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Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons™
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Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Data Report : Hypoxia In The James River, 1992, G. M. Sisson, A. Y. Kuo, Bruce Neilson, Nancy C. Wilson
Data Report : Hypoxia In The James River, 1992, G. M. Sisson, A. Y. Kuo, Bruce Neilson, Nancy C. Wilson
As part of the hypoxia program of the Virginia Chesapeake Bay Initiatives, the Department of Physical Sciences of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) conducted a series of measurements around the mouth of the James River estuary. The measurements were made in the summer of 1992. Two types of measurements were conducted: measurements at moored stations and measurements by slackwater surveys. The former collected data for investigation of dissolved oxygen (DO) variation, and associated physical parameters, in an intratidal time scale, as well as for studying the vertical distributions of the measured parameters. The latter collected data for spatial …
Water Quality In Chesapeake Bay : Virginia Portion, Water Year 1992 : A Report To The Virginia Department Of Environmental Quality, Kevin Curling, Rodney Jackson, Bruce Neilson
Water Quality In Chesapeake Bay : Virginia Portion, Water Year 1992 : A Report To The Virginia Department Of Environmental Quality, Kevin Curling, Rodney Jackson, Bruce Neilson
The Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Monitoring Program (WQMP) has three main objectives: (1) characterization of water quality conditions, (2) detection of temporal trends in water q1llality, and (3) crr.ation of a data base that furthers our understanding of the proceses that control water quality in the Chesapeake Bay system. The purpose of this report is to characterize water quality conditions in the Virginia portion of Chesapeake Bay during the 1992 water year, which runs from October 1991 through September 1992. These monitoring efforts have been conducted with funding from the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Water Quality In Chesapeake Bay : Virginia Portion, Water Year 1991 : A Report To The Virginia Water Control Board, Kevin Curling, Bruce Neilson
Water Quality In Chesapeake Bay : Virginia Portion, Water Year 1991 : A Report To The Virginia Water Control Board, Kevin Curling, Bruce Neilson
The purpose of this report is to characterize water quality conditions during the 1991 water year, October 1990 through September 1991. Most information is provided in graphical format and only data for the Virginia portion of Chesapeake Bay is included. No interpretation is included, since data analysis is the stated purpose of several other reports. This report and companion data reports provide to both scientists and managers ready access to a portion of the data. It is possible, for example, to quickly examine seasonal patterns, compare conditions at two stations, or see if surface and bottom conditions differ significantly. Trends, …
Data Base Development For Characterizing Contaminated Sediments In The Chesapeake Bay Region, Gary F. Anderson, Caroline Brouwer-Riel, Maynard M. Nichols
Data Base Development For Characterizing Contaminated Sediments In The Chesapeake Bay Region, Gary F. Anderson, Caroline Brouwer-Riel, Maynard M. Nichols
This project is one component of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Coastal Geology Program directed to polluted sediments. Its long-term aim is to develop a comprehensive database on estuarine contaminated sediments that provides a summary of information and a digital reference source of detailed and readily accessible data. It focuses on Chesapeake Bay because there is a wealth of data on bottom sediments and sedimentary contaminants. However, this data is fragmented, uncollated and dispersed in many papers, books, reports, files and documents, often local sources, outside the mainstream of national consideration and scientific knowledge. Without an organized body of data, …
Sediment Processes Monitoring Data Report For Calendar Year 1989, Cheol Mo, Bruce Neilson, Richard L. Wetzel
Sediment Processes Monitoring Data Report For Calendar Year 1989, Cheol Mo, Bruce Neilson, Richard L. Wetzel
Pairs of particle interceptor traps were deployed at three depths - 3, 6, and 9 meters with deployment intervals typically lasting about two weeks. At times of deployment and retrieval, profiles of water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen content were made and water samples were collected at trap depths. Bottom sediments also were collected and a sub-sample of the surficial sediments taken. Water samples, bottom sediments, and the materials collected in the traps were returned to the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences for analysis. The data collected during both 1988 and 1989 are presented in the appendices. Both 1988 and …
A Feasibility Study Of Detached Breakwater Designs Using A Combined Refraction/Diffraction Wave Model, Virginia Beach, Virginia, John D. Boon
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science, together with management agencies in the commonwealth, has a continuing interest in the matter of beach preserva~ion along Virginia's Atlantic coastline. This interest is particularly acute along the coastline fronting the resort city of Virginia Beach, Virginia, where some 225,000 cubic meters of artificial sand nourishment are required each year to maintain recreational beaches. Wright et al.(1987), in their detailed report on beach dynamics from Cape Henry to False Cape, have stated that offshore loss of sand is a major cause of shoreline erosion in the Virginia Beach sector. Because of the narrowness and …
Chesapeake Bay Wave Climate : Thimble Shoal Light Wave Station, Report And Summary Of Wave Observations, October 8, 1990 Through August 22, 1991 And Chesapeake Light Tower - Vims Star Gage Test Measurements And Evaluation, July, August, October 1991, John D. Boon, D. A. Hepworth, K. D. Suh, F. H. Farmer
Chesapeake Bay Wave Climate : Thimble Shoal Light Wave Station, Report And Summary Of Wave Observations, October 8, 1990 Through August 22, 1991 And Chesapeake Light Tower - Vims Star Gage Test Measurements And Evaluation, July, August, October 1991, John D. Boon, D. A. Hepworth, K. D. Suh, F. H. Farmer
This report also presents a description of a directional wave gaging system, known as a "Star" gage, that is designed for long-term, low-maintenance operation both within and immediately outside the Chesapeake Bay entrance area. This development was prompted by our dependence to date on the single-point, PUV-type directional wave gage described below. While ideally suited for short-term investigative studies at different sites, the PUV directional wave gage requires field service visits at monthly intervals to maintain adequate performance and uninterrupted operation. A prototype Star gage system was constructed and field tested to evaluate its potential use as a long-term and …