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Pillars Of Sustainable Development–Land Capability And Conceptual Project Design, Ian D. Hollingsworth Dec 2020

Pillars Of Sustainable Development–Land Capability And Conceptual Project Design, Ian D. Hollingsworth

Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development

Conserving land capability is a pillar of sustainable development strategy. Land units comprising unique combinations of native vegetation, soils, geology, and landforms are used to interpret local environmental processes and land capabilities. An emerging practice is extrapolation modeling of edaphic parameter surfaces in Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) using statistical correlation. Commercial studies of land capability for sustainable development, including a mine closure in a national park, another closure for grazing land restoral, urban stormwater flood mitigation, and wind farm development in plantation forestry, are presented to illustrate applications and review the utility of DSM data. The first case, a mine …

Sistem Pengendali Ph Air Dan Pemantauan Lingkungan Tanaman Hidroponik Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Berbasis Iot, Rahib Lentera Alam, Aris Nasuha Dec 2020

Sistem Pengendali Ph Air Dan Pemantauan Lingkungan Tanaman Hidroponik Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Berbasis Iot, Rahib Lentera Alam, Aris Nasuha

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Hidroponik merupakan solusi bercocok tanam untuk lahan pertanian yang semakin menyempit. Namun, pengendalian pH serta monitoring lingkungan yang masih manual membuat hasil tanam menjadi kurang optimal. Proyek akhir ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak untuk mengontrol pH air dan memonitor lingkungan tanaman hidroponik berbasis Internet of things (IoT). Sistem tersebut menggunakan sistem kontrol logika fuzzy untuk mengendalikan pH media tanam hidroponik dan terdapat pengembangan cloud server guna mempermudah petani dalam mengontrol media tanam serta lingkungan tanaman hidroponik. Pembuatan alat ini mengacu pada metode kuantitatif yang terdiri dari tahap analisis, desain/perancangan, perakitan serta pengujian. Hasil dari pengujian yang …

Pendeteksi Bola Pada Robot Penjaga Gawang Menggunakan Metode Hough Circle, Alwi Widi Pradana, Dessy Irmawati Dec 2020

Pendeteksi Bola Pada Robot Penjaga Gawang Menggunakan Metode Hough Circle, Alwi Widi Pradana, Dessy Irmawati

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Robot penjaga gawang bertugas untuk dapat menghadang bola berwarna oranye memasuki gawang. Robot tersebut harus mampu mendeteksi bola dengan akurat untuk menentukan pergerakan robot selanjutnya. Artikel ini mendeskrepsikan pengembangan robot penjaga gawang yang mampu mendeteksi warna dan bentuk boladengan metode hough circle menggunakan emgucv. Metode pengembangan yang dilakukan merujuk pada modifikasi ADDIE pada pengembangan robot speak bola. Hasil dari pengembangan ini adalah lapangan robot dan robot penjaga gawang. Hasil unjuk kerja menunjukkan pendeteksian bola memiliki presentase rerata sebesar 80%, sedangkan kemampuan menghadang bola sebesar 90%. Penerapan metode hough circle terdiri atas beberapa proses yaitu: (1) mencari ciri warna bola, langkah …

Penerapan Iot Untuk Sistem Pemantauan Lampu Penerangan Jalan Umum, Adam Adam, Muharnis Muharnis, Ariadi Ariadi, Jefri Lianda Dec 2020

Penerapan Iot Untuk Sistem Pemantauan Lampu Penerangan Jalan Umum, Adam Adam, Muharnis Muharnis, Ariadi Ariadi, Jefri Lianda

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Penerangan jalan umum (PJU) digunakan untuk menerangi jalan, sehingga pengguna jalan mendukung kenyamanan dan keselamatan dimalam hari. Terdapat keterbatasan sistem pemeriksaan dan pelaporan kerusakaan lampu PJU. Artikel ini membahas penerapan teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) untuk memantau gangguan kerusakan pada lampu PJU. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengembangan sistem pemantauan tersebut yaitu, kajian literatur, analisis kebutuhan, perancangan, pembuatan dan pengujian. Sistem ini dilengkapi dengan sensor ZMPT101B, ACS 712, dan Modul WiFi ESP 8266-01. Sensor ZMPT101B digunakan untuk mengukur nilai tegangan PLN, sedangkan sensor ACS 712 merupakan sensor yang digunakan untuk mengukur arus pada lampu jalan. ESP8266-01 merupakan modul wifi yang dapat …

Pengembangan E-Learning Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Waterfall, Kukuh Septyanto, Mustofa Abi Hamid, Didik Aribowo Dec 2020

Pengembangan E-Learning Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Waterfall, Kukuh Septyanto, Mustofa Abi Hamid, Didik Aribowo

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Perkembangan informasi, komunikasi dan teknologi yang semakin pesat telah banyak mengubah berbagai bidang kehidupan, termasuk dibidang pendidikan. Sudah semestinya sistem pembelajaran yang ada di Program Studi Pendidikan Vokasional Teknik Elektro Untirta harus lebih inovatif. Mengembangkan sistem pembelajaran e-learning berbasis website dan mengetahui kelayakan produk yang dihasilkan merupakan tujuan dari penelitian ini, dengan memakai metode Research and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan waterfall yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu, analisis kebutuhan, desain, implementasi atau pengkodeaan, dan pengujian. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah 3 orang ahli produk, 3 dosen 1 staff, dan 51 mahasiswa. Maka didapatkan hasil penelitian yang telah diolah, berupa …

Kendali Fuzzy Logic - Interleaved Boost Converter Pada Aplikasi Motor Dc, Mentari Putri Jati, Gamar Basuki, Hasnira Hasnira Dec 2020

Kendali Fuzzy Logic - Interleaved Boost Converter Pada Aplikasi Motor Dc, Mentari Putri Jati, Gamar Basuki, Hasnira Hasnira

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Karakteristik motor DC menjadi hal mutlak yang perlu diketahui dalam proses pengendalian kecepatan penggerak elektrik. Konverter pengemudian elektrik yang sedang berkembang yaitu Interleaved Boost Converter. Pengendali fuzzy logic merupakan kendali yang efektif diterapkan banyak sistem linier maupun nonlinier dengan waktu operasi yang cepat. Hasil penerapan aplikasi motor DC berupa penyiram kecambah dapat berfungsi dengan baik pada variasi nilai setpoint kecepatan yang mana perubahan nilai tegangan keluaran berbanding lurus dengan perubahan kecepatan motor DC (30 Volt sd. 60 Volt ‰ˆ 800 Rpm sd 1500 Rpm). Hal ini dapat membantu para petani kecambah dalam melakukan penyiraman biji kecambah secara otomatis seiring …

Sistem K3 Pada Pembelajaran Praktik Di Prodi Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika Fakultas Teknik Uny, Satriyo Agung Dewanto, Muhammad Munir, Bekti Wulandari Dec 2020

Sistem K3 Pada Pembelajaran Praktik Di Prodi Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika Fakultas Teknik Uny, Satriyo Agung Dewanto, Muhammad Munir, Bekti Wulandari

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dari kegiatan pembelajaran praktik di lembaga pendidikan. Kegiatan selama ini telah berlangsung dengan rutin dan baik, tetapi terdapat beberapa faktor keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang seharusnya lebih diutamakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika FT UNY tentang K3 pada pembelajaran praktik. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang bersifat non-eksperimental dengan metode pendekatan deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Prodi Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika Fakultas Teknik UNY pada bulan Februari sampai Juni 2018.Tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa mengenai K3 pada pembelajaran praktik di Prodi Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika sudah baik. …

Sistem Keamanan Ganda Sepeda Motor Dengan Fingerprint Dan Gprs Berbasis Arduino Untuk Peningkatan Keamanan, Bartholomeus Danar, Masduki Zakarijah Dec 2020

Sistem Keamanan Ganda Sepeda Motor Dengan Fingerprint Dan Gprs Berbasis Arduino Untuk Peningkatan Keamanan, Bartholomeus Danar, Masduki Zakarijah

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Tujuan pembuatan Tugas Akhir ini adalah: (1) merancang fingerprint dan gprs pada sistem pengaman sepeda motor, (2) mengimplementasi fingerprint dan gprs pada sistem pengaman sepeda motor, (3) mengetahui unjuk kerja fingerprint dan gprs pada sistem pengaman sepeda motor. Komponen utama yang digunakan adalah Arduino Mega sebagai pusat olah data , fingerprint sebagai keamanan utama, gprs sebagai kemanan kedua. dan kode numerik sebagai penulisan password serta mensetting sistem. Langkah Pembuatan Sitem Keamanan Ganda Sepeda Motor Berbasis Arduino Untuk Peningkatan Keamanan ini adalah (1) Perancangan Perangkat Keras: pertama Pembuatan Skematik Sistem , kedua Pembuatan Layout PCB, ketiga Pembuatan Desain 3D, terakhir …

Trainer Kit Pneumatik Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pada Mata Kuliah Mekatronika Di Program Studi Pendidikan Vokasional Teknik Elektro Untirta, Yohanes Aldi Prapaskah, Endi Permata, Mohammad Fatkhurrokhman Dec 2020

Trainer Kit Pneumatik Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pada Mata Kuliah Mekatronika Di Program Studi Pendidikan Vokasional Teknik Elektro Untirta, Yohanes Aldi Prapaskah, Endi Permata, Mohammad Fatkhurrokhman

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

The research is a research and development (R&D) with the aim to produce learning media products in the form of pneumatic trainer kits and pneumatic jobsheet trainers as pneumatic material in mechatronics courses to determine the level of eligibility and strengthening of competencies in Vocational Education in Electrical Engineering FKIP Untirta. This study uses the 4D or Defne model, namely the problem definition stage to be investigated, Design which is the product design stage and the material design josbheet material, Development (Development), namely the product manufacturing stage, product validation as well as user testing with competency strengthening and Dessiminate. The …

Pengembangan Prototipe Sistem Pengontrolan Daya Listrik Berbasis Iot Esp32 Pada Smart Home System, Afunia Bundha Lasera, Ibnu Hary Wahyudi Dec 2020

Pengembangan Prototipe Sistem Pengontrolan Daya Listrik Berbasis Iot Esp32 Pada Smart Home System, Afunia Bundha Lasera, Ibnu Hary Wahyudi

Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)

Internet sudah menjadi kebutuhan pokok bagi lapisan masyarakat. Teknologi yang saat ini masih terus berkembang adalah teknologi berbasis Internet of Things. Untuk memanfaatkan teknologi IoT pastinya membutuhkan suatu konektivitas internet yang kuat dan fasilitas yang memadai. Dalam hal ini peneliti membuat suatu projek IoT yaitu sistem Smart Home dengan Kontrol Daya Listrik Berbasis IoT. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan projek adalah 1) identifikasi dan analisis kebutuhan, 2) perancangan serta pembuatan software dan hardware, 3) tahap pengujian. Fitur sistem smart home yang dibuat menggunakan modul wifi ESP32, dikarenakan modul tersebut mampu menggunakan konektivitas wifi ataupun bluetooth. Sedangkan untuk aplikasi interface …

The Beautiful Math Of Everything And You Included, E. Ozie Dec 2020

The Beautiful Math Of Everything And You Included, E. Ozie

The STEAM Journal

This a reflection on how there is beautiful math to everything. An author's interpretation of matrices and mechanics in its relationship to someone's identity.

What Can We Learn About Research Narratives From Professional Storytellers?, Kim Wilkins, Helen Marshall Dec 2020

What Can We Learn About Research Narratives From Professional Storytellers?, Kim Wilkins, Helen Marshall

The STEAM Journal

This short note on practice reflects on how “research narrative” is a much-used, but misunderstood term. Compelling stories about our research are important: for public-facing communications and for academic tenure confirmation and promotion. They are also important for researchers to gain a clearer sense of their own vision and values in the research process: they are not just a communication skill, they’re a career skill. But often researchers in STEM disciplines do not have the practical skills to write stories. We draw on our own practice as creative writers to share some simple and effective methods to bring arts expertise …

Dual-Adaptive Camouflage For The Hyperstealth Corperation, Keith J. Carlock Mr. Dec 2020

Dual-Adaptive Camouflage For The Hyperstealth Corperation, Keith J. Carlock Mr.

The STEAM Journal

Dual-Adaptive Camouflage, though still a concept that I've had for 28 years, seems to me, more promising that the bulk and brain power and needed energy supply of a computer-driven network of optical electronic harnesses that would be the basis for any suit that proclaims to render its wearer invisible.

The Assessments Of Internet-Based Technology Use By University Academic Members, Mohammed Alghamdi Dec 2020

The Assessments Of Internet-Based Technology Use By University Academic Members, Mohammed Alghamdi

BAU Journal - Science and Technology

Social networking applications (SNAs), as technologies that rely on internet infrastructure, are widely used as platforms for user interaction, content creation and social communication. However, in recent years, SNAs have been used in the context of teaching and learning, and this aspect, as well as others, has attracted research attention. Limited research has investigated the motivations and barriers to teaching with SNAs in higher education, and so this study sought to examine the purposes, motivations and barriers associated with SNA use in education among academic members at Albaha University, Saudi Arabia. A quantitative research design involving a sample of academic …

Control Of Mr Damper Using Anfis And Pid Controller For Optimum Vehicle Ride Comfort, Mohammad Faisal Yakhni, Mohamad Ali, Mohamed El-Gohary Dec 2020

Control Of Mr Damper Using Anfis And Pid Controller For Optimum Vehicle Ride Comfort, Mohammad Faisal Yakhni, Mohamad Ali, Mohamed El-Gohary

BAU Journal - Science and Technology

Suspension system design is an important challenging duty that facing car manufacturers, so the challenge has become to design the best system in terms of providing ride comfort and handling ability under all driving situations. The goal of this paper is to provide assistance in enhancing the effectiveness of the suspension system. A full car model with eight Degrees Of Freedom (DOF) was developed using MATLAB/Simulink. Validation of the Simulink model was obtained. The model was assumed to travel over a speed hump that has a half sine wave shape and amplitude that changing from 0.01 to 0.2 m. The …

Antibacterial Effect And Phytochemical Analysis Of The Shoot System Of Rubus Canescens Dc. Growing In Lebanon, Omar Assafiri, Hiba Abdallah, Mohammed El-Dakdouki Dec 2020

Antibacterial Effect And Phytochemical Analysis Of The Shoot System Of Rubus Canescens Dc. Growing In Lebanon, Omar Assafiri, Hiba Abdallah, Mohammed El-Dakdouki

BAU Journal - Science and Technology

The misuse of antibiotics followed by improved fitness of resistant strains of infectious microorganisms hindered the efficacy of many known antimicrobial agents, and fueled research for the discovery of novel remedies. The current study aims at assessing the antimicrobial activity and understanding the mechanism of action of Rubus canescens DC. growing wild in Lebanon, as well as qualitatively determining its phytochemical profile. The antibacterial activity, MIC, and MBC of the extracts were evaluated by two-fold dilution. Time-kill curves were plotted to assess the bactericidal activity of the R. canescens DC. extracts against the growth of microorganisms, and TEM images were …

Waterpipe: A Global Alarming Problem, Tarek Houri, Bilal Osta, Sara Mobayed, Rayan Farha, Mazher Issa Dec 2020

Waterpipe: A Global Alarming Problem, Tarek Houri, Bilal Osta, Sara Mobayed, Rayan Farha, Mazher Issa

BAU Journal - Science and Technology

Waterpipe popularity has increased significantly in the recent decades to become the major cause of death worldwide. This practice, which is also known as hookah, shisha and Narghile that is based on tobacco burning, increases the percentage of tobacco smokers especially among young people, due to several factors such as the attracting effect of sweetened tobacco, the marketing role and the social acceptance of waterpipe. A literature review was constructed using "Pub med" as a searching tool to confirm by studies the differences in adverse effects between waterpipe and cigarette by analyzing the toxicant’s levels generated from them, evaluating the …

Moringa Oleifera Leaves Aqueous Extract Induce Apoptosis In Ht29 Cell Line, Farah Reda, Jamila Borjac, Julnar Usta Dec 2020

Moringa Oleifera Leaves Aqueous Extract Induce Apoptosis In Ht29 Cell Line, Farah Reda, Jamila Borjac, Julnar Usta

BAU Journal - Science and Technology

Moringa oleifera (MO) tree has been recognized for the nutritional and medicinal values, attributing anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, and antidiabetic activities of the alcoholic and/or water extracts to its various parts. Recent research has focused on therapeutic anti-cancerous effects of the water extract of MO leaves (MOE), commonly consumed as hot beverage. In-vitro cytotoxicity on esophageal, lung, and breast cancer cells were reported by MOE. The aim in this study is to investigate the anti-cancerous potential of MOE on the colon carcinoma HT29 cells. MO water extract (MOE) was prepared at concentrations (0.1%-0.5%). MOE anti-proliferative effect on HT29-cells was assessed by measuring …

Photoluminescence Spectroscopic Studies Of Mn2o3/Co3o4-Glucose/Lactose Complexes, Alaa Abdallah, Jamalat Al Boukhari, Rana Najjar Dec 2020

Photoluminescence Spectroscopic Studies Of Mn2o3/Co3o4-Glucose/Lactose Complexes, Alaa Abdallah, Jamalat Al Boukhari, Rana Najjar

BAU Journal - Science and Technology

As nanoparticles serve as mediators in the electron transfer between biomolecules and a biosensor’s electrode surface, this study is dedicated to investigating Mn2O3 and Co3O4 nanoparticles and their photoluminescence effect that play a critical role in sensing glucose and lactose. The chemical coprecipitation method was adopted for preparing the nanoparticles that were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction, Transmission Electron Microscope, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, Energy Dispersive X-ray, UV-vis spectroscopy, and Vibrating Sample Magnetometry. It was found that the obtained Mn2O3 and Co3O4 nanoparticles were successfully prepared, with a crystallite size of 65.91 and 58.00 nm, respectively. The high specific surface area …

Activation Of Fly Ash To Stabilise Lead Contaminated Soils And Solutions, Mabrouk Hassan Arhoma Dec 2020

Activation Of Fly Ash To Stabilise Lead Contaminated Soils And Solutions, Mabrouk Hassan Arhoma

BAU Journal - Science and Technology

The role of pH on removal of metal contaminated solution was investigated by adding gradually drops of NaOH to lead solutions, the increase of the pH was observed and concentration of lead solution was measured by using ICP. The activated \ pulverised fly ash (PFA) was used as stabilizing material. The leaching behaviour of lead was investigated using 5 grams of the soil thoroughly mixed with 0.1g of the stabilising material in a polypropylene container to which 50ml of either deionised water; the mixture was shaken on a flat bed shaker for 2h, and then filtered using a What man …

Corrosion Of Coated And Uncoated Steel Reinforcement In Concrete, Jana Abou Shakra, Rouba Joumblat, Jamal Khatib, Adel Elkordi Dec 2020

Corrosion Of Coated And Uncoated Steel Reinforcement In Concrete, Jana Abou Shakra, Rouba Joumblat, Jamal Khatib, Adel Elkordi

BAU Journal - Science and Technology

Corrosion of reinforcing steel is the one of the main causes of deterioration in reinforced concrete structure. During the initial stage of corrosion, the steel volume increases. This creates tensile stresses in the concrete, which can eventually lead to cracking, delamination, and spalling. This potential risk of corrosion in a structure is quite unpredictable. Therefore, this paper examines the influence of accelerated corrosion on the bond between concrete and the coated and uncoated steel bars. The bar coating consisted of epoxy rich in zinc. Six concrete mixes were prepared. Three mixes had cement contents of 300, 400 and 500 Kg/m3 …

Effect Of Using Cathode-Ray Tubes (Crt) Waste Glass On Concrete Properties, Jad Bawab, Jamal Khatib, Ali Jahami, Said Kenai, Adel Elkordi Dec 2020

Effect Of Using Cathode-Ray Tubes (Crt) Waste Glass On Concrete Properties, Jad Bawab, Jamal Khatib, Ali Jahami, Said Kenai, Adel Elkordi

BAU Journal - Science and Technology

Cathode-ray tube (CRT) glass is a hazardous material that should be responsibly managed when disposed. One of the possible options for recycling CRT waste glass is using it as fine aggregates in concrete for its richness in silica. For the aim of evaluating concrete with this material, four mixes with replacement levels of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% are prepared. Workability, hardened density, ultra-pulse velocity, compressive strength, tensile strength, and static modulus of elasticity were examined. Experimental results showed that the use of CRT improved properties of concrete at certain replacement levels. CRT glass improved the workability of concrete where …

Concrete Mix Design Using Simple Equations, Hakim Abdelgader, Ramadan Suleiman, Abdalla Adam, Jamal Khatib Dec 2020

Concrete Mix Design Using Simple Equations, Hakim Abdelgader, Ramadan Suleiman, Abdalla Adam, Jamal Khatib

BAU Journal - Science and Technology

The behaviour of concrete, whether fresh or hardened, depends basically on the behaviour of its components and the relationship between them, therefore, obtaining a concrete with certain properties depends fundamentally on the concrete mix design. Concrete mix design generally includes two main steps: 1-Selection of the main components suitable for the concrete (cement, aggregate, water, and additives); 2-Determination of more economical mix ratios to fulfil the workability, strength and efficiency requirements. Currently, there are many international methods locally approved for mix designs. They are all related to each other, they give relatively the same quantities of the mix components and …

Essential Control To Environmental Regulations For Oil And Gas Industry: Spotlight On Drilling Processes In Lebanon, Rami Harkouss Dec 2020

Essential Control To Environmental Regulations For Oil And Gas Industry: Spotlight On Drilling Processes In Lebanon, Rami Harkouss

BAU Journal - Science and Technology

At present, environmental legislation bounds the drilling operators in drilling wastes removal. The rapid increasing sensitivity of drilling waste management forced many countries to develop environmental guidelines for their drilling operations. This research studies some sorts of waste produced during upstream petroleum activities, particularly while drilling. After that, many hazards and impacts on the environment are addressed, as well as their principal treatment techniques. This paper gives a modest and theoretical vision over the present environmental standard and waste management design, realized at a universal scale. Studies show that performance fluid management and total fluid management are highly recommended in …

Comparison Of Popular Three-Dimensional Printing Materials For Oral And Maxillofacial Surgical Guidance Model, Mohammad Adhitya, Sunarso Sunarso, Abdul Muis Dec 2020

Comparison Of Popular Three-Dimensional Printing Materials For Oral And Maxillofacial Surgical Guidance Model, Mohammad Adhitya, Sunarso Sunarso, Abdul Muis

Journal of Dentistry Indonesia

The application of three-dimensional (3D) models in the medical field has become popular. However, the accuracy of 3D models for surgical guidance varies among different materials and 3D printing technologies, such as printing machine usage. Objectives: This study aims to obtain more information about the effect of three different materials printed using a fused deposition material printer from the same digital data source. This study also aims to compare, analyze, and test the materials’ ability. Methods: Each of the filament materials (acetylbutane stearate [ABS], polylactic acid [PLA], and high-impact polystyrene [HIPS]) are printed at two infill densities, their weight, volume, …

Significant Contribution Of Mobile Apps To The Development Of Tourism In Uzbekistan, Alimjon Dadamuhamedov Irgashevich Dec 2020

Significant Contribution Of Mobile Apps To The Development Of Tourism In Uzbekistan, Alimjon Dadamuhamedov Irgashevich

The Light of Islam

Recently, Uzbekistan has taken comprehensive measures to develop tourism as one of the strategic sectors that contribute to the rapid development of regions, increase incomes and living standards of the population, as well as increase investment attractiveness. Modern information technologies make a signifcant contribution to the development of pilgrimage tourism. Advertising of online travel services in pilgrimage tourism currently does not allow you to automate the work of a travel Agency without creating an effective website. This article is devoted to the analysis of Internet technologies aimed at improving the tourism industry. The practical signifcance of the article lies in …

Optimal Conditions Of Fermentation Of The Pichia Pastoris Yeast Expressing The Recombinant Pres2-S Protein (M-Hbsag) Of Hepatitis B Virus (Hbv), Sasmakоv Sobirdjan, Ashirоv Оybek, Abdurakhmanоv Jaloliddin, Xasanоv Shuhrat Dec 2020

Optimal Conditions Of Fermentation Of The Pichia Pastoris Yeast Expressing The Recombinant Pres2-S Protein (M-Hbsag) Of Hepatitis B Virus (Hbv), Sasmakоv Sobirdjan, Ashirоv Оybek, Abdurakhmanоv Jaloliddin, Xasanоv Shuhrat


The aim of this study is determination of optimal fermentation conditions of the Pichia pastoris yeast expressing the recombinant Pres2-S protein of hepatitis B virus (HBV). For this purpose we investigated the main factors influencing for the cultivation of recombinant strain of the yeast Pichia pastoris pPIC3,5-S-HBsAg - the composition of the nutrient medium, pH and dissolved oxygen (DO). As a result, by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) the optimal concentration of methanol ≈1.0 %, which is the initiator and the only source of carbon for protein expression in the Mut+ phenotype Pichia pastoris yeast cells was determined. In the selected …

Waste Engine Oil Regeneration With Bentonite From The Navbahor Deposit, Azimova Shodiyakhon, Arslanov Sharafutdin, Turakhujayev Saidakbar, Azimov Dilmurod Dec 2020

Waste Engine Oil Regeneration With Bentonite From The Navbahor Deposit, Azimova Shodiyakhon, Arslanov Sharafutdin, Turakhujayev Saidakbar, Azimov Dilmurod


The aim of the study was the regeneration of used oils. The change in the conditions for the regeneration of used engine oil as a result of adsorptive cleaning with alkaline earth clay from the Navbakhor deposit has been studied. The carried-out regeneration allows almost completely removing mechanical impurities, moisture from the waste oil and helps to clarify it. The optimal conditions for regeneration have been established. The removal of secondary products formed during the use of engine oil while retaining the main components that determine the serviceability of the product has been established. By means of IR spectroscopy, as …

Mixed Complex Compounds Of Palmitate, Oleate Calcium With Acetamide, Nicotinamide And Thiocarbamide, Ibadullaeva Tursunoy, Azizov Tokhir, Ibragimova Мavluda Dec 2020

Mixed Complex Compounds Of Palmitate, Oleate Calcium With Acetamide, Nicotinamide And Thiocarbamide, Ibadullaeva Tursunoy, Azizov Tokhir, Ibragimova Мavluda


The purpose of the study was the synthesis and study of the structure of mixed complexes of palmitate, calcium oleate with acetamide, nicotinamide and thiocarbamide. The mixed coordination compounds of palmitate and calcium oleate were synthesized. The composition, individuality, thermal behavior, methods of coordinating the palmitate and oleate fragments, acetamide, nicotinamide and thiocarbamide molecules have been established. Comparison of the diffraction patterns of calcium palmitate and oleate, free ligand molecules and synthesized compounds showed the mismatch of the diffractograms, conseqently that the synthesized complexes have an individual crystal lattice different from the starting materials. The method of coordination of amide …

Synthesis Of Esters Of Halogenoacetic Acids, Yuldasheva Muxabbat, Turaev Sherzod Dec 2020

Synthesis Of Esters Of Halogenoacetic Acids, Yuldasheva Muxabbat, Turaev Sherzod


Amidoalkylating reagents containing a phthalimide group are used in the synthesis of hard-to-reach primary amines and complex heterocyclic compounds. These types of amidoalkylating compounds are suitable reagents for nucleophilic substituted reactions in acidic media due to their resistance to acids. Result of reactions of amidoalkylating reagents-N-hydroxyethylphthalimide and N-hydroxymethylphthalimide with aliphatic carbonic acids can also produce new bactericidal and fungicidal esters. In this study, halogen acids reacted with N-hydroxymethylphthalimide monochloric acetic acid, monobromic acetic acid, monoiodic acetic acid, trifluoric acetic acid and trichloroacetic acid, as well as, N-b-hydroxyethylphthaleidyl monohydric acid. As a result of the reactions, new phthalimidomethyl and phthalimidoethyl esters …