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Articles 1 - 30 of 1613

Full-Text Articles in Education

Focus On Essential Learning Outcomes, Bob Sornson, Debbie Davis Dec 2013

Focus On Essential Learning Outcomes, Bob Sornson, Debbie Davis

Journal of Research Initiatives

Simpson Central School began a gradual implementation of Early Learning Success strategies and procedures to close the gap among its students. The purpose was to identify the learning needs of students as early as possible and to respond to those needs quickly and systematically. Kindergarten was the grade level of focus for the first year of ELS implementation; however, efforts to improve instruction in grades one through three.

What Are Universities For?, Ian Mcdonald Dec 2013

What Are Universities For?, Ian Mcdonald

Journal of Research Initiatives

No abstract provided.

Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Untuk Smk, Herman Dwi Surjono, Heni Rita Susila Dec 2013

Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Untuk Smk, Herman Dwi Surjono, Heni Rita Susila

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan mengevaluasi perangkat lunak multimedia pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Tahapan penelitian ini meliputi perencanaan, desain dan pengembangan. Tahap perencanaan meliputi penentuan ruang lingkup, identifikasi karakteristik siswa dan pengumpulan bahan ajar. Tahap desain meliputi analisis konsep materi, pembuatan flowcharts dan storyboards. Tahap akhir yakni proses pengembangan meliputi penyiapan komponen multimedia, pembuatan program, dan evaluasi. Evaluasi terdiri atas uji alpha oleh ahli materi dan ahli media, uji beta oleh siswa dan uji sumatif melalui pretes dan postes. Multimedia pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan ini terdiri atas materi bahasa Inggris dengan topic personality traits, people …

Standardisasi Penilaian Berbasis Sekolah, Bambang Subali, Pujiati Suyata Dec 2013

Standardisasi Penilaian Berbasis Sekolah, Bambang Subali, Pujiati Suyata

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan panduan acuan standardisasi penilaian hasil belajar berbasis sekolah, kasus pada mata pelajaran Biologi dan Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Hasil yang dicapai yakni tersusunnya panduan standardisasi penilaian yang terdiri dari (a) learning continuum Biologi dan Bahasa Indonesia SMA yang telah ditelaah pakar terkait, (b) Panduan Penyusunan Butir Tes Pola Konvergen dan Divergen, dan (3) Panduan Analisis Data Pengukuran Pendidikan menggunakan Program Quest dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa pengantar. Ketiga-nya sudah divalidasi melalui kegiatan diseminasi kepada para guru Biologi dan Bahasa Indonesia di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Kalimantan Barat, dan Nusa Tenggara Barat pada tahun kedua. Kemudian …

Faktor Determinan Produktivitas Sekolah, Partono Thomas Dec 2013

Faktor Determinan Produktivitas Sekolah, Partono Thomas

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produktivitas sekolah SMKN bisnis manajemen. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Ukuran sampel sebanyak 200, dipilih dengan teknik proportional random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode angket wawancara dan doku-mentasi. Analisis data dengan permodelan persamaan struktural (structural equation modeling, SEM). Hasil penelitian me-nunjukkan bahwa produktivitas sekolah untuk SMKN bisnis manajemen dipengaruhi oleh mutu proses, kompetensi guru, budaya organisasi sekolah, pembiayaan pendidikan, kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan peran komite sekolah. Pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap produktivitas sekolah sebesar 73% sisanya 27% di-pengaruhi faktor lain di luar model. Variabel dominan yang mem-pengaruhi produktivitas SMKN bisnis …

Evaluasi Kinerja Guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Sumatera Barat Pascasertifikasi, Ramli Ramli, Nizwardi Jalinus Dec 2013

Evaluasi Kinerja Guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Sumatera Barat Pascasertifikasi, Ramli Ramli, Nizwardi Jalinus

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi (1) tingkat capaian UU no. 14 tahun 2005 tentang guru dan dosen, (2) beban mengajar guru SMK yang telah disertifikasi, dan (3) dampak sertifikasi ter-hadap kinerja guru di mata masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang di-gunakan deskriptif, populasi sebanyak 954 orang guru, sampel di-pilih sebanyak 247 orang dengan teknik random sampling. Data di-kumpulkan dengan angket dan dianalisis menggunakan teknik des-kriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) secara umum guru SMK telah memenuhi kriteria UU No. 14 Tahun 2005 ten-tang Guru dan Dosen; (2) sebagian besar guru SMK telah mem-peroleh beban mengajar yang sesuai dengan yang ditetapkan …

Pengembangan Model Evaluasi Kultur Sma, Siswanto Siswanto Dec 2013

Pengembangan Model Evaluasi Kultur Sma, Siswanto Siswanto

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mengindentifikasi, 2) me-ngembangkan model evaluasi, dan 3) mengetahui kelayakan model evaluasi kultur SMA yang dikembangkan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan. Langkah-langkah penelitian dan pe-ngembangan menggunakan acuan pokok dari Plomp, sedangkan penentuan jumlah subjek uji coba menggunakan acuan dari Borg & Gall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) keadaan kultur akademik yang berkembang di SMA saat ini terdiri atas enam aspek budaya, yaitu berprestasi dan berkompetisi, disiplin dan efisien, jujur dan terbuka, gemar membaca, teguran dan penghargaan, serta kerja sama dan kebersamaan; 2) keadaan kultur sosial yang ber-kembang di SMA saat ini terdiri atas sembilan aspek …

Model Peer Assessment Pada Pembelajaran Kolaboratif Elaborasi Ips Terpadu Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Rochmiyati Rochmiyati Dec 2013

Model Peer Assessment Pada Pembelajaran Kolaboratif Elaborasi Ips Terpadu Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Rochmiyati Rochmiyati

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat peer assessment pada pembelajaran kolaboratif IPS yang baik, valid, handal, dan fit yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan penilaian kecakapan social siswa secara obyektif. Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan perangkat peer assessment kecakapan sosial yang disebut Rubrik Kecakapan Sosial. Perangkat pendukung adalah Jurnal Kecakapan Kognitif, Lembar Kendali Pembelajaran Kolaboratif, dan Rubrik Profil Keterlaksanaan. Subyek penelitian guru dan siswa kelas VIII (delapan) dari Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Data dianalisis dengan Structural Equation Modeling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Rubrik Kecakapan Sosial untuk mengukur kemampuan komunikasi, tanggung jawab individu, tanggung jawab terhadap kelompok, kerjasama dan kompetisi siswa. Hasil …

Penskalaan Teori Klasik Instrumen Multiple Intelligences Tipe Thurstone Dan Likert, Farida Agus Setiawati, Djemari Mardapi, Saifuddin Azwar Dec 2013

Penskalaan Teori Klasik Instrumen Multiple Intelligences Tipe Thurstone Dan Likert, Farida Agus Setiawati, Djemari Mardapi, Saifuddin Azwar

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui hasil penskalaan instrumen multiple intelligences (MI) pada tipe Thurstone dan Likert dengan pendekatan klasik, 2) mengetahui karakteristik instrument MI pada tipe Thurstone dan Likert pada data asli dan data yang diskalakan, 3) membandingkan karakteristik psikometrik pada kedua tipe data yang sudah diskalakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang pelaksanaannya terdiri dari empat bagian yang saling terkait, yaitu penelitian pengembangan instrumen, penskalaan pada data hasil ujicoba, analisis karakteristik psikometrik instrumen, dan perbandingan karakteristik psikometrik instrumen. Instrumen dikembangkan menggunakan tipe Thurstone dan Likert pada konstruk yang sama. Perbandingan karakteristik psikometrik kedua instrumen dilakukan secara diskriptif. Hasil …

Model Evaluasi Dalam Supervisi Pembelajaran Ipa Berbasis Lima Domain Sains, Eny Winaryati, Suyata Suyata, Sumarno Sumarno Dec 2013

Model Evaluasi Dalam Supervisi Pembelajaran Ipa Berbasis Lima Domain Sains, Eny Winaryati, Suyata Suyata, Sumarno Sumarno

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) mengembangkan model evaluasi diri dan teman sejawat (EDTS) dalam supervisi pembelajaran IPA berbasis lima domain sains (5 DS); 2) mengevaluasi pembelajaran IPA berbasis 5 DS dalam supervisi melalui model EDTS; 3) menguji keefektifan model.Objek penelitian ini adalah SMP Negeri 7, 11, 14, 15, 19, 29, dan 32. Model EDTS dikembangkan melalui penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D). Subjeknya adalah guru sendiri, gurusejawat, dan kepala sekolah. Alur pelaksanaan evaluasinya adalah: guru sendiri dan guru sejawat mengobservasi kegiatan pra pembelajaran dan proses pembelajaran. Data observasi divalidasi oleh kepala sekolah, ditindaklanjuti dengan diskusi, dan dilanjutkan dengan kegiatan feedback dan evaluasi …

A Profile Of Black Women In The 21st Century Academy: Still Learning From The “Outsider-Within”, Jeffrianne Wilder, Tamara Bertrand Jones, La’Tara Osborne-Lampkin Dec 2013

A Profile Of Black Women In The 21st Century Academy: Still Learning From The “Outsider-Within”, Jeffrianne Wilder, Tamara Bertrand Jones, La’Tara Osborne-Lampkin

Journal of Research Initiatives

In 1986, sociologist Patricia Hill Collins published the groundbreaking essay, “Learning from the Outsider Within: The Sociological Significance of Black Feminist Thought.” In that pivotal piece, she describes the unique experiences and perspectives of Black women faculty in academia, specifically within predominately-white institutions (PWI’s). Today, Black women faculty account for only 3 percent of all faculty nationwide (Ryu, 2010), and face a myriad of challenges related to their social location. Racism, sexism, and other interlocking oppressions create troubling obstacles for Black women at all levels in academia (Benjamin, 1998; Collins, 2000; Gregory, 2001; hooks, 1989; King, 1988). Using Collins’ work …

Ferpa: To Release Or Not To Release – That Is The Question, Sonja G. Cantrell Dec 2013

Ferpa: To Release Or Not To Release – That Is The Question, Sonja G. Cantrell

Journal of Research Initiatives

No abstract provided.

The Importance Of A School Library Media Specialist, Khalida Mashriqi Dec 2013

The Importance Of A School Library Media Specialist, Khalida Mashriqi

Journal of Research Initiatives

No abstract provided.

So Much More Than Academics: What’S Character Got To Do With It?, Rona Leach Mcleod Dec 2013

So Much More Than Academics: What’S Character Got To Do With It?, Rona Leach Mcleod

Journal of Research Initiatives

No abstract provided.

The Pan-Asian Empire And World Literatures, Sowon S. Park Dec 2013

The Pan-Asian Empire And World Literatures, Sowon S. Park

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In her article "The Pan-Asian Empire and World Literatures" Sowon S. Park argues that world literature studies have been limited to "Europe and its Others." That is to say, while there has been an increasing preoccupation with literary networks beyond the Western canon since the middle of the last century, the investigations have been restricted to the colonial world and the postcolonial states of the Western powers. The non-Western colonial field of the Pan-Asian empire (1894-1945) — Imperial Japan, colonial Korea, semi-colonial China, and Taiwan — has been not so much relegated to the margins as just passed over. Park …

Desai's Hullabaloo In The Guava Orchard As Global Literature, Erin M. Fehskens Dec 2013

Desai's Hullabaloo In The Guava Orchard As Global Literature, Erin M. Fehskens

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In her article "Desai's Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard as Global Literature" Erin M. Fehskens argues that scholars readily recognize Kiran Desai's Booker Prize winning second novel The Inheritance of Loss as world literature following David Damrosch's and Franco Moretti's notions. However, Desai's first novel Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard is often overlooked. Although Hullabaloo's focus is narrow and local, its allegorical implications encode the processes of globalization and resistance to it into the novel. Thus, the novel can be read as an example of global literature, which uses the discontinuous nature of allegory to critique the de-differentiating practices …

World Literatures In Temporal Perspective, David Damrosch Dec 2013

World Literatures In Temporal Perspective, David Damrosch

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In his article "World Literatures in Temporal Perspective" David Damrosch discusses the vexed problem of how to shape a literary history into definable and meaningful periods without simply projecting old Western patterns onto new ages and distant areas of the world. This problem becomes acute when one seeks to create a genuinely global literary history. Damrosch surveys some early periodizations according to patterns of infancy, growth, maturity, and decline, and discusses the often unrealized persistence of biblical and classical models in modern accounts of the literary histories of Egypt, Mesoamerica, and India.

World Literatures, Comparative Literature, And Glocal Cosmopolitanism, Paolo Bartoloni Dec 2013

World Literatures, Comparative Literature, And Glocal Cosmopolitanism, Paolo Bartoloni

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In his article "World Literatures, Comparative Literature, and Glocal Cosmopolitanism" Paolo Bartoloni reflects on the topos of the crisis of literature and the humanities. An urge to question the status and the relevance of literature; to investigate the relation between literature and literary studies; and the location of literature within the context of a transforming world has emerged in the last three decades. Assuming that a bond exists between literature and the world, what is its nature? Is it possible to take an interest in literature without knowing its potential relevance or its world? These questions are related to the …

Multilingual Literature, Translation, And Crnjanski's Роман О Лондону (A Novel About London), Biljana Djorić Francuski Dec 2013

Multilingual Literature, Translation, And Crnjanski's Роман О Лондону (A Novel About London), Biljana Djorić Francuski

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In her article "Multilingual Literature, Translation, and Crnjanski's Роман о Лондону (A Novel about London)" Biljana Djorić Francuski discusses aspects of the translation of multilingual texts. Although xenisms (words in foreign languages) can often be translated and yet preserved as a part of code mixing, it is difficult to transpose what are known as nonce loans. A further obstacle arises when the author of the multilingual text is such an artist of subtle allusion that the dominant language is pervaded with words and phrases transferred from other languages so that they gain meanings which differ from the expected ones. Djorić …

Translation And Self-Translation In Today's (Im)Migration Literature, Anastasija Gjurčinova Dec 2013

Translation And Self-Translation In Today's (Im)Migration Literature, Anastasija Gjurčinova

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In her article "Translation and Self-Translation in Today's (Im)migration Literature" Anastasija Gjurčinova discusses contemporary (im)migration literature in Europe as a phenomenon that offers new opportunities for comparative literary research especially as related to the issue of the translation and reception of literary works. Gjurčinova considers (im)migrant authors who write in their native tongue and then translate their works — or have them translated — into the adopted language and others who prefer writing their literary works directly in the latter language. Through references to the work of relevant scholars of comparative and world literature Gjurčinova elaborates on these issues by …

Towards A Symbiotic Coexistence Of Comparative Literature And World Literature, Jüri Talvet Dec 2013

Towards A Symbiotic Coexistence Of Comparative Literature And World Literature, Jüri Talvet

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In his article "Towards a Symbiotic Coexistence of Comparative Literature and World Literature" Jüri Talvet postulates that comparative literature has really never enjoyed a pivotal or central status in the broad field of literary studies, yet at the same time specialized studies of separate literary traditions have not been able to fill numerous gaps in the understanding of literary creation as a broader cultural phenomenon influencing (although often invisibly) the world-view and axiological attitudes of entire societies and vast communities of people. Developing some ideas presented in his book A Call for Cultural Symbiosis (2005) and in his article " …

Intermedial Serial Metarepresentation In Dickens's The Pickwick Papers, Asunción López-Varela, Camila Khaski Gaglia Dec 2013

Intermedial Serial Metarepresentation In Dickens's The Pickwick Papers, Asunción López-Varela, Camila Khaski Gaglia

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

Abstract: In their article "Intermedial Serial Metarepresentation in Dickens's The Pickwick Papers" Asunción López-Varela and Camila Khaski Gaglia employ a semiotic perspective in order to establish the intermedial features of the genre of the serial novel. Drawing on Marina Grishakova's distinction between "metaverbal" (an attribute of verbal texts which evoke images) and "metavisual" (an attribute of images which reflect on the incomplete nature of visual representation) the authors explore self-reflexive references as threads to storylines which capture the entire series in one emblematic recurrent image.

Western And Oriental Worlds Of Literature And Modern Greek Literature, Maro Kalantzopoulou Dec 2013

Western And Oriental Worlds Of Literature And Modern Greek Literature, Maro Kalantzopoulou

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In her article "Western and Oriental Worlds of Literature and Modern Greek Literature" Maro Kalantzopoulou explores the extent to which modern Greek literature can be seen as linked to Western and Oriental literary cultures. She discusses examples of literary phenomena featuring Western influences, as well as works which are linked in different ways to Southeastern Europe in general, the Ottoman world, and Oriental literary cultures. Kalantzopoulou's claim is that scholarship tends to associate modern Greek literature with Western literary cultures and dismisses non-Western contributions and influences. Kalantzopoulou suggests that by acknowledging the historical situatedness of such assumptions and by examining …

World Literatures In Secondary School Curricula In Iran, Massih Zekavat Dec 2013

World Literatures In Secondary School Curricula In Iran, Massih Zekavat

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In his article "World Literatures in Secondary School Curricula in Iran" Massih Zekavat argues that the inclusion and teaching of works of world literature is significant at the secondary school level because it introduces students to a dialogic and polyphonic world where difference is appreciated. Further, Zekavat posits that the pedagogical use of reading world literatures would be the case in particular in countries and cultures where essentialist and homogenizing objectives and practices of culture prevail. Zekavat's argumentation is based on the recent revival of Goethe's concept of Weltliteratur in the U.S. as a pedagogical tool and practice of reading …

Periodization, Comparative Literature, And Italian Modernism, Donata Meneghelli Dec 2013

Periodization, Comparative Literature, And Italian Modernism, Donata Meneghelli

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In her article "Periodization, Comparative Literature, and Italian Modernism" Donata Meneghelli discusses why periodization is one of the most problematic issues in literary studies. Following a discussion of literary history and comparative literature, Meneghelli focuses on the notion of Italian modernism which has recently begun to circulate in literary studies referring to Italian literature of the beginning of the twentieth century. Meneghelli argues that Italian modernism is a paradoxical and contradictory notion which calls into question the relationships between literary history, geography (literary, cultural, political), and comparative literature while at the same time challenging the new framework of world literature(s) …

Major Histories, Minor Literatures, And World Authors, Theo D'Haen Dec 2013

Major Histories, Minor Literatures, And World Authors, Theo D'Haen

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In his article "Major Histories, Minor Literatures, and World Authors" Theo D'haen discusses how the idea of world literature has made a remarkable comeback in literary studies. A major feature of this revival has been increased attention from a "world perspective" to literatures until recently little studied beyond disciplinary boundaries, particularly so some "major" literatures such as Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and various Indian-language literatures. As such, these literatures have come to join what has usually been thought of as "European" world literature. What this move, however to be welcomed in itself, obscures is the even further peripheralization of a number …

Greek, Latin, And The Origins Of "World Literature", Alexander Beecroft Dec 2013

Greek, Latin, And The Origins Of "World Literature", Alexander Beecroft

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In his article "Greek, Latin, and the Origins of 'World Literature'" Alexander Beecroft argues that while it is hardly new that the models of contemporary comparative and world literature(s) are Eurocentric in their origins and structures, the precise nature of Eurocentrism is less discussed. Beecroft argues that far from representing (as Goethe had wished) the end of national literature, the era of comparative and world literatures has, from its beginnings, been structured specifically around the notion of "national literatures." Beecroft explores the national basis for the study of comparative and world literatures in the nineteenth century with particular attention to …

National Literature, World Literatures, And Universality In Romanian Cultural Criticism 1867-1947, Andrei Terian Dec 2013

National Literature, World Literatures, And Universality In Romanian Cultural Criticism 1867-1947, Andrei Terian

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In his article "National Literature, World Literatures, and Universality in Romanian Cultural Criticism 1867-1947" Andrei Terian analyzes the relevance of systematizing international literary relationships in current theories of world literatures. Terian criticizes the "naturalist" reductionism that still dominates many contemporary studies in the field of world literatures and asserts that a particular feature of the interliterary processes is that they occur not only at the level of mere "facts," but also at the level of cultural "representations" thus supporting various strategies through which national literatures attempt to acquire more favorable positions within world literatures. Terian presents a systemic classification of …

National Literatures As Intimate Expression And The Problem Of Teaching World Literatures, Kette Thomas Dec 2013

National Literatures As Intimate Expression And The Problem Of Teaching World Literatures, Kette Thomas

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In her article "National Literatures as Intimate Expression and the Problem of Teaching World Literatures" Kette Thomas analyzes the fundamental tension embedded in the discourse on teaching world literatures. Thomas focuses on models which contextualize the problem around the subject of allegiance either to the reader or the author rather than the commonly limited geographical, national, and politically defined complex. Focus on the reader or author is often made at the expense of the "other," but it is the tension and communication between them that offers possibilities for the development of the discipline of comparative literature (against Eurocentrism and the …

Adiga's The White Tiger As World Bank Literature, Abdullah M. Al-Dagamseh Dec 2013

Adiga's The White Tiger As World Bank Literature, Abdullah M. Al-Dagamseh

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

In his article "Adiga's The White Tiger as World Bank Literature" Abdullah M. Al-Dagamseh reads Aravind Adiga's novel within the context of global neoliberal capitalism, especially as radical neoliberal reforms took root in India in 1991. Al-Dagamseh argues that The White Tiger read as world bank literature provides critiques of the globally hegemonic discourses of success story narratives by exposing the contradictions of different, but overlapping facets of neoliberal ideology. Further, Al-Dagamseh demonstrates that the novel serves to reveal the contradiction between mythical global narratives and the reality and nature of "success" and "development" achieved through violence, crime, and destruction …