Ground, Scott Slovic Oct 2018

Language Matters: Environmental Controversy And The Quest For Common Ground, Scott Slovic

Public Land & Resources Law Review

No abstract provided.

Center For Biological Diversity V. Zinke, Ryan Hickey Oct 2018

Center For Biological Diversity V. Zinke, Ryan Hickey

Public Land & Resources Law Review

The oft-cited “arbitrary and capricious” standard revived the Center for Biological Diversity’s most recent legal challenge in its decades-long quest to see arctic grayling listed under the Endangered Species Act. While this Ninth Circuit decision did not grant grayling ESA protections, it did require the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to reconsider its 2014 finding that listing grayling as threatened or endangered was unwarranted. In doing so, the court found “range,” as used in the ESA, vague while endorsing the FWS’s 2014 clarification of that term. Finally, this holding identified specific shortcomings of the challenged FWS finding, highlighting how …

Friends Of Animals V. United States Fish & Wildlife Service, Bradley E. Tinker Oct 2018

Friends Of Animals V. United States Fish & Wildlife Service, Bradley E. Tinker

Public Land & Resources Law Review

In Friends of Animals v. United States Fish & Wildlife Service, the Ninth Circuit held that the plain language of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act allows for the removal of one species of bird to benefit another species. Friends of Animals argued that the Service’s experiment permitting the taking of one species––the barred owl––to advance the conservation of a different species––the northern spotted owl––violated the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The court, however, found that the Act delegates broad implementing discretion to the Secretary of the Interior, and neither the Act nor the underlying international conventions limit the taking of …

Public Employees For Environmental Responsibility V. United States Epa, F. Aaron Rains Oct 2018

Public Employees For Environmental Responsibility V. United States Epa, F. Aaron Rains

Public Land & Resources Law Review

Prior to 2016, the EPA acknowledged that human activities significantly contribute to climate change. However, on March 9, 2017, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announced that significant debate regarding the issue remained in the scientific community. In response to these statements, a nonprofit organization filed a FOIA request with the EPA seeking any documents or records Pruitt may have used when formulating his statements or substantiating his position. The EPA refused to comply with the request, citing undue burden and improper interrogation and this action followed. Upon review, the District Court for the District of Columbia found the plaintiff’s FOIA request …

California Sea Urchin Commission V. Bean, Thomas C. Mooney-Myers Sep 2018

California Sea Urchin Commission V. Bean, Thomas C. Mooney-Myers

Public Land & Resources Law Review

In California Sea Urchin Commission v. Bean, the Ninth Circuit upheld the Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision to end an experimental sea otter colony and translocation program. Commercial fishing groups sought reversal of the decision due to their interest in maintaining the translocation program which reduced otter predation on commercially valuable shellfish. While the Ninth Circuit held the group had standing, it then applied the Chevron test and determined the agency’s actions were reasonable.

Buffalo Field Campaign V. Zinke, Hallee C. Kansman Sep 2018

Buffalo Field Campaign V. Zinke, Hallee C. Kansman

Public Land & Resources Law Review

Despite years of litigation and legislation, the protection status of bison in and around Yellowstone National Park remains unsettled. Buffalo Field Campaign, a non-profit group, has spent decades spearheading the fight to list the species as either endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Buffalo Field Campaign v. Zinke tests the scope of agency directives and the strictness of the statutory language which guides agency actions.

Puppies, Ponies, Pigs And Parrots: Policies, Practices, And Procedures In Pubs, Pads, Planes And Professions: Where We Live, Work, And Play, And How We Get There: Animal Accommodations In Public Places, Housing, Employment, And Transportation, Laura Rothstein Sep 2018

Puppies, Ponies, Pigs And Parrots: Policies, Practices, And Procedures In Pubs, Pads, Planes And Professions: Where We Live, Work, And Play, And How We Get There: Animal Accommodations In Public Places, Housing, Employment, And Transportation, Laura Rothstein

Laura Rothstein

This is an expanded and updated version of an article published in 23 ANIMAL L.13 (2018). It examines how disability discrimination policy clarifies when animals may be allowed as accommodations in various settings. It provides basic statutory and regulatory framework for these settings, administrative agency guidance, and judicial interpretations of these requirements in various settings. Major settings where animals might be an accommodation are addressed separately, with particular focus on higher education institutions and health care settings.

Of Wild Beasts And Digital Analogues: The Legal Status Of Autonomous Systems, Matthew U. Scherer Sep 2018

Of Wild Beasts And Digital Analogues: The Legal Status Of Autonomous Systems, Matthew U. Scherer

Nevada Law Journal

No abstract provided.

Katrina To Maria: Pet Evacuation In The Eye Of The Storm, Tara Cooley Aug 2018

Katrina To Maria: Pet Evacuation In The Eye Of The Storm, Tara Cooley

GGU Law Review Blog

In 2006, Congress passed the Pet Evacuation and Transportation Standards (PETS) Act, a landmark act for emergency preparedness. PETS requires a community’s emergency plan account for the needs of families with companion or service animals. PETS provided protection to pets and their families during Hurricane Sandy, Harvey, Irma, and Maria. The image of evacuation has changed a lot from Katrina to Harvey. Eicher, an evacuee during Hurricane Harvey, shouted to first responders, “We have two kids with down syndrome, a pig and a three-legged dog.” The first responder’s reply: “Sounds good, (let’s) do this.” During preparation for Hurricane Irma, hotels …

Avian Jurisprudence And The Protection Of Migratory Birds In North America, Marshall A. Bowen Aug 2018

Avian Jurisprudence And The Protection Of Migratory Birds In North America, Marshall A. Bowen

St. Mary's Law Journal

Abstract forthcoming

Searching For A Sense Of Control: The Challenge Presented By Community Conflicts Over Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, Nancy A. Welsh, Barbara Gray Jul 2018

Searching For A Sense Of Control: The Challenge Presented By Community Conflicts Over Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, Nancy A. Welsh, Barbara Gray

Nancy Welsh

The growth in the number of concentrated animal feeding operations ("CAFOs"), particularly those involved in swine production, has brought with it increased community concern and outright conflict in many communities across the United States.' Most commentators have focused upon anticipated outcomes to explain the contentiousness of CAFO-related disputes.2 Meanwhile, even though the social dynamics that contribute to the development and escalation of conflicts over CAFOs parallel those exhibited in other kinds of community conflicts, little research has systematically examined the social dynamics associated with CAFO conflicts. One exception to this deficiency is recent work conducted by a team of researchers …

Companion Animals Are More Than "Just" Personal Property: Oregon Supreme Court Joins Growing National Trend, Kathleen Simers Jul 2018

Companion Animals Are More Than "Just" Personal Property: Oregon Supreme Court Joins Growing National Trend, Kathleen Simers

Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review

No abstract provided.

At Your Service! Assistance Animals And The Law In Michigan, Virginia C. Thomas Jul 2018

At Your Service! Assistance Animals And The Law In Michigan, Virginia C. Thomas

Library Scholarly Publications

No abstract provided.

What's All The Buzz About? Analyzing The Decision To List The Rusty Patched Bumblebee On The Endangered Species List, Christopher M. Lambe May 2018

What's All The Buzz About? Analyzing The Decision To List The Rusty Patched Bumblebee On The Endangered Species List, Christopher M. Lambe

Villanova Environmental Law Journal

No abstract provided.

Some Reflections On Turtles, Tuna, Dolphin, And Shrimp, David A. Wirth May 2018

Some Reflections On Turtles, Tuna, Dolphin, And Shrimp, David A. Wirth

David A. Wirth

No abstract provided.

Markle Interest, L.L.C. V. U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Peter B. Taylor May 2018

Markle Interest, L.L.C. V. U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Peter B. Taylor

Public Land & Resources Law Review

This action is an appeal of a grant of summary judgment to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service on the designation of critical-habitat for the dusky gopher frog under the ESA. Landowner appellants originally sought declaratory and injunctive relief against the Service, the Department of Interior, and agency officials challenging the designation of their private property as critical-habitat for the dusky gopher frog. The court’s holdings recognize loss of property value as a “particularized injury” for standing under the ESA in addition to addressing the landowners’ three principal arguments: 1) the critical habitat designation violated the ESA and the …

Bait And Switch: Taking Native Species On And Off The List Due To Invasive Species, Connie Mccarthy May 2018

Bait And Switch: Taking Native Species On And Off The List Due To Invasive Species, Connie Mccarthy

Environmental and Earth Law Journal (EELJ)

No abstract provided.