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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

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Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

Sicariato, Fernando Carrión Mena May 2008

Sicariato, Fernando Carrión Mena

Fernando Carrión Mena

En la antigua Roma, sicario significaba hombre-daga, pues “sica” es una daga pequeña y fácil de esconder para apuñalar a los enemigos políticos (Wikipedia)1. En la actualidad es quien asesina por encargo, a cambio de una compensación económica.

El fenómeno del sicariato no es nuevo en el mundo ni ha estado ausente del Ecuador, lo cual quiere decir que no es un hecho delictivo que “llega desde afuera” ni que tampoco es reciente. En el país existe sicariato desde tiempos inmemoriales, aunque desde principios de los años noventa del siglo pasado se ha incrementado y ha cambiado sustancialmente, debido a …

Saving Nigeria's Islamic Manuscript Heritage, Michaelle Biddle Apr 2008

Saving Nigeria's Islamic Manuscript Heritage, Michaelle Biddle

Michaelle Biddle

No abstract provided.

Ordenanza Metropolitana De Protección Del Patrimonio Natural, Fernando Carrión Mena Apr 2008

Ordenanza Metropolitana De Protección Del Patrimonio Natural, Fernando Carrión Mena

Fernando Carrión Mena

El Concejo Metropolitano de Quito


Que por mandato del número 16 del artículo 14 de la Ley Orgánica de Régimen Municipal y del número 3 del artículo 2 de la Ley Orgánica de Régimen para el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, es función primordial del Municipio prevenir y controlar la contaminación del ambiente;

Que la ampliación de los espacios verdes del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, es fundamental para el logro del fin indicado;

Que para ello deben establecerse sistemas que aseguren la participación de la comunidad; y,

En ejercicio de la atribución que le confiere el número 1 del artículo …

Presentation For Research Methodology Course (Rsb5001) In Upm, Mina Kaboudarahangi Apr 2008

Presentation For Research Methodology Course (Rsb5001) In Upm, Mina Kaboudarahangi

Mina Kaboudarahangi

This is my PowerPoint presentation that I presented for research methodology course (RSB5001) in Faculty of design and architecture (FRSB) UPM. (Lecturer: Professor Rahinah Ibrahim)

Prólogo, Fernando Carrión Mena Apr 2008

Prólogo, Fernando Carrión Mena

Fernando Carrión Mena

La Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO Sede Ecuador, conjuntamente con el Municipio del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito y la Corporación Metropolitana de Seguridad Ciudadana ha decidido publicar el libro Ill5e,guridad, prevención y policía, escrito por Máximo Sozzo, debido, principalmente, a dos razones: por un lado, ofrece una novedosa óptica sobre la criminalidad y, por otro, lo hace con un importante sustento teórico, histórico y empírico. Así, el Volumen 4 de la Colección "Ciudadanía y Violencias" presenta una visión de ruptura desde un punto de vista en plena construcción.

El libro se ubica en la línea de punta de la …

¿Accidentalidad Vial O Violencia Urbana?, Fernando Carrión Mena Apr 2008

¿Accidentalidad Vial O Violencia Urbana?, Fernando Carrión Mena

Fernando Carrión Mena

La tasa de fallecimientos por accidentes de tránsito en el Ecuador está por encima de los 20 extintos por cada cien mil habitantes, lo cual significa que mueren en las calles y carreteras alrededor de 2.500 personas por año, una cantidad más alta que la de homicidios. ¿Estos fallecimientos pueden considerarse accidentes?

Si partimos de la definición de accidente, que según el diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua (2001)1, debe ser entendido como un “suceso eventual que altera el orden regular de las cosas”, podríamos convenir que la “accidentalidad vial” no corresponde a este caso, debido sobre todo …

Las Políticas Públicas Para La Conservación Del Centro Histórico De Santiago De Querétaro, Qro. (2004-2006): Una Visión Desde La Perspectiva De Su Conservación Integrada / Pubic Policies For The Conservation Of The Historic Centre Of Santiago De Queretaro (2004-2006) : A View From Its Integrated Conservation, Yanet Lezama-López Mar 2008

Las Políticas Públicas Para La Conservación Del Centro Histórico De Santiago De Querétaro, Qro. (2004-2006): Una Visión Desde La Perspectiva De Su Conservación Integrada / Pubic Policies For The Conservation Of The Historic Centre Of Santiago De Queretaro (2004-2006) : A View From Its Integrated Conservation, Yanet Lezama-López

Yanet Lezama-López

Tomando como base dos de los paradigmas presentes en la práctica de la conservación (Ashworth, 1994): la preservación -de todo lo preservable- y el heritage, el patrimonio es considerado una mercancía que se selecciona, empaca y vende con fines meramente comerciales, esta ponencia presenta, desde la perspectiva del diseño urbano contemporáneo, los principios de la conservación integrada de paisajes históricos construidos propuestos por la autora (Lezama-López, 2005) para el contexto mexicano. En 2004 la autoridad municipal asume la responsabilidad de elaborar un Programa de Manejo para la Zona de Monumentos Históricos de la ciudad de Santiago de Querétaro, conocida también …

“¿Quién Es Fuenteovejuna? Todos A Una, Señor”, Fernando Carrión Mena Mar 2008

“¿Quién Es Fuenteovejuna? Todos A Una, Señor”, Fernando Carrión Mena

Fernando Carrión Mena

El linchamiento es un acto de violencia brutal, que nace en las zonas grises donde la legalidad pública se pierde ante el ejercicio de la fuerza que ejerce un colectivo de privados formado exclusivamente para ejecutar a un reo; es un acto espontáneo y no premeditado, por eso una vez cometido el linchamiento, el colectivo social se desvanece.

Esta práctica existe desde tiempos inmemoriales: hubo en el pasado y hay en la actualidad; sin embargo, hoy su signo es el crecimiento, lo cual evidencia que no se trata de un hecho aislado y que es una práctica que tiene recurrencia …

El Fútbol Es La Guerra Desarrollada Por Otros Medios, Fernando Carrión Mena Feb 2008

El Fútbol Es La Guerra Desarrollada Por Otros Medios, Fernando Carrión Mena

Fernando Carrión Mena

El conflicto es consustancial al fútbol, porque encarna una disputa que lleva a la victoria frente a un contendiente. Inicialmente el fútbol fue considerado como un mecanismo para batir y aniquilar al enemigo; ese era el sentido de la victoria; tan es así que en Inglaterra, la primera “pelota” utilizada para jugar fútbol fue la cabeza de un soldado romano muerto en batalla.Tan brutal y sangrienta era esta práctica que fue prohibida en varios momentos y lugares.

Según García Candau (1996)1,“en 1888 hubo 23 jugadores muertos, 30 piernas fracturadas, 9 brazos rotos, 11 clavículas partidas y 27 lesiones de diversa …

Negotiating Housing Recovery In Post-Earthquake Urban Kutch, India, Anuradha Mukherji Jan 2008

Negotiating Housing Recovery In Post-Earthquake Urban Kutch, India, Anuradha Mukherji

Anuradha Mukherji

The 2001 Kutch earthquake, in Gujarat state in western India, destroyed 230,000 houses and damaged another 1 million. In Bhuj and Bachhau, urban centers close to the epicenter of the earthquake, single-family houses, squatter settlements, and high-rise apartments were destroyed, and public and private housing reconstruction programs were introduced to help communities rebuild their houses. However, five years after the disaster, in spite of interventions by local and global, public and private entities, many communities in both towns continued to struggle towards housing recovery. This dissertation examines why some communities were able to rebuild and improve their overall housing conditions …

The Fire Next Time: Land Use Planning In The Wildland/Urban Interface, Jamison E. Colburn Jan 2008

The Fire Next Time: Land Use Planning In The Wildland/Urban Interface, Jamison E. Colburn

Jamison E. Colburn

Wildfire is a growing threat to suburban and exurban communities, in part because fires have grown more severe and frequent as a result of land use and climatic influences and in part because more people are living in fire prone areas. The so-called Healthy Forest Restoration Act (HFRA), the federal government’s response to this crisis, is a deeply flawed statute that will likely exacerbate wildfire risks at the same time it makes real ecological restoration even harder. While HFRA took halting, partial steps toward the integration of broad and small scale land use planning, it was clearly still the outgrowth …

Seis Mil Años De Historia De Alicante: El Tossal De Les Basses., Pablo Rosser Jan 2008

Seis Mil Años De Historia De Alicante: El Tossal De Les Basses., Pablo Rosser

pablo rosser

Catálogo de la exposición Seis mil años de historia de Alicante, realizada en el edificio anexo a los Pozos de Garrigós, Alicante, en donde se mostraban y explicaban las distintas culturas que se asentaron en este yacimiento, el más antiguo e importante de Alicante.

City Planning: Aztec City Planning, Michael E. Smith Jan 2008

City Planning: Aztec City Planning, Michael E. Smith

Michael E Smith

No abstract provided.

A Study Of American Zoning Board Composition And Public Attitudes Toward Zoning Issues, Jerry L. Anderson, Aaron Brees, Emily Renninger Jan 2008

A Study Of American Zoning Board Composition And Public Attitudes Toward Zoning Issues, Jerry L. Anderson, Aaron Brees, Emily Renninger

Jerry L. Anderson

The authors surveyed zoning boards in the over 100 of the largest U.S. cities to determine the occupational composition of board members. It comes as no surprise that the boards are overwhelming populated with white-collar citizens, with business owners and real estate development the most prevalent occupations represented. The authors then conducted a survey of citizens to determine whether this skewed board composition makes any difference to the decision-making process. The study concludes that the composition of the board does matter, but not always in ways one might predict.

On Building Clusters Versus Leveraging Synergies In The Design Of Innovation Policy For Developing Economies, Edward J. Feser Jan 2008

On Building Clusters Versus Leveraging Synergies In The Design Of Innovation Policy For Developing Economies, Edward J. Feser

Edward J Feser

This paper argues there are two broad ways policymakers might use industry cluster concepts to inform the design of regional innovation policy. The first, and clearly dominant approach, is to view identified technology-based clusters as targets for growth strategies, i.e., to nurture the growth of selected groups of innovative industries and research strengths in a limited set of regions as a means of increasing levels of innovation economy-wide (termed the cluster building approach). The second is to use cluster ideas to reorient development strategies so that they leverage synergies among businesses and non-market institutions, thus improving innovation rates (termed the …

Latino Communities In The United States: Place-Making In The Pre-World War Ii, Post-World War, And Contemporary City, Clara Irazabal, Ramzi Farhat Jan 2008

Latino Communities In The United States: Place-Making In The Pre-World War Ii, Post-World War, And Contemporary City, Clara Irazabal, Ramzi Farhat

Clara Irazabal

Scholarship on Latino communities in the United States has yet to catch up with the rapid growth of this ethnic population in the country. Understanding the Latino urban experience and developing plans to better respond to both the needs of Latino communities and their integration within society is not only relevant, but also urgently necessary. Using the city of Los Angeles as a main lens, in addition to a general look at the urban Southwest, we contribute to the scholarship on the subject with a review of literature on Latino communities. We structure the review as an assessment of the …

"Planejamento Territorial Da Integração Regional Sul-Americana", Prof. Dr. Eloi Martins Senhoras Jan 2008

"Planejamento Territorial Da Integração Regional Sul-Americana", Prof. Dr. Eloi Martins Senhoras

Elói Martins Senhoras

No abstract provided.

La Cárcel: Del Extrañamiento A La Inclusión, Fernando Carrión Mena Jan 2008

La Cárcel: Del Extrañamiento A La Inclusión, Fernando Carrión Mena

Fernando Carrión Mena

La cárcel en América Latina es el único destino que tiene el transgresor a la Ley y es el elemento principal del populismo penal imperante. En nuestra sociedad se ha instalado con mucha fuerza la necesidad del castigo al ofensor mediante la imposición de una pena extrema (la cárcel) y el escarmiento que le brinda la sociedad al ofensor a través de las inhumanas políticas carcelarias.

Para nadie es desconocida la situación violatoria de los derechos humanos que existe en el sistema carcelario, deducido del falso prejuicio de que el ofensor no tiene ni debe tener derechos, debido a que …

La Descentralización: Visión Internacional De La Cuestión Plurinacional Del Estado, Fernando Carrión Mena, Manuel Dammert G., Brigitta Villaronga Jan 2008

La Descentralización: Visión Internacional De La Cuestión Plurinacional Del Estado, Fernando Carrión Mena, Manuel Dammert G., Brigitta Villaronga

Fernando Carrión Mena

El seminario internacional “Descentralización y Reforma Constitucional en la Región Andina” realizado en el 2007 en Quito produjo una importante innovación respecto de las aproximaciones analíticas que han existido hasta ahora sobre el tema descentralización en la subregión andina, que bien vale señalarlas de partida. Queda la impresión que han cambiado los enfoques teóricos metodológicos, como también los procesos reales sobre los cuales se sustentan. La publicación del presente libro trata de los cambios ocurridos, para mostrar las nuevas realidades y evidenciar las transformaciones que de allí se derivan para los proyectos en debate.

Por eso, una primera innovación tiene …

La Descentralización Como Geometría Variable, Fernando Carrión Mena Jan 2008

La Descentralización Como Geometría Variable, Fernando Carrión Mena

Fernando Carrión Mena

Lo local ha adquirido gran importancia –casi omnipresente– en el campo de la descentralización; al extremo que lo local y la descentralización se los cree como si fueran sinónimos. Adicionalmente el localismo asume la condición de ideología, compartida con el municipalismo, el desarrollo a escala humana, el small is beautifull o el poder local, entre otros. Tan es así que la descentralización o el municipalismo o el localismo son planteadas como salidas o alternativas frente al agotamiento del Estado, caracterizado como centralista, ineficiente, distante, burocrático y monopólico.

Esta fuerte presencia de lo local viene de la mano del peso que …

Tourism Development In Aqaba And Human Sustainability, Philadelphia University Jan 2008

Tourism Development In Aqaba And Human Sustainability, Philadelphia University

Philadelphia University, Jordan

No abstract provided.

Wrongly Accused Redux: How Race Contributes To Convicting The Innocent: The Informants Example, Andrew E. Taslitz Jan 2008

Wrongly Accused Redux: How Race Contributes To Convicting The Innocent: The Informants Example, Andrew E. Taslitz

Andrew E. Taslitz

This article analyzes five forces that may raise the risk of convicting the innocent based upon the suspect's race: the selection, ratchet, procedural justice, bystanders, and aggressive-suspicion effects. In other words, subconscious forces press police to focus more attention on racial minorites, the ratchet makes this focus every-increasing, the resulting sense by the community of unfair treatment raises its involvment in crime while lowering its willingness to aid the police in resisting crime, innocent persons suffer when their skin color becomes associated with criminality, and the police use more aggressive techniques on racial minorities in a way that raises the …

Neighborhood Crime And Non-Auto Mode Choice, Shishir Mathur, Christopher Ferrell, Emy Mendoza Jan 2008

Neighborhood Crime And Non-Auto Mode Choice, Shishir Mathur, Christopher Ferrell, Emy Mendoza

Shishir Mathur

No abstract provided.

Civil Liberties And The Regulation Of Public Space: The Case Of Sidewalks In Las Vegas, Evelyn Blumenburg, Renia Ehrenfeucht Dec 2007

Civil Liberties And The Regulation Of Public Space: The Case Of Sidewalks In Las Vegas, Evelyn Blumenburg, Renia Ehrenfeucht

Renia Ehrenfeucht

Conflicts over the nature of and rights associated with public space have a long history and have prompted numerous regulatory responses. Perhaps nowhere in the USA has the regulation of public space been as far-reaching as in Las Vegas, Nevada, where the financial stakes associated with sidewalks are enormous. This study examines how local officials mediate among varied and competing uses of the sidewalk. In defining the function of the sidewalks narrowly, and passively deferring questions of civil liberties, local officials have effectively controlled almost all aspects of public behavior. In recent years, cities have invested in major commercial revitalization …

Pedestrian Safety Is Not A Tort, Michael E. Lewyn Dec 2007

Pedestrian Safety Is Not A Tort, Michael E. Lewyn

Michael E Lewyn

In recent decades, American state and local highway officials have built wide streets and roads designed primarily to accommodate high-speed automobile traffic. However, such high-speed streets are more dangerous for pedestrians and bicyclists than streets with slower traffic, and thus fail to adequately accommodate nondrivers. Government officials design streets for high-speed traffic partially because of their fear of tort liability. An influential street engineering manual, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ “Green Book”, has generally favored the construction of such high-speed streets, and transportation planners fear that if they fail to follow the Green Book’s recommendations, they …

The Application Of British Neoclassical Design Principles: The Greek Island Of Kefalonia, Nicholas Patricios Dec 2007

The Application Of British Neoclassical Design Principles: The Greek Island Of Kefalonia, Nicholas Patricios

Nicholas Patricios

A fascinating example of taking available designs and then engaging in the act of designing new designs is the application of the British Neoclassical architectural style to new buildings in the Ionian Islands off the west coast of Greece. This occurred when Britain occupied these Islands in 1809 which then received independent status in 1815 under the British crown. It is ironical that the country that created classical architecture had neoclassical architecture introduced from the outside. The largest of the Ionian Islands, Kefalonia, provides an insightful case of the application of British neoclassical design principles to new civic buildings and …

Prologue: Ordinary Places, Extraordinary Events, Clara Irazabal Dec 2007

Prologue: Ordinary Places, Extraordinary Events, Clara Irazabal

Clara Irazabal

Scholars have argued that public space is a prerequisite for the expression, representation, preservation, and/or enhancement of democracy (Sassen, 1996; Holston, 1989, 1999; Caldeira, 2000; Low, 2000; Low and Smith, 2006). However, this optimistic outlook is betrayed in reality by the many examples in recent history when public spaces have been used for the deployment and reproduction of totalitarian regimes. In the Americas, we can recount the experiences of Pinochet’s Santiago, Videla’s Buenos Aires, Strossner’s Asuncion, and Pérez Jiménez’s Caracas, among others. Yet, even in those cases, political demonstrations in public spaces conversely played a critical role in the eventual …

Why Pedestrian-Friendly Street Design Is Not Negligent, Michael E. Lewyn Dec 2007

Why Pedestrian-Friendly Street Design Is Not Negligent, Michael E. Lewyn

Michael E Lewyn

American streets are typically designed for fast automobile traffic. As a result, those streets are often dangerous for pedestrians.

In part, the anti-pedestrian design of American streets is a result of transportation planners' perceptions of American tort law. In negligent street design cases, courts and juries sometimes rely upon guidelines set by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), a national association of government transportation officials. Because AASHTO's street-design rules have historically favored wide streets built to accommodate high-speed traffic, planners sometimes assume that in order to avoid liability, they must do the same.

The purpose of …

The History And Future Of Homeless Management Information Systems, Stephen R. Poulin, Stephen Metraux, Dennis P. Culhane Dec 2007

The History And Future Of Homeless Management Information Systems, Stephen R. Poulin, Stephen Metraux, Dennis P. Culhane

Dennis P. Culhane

This chapter reviews the history of the development of management information systems in the homelessness program area. Efforts begun in the 1980s and 1990s by individual cities are discussed, as are the Congressional initatives that led to the mandated implementation of such systems in the US. The use of these systems for the Annual Homelessness Assessment Report to the US Congress is described, as are potential future uses of HMIS for research, policy and program planning.

Rearranging The Deck Chairs Or Reallocating The Lifeboats?: Homelessness Assistance And Its Alternatives, Dennis P. Culhane, Stephen Metraux Dec 2007

Rearranging The Deck Chairs Or Reallocating The Lifeboats?: Homelessness Assistance And Its Alternatives, Dennis P. Culhane, Stephen Metraux

Dennis P. Culhane

Problem: At present, homelessness in the United States is primarily addressed by providing emergency and transitional shelter facilities. These programs do not directly address the causes of homelessness, and residents are exposed to victimization and trauma during stays. We need an alternative that is more humane, as well as more efficient and effective at achieving outcomes. Purpose: This article uses research on homelessness to devise alternative forms of emergency assistance that could reduce the prevalence and/or duration of episodes of homelessness and much of the need for emergency shelter. Methods: We review analyses of shelter utilization patterns to identify subgroups …