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Fine Arts Commons

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Volume 56, Number 07 (July 1938), James Francis Cooke Jul 1938

Volume 56, Number 07 (July 1938), James Francis Cooke

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

Piano and To-morrow

Passing of a Genius

Carve Out Your Own Career (interview with Ferde Grofé)

Righting the Left Hand

First Eighth Notes

Art Means Preparation (interview with Bidu Sayao)

Fatigue Demon

Radio Flashes

Women in Orchestras: Famous and Brilliant Conductors of the Fair Sex

Relaxation is Mental

Social Dancing and Its Music

Important Practical Helps for the Vocalist (interview with Isidore Luckstone)

Threshold of Music: Triads, and How They are Put Together

Making Two Part Inventions Interesting

Music and Dancing in Siam: Quaint and Curious Arts of a Far Eastern Kingdom

New Attractions Scheduled for Tour: International Music Festival …

Volume 54, Number 11 (November 1936), James Francis Cooke Nov 1936

Volume 54, Number 11 (November 1936), James Francis Cooke

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

Reflections from a Musical Life

Bird in Grand Opera

My Symphonic Debut in the Films

Pep in Music

For That Weak Left Hand

Harp in History

Woman's Struggle for Recognition in Music

Forgotten Pedal of the Piano

Gift of Liszt to Grieg

Spirituals to Symphonies: A Brief Survey of Negro Music in America, from the Jubilee Singers and their Spirituals to the Playing of Dawson's Negro Folk Symphony by the Philadelphia Orchestra

Chicago Symphony Orchestra (founded by Theodore Thomas)

Gala Days with Liszt at Weimar

Photo-Chart for the Piano Accordion

New Piano Accordion Field

Securing Finger Control

Jazzy Repartee

Volume 53, Number 04 (April 1935), James Francis Cooke Apr 1935

Volume 53, Number 04 (April 1935), James Francis Cooke

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

Mission Mass Chimes

Vast American Cultural Movement

Savoyard Saga: Comments Upon One of the Most Unusual Happenings in the History of Music in the Theater—The Fateful Combination of Gilbert, Sullivan and D'Oyly Carte at the Savoy Theater in London

Accent the Charm of Music: Why the First and Third Beats are Accented

Piano as a Broadcasting Instrument

Modern Tendencies in Music

Saving for Music Study

Evening With Ethelbert Nevin

Passing of a Great Diva

Cultivating a Dependable Memory

Grand Tradition of Opera (interview with Léon Rothier)

About Fifth Fingers, Ladies' Hands, and Camels' Backs

Helping the Parent to Help the …

Volume 40, Number 03 (March 1922), James Francis Cooke Mar 1922

Volume 40, Number 03 (March 1922), James Francis Cooke

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

What is the Most Important Work to Which the Music Clubs of America May Devote Their Efforts? A Nation-Wide Symposium

Beginnings of American Music: A Sketch of Our Musical Endeavor Up to the Early Years of the Last Century

What Our Music Clubs Need Most

Ingrowing Musical Clubs

Music Students in Small Towns

Getting More Pupils

Slow Practice with Exaggerated Accents

Opera a Year

What the National Federation of Musical Clubs is Doing to Help in Making America a Musical Nation

Heredity and Music

Club: A Municipal Personality

Beacon Lights of Opera, To-Day and Yesterday: Graphic Sketches of the Masters …

Volume 39, Number 11 (November 1921), James Francis Cooke Nov 1921

Volume 39, Number 11 (November 1921), James Francis Cooke

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

Pianist's Palette

Recorded Music

From a Master's Workshop

Practice Plan that Brings Results

How Genius Discounts Handicaps

Emphasizing Different Voices

Studio Stories that Hit the Spot

Demand the Noblest Ideals

How One Mother Got Time for Music Stories

Finale: Yesterday and Today

Better Elocution in Your Piano Playing

Little Learning Not Always a Dangerous Thing

Interesting Your Pupils

Knowing the Keyboard

Here and There in the Field of Music: An Intimate Page of Fact, Humor and Comment with the Great Music Makers of To-day and Yesterday

Harmony, Not a Dry and Difficult Subject

Visit to the Presser Home for Retired …

Volume 38, Number 09 (September 1920), James Francis Cooke Sep 1920

Volume 38, Number 09 (September 1920), James Francis Cooke

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

How to Hold Your Audience

Injured Right Hand a Blessing

Playing in the Right Octave

How to Make Your Practice Time Less Tedious

Music Composition as a Field for Women (interview with Carrie Jacobs-Bond)

Why Underpay the Music Teacher?

Early Fall Recital

Does Your Pupil Know What Music to Bring to the First Fall Lesson?

Painless Musical Bookkeeping

Opening Gun of the Teaching Season: What a Teacher Must Do to Insure a Prompt Start and a Full Class

Gradual Hand Stretching Exercise

All About Variations

Some Hints on Modern Fingering

Ultra-Modern Music Explained: Unusual Futurist Harmony and Form Discussed

Remembering …

Volume 36, Number 11 (November 1918), James Francis Cooke Nov 1918

Volume 36, Number 11 (November 1918), James Francis Cooke

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

Programs of Works by Women Composers from Contemporary American Publishers

Famous Musical Women of the Past

From the Bottom Up

What the Life of an Artist Means

Musical Celebrities Sell Liberty Bonds (picture)

To the Girl Who Wants to Compose

Music as a Vocation for Women

Mother's Part in the Child's Musical Training

Two Types of Violin Playing

List of Well-Known Women Composers

Story of America's Largest Musical Organization: The National Federation of Musical Clubs

Small Hands and Their Extraordinary Possibilities

Technic of Study

Volume 27, Number 07 (July 1909), James Francis Cooke Jul 1909

Volume 27, Number 07 (July 1909), James Francis Cooke

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

Art of the Coloratura Soprano

Woman's Opportunity in Music (symposium)

Famous Women in Musical History

Music After Marriage and Motherhood: Opinions of Some of the Most Famous Living Women Musicians Upon the Problem of Keeping Up Musical Work Without Neglecting the Home

Successful Memorizing: Some Remarkable Experiments in Memory

What Six Months with Czerny's Studies Did

Who's Who Among Famous Women Musicians

American Woman Pianist of To-day and Yesterday: An Entertaining Account of the Remarkable Advance in Piano Playing Made by the Women of Our Country During the Last Century

Vacation Study Without a Piano

Edward Grieg on Liszt's Playing …

Volume 24, Number 02 (February 1906), Winton J. Baltzell Feb 1906

Volume 24, Number 02 (February 1906), Winton J. Baltzell

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

Advent of Endowed Institutions in American Musical Education

Value of the Old Classics

Some Thoughts on Pedaling

Mark Hambourg and Leschetizky

Reading Music at Sight

Elements of Musical Appreciation

Gymnastic Wrist Exercises

Young Woman Pianist and Her Business Prospects

How to Memorize Music

Triumph of Counterpoint

Mark Hambourg's Suggestions for Music Students

Volume 23, Number 02 (February 1905), Winton J. Baltzell Feb 1905

Volume 23, Number 02 (February 1905), Winton J. Baltzell

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

Mrs. Bloomfield Zeisler on Study and Repertory

Interpretation: The Fine Art of Music

Alexander Glazunoff

Study of Theodore Thomas

Paderewski on Piano Teaching and Study

Business Details in Music Teaching


I Pray Thee Have Me Excused: Some of the Reasons Pupils Give for Changing Their Instructors

Training in Musical Taste

Cranky Parent

Prime Factors in Students' Progress

Volume 22, Number 02 (February 1904), Winton J. Baltzell Feb 1904

Volume 22, Number 02 (February 1904), Winton J. Baltzell

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

New Gems in the Old Classics: A Talk with Mrs. H.H.A. Beach

Concerning the Staccato Touch

Teaching of the History of Music

How and Why of Scale Practice

On the Self-Development of the Teacher

Analysis of a Composition and Other Aids to Interpretation

Music-Students and Concert-Going

Method of Teaching

Two Lessons vs. One Per Week

Little Singer

Reasons for Holding Class Meetings

True Genius of the Pianoforte

Volume 20, Number 02 (February 1902), Winton J. Baltzell Feb 1902

Volume 20, Number 02 (February 1902), Winton J. Baltzell

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

Edouard Zeldenrust on the Training of an Artist

Music Education: Its Problems and Needs

Guiding Thoughts for 1902 (symposium)

Teacher's Preparation of the Pupil's Lesson

The Term Sonata

Choice of Technic for a Composition

Value of Nuance

Women and Originality

Character in Practice

Volume 19, Number 09 (September 1901), Winton J. Baltzell Sep 1901

Volume 19, Number 09 (September 1901), Winton J. Baltzell

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

Selected List of Works by Women Composers

Concerning the Actual Decay of the Art of Song

Woman's Share in the Musical Civilization of the Public

Woman's Sphere in Music-Teaching

Woman's Contribution to Musical Literature

Advantages Women Have Over Men for Entering a Professional Career

Women as Composers in the Future

Woman's Contribution to Musical Scholarship

Some Ideals in Musical Education

Ideal Matinee Musicale and Its Management

Madame Lillian Nordica: Woman in Music

Women as Concert-Organists

Women as Organists

Women as Choir-Director

Women as Organ-Students

Necessity of Harmony and Counterpoint to Women Who are Organists

Woman's Position in the Violin-World

Volume 16, Number 08 (August 1898), Winton J. Baltzell Aug 1898

Volume 16, Number 08 (August 1898), Winton J. Baltzell

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

Cultivate the Love of Nature

The Subjective Player

Music and Progressiveness

Rusting and Rusticity

Culture: A Suggestion for Summer

The Teacher Not Everything

Pioneer American Pianist: Gottschalk—His Work, Artistic Standing, and Financial Circumstances; A Statement as to His Poverty Corrected

Letter from Sousa

Value and Practice of Advertising Among Professional Musicians

Professional Courtesy

Environment as an Educational Factor


Individuality in Art

Teaching a Necessity

Present and Abiding Duty for the Music Teachers

Rhythm the Basis of Melody

Gladstone's Interest in Music

Prize Medal System

Two Schools of Organ Playing

How to Make Music Studios Attractive

Studio Experiences

Advantages for …

Volume 16, Number 02 (February 1898), Winton J. Baltzell Feb 1898

Volume 16, Number 02 (February 1898), Winton J. Baltzell

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

How to Make a Living

American Student

Principles of Musical Pedagogy

Life of a Pianoforte—How to Preserve It

Musical Listener

Children and Music

Music Teacher Analyzed


How a Composer Works

Stumbling Blocks

In My Easy Chair

Romantic Side of Bach

How to Work up Concerts in the Smaller Cities

Mental Technic: A Suggestion

Key-Character a Fallacy

Ear Training

Advantages for Music Students in Various European Centers

Pen Picture

Crime Against Art

Open Your Eyes

How to Maintain Pupils' Interest

Happy Medium

Old Italian Method

Study of Musical Literature

Listening Well

Professional Code

Volume 16, Number 01 (January 1898), Winton J. Baltzell Jan 1898

Volume 16, Number 01 (January 1898), Winton J. Baltzell

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

Suggestions for the Musical Youth

How Shall We Teach Notation to Beginners

The Gospel of Work

Musical Memory in Its Relation to Pianoforte Playing

How to Make a Living

Problem of American Teaching

Song Writers of the Day

One-Sided Musicians

Nothing But a Name!

Success is the Reward of Toil

Musical Listener


Art of Self-Criticism

Helpful Letters to Young Musicians

Cost of Study Abroad

Factors of Musical Expression

Sight-reading in Pianoforte Instruction

Why Do You Take Music Lessons?

Principles of Musical Pedagogy

Thoroughness in Primary Work

Music Education

Moral Influence of Music

Convenient Maxims, Formulas, etc. for Voice Teaching …

Volume 12, Number 04 (April 1894), Theodore Presser Apr 1894

Volume 12, Number 04 (April 1894), Theodore Presser

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

Philadelphia Summer Music School

Technique and Feeling

Devitalized Wrist

Very Much to the Point

Valuable Contribution to Musical Criticism

Good Enough to Practice On

Classses in Biography and Musical History

Art Versus Prize-Getting

Women's Amateur Musical Clubs

Musical Taste

Public v. Private Pupils' Recitals


Reason Why

Origin(?) of Certain Compositions

Some Secrets of Practice

Encourgting Young Musicians

What is Musical Intelligence?

Beethoven Sonatas

Wanted, in the Musical Profession, More Brains and Better Morals

Hints and Helps

In Jest

My Morning's Work

Let All Be Worthy and Well Tried

Necessary Reform in Charging Tuition

Extracts from Handy Music-Lexicon

Genius and …

Volume 11, Number 03 (March 1893), Theodore Presser Mar 1893

Volume 11, Number 03 (March 1893), Theodore Presser

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

In the Piano Corner

Delicacy and Accuracy of the Ear

Concise Chronological History of the Chief Musicians and Musical Events from A.D. 1380-1885

What Does Music Express?

Louis Köhler

Music Teacher and the Demand of the Times

Genius in Childhood

Music From a Pupil's Standpoint

Parental Control

Woman in Music

Reinecke on Mozart Concertos

Illustrious Sons of Humble Sires

Rules for Scale-Fingerings


Merely a Bluff

Secret of Success

Music Students and Physical Culture


Thoughts on Piano Practice as a Factor in Character Building

Home and Daily Life Rules for the Musical Generation Now Growing Up, in Thirty Encouraging …

Volume 10, Number 01 (January 1892), Theodore Presser Jan 1892

Volume 10, Number 01 (January 1892), Theodore Presser

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

Parents and Music Teachers

Woman in Music

What a Student Can Learn at Concerts

Rubinstein as Teacher

Theory of Music Explained for Piano-Forte Players

1791-1891: Two Scenes and Some Reflections Arising From Them

Words, Their Importance to Teachers

How to Learn a Piece

What is Classic Music?


Mason's Touch and Technic

Use of Wrist—When Shall It be Taught?

Study of Rhythm

Valuable Ideas for Pupils

Something for Pupils

List of Cabinet Organ Music

Turning Over a New Leaf

What to Teach: Hints for a Teacher's Circular

Few Rules for Piano Practice

Volume 02, Number 05 (May 1884), Theodore Presser May 1884

Volume 02, Number 05 (May 1884), Theodore Presser

The Etude Magazine: 1883-1957

Chat with Pupils for Young Ladies

Eighth Annual Meeting of the Music Teachers of the United States

Musical Literature

Successes, Directions, Incentives, Developments

On First Sight Reading

Teachers' Department

Good Words for The Etude

Standard for the Musical Profession

How to Study—How to Teach

Literature of Music

Course in Harmony