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Addressing Imposter Syndrome In First-Year College Students, Camille Mendoza
Addressing Imposter Syndrome In First-Year College Students, Camille Mendoza
Capstone Projects and Master's Theses
Some first-year students may have feelings of Imposter Syndrome, where they feel self-doubt and fear that they are not qualified and worthy enough. Students experiencing Imposter Syndrome may not recognize their capabilities and may suffer from low self-esteem, anxiety, or depression. Given the potential impact of Imposter Syndrome on first-year students, colleges should provide training to those leaders on campus who work directly with first-year students so that Imposter Syndrome feelings can be minimized, and students can feel supported and included. To address Imposter Syndrome on college campuses, I developed a one-day training on Imposter Syndrome, symptoms of Imposter Syndrome, …
Improving Stress Management For Female College Students, Kelsey Acosta
Improving Stress Management For Female College Students, Kelsey Acosta
Capstone Projects and Master's Theses
Although many college students report feeling stress, women may have a unique perspective and experience regarding stress. Gilligan's theory states that women consider their relationships when considering decisions. This decision-making process can create an added layer of the already existing academic stressors that women face. Stress management techniques that acknowledge the unique stressors that women face are essential to improve mental health and provide an optimal college experience.