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Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan


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Basic Gymnastics Exercises For The Physical Development Of Primary Schoolers, Matluba Jalalovna Davurbaeva May 2022

Basic Gymnastics Exercises For The Physical Development Of Primary Schoolers, Matluba Jalalovna Davurbaeva

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

Muntazam jismoniy faollik jismoniy rivojlanish sur'atini yanada oshirishga yordam beradi, ya'ni jismoniy faollik miya sog'lig'ini yaxshilaydi, vaznni boshqarishga yordam beradi, kasallik xavfini kamaytiradi, suyak va mushaklarni mustahkamlaydi va kundalik ishlarni bajarish qobiliyatini oshiradi. Boshlang‘ich sinf o‘quvchilari uchun gimnastika, boshqa sport turlari singari, jismoniy rivojlanishni kuchaytiradi, ularda kuch, moslashuvchanlik, muvofiqlashtirish, muvozanat va tana nazorati kabi ko‘nikmalarni rivojlantirishga yordam beradi, shu bilan birga butun o‘quv yili davomida jismoniy tayyorgarlikning sog‘lom odatiga mustahkam poydevor qo‘yadi. ularning umri. Bundan tashqari, bu ularga nafaqat jismoniy ko'nikmalarni, balki ularning yaqin kelajagi uchun kompas bo'ladigan ijtimoiy va hissiy ko'nikmalarni ham egallash imkoniyatini beradi. Boshlang‘ich sinf gimnastikasi o‘qituvchisi …

Questions Of Philological Analysis Of Artistic Text, Zulfiya Juraevna Pardaeva May 2022

Questions Of Philological Analysis Of Artistic Text, Zulfiya Juraevna Pardaeva

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

The article explores the features of the philological analysis of a literary text, in the implementation of which the integration of research methods is used. One of the manifestations of linguistic possibilities in a literary text is the verbal reproduction of a color detail. Color detail - a way of reflecting the romantic worldview, helps the poet to determine his attitude to the world. Using the methods of linguo-poetic analysis, the meaning of color in the lyrics of Marina Tsvetaeva is interpreted. The philological analysis of a literary text is designed to consolidate the skills and abilities acquired by students …

Objectives And Tasks Of Assessment In The International System Of Mathematics, Abulqosim Abdurashidovich Parmanov May 2022

Objectives And Tasks Of Assessment In The International System Of Mathematics, Abulqosim Abdurashidovich Parmanov

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

This article is about the assessment of mathematics in the international system, which describes the purpose and objectives of the international assessment system PISA and the methodological work that needs to be done in the education system of the Republic. Depending on the performance of the PISA results, changes are proposed in the education system that need to be made in order to achieve high results.

The Problems Of Learning A Second Foreign Language (On The Example Of Teaching Uzbek At Moscow State Linguistic University), Begam Kholmanovna Qaraeva May 2022

The Problems Of Learning A Second Foreign Language (On The Example Of Teaching Uzbek At Moscow State Linguistic University), Begam Kholmanovna Qaraeva

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

Current changes in the political, socio-economic and cultural spheres require a reconsideration of the teaching of foreign languages, the goals and objectives of foreign language teaching and the content of the organization of this process. At present, the Moscow State Linguistic University teaches Armenian, Azerbaijani, Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Ukrainian, Romanian, Tajik and Uzbek languages. The study of these languages at the university has created a great opportunity for the need for new approaches in this area, the creation of new curricula, textbooks, teaching aids. Textbooks on languages, teaching aids, textbooks, test kits, methodological recommendations for teachers have been developed. The content …

Technologies Of Formation Of Special Competencies Of Transport Engineers, Sharof Egamnazarovich Qarshiboyev May 2022

Technologies Of Formation Of Special Competencies Of Transport Engineers, Sharof Egamnazarovich Qarshiboyev

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

This article illustrates the technologies for the formation of special competencies of students inside lessons of modern technologies of passenger transportation. The lessons focus on developing the quality of education through the systematic use of innovative technologies, the formation of special competencies between students.

The Problem Of Observing The Diffusion Process., Mahammadi Jabborovich Rustamov May 2022

The Problem Of Observing The Diffusion Process., Mahammadi Jabborovich Rustamov

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

The article discusses the determination of concentration in the diffusion process by observing a change in concentration at a particular point in the body. Using the principle of dualism, the problems of control and observation are reduced to the solution of question conditional extremum problems.

The Theoretical And Practical Basis Of Role Games In Teaching Foreign Languageges, Tursunoy Ravshanova, Ruzigul Karshieva, Makhkam Kuvvatov May 2022

The Theoretical And Practical Basis Of Role Games In Teaching Foreign Languageges, Tursunoy Ravshanova, Ruzigul Karshieva, Makhkam Kuvvatov

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

The article touches upon the topic of using the method of role-playing games / simulations in teaching students’ foreign language. Particular attention is paid to the question of how this method can be used in universities to encourage students to make the most of a foreign language in class. The author draws attention to the fact that the types of role-playing games can be different depending on the level complexity and language skills of students, and that the correct choice is necessary role-playing game corresponding to the level of knowledge of the group. The article demonstrates that role-playing games which …

Strategic Education Is An Important Factor In Understanding The Essence, Umida Sapaevna Shermatova May 2022

Strategic Education Is An Important Factor In Understanding The Essence, Umida Sapaevna Shermatova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

In the educational system of the Republic, technological processes aimed at ensuring the spiritual maturity of the individual are put into practice in conjunction with a deep understanding of the literature, the formation of skills to determine the way of life through it. The creation of a differentiated (stratified) education system emerged as a separate solution to the problem. This article focuses on the preparation phase for essay writing in stratified literature education.

Image And Image Skills In The Poet's Lyrics, Surayyo Eshonqulova May 2022

Image And Image Skills In The Poet's Lyrics, Surayyo Eshonqulova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

This article analyzes the image and imagery of the heart in the lyrics of the poet Mokhlaroyim Nodira. The poet's lyrical protagonist's exploration of the soul's dependence on the soul, the soul's dependence on the soul, and, consequently, the soul's determination of the state of the soul, if it ensures the survival of man, are explored in artistic colors.

Development Of Information Communication Competences In Students With The Help Of Mobile Technologies, Shoira Safarovna Khoshimova May 2022

Development Of Information Communication Competences In Students With The Help Of Mobile Technologies, Shoira Safarovna Khoshimova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

The article pays its attention for the development of information communication competences in students by using mobile technologies. Created the borders of using technologies by taking into consideration didactic possibilities of mobile technology.Applied implementing the process of competencies of approaching modernization of education and development ways of professional preparation in the Higher education.Taking into account the international experience in improving the quality of personnel, the ideas of Bologna education and the fundamental reforms in the field of education in the Republic, modernization of education is aimed at training specialists who are able to meet the world standards on the basis …

The Model Of Interaction Between Managers And The Teaching Staff, Firuza Zoirova May 2022

The Model Of Interaction Between Managers And The Teaching Staff, Firuza Zoirova

Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal

The article determines the conditions and results of the implementation of the interactive model management activities of the head of the preschool educational institution, reveals the essence of the interaction of managers of preschool education as a methodological phenomenon accompanying the resource system updates. The research in the article also determines the essence, principles, functions, structure of communication activities preschool managers who determine the specifics management impact on it. The author theoretically justified the formation resource of system updates in the preschool educational institution, developed and tested methodological tools for communication of managers in preschool education.

Development Factors Of Pilgrimage Tourism In The Member States Of The Islamic Cooperation Organization (On The Example Of Indonesia, Malaysia And Turkey), Mirodil Khaydarov, Jasurkhan Abdukadirov May 2022

Development Factors Of Pilgrimage Tourism In The Member States Of The Islamic Cooperation Organization (On The Example Of Indonesia, Malaysia And Turkey), Mirodil Khaydarov, Jasurkhan Abdukadirov

The Light of Islam

Today, one of the main goals of the renewed state of Uzbekistan is to reform every sphere and bring it to a higher stage of development. These reforms will serve to enhance the country’s economy, living standards, as well as Uzbekistan’s image in the international arena. One such area is the Pilgrimage tourism. Uzbekistan is a country with enough potential to build the infrastructure of pilgrimage tourism with ancient and exotic cities, create all the necessary conditions for tourists, and develop a brand of pilgrimage tourism. UNESCO has registered many cultural monuments in Uzbekistan as world cultural heritage. In 2020, …

The Role Of Social Development In Human Spiritual Growth, Xusniddin Akhmedov May 2022

The Role Of Social Development In Human Spiritual Growth, Xusniddin Akhmedov

The Light of Islam

This article describes the role of social development processes in the spiritual development of humanity, its specific aspects, and the integral connection between them. It discusses present reforms in New Uzbekistan today in the socio-political, religious, and enlightenment spheres are considered the results, which have a positive impact on human dignity and the social mood of the people. These issues have been revealed based on concrete examples. The ideological landscape of today’s world poses new challenges for humanity and unexpected challenges. Several threats and dangers exist to human spirituality and a national value. The spirituality of mankind and the nation …

Classification Of Verb Forms In The Work Of Al-Mu’Izzi Tasrif Al-Af’Al, Akbar Kazakbayev May 2022

Classification Of Verb Forms In The Work Of Al-Mu’Izzi Tasrif Al-Af’Al, Akbar Kazakbayev

The Light of Islam

This article provides information about the work of Al-Mu’izzi Tasrif al-Af’al, dedicated to the forms of verbs in Arabic. The Fund of Manuscripts of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan has 7 seven manuscripts of Mu’izzi’s work. Al-Mu’izzi’s work consists of four main sections, which, in turn, are divided into chapters, that is, smaller groups. The first chapter describes the changes in conjugating verbs in the past, present, and future tenses and the imperative mood. The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of regular verbs, the third chapter …

Xi-Xii Centuries Unique Methods Of Works On Hanafi Fiqh Written In Mawarannahr, Bekzodbek Muxtarov May 2022

Xi-Xii Centuries Unique Methods Of Works On Hanafi Fiqh Written In Mawarannahr, Bekzodbek Muxtarov

The Light of Islam

The XI-XII centuries are the golden age of the development of jurisprudence in Transoxiana. The science furu’ fl-fiqh is the second major branch of Hanafi jurisprudence. It consists of practical rulings based on the rules established in the science of usul al-fiqh and contains the Sharia evidence of the mujtahids, and fatwas issued on their basis. The rulings arrange in the form of topic-based texts. The language is easy and popular, considering the conditions of time and space, issues and fatwas introduced, and the rulings of madhabs compared. During this period, about 50 famous works in the usul and furu’ …

On Lexical Way Of Politniess Category In The Turkish Language, Xolida Imamova May 2022

On Lexical Way Of Politniess Category In The Turkish Language, Xolida Imamova

The Light of Islam

The current article considers the lexicological way of conveying the category of politeness in the Turkish language. It identifies the lexicological means of expressing polite-ness in the Turkish language and their methodological features. The abundance of words of respect in the Turkish language indicates that the level of expression of the category of politeness in the language is extensive. By activity and content, personal pronouns, terms of relationship, and semantic units expressing politeness are parts of lexical means of courtesy. In Turkish, the category of politeness is manifested in personal, interrogative, and also in proper pronouns. Revealed the semantic development …

Influence Of The Religious Factor On Modern Society Under The Conditions Of Globalization, Dilafruz Turdiyeva May 2022

Influence Of The Religious Factor On Modern Society Under The Conditions Of Globalization, Dilafruz Turdiyeva

The Light of Islam

World politics is a complex and multifaceted relationship based on national interests, due to the conditions and factors associated with the specifics and customs of a particular state. The role of religion in international relations is not considered as important as economics and politics. But the conflicts and disagreements that arise in the world under the guise of different religions remind the world community how important the religious factor is. This factor knows no boundaries and is not limited to the territory of a particular state. In the 20th century, negative attitudes towards religion changed radically. In the 21st century, …

Modern Methods Of Missionaries, Jasur Najmiddinov May 2022

Modern Methods Of Missionaries, Jasur Najmiddinov

The Light of Islam

The 20th century has been a period of struggle to expand the scale of influence among powerful countries. The countries in Asia and Africa have become the main battlefield in this process. As a result of the growing demand for oil and petroleum products, fuel prices have risen. Powerful countries have begun to influence the oil-rich territories to gain control over the energy resources. It has been a significant point in this process. This problem has remained actual. It is no exaggeration to say that the great countries use missionary activity for similar geopolitical purposes. Today, missionary activity shows that …

The Use Of Modern Methods In Teaching Religious Studies, Mahfuza Alimova May 2022

The Use Of Modern Methods In Teaching Religious Studies, Mahfuza Alimova

The Light of Islam

The article is devoted to studying the use of modern methods that encourage students to think analytically and critically when studying religious subjects. The article describes the training of highly skilled, creative, autonomous decision-makers in higher education system based on international standards, the сreation of the necessary conditions for the formation of a spiritually mature personality. Scientific and social processes require historical and logical analysis of spiritual life. The article analyses the measures to improve the quality of teaching in Uzbek educational establishments through the extensive introduction to the teaching process of new information and communication technologies, teaching aids and …

On Some Features Of The Scientific And Methodological Study Of The Regulatory Role Of Fatwas Used In The Deradicalization Of The Population In Muslim Countries, Bakhrom Mamadiev May 2022

On Some Features Of The Scientific And Methodological Study Of The Regulatory Role Of Fatwas Used In The Deradicalization Of The Population In Muslim Countries, Bakhrom Mamadiev

The Light of Islam

The article discusses the features of the scientific and methodological study of the regulatory role of fatwas used in the deradicalization of the population in Muslim countries. The object of the study is the fatwas issued by the ulema of Egypt, Turkey, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and aimed at deradicalization of the people’s opinions. The subject of the study is the regulatory role and processes of applying fatwas to deradicalize the population of these countries. The study of the subject covers historical, theological, legal, socio-psychological, and political aspects, and to solve the tasks set, several scientific approaches and …

Contribution Of Structural Divisions And Mosques To The Social Life Of The Republic Of Tatarstan, Ramil Adygamov May 2022

Contribution Of Structural Divisions And Mosques To The Social Life Of The Republic Of Tatarstan, Ramil Adygamov

The Light of Islam

The role of religion in the modern world has increased significantly, and Muslim religious organizations have an increasing influence on the social life of various regions of Russia in general and Tatarstan in particular. Today, many social projects are working in the Republic of Tatarstan. Some of them are the initiative of the Muslim spiritual board and its structural units directly. Another part of the projects is being developed under the patronage of other public organizations. They are also brought to life with the support of spiritual governance. The structural divisions of the spiritual administration in this study refer to …

The Scientific Legacy Of Abu Ja’Far Muhammad Ibn Jarir Tabari, Agzamova Muxabbatxon May 2022

The Scientific Legacy Of Abu Ja’Far Muhammad Ibn Jarir Tabari, Agzamova Muxabbatxon

The Light of Islam

The life of Abu Jafar al-Tabari passed during a period when the Abbasid state was weakening and disintegrating, and clashes and disagreements occurred in various parts of the caliphate. Even though, science and education developed, and authoritative works were written in numerous fields. Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari created important works on Islamic studies, especially on tafsir, fiqh, adab, and history. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the life and scientific heritage of the scientist. The source classification of Tabari’s creativity is given, and the features of his works are studied. The works of the scientist “Kitab tahzib …

Turkic Dynasties In Egypt, Zukhra Aripova May 2022

Turkic Dynasties In Egypt, Zukhra Aripova

The Light of Islam

It is known from history that many dynasties lived and ruled not only in their own country but also in other countries. Such dynasties include the Tulunids, the Ikhshidis, and the Bahri Mamluks from the Turkic dynasties. These were the dynasties from Mawarannahr who ruled in Egypt. If we look at the history of these dynasties, we will see that they rose from slavery to the rank of Sultan due to their courage and skillful military leadership. They came to this land from Mawarannahr as slaves and subsequently came to power by their actions. The difference between these dynasties and …

The Role Of Activities Of Sheikh Zayniddin And His Mausoleum In The Spiritual Life Of Tashkent, Nematullo Mukhamedov May 2022

The Role Of Activities Of Sheikh Zayniddin And His Mausoleum In The Spiritual Life Of Tashkent, Nematullo Mukhamedov

The Light of Islam

In medieval sources, the city of Tashkent was called Shash. Many well-known scholars in the Islamic sciences, such as hadith, jurisprudence, and mysticism, emerged from Shash. Many great scientists from this region are known to the world by the nisbas of Shoshiy and Toshkandiy. Ancient Tashkent was one of the sacred places where great and pious scientists, muhaddis, and righteous people have been buried. Here, the noble bodies of Zangi ata, Sheikh Umar Vali Baghistani, Sheikh Khovand Tahur, Sheikh Zayniddin Kuyi Arifon, and others found eternal rest. In the second half of the XVIII century, Tashkent city was divided into …

The Contribution Of The Peoples Of Mawarannahr To The Islamic Sciences And Culture, Shuxrat Yovqochev May 2022

The Contribution Of The Peoples Of Mawarannahr To The Islamic Sciences And Culture, Shuxrat Yovqochev

The Light of Islam

The study of the heritage and works of the great ancestors who lived on the territory of Mawarannahr, who made a significant contribution to the development of Islamic sciences and culture is seen as one of the fundamental points in the self-identification of young independent states in the post-Soviet period. These works not only can help in the education of the younger rising generation but also serve as an excellent factual and practical material for confronting religious radicalism. The purpose of the article is to show how rich is the legacy of the great scientists of Mawarannahr. It can be …

Informative Physical Training Tests For The Selection Of Children For Football, Sherzod Saidovich Ermatov May 2022

Informative Physical Training Tests For The Selection Of Children For Football, Sherzod Saidovich Ermatov

Eurasian Journal of Sport Science

Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of informational tests on physical fitness to select children for football.

Methods: When monitoring the strength and speed-strength indicators of young football players, a special device was used, the "BEDRO", which made it possible to determine the following groups of indicators:

Fmах – the maximum value of the explosive force of the muscles in the explosive isometric mode;

J - the coefficient characterizing the explosive strength of muscles in the isometric mode; J = Fмах / t (kg/s);

Q – starting power. Q = 0.5 Fmах / t1 (kg/s); …

Theoretical Aspects Of Calculation Of Photocurrent In Structures With Periodically Spaced Heterinclusions, R. Аyukhanov, A. Uteniyazov, S. Farmonov, N. Shernazarov May 2022

Theoretical Aspects Of Calculation Of Photocurrent In Structures With Periodically Spaced Heterinclusions, R. Аyukhanov, A. Uteniyazov, S. Farmonov, N. Shernazarov

Karakalpak Scientific Journal

The processes of excitation of photoconductivity in structures with heteroinclusions with a band gap greater than the band gap of the base material of the matrix have been studied. Structures are studied when such macroinclusions are located periodically and are located at distances equal to the size of the inclusions. A technique has been developed and analytical expressions have been derived for calculating the photocurrent and specific photoconductivity in such structures.

Injection Depletion Effect In Semiconductors With Pair Impurity Complexes, A. Yu. Leyderman, A. Uteniyazov, R. Turmanova, M. Dauletbayev May 2022

Injection Depletion Effect In Semiconductors With Pair Impurity Complexes, A. Yu. Leyderman, A. Uteniyazov, R. Turmanova, M. Dauletbayev

Karakalpak Scientific Journal

The possibility of realizing the effect of injection depletion in a + -structure made on the basis of a semiconductor with paired donor-acceptor complexes is considered. It is shown that the appearance of this effect is possible under conditions of almost complete compensation of the shallow dopant donor impurity by the charge of the acceptor component of the pair complex. A necessary condition is also a strong asymmetry of the coefficients of capture of holes at the acceptor level in comparison with the coefficient of capture of electrons at the donor level.

Nonlinear Photoelasticity Processes Near Resonances At The Frequency Of Electronic Transitions From Deep Levels To The Conduction Zone, R. Аyukhanov, A. Uteniyazov, S. Farmonov, N. Shernazarov May 2022

Nonlinear Photoelasticity Processes Near Resonances At The Frequency Of Electronic Transitions From Deep Levels To The Conduction Zone, R. Аyukhanov, A. Uteniyazov, S. Farmonov, N. Shernazarov

Karakalpak Scientific Journal

The phenomenon of nonlinear photoelasticity, which consists of the occurrence of nonlinear photoelasticity coefficients comparable in magnitude to linear ones near the electronic resonance between the deep impurity levels and the bottom of the conduction zone, is considered theoretically. Analytical expressions for the Fourier decomposition coefficients of the dielectric permittivity of the crystal in the phase of the sound wave, which are proportional to the photoelasticity coefficients, are obtained. A general criterion for the nonlinear photoelasticity effect in the investigated frequency region is found numerically. It is shown that high deformation potentials of deep levels stimulate the appearance of this …

Problems Of Technical Training Of Young Hockey Players, Shokhrukh Khojiyev May 2022

Problems Of Technical Training Of Young Hockey Players, Shokhrukh Khojiyev

Karakalpak Scientific Journal

Hockey in Uzbekistan appeared relatively recently. The article under consideration shows the shortcomings in the technical training of young hockey players in the process of many years of training, the indicators for which our teams are inferior to the teams of the leading countries of the World are indicated. Recommendations are given for working on improving technical and tactical techniques that can help develop our hockey.